THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN SHORT LOCAL ITEMS A claBS from the Oxford or phanage will give an entertain ment in the to wn hall, at China Grove, Tuesday evening, August 2nd. Senator Overman and family ere spending a few days in Ashe- villej From there the Senator will go to Tate Springs. Mrs. Etta Miller and W. V. Almon, residents of East Salis bury, were married at the heme of the bride Thursday" night. Esq. D. M. Miller performed the ceremony. An excursion, conducted by the Baptist Sunday School of Stat?s ville, passed through Salisbury, Friday, en joute for Thomasville, where the day doubt great ly enjoyed. The farmers institute, as previ ously noted in these colnmnsrwas in session here to-day. These institutes do much good and should be well attended. Jesse Gullet and George My rick, residents of the Kasler Mil' neigh borhood, were before Eq J. 0. Kesler last Friday, Myrick being charged with secret assault. The testimony in the case was to the effect that Myrick had recently married Gullet's sister aid bad feeling existed between them. Gullet testified that while he was at work in the mill, Myrick came up behind him and gave him such a blow as to knock him down and made a considerable scar on hie head. The litigants were bound overto court and the defendant was required to give a $200 bond for his appearance. It was given. Representative Ohas. H. Cowles stopped over in Sultsbury Friday night. He was enroute for Albe marle where he and Representa tive Cole, of Ohio, addressed the Stanly County Republican Con vention Saturday. The Rowan County Sunday School Convention will meet at Lowerstone church on the 15th and 16th of September, There will be a conference by the Republican county executive committee this wek for the pur pose of going over the political situation. It is thought they will put a full ticket in the field. The Bijou has changed hands again. This time the proprietors are two of Concord's wide awake and experienced managers of pic ture shows and vaudeville per formances. They are Charlie Isenhour and Whit Sloop, and they took charge Monday. The carp which were need on the line from the "Court House to the fair grounds have been taken to the car shed, on the main line, to be repaired and painted. The Salisbury firemen are hav ing a big time at New Bern these days. The regular annual tourna ment and convention is in session there this week. W. H. Leonard, the jeweler, is spending a few days in Detroit, Mich., attending the annual con vention of the American Nation al Retail Jewelers' Association. Mr. Leonard left Saturday and will be gone about ten days. John P. Pettyjohn & Co., who have the contract to erect the big 10x210 boiler shop at Spencer, are at work and expect to com plete the building at Hhe earliest date possible. Dr. R M. Armstrong returned Saturday from down cast, where he attended the annual meeting of the North Carolina Board of Osteopathic Examiners. Dr. Armstrong is treasurer of the board. Mrs. L. H. Clement and son, Louis H., Jr., are spending a few days at Atlantic City. A. S. Lewter, agent for the Southern Railway here back in the 80's, passed through Salisbury last Saturday en route for Ashe ville for the purpose of taking a short vacation. Mr. Lewter is now stationed at Aberdeen. Capt. J. M. Odell.'of Concord, who suffered a stroke of paralysis Borne time ago, died Friday, The funeral and interment took place Saturday afternoon. The teachers and pupils of the First Methodist Sunday School are preparing to have a pionic at the fair grounds Thursday, Au-gut4th. Rev, J . L. Vipperman, pastor of the Baptist church at Spencer, went to Union S. C, where" he and Rev. Betts, a Methodist min ister, held a debate on the doc trinal differences of the Baptist and Methodist churches. Joseph Hyde Pratt, of Raleigh, has just sent out a request that a good roads association be form ed in each county as auxialiries to the State Good Roads Associa tion. The peoph of Rowan are very muoh in favor of good loads and it is likely an association will be formed here. i W. D. TalberVB restaurant on South Main Street, in the old National Hotel, caught fire about two o'clock yesterday morning and was almost totally ruined by the flames and water. Just how the fire originated is not known but it is said the blind tiger kick ed the lamp over. Mr. Talbert carried a small amount of in surance. Mr., and Mrs. E. K. JameB, have gone to Denver, Col., where they will visit. William James They will be gone a month and will visit other points before return ing Highwaymen Bound Over to Court. The case of John Fitzgerald aud Abe Woodard, the Spencer Ne groes who were arrested and charged with assault and robbery of Columbus Shepherd, of Wash ington,. D. C, near Spencer, last week, was heard by Judge Miller in the county court Monday. There was a stubborn fight put up for their release, but Judge Miller thought the evidence- sufficient to bind them over to the Superior court under a $200 bond each. Death of J. F. Owens. The death of J. F. Oweus, a resident of Cleveland Township, tcok place at his home Tuesday morniug, at an age of abcut 75 years. Mr Owens was stricken with paralysis Saturday and his death was the result. Rev. R. B. Owens, of Rockv Mount, and Miss Beulah Owens, a trained nurse making her home in Dur ham, were notifiod and reached the bedside of their father before he died. Mr. Owens was a sub stantial farmer and leaves a fami lv and many friends to mourn his loss. The funeral took place at Christ Episcopal church, Cleve land, this morning, Rev, S. J. M. Brown officiating. Ml - - It makes no difference how many medicines have failed to cure you, if you are troubled with headache, constipation, kidney or liver l roubles, uoiiister s Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well, Cornelison & Cook. Southern Conference Adjourns. The Southern Conference of the Lutheran Church which was in session in Christ Church, East Spencer, during the latter part of last week adj nrned Sunday ni ;ht after a very able and inter esting sermon by Rev. J. H. L. Fisher, ef Mt. Pleasant. The at tendance was large and the re ports made were encouraging. Saturday afternoon the Woman's Missionary Society of the Nurth Carolina Synod held its regular semi-annual convention and a very pleasing program was carried out. MiBS Ollie Cook presided, and John Moose of Mt. Pleasant, conducted the religious exercises. The ladies elected the following officers for the next term : Miss Ollie Cook, president; Miss Laura C. Efird, vice president ; Miss Ellen Barringer, secretary and Miss Beulah Ridenhour, treasurer. It waB decided to hold the next meeting at Mt. Herman, Cabarrus County, in October. The greatest system renovator. Restores vitality, , regulates the kidneys, liver and stomach. . If Hollister's Rocky Mounta;u Tea fails to cure get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Cornelison & Cook. OVERTAXED. Are Doctors Any Good? Foolish question Iff Yet some ncople act as if a medicine could take the place of a doctor! The l?est medicine in the world cannot fdo. this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently, f rust him fully. If we did not believe doctors endorsed layer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds, we would firiot offer it to you. Ask your doctor. JNo alcohol m thiacoug.i medicine. . C. A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. If we did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Pills for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, we would not jjffer them to you. Ask your own doctor about this. sit.ii; . -4L TWEAI Hundreds of Salisbury Readers Know What it Means. The kidneys are overtaxed ; Have too much to do. They tell about it in many aches and pains Backache, sideache, headache. Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary troubles, diabetes, Bright's disease follow. The statement below shows you a certain cure. Mrs.C. A. Lopp, Lexington, N. C-, says: i sunerea severely irora Kiuney trouble for several years. At time s the pains in my back were acute and I was annoyed by too frequent passages of the kidney secretions . I was also sub ject to headaches and dizzy spells and knew that my kidneys n-eded atten tion. 1 improved wonaeriuny alter using Doan's Kidney Pills and I am now rid of evary symptom of kidney trouble. I recommend Doan's Kidney Pills highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Mil burn Uo., .Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United fcitatps. Remember the namQ Doan's and take no other. Educational Institutes. Educational institutes will be held in this county as follows: An institute for the white teach ers of the county will be held for two weeks bejrinuiuflt with Mon day August 22nd. This institute will be conducted by Prof. Harry Howell, of High Point, assisted by Miss Mary M. Michoaux, of Greensboro. The institute for Negro teachers will be held for two weeks begin ning with Monday, August 15th It will be conducted by Prof. vV . R Conners, at one time a pro feasor at Livingstone College, but now of Westchester. Pa. He will ba assisted by Rev. J. Morton, of Salisbury. Th99e institutes are under th direction of Cjuuty Superin tendent of Eduoatron, Prof. R. G Kizer, and the attendance is com pulsory upon the public school teachers. Hon. R. L. Doughton in Salisbury. Hon. R. L. Doaghton, Demo cratic candidate tor congress in this district, was in the city 'aet Thursday for the purpose of ar ranging matters peitaining to his campaign. While here Mr. Dough ton was busy shaking hands with numerous Salisburiaua and select ed Hayden Clement, Esq., as his campaign manager with head- quarters in Salisbury. Mr. Clem ent is a youug man of splendid ability and a shrewd politician and will make every honorable effort possible for the success of his candidate. Those Pies ot Boyhood. How delicious were the pies of )oyhood. No pies now ever taste s- good, what's changed? the pies? No. Its you. You've nst trie strong, healthy stomach, the vig orous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and yc u blame the food. What 8 neededr A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and apprecia tion of food and fairly saturate your body with new health, strength and vieor. 50o at all w Druggists. State of North Carolina, In Superior Rowan County. ) Court. Whit. L .Wilhelm and wife, Mary L. Wilhelm, vs. W. "P.. SViiilenherfrer. T. L. "Shulen- berger, William Blaokwelder, and wife Katie K I a.r.k welder. Arthur Drum monda and wife Etta Drummonds. Notr e to T. L. Shulenberger, Wil Ham Blackwelder, and wife Katie Blackwelier, Arthur Drummonds and wife Etta Drummonds : Ynn will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced hpforp the nndersiened. clerk of the Snnppinr fJourt of Rowan countv. for the niirnnse of making Dartition of cf rtain lands in which the plaintiffs and defendants are interesieu as joint tenants ; and you will further take no tice that you are required to appear hofm-o thfl undersigned, clerk as afore said at. mv office at the court house in Salisbury. N . 0.. on the 21st. day of July , 1910, and answer or demur to the complaint and petition in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint and petition. This June 20th, 1910. J. Frank McCubbins, clerk superior court. John L. Rendleman, attorney. A Cough, A Cold And then no telling what, unless you use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It is the best, ask your neigh bor. Look for the bell on the bot tle . Sold everywhere. H Get it at SMITH'S Special Offer: $1.00 bottle of Cann's Kidney Remedy for 50 cents. This offer expires August 1st, 1910. Smith DrCo. Near Court House. Our bigjtore is filled from cellar to attic with the newest creations in low cut SBtOES. We Invite Is- Your Inspection. We hay if always and will now save you morieyijon your shoe purchases. Bell Shoe Store, lllfENorth Main Street. OOOOOQOO 81 H0USL 4 i r 1 ING X When in the City cL ' rget to give me a e. i i Ui tht olci,si furniture dealer in in.-: city. 1 carry one of the largest stoc:. in the State and can supply everything in and about the house. I have an ordinary store full in eaoh department. Why I have more chairs than you can shako .-lick BO, JUIblriO UUUI1S, UIg VUaiiB, lUURiUg bliaurj JI U'JI chairs, dinning room chairs, kitchen chairs, offico chairs, porch chairs, and chairs some more. Beds and Beddin Wardrobes, fortabl t. o o o o CHRISTMAS GIFTS. nmmmtmm c ooooooooo Window Bhades and curtains, carpets, mattiue. rugs, oil cloth and linoleum. bookcases, clocks, toilet sets, bath robts, hall racks, tables, baby carriages, pictures and in short anything needed to make tbo home com- HnmP tfl QPO mP an w show you goods and quote you uuiiig iu aoc mo priceg that win help yon t0 get right In making your selictions don't forget to give me a call. oUNDE R T AKING Don't Forget that I do Undertaking and Embalming. Good service and reasonable psices. When in need cull on me, YOURS FOR BUSINESS, o o o o o o OGCOOOOOOOOOJOOOOOCOQOOOOOO WRICHT i SSmM 11: 11 .felpl I Jti ' : Hie lira! Telephone SOONER or later, Mr. Farmer, you'll wanta telephone in your home. When you pet it, you'll wonder how you got along without it, for nothing can do the telephone's work. Its services become indispensable for calling a physician; for summoning help in a hurry; for ordering supplies . hen it's inconvenient to go to town; for talking to lie ighbora or friends; or for corarruinicatinir with -nersons wherever there's a Bell lelejhone. The vfajrmer without a telephone is iiice a arm wliti no laiior- isavnig - ft We have a plnun for furnishing you and your neighbors with full local and Jon? distance telephone facilities at a figure so low it will surpris you. Write for free bpklet descriling plan and giving par ticulars. . Address nearest Bol I telephone manager or FARMERS' -LINE DEPARTMENT Southgrh Be!! Teleohone South Pryor Street M ' Atlanta, Georgia 12 oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo O ILL . . k , O O A is, rsl HP D o O " it': ' " o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Young Men and Women to Prapare For Bookkeepiog, Shorthand, Typewriting, Civil. Service, and Salesmanship. llj0SITIONS NOW AWAITING THEM. DAY AND NiGHtf' SCHOOLS. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUC TION. ENTER ANY TIME. For full information write the li ; Southerrifi Commercial Schools, I' Salisbury jfinston Salem, Rocky Mount, Wilmington; NORTH CAROLINA'S GREATEST J jt SCHOOLJ OF BUSINESS . Opens In Salisbury, July 5th. Special discount to the first 25 enrolled m the bury school , . f ; Salis- G O o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby giyen that the co partnership of J. W. Fries & Sn has this day been mutually absolved, and will not be liable for any' debts con tracted in the name of .J. W. Frick & Son after this date. J. Vfl Frick will conduct the business dear Granite Q-iarry, in the future byfliimself in dividually. All debts d&e the firm must be paid to J. W. Frick, and he will pay all debts contracted by firm in the county of Rowan. ; This July 2nd, 1910.. ti J. W. Frick & Sonll J. W. Frick, Dan W. Frick. ADMINISTRATOR'S fOTICl Having q ialified as adn(nistrator of Dr K.Rose Dorsett, laCe of Rowan county, I hereby notify ajl persons in debted to him to make prinpt settle ment with me or with - nay attorney. All claims against said intestate must be presented to me, propel y verified, on or bpfore June 22, 191l:or this no tice will be plead in bar. i This June 21, 1910, ' . ?1 : R.L. LAMBETH, adtainistrator, Theo. F. Kluttz, Atty.- ff 6w. DR. BELL'S AN ifl -PAIN For Internal and External Pains Liiier Lumber Why not Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1.00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2 50. Ceiling from $1.00 to $2,00. We make all kinds of molding and turned work at prices reas onable. Phone. 405 . chestnut hill. Goodman Lumber Go Just Received Car Load Surrys, Hacks and Delivery Wagons Stud ebaker Wagons, Babcock Buggies, High g Point Buggies. Also a full and complete 0 line of Harness and Harness Accessories. Har 0 ness Made to Order and Repaired by Thoroughly Competent Workmen at the Lowest Possible Price for FirstClass Work. i ATT A XTTk CTnTn TTQ HOLMES-CATHEY C O Corner Fisher and Church Sts. 0 Salisbury, 3ST. C. On This Should Interest You J IF YOU WANT a good watch, or if you haven't any or if you intend giving a watch as a present, you should see us. We believe in small profits, we believe if you are once our customer you will always come to our place: when in need of anything in the jewelry line. The highest grade of WATCH and CLOCK re pairing, any kind of jewelry work, no jobs are too small for us and we guarantee everything. Holshouser & Howan, Manufacturing Jewelers. 204 South Main St. Telephone 494. j. o. WHIT MM Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DEAY WAGON- DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co'b Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carnages andBuggiesI repaired, painted 'and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; . steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kindsof Wood and Iron Work done at short notice, We have skilled workmen in eaoh department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and got prices. J. O. WHITE & CO. oooooooooooooi Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey For Coughs and Colds.. 0 8 EAGLE HI SALVE Good for Nothing but tne Eyes J. S. McCubbins, president. W. B. Stracjtan, treasurer. E. H, Harbisow, secretary and manager. M'CUBBINS & HARRISON COMPANY. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $36,000.00. We are selling Ground Phosphate Rock, 28 to 31 Aco Phosphate, at $10.00 and under per ton. See us at ouce about this. EEAL ESTATE LOANS: If you want to either loan or borrow money on good real t-state secur ity in Rowan Co. it will certainly pay you-well to look into our system of making real estate loans ; the lender nets 3 per cent, each 6 months w ith the best security on earth and with as little trouble to him as deposit ing money in a bank. The security is a first mortgage real estate burui with,our company guaranteeing payment of principal and interest. o o o ) 0 o o o o o o m o o o o Q o o o o c o o o o G o o G i I Em

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