BENEFACTIONS URGE. Pbllaotbroplsts 6ave Fortf Mllllons'.Mora Away ttls Year Than Last. NewiYork, Deo: 26. The total public benefactions in the United States daring the past 12 months was $141,250,000, an amount just 140,000,000 greater.tban any pre vious yearjn the history of the country, according to statistics complied by a New York news paper. The amount this year was over twice'as large as ;was given away last year, following the pan ic of 1907. The principal benefactors in 1909 have been the late' John S Kennedy of NewiYork ($26 550, 000) ; Jbhn D. Rockefeller, ($12, 852,000) and Andrew Carnegie ($6,056,511) of the total amount given in 1909, over a third jwas given specifically for educational work. i The total benefactions in the United States reported in the pub lic press in the last seventeen years add up to no less than $1,-000,150,000. A Quart of Water for the Bath. The strong, if not advanced in years, may safely take a plunge odd bath in the morning, and by , toweling vigorously can secure a reaction. Others cannot, but there is a way to make the bath a means of exercise. The first act is to submerge the bath towel in cold . water, and, immediately withdrawing'it, squeeze out of it every drop of water : next, to rub the whole surface of the skin, from head to foot, with this wet but not watery towel. This rub bing may take two or three min utea and involve more than ! one hundrod motions. The next step is to soak the'towel in the water and squeeze the greater part of the water out. With' this the bod i is washed and the effete cells and any foreign matter loos ened by the first rubbing are re moved. Then, having wrung the towel it is immersed in clean wa ter and then used for washing pur poses until the time comes to rub dry. This may be chiefly done with the hands and finished with a soft or hard towel, according to the season. If one is in a hurry, thia bath can be taken in five minutes, and two quarts of water are sufficient, or even one quart economized, for the action. Dr. J. M. Buckley. Not a Stogie Lynching in State During Year. Raleigh, Deo. 22. North Caro lina has made a fine record thiB year by not having a lynching. Naturally Governor Kitchin is very much gratified at this. In fact the number of lynchings dur ing the past few years in this State have been smaller than in other States of the South, and there have never been here any of tbe atrocities which have marked lynchings in some States, such as burning at the stake, cutting the victims to pieces, etc. Brother Fears Dr. Cook has Been Victim of Foul Play. New York, Dec. 23. William L. Cook,declared to-day he believ ed his brother, Dr, Cook, had met foul play abroad and feared he had been'mnrdered . VI had a letter from Dr. Cook early this week, " said his brother, saying he was hurring to Copen hagen with proofs. He should have reached Copenhagen, As he had been threatened with violence I fear his enemies have overtaken him." THROW OUTJHE LINE 6Iye Them Help and Many Salisbury Peo ple Will be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line" The kidneys need help. They're overworked can't get the poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every minute. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pills have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from the verge of despair. Will cure any form of kidney trou ble. Henry Beaver, 215 Bank St., Salis bury, N, O., says: "I was troubled for a long time by dull pains in" my back. I also had frequent .headaches and was bothered a great deal by ir regular passages of the kidney secre tions. Believing that disordered kid neys caused my suffering, I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills from Mc pherson & Go's, drug store and began using them. Although I did not take this remedy according to" directions, I received wonderful benefit. I give Doan '8 Kidney Pills my heartiest en dorsement. lor gale by all dealers. PriceSOcents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ASHEVILLE WITHOUT WATER. Storm-Tossed Tree Dreaks The Big Main Of The Gravity Line. Asheville, Dec. 26. Drinking water in Asheville tonight is at a premium, rne city s supply has been off since 9 o'clock this morn ing with no prospects of any water through the gravity line before near daybreak tomorrow. "Wa ter for breakfast is the best that can be promised," was the state ment of a city official this even ing. The trouble with the city's gravity line is at what is known as rock cut," a distance of prob ably fifteen miles in the moun tains. Daring the storm and high winds of last night or early this morning a tree was hurled across the 16-inch main and broke it. The wind and storm also put the private telephone line to the intake out of commission. The telegraph and hues to Black Mountain were likewise down for a time and the officials here were not aware of the looation of the trouble until 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, although heroic efforts had been made all dy t fifid the trouble, at first it being supposed that there waB an ice jam at thb intake. When the supply began tanning low with no news from the intake line walkers were started from here walking the line through the mountains. It was bitter cold and progress was slow. The trouble was reached during the afternoon by one of these walkers and then half-frozen the line walker made hit way to the near e&t telephone and sent in the in formation. The Southern Rail way came to the assistance of the city, tendered a special train to run to Swannanoa with men and supplies and in thirty minutes after the trouble was located and reported the special pulled out. It is nearly three miles from Swan nanoa to rock cut, however, and of that distance fully a mile must be walked, the men packing their material. It will probably re quire three or four hours to re pair the break and then it will take another fcur hours for the water to come from the intake in to the city. E ;ery precaution against fire is being taken tonight. The city is reserying an emergency supply of three hundred gallons but it is realized that if a bad fire should occur with a strong wind the situation would become desperate. Charlotte Observer. WARDLAW SISTERS IN TOMBS. Republican State Chairman Has Been Slat ed for the District Attorneyship.! Greensboro, Dec. 28 l.i recent weeks the Washington correepon dents of the State press have made several references to the al leged promise by President Taft that ex-Judge Spencer B. Adame, Republican State .. chairman, t "m rT . snouia succeea A. m. uoiun as United States district .attorney for the western district of North Carolina. The frequency of the statement has caused some people to believe there existed some where a doubt as to whether Judge Adams is really slated for the position or whether he would be confirmed by the Senate in the event of appointment. The Ob server correspondent has been un able to get any statement from Judge Adams concernipg the mat ter, the chairman saying it is not a subject for him to discuss. From a source that is entirely trustworthy it is learned that the President not only promised Judge Adams last winter that he should have the appointment, but the promise has been renewed re cently, and but for the press of other matters, it is understood that the nomination probably would have been sent to the sen ate before the adjournment of Congress for the Christmas holi days. It is believed the appoint ment will be announced soon af ter the holiday recess. This in spite of the fact that District At torney Holton's terms does not expire until Marcn. Charlotte Observer. Humiliating to Ask People For Their" Votes Jacksonville, Fla,, Dec. "24. W. A Blount of Pensacola, an announced candidate for United States Senator, who had already begun his canvass of the State, to day announced his withdrawal from the contest, giving as his reasons for bo doing ill health and the self-humiliation it would cause him in asking the people for their votes. Arraignment of Mrs. Caroline Martin and Mrs. Mary Snead, tor Murder. New York, Deo. 24 -Gruesome phraseology in the indictments against the Wardlaw sisters, char ged with the murder of Ocey Snead was made public today in the arraignment of Mrs. Caroline W. Martin, the victim's mother, and Mrs. Mary Snead, an aunt, in the Tombs prison court, when they were recommitted to the Tombs for thirty days, pending extradition to New Jersey, In the indictments against both it is charged that they did ''take the said Ocey Snead with both their hands and caBt, throw fhd push said Ocey Snead into a cer tain bath tub where there was a great quantity of water, and by means of which said Ocey Snead was choked, suffocated and drown ed." Another count charges that Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Snead did incite procure; abet, counsel, hire and command Virginia Wardlaw to do and commit murder upon the body of Ocey Snead. As hereto fore told, the grand jury, as an additional precaution charges all three with aiding and abetting the victim's suicide. Further complications in the maze of contradictory evidence which investigation of- the case was unearthed developed today witb the discovery of additional documents. They were found by the Brooklyn police in the Henry street house once occupied l the Wardlaws and imbued the detec tives with the belief that the en tire family had made a suicide pact which was only partly ful filled by the death of Ocey Lnead. The alleged pact is said to be revealed by letters signed by Ocey Snead, her husband, Fletcher; Mts. Martin, her mother and her two auntB, Mrs. Mary Snead and Miss Virginia Wardlaw. Accom panying them were several blank forms of power of attorney, all signed by Ocey Snead. The doc uments have been turned over to the New Jersey authorities. THE REASON WHY IS fffi, BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC foreJ.le Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Perso-ir, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and Brbncitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed tonics- the medicinal, ttengthnTngTbod of o Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, tastes od, and agrees with every one. Wejfeturn your money without question if Vinol does est accomplish all wo claim for it, j l&MITH DRUG CO., Salisbury. W oooooaooooooo:ooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o M WLT: CAR LOAD OF Mew Fal Foiyoiir inspection at this store. Also big lot of ft- o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o going at factory cost. s Ball Shoe Store. Si ill North Main St. o o o o 0000000000000:0000000000000 o o o o Lnmber Lumber Why not Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest We have Weather Boardings for $1.00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2.50. Ceiling from $1,00 to $2.00. 'We make all kinds of molding and turned work at prices reas onable. Phone 405. chestnut hill.. Goodman Lumber Go. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? - Then put your money in our bank. We will mit it intn Circulation and pay y.;u 4 PER GENT IUTERFST - w This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited Senator McLaurln Passes. JacksoD, Miss, Dec. 22. United States Senator A. J. Mc- Lanriu died suddenly tonight at his home in Brandon. Death was dne to an attack of heart failure and came without the slightest warning, at 6:35 o'clock. THAT BAD in your mouth is a SURE SIGN TASTE Disordered Liver 1 miaeamjniraa s TO-DAY. You will feel better almost immediately, and still better To-Moppow THE GENUINE has tha RED Z on the front of each packago and tha signature and seal of J. H. ZEIUN & CO., on the side, In RED. r FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I Collar for all Farm Work Wobre Sore Necks and Shoulders. Ca at your harness store and , aSK to see one of the famous Paineless Adjustable MevJ Horse Collars :i-IoLA"0 not see them write and we a ?ena yon our catalog fully illustrating and describing these ideal horse collars that are saving farmers thousands of dollars annually. They cure sore necks and shoulders and do away with all names, sweat pads and straps. Thev can bis adjusted to fit and the draft is in the correct place. Bnt the main thintr is thev do awav with sweat pads which scald and pro duce sores. Thousands in use. Won't wear out last for years. 5 mi illL The Queen of Fashion's Richest and Choicest Creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on the Standard Rotary, The World's Best Sewing Machine The only machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching: on the same machine. Ladles When you are in need of a sewin? machine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a lifetime, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It To Yourself to learn how the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in less time, and with more real comfort and pleasure than any other machine made. Remember When yon buy, tou are choosing be tween years of tiresome work with a vi brating or oscillating shuttle machine and years of sewing comfort and satisfac tion with a Standard Rotary. The Standard Rotary Shuttle is absolutely necessary to produce the Fastest, Quietest, Easiest Running and Most Durable sewing' machine in the world. You are Always Weloome to see the wonderful "Standard" Rotary whether you buy or not. See it TODAY. You will be surprised and delighted with its many advantages. IVAGHOVIA LOAN TROST GO The State's Strongest Banking Institution We Sell and Recommend Bexall Cherry Juice Cough Synn, Bexall Cold Tablets, Rexall Grippe Pills, and guarantee them to give Satisfaction or Refund your Money. Smith Drug Go. 126 N. Main St. i HARNESS! DON'T FORGET we make and keep on hand a large stock of s:ngle and doable wag on aiid buggy harness. We also, carrv a fine lin i of Collais fctid- dleg.Bridles, Halters.robes, blankets, whips, Harness oil and other norse supplies. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable pre s, harness oiled and dressed for $1 .00 to $1 .25 ner set. Trv some of onr Horse remedies, we have the best. Come to 8e us. , HARTLINE & COMPANY. 113 E limes St. Phone 433. Salisbury, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOOO o HOUSE fHE WORLDS GRCATL. SEWING MACHi;. h JJGHT RUNNSNG 3 US' -a i ism if yon wp nt either a Vibrating Shuttle, Rotarv Shutilo or a Single Thread f Chain Stitch ' Sewing Machine write to THE (JEW HOKE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass Many -ewintr machines are made to sell regardless of Quality , but the Kcw Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out. Sold by authorized dealers only FOB SALS BY o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FURNISHINGS When in the City vget-to g,v,e oldest furniture de me a call. I' am the dealer in the city. I carry one of the largest stocks in the State and can supply every thi. g in and about the house. I have an ordinary store full in each department. Qh3ir$!-Wny I have'more chairs than youicanjshake a stick ftt. Little chairs, bigchaiis, rocking chairs, parlor chairs, dinning room chairs, kitchen chairs, office caairs, porcn chairs, and chairs some more. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o UNDERTAKINGS o When iritis flnd Bedding, Wardrobes , fortablt Window shades and curtains, carpets, matting, rugs, oil cloth and linoleum. bookcases, clocks, toilet sets, bath robts, hall racks, tables, baby caniages, pictures and in short anything needed to make the home com- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Pepartment of State. Certificate of dissolution. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRE SENTS MAY COME GREETING. Whereas it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceeuings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stock holders, de posited in my office, that the Century Development Company, corporation of this State whoseprincipal office is situated at No Street in the city of Salisbury County of Rowan Si ate of North Carolina, (Francis J. Murdoch being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requirements of Chapter 21, of the Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations", preliminary, to the issuing of this certificate of dis solution: Now therefore I. J. Bryan Grim-s Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said Corporation did, on the on the 23 day of November 1909 file in my offics a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by ail the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceed- I ings aforesaid are now on file in my In Testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal, at Raleigh, this 23 day of November, A, D. 1909. J. Bryan Gbimbs Secretary of State. (Seal) At THE Summersett Undertaking Co., 108-1 lO W. Inness St., Salisbury, 3V. C, Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trucks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their nn dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: 311-L or 201. day, 224; night, Embalming a Specialty. PEOPLES 111 CfllUfi tO SPP HIP anc w show you goodsandqnote you " u iw auu me price8 thatwill help you to get right. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Skn f .r don,t linn t FnrCTPt that 1 do Undertaking and Embalming. mmr mm, urn m - wa Jj BAL1LBUBY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de . r a posits, interest payaoie every three months. rrompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. D. R. Julian, president. P. H. Thompson, V.-president. J. D. Norwood, cashier W. T. Busby, teller. Good service and reasonable in need call on me. ..YOURS FOR BUSINESS, psices. CEO. W. MRDQHT 000000000000:00000000000000 O o o o o o o JOHN WHITE d. CO AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET P1ICB rAID FOR RAW FUE3 AKD HIDES. WoolCornmfc-doo. Write Iw pcice4ist mention fngthia ad ESTABLISHED 1837 Dr. L. S. FOX, DENTIST, THE BUSY It will pay you to find out. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Hiss Adelaide E. White Voice Culture and Singing:. Terms on application. Voices tried free Convenient hours arranged for country and out-of-town pupils. Studio 402 E. Inniss St. Phone 146. 9-14--t Executrix's notice, Having qualified as executrix up on the estate of N. P. Jacoby, de ceased, this is to notify all creditors to exhibit their claims to the under signed on or before October the 27th, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. Mrs. JosBPHiNe Jacoby, Oct. 27th, 1909. Executrix.' OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N C. W. C. CoUGHENOUB, President, -T C Linn, Vice-President, W H. White Cashier Capital - - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surplus and Profits - 53,581 56 Deposit? January 1, 1909, 317.785 06 Re sop tees January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 DTKKr tors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. M. WHITE, Oashlr B. L. AUSTIN, 1 BUSY HARNESS SHOP. WHY? It will pay you to find out, at 116 West Innes Street. 11-9 tf Read the Watchman. Application for Pardon of Andrew Under. Application will be made to the Gov ernor of North Carolina for the Dardon of Andrew Linder who was convicted at May Term 1908, of the Superior Court of Rowan County, of the crime of murder in the second degree and sentenced to the State Prison for a term of 15 years. All persons who op pose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Governer without delav. This Nov. 9th 1909. kR. LEE WRIGHT. 11-9 ., Attorney. CHICHESTER S PILLS tT am Tmr mrnrmmL tot . PUU i K d 4.ld mJt-S boxes, mlad wttb- Blue Rjfabaa. 7e-nkao-MBest.S-t.Jwm-ai. SCUBYUOKXUSTSHLm nvi

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