THECnUIlAUATCHLlAII. COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE. v IftAnnnonnnrtftnhftnnnnnnhnftnoOOObooOdOOOOOOO Wit. H, STKWA.Br, Sd; od feop PvfeUsksd every Tueadaj at 120 Weit innea street. Catered m teeond-olMs matter Jan. tVf, N. 0., der the aet of Congress Of Harehltd, 1897. Telephone No. 468. Salisbury, N. 0. Feb. 1st, 1011. Ex-representative Walter Mar phy it in Raleigh nursing the leg islature presumably in behalf of the whiskey interests . Knock, knock, knock, whenever yon please, wherever yon please and ai much as yon please, Things need knocking as much as they do boosting, A fellow tha can't knook is like a sick kitten he hat lost his in intelligence and independence. Fools and weak lingi gallop in gangs and are more apt to go wrong than right Woman might not look better, bnt she certainly would be better if the would pay more attention to keeping her disposition than her hat on straight. Salisbury Peat. There is something wrong with our bachelor neighbors. Such remarks as these are not custom ary among those who hope to suo oeed, or hate succeeded, on the matrimonial sea. uneer up brethern, we recently ncticed the marriage of a couple at 72. to Money loaned at 5 per cent doubles itself every twenty years If the legislature passes a bill erect a State building at a cost $1,000,000, issuing 5 per cent forty-year bonds to pay for it the final cost will run up over three millions or more, if all the bends are paid off promptly. Be side the principal and interest on such a scheme the percentage paid sheriffs for the collecting will likely add another million. It seems to us the wise thing to do, if the thing mutt be done, would be to levy taxes and first create a fund for suoh a building, decide upon a central location for the capital and then build. ems of Interest Id Various Neighborhoods Sent in 111 Our Friends. GOLD HILL. Gold Hill. Jan. 80. The health of this community is all O. K. The farmers are plowing their and for corn during this nice weather. One of our good writers asks if it is against the law to use salt on and. Does your land need salt? Or is it lime that it needs? I have no idea that your land needs salt. I am not so sure that Bait oontains any plant food. The composition of salt is Na. 0. L. Does your land need any of these ingredients? Salt will injure a corn crop instead 'of helfing it. j&any iu idh eynug wueii cum wants the soil warm and dry, salt keeps it cool and wet. Some times the seed will rot and 11 the corn comes up it will turn yellow and look like it was perishing As to the law I don't know any thing about it, but I would ad vise you not to use any salt. You ! had better use lime. I have lived on the farm for twenty years and have learned something abou farming. Our best farmers do not use salt as a fertilizer. Clarence Morgan visited A. F. Kluttz Friday night. I reckon some one is trying to catch a panther up on Panther Creek . J. 1. Kiuttz killed a large sap sucker on Reedy branch som time ago. Sonnie and Luther Bams visited A. F. Brady Sunday. Collie Kluttz was out last Sun day evening on a Ions visit and it get dark before he got home. He had to borrow a lantern so he oould see to get home . W . J. T. Brady has recently purchased a new talking machine: Jacob Ribelin is sawing with his new mill. George Hoffman is going ahead sawing on the Brady place near Ridge Road. St. mattne we m. Li. unurcn is going to build a new spire to the ehurch Uncle Ike. In Friday's Record we made mention of the death of Miss Nannie Holshouser, who lived with her mother, Mrs. Basioger, near. Rock Grove. The young ladies' name was not Holshouser, but Eury. We stated that she had probably died from neglect, that is she was afflicted with typhoid-pneumonia and no regular physician was called in, a faith healer, or so-called osteopath, having oharge of the case, and we understand is practicing regular ly in that community without lioense. We expressed our un belief in an osteopath's ability to core pneumonia or typhcid and that those who called in such a doctor was taking their life in their own hands. Most any reg ular physician could have cured this ohild and we now believe that her death was more than neglect, but criminal . Somebody's crimi nal negligence, or that faith-healer's pretentions, is responsible for that death and the proper author ity should investigate the matters with the hope at least of pre vol t ing it repetition. Wife Got Tip 1 op Advlc. "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil," writes D, Frankel, of Stroud, Okls. "I said 'put Buck lew's Arnioa Sale on it.' She did so, and it cured the boil in a short time." Quickest heal er of Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruises, Sprains. Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 26c at all druggists. Yoang Uaa Klllid atiNear Bier Joint In Ciiirrat Coonty. Sidney Barrier, who has some relatives in the city, but was liv ing in Rimertown, Cabarrus County, was shot and almost in stantly killed at the neer beer saloon of H. A . Goodman, about three miles from Concord last Saturday night, the shooting 00- oured about midnight. He had gone to the saloon early in the evening and the proprietor asked him to help serve the customer?, wbioh he did, until the crowd dispersed and only a few who re mained. He and a young man named John Safrit were carrying on a rather heated argument re lative to tht proposed .railroad through that section when Good man told the young men if they wanted to fight it out they would have to go outside to do so. Bar rier immediately started out, but 21-11 saint paid no attention and re mained seated. Just as Barrier stepped outtide a shot was fired and Barrier fell against a buggy which was standing there, George Motley ai d Jim Plots Were hitch ing their mule to the buggy and had left the saloon to go home it is thought, Young Bar rier was shot in the left breast and the bullet was found in the right lung by the physician when he examined the wonnd. Pott ana money were arrested on sus picious, and lodged in jail to await the preliminary trial which was held Monday. Young B wa rier was about 20 years of age and was married last June to Miss Maymie, a daughter of Amos Penninger of No. 6 Township. He was th9 son of Mrs. W. D. Bar rier, of Rimertown, and a nephew of the late F. V. Barrier of Salisbury. Cured Splint M. 1 rgsru CfK. I MIMA n Iftli B Wo mum - n nuri By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The Ghange of Life is the most critical period of a woman's existence, and . neglect of health at this time invites disease. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women tnrougn tnis trying period as iyuia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Here is proof: I Jiatlck, Mass., "I cannot express wnar a went through during the Change of E.ife before I tried .Lydia E. iinJkham's vegetame com pound. I was in such a nervous condition I could not keep still. My limbs were cold. I had creepy sensations ana coma not siecp nights. I was finally told by two phvsicians that I had a tumor. I read one day of the wonderful cures made by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it, and it has made me a well woman. My neighbors and friends aeciare 11 has worked a miracle for me. Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound is worth its weight in gold for women during this period of life. If it will help others you may publish this letter." Mrs. Nathan B. Greaton, 51 Jfo. Main St JiaMcJt,-fliass. ANOTHER SIMILAR CASE. Cornwallville, N. Y. "I have been taking T.vrlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for some time for Change of Life, nervousness, and a fibroid growth. "Two doctors advised me to go to the hospital, but one day while I was away visiting, I met a woman who told mc to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and I know it helped me wonderfully. I am very tiin.nlrfiil that I was told to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Wm. Cornwallville, N. Y., Greene Co. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. This medicine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. - For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ilia. No sick woman does justice to her-elf who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. . - js Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women U-w to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. fWa. 1 Boughton, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Always Lots of Bargains to be Found Here "FfcUYING right in big quantities and selling for CASH nnlv is whv vnn pan hnv ormrls cheaner here than O n m j --''j j j o - a f 1. 1 V any wnere eise. O O o o o o o o o o o o o Smooth sheeting for 5c 88-inch sheeting worth 6 l-2c, but in short lengths for 5c Extra good heavy sheeting only . .7 1-2c Good grade of calioo for 5c NEW SPRING GINGHAMS. We are selling regular 12 l-2c Dress GiDg hams in short lengths for only . . . . 10c NEW LACES. Big lot of Val. and round thread laces, beautiful new patterns for 39 4, & 5c AH Linen Torchon Laces worth up to 8 l-2o for only 50 NEW WOOL DRESS GOODS. Poplar cloth, same as the old Danish ISM clotb, but 36 inches wide, in black, navy, and all best colors. Best-cheap wool goods made to sell for 25c Big stock of fancy Mohairs 42 inches wide, and surges, etc., for 4-8 '& 50c And at 75, 85 and 98c you can find here the bery best values. OVERALLS, Boy'a Overalls for 25o Youth's good long apron front Overalls for 48c 4,B. B " Overalls for men made of real good denin, cut nice and full. A real $1.00 value, our special for 75o Sweet. Orr and Maratock Overall, union made and are extra good for 9oC Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o IfflH fffl D oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The Famous J?3Z tl r ul ma. I r 1 fie Jbump wun uiuuseu iigui "I have used Sloan's liniment on a fine mare for splint and cored her. This makes the third horse I've cured. Have recommended it to my neigh bors for thrash and they say it is fine. I find it the best liniment I ever used. I keep on hand your Sure Colic Cure lor myself and neigh bors, and I can certainly recom mend it for Colic" S. E. Smith, McDonough, Ga. Cured Thrush. Ms. R. W. Parish, of Bristol, Ind.,11, No. 2, writes: "I have used lots of your liniment for horses and myself. It is the best liniment in the world. I cured one of my horses of thrush. Her feet were rotten; the frogs came out; she laid down most of the time. I thought she' would die, but I used the liniment as directed and she never Ees down in the daytime now." LlfflMERT should be in every stable and ap plied at the hrst sign of lameness. You don't need to rub, it penetrates. will kill a spavin, curb or splint, re duce wind puffs and swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweeney, founder and thrush. Price, 6O0. and $1.00 Sloan's book on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free. Address Sr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., T7.8.A. WATCH REPAIRING. Leave your -watches, etc.. with E. L. Lyerly, at Granite Quarry, for repairing, or get a new one mere. CHRISTIANNA. Christanna, Jan. 80. The health of this oommunity is not very good at this writing. Luther Brown is confined to his bed with typhoid fever. His many friendB wish him an early recovery. Sam Hufman's baby, who has been sick for some time, is im proving fast we are glad to say. There wa preaching'at Christi- auna, January 29th, by our past or, Rv. J. A. Linn, and a joint council meeting by the churches. J. R. Brown, of China Grove. was visiting his parents last week. Mrs. L. H. Brown, of Washing- ton, is spending a few days with Mr. Brown's father. Miss Carrie Cauble has been on the sick list for the past week but is better now we are glad to note Mrs. M. M. Brown and chil dren are spending a few days with her parents. Marcns Brown, who had his arm broken, is improving nicely we are glad to Bay. Miss Sue K'uttz, of Granite Q larry, spent Friday and Satur day with Missesa Pearl and Vin uie Johnson. Miss Nancy Eesler spent Sat urday night with Miss Carrie Cauble. There will be an exhibition at R man Academy March llth and probably an entertainment that night. Viola. Catarrh Cannot be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrhjis'a blood or con stitutional disease, and in order should always be used where several people sit, because It does not strain the eyes of those sitting far from it. The Rayo Lamp is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that increases its light-giving value has been inoluded. The Rayo Is a low-priced lamp. You may pay $5, $10 or even $20 for other lamps and get S more expensive container but you cannot get a better light than the Rayo gives. This season's Rayo has a new and strength ened burner. A strong, durable shade-holder keeps the shade on firm and true, easy to Keep a fcn nr it von mnot. tfeR intaniftl polistwa, as it is maae 01 soiia crass, nniane remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure it not a quaok medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physi cians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, oombined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The per fect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Chehey, Props.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Once a Rayo User, Always One. R, L. BROWN. Our Voting Contest. The boys are begmniog to get busy If you are going to get in the game don't d lay the matter longer. Now is the time. Any one who wishes to join is invited to do so. Fill out the minatiD&r coupon and bring, or snd it in, get a receipt book and gt buBy. Any further informa tion desired may be had by in quiring at The Watchman office in person or by letter. Following is a list of the con testants and the vote as it stands upon going to press today : W. L. Trexler. No. 8, Salisbury, N.C 10,500 Clarence Morgan, No. 1, Grold Hill, N. C 5,250 L. C. McCombs, No. 3, Salisbury, N.C... 8,000 J F. Coppley, No. 4, Salisbury 2,500 C. A. W, Kluttz, Granite Quarry, N.C 2,500 Panl T. Goodman. No. 1, Gold Hill, N. C 1,000 Mrs. G. M. Lyerly. Richmond. Va 1,000 George H. Lyerly, No. 6, Salis bury, N. C 1,000 Geo. B. Kesler, No 6, Sal isbury, Old Veteran 1,000 J D. Thomas, No. 6, Sal- isbury... 1,000 I J. R. Holshouser. No. 8, Sal is bury, N.C 1.000 0. A. Campbell, No. 1. Gold Hill, N. O..... 1,000 Help Wanted For that oongh . Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It is the beat. CHINA GROVE. Jan. 27. The health of this community is very good at this writing. James lost is doing some saw ing on the McCurdy laad. M . A. Overcash and son took three bales or cotton to Salisbury, I guess they got some money. Stbawbebby WHEII THE BOWELS ARE UNCOMFORTABLE and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning operation, you should put a small quan tity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator ( The Powder Form ) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is purifying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the muscular structure of the bowels. It overcomes the tendency to chronic constipa tion, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath, and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Deatertt Price, large package, $1.00. Aik tor the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. It yon cannot get It, remit to m, we will lend it by mall, postpaid. Blmmona Lirer Regulator U put op alto in liquid form tor thote who prefer It. Price, 1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. J.H.ZBUN&CO, ftops, St Louis, Mo. Womei, sell guaranteed hose. 70 per oent. profit. Make $10 daily. Full or part time. Be ginners investigate. Strong Enit. Box 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. Dtcltrs Evtrwhtrt. If not at yours, writt tor dtsertpttm circular to tht ntartst agtncy etht Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) B0VETA for lumber camps is the best ox feed obtainable. It comes in sacks, is easily handled and means whole consumption without waste. The meal won't separate. Cattle can't lick it out and leave the hulls only slobbered over they eat it all from corner to corner, licking the trough dean. Boveta is scientifically proportioned and balanced machine mixed and sacked; containing a very high percentage of Protein (the fuel of labor) and is a fine milk maker for cows. For those wanting m i less expensive brand we recommend our machine mixed running 10 protein, and correspondingly cheaper. Full in formation, prices and BULLETIN ON ' CATTLE FEED ING' sent for a postal. Write to-day. THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. 11 Charlotte. North Carolina M H 17 Protein Choosing Silver Aitistic designs, correct style, brilliant finish, combined with honest value, make 1847 ROGERS BR0S.,K silverware the choice of disenminatingpurchasers. This name to-day stands for the heaviest grade of plate and exquisite beauty of patterns, assuring long years of service and sat isfaction. Its remarkable durability has won it X the popular title "Silper Tlate that Weart." Sold by leading dealers every where. Send for catalogue t "C-L "showing ail patterns. Madden Britannia Co,. International Silver Co., Bueceuor. Hsrlden, Coim. LP . JjaujiB m p- For Sale by all Dealers. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK. SALISBURY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. We pay 4 pr cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood, president. cashier, D. L. Ga skill, W. T. Busby, V. -president. asst. cashier. Read The Watchman. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SIIClll PrI&tS on all truuki and suit oaies at Salisbury Pawn Shop. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ampbeli have on the Eoad, and will arrive in a few days, 10,000 papers vegetable and flower seed, which they will sell at one cent per paper. Everybody who has used these seed know that they are the very best seed grown. No limit of quantity to a customer. We have just received a big lot of the Ooze Calf Plow Shoes with bellows tops to exclude the dirt, also the best Calf Skin pegged bottom shoes at $1,50. New stock of Hard ware and Rock of Gibralter shoes that give longer wear than any shoes made. If you want shoes that wear, try our shoes. iBirDttaDiiTi oHfoujLirv KTo Co oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -A