THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS An interesting attraction will be the Hallowe'en fete to be sir o by the Young People! Society oi at. jonn Lintheran cnuroh in the artillery club room. The rent will take place next Tnei day night, October 81, Hallowe'en eight. There will be an interest ing program and also a parade. Tne pub' 10 :i invited. Maxwell Holihoaser, of Cres cent, who attended - the Potomac Synod at Uiokory, returned Sat nraay evening lie reported a splendid meeting of the reformed ynod. If ill Flossie A. Byrd, of Greene boro, addressed the Baraca and Philathea classes of the Firit Baptist church Sunday morning. Mils Byrd is state secretary of the Baraoa-Philathea union . A. D, Ourrie, manager of the MoPhersoo Drug Co., will occupy the old Snider huse on the oor atrof Main and Kerr streets. The house is being overhauled and will be greatly improved and made an attraoted home. W. Br Porter, who purohrsed a frm near Jerusalem in Davie county during the past winter and moved there in the spring, has sold the property. Mr. Por ter will return to his former home Mr Craig life' fel The Four Jairi Head of A man who has weak and impaired stomach and i i ' property digest hit food will soon find that his blood has becoui, weak and impoverished, and that his whole body is improperly and insufficiently nourished. ' Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDIGSL DISCOVERY makes the stomach strong, promotes the on of dliestlve lulces, restores the lost appetite, mast assimilation perfect, Invigorates the . liver and parities and enriches the blood. It Is the &reat blood-maker, v flesh'bullder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body, active In mind and . cool In Judgement. This "Discovery" is a pure, glyceric extract of American medical, roots, absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed, by the leaders in all the schools of medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven remedy op known composition. Ask your neighbors. They must know of many cures made by it during past 40 years, right in your Jwn neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y. in Salisbury soon, bought the farm. H. Miller, of the Globe De partment store, has decided to move to Durham, and is packing his goods preparatory to moving tothatoity. Messrs. Clement & Clement, at torneys, went to Couoord Mon day moruiug to attend the Cabar rus superior court. They had a oase to be tried in Oabarrus court this week. Judge Adam 9 is pre siding. An official prcolamaticn has been made bv Grand Chaucellor 0. C. MoLean, of tne Kaigtta of Pythias, of Greensboro, appoint ing Friday, November 10th as Orphan's Hjme night. On this night a report will be made con oerning the institution reoently established by the Knights and it may be the members will be ask ed for iubsariptiona or donatioos. The two Salisbury lodges, Moa 28 ahd 100, are to hold a joint meeting on Orphan's H me nitrht. Thomas Eesler left for Atlanta Tuesday morning, where he joins she navy for a three years eervioa. He will bo on board a battUship at Norfolk. Dr. R. T. Vaunt president of Meredith College, preached' at the m oapiiii cuqicq las ouuusy nigbt. He was on bis way home from Charlotte. Dr. Vaun was the guest of Rev. C. A G. Them as, while in the city. The new section of Yale look boxes, 112 in the section, has ar rived and contractor J . R Doby will put it up in the poet i ffise as soon as he can do so. In the United States Circuit Co art at Greet sboro, last week, A H. Trice, -f Salisbury, was ap pointed speoial mas'.er, by Judge J. S Boyd, in the suit of New York Trust Co., trustees, vs. Thi Ge man-American Co. The German-American C. owns a great o tton mill a Drape, in R cking- bam county. N ... C. The New Y rk Trust Co . has a mortgage oi the property for $400,000. Judge Boyd ordered the prcpeity t ' be sold ana appointed Jas. F. Jordan, of Greensboro, commis sioner, and A. H Price, of SrliB bury, special master. HR Miller and wife and Mrs J T Furlough who wenjb to Titus ville, Fla , some time ago, have returned to Salisbury. Mrs If lllbr's health became worse while in Florida, and the entire party returned to Salisbury. Mr Miller got enough of Florida and sol 1 out and has returned to North Carolina to stay. Stanly Martiu left, Monday morning for Old Fort to superin tend the rnttiDjr down of eid- wa.ks in thit twa for the firm of G R Martin and Company of Salisbury, who have secured the contract to put down a larg amount of oemeat sidewalks there. W M Ruth, who covers the State for the Standard SewinK M teniae Qjmpany, of Cleveland, Ohio, left last Saturday nigbt for Cleveland in rfsjonie to a tele gram from the oompa iy. calling him to tbe factory. Mr Rah goes to the factory to learn the construction of the sewing ma chine. Ivev L. Hoffner and Miss Allie Y e were married Sunday, the 22udbjRev.H A. Trexler, ot Organ Church. The marriage took plaoe at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yost. The Overcash reunion tok place at St Enoch's Lutheran church at Enoohville, Thursday, October 19th. About 40 mem bers cf the family were prrsent from Rowan, Cabarrus and Ire dill Gmntifcs. An organization was affected and officials elected. The next meetiug will be at the same place on August 7, 1912 , The Federal court convened a- gain Tuesday morning... The court is . expected to adjourn today. - i The. Rowan County Lutheran Pastors' Asiooiation will hold its Ootober meeting in St. John's Lutheran church, Salisbury, Tues day, Ootober 3 1st. Reformation Day beginning at 10 a. m. Two sessions will be held The morn lug sessions lu so 12 o ohck. The afternoon sessions 1 :80 to 3 o'clock. Dr. W. W. McKenzie went down to Charlotte yesterday to get a new automobile which he has purohased. J. L Reid, of Spencer, W. 0. Fraley. and D. W. Bnider. of Salisbury, want down to cnar- lotte yesterday to take in tne fair. Mr. Fraley will go on later to Spartanburg. MARRIAGES Deatbs. Jennings Lee Loflin, the 11- months old child of D. E. .Loflm, died at 12:15 o'clock, Tuesday morning. The funeral took plaoe at China Grove today at 10 :30. The mother of the child died at Lakeland, Fla., seme time ago. Mrs Sophia Beaver, widdow of the late Obidiah Beaver, died at the home of her son, John M. Yost, seven milos west of Salis bury, Sitarday night, October 21st. Her death being the result of pa ra'isis. She was 77 years, 10 months andVQ days old. The funeial was held at Mt. Zion Reformed Church, China Grove, Monday anrning, Rev. M. M. Njaker offi ciating. The interment took plao. in Green Lawn Cemetery, near the oharoh. She was first married to Frank Yost and later f Mr. Beaver. She leaves one son, Job a M. Yost, one of the county's splendid citizens. Mrs . Beaver was a very excellent wo man and the bereaved have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Silisburj Schools ire Closed. ' At a meeting of the city BoaYd of Education xn last Saturday it I was deciled to close the schools of the city for a p?riod of two weeks, owing to the fact that there has been a prevalence of scarlet fever in and aronDd Salis bury for several weeks. The following resolutions were passed by the board : Rqiolred, that owing to the dinger of scarlet fever spreading in Salisbury, that the public schools shall be suspended for the next two weeks, and that the pastors of the various congrega tions in the city be requested to discontinue the Sunday schools and all the dy schorls for the same period ; and that the Mayor and Aldermen be requested to deny to any person eighteen years of age, and under, from attend ing any public pioture bIiowb,, or oth-.r places of amusement. Resolved, that it is recom mended by the Board of Health that the street cars be disinfected and fumigated every day during the next two weeks. The following are the members of the board: Col. Jchn S. Henderson, Dr. John White head, Prof. R G. Kizer, E. B Neave, W. S. Blackmer, A. H'. Boyden, A. L. Smoot and Dr. C. W. Woodson The latter is city physician, Dr. M. L Smoot, county physician, and Mayor F M. Thompson were present at the meeting. Miss Lizzie Ritchi, of the St. Pul neighborhood in this oounty, and Walter Odd', of the samt commuuity, surprised their friends by driving to Granite Quarry, Snudty evei ing. and getting married. Rv. R R Sowers performed, the ceremony. After the couple were married they drove ti Salisbury"' and boa'ded tne train for Atlanta, wnere they will spend a week. Mr Odell is a brother of Mrs John Sloop of this county, and an employe of the Southern .Rai -way. Mrs Odell is the daughter of Mr and Mrs G G Ritchie, aud is an excellent young lady. Miss Gladys 0. Chi.nn and Jesse Robert Burton, both of Franklin township,, were uuited in -marriage at 7 , o'clock Satur day night at the home of Rev J. M MoKenzie on North Main Street. Mr. McKenz e performed the ceremony. After tbe wed ding the couple left for Danville, Va., on a short bridal trip, after which thoy 'wll returo to Salis bury and go to housekeeping Mr, Burton is an employe of tin Southern Railway at the Spencer shops. Mrs. Burton is a daugh ter of Thomas C. Chuan. a well-to-do farmer who lives near Mt. Tabor Methodist church. 88. State of Ohio, City of Toledo Lucas County , Frank J. Cbeaey makes oath that he is senior partner cf the fi-m of F. J. Chenev & Co., doing business in thu oity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every , case of Catarrb that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. . j -ran i tw i vr n if Hi omtcM before ma and sub scribed;" in my preseDcsthia 6tb day of December, A. D 1886 . A. W. GLEASON, 3kal. Notaby Pubic Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Biraca-Philathea Union Met Sunday. The twenty-first anniversary of the founling of, the Baraga move ment, by Marshall A. Hudson, was celebrated by the Salisbury- Spencer Baraca aud Philatbea Union on last Sunday evening at the First Methodist church, The address of Miss Flossie A. Byrd, orS GreenBboro, state secretary, was the feature if the evening. The entire program was carried out, with the exception of the address of county president, C M. Van Poole. All of the ad dressee, of the different speakers on the program, were very lm pressive According to the re port of the secretary the total membership in Salisbury and Spencer is about one thousand E, Walter Tatum, of the class of th; First Baptist church, whs chosen pres;dent (or tbe coming year. Young Women Read what Cardui did for Miss Myria Engler, of -Faribault, Minn. She says: "Let me tell you how much good Cardui has done me. As a young girl, I always had to suffer so much with all kind of pain. Sometimes, I was so weak that I could hardly stand on my feet I got a bottle of Cardui, at the drug store, and as soon as I had taken a few doses, I began to feel better. Today, I feel as well as anyone can." p TAKE Tha CMUI WomanVTonic Are you a woman? Then you are subject to a large number of troubles and irregularities, peculiar to women, which, In time, often lead to. more serious trouble. A tonic is needed to help you over the hard places, to relieve weakness, headache, and other unnecessary pains, the signs of weak nerves and over-work. For a tonic, take Cardui, the1 woman's tonic. You will never regret it, for it will certainly help you. Ask your druggist about it He knows. He sells it tor Sfitdol ItutnuMoni, tad 64-page book. Howe Treatment lor Woman." eentlree. J Si Ihinniaini The Wsite -'"' L.---AND 1- I Me Heeirc8 s GREAT POHDlilllY CONTEST! Invaluable prizes to be LP u vSSrVSr given away absolutely free to the TWO MOST POP UL AR LADIES )rj floods k SELLS IT FOR LESS, $450 ORCHESTRAL PIATJO. May be seen at S. H. Wiley and W. F. Fleming's store, 108 West Innes St., next door to Skyscraper. SECOND PRIZED 3-Piece Suite of Porch Furniture Valued at $100.00 THE FOLLOWING VOTES Old and New Subscribers Wttt:BE,QlVEN FOR, TO THE WATOHR1AN & RECORD. ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION .... $1.00 1000 TWO ' $2.00 2500 THREE " ......$3.00 4000 FOUR " $4,00 5500 FIVE 44 $5.00...... 7500 TEN ' $10.00 20000 Mail to Contest Department, Box 13, Salisbury, N. O., filled out. This coupon will be received at the office and the candidate whose name appears below will be credited with 50 Free Votes. NAMp 1 P. O. STATE RURAL ROUTE. DATE It ..'makes no difference what you antv wo never charge you any more than else wh re, and often as stated above w Sell it for Less. Look oyer our list of prises below: Best 8i c sea island domestic for 7 c per yd Best 6 c sea island domestic for h c per yd Standard Calicoes at 5 c per yd Standaid Ter Cale at 9 c per yd Standard Ginghams .at 9 c per yd Best Grade Outing at 9 c per yd Extra good quality apron ginghams at 5 c per yd Big lot of Underwear at the following prices: 25 c value on counter j at 1 8c 50 f value on counter at 39c 15 & 20c. children underwear at 10c Great Bargains in Ladies,' Mens' and Childrens', Sweaters Ask to see our Bargain Counter of these goods SPECIAL BARGAIN'S IN SHOES. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY ssmsssmmmmntmmsssssansmsmmmmsmmsawmmsmsamsmmssmmmsi A look will convince you that we are in a position to save you money. Salisbury Dry Goods Co. SELLS IT FOR LESS. 114 South Main Street, Salisbury, N. C. 6 POWDER M NOMINATION BLANK WilTCHMitN & RECDHD'S POPULARITY CONTEST I hereby nominate as a Contestant in your Popularity Contest. NAME' , TOWN STATE v... R. F. D. Route Nominated by In no case will name of the nominator be divulged. Address all Inquiries and Communicatious to CONTEST MANAGER, Box 13, Salisbury, K. C. CONDUCTED BY United Contest Advertising Co. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. For blasting stumps, digging ditches, and cleaning up new laud. Also caps and fuse, in fact everything in this line. Prices the best. Have you a copy of mm Farming With Dynamite: Prepared by the F. I. DuPont Co. Call fcr one the next time you call to see us. S AL I S BU R Supply & Commission Co. Salisbury, N. C. - 'Pbone No. 8. Near Passenger Depot. Ill mm SILVER OF QUALITY AND BEAUTY Unquestioned durability and exquisite design die highest ideals in plated ware are assured in spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing die renowned trade mark xs TRIPLE There are various makes of sflverplated tableware which are claimed to be "just as good," but, like all imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing quality identified withthe original and genuine " 1 847 ROGERS BROS. ' ware popularly siomi&''J$0erTldtethat Wears3 Sold by leading everywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L" showirig?atrpis. HERIDEN BRITANNIA 1847 ROGERS BROS. Eyes Examinefl Free by Expert Optometrist GREEN'S JEWELRY STORE. CHICHESTER S PILLS .WrtC-v THE 1UAMOJVD BRAND. A. SUTHERLAND'S EAGLE l SALYE Good for Nothing but tne Eyes Ladies! Ask year VrBgrUt for - blben-ter'B Dtamand BrandAX Take no other. But of roar V , wraeciHt. Ask tor V II l-VIIJ f- r ulAHIItXU KKAMV ril.L.t. tot t. FI1U in Bed and bold meulli? ops, seaiea mm Blue Ribbon. :ears knovra as Best. Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SJell's Pine-Tar-Honey For ies Oo1