w 11SJI. IU JrUUX UITU fJlWOAB o V. V mans Lite to tbue ux5aod Spabklk to the Eye when yourrigpr j -.1 4. minminnnin teat nf hOBtilft ATfl.minftt.inn. The poise t the orator, the gelMruat of the swimmer, the vim and aggreKBiyeneVajof the good fighter,. oome from self -reliance ; and m o Ma WHEMOTa ra Himself is Eveh Apr aid of Losing His Jf b. Few is tho arch-enemy of power ; and fear of circnmstances and ei-GBHk&cBtoBVly another name for lack of confidence in self. To got othera to believe in you, Fibbt Believe in Yotjbself, not 48 a matter f losfio, but through pure self-confidence, for the world . knows tlift ua man oan accomplish anything without faith, and If aith Begins ii the Soul before it fiodi its way into the mind. An a thin or Rktaric vnn hava rlnna it ia 1U iwmt buiiu jy wu o -. jjoooinrj to growth. The mind of the man who has no faith that he do a thing unless he has done it before is doomed to perpetual ittUptftianism and decay . And he who even limits his faith to what Othmbs hate done, will never add muoh to the real progres of The lion-hearted man is he who has the courage to Attempt What Has Neyeb Bekh Done Befobe and the faith to believe Be ' Xo enroll among the immortals it is necessary to do a new ;hiug only Ojk?e. But the man who accomplishes the untried Once ljerer stops; for He has learned the secret of growth. Those who tfavsB grow are the helpless and inanimate who are not willing to t tali ova ttiat fchav nan do a thine Onoe. w w vMf o Out of thB filnger Jir. The fast man ia pretty apt to ill behind. , . What three Vowels express Jjouble? I. O. U. ;It wUi probably never be known .sf hat the hand-saw. i Be aure you are right and then .&n't make a fusa about it. There is many a man who isn't fWth what it costs him to live. Every.-dog haahis day, and too many of them have their nights also. The blacksmith may be an ex pert forger without being arrested for it. Nature ia a good doctor, but she- makes her patients pay,to the last cent. What the oorn heard with its ofgi ears, the potato aaw with its own eyes. Few men know what is good f or them until some wise woman has told them. The money that tht woman spends Is never for the bonnet, But alwayst f or the fancy things ThemUliner puts on it. Tb-rieh are known by their dollars, bat the bumble onion is . known by its scent . The farmer who lost his half- bushel measure was in more than a peck of trouble. The foolish trust to the safety (pin, but ;the wie see, to it that I the buttons are well sewed on. It is easier to climb down a trea than to climb op, which ex plains why the top is never crowd 5d and why there is always room tbjre. We are none of us any better Ahan we ought to be and many of $s are a great deal worse. TJte farmer has good many mouths to feed; he ia even obliged .all through the winter to feed fc fodder cutter. Sfaetime when a man is pra terng o be looking for a wife hejs merely looking for a good oo . Beirare of such. From October Farm Jonmal. Nil DtrJjpmeits la tin Stiti CtswilgD AfSt Hookworm Dlseisi. Tht 8tatnd county dispensa ries for the free treatment of hoejrjn disease are attracting wi5-spread attention. Fifteen eacjrn counties hav9 made the neopsary provision to have them. In (our of these counties, Robe son Sampson Columbus and Ha(jjfax, the work was completed abogt three weeks ago and an av erage of 8,000 victims of the dis ease rere treated in each county. Therwcatie of Wayne, Onslow, Cumberland and Northampton now have, dipo-i.ir!oe in opera tion. About one hundred people are being treated daily at each of the djupemarius. Pender, New Hanover, Brunswiok, Graven, Pitt, varreu, and Hertford coun ties have made provision for the dispepsaries and will be entered as soon a- possible. Bladen and perhapao or three other coun ties will taks action the next first Monday. The dispensaries re main, in a county usually six weks . The good results of their WPrk are so apparent that after the dispensaries move to new fields the local doctors are kept basv continuing the treatment. T A Dreadrul lfht W.H. J. Barnnm, of Freeville, N, Yi, was the fever sore that had plagued . his life for years in spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used Bucklen's Arnioa Salve sad wrote: "It has entirely hejsled with scarcely a scar left' Hgals Burns, Boils, JScsema, Outs, Brnises, Swellings, Corns and Pijes like magic. OUy SSoatall drngjists, Believe in Yourself. Beliers in Youbsblf. It ment ooiirage an4 fortune. It makes Ootidkkok at a time when be- i : J rnma9a ia walnahla Tfc HEN TO JOIN THE CHURCH. A Big lotting to be Hell is ChtrlestoB, S. C, Next Febrniry. On May 18, 1910, a small group representing various religious or ganizations of Christian men met in a hotel in New York city. A oommon interest brought them together. In August of last year another group sending 72 cities and 83 States and Provinces of North America were together two days at Buffalo. The interest was still the same but more in tense. "How can more men be brought into the church and how can those who are in the church be aroused to such aotivity that we shall have a mighty orusade that will result in making this a better world?" Since that series of meetings the eyes, and ears of people of Canada and the United States have been greeted with increased frequency with the phrase "The Men and Religion Forward Movement." It is a simple recognition of the fact that conditions that maintain today must not be toler ated. It sees the evii and is dis turbed by it ; it sees the remedy and- is aroused to aotion. The true dynamic for sooial and po litioal improvement is the spiritual force, aotive or latent in every man ; that force, which prompts aud can help every man to make the most of himself. The international movement is directed by a Committee of 97. Ninety cities in North Amerioa have been chosen as headquarters for radiating centers. Other cities in their territory become Auxiliary cities. For instance, Jacksonville is headquarters for Florida. Thus Atlanta, Savan nah and other cities in Georgia and Florida become Auxiliary oities with headquarters at Jack sonyille. Charleston is head quarters for North and South Carolina. Already - a powerful Committee of 100 is quietly but effectively at work there. Head quarters are maintained at the Y . M. 0. A. Strong interdenomi national Committees on Missions, iiible study, Sunday School. Community Extension, Evangel ism and so on are already at wore. February 18-14 a great team of experts of international eminence! will be in Charleston. Every Carolina city which becomes an auxiliary center will have a dele gation there. Communications addressed to Executive Secretary Y. M. C. A.. Charleston, will bring full information. The Charleston Committee will wel come any sister city in the Caro lines into- the movement. But aotion must be quick. Every Protestant pastor and Sunday School superintendent is on the committee of 100. Another Old Bible. T. A. P. Roseman was in town Saturday and havine seen Venns' statement in last week's paper concerning an old bible bought at the sale of the late Caleb Ba singer, brought in the following lniormation concerning one whieh ne nas. air. Kosemans bible is a family relic, it having ooma down from his father and grand- ratner. it measures 16 inohes long, 11 inohes wide and is 6 inohes thiok. It vai nrintml in Germany in 1584, the biuding is oi wooa and rawnide, the corners are ornamented with brass and it weighs 17 pounds. This beats venue' book in size, weight and age, so Mr. uoseman now stands at the head in this line. If any one can beat this he is invited to do so. Thursday, Benny Garret, a boy living with Mr. Roseman found a ripe strawberry which is some what unusual for this time of EIF0BCIN8 TRUST LAW. Trssts Tnlsg lo Gst Right In Ef 8$ ot til Liw. Washington, PepH 22. Recent reports that attorneys ; for large combinations: of corporations and their principals also were? hoping for some general understanding witn tne government authorities concerning the application of the antitrust law and that some of them went to, the attorney general to asoertain what aotion, if any, may be necessary to , make them stand right in the eyes of the government, was the subject of muoh discussion here The As sociated Press is in position to state-the following, as the atti tude of the department of justioe : "ine attorney general's posi tion, as frequently stated by him. ia that since the Bupreme courts decision in the oil and tobacco cases, the area of uncertainty in the law had been greatly reduced, and the meaning of the statute in its application to great monopo listic corporations, made clear. This makes it neoesiary for those combinations to resolve them selves into a number of dlstinot and separate entitles, no one of which shall be in itself a combi nation in . restraint of trade or threaten monopoly. "How this shall be done, is, of oonrse, a separate problem in eaoh case, a problem whioh in the first instance those in control of combinations and their counsel must work out. Government's law department is preparing to onng Deiore court all combina tions with th i government's view, they will, doubtless follow the supreme court's preoedent and give it reasonable time to reorga nise in conformity with the law." "The department of justice makes it dear that the burden of reorganisation, framing of plans and demonstrating their sufficien cy and adequacy mnst be assumed by those interested in the com binations and not by the depart ment of justice officials." COPPER PRODUCTION DECREASED. Geld isd Sliver Output Increases ii North Carolina Id 1910. North Carolina regained first place among the Eastern States in 1910 in the production of gold. The year's mine production, ao- ooraing to tne united states Geo logical surrey, was 3,291.68 fine ouuees, valued at 168,045, an in crease over the output for 1909 of 1,845.55 fine ounces and of value. Tne yield of silver, recovered in refinine the gold and copper produced, was v,uoa nne ounces, valued at $4, 888. an increase of 8.554 onnnna and of $4,629 in value . The cop per production was 140,514 pounds, valued at 917,845, a de crease of 88,998 pounds and of ill 841 in value. The total value of the production of gold, 9ilver. and oonner in North Cam Una in 1910 was $90,778, an in crease over the corresponding value for 1909 of $21,103 There were 28 plaoer mines in operation in 1910 and 18 deep mines. The deep mines pro duced 14,914 short tons of ore, of which 12.698 tons were trold quartz ores, with an average total recovered value in gold and silver of $4.42 per ton, and 2,221 tons were copper ores, with an aver age precious metal value of t2 fit per ton, and yielding 68.2 pounds of copper per ton. The placera of North Carolina yielded 497.84 fine ounces of gold aud 43 fine ouuees of silver ; the siliceous ores produced 2.745 77 fine onncea of sold and 456 fine ounces silver ; tha copper ores yielded 48.57 fine ounces ot gold and 8.554 fine ounces of silver. The not&bla production of silver from North uarolma in 1910 was therefore from copper ores. The produc tion for Orange. Ptjrann anil Rowan was, gold 246.13 fine ounces valued at $5,088. and silver 8,459 fine ounces valued $4.- OOo, Not a Word of Scandal marred the oall of a neighbor on Mrs. W. P. Soaneh. of Manville. Wyo who said: "She told me Dr King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble aud made her feel like a new woman." Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Only 25o at all drug gists. Iron In Water. What would you consider one of the most powerful agents with whioh to flavor water? Would it be iron? A half part per million oi iron in water is detectable by taste and more thin 4 or 5 parts make a water unpalatable. In some mineral springs iron is the constit uent whioh imparts a medicinal value to the water, but ordinarily it is undesirable. More' than 2 5 parts per million in witer used5 for laundering makes a stsinon clothes. Iron must be removed from nater from which ice i made, or a cloudy disoolored pre -duot will result. An iron content of over 2 or 8 parts per million in water used in the manufacture of paper will stain, the' papor. Iron is harmful is water used for steaming, for it is in equilibrium with acids which inside the bottar beoome dissociated, with the re suit that-the-free acids i corrode th bnilerplates ; but the amount ot iron oarriea in soiusion uy most waters is so small that the damage it does to steam boilers generally amounts to little. :Waters having high iron con tent have in some places caused an immense J amount of trouble and expense when used as oity sup plies, for they favor the growth of Orenothrix to such a degree that the water pipes become clogged with the iron sheaths of the organ- ism. The removal or iron irom water is sometimes eaBy ani some times very difficult. Water Sufi ply paper 278, U. o. ueoiogicsi Survey. Right Across Atlantic Aim of Danish Alitor New York, Sept. 21. The conquest of the Atlantic, the most ambitions exploit yet undertaken by .an aviator, is contemplated by, a Danish airman, who discribes his plans in a letter to The Nord Liyset, a uanisn newspaper of Brooklyn. This aviator writes that he has enlisted the necessary financial aid and made arrangements to fly next spring from Copenhagen to New York, resting only at London and Queenstown, and upon ships stationed at inter vals across the North Sea and the Atlantic ocean . At the aviator's request his name js withheld fadm pub lication at this time. He says he will use a biplane of American manufacture and expects to. fly at the rate of about 56 mile an hour. Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate But this is costly and not always sure . There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Disoovery enre you at heme. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel son, of Calamine, Ark., "when al else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight, Its surely the king of all cough and lung cures." Thous aods owe their lives and health to it. It s positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGnppe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50o & $1 00 Trial! bottle free at all druggists Wood's Fall Seed Catalogue just issued tells what crops you can put in to make the quickest grazing, or hay. to help out the short feed crops. Also tells about both Vegetable and w Farm Seeds 4 that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit i Every Farmer, Market Grower and Gardener should have a copy of this catalog. v It is the best and most com-) plete fall seed catalog issued. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, t Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Nokth Carolina, i In flnnarfnr nnnrf. ' rcowan uounty. j .November term '11 .Nellie Shivers ) vs NOTICE. Walter B. Shivers ) The defendant above named will take notiee that an aation antitlAri a above has been commenced in the Su- Derior court of Rowan onnntv fni on absolute divorce for the plaintiff from tne aeiena&nt: ana tne lam dAfAnrimi: will farther take nntine that: he ia ro quirea to appear at the next term of wis superior court oi jxowan county to De neiu on the 2Uth day November 1811. at the court house nf aairi nnnn. ty in Falisbury, N. JO , and answer or HOlUUt IV U1C UUIUUlBlUlrlU BttlU BCilWI, or the plaintiff will apply to the court iur mw reiiei aemanaea in saia com Dlaint. This the llth day of September, 1911 , J. J? . MOUUBBINS, Clerk 8u Deri or court Rowan nonn.v Clement & Clement, Attys. 4t Notice to Ron-Residents State of North Carolina, ) In the Supe Rowan County. f rior court. John J. Stewart, ad minis- trator OI .Tattie Johnson. 1 - 7 m deceased, v ( Service by Will Islington and Ethell 'tion. L. Brvant and husband W. I va fiihliAa- H.Bryant, Jr. The defendants ahove named will take notice that ah action entitled as abovelhas been commenced in the Su perior court of Rowan county to sell the real eatnt.o nf Puttie .Tnhnann. rle. ceased, to make assets to pay the debts pi sam aeceaent ; ana tne saia aeien dants will further take notice that they are reqafred-to appear at the Su perior court's office in JBowan county, 111 iiue vuuri uouee ui hbiu uuuuijf uu the 21st day of October, 1911, about 12 O'clock, noon of said day and answer or demur to the complaint in said action. or tne plaintiff win apply to the court . . .i - i i i i . ... iur tne reiiei aemanaea in saia. com plaint. J. F. MoOubbins , ! clerk Superior court, Rowan connty. This 16th day of Sept., 1911. 6t get Immediate, relief froii Dr. Stoop's Kik Oistssd PILES OPERATION WasCuredbyLydiaE.Pink ham's Vegetable Compound TTIwoorl Tnfl. .""Votit Tftmedieshave cured me and I have only taken six bottles oi Lydia E. linKhani's vegeta- .i r 3 T was sick three Die vjompounu. x months and could not walk. 1 suf fered all the time. could not get well without an opera tion, tor A eeuia hardly stand the nains in mv sides. especially my right one, and down my riffht leer. T belpan to feel better when I had taken only ill . A rft J 1 A. 1 A, . one DQtwie oi vompouna, out Kept uu as I was afraid to stop too soon," Mrs. Sadie Mullen, 2728 N B. St., El wood, Ind. Why will women take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia B. Pinkbam's Vege table Compound will help you, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Iiynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will he absolutely confidential, and the advice free SPECTACLES They're Ejb Helps if Bifflt. Eye Hollers ani Heaiacbe Maters if Wrong Who but yourself can prevent your having them wrong if you don't get them at the right place? Not the average' spectacle seller . His mission seems to be to get your nose harnessed with a pair that strikes your fancy and opens your purse. It is by knowing the optical busi ness thoroughly and attending to it properly that we hope to build up and keep a reputation. W. H. LEONARD, OPTICIAN, -128 N. Main Street SALISBURY, N. C. Don't Buy a Typewriter From some one 500 or 1,000 miles away because his ad -vertisement sounds good, but COME IN and LET ME SHOW YO D MY STOCK OF GUARAN TEED MACHINES. Prices from $12.50 up. S. H. WILEY, Next Door to Skyscraper, Salisbury, N. C. JNO. R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. CHINA, GBOVE, - - N. C. 16 years experience. Prices moderate. DR. M. J. R AC LAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Innigs St., near Mansion House corner, uay pnone Night phone 480. 4-270 25. Oor Bollding listeria! win please you. Uur ceiling and siding at fl.UU per 100 fees will tiokle you. Good man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L. wkM44 over es Y tr EXPERIC EARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch end deaerlnttan m quiCKir hwuuu uur opinion iree wni InTantlon Is DroblblT natfintnhl. Cam tleoeetaietlrconndentUL HANDBOOK onPatenta ntable. Commnnlca. necial notice, without oharsa. in the Patete taken tbroovb Mann ft Co. taeeli taeelTe Scientific American. oulatioii ot any acientlflo Journal., Terme, SS - '.!U -; ioor montua, Duia oj mu newaaeaiere. e waenagtoet a U. . . I l trUU UJUVJ 7 "a UMUU israacn umoe. ; Enjoyment J, j j list' ,t ' . jgsfL- Isi . iw - ti. mr- i rrn mm WmMMk k VL ill Him "r im I ZZ? a ucvciagc luai lauijr aiiapi Willi uai- vljfo- &- i 'Pw cious goodness and refreshing whole- V W m Wf. M soreness. Wl mm m ra - 7hz wm pip O has morc to xX-than mere wetness and p PP sweetness it's vigorous, full of life. P WW. ' P You'll enjoy it from the first sip to '- fill P pip the last drop and afterwards. I ApP) H yl Delicious Refreshing jr r I W$w Vs. Thirst-Quenching . m 11 tS. THE COCA-COLA co. Wk pp wv Atlanta-Ga- yf H Hi Send for VX 100 V IB I ipf our interest- , Whenever ppl IBi ing booklet, you see an Wm lI "The Truth , Arrow think g About Coca-Cola" of Coca-Cola Jp ' It's just a step to Texas faio nf tUo chis with you irom mn. lor ic won Ol either to go &ak;:J1K f I 1 'kK f Drummers Sample Shoes. lOOO jpaiij? and they're going at A lull and complete line of SPRING- SHOES for your inspection. Prices always Reasonable. Bell Shoe Store, 111 N. Main St. Salisbury, N. C. H s H K IS H a few A. U TTAT TlT JPJP R V IS STILL OFFERING R SUMMER GOODS AT GREATLY & H 3 7 71 He has just received a nice new lot of Shirt Waists, Shirts, Seasonable Dry Goods, Notions, Etc., 0 VI 3 all nf mTiirh nrft tn hft ROln COME TO Very 71 W w - vis the Cotton Belt Route the direct, quick line from Mem- Dhis. through Ark ansas, to the Southwest oneratinpr two irfendid trains daily, with through luivri. rhair cars and narlor- put. Trains from all DartB Snnthpast connect in Mem. these Cotton Belt Uslns Southwest. UTotfha Httio nnr num shonld Veen muiDgiau oyiunuiuijr i lane uuuu lEMPr viajycwtr veil Koute 1 m fare excursion On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month ex cursion tickets are sold via Cotton Belt Route to noints in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. With 25 day return limit and stop-overs r. Tnewx Chances Southwest will soon be irabbed let the maet cotton Belt excursion take r ou. Send today for complete schedule and cost of ticket front your home town I will also give you our oppor tunity booklets, brimful of pictures and facta you U Ilk to ace they're free. H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent 109 W. Sth SU Chattanooga, T b0 B f I g Vn v $ $ 9 V H H H H at ftanfiftiallV lOW DHCeS. SEE ME reapeptfully,