THE CAROLINA YfATCHMftll. SHORT LOOAL ITEMS Ex-Sheriff lliBon of Stateaville spent Monday in Salisbury on business. Mr. Allisqu showed as a photograph of an old stove cast up and Stahle about ioo it is proDamy tne oldest stove in America. Register of Deeds E. H. Miller spent Sunday at Catawba visiting his father-in-law. CITY FATHERS HAYE SUCCESSFUL YEAR. City Taxes Reduced. Regulations In Re gard to Near Beer Saloons and Clubs lne city alderman neia a very important meeting at the City Hall on Thursday night. . The revenue scheiule was taken Liinn presented a summary of the financial condi tion of the city as regarding the tax levy and expenditures of the board during the year just closed. The am junt of taxes levied for One Dose for Coughs Children cough at night? Give them AVer's Cherry Pec toral. Often -a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; good for acute cases, chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and frankly, just wliav he thinks of this old standard remedy. No alcohol in this COUgh medicine. . G A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. A lazy liver makes a lazy boy. An active brain demands an active liver. No better laxative for boys and girls than Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor about them. He knows. t vi TCarnhmrU nt TCoot rwn. the year was in round numbers cer, tells us that his wife's moth- 0000 The expenditures were er, Mrs. Kate Russell, who was $46,187.14, nearly $4,000 less than found in an unconscious condi- the levy. The-board has lived tion on 'J hursdav mormnat trom "lulu " uuu8 u jom The Eclipse of the Moon Monday flight. Numbers of Salisbury people stayed up to see the total eclipse of the moon on Monday night and having suffered a stroke of paral- and had paid manr of the bills of they were all amply paid for the ysis some time during tha night, the former administration. gl logt and the timQ t has so far recovered that she is , The ad valorem tax as in effect waitFing for it. It was a beautiful able to speak and move, but is las year was reduced 10 cents . ht ftnd Qot ft oloud came to still in a very serious condition. w a, uH, interfere with the view of the She has to be watched constantly ol, and 6o centi regular, making pa88ing of the shadow of the earth to prevent her falling out of the 15 this year instead of $1 25 as t& faCQ of the mooa The bed. Mrs. Russell is 84 years of age, most of her life being spent in Salisbury, where she has one brother, Ben Cauble, and a num ber of friends among the older in habitants of the city, who will re gret to hear that she is so serious ly ill. M. L. Yost, of the St. Paul heighborhood, was in the city this morning on business. Mr. Yost brought wtth him an hen egg which was some what in the shape of a crooked-necked squash It was only 9-12 x 1 5-12 inches in size. Mr. Yost will have an ice cream supper and social at his residence Saturday night to which everybody is invited. He will have refreshments of all kinds on hand. last vear. So that when the oounty commissioners, (The city aldermen having nothing to do with the matter) place tbe school tax at 20 cents on property there will only be-an increase of only 10 cents on the hundred dollars worth of property. . The assessed valuation of property in Salisbury is $3,755,803, and it was decided that the decrease of 10 oents on the tax levy could well be made . This, owing to the recent special school tax election, will make a net increase of only 10 cents on the hundred. ' The finance oommittee which has charge of the revenue schedule reported. The old sahedule was closely followed with the recom mendation of a number of changes A special ordinance regarding the sale of near beer was put on its firBt reading. This ordinance Drovides that the places where the beer is sold must be on a pub lic street. That there1 shall be .i i Hf.rofina. nainiea kiudb, or J M. eclipse began at about the expect ed time, 10:46, proceeded slowlv until about 12:15 when the face of the moon was fully covered and only a faint outline of it showed. Many thought that the darkness of the eclipse would make the comet show up to better advan tage and a careful vatch was kept on it, but while it was still show ing m the western sky it was no larger and did not show to any better advantage than before. no anything to there shall The Upstiaw Meetings. Large crowds greeted Will D, Upshaw, at the First Bap tist church on Sunday morn ing and night, and all went away delighted with the ser vices. Mr. Upshaw is a crip pie and speaks to his audience doors . from a chair, but he speaks An ordinance to to the point and has no trou clubB and place an Vlo in VirVMino tht4 ntfpntirm -a3D lOCfceF of his hearers during the ser vices. Many came forward pledging themselves to a dee- per consecration and several professed conversion. Mr. Upshaw spoke in the. after noon to a good crowd in the obstruct the view, be no rear or side license social annual tax on i . i in eacn ciuo- paseeu first reading. This ordinance pro vides that clubs shall pay and an nual tax of $50 and that each locker shall be taxed $2 yearly. No club to be licensed with less thau 50 bona fide members. It re stricts the number so tnat only one mav use the same locker. It Bit by Copperhead. Old Remedy Applied. Hugh Miller, a 14 year old lad of near Trading Ford, in Providence township, was bitten on the leg just above the right ankle by a copper head snake in his father's pasture on Monday. He at once hurried to his home and told what had happened to him and showed his leg which was very much swollen. There was no physician near and no time to be lost, so an old time remedy was resorted to. A young chicken was killed as quickly as possible, split open and applied while warm to the bite and allowed to remain there some time. When it was removed the swelling had in a large measure gone down and the part of the carcas of the chicken which had come in had turned verv dark. The last report is that the youDg man is doing nicely. Spencer Y. M. C. A building, shall be the duty of the secretary contact with the wound The meetings will continue ot the .iud to iurmau u vh" through the week with ser- of police once a month a list of : .a q n n- the members. After its reading lb WttO 1DUI13U vj i . bins, chairman of the finance committee, for any further cor rection or recommendation to be presented at the next meeting for final reading. The S reet Hallway Changes Hands. It was officially announced by W. F. Snider, on Monday, that the Salisbury & Spencer Electric Street Railway Company and the Salisbury gas end electric light plants had been taken over by the Piedmont Street Railway Com pany, a corporation of this city. This company having bought from E. N. Dean & Co., bankers of Grand Rapids, Michigan, a con trolling interest in these proper ties. The price paid for the prop erty is not given. This gives the Piedmont Com pany control of all the car lines, as well as all of the lighting sys tems of the city, in addition to valuable francbizes in the county and a street car built in Concord, with which a suburban connection ii contem plated in the near future. The directors -of the Piedmont company will meet June 1st and until that time the old officers, W.F. Snider, president; T. H. Vanderford, vice-president; T. J. Jerome, secretary. M. L. Jackson Condition of the Fruit and Crops. A large number of farmers son ore rtAid & salary and that fees should go to the city Ll J 1 were in town on oaiuruay An important ruling in regard and all report that tne crops to fees was unanimously passed generally are doing fine. Fees for' arrests and all witness ome cotton and corn that fees will hereafter go to the city planted early suffered to lDsieaGoi io ju r Tho Jn some - extent by tne coia was introduced by F . M. Ibomp- , , . , n!J:lpf1 Anv who arsned that the officers I"'"01 K - - .'-l8 - J? La t.hi the ing the past month, but it is thought that the warm, gentle rains with which we have been blessed lately, will bring it out. Wheat is reported doing nicely in most every section and, while there" is not an over abundance of straw, it is heading up well and there is prospects of a good yield. Although the cold has caused a lot of the fruit to drop off the trees they are still well filled. Ap- What Some Rowanites are Doing Elsewhere Dr. McNaairy, proprietor of the Foot-Hill Sauitorium, made a generous offer of rooms or a ward to be fitted up, and kept by the Classis, when any member of the Reformed church might be treat ed for whatever ailment he has, and the'oxpenae will be a mere song. The offer was accpted with a rising vote. A committee con sisting of Reys J. M. L. Lyerly, C. B. Heller and Shuford Peeler was appointed to take this matter in hand, confer with Dr. McNairy, and raise funds for furnishing the rooms. The various pastors are to present the matter to the con gregations and take offeriugs for this work during the year. Two individuals have pledged them selves ten dollars each for this work. Let others respond. Tend in your pledge to the committee. It is the purpose of the Classis to make it possible for any and every member, no matter how poor to have all prcper treatment and care here. With reference to the Hospital, we can unhesitat ingly say it is equal to the best. There are among the physicians three members of the Reformed church, and these are specialists. They are eminent, and the equal of any in the State. Reformed Church Standard. Why,Experiment When Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey has been tried with satisfaction for over sixteen years in millions of homes for coughs, colds, croup and All throat and bronchial trouble You can get it anywhere. Look for the bell on the bottle. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST ISflOiL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. W. C. Coughenour , President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White Cashier Capital - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surplus and Profits ' - 53,581 56 Deposits January 1, 1909, 317,785 06 Resources January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 Dtkk roBs : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W H. WHITE. Cashier Sale of Land. Under and by virture of an order "of the Superior -jourt of Rowan county, made in the special proceeding entitled John J. Stewart, Adnir. of Eliza Ford against Mattie Carr and husband John L. Carr, Millie Neely and husband C. W Neely, Stokes Hall and Carrie (Bat) Hall, the same being No. 17, upon the special proceeding doeket of said court the undersigned commissioner will on the 6th Day of June, 1910, at about 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Salisbury, N. C, offer for cash that tract, parcel or lot of and lying and being in the village of Cleveland, Rowan county, about 13 miles west from Salisbury, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the cen ter of the W. N. C. railroad crossing ; thence with the railroad south 70 degs. east 6.25 chs. to a stake in the center of the railroad ; thence with the center of the Salisbury road north 63J dees, west 6 65 chs. to a stake in the center of a cross road ; 1 hence with said road south 17 deg. west 2 20 chs. to the be ginning, containing of an acre more or less. For back title see Book of Deeds No. 90, page 88. Register's of fice for Rowan counly . John J. Stkwart, commissioner. This 23rd d iy of May, 1910. 5t Cheaper Oil. A fight is on in Salisbury between the Standard Oil Company and the Indiana Refinincr Oil Company, the line now being hotter company having some time ago estaDiisneu an agency here with C L. Emer son, who had for many years had charge of the Standard's branch here, and who is very , u . gaid wiU be short in popular with the trade in most places, We note that Salisbury and suburbs. more irish potatoes are plant Naturally Mr. Emerson took qH hr. Tiaahn r.nstomarv. f m . -i ril M. u l cj. il iiikJ w-f m and T. D . Maness, of Concord, a large portion of the btana- rje writer has been around withH. W. Frund, general man- ars busineSs with him to oyer the conntry some and ager.will control the property. thft new company. By way fln(1a fW almost everybody w -w. & . i l lllllin la. U - m of retaliation the btandara hafl a good patch planted. If liri nn Monday reauceu tuc t-1 it Vinnnlp.n T.hlS IS a to be dreaded because its presence price on oil to the retailer verv profitable crop, and they Mrs. Barringer Granted a Divorce. The case of Venus Barringer vs. Jno. T. Barringer for divorce, which consumed a day and a half in the Superior Court on Thurs day and Friday was concluded late Friday afternoon. The jury an swering yes to all the questions put to them, giving a limited di vorce in which neither of the par ties may marry again and gave Mrs. Barringer entire control of all her property. Mr. Barringer has vigorously resisted the divorce and a hard fight was made by counsel lor both sides. A. H Price represented the plaintiff and T. J. Jerome and M. F. Hatcher tne aeienaani. JMotice ot an ap peal was given and Mr. Barringer states that he will continue the the fight in the Superior Court. Beneficial to the Public. Such as Public Work, overhauling sewing machines, organs, etc . Get a specialist, a man who guarantees his work and stands by it. I have followed the trade nine years and am prepared to give perfect satis faction. Also dealer in supplies for all makes of sewing machines. I have served the public of Rowan for three years. Yours to please, G VJm Harrington, w4t r2t Rural No. 2, Rockwell, N., C. Whai's Ihe Use 10 suner sore eyes wnen one 25c tube of Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will cure you. We guarantee it. You risk nothing. It s a creamy, snow white ointment. is not usually discovered until it has assumed one of its worst froms ( diabetes, dropsy, or Bright's disease. If youjuspect that your kidneys are affected, by all means use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea the great systemic cleanses and regulator. Cornelison & Cook. her a nne and a Quarter cents on the gallon. The new company ax once met rvnp.e ana oolu are uuw ocu- ing oil at wholesale for cents a gallon. can be raised here as cheaply elsewhere. as 8 3-4 A Man Wants to Die only when a lazy liver and slug- gish bowels cause mgnwui u innnflAncv. But Dr. King's New r.i f o Pills exnel ooisonB from the system; bring hope ana conru, cure all Liver, Stomach and Kid ney troubles ; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous ana ail ing, 25c at all Druggists . of the on Rowan Boys Carry off Honors at Mt. Pleas ant Institute. The commencement exer cises ot Mont Amcena Semi nary and The Collegiate In stitute, of Mt. Pleasant, N. (J., took place last week. Pro minent among the prize win- an county. In the debaters' ' LU contest H. A. Fisher, of J. Lyerly, son ot Albert Ly- iT jrlv of near Union church, tnis or and a gold medal; in the declaimers' contest, J. L. Yost, of Salisbury, was awarded the medal; ana Zi. B. Trexler, of Gold Hill, won the scholarship medal. The schools had a successful term ftxnect to have a better nnntv. had his riant nana so Daa- ly injured on Thursday night, while coupling cars on the Spen oir yards, that it was found nec essary to amputate it. The op eration waB performed at the Whitehead-St3kes Sauitorium, where the young man had been takqn shoitlv after the accident. most exemplary j 1 1 ii km i iinf-nr. I VI I nar Mr 1 B n. - a -m r V . f 1 I 1 W I . I . I I I I. : I . . I I - IJ.Dli 1 . J mm Ulie UCiL. . . I . " - j l, J1Qa. at rrnn r rr TT1H.II H.1 111 una wiv need that the next term rrnhnhlv more will be held in Mt. Pleasant as here tofore. wcrk for the raiiroaa ior one wee,k. His inaay friends regret to hear of his misfortune. Indigestion and constipation upset the entire iystem cause a wide range of other ailments. You needn't suffer from any of these troubles. There's certain TAliaf in Hollister's Rocky Moun If your appetite is poor, your whole body must be insufficiently nourished weakness and disease mnafe result. There's noimng like Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea to create a healthy appetit. Tea or Tablets, 35o. Cornelison & $150 Stolen from a Trunk. Some one entered the home S P. Blackwell, who lives on old Silas Earnhardt place, Sunday night, during the absence of Mr. Blackwell and family, and stole about $150 in money from a trunk. According to all the information we heve been able to A ll I get the thiet goi m ,uf uuubb and went to a nail, where the key bo the trunk had been hung and where a pistol also hung. Thev ffot the key and left the pistol, opend the trunk and took the monsv. bat left two watches which were in the trunk, When Mr. Blackwell returned hn discovered his loss and tbe bloodhound wh:ch belongs to Officer Naah of Bast Spencer was sant for and put on the tiail and ran it for something line two miles, loosing it at a crcss roads where it it supposed the thief got into a Magon or conveyance of some kind and thus made his escape. It looks as if some one who knew the surroundings, knew that Blackwell had the monev m the trunk, where the key was kpf and that Mr. Blackwe'l and family were not at home, did the steal- incf. He states that he nas no idea who committed the robbery and says that no one, so far as he Irnnna ha.0. I.fifill in the TOOm OT knew that the money was there, except himself and his wife, who was with him when the money was stolen. Negro Found In the Woods Still Unidenti fied. No inquest was held on the body of the Negro child, which was found on Tuesday of last week, by a party of boys, who were hunting rabbits in the woods near the pest house. The cofhu, which was found partly out of the ground and which contained the body was taken to the Summersett Under taking Parlors, and on Friday uis .uorBett ana smoot hem a post mortum which showed that the child had lived for some time after being born, but they were unable to determine the cause of its death. They are still investi gating the matter and there may be some later developments in the case. We 8ell and Recommend Rexall Cherrv Juice Cough Svruu, Rexall Cold Tablets, Rexall Grippe Pills, and Guarantee them to give Satisfaction or Refund your Money. Smitb Drug Go. 126 N. Main St. 1910 Machinery 1910 Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Stump Pullers, Hay Bailers AND PEA VINE Threshers In fact a full line of heavy Ma chinery at right prices, good terms Also desirable FARMS-FOR SALE CALL OK WKITB CS W. A. OVERCASH & MACHINERY COMPANY --lit pd STATESVILLE.K . O IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS. Don't Mistake the Cause of Your Troubles. A Salisbury Gitizen Shows How to Cure Them Many people never suspect their kid' neys. it su tiering irom a lame, weaK or aching back they think that it is on ly a muscular weakneps ; when urmarj trouble sets in they think it will soon correct itself. An so Itis with all the other symptoms of kidney disorders There is just where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Bright's dis ease. The best remedy to use is Doan'a Kidney Pills. It cures all ills vhich are caused Dy weak or diseased kidneys. Salisbury people testifly to permanent cures. - Henry Beaver, 215 Bank St., Salis bury, N. O., says : "I was troubled for a long time by dull pains in my back. I also had frequent headaches and was bothered a great deal by irregular pas sages of the kidney secretions. Be- hevmg that disordered caused my suf fering, I procured a box of Doan s Kidney Pills from McPherson & Co.'s Drug Store and began using them. Al- inougn i aid not take this remedy ac cording to directions, I received great Denenc 1 give JJoan's Kidney Pills my nignest enaorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo, New York, soie agents for the united States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. - Lirnto Lumber Why not Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1.00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2 50. Ceiling from $1.00 to $2.00. We make all kinds of molding and at pricesreaa- onable. Phone. 405 . chestnut hill. Goodman Lumber Co THE EMPBSE'S GET OUT OF HERE IHIdDIE SAILIE has certainly been a lively one from the very start, hundreds of people have taken advantage of the low prices, and many wearing shoes worth as much as $4,00 absolutely free. Have you got ten yours? Next Saturday we are ar ranging for a grand final clean up and have replenished all tables and in many instances cut the prices still lower. In order to make next Saturday a real record breaker we will refund the money for every fifteenth hoe purchase throughout the entire day. If you expect to buy shoes this sum mer now is certainly the time to buy them. RAM Salisbury's Greatest Department Store. Reduction Sale an tap lis. We have overstocked in quitea number of lines and we are going to cut prices on all heavy goods, all of our dress goods, silks and heavy goods will be sold at a big reduction. If vou want a nice black silk dress we will sell you good quality yard wide at 69 cents per yard. We have a big line of Taffeta Silks in 19 inch widths at 25c Straw Ticking 5c Domestic 1 yds wide at 5c (rood Calico, at 5c Good Gingham at 5c Men's and boy's Mexican Straw Hats worth 15c at ,10c LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. The 75c quality at 50c Big line of children's hats all grades and all prices Special on shoes every Saturday and Monday. Don't fail to see us when you want genuine Bar gains Special on $5.00 and $5.50 Panama Skiits, all col ors at $3.98 I 1 1 CAMPBELL. WHICH FARMER ARE YOU? SUTHERLAND'S EAGLE EYE SALVE Oood for Nothing but the Eyef PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BAL1SBUEY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business 41 IEPh? We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples9 National Bank. John S. Hendbbson, J. D. Nobwood, president. cashier, D. I. GaskiUm W. T. Busby, V.-president. teller, THE MODERN, TU kntt waat t Baikal progressive farmer no longer drives to market without first telephoning and learning the prevailing prices. The Telephone saves these unnecessary trips saves wear and tear on stock and equipment. By connecting with the Bell Sys tem the farmer can talk from his home to distant points. Under the Bell plan service can be secured at low cost For information juid booklet write to nearest Bell telephone manager or to Farmers'' line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AM) TELEGRAPH CO. 152 8001101 PRYOR STREET. ATLANXAGA DR. BELL'S ANTI-PAH For Internal and External Pains. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Fop Coughs and Colds., tain Tea, 85c Coinelisou fcOook. Cook y

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