THE CAROLINA VATCHMAII SHORT LOCAL ITEMS A Salisbury base ball team crossed bafca with a team from Stateavillf at the fair gronnds Tuesday and wore well b afeeu for their tronble, the score being 12 to 2. Rain broke tip tne game in the seventh inning.- The Salisbury District Confer ence, with a long list of pastors and delegates present, will meet here to-morrow morning in the First Methodist church, Rev. S. B . Turrentiue, pastor. The meet ing will have an introductory ser vice t4iifiht by a class of or phans from the new Methodist orphankgo near Wiuston. The fair grounds and buildings are being arranged for a pleasure park. A dancing hall and a thea tre are being arranged, the bu'id ing and grounds are to be lighted byelectricity aud tbe opening will take place Monday, August 1st Cars will ran on regular schedule, only one fare will be charged either from Chestnut Hill or Spencer. Mrs. bailie Lowder, a-g-id 78 years, diod at Morganton Tuesdaj and her remains were brought to Salisbury chafe night. They wire taken out to Bethel church, at FrankHn this morning, whre the funeral and intermeut to'j place. Mrs. Lowder was the m i.her ot Mrs. J. E. Briggn aLd Mrs Harvey Winecoff, of this county; Mrs. L M. Roueche, of Salisbury, and John and Joseph Lowder. of Franklin Township. Artillery to go in Gamp. Salisbury's military company, the 4th Co., Coast Artillery C orpe will go into camp at Fort Caswell, between Wilmington and South port, next Thursday, August 4th . This outing is for the purpose of practice in regular army tactics and is an annual event. There are several other companies be longing to the ccast artillery. They are as follows: 1st Co.. Newborn, 3 officers and 50 men ; 2nd Co- Wilmington, 3 officers and 59 men ; 3rd Co', Greensboro, 8 officers and oO men; 4th Co , Salisbury, 3 officers and 6r men; 5th Co., Charlotte, 3 officers and 80 men. , The following are the Staff offi cers: Major, Max L. Barker, Salisbury; Adjutant, Supt. L. M. Dodamead, HighPoict: Artillery Engineer, Capt. W. D. Morrow, Greensboro ; Quartermaster, Capt. W. R. Cox, Salisbury ; Ordnance Officer, Capt. Cbas. L. Shaver. Barn and Stock Destroyed by Lightning. Tuesday iright lightning struck the barn beloning to H. A. Hoi shonser, near Bethany, Gold Hill Township, a Southern freight depot employee residing in Salis bury, set fire to it and destroyed the building and contents. The contents which were destroyed were roughness, feed stuff, farm ing tools, two cows, two horBes, a calf and a hog, part of which belonged to Mr. Holshouser and part to his renter, James Mesi more. The barn was of consider able size and the loss is quite , heavy. A small amount of in surance wrs carried, Small Child S ruck by Freight Tra'n ai China Grove. The 18 months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hinson. of China Grove, was dangerously injured yesterday morning about 9:30 o'clock by being struck by a mov ing freight train. The parents of the child live only a short dis tance from the railroad track and yesterday morning the little fel low crawled up the embankment opposite the home and was sitting on the track watching No. 11 pass by, when a ireipnt iraiu came along on the new double track and struck the child, knocking him off the track. He is very dangerous ly injured and it is almost a mir acle that he was not instantly killed, The little boy was stand ing on the extreme edge of the track when struck by the engine and this is given as the reason he escaped being killed. The child was given prompt medical atten tion and the physicians state he will recover. Charlotte Observer Ail Skin Diseases Yield readily to treatment with Dr Bell's Antiseptic Salve. We ffnarantee it. 25o a box. Sold everywhere. MEETING OF CITY ALDERMEN. An Ordinance to Prevent the Unnecessary Blowing of Whistles. Firemen Helped. The regular semi-monthly meet ing ofthe Board of Aldermen met in the city hall last Thurs day night and transacted the fol lowing business : The Salisbury-Spencer Railway was given permission to plaoe a temporary switoh at the court house, connecting the main line and the liue to the fair grounds. This permission was given for 90 days until the new special switch connection arrives. The company was required to give a bond of $500 for the proper carrying out of the grant. The following ordinance passed its second and final reading: Any person operating any locomotive sngine who shall blow the whistle thereof within the corporate lim its, or within the municipal juris diction of the city of Salisbury except such signals as may be ne cessary to prevent accidents, "and furnished by the rules of the rail road company shall upon convic tion be fined $500. Any person operating any stationary engine within the city's, jurisdiction who ehall blow The whistle thereof moie than 20 seconds shall on conviction be fiaed $500. City Clerk btahle Linn imme diately notified R. L Avery, su perintendent of the Ualisbury Spoucer terminal, of the action of the board, aud has received a re ply with assurances of cordial co operation. The engineers have been notified accordingly. An ordinance also passed its fin al reading that no trains shall stop on any street crossing in the oity longer than 10 minutes at any one time, and tha railroad noti fied. Condemnation proceedings were started to condemn certain prop erties to extend South Lee Btreet fch the public drive way from Main street to the national ceme tery. This is a splendid idea. The city firemen were given $150 tQ,help defray their expenses to the State meeting and tournament at Newbern this week. Alderman W. A. Daniel was ap pointed trustee cf the State Fire men's fund. Mayor A. L. Smoot and Chair man Ed. L. Heilig of the street committee were delegated to con fer with the board of county com missioners in regard to macadam izing West Innes street En ry body Satisfied Who has tried Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey for coughs, colds, giip or any throat or bronchial trouble. Got a bottle to-dav. Look for the bell on the Lottie. Death of J. A. Boyden, Jr. News was received hero to-day of the sudden death of John A. Boyden, Jr., at Summerville, S. C, son of John A. Boyden, of this city. Mr Boyden was taken sud denly ill aud died at 2 o'clock his morning. He was 43 years cf age and leaves a wife, two chil dren, his father, a number of brothers aud a sister, Mrs. T. K. Bruner, of Raleigh. Mr. Boyden married MiBS DaviB, daughter of Mrs Hayne Davis of this city, and has been making his home in Summerville for a number of vears. His remains will be brought to Salisbury and inter ment will be made in Chestnut Hill cemetery Friday . Another Threat to Take Away Personal Li berty. A Florida Negro, crazd with co oaihe, killed three members of his family the other day, wem ded two other negroes who got in Mb way, shot a policeman and then committed suicide. Cocaine is no doubt responsible for a great many of the crimes committed by uegrces. Its use, at first pleas ing, gradually turns the negro in to a demon without any restiaint to hU fury or passions. It is un doubtedly one of the greatest men' aces to the negro race, and the Ne gto who uses it is a menace to the community. Mcst of the states and cities, realizing its danger, have passed strict laws regarding its sale, but it still gets into the hands of those who use it and sains recruits every day. It is a menace that needs the most care ful watching and the most rigid enforcement of law, to prevent its spread, to say nothing of stamp ing it out. Raleigh Times. Stedman Wins out In the Fifth District. Greensboro, 27. Major -Charles M. Stedman, "aveteran of North Carolina Democracy and a favorite Bon of Guilford county finally squeezed from the fifth district the nomination for Con gress, the 438th ballot taken at 11 o'cWk this . morning giving him the necessary majority over the other two candidates, Gen. B, F. Royster and Judge E. B. Jones. And at that moment the curtain was drawn on one of the most intensely interesting and thoroughly dramatic political un ravelings the State witnessed in recent years. .. - Overshadowing any similar con vention ever held in the fifth dis trict both in time consumed, gen eral interest displayed and tena city of the candidates, having lasted for six days and nights, it is doubtful if there has ever been a more memorable congressional convention held iu. North Caro lina. For whatever the fifth dis trict does on tbe political stage of the State, it catohes at once the eyes of the people. Charlotte Observer. It's just as important that you be clean inside as ontside more so, in fact. Unless your system is entirely cleansed of all impuri ties, you cannot be one hundred per cent healthy, physically or mentally. " Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest systematic cleanser known. Ooi ueliaou & Cook. Wan's Second Primiry. Wilmington, Jbly 27. The first move since the stormy convention at WrightBville Beach one week ago was made to-day when Con gressman Godwin addressed a let ter to O. L. Clark, who was nom inated for Congress at Wrights ville, favoring leaving the matter to a primary, and the reply of Mr. Clark to the letter. Mayor Wright of Wrightsville Beach also comes out in a statement taking full responsibility for the appear ance of police at Lumina, where the convention was held. Both candidates, and their leadors from nearly every county in the district are in Wilmington. The letter of Mr. Godwin ap peared in the afternoon paper, Tmd although he does not say just what course he will pursue in case the executive committee should decide against him the letter is regaided as intimating that in 1 I.! case a primary is not called tnat he will proceed to make the race or Congress, regardless of the ex ecutive committee. Charlotte Observer. A Frightful Wreck of train, automobile or buggy may cause cuts, bruises, abra- sions, sprains or wounds tnat demand Bucklen s ArnicaJJalve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For bums, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands aad lips, sore eyes or coma, its supreme. Sure pile cure. 2dc at All Druggists . Cotton Takes Big Jump. New York, July 27. At the opening of the cotton market to day Frank P. Hayne, one of the New Orleans bull leaders, bid 15.80 for 50,000 bales of July and then 15.35 for 25,000 bales . This started a rush of. covering by balated shorts and inside of the first half hour Jnly cotton had sold at 1G.10, or 73 points aboveH the closing figures of last night. The shorts found very little cottoxi for sale and are estimated to have secured less than 1,000 bales on the advance. The restof the market was also very excited, and business was very active with August and new crop positions selling at 25 to 27 points above last-nights' prices on general buying, covering by recent selliuff as a result of continued dry, hot weather in Texas, bullish crop reports and talk cf a better trade demand. Trading in July will be over at noon next Friday and it is es timated that by the end of the month the bull leaders will have taken up at least 200,000 bales of cotton on July contracts in ad dition to the large amount of cot ton they received during May . Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest liltle thing i-ytjr made are Dr. King'a New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into mental power; curing constipatio a, Head ache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25o at All Druggists, Educational! Rally at ehttfthlafc July 25 There 'willfe an: edu cational rally at Churjhlatod on Saturday, August otn. - j , At 11 :00 a. m., Ex-Ebutnant Governor Reynolds, of Wiifsou, will address the people- ori jthe subject of education. Rey jpU L, Vipperman: of Spencer, Swikl also speak on education at 3:.80jr).j m. Both these gentlemen af excel lent speakers and will dJpgjjtj all those who are so fortun ttftaB to hear them. f j ; At night there will oxe-clses given by the Literary. Glu. j j There will be dinner" on! the grounds and the public Jtf general is invited to come and bn bas kets and spend the day-iHt&jus. A larga crowd and a- delightful day is expected and hoped f John McKeuzie has beef enured to run the dormatory ant; will be on hand at the r pining-' phe school. ' j; f The eighth session of Chnjch land High School will begin: Au gust 8th. j ! ' The prospects for the eofhing session are very brightaud jwe expect a to have tbe best sefsirn iu the history cf the school, ' j Z. Death of Mrs. Margaret Aigooi. Mrs. Margaret Louise A'SOpf', aged 74, a splendid woman df (hii:a Grove, died at h$r home 'ffconfjj the effects of catarrh of the stonfach, at 6:30 o'clock Saturday moriijig,. The funeral services were fnfrld Sunday from Lutheran Chapf E. L. Chuich, Rov G. A. Brqwt ier pastor, officiating. Mrs,-Algbd's husband was killed dhringbe war, her only son died a fow -ears ago and she leaves to m.gurnjher death, two daug: ;y;rs. a number of grand children aud hdst! of relatives and friends. Soldier's Graves Opened. 3 i ' f'i ' inree graves, nenevea tp joe those of Confederate soldier?, m l i i . 4 i were opened Tuesday by. thj big steam shovel a short dist )nc cut on the Southern Railwa$j whfere the cat is being w'dned to make room for switches.' The cffii8 were practically, decayed audithe boues were so brittle that ithey crumbled at the lightest tpuep.i The brass buttons made itcer tain that the men were soiqiers, but the bits of u liform we're' so badly faded that it was ; impossi ble to determiue exactly'the orig inal shade. The workmen, fcojw- ever, bentve tne unirrrras jWere gray. Thora wsre no 'extlrior signs of a graveyard, and nobody has been found wo has tbe least. idna as to the identity of the dead soldiers Winston Journal . I! Firemen's BlgOay at New Bern.!- -i - I New Bern, July 27. Thiejthe third day of New Bern's W-cenpen-nial week, offered a prograirV iof multifold interest in which jthe firemen had th right of way though they shared honors with . . . '. ; ? . ; tne vierman-Amsncaus "andfitne social climax of the day's festivi ties, the grand colonial ball, which took place to-night atethe court houBe. With their annual parade, the largest and most elafc orate pageant in tbe history oif 'the state association, the hrerjpeniur niahed the divers on for thovis ltors in the irorning Chartltte Observer. ; New Adfertisemehls. The Balk-Harry Co,, are 4ust finishing a big sale. 'Ad on p&e 2. Jacob Feldman starts a;big sa t -morrow. His ad bn age 6 is just full of things at little prices. . f I V. Wallace & Sons are rlkht in the midst of a big sale; still have lots of bargains, ad. on page 5. I See 1! I Brittain & Campbell's sale Con tinues till August first. They have an interesting ad. op page :5. Free Homesteads From 40 to. 60 acres land in Ala., Ark., ,Fla., La,, and Miss, given awayjl by United States Government toisuc- cessfnl applicants. Send 25d;for information and application form. Dixie Home Co., Naranja, Flaf ,2t r- Hr NOTICE OF DISSOUTION. jj j Notice is heteby given thnt the! firm of Bodenheimer & Snider became? dis solved by mutual consent on July! the 1st, 1910. and that P. H. Snider ha ob tained full possession of the property rf said firm, and that he will coijdaet the business in the future in hisf jnwn name, and will not be responsibly., for aby dents or contracts matte by; Vi II, Bodenheiirer. - ; h . This July the 27th, 1910. - fi : P. 11. Snider. 7-26 4t pd. ' ' U If ' -.. ''fl- !- AFTER: MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md. "For four years my life was a misery to me. I suffered from irregulari ties, terrible drag ging sensations, extreme nervous ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I haa given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new life had been given me, and I am recommending it to all my friends." Mrs. W. 8. Forp 2207 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Met. ' The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of .all form's ol female complaints is Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-day is more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements-, inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you have given Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. Piakham, Lynn, Mass., for it, She has guided thousands to heftiih, free of charge. How's This? , 'Ve oHnr One Hundred Dollars Il'jward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'B Catarrh cure. F. J. Cheney & Co , Tcledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all bo3ines trans actions, and financially able to carry out auy obligations m ide by his -firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in teriiai'ly, acting directly upon the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. freIdom" Here In the forest now. As on that old July When first our fathers took the vow. The bluebird, stained with earth and sky. Shouts from a blowing bough In green aerial freedom, wild and high. And now. as then, the bobolink Out-on the uncertain brink Of the swaying maple swings. Loosing his song out link by golden link, While over the wood his proclamation rings, , w' A daring boast that would unkingdom kings! Even so the wild birds sang on bough and wall That day tho bell of Independence hall Thundered upon the world the word of man, The word God uttered when the world be gan That day when liberty began to JB And mighty hopes were out on land and sea. But Freedom calls her conscripts now. aa then;' It is an endless battle to be free. As the old dangers lessen from the sWes New dangers rise. Down the long centuries eternally, , Again, again, will rise Thermopylae; Again, again, a new Leonidas Must hold for God the imperiled pass. Aa the long ages run New Lexington will rise on Lexington And many a valorous Warren fall Upon the imperiled wall. Man is the conscript of an endless quest. A long divine adventure without rest, A holy war, a battle yet unwon When he sbaU climb beyond the burnt out sun. Each hard earned freedom withers to a bond; Freedom forever is beyond beyond I Edwin Markham in Independent Keeps the Hair from Falling Out Falling hair is due to lack of nourishment at the Hair Roots and often to an excess f dandruff on the scalp. Hay's Hair Health Used regularly, invigorates Hair roots, cleanses the scalp of dandruff, and in this way stops falling' hair and stimu. lates a healthy growth. "I thought of writing you some time ajro about the truly remarkable results I have obtained from the liberal use of Hay's Hair Health. I hare only words of praise for such a wonderful remedy. My hair beg-an to fall out at a very early age. Hay's Hair Health, in a very short time, covered my scalp with a splendid growth of hair. Cbas. J. Buduwg, Phenix, R. Lw Is not a dye. Send 2c for books "The Care othe Hair and Skin." Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J., U. S. A., and Toronto, Can. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggist? SniTH DRUG COMPANY. ADMINISTRATOR' NOTIOI Having qualified as administrator of the estate of S. A. Wagoner, deceased, late of Rowan county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Mooresville, N. G. Route No. 2 ton or bifore the 1st day of June, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. S. M. HART, . Administrator of S. A. Wagoner. This May 25th, 1910. Walter H . Woodson, Attorney OF ill Drastog Invigmnt h rat tm wis. . if "' NO MORE " WORtAOlOUI r Harding for Goiemc? cf Ohio. Columbus, Ot, Jul. 21 HTit h candidate for Goveix wi':o was nominated by a comb3ijtioa 0f regulars and pi pjjressm , tvud u platform pronounced booc1 ?v t' o former element and ninetj-Line per cent, good by the latter sec tion of the party thrOhio Repub lican convention brke up and went home to-day in a state of much contentment. The ticket is made up as fol lows : For Goveror, Warren G. Hard ing, Marion. For Lieutenant Governor, Fran cis W. Treadway, of Cleveland. For Secretary of State, Gran ville W. Mooney, of Austinburg, For Attorney General, U. Grant The Cotton Belt is the nuirk an to Texas, through Arkansas. It runs two trains, daily, Memphis to Texas, with through sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe cars. Trains from tne ooutneast connect in Memphis Cotton Belt trains to the Southwest Low Fares Southwest of Don't Cost of a on Texas n. t. 109 W. Has since 1894 given "Thorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, its student body of 400, and its plant worth $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room , lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. THOS. R. REEVES, B. A.J A83odate Principals. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCQO I RED TICKET SALE! 8 AT . 8 I BRITTAIN & CAMPBELL S I Is the great bargain giving sale. The red Ticket Sale puts ME mi in every day. 8 A new lot of Table Linen in this sale 0 worth 40c at 23c. Another big lot of 10c and 25c Glass- 9 ware will be in this week. Red Ticket 0 price will be 5c and 10c. jt FOR NEXT SATURDAY we will have 100 dozen Jelly Glasses at lc each. Not over 1 dozen to a cus tomer. Emqroidery Sale Wednesday at 9 a. m. 69c values at 49c. Irittaifl & Salisbury, N. C. 6t j D-nman, Toledo. F r-Treasurer of State, RudyA. A -oher, - f B-lmont county. - .-UH 'H In :T-'i User Cor ideratiori "What we want t do is to stop our,bickerings and strife ovr of fice and put for the uieu who - ill serve the best interest of the-s pie. The Republicans f xne South must stand for something except the winning of edral favor." Judge Bynum to Guil ford Republicans. Old Ulcers Are unsightly and dangerous. Dr. Bell's Antiseptic alve will heal them promptly. It is clean and pleasant to uBe. 25c a box. Sold everywhere.. - 1 AWrt linf all parts of with tnee Mfi' .SSfcjS m Twice each month iS'ir very low fare tickets will be sold 1 via the Cotton Belt to points in Arkansas, Louis- imicL, lexas ana uitjanomi. in I T J 1 1 btop-overs are allowed and the 2d day return limit gives you plenty cf ?: rs. 1 l j nr.i j ' . 5rtf time iu iuuh. aruunu. i aite aavanraee these low fares and investigate the wonderful opportunities open to you in the Southwest. Trait until the bier onnortunitiea are e-one. "Write today and tell me where you want to go. I Bend you a complete schedule and teii you the nheanci ticket. I will also 6end you free, our hook and Arkansas, with county maps in colors. H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent ALLt.lN, Passenger Agent 9th St, Chattanooga, Tenn. Campbe

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