A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of thet Ropier and for Honesty in QbvernnientalrAffaifs; V ; ; r Vol. VII No.;2. Salisbury N. O., Wednesday, December 28th, 1910 Wm, H. Stewart, eoiTom CATHOLIC TROTH SOCIETY. Enderrarlng to Uaki the United States a Hann f or Any Excipt Protestants. Thit organization has its had qaarUi in Nw Xork city. IU purpost letms to b to dtftud the Oalholio ohurch against the as atlts of truth. lis knowledge eontitti largely of things that are not to. Reotntly we called at tention to a pamphlet which ,they art ijpulatiug, which contains the bastst slanders of the char acter of Father Chiniquy, ho died an honored member of the Prtibyterian Church of Canada. Now thty are calling attention to certain indignities, in the way of gibinf and jeering, to which a Jetait m Ejected daring the rec .t.itoii in Eortngal. Th f-.llowed his with an ex pMti -f tht wird J il. ''It is a dritaiv," ihy "from tie word Jesus, and moans ft- f j lowtr oL Jsas ; just as the word Christian means a follower of Christ" Next they parallel the treatment of the Jesuit by a seen fronAho iufTring9 of the Sav ionf: "Then the soldiers of the gorerner, taking Jesus into (the hall, gathered together auto (Him thefwhole band, And stripping Hisn, they pat a scarlet cloak abont Him. And platting a orown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right and And bowing the knee be : for Him, they mocked Him, say ing: hail King of the Jews!" And then they add. ''Thus an cient nistory repeats itself in our day." For bare-faeed, unblushing au dacity, the abere is hard to beat. Oan you prove from the derivation or ma name tnat a sycopnant 11 concerned with the exportation of figs? With just .about as much eertamty as you can profe by .the . tfurivation of hie rtmn Ihit Ja . iuit 11 a rellower or JesmB.flin less than half a centiry from the founding of the ''Society of Jes ui,'and i lanotion by one Pope, it had renpered the name Jesuit se) that another Pope, Sextus V., decided that the society should bo lenger be peimitted to dese crate the. holy name ef Jeias. 'Bociety of Jesus!" he exclaim ed, "Ah, indeed 1 what kind of men are tmese iatntn tnat one cannot name them except with uncovered head!" We are told that a decree, demanding that the obnoxioBi title should b re linquished received the signature of the general of the order, and "nothing but the beath of the Pope prevented the publication of the decree. To know what the standard of morals was among the Jescits of the Seventeenth Century one has but to read the "Provincial Letters" of Blaise Pascal. The author of these letters was a de vout Koaaan Uatnolic, but a sin cere follower of Jesus. Such be ing the case, he felt that he comld not censeerate his trans oendeat genius to a nebler pur pese than holding up to scorn and utter destination the moral maxims of the leading Jesuit theologians. Should these Jesuit ical maxims gain general curren cy they would loose the bonds of society and make civil govern ment impossible. There is hard ly a crime under heaven to which they do not lend their sanction. Their most distinctive prinoiple is an abject, unqualified and un questioning obedience to the Pope. At critical aeriods, they have made themselves indispensable to Ibe Papaey . "With Protean va riety of appearaace, but unvary ing identity of intention, these Soldiers of St, Peter are as relent- less' to others, and as regardless te . . themselves 'as -the body-roard of the old Assassins. No degra . datioa is too servile, no place too distant no action too revolting, for these unreasoning Instruments of power. Willfal'y engender ing this right of judgment and the feelings of . conscience into the hands of their superior there is n method by law or argument of regulating their conduct. The one principle of obedienoe has A Unique Advertisement. The mercantile Club of Ksnsas City, Kans., publishes a full-page advetisemenVin the, daily papers te answer the statements of the brewers .to the effect that Kansas City, Kansas, is a "frightful ex ample" ef the business evils which follow prohibition. At the top of the page is the quotation, Lerd Angus, thou hast lied," and the brewerB have brought;- it on themselves, Figures are given shewing the increase in popula tion, in taxable property, in bank deposits, in the value of school property and number of pupils, in business buiding, in rentals, in expendtures on streets, parks, and boulevards, river control, and improvements. The claim is made that the city is without a saloon, a .-gamnling.hjk or brothel, and that it Clmore money invested in manufacturing establisments than anv other city Of its size in the "world. -The final answer to the brewers and a warning to them in their new campaign of attempting -to prove by a fake elrganization that Kan as desires the resubmission of the prohibition question is this sentence: 4,We trust the simple facts as they now exist in Kansas City, Kans., will be sufficient to convince the opponents of prohibi tion that in the future it will be just as well for the liquor interests to let Kansas City, Kans.,. alone and to go about their own ' busi ness of making paupers and drunkards, if they so deeire, while Kansas City, Kans., goes about her buisness -of. making happy homes, hopeful children, contoii dwivesand good citizens, and continuing to improve and;-d velop her .. resources ' NortEi western . Christian Advocate . ; 11 was the Brothers Dead In a Christmas Shooting Scrape at Dorsatt's Postotfice. Asheville, Dec. 26. A double tragedy was euacted at Dorsett's postoflBce in Swain county, several miles from Bryson City, Saturday evening nen uscar Uiarit snot and almost instantly killed D. J. Calhoun and then turning his pistol ob the slain man's brother, P. CalhouD, shot him twice, iu- flisting woands 'from which he died at the .Mission hospital here last night. V ' Accordina: to the best informa- -jion obtainable today a number ofi Ross was , seen unt hit flUftlis body; was found m tj f jfnt jof th delivery wagon of tt;fln- Vond Dying and,' Cleanup Works, his" he&d over the daihfctrdrth whioh jilbrref tedJtt ifc supposed thtljjel illOTfitspli in: a s tae'ctf r insansiJli was made impoitibfy'iiAirtigb of hi body . pxesseil af linst the deshheard at- his threat and he died without regtiuing l.iafficient consiou?inefs to pul limeelf out 7J m KILLED IN SWAIN.: porch swallowd up all the rest, apd;f ful filment ef- that duty eniiobles. the iurqaitc-'s .jBJucii:vit... is shewn." The order of Jesuits has been described as a "sword whose nut is at tfome, anayiose point is everywhere." r" It is but natural that the Popes should befriend and honor such faithful servants. As a rule such has been the papal policy. -But from time to time, so great has been the outcry raised by govern ments that were suffering from the plots and intrigues of the Jesuits that the Popes hav& been compelled to curb thsm. They were banished from Portugal in 1759, from France in 1767, and from Spain in-. the same year.- Bear in mind that all these coun tries were intensely Roman Catho lic at the time. So great was the general clamor against them that Pope Clement XIV. issued a bull on July 21, 1773, abolishing the order. It was restord on the fall of Napoleon in 1815; and since that time they have been ban ished for a loncer or shorter period from Italy, Spain, France, Russia, Switzerland, Belgium Ba varia, Austria, the German Em pire and various Roman Catholic States in America. The United States is a kind .of heaven for them. Here they are permitted to flourish in peace, but if they ever gain sufficient pewer to have their own way, the United States ill not be a heaven for other people. Presbyterian Standard . men had gathered near the post office where there was some driak- ing wid carousing, amongtae number being Clark, sn unmirried man probably SO years of-age. is laid ' thtClslt!?ieftffi himself by standMgJoh a with yevolyeriiand shooting over the headsrifjBome men npt far diBtant. D. J. Calhoun, fa miliarly nown in thai section as Dan Calhoun, a married man 25 yoarB of age, went to Clark and demonstrated with him, insisting that he stop th shooting. The two became involved in tT wordy battle, when Clark suddenly drew his pistol and ahot Dan Calhonn, the wound causing almost instant death. J. P. Calhoun, known a Phil Calhoun in Swain county, went to the scene, when Clark turned the weapon on him, shooting him twice through . the abdomen. Clark then, it is said, turned and made his ascape A mejsage to day stated that Clark had lot been captured ; that it ie thought jie has- escaped to Tecoeseee. Bhillp"Palhouu wae brought to mormug ac- W. I. fCalhoub and a cousin. The Host Corliss Fitafifflii Rtcorf. ' Death came on Christ so as morn ing to Walter Ross,:3well known colored driver for. thaVSoutbtrn Express Company, inf nianner so unusual as to be almxtiftineanny. It was an icoidentiiMaia by strangling, rsultingrinafaU while he waitbl:ic'.p; It happened in thj Wdeiworth tables on North !Try6n ..itraat some . time between :0 and .1 o'clock yesterday. former hour vhen Rsiud anoth er express driver oaiivrithtwo horses belonging toHhj express company. That wu tha last titnt Asheville yesterday cdrhpani8d by his father, hejja5liiioiaf the most caiioui onjfcord,JiHad fiis seaaet notrS4 (oJ)tw benumbed and'iSixtriftsir throat from the perilous-jositjoB would have been an autoroalicisubcn soious act. So thorough was his intoxication, however, tnat avtn the1 shock of the fail and the pain of suspended breathing; iid not arause his sluggitiT and tupafls4 brain. CharlottelObssrvjsr. AmiTiOl, fOYS AND 61BLS. 1111 mm ' . Disfnictlye Fire . Dunn Dec. 2S.What was the most des true live, fire in the history of Dunn, accurred yesterday morning at 1 :30 o'clock when the stook of dry goods of tht Harnett Dry Goods Company, E. Gold stein, manager, was destroyed. Prize: of 15.00 Eicfe Offerilt for Esjsaj On Hoiknra Djstiso iBtf 6mertl Sanitation, Mrs, W. N . Hutt, nhairraan of tht Htalth Department of the Slate Federation of Wosnen's Clubs, '"hat offered thret, and may perhaps offer mare, pritia Jof five Tht building, a large two-story dollars eaoh to be ' given for the stracture, belonging to G. F. bast essayfon koolB worm disease Pope, in which the business was and gtntiai'MmtliioTli9priiM' .oontao'ted, vwa damaged to the at will be 6ffered(as follows: amount of several thousand dol- Five dollars to the boy or girl lars. the fire originated, it is mndef 15 years of age for the best thought on the second floor m the assay on bookworm disease. millinery department. The flames Fivt dollari to tht boy or girl ipr9ad to the store of J. W. over 15 years and under 21 ytars Draughon & Bro.. adjoinine. the IRON WORKS PLANT WRECKED,: a - fof.tht btst essay on hookworm disease. Fiyt dollars to the boy or girl nndtr 15 yaari ef aft for tht' bast lia gtnttal sanitation . second floar of which was occupied by Mrs. J. W, Baucom for milli nery. Her stock was a complete loss, with vtry small insarance. The stoak offirv irooda and trenta' Tht f raditf .of tisays on hoek- furnishings -.JDraughon Bros. will e at follows : worm disease English compasition; 15 points ; style .and ntatnass, 15 points; knowledgt of the disease, how it may b aoquirad, tha harm it may product, where it may txist, etc., 85 points; originality displayed in propostd scheme for. curing the The fire accurred right in the bus sufftrers m yquf oointy and cor- inela center of the town and many W, 1 : ' 7Siyd Ffom- Awful. Jath his family was prevented is told by A. D McDonald, of Fayette viile, X.. O , R. F. D. No. 8. "Mv bad coii5unjptio!" ho writes, "aha was very thin and pale, had no appotitc and e -ri d to grow Wbakor every day, aa all emedies faiiod till .Dr. King' New Disoovery wa? tried, and sc completely cu?cd hr, that she nasi not b;:on troubled with a cough sine . Its the be?t medi cine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, iagrirpe. asthma, croup, hemorrha-xea. all bronchial troubles, it bus . equ&i, Cxe, $1.00. Trial Vtv- . rr - -. tepd hv Ail Drai.t?.. R. Cromartle Abiudons i Vitrei fir r ost Ff4iT. K Hamlet, t)ec. R, Cr- martieof Soprtau, Ga.)iwho has been in "Hamlet ;ince November 12, directing thiB, search! for his father, Editor Jo ih A, 6romartit, who wondered away fron a local hotel and was lost, left ior homt for hie father . j' Something like 1500 has betn Bper.t and very effort put forth, recting existing conditions so that those who art frte (from tie dii naaa may not be expeseA ta it, 85 nointt. oanteal will pen January lit 1911. and close .Mareh 1st, .1911. All who enter the contest jhauld stud in their tssays to Mrs. W. N. Hutt, chairman Baltigh, N. O. The grading of tht essays on general sanitation will bt similar to tht grading af tht essay t on hoekworta disease. It is hoptd that all local clubs or othtr civic leagatt will make sicailar offers for their own coun ties. Wherever this is doat the childrtn ia that eounty, Realizing that inert will certainly be one pnee Tragedy in Asheville. v Asheville, Dtc. 25. Dariag the progress of a drunken row between Jifteen or twenty negroes on Syca more street this afternoon ahout 1 o'clock, Will McDonald shot and instantly killed Henry Lyles. , Af ter killing his man McDonald ran towards, the mountains ud al though the officers were not more for thairnonnty and a chance than to minutes in reaching the but uo trace af the has been fou.'jd. missing man Whst A Song Did. A Scottish youth learned a pious mother to ging psalms that were then hold words to them in Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by conetitutional remedies. Deaf ness iB caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous1 lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumb ling sound ot imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf uestjie, the result, and unless tha inflammation can be taken out aad'this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surface. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) -that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family PillB for I constipation . ' frora the old as house- the kirk and by the fireside. Whn he had grown up, h wandered away from his native country, was ta ken captive by the Turke, and mads a slave in one of the Bar bary states. But he never forgot the songs of Zion,-- Uthoagb he sangsthem in a strange land an dtc heathen ears. One night he was solacing him self in this manner, when the at tention of aorno sailors on loard of an English man-of-war was directed to the familiar tane of "Old Hundred, ' as it came float ing over ths waves. At once they-f surmised the truth, fehat of their countrymen was languishing away his life aa a captive. Quick ly arming themselves, they man- 1. HI. ned a boat ana loss no time in effecting his release. tVcatapy to him after eighteen years pass ed in (slavery, and is it strange that he evsr afterwards cherished the glorious tune of "0:d Hun dred." Exchange . e Banks On Sure Thing Now. "I'll nevr be without Dr. King'-e. Ne Life Pills again," writes A. Schmgeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo' N. Y "They cared me of chronic constipation when all others failed." Unequalled for Biliousness. Jaundice, indigestion Headache, Chilis, Malaria-, aird Debility. 25c at AH DrugieW. " Something JustasOQbd Can only be the case when it is another bottle of Dr. Beljs Pine-Tar-Iioney. Every bottle the eaOH. Look for the bell on the bottle. f e I He Kttcnlis ComitiTom. M There is always quite a fleck of Ketchiee in Rowan, among whom &re some of our beat people, but like lots of other fam$iet they have become somewhat scattered. They live in the north, weit, and south and here, bat I whtrtrer for one or more of the State pris ts, will bt itinulavei 90 isareaaed TmrrHnrTifVvrnrm. ..CommiS- sioa of the Otate Beard af Health," Raleigh, N. C, will famish ftee illustrattd literature on, hotk worm disease an raqaesf. Concern Thills Victimized Has Beeif !n ajolred la Trouble With Union Labor. h,oi Angsles, Cal., Dtc. 22. The Llewelyn Iron Works .were partly wrecked by an explosion, presumably of dynamite, early to day. The force of the explosion smashed windows for more tkan a block and awakened persons more than two miles away. J E. As bary, the watchman, was slightly injured. Who placed the supposed charge of dynamite is unknown ta the police, but it is believed to have been the outceme of general la bor troubles, in which tht Llew elyn company has been involved. A hold 18 inches deep and about 6 feet in diameter bears witness to the place of tht explosion . About seventy-five fett of the front of the main bailding, a thrHe-story frame structure, was shot to pieces, and its contents of furniture and paraphanalia were piled together in apparently ruin. Tht heavy machinery building apparently was undam aged. The Llewelyn Iron Workfl has long been prominent in the fight against the recognition of union labor in this city, and is one of the concerns involved in the met al workers strike, which went in to effect on June 1. The strike has been characterized by great bitterness on both sides. The strike was called trginally to enforce a demand for an 8 hour day for all metal workers and a uniform wage scale of 50 csnts an hour. The struggle was precipitated by a notice from the men engaged in the metal trades in San Francisco that tht employ ars there had made concession ta their employes on condition that they should not thereby be placed at a disadvantage in competition with, non-union Los Angeles firms. J Officials of the Llewelyn com- ik'9B& that the Jlwsra-- '.inniik$& 'tpji.fey,. t -j-f wis badly damaged by Are and water, bat through the excellent work of the fire company the low er story of the building received only slight damages. However, the top and second story of the buildiag was entirely destroyed. of the best and most valuable baildings of the town were expos ed," The property loss, together with the merchandise, is estimat ed to be around $25,000, partly covered by insurance. Charlotte Observer. scene of tfcQ tragedy the murderer succeeded inV making his escape. Iis said thai -the negroes were all McDonald; they may be they keep a warm soot in their hearts far tela1 Sal isbury, the good old county of Rowan and oar people, j Saturday W. L. Ketchie, who oowl-'livti Macon Ga., dropped ta tee as. lie is a son of B. R. Kttohit, of baiiBbury. letter wt wtrt agree able surprised by a visit from Jcha D., "iT.iL. and! Let M., sons of 8, C. Ketchie, 'en., one of the county's splendid oitixtns. John D., has just rttnt&atl from a few months stay atDtghtla 111., with hiB brothtr Henry Ii:, who is visiting fritnds and relaiivet here for a few wetkt. Letifk. lives Klliid Uidir 1 Train. Hamlet, Dec. 25. Somewhere between 4:10 and 5:80 ytsttrday mtrning John Erwin, S. A. L. car inspector, lost his life under a freight train in tht North Hamlet yards. Mr. Erwin had been ordered by tht foreman of inspectors, W. R. Mints, to inspect a train of box J J A. - cart maat ap ana reaay iu gu southward. To reach his train from tht shanty he had to orawl ever or under stvtral lines tf hox onrt. There were no tyt witnesses ta the aocldtnt, ant it ia prtsmmed that ht was attempting to crawl under a flat oar when the shifter disputt ; that Lyles was in the act of placing a bottle of whiskey in his pockeirwhen McDonald pulled a pittol and shot him through the head. route 4 and is a hastllng farm Providence Township . on er of Another brother, Ghat "8., has been, living in the west, recently married. !; 5 who was Want To Help Someibnt. i For thirty yean J. F. Boyer, of Fertile. Uo., needed help and couldn't find it. That's! why wants to neip some one now. Suffering so long himself he reals for ail in distress from tfackacha, NervoosnesB, Loss of jlppetiU, Lassitude and Kidney diiorders He shows that Electric Bitters w rk wonders for such tronbles . "Five bottles," ht writest, whol ly cured me and now I ' am wel and hearty." It's also positively guaranteed for Liver i Trouble ' Dypp8ia, Blood Disorders, Fe mate Complaints, and i Malaria Try thm. 0o at All Dgiatt, he engine, in making up a tram, struck the car and caught him in fearful death-trap. Tht right foot was out off, tht akmll was orushed and tht brains strewn along the tratkt. Mr. Erwin Uavei a vonnf wilt and three email children.Cherlotne Obeer- you get the best vr, White Peacemaker Brutally Killed By Negro Combatant. Camden, N. J., Deo. 25. Al bert Hibbs, a white man, aged 80 vears. wai murdered today while! returning to his home on South Eighth street. Hibbs saw two negroes fighting and attempted to senaratt them.-' The laner of the fighters threw Hibbs to the pavement and drawing a razor almost severed his head, killing him instantly, Clement Ridge- way, who lives in a ntgro etttlt mtnt, in South Camden, was ar rested on suspicion of knowing something about the murder. nake Up Your Own Mind When in the need of a oough medioine. If you buy Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey we guarantee plact ib the outgrowth c, t theii differences with labor, and the police areworking on this theory. Fred C. Wheeler, president of the Los Angeles Central Labor Council has issued a statement defying any one to fasten the re sponsibility ftf the crirne upon the organization of which he represents. Apparently the police have no definite clue to the perpetrators. In view of Tht Los Angeles Times dynamiting outrage, in which twenty-tne men were killed last October, today's explosion created extraordinary interest. The grand jury is expected at auy time to haiid in its report on Tht Times case . Oranulated Eye Litig are easily cured Caustic is not necessary. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve is Painless and harm less and is gauranteed to cure. Has never failed on a - cse, costs 25c. Rleiionf OoliiEt Suffers From Early Horning Fin. Riohtnond, Va., Deo. 25. The north wing of Ryland Hallr tht main building of Riohmond Col lege, was gutted by fire at an ear ly hour this morning, nimaiea loss is 160,000, which is covered by ineurance. Thtre wtrt many individual losses, hawtvtr, on the parttf studeatt, in tht way of clothing, books, tto., on. which thtrt was na insurants and whith fall heavily an tha lostrs. Many of tht students alto had narrow from losinsr their lives in NegrouJQfoman Dles.at Advanced Age. McCall, S. C, Dec .25. Prob ably the oldest woman in the Carolina's died a few milts from McCall this week. The relatives of Celia McLaurin, once the slave of John D. McLaurin, Sr., olaim that she was 111 years old, but the best-informed white folks positively assert that the oan bt no lass than 107. She was an agtd woman when the civil war bgan. To the last she retained memory, sight, and hearing, but tht flames, bat fortunately nobedy VAt bent nearly double, and so was hurt. Tht canst tx the n is as yet unknown. Ends Winter Trouble of Ta manv. winter u a season troablt. The freit bitten tots and fingers, chapped hands and lips, thilblaini, cold sorss, rtd and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Atrial convinces. Greatest healer of Barns, Boils, Piles. Cuts. Sores. Eczema and Sprains gittsa fetblt that she was unable to care for herself. She was found dead last Wtdntsday at the fireplace her ftet badly burned . It is sup posed that she was warming, and ftll ia the firt . Charlotte Ob-strvtr. Try It, Try It. Try Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Despoiled a 6raiey&rd. Recently it waB reported in Tht Dispatch that a party or parties unknown had entered the church yard at Clarksberry and broken many tombstones, carrying some of thtm out intcthe pnbbc road and smashing them int frag ments. Windows were broken tut of the church and lunches were broken and torn up Au thorities worked quietly n tht case and last week Leo. B:.-t, son of Francis Black, and Ed. Mack, son of Levi Blaok, and flftrvfty Grubb were arrested for the of fence and taken bef. re" A. S. Miller, justice of the pe.-. The two Black boys waived initia tion and were bound wvur to court under bonds of 2U each. Grubb was given a hesri. r and was released' for lack of m idence to hold him,' .- -.. v "? . . Ecaema .- '. ,. ?m Is consideied bard-tb cure. Try for all skin troubles. It is at Dr. Ball's Antiseptic Salve and pleasant as sweet cream and guar-1 you will-change vWr miud. Yon Onl25o"t AU Drugi I antted to give satisfaction in worst i will see an improvement uom the a sea. xao a uoz $ ocst awdlNatioi 1 -. t 1 1 7 -1 u .r" - -it 3 At fy. ...