The cotton market seems to be on a general decline. Prices getting lower and lower. With the short crops raised in this county and low prices being offered makes it h u d for the consumer to pay for all the necessities of life and, in order to meet the conditions now prevail ing, we have decided to inaugurate on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, ever held in Rowan County. We shall reduce everything to prices AT AND BELOW COST, a"d ff,r 10 days, you can buy the best seasonable merchandise to be found in any store in the county at prices almost one half less than is usually asked for same goods. " This is no fake sale, nor is our entire stock in the hands of any sale syndicate, but it is a bona fide clean up sale for CASH NL.Y and a sale that, should be taken advantage of by every family in the county. If you don't have the money sell a bale of cotton and the money will get you as many goods as if you were getting 12J cents for your cotton. 1 Bemember the date, FRIDAY, DECEMBER THE 8TH, and come early and get your el oice x i ihe n et srreat bargains offered. Don't throw this aside but read every word of it for it means money saved to you. Ready-to-l"Jear Specials for Ladies' and Children. We have a number of coat suits in navy, blue, black and garnet, every one this season's goods in ail sizes up to 42, Rgu lar prioe of these suits was $12 50 $13 50, $15 00 and $16.50. To clean QO up the lot we offer choice for . . . 00 1 lot black Caracal coats for ladies in sizes 34 and 36, a big seller at $10.00. To clean up the lot we offer QQ choice for vD 1 lot extra fine black broadcloth coats for ladies, a splendid value at regutm price of $12.50. To clean up we QO offer choice for WU 1 lot black melton coats, the beat one ever shown in this town at $4 50. To clean up we offer them QQ choice for , Vfc 2 Iota misses gray and tan coats gold regularly at $5.00 and $5.50. AA QQ To close out your choice. ..... Bearskin coats for small children in white, blue and garnet, a gran $2 50 value. To clean up the let f4 QQ choice... Ol 1 lot ladies skirts, prices range from $1 50 to $7,50. If your size is in lot take it for half price . Ladies' and Hisses' Underwear. All ladies' 25c undervests 19c All ladies' 50o undervests 39c Pants to match same prict. Misses' 25o veBts 19c Misses' and children's 15o vests 11c This advertisement gives you an idea of the great saving you can make by visiting our store between the 8th and L8th of December. To know exactly what we. arc offering you must come and see !or yourself. Kemember the sale begins DECEMBER 8TH and closes December 18th and is for CASH ONLY. No goods charged at sale prices and none sent out on approval. Don't miss this grand opportunity to make your8 1-2c cotton buy as many goods as the 12 l-2c cotton bought last year. t . - - . ' . ' ' M , If ' 3 " I the rss Cotton Goods at 8c Cotton Prices. Heavy 3 A sh.- f tinsr the greatest 8c vlne ev( r r ff-red sale j;rice Heavi et sheering made a regu lar 10: seller saie price 5c 6c Heavy mottled fiiuoel in. all colors sld everywhere at 10 and 12c sale price Heavy fancy onting in wide range of dark colors....' Oc 8c by Heaviest grade cotton flannel sold by everybody at lo and Wz sale price 11c 9c Ik 9c n 9c 7c 12, 12c quality cotton flannel 10c quality c.t.ou flannel 12c Percales ail colon 10c Percales all colors 12: Dress Ginghams 10c Dress Ginghams SPECIALS. Apron ginghams 4-C 7c Alamanc p'aids 5c 5- School t'iblft 3c 20j Table oil !oth 10c 10c Bd tit king 7 12c 10c Lu)p ihiuineys 5c Stick candy t cx 17c 50c Bnlhantiu- 25c en's Underwear. Heavy flnbeed dhirt and drawers th- 50c kind . . . 3Qi Spring ueedle heavy weight.... . Wrisfht's health underwear 39c 7Sn Roys' 25c underweat 19c Br.ys' SOe'union 6uits 25c sas i ireatest le'diiction Sale Cotton Dress Goods and Suitings. 17 19 5 6 19 18 1 Big lot 25c Soisettea sale price. . 1 Lot silk poplins all colors lLot 10 and 153 p'aid cctton suitings 1 Big lot 10c Chambrays all colors 1 Lot Grey woo and cotton mix ;d flannels for underskirts 25c value 1 Lot mohair brilliants in gai net and blue 25c seller . pink 2 pieces heavy brown daok for skirts and toys pants 16c value 121 Heavy denims for beys and mens over alls 15 and 18c valueeWjAI 4p ea'e price I 10 1 Let best grade galatea cloth in all colrrs new patten s new eonds sold the world over at 36s eaie price 12 SPECIALS. bi and 7-c Calico..-. 4c 35c Pants clotb. 19c i'5c Talcum powder. 10c Ladies' 10c hoeo per pair 5c 7 pkgs. Arm & Hammer soda 25c 15 Butter d:she9 ... . ... . gc $25 00 9x12 Rags $17.98 $10.00 All wool blankets $5.00 Brlen's, Ladies' and Children's Sweaters The 503 and 65; kind at 39c The 753 and $1 00 quality at . 69c The $1 25 and $ 50 values 98c The$2 00aud $2 50 grades $1.69 The $3.00 and $4 00 sclera $2.39 Wool dress Goods. Very special values are off-red iu this department. 1 Lot of 1 00 and 1.25 dress i,ocds absolute v new go:ds and a go d value at regular price for AA the sale we offer thm WW 2 pieces diacnnal stripe suiting vnrv spe?iat at 75c sule price while A1 they last OfcS A 1 ig !ot of a'l wool serges in black, niurv garnet and brown the b at 50j seller ver offered aio prie 1 lot fancy striped mohairs 36 iuches wide ssle prici 4 1.. f - i m- A 43 39 i i .1 asn:ana repliants o inches i te fti'tn regular price 50c while they last. 1 piece all wool gre suiting 56 inches wid great bargain 35 55 SPECIALS. Barker Mil's blenching Hfcdiipht Overalls ... 10c B. x writing p-.per 15c M sees hose ell h;zp. 4 pair Gr und enffee, 2o3 can $ I 2F B":wl and pitchers ........ Oc 89c ...he 45c 17c 69c $13.98 5c TIS.(K) 9 12 rng 10c a:. d 15; Ladies' cellars. 5SS Furniture. Solid car loud led ro rn suits, odd dressers, odd beds and wash stands, straight chairs, dining chairs, oak end red r cker-. The best that can l e h d. During Bale ycu eet any pi-ce yoa wai t 20 per ceat. less than price marked oc it B23 1911, IYJen's and Boy's Clothing. In this department we havi sacrificed all profit and in mai y caies a largn part of COBt. 1 lot men's suits in Mac's and mixed c' rrj, suits th?t have s Id at $5 00 $6 00, $7 50 and $10 00 If you oau find your flu in the lot tak- it f) h me with you for vffC 1 lot rx.e:.'8 suits in all sizes, every suit a mw no jus; in this season, regular pr;ces range from $6 50 to $8 50 and cheap at that. Take your (kM QO oh ice tor J'0 1 ' t i ew blue serge suits in single and d -n!-le breasted, mzm range fniti 34 r 42 a great $!2 60 value. In QO r-hs saNyong't one for...'.... 1 lot men's a'l wool worsted suits in newest styles and best quality. Regu lar prions rane from ifl4 50-f AQO n $20 00. Sale price ohoicQ a90 Boy's Suits and Odd Pants. Tbe -est selected line of bov'g suits rtver sh )wn, well mad- nd god stvles. Vnlft ttif-alM lasts y u get 25 per cent tf sh regular prices. I lot n pus pin s r g-i!ar pri ep AO h ui fl 50 o 3 50 .your choice rJIC n Buggies and Wagons. Do yon ne a R ck Hill Bugs? If eo buy while sale is on end save $15 00 Your ch ice cf anv iu stock. . . $50.00 Balance oi car lead of Mitchell wagrn any size we have $47.00 f

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