1 THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. WM. H. STB WART, Ed. and Prop "IN A BJD WAY jbooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Published eTery Tuesday at 120 West - ' Innes street. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th. 1905, at the post office at Salis bury, N. 0., under the act of Congress of March 3rd, 1897. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. " . Watchman and Record, one year two papers per week cash in advance, $1,00 ' at en. per year , six muuiiiu, uuu. Salisbury, N.C. Mjr. 9th 1910. On another page we print a communication from Mayor A. L. Smoot and chairman ex-offiois of the Bohool board, staling why the question of discontinuing the schools arose, noting the embar. rassed condition of the city's treas jjjey and hinting at the cause of . such embarrassment. Wea are glad to publish this and think jt should receive a careful jD0il by all who really .wish to see prib hc affairs conduoted on honorable and business like methods. Mr. Smoot states that some of the ac counts go back as far as Prof. Coon's administration," 1902 and 1903, including supplies of all kinds, including coal bills. This is a pretty showing for an administration which boasted that the revenue from the saloons supplied the funds with which to rnn the schools, more so when we remember the former administra tion, which incurred these debts and gave these notes, was then receiving an enormous sum from the saloons, distilleries and, whole Bale liquor dealers. Now the facts in the case, at they appear on the serface, seem to be as fol lows : During the recent Boyden administration, saloons, distiller ut and wholesale liquor dealers were licensed and paid into the general fund of the city about $30,000 per annum. A very neat sum and sufficient to run the schools, if it had been so applied. Ar we understand it, these special taxes were put in a general fund, tbt re being no legal provision whatever for the schools, and it is expressly stated that no money from the general fund should be us)d for the schools, there was no authority to use the saloon money, the amount borrowed, or any other money for that matter, to run the schools. Hence the statement that the schools depend ed on this particular revenue for their existance is not only false, but if any receipts had been so used it was a misapplication of euch receipts. And it is a re markable coincident that our city attorney did not discover and point out this fact then, instead of now when the schools are so - badly in need. At any rate the schools are now sadly crippled by MA-IT- DADl M V (guuvy auu A CVXkiUOOUvDD of the former abministration, the administration which reoieved annually the $30,000 from the - whiskey dealers. Yet, in the face . of these facts, the friends of the f nA nvfl"ntTOfin r tr r n A fiAnlrlaoanAfla former administration and advo cates of whiskey are laughing and saying: "I told you so." Tons it- looks like a studied effort to cripple the schools in a spirit oj revenge, with the demagogical . utterances of friendship for the schools by the whiskey advocates to the contrary nevertheless. Revenge may be sweet but it is a boomerang that is true to its course. The schools may be tem porarily crippled, temperance may be temporarily defeated but. truth endureth and will arise ' triumphant in the due course of time. Mrs. Kate Hall Bays: "I have kept house 15 years, am the moth er f. four children, and I would . L.ot keep house without Hollister's ( Rocky Mountain Tea." Wise wo man, why? Drives away sickness, brings health and happiness to the whole family. It's the world's health preserver, Cornelison & Cook. HIRE IS THE PROOF That and "My 9 ye.i; weak, pale, c : ' oIJ daughter was had no aooetite. I gave her Vf - .1, and she began to thrive at on She gained rapidly in weight, c lor and strength." Mrs.W. 1 1. CILMORE, Durand, Mich. Vine! builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round, kiid plump. ; Children love to take it. ' - return people's money without question II Vinol J not accomplish aU we claim lor It. Try It, please. SMITH DRUG CO., Salisbury. Many a Salisbury Reader Will Feel Grate ful for TMCniatlofl. When your back gives out; Becomes lame, weak or aching ; When urinary troubles feet in, Your kidneys are "in a bad way." Doan's Kidney Pills wilLcure you; Here is local evidence to prove it : JohnW. Glover, 128 So. Long St., Salisbury, N. C says: "In my esti mation Doan's Kidney Pills are the best kidney remedy on the market I suffered from kidney complaint for a long time and often had Bevere pains in the small of my back. In the morning I was so lame and sore that I could not get out of bed without as sistance and I was at "a loss to know how to dispose of my trouble. Finally a friend told me abouVDoan's Kidney Pills and I procured a box at McPher son & Co.'s Drug Store. They quickly drove away the pain in my back and improved my health. Whenever I no tice a return of the trouble, I take t few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and prompt relief follows." For saleby all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ELECTING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Reports From Chain Gangs, County Heme, Collectors and Finance Committee. The Board of County Commis sioners mat in regular session on Monday, March 7th. All the members were present and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Supt. Carter of chain gang No. 1, reports 23 on his gang: 2 white males and 21 colored males. Supt . Thomason reports 24 on gang No. 2: 3 white males, 19 col ored males and 2 colored females. Mrs. Patterson reports 15 in mates at the County Home: 11 white and 4 colored. Health good. f A. M. ice reports having col lected to date, $15,447.97. Paid County Treasurer, $11,715; State Treasurer, $3,100; balance in bank 1632.07. J. H. McKenzie reports having collected $13,030.08, privilege $1,747, total $14,777.08. Of which amount he paid State Treas urer, $4,300; County Treasurer, S1U.4UU ana has a balance on hand of $77.08. The Finance Committee reports as follows: Road fund, over drawn $8 206 83. County fund overdrawn $8,490.92. To amcunt of school fund on baud $1,321.70. lo amount county bonds in spec ial K. K $22,067.90. Ordered to allow Martha Stanly $1.50 per month out- of out door funds. To allow W. A. Monroe a reduc tion of $210 00 in taxes. Mrs. J. T. Gobble refund on $300 worth of property. Ordered that, a drainage com mittee be appointed in Rowan county. Ordi red to allow Lower Stone Telephone Company privilege to erect telephone line on Briugle's Ferry read. Also to allow Kluttz, Menius & Co., to erect line from China Grove to Bostian's Cross Roads. W. H. Moulden was exempted from road duty. Ordered that Mrs. Patterson be authorized to purchase supplies for the County Home wherever she can buy cheapest. Arthur Sloop wes allowed $10,00 for the support of Jane Rumple. A franchise was granted to Luther Ketner, J. A. Roseman, West Shenk and others, privilege M A I 1 to erect teiepn one line aioug new China Grove and Gold Hill road from Ebeneezer to Organ Church. Ordered to refund to O. O. and 0. W. Williams amount of speci al school tax in Cleveland town ship . The board decided to make a request to the State Deportment of Agriculture to establish experi mental farms in Rowan county. Ordered that the Clerk of Court be insti acted to purchase neces sary filing cases needed for papers in Recorder's court. Taylor & Co. being the lowest bidders were given the contract to furnish supplies during the month. the best body-building strengthening tonic for IS " My two children, who were puny and ailing, rapidly gained flesh and strength when I began to give them VinoL I proved that Vinol is a splen did tonic for delicate children." Mrs. C ALLEN, New Bedford, Mass. Bll":. Children ueiicaie H Much sickness t. ft with . weakttomacE, poor, impoverished r'ood.- Mervou and good, rich,.' red wood. "Their tomaohs tor, after all, ' man can be no stronger A remedy that makes the Stomach strong and the hi tj acuvc, muM.es nvu ,reu otuwu ,ana .QTeroomes onax,!, uui uibease-pruuuciu oaeiena angt cures tude of diseases." , ' - Ger rid of your Stomach eakntam Liver Laziness by taking a course of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the ireat Stomach Restorative,' Liver Invi&orator and Blood Cleanser, You can t afford to aocept any medicine of unlmown composition as a substitute for "Golden .-... " ..u:u ; . i"vu i u meaicme of known composition, awing a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its jbot-tle-wrapper, same being attested as correct under jath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and We are glad to see that Congress has not lost its senses over Peary's alleged discovery of the north pole. Congressman Wan son is everlastingly right when he calls on Peary to show up or shut up. It would not surprise us to learnof the north pole in cident creating two new members of the Ananias Club instead one. OWES LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chicasro. 111. was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc tors said I could not get well unless I had an. operation. I knew I could not stand the strain of one, so I wrote to you sometime ago about my health and you told me what to do. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier I am to-day a well woman." Mrs. William Aiirexs, 988 W. 2lst St., Chicago, 111 Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testinanials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, uL ceration,displacements,fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at .Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, ana always helpful Sale ol Valuable Lots. Pursuant to the provisions of a cer tain Mortgage Trust Deed exesuted on September 16th, 1908. by Mary V Poarch and her husband. S. J. Poarch, and registered in the office of the Eegister of Deeds for Rowatrcoun ty in nooK oi mortgages JNo. 33, page 238, default having been made in the payment of the note for which the said Mortgage Trust Deed was executed to secure, and at ihe request of the hold erof the note thereby secured, the un dersigned, trustee, will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C . , on Thursday, the 7th day of April 1910, at the hour of 12 M. the following lots: Two vacant lots adjoining and situ ate in Southern City, N. C, about 2lA miles northeast from Salisbury on the northwest side of and fronting on Spencer avenue, between the lots of E. Lee Wright and bounded by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning on a stone 80 feet from the southeast corner of Long street and Spencer avenue, Wright's corner, run ning thence with Spencer avenue 80 feet south 33) deg. east to a tone , Wright's corner, thence with Wright's line south 57 deg. west 168 feet to a 10 foot alley, thence north 33K deg. west 80 feet to a stone, Wright's cor ner, thence with his line 165j feet north 57 deg. east to the beginning stone corner; being lots Nos. 22 and 23 on Heilig's map of Southern City. This March 4th, 1910. P.N. Peacock, trustee. John L. Rendleman, attorney. HER 100 Bushels Corn Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of com per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, and By Using Virginia-Carolina ler tiUizer spj ift liberally. Accept no substituted If your dealer is out of these fertilizers, write tis and Weill tell you where to get them. Write for;a freeftopy of our ioio Farmers Year Book or. Almanac, f it a big yield of tborn. -j, . SALES OinCESi Mail at thf Coapos Norfolk, Vi - - ' Virginia CaroumA Chxmical . -' CbiiFAinr. - - Pleats tend u cow of-yori9i6 Firnwrt" Yeai Book fr of coot.. NtllMfiiW.tw.t,MtMy,fM,. ,; CfcarJoB, . C. .-. BattiasoMtjMd. ' i ; MonifoaKK Ala.' 1 Meaphil. Teniv, ':. " -. - i "f ' U JJ w . and epwe . paI-peopjw M,-, v need iavigofwM-. than t-td-M a a .wuqu v(r Medical Di&ov , T: . Invlgoratq SfeajjcA, Liver and Bowels. (t WANTED! Boys and rV Girls to earn some o iiof our beautiful jew- .3rwV "Watches, Rings and Post CardsN ' premiums for selling our uhewinsr Gum. we trust you sells easily, work let off hours and at school. Be the first to apply. Drop us a card now. Agents Supply Co. Box 5C5 Salisbury, N. O. 2-8 wab 26t I 1 In the Supe rstate oi North Carolina, I ribr Court nowan county f Before the i Clerk John J. Stewart, admr. oi Amanda Beaver, vs. Jas. A Beaver, Mattie V Beaver, Eugenia M Bea ver, Mamie B Kerns and husband, Ross Kerns, Georgia B Brown and SERVICE BY NOTICE. husband, Jas E Brown, Minnie B Black welder and husbanffL W Black welder and fiuth B Ken ney and husband Fran cis J Kney, ThedefeT' Tabove named will take notice thr t9on entitled as above has been iced before the Clerk of the Superior court for Rowan coun ty and State aforesaid Dy the petition er, jonn j . Stewart, Admr. of Ainand Beaver ; praying that the real estate sec out in said petition be sold at public outcry after due advertis emen to make assets with which to pay the debts of said intestate and charges of aumimstratsen ; that the said de iendants will further take notice that they are required to appear Deiore tne cierk of said court at o'clock A. M.t on the 19th day of March, 1910, and answer or demur to the petition in said action or the plain tiff will apply to said court for the re liei demanded in said petition. J. F. McCUBBINS Clerk Superior Court xnis loin aay or ebruary, 1910. 5t State of North Carolina, In the Supe I nor court, Kowan County. f before J the Clerk Essie iChambers and hus- 1 Service by nana, rionert rinfc (Jham- I pumica- oera vs tion. Olivers. Kerr. J The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the clerk Of the MunerloriCOurt for Rowan coun ty and state aforesaid by the petition ers, Essie Chambers and husband. Rob ert Pink Chambers ; praying that the real estate set out in said petition be sold at public out-cry in order that the heirs-at-law and next of kin may hold tneir respective parts in severalty that the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear oeiore tne clerk of said court at 10 o'clock a m ., on the 9th day of April, 1910, and answer or demur to the petition in said action or the plain tiff will apply to said court for the re lief demanded in said netition. J . F. MoCubbiks, clerk Superior court This 8th day of March, 1910. 5t 1910 Machinery 1910 Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills Stump Pullers, Hay Bailers AND PEA VINE Threshers In fact a full line of heavy Ma chinery at right prices, good terms Also desirable FARMS FOR SALE CALL OE WRITE US W. H. OVERCASB MACHINERY COMPANY, 3-M2t pd STATES VI LLE, N. C. Men and' Women Wanted. The .Government pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1 ,200, and other em ployees up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring examina tions throughout the country for Bail way Mail clerks, custom House clerks, stenographers, Book-keepers, Depart ment clerks, and other Government Positions. Thounds .of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in city or country can get instnruction and free information by writing at once to the Bureau of In struction, 46 M. Hamlin Building, Ko Chester, N. Y. 12-22 '09 52t Will tell yDU .hbwtalget 'of v- y Atlanta. Gt. - 1 1 b,i!.i m m 22ix. qi 3, 4 OS- THE ONE O ' o O We expect to sell for CASH ONLY and doing this we O win De aoie to sell ing on credit. No O keeping, bad accounts, etc. You will certainly save money g by trading with us. O irienas ana customers better tnan oetore. O tin rl nliPiinpr ocnnrla O lnese prices will give some idea now cneap we expect O to sell goods for CASH beginning TUESDAY, MARCH mi . o ist. o o o o Bleaching. Good grade of yard wide Bleaching, worth 10c for..7c Poe Mills B . grade Bleaching, always sold at 10c and worth now 12 l-2c. Out price only.". . 8c Hill Bleaching good heavy bleaching and worth 12 l-2o for 10c Lonsdale Cambric, regular 12 l-2c grade at. IQc All best Calicos, dark and light colors what others are selling 6 l-2c and 7c. Our price 5 i Best heavy Sheeting, worth 8 l-2c for 7 7a Nice smooth SLeeting for 5 & 6s o o o o o O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o BELK oooooooooooooooccooocooocooooooooooooooo $3.$350&$4HOES BUYS 5HnFCi $2.Q0 $25 THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. t "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." I have worn W. L. Douglas shoes for the nast six years, and always find they are far superior toall other high grade shoes instyte. ':omfort and durability." W. G. JONES. t i 1 1 "i9 Howar Ave.. Utica, N. Y. If 1 could take you into my large fac oriea at Brockton, Mass., and show you aow carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are Tiade, you would realize why they hold iheir shape, fit better, wear longer, and ire of greater value than any other make. FOR SALE BY WH1TL0CK & EAINEY 124 S Main St OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N C W. C. Coughenoub, President, 1. U. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White Cashier Capital - - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - fifl.nnn nn Surplus and Profits - 53,581 56 Deposits January 1, 1909, 317,785 06 Resoiucts Januarv 1. 1909. 459.73R u DKK':roRs : John S. Henderson, D. a. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Stracban, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. iiivery accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE. Cashier Sale ol Valuable Lot. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Morteaee Trust Dppd eTPfnt.pH by W L. Austin and wife Dora A. Austin to Charles Steifr and Frederick P. Stieff , trustees. onJulv fith. 1Q07. and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Peeds for Rowan countv in Book of Mortgages No. 31. naee lflS the undersigned will expose for sale at public auction for cash at the court nouse door in Salisbury, N. C, on Frlin, Ihe 18th, day of February, 1910, at the hour of 12 M.. the following de scribed ot; iLot Nftl'iS. in Kntr "NTr IK.c .1, fV iX - MV it ..m L i . .7 1 K,iat W-,l? Don! name and prioe - sitampe'l oti the bottom. Take JV sbtitiite. It your dpaler cannot fit yon with W.I,.Pouglas sho. s, vnte for Mail Or.u-r Catalog. W.L.Douglas, JJrocfcton, Xfy6 lpf the R. A. Wheeler land., uer Back title, see plot regis tered ittBoolE.pjH)eeds No. 104. page 602 Algo deed from R A. Wheeler and-wife to W.Mf. .Buth and W. M. Bdth and wf e to W. L.Austin . ;ThiB Jan.TlithriQlO.-; . 1 - ; , - FawrasioxP. Stiefp, ' - "''" - trusteeaand mortgagees. Scbh !XBendlaouuiy attorney PRICE CASH you gooas cneaper man any store seu- profit added to cover expenses of book- We expect to be ii 12 l-2c Lit of Remnant in dark Suit ing worth always 12 l-2c. Price White Goods. We believe the quality you get here is much better than is nsually sold for these prices. Check Dimity, pretty quality. 10c White Lawn, worth 80 for 6 40 inch White Lawn, little coarso but worth 7c for 5c 36-iuch all Linen for Shirt waist, worth 30c for 20o Our buyers are now 'in the northen markets. Keep your eyes on this space. We will save you money. silLilbuAiP9 Mi? isnfoiirnffspy To the Tax Payers of Rowan County: I will visit the various TowDships at the following times and places fr ihe purpose of collecting the taxes for the year 1909. These Taxes are lorg past due, and I earnestly ask that you meet me on these dates and pay your Taxes, as the State and Couuty are badly in need of the money: Franklin, Lentz's Store Tuesday, March 1st Unity, at Woodleaf Wednesday, March 2nd Scotch Irish, Lyerly's Store ..Thursday, March 3rd Cleveland Friday, March 4th Steele, at Bear Poplar Monday, March 7th Mfc. Ulla, at Sherriil's Store, Tuesday, March 8th Atwell, at Jasper Corriher's Store . . Wednesday, March 9th Atwell, at Enoch ville ThnrsHav. Marh 10th China Grove, at Landis. . China Grove, at China Grov -uuaKer, at sostians' X Koads .Monday, March 14th Uia?i' at Faitn Tuesday, March 15th Gold Hill, at Rockwell Wednesday, March 16th Gold Hill, at Gold Hill Thursday, March 17th Morgan, at Morgan's Muster Ground . . Friday, March 18th Iroyidence, at Eller's Store Monday, March 21t Locke at Watsonville. . . .Tuesday, March 22nd Cleveland, Barber Junction Wednesday, March 23rd Mill Bridge , . Thursday, March 24th Granite Quarry Friday, March 25th J. H. raeKEHZIE, Sheriff. Lite Limber Why not Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1.00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2 50, Ceiling from $1.00 to $2.00. We make all kinds of moldiug and turned work at prices reas onable. Phone 405. chestnut hill. Goodman Lumber Co. Sale of Valuable Farming Lands. Pursuant to the provisions of a cer tain mortgage trust deed executed by Jay Wood and fe Ella Wood to Geo. A. Jackson, trustee, on March 25th. 1908. and recorded in the office of the ?g, fault having been made in the payment oi inenote wnicu saia Mortgage Trust Deed was executed to secure, the un dersigned will expose for sale at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, on Saturday, the 19th Day of March. 1910, at the hour of 12 M., the following lands : Beginning at a stake marked a red oak, Dr. B. Wood's corner, thence south 1 deg. east 22 chains to a stake, Johnson's corner, thence porth 70 deg. west 5.50 chains to a black gum, John son's corner, thence south 84 deg west 3,50 chains to a black gum, thence north to Jule Wood's line, thence north 89 deg. east to the beginning, contain ing 21 acres. See Book of Deeds No. 78, page 321 for back title. This February 14th, 1910. ' G. A, Jackson", t v t t a, mortgagee and trustee. John J-h Rendleman, attorney. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o STORE. able to serve, our isetter service l suiting for 5c 5o Wo Co Friday, March 11th Saturday, March 12th Mortgage Site. Pursuant to the provisi vi contained in a mortgage trust deed n gi tered in book No. 11, page 199, mad- by Prince Cunningham and wife, Mageie Cun ningham for ths prottction ami benefit of the undersigned, on the 2A day of January, 1895, default having been made in the payment of this debt, which said mortgage was given to se cure , the undersigned will sell at pub lic sale for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury on the The 7th Day of March, Nex', the following property : Beginning at a stake, formerly a hickory, and runs east 86 chs toastone, corner of lot No. 3; thence north 38 degrees east 60 links to a stone ; thence north 3 degrees east 7 80 chs to a stone ; thence north 88 degrees west 86.40 chs, (a new line,) to a stake; thence south 8 degrees west 7.50 chs to the beginning, containing 27 acres, be the same more or less, being lot Ko. 4 of the lands of G. H Gheen. deceased conveyed by the said Prince Cunning ham and wife, Maggie Cunningham, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. J. N. FRALEY. This January 26th, 1010. John J. Stewart, Atty. NATIONAL BANK. 8AL1SBUBY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention giveu to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples9 National Bank. John S. Hendbeson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier, D. L. Gaskill, W. T. Busby, V.-president. teller. Read the Watchman and Record. P., 0 o ..v. -U M,