T THE CAPLIIIA WATCHMAN. WM. S. 8TB WAR P, Ed. and Prop A ROWDY CONVENTION. -TT- What Ails You? Published erery Tuesday at 130 West Inoea street. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 18th. 1905, at tke post office at Salis bury, N. 0., wider the act of Congress of Maroh8rd, 1M7. Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 15, 1900, at the post office at China GroYe, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879. Telephone No. 458. Salisbubt N. C, July 27th, 1910 So Mr. Donghton is going to play to the wets in this county. The man who buys a dozen eggs and geti only tjree would natural ly be supposed to be a little in clined to feel somewhat like rais ing a "rough house," so, those of us who voted for Prohibition have more cause to be riotous than the others, yet there is no cases of law lessness on "our" part to report. By the long-eared variety of Btubbornesa and determination of the politioal element in the De mocracy, the party in Tennessee, Alabama and Texas seems to be in a very unsatisfactory condition. These states in a measure, but on a larger scale, to some extent du plicate the condition in Rowan. It is all well enough to talk har mony and "support ths ticket," but when the ox that draws the plow is denied a share of the fod der such language is a hollow mockery and has little appealing qualities attached. Boss ridden parties are always headed toward the rocks, but the boss cares noth ingf or this so long as he is permit ted to monopolize the pie counter. Hon, O. L. Clark, of Clarkton, Bladen County, nominated at Wrightsville last Thursday night for Congress in the sixth district, is a brother of our townsman, Rev. Byron S. Clark, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Although the convention was a very stormy one aud considerable differences existed between the Clark and Congressman Godwin's followers, we hope these will be amcably set tled and that the district i!l be able to unite on Mr. Clark and elect him to Congress, or should Mr. Godwin be settled upon, may he be elected. The matter will probably be taken up before the State Democratic Executive Committee. Eierybody Satisfied Who has tried Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey for coughs, colds, grip or any throat or bronchial trouble. Get a bottle to-day. Look for the bell :n the Lottie. A Salisbury to Aslwille Highway. We have just received the fol lowing letter which is of great interest here and should be given erious consideration and hearty approval: "It ib proposed to hold a confer ence at Hickory September lit to consider the building Of a Salisbury to Asheville Highway. "This is a proposition that should interest every progressive citizen along the line of the Southern Railway between these two poia s, and we want all such to meet us at that time and place lor the purpose of discussing ways and means of opening up and improving this road. It will be a surprise to many to know how cheaply and easily this can be done by a little concerted action. "Wow Mr. Editor, we want every cn who will attend this meeting or desires further infor mation to write us at once . We want to know if it is worth while to undertake to hold the confer ence at that time. Do not put it oli but write now to, "W. H. Nicholson, Pres. Chamber of Commerce." How's This? 'Ve offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. Chkkbt & Co , Tcledo, O. We, the undefsitrned. have known F J. Chenev for the" last 15 years, and believe him perfect-. ly honorable in all busines trans actions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv his firm . Waldihg, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Tolttdo, O. H a! 1 s Catarrh Cure if taken in ten-ally, acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. 8old by all Druggists. Godwin Delegates Withdrew From the Cob- femioo, Clark Nominated b? Regulars. Wilmington, July 22, After the most turbulent session the sixth congressional convention ever held, early this morning on the 43rd ballot they nominated Hon. O. L. Clark, of Clarkton. The nomination followed one of the most sensational conventions ever held here. The delegates were divided into two factions', Godwin followers and the field. The Godwin forces refused to vote in the convention. After Clark's nomination early this morning, the Godwin forces met with Geo. H. Bellamy, deposed as chairman by the field, presiding. The God win forces decided to hold a meeting later on to-day. The advices from the beach now say they are in session and sons&tion al developments are anticipated. The delegates are at dagers points. It was a deadlock yesterday after noon when the Godwin forota at tempted to throw oat the votes of Cumberland and Nsw Hanover. They claimed that those delegates were appointed by executive com mittee and not eleoted. A meet ing of the executive committee was called, at whieh Geo. H. Bel lamy, temporary chairman, was deposed and Wm. E. Springer" elected instead, When the con vention was called to order both chairmen attempted to pre side. Great disorder reigned for hours . The house was in a per fect turmoil. Policemen from the city were summoned and these got the convention to order at 8 p. m. last night. Gilbert F. Pat terson, of Robeson, was elected permanent chairman. Springer retired, but Bellamy kept his place as chairman of the Goodwin forces. The convention proceeded to balloting. The Goodwin foroes refused to vote in the convention, declaring that they did not recog nize the legality of the organiza tion. They were in the minority, ratio 104 to 148. There was much jockeying on the ballots. The votes swinging from one candidate to another. Chairman Patterson ruled that where the Godwin forces would not vote, the vote could be cast by the minority dele- gat3B, therefore the full vote of the convention was polled on eevry ballot and the Godwin votes were counted, The break came at 1 a. m., Hon. O. L. Clark, of Clarkton, being nom inated. The house was in wild disorder. The Godwin foroes im mediately withdrew, saying that they would hold a meeting to-day with Mr, Bellamy as ohairman to take action as they see fit. The situation was tense. Pandemo nium reigned. Order could not be secured on the floor for Bix hours until policemen secured from the city arrived Whenever the majority would attempt to proceed with the business the Godwin forceB would drown out everything with megaphones, yells, etc. It looks now as if the Godwin element will nominate their man also, making two candidates for congress. If this is done the mat ter will probably go to the state democratic executive committee for adjustment. Many former Godwin followers are incensed at the position assumed by Bellamy and his cohorts, and the senti ment of course is with Clark. Heaven for the Editor. The editor died and was, of course, directed to the abode of the just, but on his way there his journalistic curiosity asserted itself and he asked of his guide if it was permitted to look at er the other plaoe . ' 'Certainly," was the gracious reply, and down they went. There was much to interest the editor, and be scur ried about and was soon- lost to view. Finally his angelic escort got worried and after a long search found him softly, fanning himself and gazing at the spirits in a blazing furnace, over the entrance of whioh was the legend : "Delinquent Subscribers." "Come," said the angel, "we must l.e going." "You go on," said the editor without lifting his eyes, "I am not coming; this is heaven enough for me." -American Bulletin. Chronic Sore Eyes Are easily cured with Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve. It is painless and harmless and guaranteed. 25c a box. Sold everywhere. Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in mdraing, 'heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? - If you have any considerable number of Jh : above symptoms you are suffering from bilious- -ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspcpaa. . Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made, up of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent s .;, cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association Props., Buffalo, N. Y. The Cow. The dairy cow, if able to ex press herself in a way which the human family would comprehend, might well lay claim to being man's best friend. She might es tablish such a claim by calling attention to the faot that from her product and from her carcass man manufactures more of the ueossaaries of life than from any other similar touroe. She fur nishes these necessities to him from infancy until suoh a time as temporal things are no longer as sociated with bis existence, and she does it ungrudgingly and con stantly. In addition to contributing to man's necessity and his pleasure, the prosperity of an agricultural community is more olosely identi fied with her than with any other of the domestic animals. The horse is quite essential in tilling the soil, but where necessity re quires it the sturdy son of the cow can take his place, as he has done in every agricultural section on earth. The horse can only fur nish labor and can only return a profit to his owner when condi tions are right for returning satis factory grain oropB. It is a well known fact that the dairy cow is the salvation of the farmer in times of poor orops as she is able to convert the rough crops which are never a total failure, into dai ry products which always have a oash value. In addition to this she furnishes skim milk and butter milk for the calves, pigs and poultry and fer tilizer for the soil, without which a farm becomes less valuable each year and the whole country lets prosperous. The elimination of the dairy cow would necessitate an almost revolutionary readjustment of man's tastes and requirements. It would mean untold suffering and hardship. Of course she will not be dispensed with but her value can perhaps best be appreciated by contemplating such a loss? She will continue to be man's best friend as long as the human family exists and will keep on supplying him with his greatest needs jost as she hai done through all the ages. Summer Colds Are harder to relieve than winter oneB but they yield just as readily to treatment with Dr. Brll'e Pine-Tar-Honey. Sold everywhere. Look for the bell on the bottle. uz BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED ? HEADACHE? 7 FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Evenjbodj? TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR .wKtYOU3 All Skin Diseases Yield readrry to treatment with Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve. We guarantee it. 25o a box. Sold everywhere. I I ' I ill mm GREATEST JULY CLEARANCE SALE is creating a sensation. The greatest money SAVING sale ever held in Salisbury. This is no fake sale, but a genuine EEDUCTION in prices, which will positively close Saturday, July 30th, and will not be continued another week like the fake sales do. DON'T fail to supply yourself this week with the C H E AP merchan dise to be picked up here now. It is money in your pocket to buy at these reduced prices. WE STILL HAVE PLENTY OF GOOD BARGAINS. The Queen of Fashion's Richest and Choicest Creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on the Standard Rotary, The World's Best Sewing Machine The onlv machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching on the same machine. Ladles When you are in need of a sewing machine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a lifetime, the Standard Rotary. . to learn how the Standard Rotary will rrO do more and better work, in less time, (J J and witli more rea 1 comfort and pleasuns f , than any ouier macnine maae- td Ed 0 Remember ; II CJ When you buy, you are chotising- be- j tween years of tiresome work with a vi- 'brating or oscillating shuttle machine ii and years of sewing comfort and satisfao rTl tion with a Standard Rotary. L. J The Standard Rotary Shuttle is absolutely necessary to produce :the ' Fastest, Quietest, Easiest Running and Most Durable sewing machine in .theCJ world. You are Always Welcome t to see the wonderful "Standard" Rotary whether you buy or not. See it TODAY. You will be surprised and delighted with its many advantages. -- BUSINESS LOCALS. Jack and Stallion. I have a fine dark bay Percheron horse and black Spanish Jack, either of which can be found, at any time daring the Season, at my house,, except on Saturdays the horse will be; in Sal isbury. Call on or write to Moses Eagle, rural No. 8, box 84, Salis bury, N. C. 8-80 tf Wanted you to know that we are still selling a good ceiling and siding at $1.00 for 100ft. Good man Lumber Co. Phone 405 J. ! 4-6 tf Ladies! ave Wwnhy and Keep in Style by Reading McCail's Magazine and Using Rlc'Cati Patterns McC.Tl'i M rine will ln-Ii you dress styl ishly tt a moderate expcnae by k ping yr,u posted; on the lutcst fashions lu clothes aud hats. 50 New rash ion 'Designs iu each issue. Also valuable in formation on all homo and per sonal matters Only 60c a year. Including a free pattern. ' Sub scribe today or send for free sam'plq copy. HcCall Patterns will enable you to make rn your own home, with your own hands, clothing for yourself and rhildion which will be perfect in style ami fit. I'rioo none b ichor than 15 cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. We Will Give Yon Fice Presents for petting sub scriptions among your friends. Send lor free Premium Catalogue and Cash Prize Qffer. THE McCALl COMPANY. 239 ta 249 West 37th St., KEW YORK i tfOiTS MtfAORE nonitofi wit awn tor TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A First-Class Prepf alory School Certificates of Graduation accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. : ': Faculty of ten officers and teach ers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing more than jforty thousaud bound volumes. 4 Well pquipped gymnasium. High stand ards and modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by promi nent lecturers. Expenses exceed ingly moderate. Twelve years' of phenomenal success. J For catalogue and other information ad dress , i F. S. ALDRIDGl, Bursar, 7-6 lOt DURHAM, N. C ; Capt. Thos. Muephy R. M. Leonabp .i J. P . Harper, Vice-Pres . T. W. Summerbett, Sec. & Treag SUMMERSETT UNDERTAKING IMP ANY 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. j 110 West Innes Street, SALISBURY, N. C EH Hi 10c Percale for 5c. Light colored lOo yard wide percale, a great bargain, sale price 5c Ginghams 34c Another cise of Dominico Apron Ginghams in short lengths, worth Al i$c clearance sale Limit 10 yd to each customer. 8 l-2c Chambray and drew Gingham blue& etc. New case jast in. Sale price 3ic 5c Men's 10c Sock For 5c. M nil's 10c socks in black, taD, led and bine. This case was delayed in shipment and didn't get here iu time for first three days of sale but we have plenty of them new. Price 0C Plenty of ladies Hose in black and J? colored per pair aodgtaa6c(9l)irtingfor 5C i Big reduction on all clothing, suits and odd pants. Big reducton on summer oxfords of all kinds. Saturday will be the last day ot this sale and we expect to have some ex tra special bargains for the last day. BELK-HARRYCO., SALISBURY, TJ. WSimecofPs has just closed, and ale Great Quantities Of Goods Were Sold, But he is Still in the Ring with Lots more of o o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOe o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o FRESH GOODS AT LOW PRICES. 1 Look over my Stock of EM BROIDERIES, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, TABLE LINENS, MEN S AND WOMEN'S SHOES, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS AND DOMESTICS, LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GOODS, MEN'S SHIRTS, LADIES' AND MEN'S HOSE, HANDKERCHIEFS, SHEETS, LACE CURTAINS, PILLOW CASES, CURTAIN CRIM, KIMONA CLOTHS, DRAPERY CLOTHS, and all kinds of WHITE GOODS FOR SHIRT WAISTS, DRESSES, ETC. Our prices are as low as the lowest, Our goods are truly as good as the best, And, if you are one of those who knoweth, We invite you, call and give us the test. Youra for Business, A. W. WINECOFF. o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Trinity College Five Departments Collegiate Graduate, Engineering, Law, and Education, Large Library facilities. Well equipped laboratories ia all all departments of science. Gym nasium furnished with best appa ratus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students expecting to engage in teaching should in vestigate the superior advantages offered by the new Department of Education in Trinity College. For catalogue and further informa tion address R. L. FLOWERS, Sec'y., 7 6 lOt DURHAM, N C. DR. M.J. RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 430. 4-270 25. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Good for al1 Skin Diseases PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK. SALISBURY, N. C. Does a .General Ranking Business. . jWe pay 4 pr cent on time do posits. Interest payable every three months. , Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to as. Your busiuess solicited. Peoples' National Bank. Johji S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier. D. L, Gabkim,, W. T. Bosby, V.-president. teller. The North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees Special Courses f :.r Teachers. Fali Session begins September 14, 1910 Those desiring to enter should ap ply as early as possible. For cata logue and other information address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, 6-15 lOt pd Greensboro, N. C DR.KINQ'S NEWDSSCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Cough. OPEN AFACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N C. W. C. Coughenoub, President T C. Linn, Vice-President, W" H' White Cashier Stockholders' Liability - Ttf.OOO fiO Sorplus and Profits - 53 58156 Deposits January 1, 1909, 317,785 06 Resoi-c, s January'!, 1909, 459 736 84 D'kk- tors : John S. Henderson; D Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N vVoodson, Burton Craige, W S SraCT?mr' Walfeer H- Woodson, W. B Strachan, A. H. Pricr, W C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended sistent with safe banking. W.H.WHITE. Oathler con- PH Jmracdiatc relief from I ILU Or. Shoop's Magic Ointment DR KING'S NEW DISCOVER Will Sureiy Stop That Couflb.

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