T -JUL A Home Newspaper Puhd in the Interestof the People nd for tlohesty in Governmental AffitffiS. Salisbury N. 0., Wednesday, November 22Nd, (911. Wm, h. Stewart, Editoh Vol. VII L- ' NO. 49. .'. MS v. CEKERAL IMTTf RS Of INTEREST. V ii " i i v- ' lit lints fUmii ti Lilt Pin graphs far th Riiiin TIlJ Pi? ir. Thirteen iadictmentt wire re turns tN5 York,' Thursday by th'Ftfderl faud jury which bs bu investigating obarges of r bftiug Agouti several railway freight of&oils and . members of firms in this vi y and Chicago. AVI of theiudiotmAuta ere similar except as to- t details of ihn p articular trsnsaot'on tod con tain iir all forty-fi ve counts . The ft'ligsd rebatiug wm q ship mints : of ; merchandise I etwee . thia city anc( Ch:oago. Charges that Ohioago gamblers kapt atuodjon haud of $40 OOO f or use in 'eeinR up public .ffi e:ait" were jbade by Hany Bro teiki, former gam ler, before tb civil s-rv o-j oommiesio . Friday iu te invest gation into public garni ug aud otBer vioes. Betweu 8:20 aud :30 o'ol.ck Ffiday oigtM, Ex t as Messenger Irvi -g G. Brgr of thia road was killed aud; the safe iu hia car lovtad aa it aped betwaeu Taylor nd thia city on the Da aware. L icka wanna & W eter:i road. It ta' a id thai between $1 500 and I2.0C0 ii m ii ng. Th RtT B-tj .mm Graham, leceutly paaor J Si J m a Uethcduljbhu ch of Attai.t, Q . today fifed- an t for ab.olate di diyorde frm Mri. Norah Harm Graham He alleged cru.t, aegleoii fear pt bodily harm to btmtttlf th4 chidren, unwarrajj fd alooiy .f bia own cbildreii ftodIfi& w m-u of hi. chatcb, . which of via ' it is declared, "co1 atiiated Iu wild tautruma f rag" eaaarraalniHQt to bimteif aud hie ehnteb Japrirrt0''eut Weed of the Stat lUiitei.tian auLOuoced Sttoday tiat report-ra woald not b admmd to tbo datb cham t3Jrav Friday morning nixt. BEATTIE MOST DIE. C. at tie, Jr., ia jaletroda ed for the marder of hie wtfe j:':Cudr a State law Vn giaiaap flpaprt are not proiit Wd to jbabliab detai's of au alec- ilrboaiieik. Xtadamt Jorume Napoleon B Heparin, widow of a grandads t Jerome Bonaparte. Irotbfr the flrit Napo-Jeoii hi- a' grind daoffbter of Diniel Wabtter, died in iWatbtsgtou, at D. iat) ber home C., Ifniday fair a Jong illueee? S:m waa 72 VaVi ohi end was born iu Beaton, btrafiain name iieu.g Caroline ieroy Apple von. Her mother waa fcidaiigbter of Daniel VVebeter. Sa waa m rried first to New bold far pf New Y.rk aud af'er hia III became the wife of Jerome lion Bonvparte of Balti- ptoe. ; She ia aurviyed ty fl e efiildreo bV largeat corn exhibition ertr witueaaed in the South ia ex pecteof to greet tie eyet of Tiai ots ybo attend the Sootheru jro ibow at Atlanta, December 5tP'8,'mnder the anepicea cf the Atlanta chamber of commerce. Morja1 Ov-to-date aud modern mtohinery hai been purchased by laWmara daring the past yer than daring any preyioas year, accord ingftd Secretary of Agricu'ture WMaob, who baaed thia assertiou opdafeporti made to him by de partmental fiel 1 men. The arrest of 0en. Bernardo BjyeV by .United 8tata aathoii ti at- Pan Autonio, Texas, for YloItioQ ?f the neutrality lawa ia exadtly in line with the policy of tihe United Statea government to aaafp cut r Tolationary act.vi tea a'giriuet Mtxtco iu the Uuitfd s3fkteJ'-tetritory, according 6 Slorftafy of State Kuex. A Statwide campaign for cor related ayatema of good rcada waa formally launched at Riohmond, VVt, Monday with the afaembling of the rat American G iod R adi Cfeiiarrteae tinder the auapicea of tlsir National Ass ciation for llt(ha7y Inoprorement Gocd roada " organic itiona from Maine to Oregon have aeht delegatea. Btcaoae of the actiVity of al- The Governor of Virginia Refusals to Interfere. ' j Richmond, Val, Nov. 15 Governor Yann today de clined to interfeiein the case of Henry Clay Beattie, Jr., and the young wife mur derer's last hooe of evading the electric chair on Friday, November 24th, was swept away. Attorneys for the condem ned man held their last con ference with7 the Governor during the morning and just before noon the latter an nounced his intention not to interfere in any way with the decree of the Chester field county "court, which was sustained by the Supreme Court of Appeals of the State. A petition had been present ed to the Goyernor praying for a respite Of at least 30 days for spiritual prepara tion. In a signed statement Governor Mann said in part: "I followed this case dur ing the trial and as its hor rible facts were developed, regretted that a crime so cruel and malicious should have occured within the con fines of this State: "In the decision of every question which was present ed to the able and impartial judge who presided at the trial, he was careful to give the benefit ot evety reason able doubt to the prisoner; that he did not erf is shown in the refusal of the Supreme Court of Appeals to grant a writ of error. " 'ThatBeattieis guilty of the wilful, deliberate and cruel murder of his, young wife, I have not ?' the : slighest doubt: nor is it insisted that there shall he ail v Greater re lief afforded than the commu tation of his sen tehee to im- Drisoiiment for life. ' I do not tiftHthe afta- vits of Paul Beattie, printed in the papers, or any other evidence or consideration brought to my attention suf ficient for that purpose. 'lo grant a respite in bo plain a case would be to set a precedent, would be to temporize with the law and encourage appeals to the Supreme Court with the sale purpose of gaining time. believe tne best way to pre vent such crimes as this is to punish them adequately, certainly, speedily. There fore the judgment of the Circuit Court of Chesterfield will be carried, into effect without interference from COLDS.; Whit to Do inf wut tot to Oo far i Coll. . With the advat of iOor firrt cold weather to the fall great many a I earlr vioV'ma to "coldi. Othera will ' probably aoon f llo auit Daring the winter mouthi it ii cne cf the most common of a cideuta. It therefore becomes a fujibject of great iutereat and. isSportanee. The real importance nd aiguifi cauce cf colda re not a, general ly reoogu:Zid ae they eou'd be. An ordinary cold, whea promply takeu iu hand, is uauaUy cuiel in from two 10 aix days, but not in- CRISIS RFAR 1M CfflNA. HOkfE-UlXEU FERTItlZERS. me. V leged revoluti iniat along the Texas Mexican border especial' y in the vicinity of Laredo Troop I. Third Uuited Statea Cavalry, utider Capt. C. B. Couly. baa been ordered t that point for p trol duty. Georg Bakhuieiibff.tbe uewl appointed Raasiau ambassador to the Uuitod States, arrived i i N w York Sunday aud left imm -diatly for Waahiutoa . The comiLg of the new umhassad r is' of vastly gr ater interent than ordinarily attaches to shift f dipl matio reDreaeutativee ' r ne arrives at a time wheu a wave of popular and official protest is at ita height againat hia government lecause it refnaes to houor Am rioan paaa- Dorti with at discrimination against tb- J .;ws Through a Strang- freak, which railroad m- chai io have not ben able to exulaitf. B ston aud Mane engin 18 9 rau amujk Suudav. waude-ine out of the r ni d-ht u8h at Lowell. Miei by itself. thrw another loomotivea from the track aud then reverted itself, backed ito the roand- house and right through a brick rear wa'l, fii.ally latidiuej on ita back in a 1 rok. No one, se far aa the railroad authorities have b-.eu able to learn, eut near the locomotive after it had ben backed into the tall . Railr. ad meu who inveatigatd gay thy fuud the throttle1 waa eel properly at the neutral point. frequently a "bad" oold (for there are no good colds) lea vet ! behind it relics, the r coverj from which may require montha or eteu years. Sbmetimfta a fatal dBaae finds ita begiuuiug iu a mglcted oold.' Poeuuuonia, pleurisy broi.chitie and consump tion itself, fr qjently follow in the wake of a cold. Bat the average reader ie inter ested iu just two tbiuge concern ing colds : Firat, how to avoid them, and, aecoud, how to cure them. Concarning the firat, we may protect ourselvea by four lines of defence, as follows : First. Colda are. probably "catching," particularly from others, aud it is therelore best to avoid iutimate aasoeiation each as the use of the same drinking cup aud -toweL with people vho hafft cold. Likewise avoid peo ple who have reoutly had pueu mouia, orowde, and QVeTheated or badly veutilatfed plflcar. Second Colds may be 'caught 1 from ouraishrea, that ie we may reinfect ourselves; so that a scdnd line of defense is to keep out own mouth, nose. thr at. and tonsils clean, and avoid urging with to j i pi driuk particularly alcoholic drinks. Third. While a poesil 1 gtter is oue factor, getting our b'.dy or any part of our body overheated or thoroughly chilled is another. Therefore indulge in no careless) exposures or permit" th b6y to oool too rapidly when once warmed. Fourth. Another line of de fense is to beild up our own physical resistance, Th's may be done by workiug and living in well ventilated rooraa and in the open air aa much" aa possible, particularly at night; careful aud regular batbiug, m de'at) eating aud daily exeroiae in the open air if the weather permits. Bat even after we have thrown every practical safeguard about ourselves, it still sometimes hap peus tnat we taxe a cold, and then the question or prime im portance is how to cure it in the safest way aud in the least time! First of all, we should b gin early and prooeed with beroio eff rts to remedy the thing thit is causing the oold. Fcr in- atano3, if we get o5 ur feet wet, we should tSke a hov mustard foot bath at the earliest moment This is done1 by adding a tale apoocful of mustard to two gal lons of waters; hot aa we Can bear it on cur feet. Thia bath ahould oontinue f ;'r hfteed tc twenty' minutes be until the tkia ia well reddened and tiiugling; wniie taxing tne tcot-'jatn 1 one ahould drink from one to two pints of hot watejr or lemduade1. After" the fobt-bath dry the 'feet quickly, go to bed and have' ap plied over the part' in which Kthe oold saem to have settled a towel wrung out of cold water, suffici ently dry to not drip,' nod oovr it with sffrertfi f h tckruenev of fin nel or tbedtottn so as to keep it warm darirg the night. Take a purg4 and1 keep the bowels mov iug freHy foreretal diyi by eat ing-fiarid- vgtwblet, Drink water freely.- From two to three quarttf'of isateT in tenftyfdhr ho .ra ia not to much If a cold does not yield readily to Bu:n treatment, take no chances, but secure medical oon&sel at once. oduaumatiuii -i deal through! whidh it purflhieei5 t&e Raleii A Bouthp.rt, the Dirhftm fe South-1 port aud the Aberdeen & Aaheboro Railroads. - The cornerstone of the hew f85, 000 sourt house of Duplin county was laid Friday at Kenausvi.le with impressive oeramouiea by the Grand Lodge of Melons of N rth Hoi To Set Fill Vafae f of Yfeur FirtlHzer Uoaey. Uome-mfxing has cometo stfey, and means a larger use of high- grade fertilizers, and it would be the part of wisdom for the deal ers in fertilizers to give the f all abdifikticn is accompalhied by iarger iaiel f0r tbem rather than Heat ot iRtirest 6itfe8ri ffla !lf Atfia-1 tTimtnds orThroie's AMhitloti Crowd- tic ti tli Apftlpliss. . ;"' leg Upon Prenttr. In a pitched bate late. Tbors- Peking, Novl 19 -Demanda for day afternoon ou the oatskirts of the tarone'e Abdication are crowd- Brevard N O, JReputy Sheriff mg upon Premier Yuan Shi Kai, Branoh Pxn ofiTranaylvania who doubtless will be forced to oiunty shot and iuttintty killed make a decision within a week. L-roy 1 od and $iy wounded1 It imi tV be a case of fight or bis father, Thomtl Elrcd The akk-th court to depart from the opportunity to farmers to buy officer waa paiufuUy hart aud I capital. Every 'auggeition for I the materials. It would mean bruised by the attacks of tw meu whom he was nde storing to ar rest for the murder Of a man in South Carolina. . President E. T Lamb and G eral Council W. B Bmtn. of the Norfolk Southern Railroad a ere in Raleigh Friday, confer ring with the North atolina Cor poration Commission, aud' there a geueraly ofed ted report that the Norfolk boutberu promises of protection and ample pensfo-0. It is reported tohight that ; the premier has ordered a renewed at tack upon Han-Yang and Wu Chang. If this is true, it signi fibs his choice. The government has succeeded in ridding the Lac ohau troops of both revolutionary generals, Chang Shao-Tseog ard Lao lien Wei. The foimer is now at Tien Tsin. The latter. who c mmanded the the third di vision, has been dismissed and is proceeding southward,, not as Yuan Shi Kai :s envoy to submit further prjposals to General Li, sue rar ei commander, as previ ously reported but to join the' rebel force. There has been an unexpected display of patriotism daring the Carolina. Among lbs grand offi. I lait dav or two,. era present were iGrand Haater I airy among the R. N Hackett or Wilkeaboro, Acting Deputy Graid Maater H. A Grady of OUutoV1 ind Grand filer R H. Bradlerl of Raleigh. A St4)le engraved portrait of General Robert E. ??Lee waa pre sauted to the GreeasboroV high school Friday moritng by Gail ford Chapter, Uuitfd Daughters of the Confederacy. The ezeroiset weie held in the high eohocl chap Instead of riv- provinoea there have been evidenoes of remarka a . jmA Die unanimity in an enort tc es tablish a union government any cutting off in demand. It is a vary short-sighted policy that makes the fertilizer dealers throw hindrances in the way of farmers getting the materials for home mixing. Sometimes, too, they . . .... . . seem to torget tnat a real farm paper is more interested in help ing the farmers to the best meth ods than in selling any special brands of fertilizers. We have consistently advised the farmers against the purchase of low-grade fertilizers, and have explained tb tnem tnat low nrioe does not mean cheapness in these articles; We do not blame the mauufactu rers for making the 2-8-2 goods for tbey are simply compelled to meet tne demand for low priced goods, and are compelled to sell an artiole that is Zone-fourth worthless filler- It would be bet ter for manufacturers and farm-i era, too, if only the higher grades' were sold, or that farmers would farm so that they would not need quickly, in order to prevent the to buy a complete fertilizer at all uug iruui mreigu eompuoa- out would invest as moon, or tiaos. more, money in a more liberal near Admiral Muraccx tele- ate 0f what they need to buy; grapns tne American legation ! The men today who are farming from Nanking that the American best are the meu who practice a consul wiih the arobives Is aboard good rotation of crops and in cne new urieane ana tnat an I stead of a little 200 nounds ol el at 10 o'olock and an interesting Americans have lelt the city with dressing bf a low grade fertilized, program waa carried out. The pre- nexepwn oi a lew memners are using three times as much of sentation was by ifJ. Charles Mj ol ine vross. the mineral elements that their ir- iaa Stedman, Oongreuman of that " wom ue "npoiMDie, tays legume crope especially need. district, aud the ajooeptanoa was ne amirai, to protect American And these men find that as they - I nenapfv in M a lr i n m 4 W I .: ov ut. J. ij. naun. suoerintend- aa v " "'uuu increase tne oreauio matter in V" m " : " ' --JtTf't. k i J iaii)itttf . Kra Knnrl m aAaa 1 . . ... .... enai wrooro.ewie.-i .v5i-sneir'aoii it pays tnem to use Both speeches were in exceeding- pwpa to sustain a siege. Fcr phesphorio acid and, in some conj tms reason, ne nad sent uone of ly good taste and might well be termed eloquent. 1 he seventh annual convent tori of the North Carolina Library As sociation meets in Durham Wtdi nesday, November 22, at 8 o'clcck in the afternoon. A huge black bear, whish he had caught in a trap aud killed, was brought to Elizabetd City, N. 0., last Friday morning by W P Pritohard and shipped to Phil adelphia. The beast was caught sent uone his men ashore. Various effort! made in influ ential quartera to start uegotia t:ous looking to peace have up lo the present failed. Yuan Shi Kai's lieutouaut, Tsai Ting-Kan, has returned here from a fruitless attempt to uegotiate with Gener- al Li at Wu Chans;. The com maoder of the revolutionaiieB seems determined nut t yield in the slightest degree. The foreign banks have practi in a trap in a field on Mr. Pritob- oally decided to establish a bank er's place, the trap being looated near the fence lesdiug to the cornfield. The Lear weighed 206 pounds. A number of the biggest raids on blookade distilleries on record in this State were made last week by Deputy Rerenue Collector. K. W. Merritt, Deputy Marshall J. B Jorden and Posseman E. W. Knight. Thty" started out Mon day from Franklinton and out up au 80-gallon distillery 1 1-2 miles from Lodieburg. It war brand new. the very first run of corn whiskey to be made being in prog ress. The operators escaped. Wednesday they went out from Durham and destroyed a 85-gallon still, oaptured two negroes at work thers and destroyed six gal lons of whiskey, Lesides bear. rhis was about two miles from University Station. Thuraday they oaptured two large distiller ies, end of 90-gallou canacitv aud the other 85 gallons, these beiug near Bahama, Durham oounty. There were no arrests at e.ther of these. Friday thy de stroyed an 80 gallon still about half-way between Durham and Ohipel Hill, along with it being 60 gallons of whiskey. Oue negro was captured. He refused to tell whose still it was. iug committee at Shanghai, as in 1900, to meet the extraordinary conditions aud ad j act the pay menta of the indemnity and other claims. An edict published today an nouuees tnat tue regent rjpre senting the em eior, will, ou No vemoer zo. swear ootore tne em peror's tablets in the ancestral temple, that he will adhere to the nineteen constitutional articles . It is reported that' the Impe riahsts have routed a rebel force of 8,000 Humanese. The rebel casualties, as reported, were 900 and the imperialists 200. A Father's Vaogeatioe. would have fallen ou any one who attacked the son of Peter B.ndy, of South Rockwood, Mich., but he was powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble, "Doctors could not help him," he wrote, so at last we gave him Eieotris Bitters and he improved wonder- A a ... w rally trom taxing six Dottles it's the best Kidney medicine I ever saw." Backache, Tired feeling, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of Kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Bright' disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bot tle guaranteed. 50c at all druggists. ditious, potash more liberally than they have ever done, There is profit to the farmer in a judioious use of commercial fertilizers, and the better a man farms tie more liberal purchaser he beoomes of the fertilising m ar terial that he finds his scil i.eeds. And the farmers are rap idly finding out what tbey ne?d and what they do not need to buy. and tne manufacturers who are wise will soon find that it ia to their interest to sell farmers wha they want and let tbem ubo it in such proportions as soil and crops demand, When we find in the reports of the stations hundreds of brands offered as "specials" for this, that Or the other crop, and note that every one of these specials" is the same thing it is evidently time for the farmer to dc hia own mixing and try to make his "Specials" fit his crops aud his lands. We believe in the morV liberal use of such fertilizing ureterals that he finds bis soil need. Aud the farmers are rapidly fiuding out what they need and what they do not need to buy, and the manufacturers who are wise will soon find that it is to their interest to sell farmers what they want and let them use it in such proportions as soil and crops de mand. Wheu we find iu the re p rts of the stations hundreds of brands offered as 'specials' for this, that or the other crop, aud note that every one of these "speoiais" ia ane sametning it ia evidently time for the farmer to do bis own mixing and try to make 1 a. 1 II . , nis "jpeciaisy ug nis crops aud his land. We believe in the more libera THE CURSE'OF THE AGE. "Yellow" Journalism is Toe Corse ef The Age. In congratulating Publisher Betts of the Lyons (N. Y.) Re publican on the oooasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of that paper, John A Sleioher, editor of Leslie's Week ly, took the opportunity of giv ing his opinion of "yellow" or sensational journalism, whioh he deolares is the curse of the pres ent day. He said: "The curse of our day is sensa ibnal journalism. We have oome to such a pass that we over- ook all the good there is in life because the yellow press pays no attention to the good but devotes itself almost wholly to the bad. The kindly deeds of a good wo man, the philanthropies of a gen erous hearted man are overlooked by sensation mongers, who fill the columns of our papers with the salacious details of divoroe cases and the stories of bloody crimes. These papers so into the" homes every, day. They are read by the fathers, by th mothers and by the children. They . counteract-all the best influences of the school and the churoh. They create a morbid appetite for undesirable news, make the un successful jealous of the success ful, the poor spiteful toward the rich and the dishonest question the fruits of honest toil. "In New York the other night a great banquet was held. It was attended by six hundred renre- r sentative business, financial and commercial men, by leading olergymen, Sunday school super intendents and others who are fighting fjr better things in our civic life. This was the begin ning of a great forward move-. ment of the ohurches in every section of the. United. States- and -Canada, It waa a great "'. gather ing of representative ineni How much did the yellow papera of the following morning give to the initiation of this wonderful movement? Some of them scarcely noticed it. : The , longest . reference was less than a column. Yet all the papers were crowded with details of scandals, sensa tions and foolish items, not , one of which would do good or, help the morals of any community "I do not indiot all the news papers. I speak of the sensa tional press, the cheap, and yel low kind, which finds its best living in our great cities crowded by those who do not want to think, who care little for educa tion, less for morals, nothing 'for the churches and ' who Datronize only those newspapers that have pictures of prize fights, divorces and the crimes of the tenderloin. "It is to the credit of what we call the country press that it has. escaped the virus of yellow jour nalism. 1 congratulate Danera like the Lyons Republican and hundreds of others, all over thia state, that have for years been the welcome visitors of the house hold, seeking the good of the community, the best welfare of the people, and the preservation of that precious home influence for go.d which is fast disappear ing, I am e.rry to say, in all of our great cities. " Starts Much Trouble. Secretary of the Navy Meyergin his annual report will advocate increased f ay for the government olerk and age retirement. Deal- inn arif.h amnlnvu in hia flWn Hh. If all people knew that neglect nartmeut he will show that while of constipation woald result in salaries advanced in all private severe indigestion, yellow jaun- employment government sslaries dioe cr virulent liver trouble they decreased, with a result that the would soon take Dr. King's New Navy Department is losing maiy Life Pills, and end it It's the competent employes. The Navy only sate way. rest ior diuous- 1 Department ranks lowest in ness and use of such fertilizing materials as the farmer needs. We know that applications far heavier than are oomuu uly used will pay bet ter thau the little dribble of a o uple of hundreds of pounds of a low-grade complete fertiliser, if the application is' goveroed b'y the real needs cf the at il audV "oropsv We want to sea the buyers of the I fertilizing materials male? some Bewae of Olntmeos for Catarrb that Contain' Mercury. As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous sui faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can1 possibly derive from them. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., con tains no mercuiy, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. In buvins Hair I Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, it is tafcen inttmaUy and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J Cheney & Oo. Testimonial! free. Sold' by all Druggists, 75c. , beadaohe. dyspepsia, ohillsi compensation among ths goverL-1 moy as well as the sellers-The ' Take Hall's fS' p? debUity. S5o at alWrugghiir jrrfmeati: Progmsifemr.- , constipaSon. ' 7 8 ! -ffajasffc-i--