, . . " - J I ft, Si. L trff!i - JHE flOWERS COLtlCTttl. A Home Newspaper Publrehed in' -the Intere iff thV'Peopie and for VT , - ? " -mxj f wipie ana tor Honesty m Governmental; Affairs. . . . . - . ' r - - . -- - .. - Bllv J, hi '1 ine UafdMiS VOl VI j NO. 39. v , . tv , T -T- ! . Salisbury p.NfesbAY, SeptemberWh, 1910. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN KEYNOTE. NEWSPAPER BARGAIN DAY. THE HOME OF PLEASANT MEMORIES. ( MORE Tf 1 Why We Pay Higher Prices on Certain Ralelgfc Afternoon Paper Putting on Special iviiiu ui uuuuAa uonpon uner for Ten Days isy Clyde H. Tavenner. special One of oorrespDcdent of this newspaper A Charming Home Such as Nearly all of us may Have. ;BEPUBUCAIfS. WHO Wlti BE GOVERNOR? United -SWjorSsfnHis Reslg- Second Primary In Sooth Carolina DEATH OF DR. D. B. WOOD: the biggest bids made To all of us ho knew it it seem- Chicago nat iDtrHaralltsn Club. iu UU81D8IB in mil Nt.ata in .J 1 . . i .... . I , . r.V. .-'WW uuiB l anrin liarnhn. ilnmn...i. I Tx t. WsHhinrytnn Ant 19 wkn . . , wU u niuioBc sne iaei nome tbo one I of resiffBairnn0-iiii''"tT.mi. - K .rr-w-. yes-i r darnel carton Wood. I"1"!8 SSpt:.12-W'8n ?ear b' d'y "ew.paper ha8 to whioh we alv. Eoosntofl in.i. I ni Jf, S L tf.f ' ?i Hamilton tdy mi ,,ir fln.l choice for who h been confined to M. S I : WMWJlIi 11T , , nun rAAn a I 1 , . I : w Yesterday. was Held woman pHrcnases $10 worth of woolen dress goods, $4 87 repre sents the value of the goods and the amount of the Tariff. This is because of the Payne- Aidrien ad valorem tariff of 105 per cent. Or in other words, eacn $1 worth of woolen i . . . " , J JKTB-.wionB witn gladness, and the "-us. xnnes oi naieigm Tne Bub- home to which, if mhmA .r X: Fnce oi mis paper ,18 oar own, we would moat Willingly v Jva,i iur n perioa oi nave none. i. J . M I W vu ayo wuijr, irom uotoDer l to, It wasn't a fine UUWUBr o-cioc. p. m.. iust a littlA VhUa . - t m - w w a, T V UftWW VJi on tney are going to accept vearlv neat RnH uiosb i Buusurmsinns m ftrtconno fnr tk , . i mt muwv a. UUCi S"us importea, tne rayae-Al- sum of $2.50 FfnK Inn i. f A-t ryw I - 10vi8 a (ax oi jpi.uo. one of the most remarkable ine consumer must pay the $l'i value and the, $1.05 tariff, o, riLf on, .the North and baok of the(6 ftlgrsnt Thi. i. hi f . J 'T,""D I,mM 19 bedl Pi and violets - W w tut yj illustrations that it ; a big tree or two to shadow and oners loned hedsTA nf place, at all: cottage wito a his mvita in front of banquet TFriy night. Wm,H. Stewart, Editor, WISE OMES ARE PUZZLED. A Prominent Citizen, Anil P&rsfcfao and eovernbr Pattersons whmi . Bentlesan of tne old School. . CrMfM wuuuai UHHUIIIOHS. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 11. vov. Patterson's withdr.i f-. be gubernatorial race in Tonn-. see has created a condition that has the wisett politioiani guessinK what effect hig action riii uU IS inl. withpo.; I f ' """" w j ""u sub ana seven w;n i. t Pltv niU tk:7.' " T 0e.n of JW altemoon Sunday at the old 1JT. "'.""V a j Governor, Adjutant wer made re4 today by United gressmen o6es oeiT sop. William Lorimr . , 1 .... - I. "w v. Auiumui ttenaraJ. or more tnan fivo -ur year was .the ans- Railroad Commiaaion ' ai.W " . wu. " uicu at nis nonj m two district!. Tho I at Elmwood TroWoii n .. . - - . .-.r. t, -j ; '' vu uu i , ) w di ii w - he :n a a n .a. m . ' -ri.si."..' a ....... -s. to the aotiM orikhe elnh . 17 ."' wna t"- enmg, ne being eighty- JbhnH. B&S lilZZrrfi when nme year., fonrmobth. and. ewu This certainlv iB Un.H ' T. JT .:- T " i; TurTu tne de- " auuuu tii i 'i. 11 1 1 n.nnoatrAiii -- j "oufonj.:. wag. them receives a majority. Chief interest in ithis and agree Third Creek Presbyterian Church ?BID" eacb h9r bnr7 hatch- second! a few miles north of mMi.n r- " governor urges them to . - ii i . -- i wir.n ki t flnwfirin,, .hi.. 1 . . A. , ? . "' Fiuiry, naiurany centers in the wis countv. Alth7.ni, k. " eliminated o m.J k. . " ' o .u.u- .oiusbuhj tiiifio a- tianniict of I . .ix . . I ; i f" mi" - """" -yuuBioie' news- erv. and olamWitfo M. r- -wi-ii. , . -i ---x--- - yv w governor or paper in this section. It is fre- stately hbllovhooka n- ' of quentlvvdone in ih WJ. ku le -.- . V :-'' . 5 f ftA J . :1 Colo T, Ttloooo ne xri,. . UUiul between C. oesters were Presbvriftn- j j candidate whom all can snn- " InnrrV i much to do with the establishn and maintenance of this narti mitted to show the the cost of living . Here is another sample illus tration for the tariff arithmetic class, which is composed of some 90,000,000 American consumers, all of whom are more or less dis satisfied with the awful increase in prioes : A suit of clothes having an im portant price of $io. and which costs an Englishman $10 when ready to put on, all wool and tailor made, pays at the custom house an ad valorem tariff of 80 per cent, or $8per suit, making the suit cost th American when it is put on $18, disregarding transportation and retail profits. Another comparison : An En glish woman carpeting a room 18 it. square with two nil? nrr.nl4 QH J . . ri nuiu ymuB at a uoiiar a yard fiat, or would pay $86 An Americau woman-using the same carpet would pay $23.76 tariff at the custom house, which would make the carpet cost her $59.76. WHY PRICES ABB HIGH. The following table shows a nuaaber of common articles of con rtr ; " wu .uu uok oi tnese ongntvand fragrant WMIa---Ahi&- t Xi.: Z vvwuvrrj. mr. uu maintenance of this narfcinn. ,k , 5et.bl"The EreningTime. i. bedaof pan.ie. and violet, "nl i iZ) tfu Sll "fl F8""one entered the cam- lar church Dr. Wood ibJSS of-. thon..nd the firet toinangarate.no,, a plan .nap-dragon. and eweet liUiam, fmlaL fBf a0e?te4 p,igQ " th9 bpion of the Epiwopalian and therefowriA T'VYt ,D'hia'M"00- The idea i., ac and o.dJmo piniiTnd .11 X toslHtKtf'l S'"- P'ohibitionirt., while de'aconE. I. O.born. ot harfott" . tanfi affects oord,r,g to Editor gi,nm9, of The . hardy flower. Lt de.i.ht hw t C? .?. Mr. Ble.ee ran on.. local option conducted tlAT som in an informal garden. ". wiil h it. ,. . ' -v, ,vv, wBOBu mj sim- Tosrether dt tha iro.;; .? . . . :- m tnese tea pie and unpretentious with no fn. f" I T ' 8 ? was eliminated at the first prima- among his ancestors in Climes, that several som in an inform. aan l"-?Zr froDaDiy platform. Since T. G. McLeod. The intermpnt tt " .. I wiu reiuse tlVd f fie acnnntAnno I ..... ... l ti m cue We the acceptance. another local option candidate, cemetery Will the convention of inde pendents called to meet here Wed nesday with a maioritv if- delegates instructed to indorse B. W. Hooper, the Republican nomU nee for governor, carry out these instructions, near the church and nTZT l T - uuUemocrat who mav be ni.Mri days and collections made on th .rT I" "L' correspondence ,y, it has been .ii TJ JaS SS" .. e fiield in Pattersn: .u ... I T wup in whh HIW&VB i rrnm P. z -Su-J. it. x. . n I . . - ""-"'J vu j.wv0. Hinrn than I . . oia accounts with practicallv nn nt L. iDD4Ufc. " senator leadinir newsnanfl f i if.,, " a instructions binHin . v. u j iun a i ak.n. i ii in m rw r k. jmi k ' . r . i - fw & a ii iiiiii u r a .w"s ua5 PBIOnPe"naBion that the issue who was Miss Maro nr.;: aBieMes ln of these tions? oost, and, therefore, it is best to and home-like. There VAi Avar a . Klo in give.the subscriber the benefit of oold wintn. ' i i .. . i " otduiuko, nuu over bu the Quick wort. Tha TPw; . . , - ! " D0i r i nj uuiiauBH ou not summer days. On the walls were Times is Raleigh's great afternoon paper and its leased wire tele graph service and state news page among tne best. The idea of getting a daily paper on a bargain for $2.50 per year in this state will be watohed withinuch inter- one or two tasteful pictures that had stories to tell, pictures that uian t grow old; one side of the little sitting-room was lined with the junior : .lifts. .". 7" e T was miss Margaret McKentie was to have 4nSnest honor ? , Those who are left and it was th iiie tha't. t.ha ik U.r" " " 8 " Uiuurn ine 1088 kid and ue,weea eatherstone and affectionate . 5 o e oondi- father are : Mrs. W T.1 I 1UH, a harmoniouTixasion; whkr .11 L ..V "8 Viewrl "ieg, ot Elmwood; . i'i Vc.. " I DOVMIMI III . n A Tl WtTX ri 1 Y S v akJak I UIIIiam. d .tit. i - rmm-tr M. V U A J 1 Uli II 1 lUBailUr-H 1 II m a H. 1 1 Mm " 111 n1 A n B 1 . i ?i vuu auu ivi m itanrura nof VOW. . sou euitions or uioKens and Scott and Shakespeare and ofciW moo. that Cannonism dominates all but a piano, uch as no homa i one twenty-fourth of the Republi- quite complete without, filled an oan party. This is the answer ma other cnrnAr. Anri Bnmoi,; 1.5 A? .?TM getby Re- the spirit of the place made on. publican- membership of the just snuggledown, as it were, into House, by 9, the number of Re- his little nook, and ninW luibgZSr P ! ri"8" .- - ?. ,c 8t.te.riU.; Dan- Atlea.t ttVbri. . rr.!"" ,n8 te.wlde 'e, Barton Wood, of Spencer; . r vumiMuuin cause was nraoti. jonn Uhar on nH t-. a ar i wouiob UUbl I ..r - . prima- wood, of Big Sandy, Texas: Rev. books, not gaudy volumes left bv .an T v r V Pibilionirt cause was wandeVngaVt; STl ted editions of Di3kn a , ,,w)a w .tne ry. These are a few of the questions confronting the leaders tonight and from all indications none can answer with any degree of of conviction . It is all problematic and hurried calls for conferences and meetings have been issued. Tomorrow anil In.i .fiLi- 1 "7 . V, . Ui ueae l ent his accept ance. After t wsftoh the, day of i.uh uacquet. c-.atfie sudden re- call of the invfikfJn. The note & ,signation was written after a ojcgiferenoe of the who voted to unseat publicans Cannon. CANNONISM BOUND TO RULE. Even if every one of the genu ine progressive Republican con- gressional candidates is elected. uannoniBm will --j .rcjsuisiuau majority. As the reeulara will nntnnmK. Tarifif. $3.75 3.75 4.57 3.16 3.11 3.11 4 69 4 69 3 75 517 5 91 under the new law, the real value of the Articles and the tariff additions on the basis of $10.00 purchases. Amount of Eeal tariff rate. value. Sugar, 60 per cent, $6.25 Glassware 60 per cent, 6.25 Window Glass , 84 prct. 5.43 Soap, 46 per cent, 6.84 Machinery 45 per cent 6 89 Tinware, 45 per cent, 6.89 Metal tools, 45 per ct. 5.31 Stockings $1 doz 88 5 31 Shirts, 60 per cent. 6 25 Blankets, 107 per cent 4 83 Flannels, 40c a yd., 144 4 09 PB0GRE8S1VES NOT BEPUBLICANS. Those who approve of the sen timents of such genuine progress ives as Victor Murdock. of Kansas will be disappointed if they ex pect that the Republican party proper has any intention of carry ing out such ideas. This is made plain in the Republican text book just issued by the Republican congressional committee. The campaign book emphatically Aouuguizu insurgent re publicans as republicans, and thereby tacitly serves , notice to the progressives in Republican TU 1 wv .u10 wnjr to sin uannon- easy. "i would rather spend i w aeprive tfie Republican money for comfort and leisure membership of Congress of the than for display," she said. So naiauoe of pewer, and to replace a she found enough leisure to fill her Mrs. Edward Green Oince the first nrimar.v )ia s. n . X j VUD I , "WUIUIIO J campaign has been bitterly con- inth, Mississippi, and numerous tested with adherents of both other relatives, including Sheriff candidates working hard. The JasH. McKenzie, Deputy Sheriff press of the State, with a single Jas. H. Krider and D. B. Krider exception, is supporting -Mr. of Salisbury. ' emov the friend onol ft. u.,- , i" woiug mr. r. wooa was a man of mnnh a. w - m i MMV wv ax i Lt w km iih mwan 1 UI T" . . i. - oook or the game or the song. to be a cue whi34uld be follow- 1 Iotlons on out- Earning and brilliant ability. He Perhaps it was the keeper of the ed by a numbers admire s , , T TDg the fir8t 8'daates of home who gave it this atmos- the club. . TtZkli l a?2 For Jutant General W. W. Davidson College, and could have part of , by his friends L ZZl ? B"Dwe11 M. attained a position of eminence K i T" onarason are m the second race, and wealth had he not been con. all her household duties she found Pittsburg, 8 pS ho.l-Oolonel am6S Cansl4r and G- Mc- tent with the love and esteem so time to enjoy life and to make Roosevelt heart :tsiuht "that 8en- V ampton of Columbia are generously bestowed by those in others enjoy it. 4One marveled ator Lorimer t?sigifed from T Rai,road Commis, the limited sphere . with and ior how she did so much, possibly it the Hamilton Ctf following the Bl?ner- whom he labored. He did many was because she had learned how attack which tblcMonel made nn . oongressmnal districts, acts of kindness and much Dfac- to save labor, and because, hum- him two days ak I. f-ire was great- 6 aDd the sixth there Mice in the name of charity Whenever he made a friend it was lasting and cordial. He had the respect and confid D - ui. . .. . . .. "UU jrus oi Aiaen are in the second new him and it can be tmlv said l,flU7' "ciejoe"or some one ble as the home was, it-was con- ly interested in Ws of the race8 In second satisfactory to the Old Guard will venient and equipped with the Senator's "actio U &it he would d,BtrictJ' - Patterson, incum be nominated for the speakershin. definite idea of making lhr , m.u n iCf oi Barnwell, and J. F. I lilfi 1.,! I J0 r u..Uau poeiuHus witn a uenii crat. WHERE ANT) WHEN? "The Republican party,"de clares the Republican textbook, "stands for the imposition of such duties as will equal the difference between the cost of production at home and abroad, together with a reasonable profit for American in dustries. I" It is true the Republicans Dro- mised such a revision in the 1908 race. In the sixth district J. Ellerbe, incumbent, and P. Hodges are the contestants. Don't BraaDow.n Severe strainrlitjie vital or gans, like strainsfent machinefv home with comfort, and to make caU8e break-do$nJ Yon Wt it a place to which one tired or "ii yT 8t 1?ver- kid' discouraged could always turn and ak hnd rest or inspiration. - strain of any ki. tike'. F.Wt,; And the best part cf the story ters the matchtoiio medi- Eagle Eye Salve is lTbl is that nearly all of ub, if we only iD. ,fTB: J;,E' -Sande, remedy in the world 25c trv. mh.vfl.nni,i; ,f of Kirkland Ill.tes-:. Thai: J ' uuujwb as bUlS T AiA 1 - JA Vf .j . m.u uu. moim uwawni AAnrfni. ior our .OWn. IB nofc fcha roonli m . -a. iSS . . " t T,l. ii..j..l.l.. o - "wo ooroio BMjrn-iu . MQT tnree I iiuw nuuui niUIUUIIDUIS. Best In the World J,W. Hyatt merchant of Warren N. C. writes: Please send enclos ed order bv mail. eye. n. of Columbia, U88da WlU 896 aBe"68 of Wood, of Cor! 9rT h9r!0f leaders of various kt.ic8 aua iaotions and develop ments are looked forward to with absorbing interest. A meeting of the independent Democratic State execnti mittee is set for Tuesday. Its members will be confronted by a situation unparelled in the history of the State. Their factions re ceived the support of the Repub licans in electing stoto tiokets August 4 and their part of the agreement is to give their party support to the Republican candidate for Governor. In an interview at his home in Newport last night Hooper practi cally said that he expected the in dependents to carrv on th,- agreement, and thatit was hardly possible to make new alignments as tnis late date. It is known that the feeling of the independents throughout the State is against Patt.Ainn nwiDljr I f ..... - not the result worth the effort? Raleigh, N. C., months, is due whBjSto Electrio xv u- . Progressive Parmer and Gazette fitters.'" Use thfand enjoy ,Waahington, Sept. 11. -Hydro- uo'"" Brugvnijiati:8iaction . '""" uwu a aream, incurable and not iufalli bly preventable, and is a respect M'Klnlay Admits Loss ofoftDi .Cooeruss- m mpn. J Beverly, Mass., SBt. H.The A Man of Iron Nerve, Indomitable will and traman- platform, but it itf iafe to predict dous energy are never found whoro no Republican candidate for office stomach, liver, kidneys and bow will deolare that the tariff was ev- els are out of order. If you want er revised on that basis. All gen- these qualities and the success only arrival at the iSnmer Whit the public that if the next House mDe Pr0eres8lve Republicans are they bring.use Dr.King's New Life Ho"se on Burgess Po$todav was : t ui:.... .1 . on record an Bfoiint. fVi.t. .un ;n .i .i.i.i... , . . I r ' . '??L. r J xfcopuuucan tne people need not . B ouo u' v " ouo muieBs regulator tor ""PeubativeiioncajffE.McKin pect the ideas of nrogressivea n mi8e was 1gnoredas completely as keen brain and strong body. 25c. lay of California. ; wlo' H. ino n.arrlaA Tl.. n . , ' 1 II it bad nOVdr been mB.H a DQ ofc oil Arntwicte . -u:JfA. ' . u66iom, -"'o"u a auvaAXiuLfp 600 1 01 MainA in the interests ofnhe Republican E. that he served his generation and A. ni State with fidelity and Meat ability. He suffered with pa tience and oheerfnllv call of the Angel of Peace He &DJ laim that ifc is a 8r lived to see nearly all of his qaeatlon whether the independent friends and comrades of youth commUfeee and the convention and young manhood pass on be- now hold the voters in linefrr fore. He and the late Dr. James "oop6r lf tney 80 desired. The G. Ramsay attended Davidson .'trelar" Patterson Demoorat Oollege together and were gradu- 10 Stafee committee was called to ated at the same time. Dr. Wood T h&Ie Thur8day. e day fol requested Dr. Ramsay to write a W1Dg the iudePendent conven. brief sketch of his life, should he 10n' bu today onairman Robcit die first, and agreed to do, and 8n amended call and the did. the Mm. n, t committee will assemble tomorrow er of nn narfcinnlor " I ' " . 1WUUM' in ..n,,. . r dubduu ui buv nr. Kimoiiv fn f! J u: .Li. I -11.UW ui .uouuiiyeimon. - w m. u nil i nti ii im i in i i ctq . mammal, says .a public tion. and th n ; . A. oorreoted nnnb nf hia .Irr iv . J U.B DAL D00T0B DANIEL BUBTON WO 3D. The subject of the sketch was of is expect be carried out. The Republican textbook, however, officially in dorses sentiments of the Aldrich-Cannon-Guggenheim type of Re publicans as being Simon-puie Republicanism. As the Demo cratic campaign book accepts the Bentiments of many of the never been made. R. vision of the tariff on the basis in dicated would have been a big downward revision, while the Re publicans revised it upward by x. i j. per cent, TWO SAFE BETS . A $5,000,000 shin subsidv crab night . , - so I No Scarcity of Labor. Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham returned from his farm in Lincoln countv Snnd&v - j says the corn crops candidates. Kepf tative Mc Kinlay will be : president's gueBt tor two or tl -eeSdnyg', c uitso ur xuammai, says v a health servioe report today M . btimson, its author, repndi ates certain mad dog fallacies and his report admits rabies may not Scotch Irish extraction and born be uniformaly fatal, though it is near Third Creek Church in Row almost SO. an ru irli t. . ,. vvuubjt, ortn garoima, on . oouuiiiiuu geueraiiy pre vents development. the 8rd day of May, 1821. He Mori A. 4. .i -i " ' " milium a, w6D iD ii uo niwaytt wild- Wood bv hi0 fira eyed and frothing at the month I v tt: , - . J' neotion with the m.fWnf r,-.- Thfl LnJ . . vuu8. grand iatner Uaniel t- ' iy"JU" vauutuate ior vjovernor. He A. 1 - . . .J -; 1 r"TQBitt. he "The rabid doK Bay8 the renort vi'r" - xuuay oi tne gen- and a central government bank are good, but the cotton cron will "w puD Py, but Biok: he 1H nn nn ;"UUUIWMWiea um progressive Republicans as are two good bets in the event of he shnrf. D7 a 8ma.n P'araJiti, -,:Ha:think8 L,-- l-,, . V . 7 "iver on a plantation now j. i -i-v . It, a. ri r n .. I " I "rann . California Congreim expressed sne opinion saved to the Lydia a o iuuusu Ynnnor Hi. ,,! nuu UHiiBiininHn in inmn nnnn I nr a ... . , A I T , WU TVUU 1MMI I I MI 1 U IVI IB. A tiriA. uuuu Eliminated from the present campaingn, patterson's enemies claim his relegation ' is perma nent. Friends, however, do not con. sider he will stand in the ba k ground any length of time. So much confusion existed in local political circlas today that nn ti o m oa i uwwoo DXO BuggoHseo in con- any and everybody he saes. son, came to North Carolina from on the being truly Democratic, it would the P6 0U8e of Representatives Mali BmmITI t h. rh. a.- . retaining its Dreaent. RArnKi; I J uuo ou.BBb way to secure I . " T .. progressive legislation or Graham says that he Tegular" and "nrirrtim.t. - ruuuinK wi.o and innous; publicans, working HdaSierf at the freqnently obedient up to he a a a. i r j l - -r-r . i in iuh n rT: nanv i rr lie . n-ai... - ri . . i m a mm j .ti . -.iwA.Vw. iii uuo auaga is i jftmn- I uuui- r v" f .i; anifl tn "s"! au uinrju bvvuib su nave a i n i?i.An A owneo oy the Walser familv. TT late subsequently bought and moved WOUld D9 I nr.tin i o n n . , nl.imnn - i. -r . i. . . . . mil nn a xrnfco tVint CkwTTk.H;. . I 1 by voting the Democratic ticket. that special privilege will he farm hann thia iL . cannot possibly overcome, a t.s .u. u.-i. fourth Creek, now owned by Mr national issues, J 9 swd, played au' .:.. T a,, x. nart. Doctor tne nn nart in tho Toi, .-. . lanaoy is tne general wo- j A heln thev n.,011 Tk;. :"j lj. , oB,iyn tnis I ui:. iLU .u;J , - . Bauu parents on his BEPUBriGANISM IS -CANNONISM. In spite of anything the pro gressives can do cr say, Cannon ism and Republicanism are sy nonymous. The record of the last Congress proves this beyond suc cessful contradiction. Page 3490 of the Congressional Record shows that on March 19 a resolution was reported providing for unseating Cannon as, speaker. Of the entire Republican membership only the following nine voted to unseat Cannon: Murdock, of Kansas; Cooper, Cary, Nelson and Lenroot ot. wj8ConsiQ ; Lindburgh and Da visor- Minnesota, Poindexter of Washingtpn and Gronna of North Dakota. Thus it is indisputable appointed on both propositions . past. The Lash of a Fiend would have been about as welcom to A. UOODer: of Onwecrr.. NT V as a merciless Inng-racking cough u uenea an remedies for years. x was most tronoiesome at nignt, he writes, "nothing help ed me till I used Dr. King's New Disoovery which cured me com pletely. I never cough at night uow, ' Millions know its match less merit for stubborn colds, ob stinate coughs,sore Inngs, lagrippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup whooping cough or hay fever. It relieves quickly and never fails to IS5!!y' krial convinces. 50o, $1.00. Trial bottle free. It's positively gauranteed by all drug- r xulo uuumcion year ana nw predic iprjirak that uab uwm re non more mother's aide were Tnhn v- is probably due tothe increased e Republican plu !ifnSilS h raPidly t'a"imited in the sum- and wife Mar!!r!t " I S cost of living. The poor man has beA - d ' ? mer than in other month8 ' John Young nne T"8 tn nrVhai fA. . i: After his visit vftw i..u- !. 4t.t ' , Jonn loung was one of the sons to work hard for living, and the TVh t TSfe plntion i. that mor. pple nf fi.m:, :r, ""t1 ioJviniav o r m; u. u .1 w - iarm oners more inducements to the laborer. Possibly another cause iB the closing down of the cotton mills. Most Of the mill hands came from the farms and when the mails closed down they went baok. Raleigh Times. will go so Virginia, ; ana and Tennessee, -rth sCaro- ptduioted 3'-''. . i! - ng, an Irishman. wno came direct to North Caro lina about the year 1750 and bought about 4000 occur 0in the on wheh nB :mngz t?2 cnTi.fin.l 4 l 1 . . . I - wu are moving about and become sub jeot to attack . Nor is the mala- climate or re- Best for the Hands S. L. -Ohapman, Massac, Ky,, saya: I used Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve on my haads, which were sore, and find it the best 1 ever tried. It cured them completely. that the Republioai Wardl have 7 confined to any cli a majority of 12 in ieVextfi0Qi8 gioni . It is liabW to c of ReDresentativoa !. ii. u . . " J"K sides of Third Greek inoludinr the Dogs, wolves, covotes and sknnfra Lu u .f;u.i .T v. ui j , - - uumuu ui iaat name and t.ha Orr0 j:-;. 1 .. iw'TO.Ig -- - hnaAlf Tk;.a v ui. iuia tjauiuai xoungwas t-nuse the great-grand father of e jrine-rar-uoney. J. agent for diseasei. -i jPtecg jr . "j yr jriood Dure and rich. HollfeeSl Rocky Mountain Tea, the -0g effective blood tonic for t IrS yjears Nothing so beneficii . m6 centsl Tea or TabletB.. .rfelison l& Cook. ? . h" . Dr. Dr. D. "R XUryA . - J 1 W j ir r i . - i ) nuu.wwuuiou duuu ro . MCUamel. KihArlnn Tllo I Kl. l T-ui :i. T w..v.uf j...o. spvuDiuis auu uuuuiHUlo pOBlTlOnB saya; There is no medicine whioh in Rowan cduntyin Revolutionary equals it for conghs, colds imeg aB call forth the plaudits vtrippe, asthma and Bronchitis: . w Look for the Bell on, the Bottle. (Continued on page two) There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and uatil the last few years was ud- posed to be inourable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a lecal disease and pre scribed local remedies, and bv constantly failing to cure with lo cal treatment, pronounced ii in curable. Science has proven ca tarrh to ba a constitutional treat-' ment. Ha i 1 's Catarrh Cure. man-. ufactored by P. J. Cheney & Co . Toledo, Ohio, is the only oo itti- iu. ,'.,?'.--. - ........ . uwt-nai oore pU ( il9 mark'6t is taken interhitllya dose from 10 drops to a'teatpoosfai.; It aets directly on the blood au-m aeons srfrfacee cf the system. Tii Vf. fer one hundred dollanfifilr iihpZ case it fails to. cure. Senary , ciroalart and tesiimoniala., ffo v. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. : - Sold by Druggists, 75o. Take Hals Family Pills for constipation, ft : ItS:

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