TCI GflnOUMA YATCHDAII. XT. B. BTBWARf, Ed. and Prop ftblteked every Tuesday at 120 West Innes street. Bntered m second-class matter Jan. Uta. 1806, at the post office at Salis bury. N. 0.. under the. act of Congress of March 8rd, 1897. Telephone No, 468. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Watchman and Record, one year two papers per week, cash in advance, $1,00 'SSixmontns.ouo, Sauoubt, N.C., Mat 25th, 1910 The comet, yes the comet, the fizzle, the dim, tailless comet. Skido. Once in 75 years is enongh of your kind You are a fake. A tencent BKyrocKet can maKe more light, exhibit more tail and create a more satisfactory spectacle. And you wide mouthed, empty headed, cal amity howling astronomers, likewise BUND FIBERS AND GAUBLERS. '' L.. Sheriff McKeozIe has Quite a Round With Them, out tbe Tiger Escaped. Sheriff McKenzie, acting upon information that Llind tigers were loose in the neighborhood of East opencer, on Saturday night went on a stiu nunt ior some oi tnem, taking his son, Whitehead, and Deputies Frank Tolbert and James Krider along. About 12:30 they halted a negro, who came along in a buggy, and, upon examina tion, found in the buggy a five gallon tin can filled with new corn liquor. This was set on the side of the road and the sherm proceeded to make further search and found some measures and empty bottles under the seat The sheriff had stepped in between the wheels of the buggy while making the search, was still there when he called to the other officers to arroBt the negro, and was totally unprepared for the unexpected which happened. Ther negro struck the hors "with the . whip a id lints and iumped out of the buggy and ran. The horse start ed in a mad runaway down tbe road and the sheriff, who had grabbed the side of the buggy, was dragged along the road for more than a hundred yards. For tunately, he retained his presence Fortune Telling Does not take into consideration the one essential to wom an's happiness womanly health. The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune. For without health love loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription has, tor over J90 years, been curing delicate, weak, pain-wracked women, by the hundreds ot. thousands and this too in the privacy ot their homes without their having to submit to indeli cate Questionings and offensively repug nant examinations. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Grbat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps. p Just Received Car Load be gone. Once in five hundred years is enough) of mind and realising that he was OI you. I in a very dangerous position, slowlv let himselt as close as ne nnn 1 A 4-n Vm nmnriA rolonearl Hie it is indeed strange in this h,A Hrrmned. allowing th day and time, when we have rear of the buggy to pass ever good, safe banks at almost every point of importance, which can be made use of without the least cost to a depositor, that men will con tinue to hide their hard earn ed dollars in a trunk, an old sock and in the crevices and corners of their dwellings! him. He was considerably brais ed and scratched, but was not se riously hurt. He at once joined the other officers who had gone in pursuit of the Negro. The Negro had made a break for a nearby thiaket into which he disappeared and. although the tmc&et was closely searched, no trace of him could be found . The blood hound The chances oa bank deposi- belonging to Officer Nash of East tur musing, in comparison Spencer was procurea ana pue on with the man who hides his his track which he followed ..... 1 . si m money, is as 1 is to 100. around through .aast bpencer ior more than an hour, nnauy cring ing up at a house where some dogs That W. B. Smoot has an- r&n out, at which the officers fcred Surrys, Hacks and Delivery Wagons Studebaker Wagons, Babcock Buggies, High Poiut Buggies. Also a full and complete line of- Harness and Harness Accessories. Har ness Made to Order and Repaired by Thoroughly Competent Workmen at the Lowest Possible Price for First-class Work. CALL .A.2STD SEE TJS. HOLMES-CATHEY CO., Corner Fisher and Church Sts. Salisbury, ST. C. 5j 71 vj 7 Q nounced his intention of bes ing a candidate for the State Senate, is evidence that the good people of Rowan County are not going to be misrepre to prevent their interfering with the hound. Those shots flushed a gang of negro gamblers who were doing busmen in the noise and, as thev came pouring out, four of them were arrejted, while some sented in the next legislature others made their escape into the mr. omooi is a Clean, aDie night. The Sheriff thinks the man, one whom the best of man they were after was in this OUr citizens Can rally to with house, but whether he was one of conndence and self respect, those arrested or not n j l Few people in Rowan have 8nre- He doeB not kuow the 1 b beenaR-nn.rt.iftTi1fl.rsin thn Arlf gfo who was in the buggy, al tor of The Watchman in rugh Jfl?eg,f0 kuew him ld i. , I addressed him by name when he approached the boggy. The Sher laws, we are just as exacting States that he would, have plac o oyer ami, DBing so, most ed the negro under arrest before neartily endorse Mr. femoors starting the search of the buggy, candidacy and recommend but had no evidence upon whioh llim to those who are lookinsrlan arrest could be made. He was Proceedings of the Countf Court. The court room was filled to almost superior uourt propor tions, when Judge Mi'ler opened tho County Court on Monday morning, and the docs: was lined with pusoners both white aLd col ored, men and women. Not much had been done in this court for the past two weeks, but whether it was because Judge s and the grand jury were here and they were lying low or whether it waB because it was jast after pay day at the shops, that they broke loose is not known. After three or tour cases of drunks had been disposed of with fines of $3 to $5 and cost, Mary Allman and Jennie. Lewis, two white women cf shady characters, for clean, moral men to reDre I making a search to see what was plead guilty to an affray in which sent the grand old christian ln tne SEJ wnen tne negro conntv of Rnwnn in H npyt started tne runaway. Jim Sorter, laoiolofr.T.0 itr- a i who was standing near when the .VOxa,wuxo, -UJ.1 . UUiUUl UUOHI i - i i -i 1 Yvuoro uv ib Known, hi8 wa8 arrested and is being wuccuuruy iuiu iQOse lew held in jail awaiting further de- wno ao not know him. Let s velopmenta in the case. CAA 4.1 i. Til ll boo luai nowan is properly represented tins vear. a so linn FnnHioc nun A . r-t 1 I UIUII I UHUIB U VIIIIHl uiai omoot represents us m la Pittsburg a savage lion fon- ine Senate. M1d t.ho hand that a o.hild t,hrnt. into his cage. Danger to a child They were let $5 00 and the neither'was hurt. eo with a fine of cost. A. C. Pool and Tobias Ncwsom. plead euiltv to an affray on the streets on Saturday. WewBom, who was the aggressor, was let off for $5.00 and half the cost and Pool was made to pay the other half of the cost. Lewis Gullett, of East Salisbu- ry, was touna guilty in two cases, one for an affray and the other for having a pair of knucks. Ha lOaBa e-I ,.n nrnn o ana noil A aA rAa. tration has inat. nmn1M ita 8a!4ed- 9tm ifc comes through menfc A pavme of theJ oo!i am ' vvui uau uuu a I I i m i .r w I - uxeb JOar WllU tt KIOriOUB rw nnnah Thaw alatr thnnaondi thot ord of service well done. A n, vinna xr. n;crtrtQM i m i . - i -a- s. iAiUfa o xion s touu v ox y wui.u xuuor account oi wmcn The present city adminis J is Tr! grefc when it"1? - . ffsniaH flffor i f tinman tk.An.k "A few doseB cured a veiy bad case of Dr cap. have saved. De seen elsewhere in this pa- our baby of per. The aldermen and May-1 Croup," writes Mrs. George B. or nave been working har Uavis, of Fiat Kock, n. c.5 "We monionslv for t,h pi tv'a hnaf always give it to him when be interests and welfare. There .ke8 .cold- .B wonderiui med- has been no star-chamber LcineJor baTb,r8 t0I V,oldB' meetings and no h&Wlh wva imuugu wuu uaroxy n.(x)a Trial bottle free. Guar a quorum oi iavorites. tnereUntAPd hv all nrnifeH. 1 1 - -1 -I I J OB " inns ueen no wna scnemes in fitltntftd. Tin AYtrnvncranna onrl no Increase of the city's in-J FAITH, - w . mm . mm I ' ft, tTm t aeDteaness. Un tne otner May 2U.-r-j iat cars are scarce hand, prudence, conversa- Tne contractors failed to get flats tion. ODen meetings, honest placed to-day to load their gran endeavor and er.nnnmv r.nn. ite. sistent with efficient govern ment, has characterized their efforts all along the line and in every department. If the school tax was voted we were promised a reduction of the general property tax. To the administration everlasting credit and to the honor of the men composing the board, this was promptly done. This is such, a relief and contrast with the usual promises made by public officials that we think it deserves more than passing notice. For in stance compare: it with the $10,000 bond issue for a pub lic school in the South Ward during the late whiskey ads ministration. Salisbury has every reason to-be thankful and appreciative of the ef forts of her present adminis tration, both as to the mate rial and moral welfare of the city, and the latter item is no small consideration. A young Lutheran minister at Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fisher's, May 20th, 1910. Orders for thousands of dollars worth of curbing has come into Faith this week. George Peeler has bought the M. L. Parker house and lot and will move into it with his young bride on the nrBt of June. I The pictures of the Boone mon ument, Boone cabin and river scene have arrived in Faith from the picture makers and they are beautiful. Venus. A big bowl of Quaker Oats is the best dish you can serve. Delicious and nourishing Good for all There's i Reason For the large increasing sale of j Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. When in the need of a cough medicine try it and you will know the ftaaon. and all conditions. Economical and strengthening. ages and la cost m botn cases. The trial of a buuch of Negroes who were arrested at Spencer for gambling was continued. Oj Tuesday Bob Thompson, colored, was charged with aesanlt and battery, but the weman whom it was claimed he had worn a cur tain roller out on, denied that he had struck her and he was dismissed. Lewis Hannah, a big South Carolina Negro on whom a pistol was found when he was arrested a Negro restaurant on Council Street Monday night. On trial he claimed that he had brought the gun up town to trade it, but was foond guilty of carrying con cealed weapons, and was let off with a fine of $25.00 and the cost. His partner, and the man to whom Lewis said the pistol be longed, was sent out for and was soon brought in, but for want of evidence the case against him' was dismissed. Andy Raid, Joe Heath, Ander- m-w . -r rfl 1 1 son xioage ana jerry uaamuers were up for gambling. This is the crowd which Sheriff McKenzie and his deputies flashed and ar rested at East Spencer on Satur day night while chasing the Ne gro blind tiger. There was so lit tie evedence against them that they oould not be convicted of gambling, but one or two of them admitted that they had been play ing cards for fun. Ihty were all convicted of playing cards on Sunday and were fined one dollar each and his part of the cost. Three white boys, who gave their home as Spartanburg and their ages as 15 and 17 years, were ohargod with entering a house at Spencer on Sunday and stealing and carrying away a Sunday din ner which the occupants of the house had prepared for the mid day meal and who were not at heme when the boys called. The dinner consisted of a good sized beef roast, which had been left in the kitchen stove ready cooked, some cherry pies and other things. Two negro men, who lived near sa w one of the boyi come out of the kitchen window and saw the bunch of three go off down the road eating as they went, and informed one of the occupants of the house who arrived shortly after the boys leu. They were followed, arrested and, in the course of trial admitted that they had been in the yard, denied that they had beeu in the house, but as the dinner was gone and one of them had been seen com ing out, oi i ne aitcnec, cney were found guiUy. Sentence was defered until Friday to give them a chance to hear from their folks in Spartanburg and employ coun sel if they wish to do so . Maek Irvin a big black Sugar Spring Negro was in court this morning on two counts for ging to the home of Orange Watts and raising a row with him. He followed Watts into his bedroom, assaulted him with a pair of ktiucks and knocked his wife down Alter tliey separated Irvin went to his home, got his pistol, a great big 44 Winchester, came back and was arrested with tbe pistol and the knucks on him. He claims that he had started to Esquire Fespdrman's to report the matter and had no intention of renewing the quarrel with Watte, but the court found him guilty. Arthur Turner, a young Negro who has figured frequently in the county court, was up again on Wednesday morning for assaulting another Negro at East Spencer with a crutch. Turner lost a leg in some way on the railroad some time ago and made a compromise with the railway company by which he got several hundred dol lars. Since that time he has ydone no work and has man aged to get rid of most of his money by high living, drinking, gambling and fighting. He has paid a good portion into this Court in the way of funds and cost, besides Berving time on the roads. He was found guilty and taxed $10 and the cost. Frank Adams colored plead guilty to a drunk and was fined $5 and the cost. For all Bowel Troubles Use Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain. Relief is almost instantaneous. Is alsc good externally for all kinds of pains . Sold everywhere. REEDY BRANCH. The corn and cotton is looking somewhat bad. Zebulon Trexler has returned home from Mt. Pleasant where he has been attending school. P. T. Goodman attended the grand commencement. He re ports a fine time. Those who have installed new telepenes are James A. Morgan and W. H. Earnhardt. They con nect at the Liberty switch board. J. T, Kluttz has purchased a new bicycle. I guess he aims to ride. P. N. Truxler has purchased a new horse. Strawberry Valley visited at Lawson Pool's Sunday, I guess he had a real nice time. Z. B. Trexler is going to take up agency work, I hope him much success. Glenn Trexler says he has a dog that cannot be beat. He can catch three rabbits per day and jump the fourth one That's a good doe. Wit.trttt. i K K It K K k H t- It 71 71 3 VI 7 7 Always lots of special bargains to be found here. Buying and selling for CASH, enables us to sell cheaper than ever before. We don't have to add profit to make up for the fellow that don't pay, and we are selling more goods than ever before. Specials for SATURDAY, MAY 28th. j i si 7 VJ 7 71 Calicoe for 22C Lot of calicos in short lenghts worth 6$c, best grade of calicos Speaial for Saturday only Nice Sheeting for 5c. Nice medium weight sheeting in length 5 to 23 yds. and worth 6c by baLe at mills. Oar special price for Saturday only QC Embroidery for 2c. One lot of Embroidery bought to sell for 5o yd bnt rather, narrow for that price so we are closing it out for only. 2c Real nice Embroidery for 5c Extra nice Embroidery and lneer sertion, per yard only 10c Ladies' regular 10c gauze vest, bleached and taped neck, etc, Our price only 5c Shoes and Oxfords. Big lot of sample shoes and oxfords, odds and ends going at about half price and lots of them at much less that half price. Womens' cap toe oxfords worth $1.25 for $1,00 Womens' ankle strap slippers worth $150 for ... 98c Womens blucher patent tip ox fords, nice soft kid lor $1.48 "Womens' patent ankle strap elip pers worth $2 00for $1.48 Big stock of Selby's fine oxfords for women in all leatheie, none let ter than Se'by's for the price. . . . $2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. Lot of men's oxfords worth $3 00 and $3.50. Special $2.48 Lot men's $4.00 oxferds to dose out at $2.98 Now is the time to save i Money on Shoes. Yon can always find bargains at DM It IN ft 1 ft Prize Winner Extends Thanks. John Harkey, the old veteran who won the second prize, a good sewing machine in our recent con test, wishes to thank his friends for their assistance in getting sub scriptions and votes. He acknowledges the receipt of the machine and says he was pleased with the fair and impar tial manner iu which the contest was conducted. Mr. Harkey's prize gives him one more machine than he needs and would therefore be glad to sell one. It can be seen at The Watchman Office. Eczema Yields readily to Dr. Bell's An tieeptic Salve. You see an im provement after the first applica tion. We guarantee it. It lb clean and pleasant to uae. 25o a box . Re-Sale oi Land. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Rowan county, made in the special proceeding enti tled Essie Chambers and husband against Oliver S. Kerr, the same being No. 4, upon the special proceeding docket of said court the undersigned commissioner will, on the 25th day of June, 1910, at about 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, offer for Cash those two lota or tracts of and lying and being in or near the corporate limits of the City, and more particularly described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a stone, Jno. S. Holt's corner on 1he east side of the street - that runs before the door of his house and runs N. 14. deer. W. 1.60 chs to a stone in the road ; thence N. 88 degs . 1.58 chs, to a stone in the road yZ deg. E. passing a stone on the south side of said road 1.60 chs to a stone Jno. S. Holt's corner ; thence S 88 E. 1.68 chs. to the beginning, containing of an acre more or less. Bee record of deeds No. 90. page 310. This lot is about square and the 4-room house thereon is in good conditio a and so lo cated that another house can easily be built on it. The property is cheap at $400. 00, and is located in north Salis bury or Jersy City. Also another tract described as follows, to-wit:-Beginning at a stake on the S. side Link Ave-, Delia Campbell's corner, and runs thence s . 87 w. 50 ft. to a stake, Clement's corner, thence south 4 degs. west 200 ft. to a stake , Geo. C Clem ent's corner ; thence north 87 degs. east 50ft to a stake, Delia Campbell's corner, thence with her line north 4 degs. east 200ft to the beginning being the eighth lot from the corner of Lord's land suburbs of the West ward of the city of Salisbury. S-je record of deeds No 109, page 422. This lot isjoeated on tha left side of and near Livingstone College in the west ward of Salisbury. It is reasonably worth $75 to $1C0. Both tracts are sold sub ject to a 1Q additional bid in 10 days . Bidding to begin at $231.00. John J . Stbwakt, commissioner. May 24th, 1910. 5fr. BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED ? HEADACHE? FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Evcrj?bodj? TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR wRYorYOU? Another Ro Over Statues; The pcsi.bihty of Mississippi sending in a statue of Jefferson Davis as her contribntson to the hall of fame in Washington has stirred all the venom in some of the devoted Yankee bosoms, and 'revived all the row about Lee's statue. Here's hoping they will send in the Davis statue. Mis sissippi has got as much right to send in that as Kansas has to send in one of Col. John Brown, who was hanged by the neck for plan ning wholesale murder ol white people. Hope the sooth will fill the hall of fame with Confederate soldiers in their full uniforms of gray and that j -y will be nncon fioed and turned entirely loose. Exchange. o WANTED! Boys and Girls to earn some of our beautiful jew elry, Watches. Bines and Post Cards as premiums for selling our Chewing Gum. We trust you, sells easily, work let off hours and at school. Be the first to apply. Drop us a card now. Agents Supply Co., Box 265 Salisbury , N. O. 2-8 was 28t. Notice o! Re-Sale. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Rowan oounty, made in the special pro ceedings entitled John J. Stewart, ad mr., of Amanda Beaver vs. Jas. A. Beaver, Mattie V, Beaver, Eu genia M. Beaver, Mamie B. Kerns and husband Ross Kerns, Georgia B. Brown and husband Jas E. Brown, Minnie B Blackwelderand husband L. W. Blackwelder and Ruth B. Kenney and husband Francis J. Keuney, the same be No. 8, upon tbe special proceeding docket of said court, the under signed commissioner will, on satiimar, the 28th Day of May, 1910, at about 12 o'clock, noon, at the oourt house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that lot or tract of land lying and be ing in the South ward of the citv of Salisbury, facing on Clay street, and more particulaily de scribed as follows, to-wit: Begin ning on the east side of Clay street at Mrs. Sell's corner; thence at right angle to Clay street with Mrs. Sell's line, 200 feet; thence parallel to Clay street 50 feet to G. Beaver's corner; thence with G. Beaver's line two hundred feet to Clay street and thence 50 feet to the beginning, being lot con veyed by Dixie Land c.mpaoy to Sarah A. Beaver. See book 74, page 628. Also book 78, page 41, Register's office for Rowan county. John J. Stewabt,'r. This 26th day of April, 1910. BUSINESS LOCALS. Jack and Stallion. I have a fine dark bay f ercheron horse and black Spanish Jjck, cither of which can be found, at any time during the season, at my housf, except on Saturdays the horse will be iu Sal isbury Call on or write to Motes Eagle, rural No. 3, box 84, Salis bury, N. C. 8-80 tf For Sale one good young horse. Also one rubber tire "Babc-ck" boggy, at a bargain. Call on W. V. EUor, Gold Hill, N. C. 5 4 tf. Wanted you to know that we are still selling a good ceiling and siding at $1 00 for 100ft. Good man Lumber Co. Phone 405J. 4 6 tf . CHICHESTER S PILLS THE III M Ik Wl nn . JTamme . ?JP.MMO" BUAN7 Mieai AUIoirVninklC. 0t.h?r; ??T of ; phi- i R.i -; "JT jjiit or Tour V DIAMOND ICR A V i. ti,i.tTrKIX ? Canvasser Wanted.-Some wide-awake young man who is not afraid and can tell what he knows can get employment canvassing in the xurai aismcts by applying at The Wa tohmas Office at once . What the Peoplft of Rowan say : Mr. J. Y, Alexander used Conk ey B Laying Tonic and says its grfat. His daughter Mis Ed Davis thought she'd try it, and in less than a week's time says two thirdi of her hens were lay ing, and she means to continue its use because it means money to her. For sale by James Plum mer, druggist, Main & Fishei Sts. Salisbury, who ia always ready to talk "chicken." ftstmL ea8l,7 earn from 18.00 to hiV'v, wee vrkW ior me quietly In her own home locality. This is a bonaflde SvTf,11 w.iU Vy yu to Investigate, even if yoa can only spaie two h nrs per day iBvf8tmentreaired- Turn your spare t me into money. Write me at one for par- MAf-TB- TAYLOR, box So, Woman's Building-, Jollet, 111. it 6eta Copy of Conkey's Poultry Book free. It is the best poultry guide ever -offered the poultry raisers and is full of valuable in formation . By mail 4c. James Plummer. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Good for all Skin Diseases. SCUBYimGlSTSEVmttKER

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