THE CAROLINA 7ATChL1AH. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS The Young People V Society of bfc. John's Lutheran church has pledged itself . to raise $100.00 for home missions avd other church work, .- ... . - A number of Rowan' Confeder rte veterans left Monday night for Norfolk to attend the annual re union of the North Carolina vet erans in that city yesterday and today. . A number of Sulisburians will go a fishing at Cooleemee next Wednesday, They wil be enter tained by T. Y. Terrell and R. L. Elliott and the ladies of Coolee mee. The marriaga of Mrs . Beatrice Gallimore, of Salisbury, and New ton A. Rogers, of Locke township, took place at the Presbyterian Ma use, Spencer. Monday evening, Rev. R. E. Steele, pastor of the Spencer Presbyterian churob, offi ciating. , - Mies Mary L. Cooper, of China Grove, and Chas C. Smith, were married in the Southern in this city Friday night, August 266b, Rev. G A. B. Holderby, of East Spencer, officiating. Rev. S. B. Turrentine has re turned from a short vacation. Rev. R. L. Motley is now spend ing a poition of his vacation in Virginia. M. G. M. Fisher, Rev. M. -M Kiuard, pastor of St. John's Lu theran church, and a number of other Lutherans, went to Rich mond, Va,, to attend a meeting of the United Synod of the Luth eran church. Rev. Byron Clark, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, has returned from a short stay at Clarkton and other points in Eastern Carolina. A half dozen of the members of the Salisbury colored firemen are attending Colored State Firemen's Association, now in sesson at Winston-Salem. i The Kress store is now receiving lprge quantaties of goods and will soon be ready to open. J. E Alexander, the photogra pher, is spending a few days in Rich mond. Va., attending the sab sions of the Photographer's Con vention of North Carolina an Vir ginia. The Presbyterian folk are bulg ing a handsome church at Kan napolis. W. F . Jones is superin tending the construction of the building. The Rowan Chemical Co , is a new enterprise for Salisbury. We understand the company has secured a charter and is capitaliz ed at $50,000. It will handle phosphate dust, agricultural lime, chemicals and fertilizers material. Hugh M. Brown and E. B. Neave, Jr., are interested in the enter-erprise. .; R. J. Holmes announces that he will put in a modern plate glasB front in the building recent ly vacated by the Snider-Rainey Company. Mr. and Mrs. Byuum Carter, of Athens, Ga., are visiting friends and relatives in the city. Mr. Carter is an old old Sahsburiau and has matny friends here. lie waB reporter. for the Daily Truth- Index at onetime. . -i J. M. Julian, whose sickneBS was noted last week, has a well devel oped ca3e of the new disease, , pel legra. While it is a' very serious matter the disease has responded to the efforts of the medical pro fession and Mr. Julian has a host of friends who hope that it may do so in this instance. W. G. Honeycutt, of Cabarrus county, was in the city yesterday on business. He brought with him a pear, whioh is one of a sec ond crop from his orchard, He says some of the second crop pears ai'e as large as a pint cup. This is a little unusual but little more is to be expected in a fine climate and long summer the like of ours Many, many are the second crops of grain, vegetables and fruits pos sible here. . Jas. H. Ramsay made annlica- for the Salisbury postoffice to be made a savings bank office. Ac knowledgement and a promise of consideration was made. The Spencer graded school open ed yesterday with a very credit" able number of pupils, present. J A. Wjlliams is superintendent ot tne school. The actual transfrer of the;af fairs of the Salisbury postoffice by Jas. H. Ramsay to W, H, Hobson took place oaturday night. J. Ed. Darton, Mr. Hobson' assistant, has taken up the work and is fa miliarizing himself with the duties of this job. T. J. Maupiu, who has been ifi. Washington for several -months, has returned to Salisbury to make bis home. - - Rev. R. A. Goodman, of Christ's church, East Spencer, is attending the bedside. of his mother, who is quite ill at her home in Iredell county. . r. bhupmg of the firm of Taylor . & Co., is at home with jaundice. The Snider-Rainey Wholesale Grocery Company, which has been doing business in the old R. J. Holmes store-room, have moved into the old Farmer's Warehouse, corner Fisher and Church streets. They say the move was necesiary owing to lack of room and an in creasing business. Best ever Used A. B. Heinlein, Harrison, Idaho says: L have used Dr. Bell's rine-Tar-Honey for coughs and colds and it is the best I have ever tried Look fur the Bell on the Bottle. Lightning Kills Negro Woman. While in China Grove Friday evening we learned of the death Fer.rie Gibson, daughter of Rev. Frank GilBon, colored. The girl was a graduate of Livingstone College and was about 19 years of age. The family was altogether when the storm came up; but Feme went into her room, then dllowed the clap of lightning. Her mother called but she answer ed not and upon investigation she was found dead. The family lives in the Sandy Ridge neigh- borhood, near Saw, in Atwell CANNjT BUILD BRIDGE. YET. Commissioners Have Fine Meeting. Com- mitt8e on Circus License. The Rowan county commission ers met in regular monthly session Mondavi The full board was - rf , . . - . . j present consisting ofP. B. Beard, chairman: R. B. Feeler, w, r. Barber, W. L. Harris, Alex; Hart man . The business was largely routine, the following being an outline of the transactions : It was ordered that Messrs. Beard, Herris and Barber be ap pointed a special committee to instruct the sheriff in negotiating the Issue of license to auy circus. A franchise was granted to the Grace Telenhone ComoanT to erect a Jinje from China Grojseto Graham's plaoe in Atwell township. Register E . H. Miller reported that the tax books were practical ly complete and he was ordered to turn same over to tne snetin and township tax collector. Superintendent Carter, chain gang No. 1, reported 84 convicts, 32 colored and 2 whites. -Super intendent Thompson of-No. 2, re ported 37 convictB, 29 colored and 7 whites and one colored female. Mr. Carter reported chills in the camp. Mrs. C. S. Patterson, superin tendent of the county home, re ported 19 inmates, 14 white and 5 colored. Plans for the bridge over South j River were submitted by the Car olina Engineering Company, of Burlington, N. C, from tbe Os wego Bridge Company, Greens boro, and from the York Bridge Company. In this matter it was ordered that owing to the fact that the proposed bridge over South River is on the line between two counties, Rowan and Davie, and that the legislative action will be necessary before any ac- tion can be taken, tuereiore n was decided to rest the enterprise -WORgOFJHE-mPER. " - . Mrs. Wesley $hu Miss Alice Pearson ani wt CCUf ren are Taken. Mrs;ee4MiUer, of Salis bury wb le iiithing home Satur day afte) 1100 after a visit to her farm in Fi4-ljp, on te New MocksviUS a .iswas very serious ly rnjured ity hr team running away anttrrtoing ner out . She was knotfee&uaconscioug and was taken to e iWhitehead-Stokes, wbSfB everything pos sible was Hoia ffT her jrelief , but without resets ,j She died soon after, haijfaftld to regain oon sciousneiu Sn was about 45 years of gz The funeral was held Mondaygnoling and the in terment was.lot i bethel Lutheran Church ' tktV&olPxp.' She was the widow of the. lata Wesley W. Mill- er and leavs I ve children th iff mourn her 10$, tTtb of whom were with her phe fcfo- sad aooident u. occurret .'3 (JM- Township. They are well behaved people and have the sympathy of untji af ker tne legislature meets many good people. - The trouble lies in the fact that The storm was quite severe and Davie countv does not" want a did damage to tiees, growing Krio nnH iii nnt meet Rowan in crops, telephone lines and a house the matter. therefore action is de at Landis was struck, the chimney jayed for the present. It is stated being knocked down and a hole tat a number of Davie citizenp made in the roof. It is the prop- near South River are interested in erty of a Mr. Correll and was oc- building the bridge and will con cupied by Back Roberts. tribute towards constructing it. The bridge would be of very . What to Do in Case of Accident great convenience to Davie and If skin is brok n apply Dr. Beh s R0wau citizens, and it is hoped Anti-Pain at once and the wound will heal quickly and never get YT . 11 1 A sore, usea internal jy ana exter nally. the time of the nre, and conse quently knew nothing of the origination. Mr. Whisnant is out of town. Mrs wnisnant was up tovn and the children were out at play. A negro woman was in the kitchen, and a man, a roomer, whose name cannot be learned. was up stairs. This man, it is re V the commissioners will be able to have the proper legislation passed durinff the comma session of the a - legislature and push the work to RflslrlMftft RnrnPd. completion rPL. - i : J 011 XT J ' I Mofnro'a crrotRt. CTlffc CO ttlft m r , . ... - L x . I hkju'u " n Main street, witn its contents, ftaman famiiy l8 Hollister's Rocky was destroyed by fire this morn- Mouutain Tea. With it your ing. It was the property of Mrs. familv is fully protected. Boat Tni;a Rnntiiroi mftf h n( va in hat v medicine in the world. 85 V U1A XJ yuu&OAA, UXVJUUUA tuniu 1 J . j T iL..i. j i cents, lea or laoiets. uoruonsuu 1 a.1 j j.ii.-. &Cook. ea at several tnousanu uoiiars, wit.h fthnnfc Rf.00 inanrance The building was occupied by RefOrffl CDUrcn WlNCeS Zip Whisnat and family, all of Rev. C. B. Heller, pastor of the whom were away from home at Reform Church at Faith, has just returned from a trip to northern cities where he had gone in the interest of Catawba College. Ac oordiug to custom Rev. Heller tells us that the Annual Harvest Festival Service will be held at 11 a. m., at Crescent and at the Faith Reformed Church at 8 p m.. on Sunday, September 18th. ported, caused the fire by allowing The churches will be especially a burning cigarette to fall, upon decorated fpr the occasion and the the bed, having gone to sleep, sermon, which will be preached This, however, seems improbable bv Rev. Heller will be concern ' ' - 1 as he found it necessary to jump ing the harvest. out of a second story window to save himself. In dion so it is re ported that he broke or badly in jured his back and an arin. The! ambulance was called and he was taken to the sanitorium. Mi. Whisnant lost his entire household effects, clothing, pa pers, etc. He has some insuranco The berned house adjoins that of Oapt. Gej. H. Shaver, which was saved onlv by the hardest kind of work by the firemen.--His house was right badly injured and-will need repairs. He has enough snsurance to cover his loss The house on tbe right cought fire but was saved. It suffered vry little damage. It was some time before the alarm was turned in and the fire men did not have the notice in time to check the fire in itsinoipi- enoyj but did very effective work when once at it, prevented its spread and the destruction of nearby residences. Later. We learn the man jump ed from the window was W . J. Ray, who, it is thought, is not se riously hurt. Mary, the kS-vf '-ekg-old daugh- ter of Mr. Hncf Mr4 Louis Gullet, al was heldMiada' evening from the residence, SevJ. M, MoKen zie officiating! fhe interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. nir. vauue. is a itypo m The WATCHMASffi has the sym- pathy of th' v e&tti. force and a arge circle -f -fgiet'ijli Miss Alic eaiS5pn, about 70 years of age fo' many years a resident of Saisbery, died in Grace HospitaMofganton, Sat urday evening fmhe effects of paralysis from 'ic Bhe has suf fered for severaiem Her re mains were brought? to Salisbury-. Monday, wQl;e aVded to St. Luke's Epiropll church, where the funeral n-fos was held, thence to tht v Ebglish Cemetery, uear Dy, wte e tet interment was had. Rev. h . Cheatham of ficiated, ft is.s 3 Pearson was a grand-daughiftj Grv.John W. Ellis, was higlileucated, lived in the old Els oii&, corner cf iaii" vrt i ' .5 ti'. J-:.: . amis ana J?8hfr f Streets, and taught Behoof thej&til the'death of her mothe?" scfwhich time she sold he'rnrY)Dirv and has moved abrut roVjj placf to place. &ne is survijed-'byta brother, Charles W. PMrfeu ud familv: of Polk County 'p.' Helen, the; l&reeand.a-ha 1 f- y ear-old daugUebfelrs. M. O. Thompson's, tiej'; Monday even ing. The fuu?PM w.b- held from the residenoe .-n tfu interment took place in Cbftn1i Hill ceme tery yesterday vPnir.g'i BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED ? HEADACHE? r FOR - SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everjjbod TAKES r- ' SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR TotYOUI U Issue New Telephone Directory. Manager J. B. Reeves, manager ofythe Salisbury and Spencer ex changes of the SouthernBeltCom pany, -announces tna tne new telephone directory will soon be issueS" The new list will be cor rected up to September 15, and he sta tea that all those who wish to make ohanges in their listings or to have their names placed in the new directory should communicate with him at once. Those who are contemplating installing tele phones in their homes or offices should act promptly in order that their names may appear properly in the new directory . Manager Reeves states that there will be a number of new names added to the list and that the growth of the ezohange is a strong indication of the progress of Salisbury and Spencer. Recently this company put in a switch board at China Grove, with headquarters at Blackwelder & Ritchie's. The following are the subscribers connecting at Chi na Grove: Tattorson-Young Mercantile Co., and same at Kannapohs ; Landis Cotton Mill, Deal & Lipe, at Lao die; Dr. G. A. Ramsaur, H.. E. Eddleman, A. T. Bost, A. Crees, N. White Menus, Milo Klnttz, A. A. Bost and W. C. Kluttz. Rural Mall Carriers Meet. The Rural Mail Carriers' Associ ation met in tbe Court House here Monday. Four counties were rep resented, Cabarrus, Staoly, Dav idson and Rowan. B. G. -Whitley of Albemarle is president, and Ernest Ritchie, of Richfield, iB ecretary. The address of welcome was de- ivered by Mayor A. L. Smoot and the response was made by presi dent Whitley and Rev. D. R. Myers. The object of the Association is he mutual benefit of its members. Stomach Blood an ; Liven. Troubles Mueh slekness starts with weak stomach, and consequent -poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and palepeople lack ood, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating . for, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach.: A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude of diseases. - . Cef rid ot yohr Stomach Weakness ana Liver Laziness by taking a coarse of Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 7tb,e ireat s"nacA Restorative, Liver Mnvi&orator and Blood Cleanser. Yon cant afford to accept any medicine of unknown compostfton as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery, which is a medicine of known composition, having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper, same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regqlate and lavlzorate Stomach. Liver and Bowel J. The South Yadkin Baptist Association: Ths South Yadkin Baptist As- sooiation which met ;with - ;the Chestnut Hill Baptist church last week was well attended and nume rous interesting sermons were preached and papers read. The reports made show that the churches in the Association are mote than holding their own. Rev. J.N. Stallings was re elected moderator, "-and Rev. N. M, Swaim was re-elected clerk and treasurer. the time and place of the next meeting was left to the executive committee. It was urged that en- brcement of the prohibition laws be looked after. For use on Face and Hands Dr. Bell's Antise tic Salve is the best. It is a creamy snow white ointment and one 25c box will ast three monthB. DR. M.J. RAG LAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 480. - 4-270 25. FaifflS for Sale. Any reader of this paper who has a farm for sale can have it advertised free of cost by placing it with us. Any one wanting 10 buy a farm should see ps before making a purchase. Wm. H. Stkwart, Salisbury, N. C Trinity College Five Departments Collegiate Graduate, Engineering, Law, and Education. Large Library facilities. Well -equipped laboratories in all all departments of science. Gym nasium furnished with best appa ratus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Teachers and Students expecting to engage in teaching should in vestigate the superior advantages offered by the new Derpartment of Education in Trinity College. For catalogue and further informa tion address R. L. FLOWERS, Sec'y., 7-6 10t DURHAM, N. O. TRINIfY PARK SCHOOL A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Faculty of ten officers and teach ers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing more than forty thousaad bound volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High stand ards and modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by promi nent lecturers. Expenses exceed ingly moderate. Twelve years of phenomenal success For catalogue and other information ad- F. S. ALDRLDGE, Bursar, 7-6 lOt DURHAM, N. C. DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Will Sorely Stop That Cough. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOq Womiecow has just closed, and Ac What you edsin' neighbor? Helpin' Bill. :WaVs;Bili doin'? rielpirj' Mandf What's Mandy doin'? HelpW iothr. What's Mother doin'? TmHolliater's Rooky family Mountntr Tp. Sensible Cocni'an. Cook. A Blockade Distlllri 0 tW- Friday mornh h uing receiv ed information -olahe Effect that. a blockade disti jtjr lhad set np ior Dusiness in ifcaaerrownship, about 12 miles fjom I Salisbury, Deputy Sheriff tftor end Deputy Collector Davis, ;j&ntdown aud mainly took ifgcfatf i.situation. which was aboufe'afolfewB: A still capable priphcing 100 gallons of brand 'as, ' discovered in a louely unpr'ttel condition, arranged for eer leval awaiting to begin operatiff iv&one -was present, and therar $ic thing to indicate that ac shiifTi unlawful had taken placeSoHiR fruit was fouud in a house -iar b, but did not seem Bufficifj&i' tofmake an arrest, bo the o.lfojtfMBontented themselves with 'zjtktiitg up the still aud leaving. i5 i . f , . m-i-i j ISIOQd !TOIf Is prevented b;ypptyiug Dr. BellV Anti-Pain Incuts,, scratch es and bruises, ."dcitroys all septic matter eni"h;el8 th wound to heal without srxuetV 'Be Bure to get Dr. Bell's. O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o Great Quantities Of Goods Were . Sold, 8 Bat he is Still in the O D Ring with Lotp more of O FRESH GOODS AT LOW PRICES, o Q Look over my Stock of EMBROIDERIES, Q LADIES' UNDERWEAR, Q TABLE LINENS, X MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES, X SUMMER DRESS GOODS, X WHITE GOODS AND DOMESTICS, g LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GOODS, ! X MEN'S SHIRTS, O LADIES' AND MEN'S HOSE, O HANDKERCHIEFS, SHEETS, CI LACE CURTAINS, PILLOW-CASES, 0 M CURTAIN SCRIM, KIMONA CLOTHS, DRAPERY CLOTHS, and all kinds of WHITE GOODS FOR SHIRT WAISTS, DRESSES, ETC. Our prices are as low as the lowest, ' Our goods are truly as good as the best, And, if you are one of those who knoweth, We invite you, call and give us the test. Youra for Business, K W. -WMECOFF. o Q e o m Q 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOQQOQQOOOOOOO PEOPLES NAT 'ALBANX. Does a Gencffi Bankiuf 4 r 1. We pay 4 pr.tftDH Smie de posits. Interest l&ydble' every three months. ' . cs. Prompt atenirgiVe to any Your business' lleited Peoples' KatimM tMUtntu John S. HendebsoiI NoawooD.' presideoOf ,:-ycashier, U. JU. UA SKILL. 1.-T. JKTBBT. v.-presidenp j teller SUTHERLAND'S EAt l'VE-SALYE uooa tor Nothing:- tns yes LOST AT ROCKWELL, N You will lose both time and moLey if you dout er-e us before buying fall shoes. We have a full line of the wonderful Elkiu and Troy home-made shoes, which is given up to be the best shoes on the market. Try them pnc aud you will. buy theuf again, We also carry a staple line of Dfy Goods, Notions, Ladies' and Gents' Hats, Furniture, Coffins, CasketB and Robes at less than pou can buy elsewhere. We also have a full supply of Lister's and Royster's guano, the best guano sold, try it and see, 8 31 5t ! Ii8 i C. 0,ney 11 8 Engines SjXaII " RBpectfully, B. ft, FE! Ill 05 Bell's Antiseptica!v f?ood for al Skin Diseases. ' OR: BELL'S ANTUPAIN For Internal and External Pains Stickney Engines Are The BEST, The -Engine .With an fOutside Igniter. WRITE as for prices on the SilKNKY ENGINE,. They are the most simple.durable and economical en gines manufactured. The electric igniter is on the outside of cylender where it is cool and the spark can be seen at all times. The mixer is automatic and posi tive in ita action which insures reliability aud satisfaction. Engine body is made of charcoal iron, the very Lost and all cranks are dropped forged steel . Takes one ol the most rigid guarantees placed on any piece of machinery. If you need an engine, the BTICKNET will interest you. ...Dealers in Machinery of Every Description... GET our list of new and second-hand steam and gaaohu engines, saw mills, boilers, belting, circular saws, cort hnskers and shredders, and everything ki the machinery line. 8 3l4t IK ROWAN HARDWARE & MHB COMPANY.

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