1 1 ' v sJ r- ir h kYl ".4 A fr ?z ;r . if aKe the and save and health Mr. Kitchln Warns tthe Republicans Representative Claude Kitchin, of North Carolina, made a gener al assault on the new tariff bill under license of general debate on the postoffice appropriation till in the House to-day. Telling a number of stories of starving children and of working men appealing for food in the large cities, .Mr. Kitchin conclud ed each tale with the statement : "And all this under the Al-drich-Payne bill, which no one on the Republican Bide has the cour age to defend." Mr. Kitchin declared that the bill was well named the "AU-Rich-Paiu bill a blegsing to all the rich and a pain to the hungry people of the country." Reading from newspaper clip pings of distress among working people and of large profits earned by the' beef trust, Mr. Kitchin de clBired that afc the very time the Steel trust was earning such great profits, men who helped to make them were taking their little chil dren from school to assist in the support of their families, A lively exchange of words took place between Mr. Kitchin and R preventative Gardner, of Mas sachusetts, over the price of food products. Reading from the testimony of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson that meat products of the Ameri can farms were being sold in Eu rope cheaper than in this country, Mr. Kitchin said: "It is not true that the farmer had benefited by the high prices. Pi ices for farm products were higher in 1893 under the Cleve land administration than ever be fore, and statistics show that." How's This? We offer One "Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan fe Maevin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation . - -B- Last Legal Hanging in the State. The last legal hanging for North Carolina took place Friday at Elizabethtown, Bladen county. Heury E. Spivey was the vio tim and he was convicted before the law providing for electrocu tion was enacted. The execution ha3 been delayed by appeals and respites . An appeal was made to the Governor for commutation largely on the ground that hang ing is cruel and barbarous. Spivey killed his father-in-law in a most atrocious manner because he was sheltering his d-tighter, Spivey's wife, who left t.ui, iii Awful Erupt:? 1 of a volcano excite? ' rief interest. and your interest v. kin eruptions will be as short, if you use Buck leu's Arnica Salv , their quickest cure, ifiven tbo worst boils, ul cers, or fever e r s are soon heal ed by it. Bes. for Burns, Cuts, Braises, Sor ; Lips, Chapped Hands, Chi! ains and Piles. It gives insto t releif. 25o. at all Druggists S mtjk Politic Cotton Seed for Sale. lw bushels of this celebrated set ii . Yieldi 40 per cent . lint. A. w. Wisxoon, st, CAIiE, hot biscuit, hot breads; Dastryare lessened in cost and increased in Quality and wholesomeness, by food at home money Channel Held the Flood Work of Dredge Stands Test. There wa9 the biggest freshet Monday on Clark's creek since last May. People hare been on the lookout for just such a freshet ever since the dredge was put to work to see, what would happen. The new obannel held all the wa ter and there waB not an overflow anywhere until the eddy water was reached just above the boat. Neither was there any deposit of sand anywhere above the eddy water at Battle bridge. Here it was only a foot deep and will be swept out by the first freshet af ter the boat moves down the creek, People all the way up the creek are delighted with the ditch. A few hours after the rain ceased the water had falleo to a normal depth, aud there was none stand ing over the bottoms. The whole country was fl oded around the boat Monday and it was moved a little to one side of the ditch, but was gotten back with little trouble and started to work again at midnight. Newton Enterprise. Delayed Mention Costs Homey. Your house wears out if not painted. It costs more to repair it than it costs to paint it. It don't cost much to paint with the L. & M. Paint, because 4 gallons of L. & M. Paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil makes seven gallons of ready-for-use paint at a cost cf about $1.80 per gallon. You can mix yourself. Thirty-five years use in every . part of the Uuited States proves it. Atlantic City & Pittsburgh Fence Tests, madp by the MaBter Painters Associa tion, prove it. Sold by Salisbury Supply & Commission Co w Salis bury. -m w Sheriff Collecting Taxes. Sheriff McKenzie was in his office Saturday after a week's trip through the country districts on his round of tax collecting. He re ports collections amazingly good at every point visited. He will be at Bear Poplar on Monday and will take in Mt. Ulla at Shemll's store on Tuesday, Atwell at Jasp er Corriher's store on Wednesday, at Enochville on Thursday, Land is on Friday and China Grove on Saturday. His complete sched ule appears in another column. Now Good News Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Elizabethtou, Ky. "Everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, because I owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effeot a cure ev ery time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purfy the blood. They work won ders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily joy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by all Drug gists . Mr. Sowers Able to be oat. John Sowers was in town on Sat urday and informed us that his father, Philip Sowers, who has been so very sick for the past six weeks or more, has so far recover ed that he was able to come to Salisbury on Friday. His leg which was thought to be dropsi cal is still somewhat swollen, but is much better. SobDorn As Mules are liver aud bowels sometimes : seem to balk without cause. Then there's trouble-Loss of Appetite -Indigestion, Nervousness, DesJ . - . ponaeney , Headache . Uut such i troubles fly before Dr. King's New ' Life Pills, the world's best. Stom- ach and Liver remedy. So easy. 26c at aU Druggists. I The erafedScirsaftiContte,?- At a srial meet ingjof the Alder men pn 'ThVwda? igb r:' which: lasted untii;midnight,;arrange ments were madfdr -a.tbnUn:Q X ance of the graded schooU ;pf ther city for" twa.dosiiw threfr months loe?haTtchools had, owing to the Jlack;?.o&?andg; and the fact that no jDovisioh had hem made for their fmaio tainance, were to have beenclosed on March 11th. The baord has decided to call an election, to be held sometime before June, to vote a special school tax for these schools. The amount asked in this election is 20 cents on each $100 worth of property and 60 cents on eaoh poll, which it is claimed will just about furnish enough money for the full term of nine months. Make a Shabby Floor Look New. Get a can of the L, & M. Floor Paint. Paint the floor in the morning. It dries hard over night. With a bright varnish finish Saves wear-looks bright and cheer ful. Get it from Salisbury Sup ply & Commission Co , Salisbury. Must be Shown That Peary Discovered the Pole. Washington, March 5. "If the government is to reward Uom mander Peary," said Representa tive Mason, of Arkansas, this afternoon, "the people have the right to know what we are reward ing him for. He has refused to have his documents made pub lic and I am beginning to believe the whole thing a fake. He will have to show me he discovered the pole." ARE YOU SLEEPY? NERVOUS? ? TIRED? IT WILL WAKEN UP YOUR LIVER and start it working. Then you can work, and enjoy it, too. THE GENUINE ha the RED Z on tho front of each packago and the signature and seal of J. H. ZEIUN & CO., on tho stdo, In RED. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. We Sell and Recommend Rexall Cherrv Juice Cough Svtud, Rexall Cold Tablets, Rexall Grippe Pills, and Guarantee them to give Satisfaction or Refund your Money. Smith Drug Co. 126 N. Main St. t THE Summersett Undertaking Go., 108-1 IO W. Innesis St., SalifstmryvN. C.,t , Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments - consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons Church Trucks, etc. Special attentio'given"-W-,U T 7 der,fcareg lWtt QtlH Mt K " f.V nutria - ' -Z" vr-r. " - , Phone calls : - day. ?24 night, 811-L 6t 20l " W5 VJ-w -'v-flT Enlillrr O ffehllT. ? ? i -a1 JU: " Tp tha eopfel)Jorih Carolina? me jxortnr-uarouna historical Commissrou isTakinjr: a colfeo- Gclv. Yancvwitavview;V their preservation ana pnbiica tionr Thropgh thdco-S5pejatioti-o( Mrs. "Vance- srra thonsands i suh docnmenti,' .iave" beeb jeoU? e&i making one of , the .mot-im- portant-msiiioript'eplIeotjonB ever made the State. The pub lication of these papers will do more to establish the State's Con federate history beyond dispute than ony other colleotion in exis tenoe. But, unfortunately, this collec tion contains but few of Governor Vance's own letters, moat of those in the collection being letters re ceived by him. It is most impor tant that the publication should ; contain as many ot his own letters : as possible. The Historical Commission, therefore, takes this means of re questing those who possess letters of governor Vance to turn tQpm over to the Commissi jn, either for permanent preservation or fr copying. No letter or paper is so unimportant or trivial but- that it may have its place in such a col lection; and, we think, the per sonnel of the Historical C minis sion is sufficient guarantee that no improper uwill e made of any letter o t All ccmmiliialiong should be directed to the Secretary at Ral eigh, R. D. lW. Connor, secre tary. It expels all poisons, stimulates the internal Trgans, cleauees the the system and purifi s the blood. Such is Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea, the most effective pre ventative and cure of bad blood, constipation and sluggish liver. Cornelison & Ccok. J. 0. UNITE & CO. Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARH AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co's Farm aud Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies, repaired, painted and n ade as good as new. New-Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kindsof Wood and IronWork done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. J. 8. MoCubbins, president. W. B. Strachan, treasurer. E. H, Harrisou, secretary and manager. M'CjiBBINS & HARRISON COMPANY. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $36,000.00. We are selling Ground Phosphate Rock, 28 to 31 Acid Phosphate, at $10.00 and-under per ton. See us at olco about this. EEAL ESTATE LOAJSTS: If you want to either loan or borrow money on good real estate secur ity in Rowan Cot it will certainly-pay you well to look into our system of making real estate loans ; the lender nets 3 per cent each 6 months with the best security on earth and with as little trouble to him as deposit ing money in a bank. The security is a first mortgage real estate bond with our company guaranteeing payment of principal and interest. The Curse of the South. What iS the mater With the SOUth? According to government report of 1908 "The Secret is out at last the Southerner, coutrary to current opinion is not lazy, shiftleBS, indifferent or careless. "He is Bick" he South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous nd destructive of all diseases Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average Southerner is a sufferer of this health destroying parasite which destroys the red bloood cells producing an impoverished con dition of the blood ; characterized by extreme pallor, general debility, weakness, loss of vigor, lack of ambition, and general undermining of vitality. The climate and atmospheric conditions destroy the vitality. Let him get over it. Get rid of it. Get well, and he is good physically as the best American can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree In.your system,- "WAKE IT UP! CALL IT FORTH. PULL .YOURSELF TOGETHER 1 MAN, WOMAN-OR CHILail'San':aVd'Sri'OiiI('be well lo negleot yourself is to reflect upon - the - wisdqra'of .youtMaker. Nature intends all humanity to enjoy a full measureof health' and vigor. If you do not the fault is yonr own, for you ate yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for the people ?of TenneesBee, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi, let'us nap: do as -much: f of the people of the Carolines. A postal rill brinyou the? necessaryinformation. Send no money. Write to-day T)olii negleo this chance here offered you. Address, : .Tho Clovclsnd Instituto of Tlcdicine and Surgery. -7 . CuEVELASDt Ohio Corner w - .i m m f -r", 1 y w Stops Lameness Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not al lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's liniment on hand and apply at the first sign bf stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant Here's the Proof. Mr. G. T. Roberts of Resaca, Gsu, R.P.D. No. i, Box 43, writes : "I hay used your Liniment on a horse for Swee ney and effected a thorough cure. I al so removed a spavin on a mule.. This spavin was as large as a guinea egg. Ia my estimation the best remedy for lame ness and soreness is Sloan's Mr. H.M.Gibbs,of Lawrence, Kans R.P.D. No. 3, writes: "Your Lini ment is the best that I have ever used. I had a mare with an abscess on her neck and one 50c, bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely cured her. I keep it around all the time for galls and small swellings and for everything about the stock." Sloan's Liniment will kill a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price 60c. and $1.00 Sloan' booh on noraes. cattle. hep and poultry tent free. Addre ' Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., TJ. S. A. i,niiti:i Dr. King's New Lit e Pills The best in the world. ELECTRIC BITTERS ill rfKST FOB &ITJOUSNESS ND KIDNEYS WHITE & CO. Kinsman B27gun 72d. Stbeej? AND HIDES I3G2IST MARKET PSICS FOR SAW FUSS BIDES. -; WoolCoBMn&sioo. Write for - iric-iiat mentioning cms aa ESTaCLt SHED 183T . ??-L rk -; If V Liniment boooooooopoooo:ooo66bboodoo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o HOUSE When inthfi Gifv dod, forset to ivd me a i;am the 1111011 ill lC UHJ Qtaest fnrnitnr AUr in the city. I carry one of the largest stocks in the State and can supply everything in aud about the house. T 1 have an -ordinary store full in eaoh department. ' Why I have more chairs than you can shake a stick at. Little chairs, big chairs, rookinc chairs, narlnr chairs, dinning room chairs, kitchen chairB, ofuce - chairs, porch chairs, and chairs some more. BfidS Jinfl Rfiflflintr Window shades and curtains, carpets, UPU0 QI1U DCUUIHSi maUig ; rBg8, oil cloth and linoleum! WdrdfOhBS bkcaBes clocks, toilet sets, bath robts, hall, 1 racks, tables, babv caniaees. nictures and in Q short anything needed to make the home com- Q fortablt. ' Come to see me SJZXt 8 CHRISTMAS GIFTS. tgTl?e8e,iieo:iu0.D8 don,t o o UNDERTAKINGS flfin't FP'OfPt lnat 1 do ww" v,bwl Good service o in need call on o o o o o YOURS FOR ooo We give you a written guar antee that this Shoe will wear you six months. If you want a she 3 that will give you perfect satisfaction and will out wear any shoe you ever wore, try this oard t3 H ware "Hard Wear in Every Pair" It is made of soft, pliable chrome tanned waterproof leather, the finest and most durable of all leather for heavy wear. It has two full soles. . These soles are made of overweight steer hide the toughest leather made and are secured by Puritan stitch and two rows of standard screws. It has a heavy, full gussett (see illustration) that will not permit dirt to get in through the lacing. The pull strap is leather, sewed with waxed flax thread, double stitch saddle seam and the counter is sewed in in fact every part of this shoe is built to stand hard wear. Comes in either plain toe or tip and in black or tan leather. We believe this shoe will last you much longer than six months, but we will guarantee that you get at least six months' wear and satisfac tion. If you do not, bring them back and we will give you a new pair tree of charge. 5000 papers of garden il . .1 Ml 1 nower seea win oe soia at ic a paper. Don't wait until they are sold out if you want good seed at a penny a paper. 2000 yards dress ginghams and apron checks worth Sets per yard at 5cts. Big line of percales and calicoes, white waistings 1 yard wide and worth 15cts, while they lat at lOcts a yard. Everything in the dress goods line. When a pair of good shoes for yourself, vour wife or your children we have them Brown Shoe Co's. that Tom Murry, of Chicago, has been telling you about. "Come in and meet us face to face. BR THAN & The Collar for No More Sore Necks and Call at yotir harness store and ask to see one of the famous Hameless Adjustable Metal Horse Collars If yon do not see them write we 11 send you oar catalog fully illustrating and describing these ideal horse collars that are saving farmers thousands of dollars and shoulders and do away all hames, sweat pads and straps. ' They can be adjusted to fit and the draft is in the correct olace. BE" But the main thing is they do away with sweat cads which scald and on duce sores. Thousands in use. wear out last for years. HARNESS! ou band a large stock on and baggy harness. We also, dles. Bridles. Halters, robes, blankets.-whips, Harness oil and other- Horse supplies. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices. Harness oiled and dressed for $1.00 to $1.25 per set. Try some of orir Horse remedies, we have the best. Come to see ns. ri HARTLINE a COMPANY- , 118B. Innes St. Phone 488. ' SfOisbniy, N. 0, o FURNISHINGS o o o o o o o D O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Undertaking and Embalming. o o o o o o o and reasonable nainoa. Whftn me. BUSINESS, WRICHT ooooo:oooooooooooco8 Shoe seed and 2000 papers It J t We carry the line of Hamil CAMPBELL all Farm Shoulders. 4 and with prt Won't TO DONT FORGET we make and leer I of single and doable wag carry a fine Inn of Collar, Sad mm mm

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