1 . t v v..".'.. - ' VUE OAROLIIIA WATGHUAN. WM. H. STEWABJY Ed. and Prop Ftblfitod trery Tuesday at 130 West Innsi street, Entered m second-class matter Jan. Uth. 1605, at the pout office at Salis IVT, M. O., under the act of Congress f Marsh 8rd, 1878. ' JBSOBIPTION PRICE. Watchman and Record, one year, two papers per week, cash in advance, $1,00 per year; tiz months, 50c. . 8ALIIBUST, N. C, D0. 6, 1911. Look at your ever increasing tax receipt, secure the latest quo tation on cotton, Mr. Farmer, and then ask yourself if you are willing to add some of your scan ty receipts to your burdens in or der that a few folks can obtain teeir desire for a new court house. If the present building is g xd enough to repair and rent, it ought to be, and is, good enough to repair. and use for its present purposes. Car ef Towels Burned. Fire of probable incendiary origin destroyed a car load of goods shipped here for the Kerr bleaohery on the sidetrack lead ing to the bleachery yesterday morning about 3 :80 o'clock. The car was 'run on the side track Saturday and had not been accepted by the bleachery. It contained 20 cases of towels sent here to be bleached by the Roa noke mills ' of Roanoke Rapide. The blase was discovered by the night watchman at the Cannon" mil. The watchman said that about 2:80 o'clock he smelt cot ton burning and that he and the fireman went through the mill but did not see any blaze. About 8:80 o'olook he continued thd in spection and when he went to the rear of the mill he saw the blaze from the box car on the side track, the fire being on the op posite side of the car from the V Cannon jni, Thefire depart ' ment was summoned and made prompt response, but the blaze had gained such headway that "the goods were practically con sumed before the alarm was turned in. There is , little doubt that the car was set on fire but there it not the slightest suspicion as to the guilty party. The officials of the bleachery state that they had not received the goods and had no idea asto their value. The loss of the , goods will probably be paid by the railroad and it is understood the oar was Insured .Concord Tribune. v C3UNTY CORRESPONDENCE i North Carolina Day. The programme of exercises for the observance of North Carolina rDay in the public schools of the State is just issued from- the State Department of Education. December 22nd is set aside fnr this special observance by the schools and the booklet embrac ing the programme, readings and studies for the day is the work of Secretary R. D. W. Connor of the State Historical Commission . It gives William Gaston's poem, The Old North State;' has an attract from ex-Govern or A j- oook's brilliant address at the first North Carolina reunion at Greensboro. an outline for oountry history to be localized by the sohools in the drafting of ketones of the counties in which the schools are located; gives concise and very valuable histor ies of the origin and names of the counties of the State ; a paper on North Carolina and North Caro linians in history, the national oong, "America," and lists of all Governors, Chief Justioes of the Supreme Court, presiding officers of the General Assembjy, memb- of the Continental Congress, United States Senators and Cc n federate States Senators from North Carolina. Also there are appeals for the largest possible Contributions from the school children of the State for the stat ute to Sir Walter Raleigh, that is. to be erected in Nash Square, Baleigh, as a tribute from the school children of the State. A Terrible Blunder ; to neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills on the first sign of constipa tion, biliousness or inactive bow els and prevent virulent mdigob tkn Jttcdico or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and .bowels and build up your health, pnly 2So at all druggists. ilans of Interest in Villous Neighborhoods Sent tn bf Our Frlsnii. ip We do not print ar tides not signed by the auth or'a real name. FAITH. Saturday 2 Henry Hess awarded the contract to W S. Earnhardt to build a large addition to his residence and the work is now in progress. John L. Ritchie has bought a building lot from Albeit Brown and will build and lo- cate in Faith, where he thinks, he can make more money than anywhere else. While driving to Salisbury, in a buggy, Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Shuping's horse became frightened at a motorcycle and ran away, turning the buggy over, lhree ol Mrs. Shuping's ribs were broken and Mr. Shuping had a gash cut in his head. The little girl with them was not hurt Mr. and Mrs. Shuping are getting along very well. Gr. L Fisher, of Spen-er, is out visiting his father, C. A. Fisher, over Sunday. George Lud wick's baby has pneumonia. Granite cutter at Ben El- ler's, November 21st. Young farmer at Paul A. reeler s, November 27th. Granite cutter at Eli Good man's November 28th. Young granite cutt r ar rived at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barnnger s, November 19th. D. A. Wiley, general man ager of the Faith telephone exchange, is putting iu new 'phones at Charley Misen heimer's. John Wilkerson's, Charles Bargers, John Bar- gers and Charley Shive's. Jacob Brown, of Rockwell, and Miss Anna Kluttz, daughter of Walker Kluttz, were married Thursday at the home oT the. -bride's narents. Re7.Beckgliii Mr. ano3CMrs. 1pjingle o Fath went. do wh' :and "report having joya : jiner wed ding difaVerewi8he8 them,. long aud hfibpy life. Rev. GK C. I veythe Baptist ministerof Faith, 'is moving to, Salisbury wherehe will iiv.the future. His mem bars dqct't like to give him up, but -"certain changes in other- fields makes it neces sary Rev. CkcHCyiher il getting a.ot otyon tuples to mar ry xecenuy. . . rue last' couple to come to FaitH rWilliatn morgan, oi morearxWiQwli snip; ana misb Juraimtrts - :.fi;-j iL. iT -j-.v-x wer.vumteu Dy tf iPpfMiiied homefolks a few w;nLa mmompf.med by.his friend, Oscar' 30th, 1911. iMiQ&S&&i& I -7V urutuer oi omaorgajr. WjXQy onn w. oean,. enme ana j . ics ux i liui yixi triiB i ai in BTaS4' uiorean viiuea a jonn Li ded school, and Mis3PrMeiaiamt, ljunda V. : rauie Know noining'abqnt 9 wiehe? to The Watchman arid Record and its band of pen oil pushers. . ; 4 , Sai,lie. any good prospects they ought to bring them to Faith with detailed deszription of their property. It might cause a big industry to spring up in our State. There is nothing like showing what we have here in Noith Caro lina. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Barger gave a big Thanksgiving din ner to their friends. Venu was there and enjoyed the dinner with the crowd. The old soldiers here will soon bagiu to look for their Christmas Vouchers from the State treasury that they re ceive every year. The granite work is slack ing up on account of the holidays near at hand. Lon .Kluttz has returned from Raleigh, N. C , where he went to be with his chil dren whom he took down there to be given the pasteur treatment, they having re cently been bitten by a dog th:ughtto hav had hydro phobia. Other dogs that were bitten by the one that went through the country at tiiat time should be confined. There is an old lady living in Faith who has just receiv ed a letter from her relatives stating that she has just be come to be a greater great1 grandmother, which makes five generations in this fam ily. If you can beat that Bro. Country Kid trot out your family. George Hodge, oldest son of D. A. Hodge, and Miss EtheT Morris daughter of the late John Morris, of Granite Quarry, were married No vember 29th, in the Methodist parsonage at Chestnut Hill Rev. G. W. Stamper officia ting. Another couple for Faith. Venus with a host of friends wish them many years of happiness. Venus. RI0HF1ED ROAD. Dac 4. Owing to the wet weather the farmers are not Hhrough sowiag-wbat.. . - falter Wyatt and family' visit ed his. sister, 'Mrs. Ernest Wau- ford, near South mont. Sch:ol started at the Poo school house last Monday, N vember 2.0bh, with Eugene Read as teacher. Edgar Canup ws a welcome visitor at Henderson Shepherd's Stypday evening. D. E. Wyatt was a pieaeent visitor at Reuben Frick's last GENERAL MATTERS OF INTEREST. COA T Sunday. lerewas a spelling'. at PB'6hop).' -house Thankgivicg . A large crowd was pres Bred Mc rgan . of Wap-lburg, dayso three minute too lteioee tne ceremony, May a happy UJO VO 1JJGilB. .Cpmi?now Country Kid dou Y be too hard ' on Venus. Lookup our items for the week endingjDecember 2nd. and you will see that Faith is not dead. . Venus .wishes a hannv Christmas to all the readers of The Watchman and Record. H. M. L. Agner gave a bier rri -! V xuanjiHgiviiig ainner ana oyster supper to his friends. Among - those present were Miss Peeler, of Hickorv. and Rev. C. P Fisher and his wife. Mrs. M. M, Fisher, mother of Rev. C. P. Fisher, has been visiting at Faitbjer the Dast month.: . She says aith is a fine place to live. L. M. Peeler, the nest sale crier in the country, cried the missionary saie at the Re formed church here Thanks giving day. Everything sold well and it was,' quite if sucn cess. v . -; ' Northern people with mon ey to invest in mines and oth er things out of which they Lightens Kills F?w. ;. In 1905 lightning killed onlj 169: people iu this whole." country. OuB s cha5nces of death by light nius: art less than two in a vail lon. Xhenchauce of death frm liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not U'ppeo ric Bitters be used, as 'Hubert Madison, f West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gav. hiai up after eight months of snllr lug from virulent liver trmble aud vellow jaundice? ', He was then completely xsnredlf Elec tric Bitters. The'je, the best stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remedy and blood puriner on siartn. univ ouc ai au uru 22191,8 GirJate Narrow Escaps. Monroe, N v. 30. Misses Vlami? Little and Buoy Fuuder burk. who board at the home ot Mr. B H, BiUnknny, ha i a riar- row oscaps rxom personal injury y fire Tuesday uiphfrj Juaf. be- ore - retiring -they nlled a Bmall beater with dry trash ctrUiag the draft off, and when the lid, wan later raised by Miss Fuuderburk the Bodden flash of names ignitedi her loosely hanging hair a Miss 11 tie, in . attouapt. q Big Erents ?duc2Mo Utile Paragraphs for the Readers il This Piper. The United States is keep ing iii readiness at Manilla an expeditionary -force of fror. 500 to 2,500 soldiers for immediate dispatch to China for the purpose of protecting foreigners and to keep' open the railroad communication between Peking and the sea. Declaring that his con science had tormented him tor years because of postolfice robberies he committed in Virginia, his native State, when a young man, Samuel Marcellu8 Smith, aged 6:. and a resident of Lexington, - Ky ., surrendered to officers last Wednesday. He was locked up forexamination. Wharton Barker, a retired banker of Philadelphia, sprung a sensation on inter State commerce last week when he allege! that a New York financier told him in 1904 that the financial inter ests would support Theodore Roosevelt for President be cause the 'latter had "made a bargain" with them "on the railroad question." Handcuffed and tied with a rope, S. T. B. Walker, a ne gro, who was being taken from Augusta to Washington, Ga., to be hanged last Wed nesday morning, escai ed from Sheriff Bobo and two deputies at Baruelt, Gra., last Tuesi night. A r?onth ago Walker was placed in the hands of a mob on the way to a suitable lynching place but escaped, a huudred bullets tailing to bring him to the earth He S. Hollenshead, a white mer- f ) chant. V Four bovs were found guil? ty of murder in the first de gree in Chicago last week and sentenced to death and two others were sentenced to fe Whipo:ng Post is Again Used on Wife imprisonment for the mu:de " Biters. 4. 1 C . 4. 01 a uiimo.u. Cenlerville, Md, Nov 30 skirts of Chicago a moLth. Ti,u 0 V rwyL-k i-Ali J lens liab JJtMSll 1CVI.V.311 in j ' T' V MT? Maryland and a throng-gath- erei at the jail to see tne sec ond punishment of the kind ever inflicted in Queen Anue county and the first since the revival ot the old law The culprit was Lawrence Stiner He requested that his wife be summoned to witness the a tonement the law exacted from him. savins' that he de- pensneo- . iwo nreoieu were h?erved it and that he wanted riouBly injurei before the 1: laze her to see him punishe 0ICCZ3I0ICI000 rTn 1 1 n rs n n nn n r s n-rni 3 u MM M 1 1 Ul JUI : 111 1 Ul til 0 0 n n Ann r nn 0 A. VLJLJUUUUUUUU Ul I U UU lj I I A V o.i1t O-iUCfl- 0 On Saturday. Dec. 9th7 and continues all next week. We will place on Sale at Greatlv Reduced Price: mi .50 to $10.00 Coat Suits lor 84.96 All of Our $15 00 17.50 nd 25.00 Coat Suits greatly Reduced. MILLINERY. Lot of Hats worth $1.50 to $2.50 Choice Saturday and all next wvek. 98c Christmas Goods Now open. Toys of all kind, Dolls, Engines, Go Carts, Beds, Tea-sets, etc, EBA11 go at moderate prices. iai mm a. 0 0 0 0 o o imnrianhmftTit k"'---,. - K7i- Fire eaily M bjnd.ay ivept the plant of jpe ;Uttfled Statos Ex press ChtQMhy g Jttey City, N. J Sla&XiB and other tuild- mgs cconpyi nearly a foil city block wreyhriVed, two hundred wagrns and; afUtomobilB trucks were deetrotyHd and 300 horses was under control at 4 :45 o'clock The 1-88. Drobablv will rach $4:0,000 Tha people's nomination of 18 new cardinals of the Roman , -"-,-. Catholic ehirch has been ratified Three of the cordials are Ameri cans, an ihis country, until now 9 mifBiotfary land fur tbia church, has hbfetf yiised to the same level Mrs Stiner was given a cbafir in tne nail vara near tne whipping post and grimly watched the proceedings Stiner took ithe firet three strokes with scarcely more than a whimper, but before che fourth descended th muscles of his shoulders and arms were drawn into tense knots from the pale whiter of o'ther,&tWiic countries, being livid marks, filled with bruis ed blood, which lined his ,1 1-1 A A . .,1 1 jDe euuuiucia auu caicuucu uuwu nis side. When the sixth stroke fell Coon Is Howled Down. Rale gh, Nov. 80. A year ago at Ashevi lie Charles Coou was elected prfiridaot of tlw North Garrlina Teachers' Assembly and vet tonight ha was not allowed t conclude his annual addresi be fore that body. U'hon he came to the concluding part of his speech a coterie rf men, le by a countv 8nperinteude:.t. clarped their hands ai.d refused to let him contiuue Mr Cjoii had to take his seat jns bef re the conclusion of his spepch, which was a severe criticism of the present school system in North Carolina Mr. Coon had proceeded nearly to?thn end of his addr-ss. when he ad that h?n1d 'cono'ude A p irr v if .mea egair to clap tbf it hsi.d. ' Whenever b began the clappir-e w uld tart asaMi). There waa h-udclappu:g tbr ugu mt the auditorium. ! ut it wss lead ly a mi; h was ",vrh'iard to say during the first t, of tb spch. "He is a ri f " When the hand clapping cn tiuud Mr. Co-iu t k his" 8att saying that the speech would he printed in the proceedings and a o py sent to those who cried hiui down. Strom Healths) Women )Qger oouiiderd a field mere ryfSrlpropagation ttoh&Yttttotrins. . of toalyll jckefgller resigned a sigh of relief escaped the ay asfprsident and director throng that had. gathered to cStatidard Oil Company of see the whipping, a blanket John D. Archibald urasideut m Mi, '$tijf Jersey. 'wa4Vrelei Rockfelier's place. . Botfijhouses ( the Sifty-second ootigjes convened at noon Mol- day . vPracticallv every member of - each he use was in his east. The galleries were crowded and was thrown about the victim's shoulders and he was hurried to his cell, where the jail physician applied oint ment to heal the cuti If a woman 13 strong a;;d heau.iy in a womanly way, moth erhood means to her but littie suffering. The trouble lies in the fact that the many votnen suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted for motherhood. This caa be remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses Bed disorders of women. It acts directly or, the dc!icato and important organs concerned in Ejoerhood, making them healthy, stroa, vigorouG, virila aad elastic. "Favorite Prescription" banisher the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and clmott painless. It quickens and vitaiizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women hits testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Week Vomen Strong. It Makes Sick Vomen WtlL lionesrdruggists do not oCcr substitutes, and urge them upon you as ,4iut as goo,. Accept no secret nostrum in place of this non-secret remedy. It contains net a drop i elcobol and not a grain of habit-forming or injunotts o: ugs. is a pure - extract c.f LealinJ, nnttvc A-fr'"n roc Tire Monday Vorning. Early Monday morning the hundreds of people w re uuabl" store oi lj. Austin, situated a taiRaiuSnd mission. The expected short distance this side ot the spe4ct&pf Representative Littleton middle switch between Salis kxorK,regaraing iuo oi bur and Spencer, was .de- Trust question was the sensation- 8troyed 5v gre Mr Austin al incidft fnatursng the openn g , . between day of ffbirgress. ,.Qn Qvi , finn vi1f:r,t Qrirl hniH Therule f -r silence" was sn- a fire in the stove and then spentfed for the fiisttime at the returned to his house which federal priern- in Atlanta, wbUf about 49 feet from the the ijris-ners wrn gathered fori fwa rn-.wtHmohdn. O0O000O0OOOOO:O8G 0000000000 Thanksgiving diuuer 1 Moyer's an.icuucemeut caused, the hall to ring i: ? theirll Wari with The warden said the prisoners woild be permanent if t-h & nriaonars would "see fair play;" rhe ffa. toward NorthGarolina nrZ-" tor-icue h-r from her.pe;i!-f8fcch troubles flv t efo.re Backleu . capitalist has just visi.te4 J 1. Wyatt, and P is highly pleased with whafhe-Baw, is coming back in two or three weeks, and, if any one has ous pusttiou, also. ' caught th flioipp, at)d bnt for the rare pres ence of mind of both tuam $n railing into cue Doaaiia wrapptcg in the blankets, there would hive been serious results. Ends. Winter's Troubles. imaiiv. winter is a se4in of frofie. The fr-at bitten toes atM'isrnrB, chapped hands and niipa, chilblains, old-ecrfe, red and rcuga sk'ns, pr v tnis. out Aruica Salve. A trial couvtuce?. Greatest healer of Bums, one, Piles, Cut?, Sores, Bruises, Ecze Irla and Sprains. Only 25a at all druggiits . covered that the store was on fire. It i5 not known how the fire started. The fire alarm in the city was turned in and the firemeu responded but wer unable to render much assistance as there' was no water neai enough-to handle the -hose. It was feared that Mr Austin's home, the Vance mill and mill tenant building would all be destroyed, but fortunately the wind was blowing from the direction of the buildings and they were savedJ The loss to Mr Aus tin is not k'town, but it ip said that he had some insur ance The store room belong ed to A M Foster, of Davie county ' G O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o A tail 8 Brass Bed IO--WILL BE GIVEN AVAYoJ tfO-On Decomber 22, at 3 o'clocko Come and get your numbers. The stubs of the numbers will be placed in a hat and a .child, blind folded, will draw out the number and . who ever holds that number will get the Bed. You arj not required to buy a cent's worth of goods. o For Quaity, For Values, For Christmas presents. For Lowest Price, Gall on: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o GEO W THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER & UNDERTAKER, Salisbury, G. ov. 28th, n. 0000000000000:0000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 8 l I 1 - 1 1 5:.r..-.sJ