THE CAROLIIIA VATGHLIAN;! SHORT LOOAflTEMS ,MiB Jnlia West, an aged lady, who uves on the corner of LeeJ aud Franklin streets, has Buffered partial itroke of paralysis and ner reoavary jg Tery dooJ fnl Qk U u.- --. wuo uo uuuu m a very weakened oonditioD tor the Jae few montls. She in a sister b James H. Wet, of Greensboro. mo tvii suit in tne superior ooutt last week, for $1,765 brought by J. P. Harper & Com pany, against the Southern Rail way, a verdiot awarding the plam- ins $1,250 was rendered by the jary . j. p.. Harper & Company. brought suit for alleged damages ts two shipments of horses from T. nienrl1n TT mi . AJ. trial con- amed two .days. The attorneys of the Southern gave " notice of appeal to the supreme oourt. rostmaster Jas. H. Ramsay has anuonnaed that the collec tion of mail on Sunday from all k .. .... uo WABB ia tne city will be dis continued, excepfcf the following: Corner Main and Bank atrAtB. vwswwvw iu uu r.sner; corner Main aDd Ioniss and the box at Smith's Drug St re. The collec tions will be made from these boxes between 6LLd 6:15 p m Haretofoe the collections have beeu made on Sunday afternoons from all I oxes on Stu-h MaiD treet to Chestnut Hill, thence on Fulton street to the Whitehead 8 takes sanatorium, aud again crossing to Main on Liberty street op Main to Lnniss street and to the postoffie. This change is made to allow the carriers a rest on Sunday. It has ben neces , aar? for tbem to work over tim longer than the law required, nmce this change in tne Sunday Isllections. Senator Lee 8. Overman and Ms private secretary, J. D. w urcwn left Sunday night fjr Washington for the opening ses sion of congresi on Monday morning. The Lutheran Bazaar opened today and will continue until to morrow night. Dr. John W. Carleton an P. S . Carlton left Monday morning for Warsaw, 8. C. They will be gone a week. Governor Kitchin has granted commissions for a special term of superior court for Rowan county beginning January 1, Judge M. H. Justice, presiding. This special term of court will be held in order to clear up the civil docket in this ccurt which has grown cumbersome. The Lutheran church at Spen cer has made arrangements with Rev, Boozer to supply the con gregation of that church while it is without a pastor. He will preach twice each month at Spencer, The Elks Memorial Sunday afternoon was one of the most interesting end impressive sar vioes ever held by the Salisbury ! lodge. TheGrubb theatre build ing, where the memorial was hld, was packed with people who were eager to see aud hear the exeroise. Hon. William J. Cocke, of Asheyill9, delivered the principle address of the oc casion. Mrs A.M. Cruse, wife of one of Rowan's farmers, suffered a broken arm last Wednesday. She was performing her usual - duties about the bouse when she fell over a small stump in the yard and the limb was badly fraotured. A physician was. im- tmediately summonei and render ed the necessary aid. It is hoped Mrs. Cmse will soon iecover. She is the mother of Mrs. C. L. Lsntz of Spencer. The Spenoer shops observed Thanksgiving last Thursday. Miny of the employes went home toetjiy the day. Others went bunting and returned with vari ous kinds of game. Only a few men were at work at the shops and some of the freight trains were annulled for the day to allow the men to observe the day. The Salisbury high school basket ball team won a game of besk-t ball from the high school team at Lexington, Friday eve ning, by the score of 27 to 22. jThis is the second game between jthese teams. Lexingtou won the first game. Ths Ba" of the Episcopal church will be held on December the 12th and 13th. V. Wallace & Sons want every body to remember that they wish a portion of the public's patron age and, to this end cirry one of the largest and varied lines of clothing and men's furnishings . . - i of any store in the State. TheyUull memberehipof the board was call attention to a number of ar- tides in their big advertisement in this paper. A tlT TTT ' sw a a. w. winecon e Dig sale is still in progress and therefore your opportunity to secure some of the great bargains he is offer ing is still good. But don't pro crastinate, the sale lasts only a few days more and delay might prove a misfortune. If you are in need of anything in his line it might be well to call at once. See his big advertisement in this pa per. 8. H. Wi!ey, who has been do- ing business on West Innes Street for the past few months, has moved back on South Main Street near his previous location in the Empire block. He irin the store room with Maynard Bros. Miss Effie Lambert, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U., de livered a very valuable and inter- estitg illustrated leoture before the children of the graded school Monday morning. Her subject waB the citarette. Mayor F. M. Thompson is kept at home .this week owing to bo me slight indisposition. His numer- oub friends hope to see him out sjon. See the TatterBon-Yonng Mer cantile Company's advertisement n this paper. It has some real bargains in it. The Patterson-Young Mercan tile Co., one of China Grove's leadiog and enterprising firms, not being eatished with their us- ual low prices on all mauner of go-. as, are making some special fixtures just now owing to the low price of cottont This splen- did nrm, that always treats its customers with courtesy and ev- ery consideration consistent with safe business methods, has a large advertisement in this Daner to which it may profit our readers to refer. Ihey certainly quote some interesting prices. Thfl nnrflm onnrfc h.. firmed tha nan nf J. Thnm.. tr I Broadway, convicted at the May term of Rowan sunerior conrt and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. This ends the case aud Broadway will be compalled to labor for five years for the State. The Grand Jury's Report. The grand jury of the recet term of the Rowan Superi court, having visited the varioi county offices, the chain gang and the county home, re ported them all in a neat, orderly and satisfactory condi tion. In addition to the above. that body was induced to make the following recommendations: "We visited the treasurer's of fice and fonnd the books accur ately and systematically kept. We, the committee app inted to visit the chain gang at camp No., 2 found several bovs about 14 or 15 years of age. we think that such young offenders ought not to be put on chain gang, we therefore recommend that steps ought to be taken by our proper authorities to send such offenders to the State reformatory or some other institution'of training. Wt also taken note of the macadam road over which we traveled. We think mush repairing is needed on roads built 4 or 5 years ago and recommend that our county should take steps to establish a church and while gone the con repairing force, and we do f urth-j gregation proceeded to show its ermore recommend that our conn- appreciation of his services by ty commissioners do discontinue voting him a two-hundreddollar the old-fashioned stone macadam, addition to his salarv. On Mod- and build sand clay or some other modern BVBtsiu. We also recommend a new court house for Rowan county, one modern and in keeping with the timps efficient to accommo date the business of generations to com' and be a monument to lVu BJ j u WttS. maae naPPy by . . , , , the many testimonials and ex the county that the old builditg pre83ions of good will and appro to be repaired and ranted and the ciation by his loyal flcok. Rev. proceeds of same to be used to- Thomas is an able pastor and en ward paying for the new one." tirely worthy of. the esteem in J, A. Kluttz, of the Orgn which he is held not alone by the , members ot his church but bv Church neighborhood was fore- those of other churches in SaliZ wm. bury and elsewhere. 6Iie Contract to Build a Bridsrs (he Second Creek. . f w- -' - Tjte Rowan county commission - ere met in regular monthly ses- sion Monday and it was neces eary to continue the meeting tw days to finish the business. The -present as followi : P. B. Beard chairman : P. A, Hartman. W. P Barber, A. L. Deal and Fred Mc- Canless. Superintendent C. S. Carter of chain gang No. 1 reported 26 convicts, 7 whites, 18 colored, : colored female. Superintendent Y. Thorn a son of gang No. 2, reported 88 convicts; 14 whites, 17 colored, 2 colored females. Mrs. C :S. Patterson, superin tendent of the county home, re ported 14 inmates, 9 whites, colored. ur. ai. li. omoos, county su perintendent of health reported the health of the county charges moderately good . There is some scarlet fever in the county, Hon. John S. Henderson, Wal ter Woodson, Feq city attorney ; H. S. Trott, M. C. Quinn and others appeared before the board and asked that the board help the city to improve the roads in the city limits to the extent of giving three months work by one of the chain gangs. Ordered to allow Mrs. Eliza- beth Swicegood $1 per month for support. Ordered that the ridge road frsm Sowers' ferry to Wm. Kes- ter's, be placed under the super vision of the township supervisor. Ordered to exempt J. W. Clam- pet from road duty tor two years. Ordered to allow Mary Josey f 1 per month for support. Ordered to allow D. M. Mc- Quaie $3.60 reduction on account of taxeB. Ordered to purchase a car of piping for Mt. CUa township. Ordered that D. L. Neel, of Woodlsaf, be and is hereby ap pointed road supervisor in Unity township Sealed proposals for building a bridge ever Second creek on the Statesnlle road were submitted bv the Yorke Bridget gan Building Co., Oswego Build- ing Co., and a company at Roa noke. A delegation from China Grove u J 3 i nr T n 1 t u DWinx, M. nomP80n. J- L- Siffefd. ,J. C. Yourg and others, appeared be f jre the board and asked that the grade be reduced on the China Grove to Saw road. Upon con dition it is ordered that same can not be granted. C. J. Deal appeared and asked that the road leading east of Lan dis to Cold Water be opened. It is therefore ordered that said pe titioners be allowed to open said road under the provisions govern ing the opening of new roads, and ti is further ordered that C. M. Miller survey said road. It is ordered that the supervis or of China Grove township re pair road from Landis to Saw. Ordered that the Virginia Building Co- be given the con tract to build the bridge over Second creek, provided their plans are in accordance with the American S. C. E , and the speci fications are approved by the chairman of the board and the county civil engineer. A. M. Rice, township tax col lector, report 3d collectpd of the 1910 tax to date $307.26; of the 1911 tax $2,698.45. Baptists Show Appreciation of Thomas. Rev. Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, paBtor of the First Bapt:st Church, has been very agreable surpris ed several times this week. Snn- day he was invited out of the day night quite a number of his congregation proceeded to give him a pounding. A considerable quantity of gocd and useful ar ticles, food, etc ,' were placed in the Sunday School room and, he was invited to ioin them. Hb j:j j i i Progress In The Hookworm Campaign Ac celerated. Reports from the physicians o the State andfrom the physicians conducting the State and County free dispensaries for hookworm diseases, show that since the work began twenty-one monthB ago up wards of forty-five thousand peo pie have been treated. Nearly half of this number has been treated in the free dispensaries of thirteen countiea since, July First. In the State there are 1800 physicians, and 1500 of them are active practioners, 1200 of tnem have sent in written accounts or their experience with the disease, and 800 of them, representing all sections of the State, have I een actively engaged in . treating the disease. Twenty-five counties have alreadv made provision for the dispensaries, besides those ap propriatiDg for the dispensaries, the first Monday in December. 86, 000 people have been micro scopically examined for hook morm disease. A large number of those treated had such . heavy infection that the microscopio ex amination was not necessary. There is found now little difficul ty in seouring co-operation on the part of the peolpe and county oomissioners, where good results of the work can be seen or heard of. N State Penitentiary Burns. Huntsville, Texas, Dec. 4 Several persons including con victs were injured and four build ings were dynamited before fire which broke out at the State pen itentiary here today was brought under control . The administra tion building and the prison cells escaped the flames. Convicts aided in fighting the fire. The amount of the damage has not been estimated. At one time the entire town was threatened and fire apparatus was sent from Houston, 75 miles away. For a time the fire threatened to spread to the business section of Huntsville. None of the prisoners escaped, although several sustained minor burns, none was seriously injured. Eleven buildings, including the cotton and furniture factories, machine shops, ice plant and an offic ebuilding burned. Presbyterian Missionaries in China Report ed Sate. Rev H F Williams, of Nashville, Term, who is in charge of the educational de partment for foreign missions of the Southern Tresbyterian Church, wrote to a Greens boro layman under date of November 23: "I am sure our missionaries at Nanking have left the city We had a cablegram yester day from Dr Woodbridge, who has instructions from the committee to keep us fully informed of the safety of our missionaries in China, in which he said 'all are eafe ' I think it very piobabl that all our missionaiies in the zone of active war have gone to Shanghai or to some other point within easy acs cese," There is a union theological seminary at Nanking under the control of the Northern and Southern Presbyterians; also a medical college of which Dr. Shields, of the Southern Presbyterian Church, is the head, which is under the joint control of sev eral denominations. , There has been much anxs iety as to the safety of the missionaries in that city, whenB there have already been Moody massacres by the imperjialisls and counter mas sacre at least of the Manchus are looked for when the rev olutionists capture the city. Greensboro News. A Great Reader. A literary person in Eng land was talking literature to an American visitor - "Do you read much?" he inpuired "Oh, a great deal,"' was the confident and prompt reply "What, for example?" "A Sunday newspaper, reg ularly " "No more than that?" in a disappointed tone "No more 'than that?" ex claimed the visitor "Gee, man, 1 guess you never saw one of our Sunday newspa pers, did you?" Cor Great Popularity Contest is Warming up. An ah star Company. Viuite a number of the young ladies in our great popularity contest are beginning to appreci ate ioe opportunity we have afforded them to win a snlendid high grade piano, and to realize that the task bef ore them is Loth pleasant and profitable. To tell who is to be in the lead from .one i j . . ' aay tin tne next is 'an lmpossi- ouity, ior tney are all Btars vyine ui suo ureti position, wnicn. is constantly changing, yet none tall far enough behind to be dis conraged . Wot a single vote is given anv one mac tney ao not aotually At A 1 -B . f earn, for it is manifest that exact lustioe muBt be accorded to every one alike, but should any one not get tne votes she thinks belong to her, according to the rules, come in or write the under signed at once, and full consider ation will be given the matter. The books can be seen at anytime by any one interested. Don't al low litt'e trifles to discourage you, but remember to be right on the job at the close.. That is the time to show the full measure of your ability to win, however, don't allow the grass to grow un der your feet in the mean time. The 5,000 bonus offer made last week to any one bringing in the most subscriptions the week, was tied by Miss Ida Fesperman and Miss Electa Lingle, so m order to be fair 5,000 vrtes were given each . Miss Electa Lingle. of Crescent. takes the lead this week with Miss da Fesperman a close second and Miss Pearle Wiley a close third. Several of the other contestants how unmistakable signs of taking the lead soon, so those in the lead had better look to their laurels. Attention is called to the sub scription price schedule as puh- ished in this paper. No votes are given on 50-cents subscrip tions. The prices for Buhscric- tions are $1,00 for both papers one year, or $1,00 for two years to either The Watchman or The: Record. This gives all an equal opportunity and will postively be adhered to throughout the con test. The suite of furniture can be B9enatGeo. W.Wright's furni ture store. Write or come in and see us for full information. Enter now, it costs yen noth ing and never again will you have the opportunity to secure a beau tiful piano or handsome parlor suite with so litth pleasaut effort. Contestants, remember that we issue votes on subscriptions and advertising secured by yon. Re newals count th9 same as new subscriptions . Contestants must report ou or before Tuesday of each week not later than 2 p. m. For further infoimation address, Mrs K. L Norris, - contest manager List of Contestants. Salisbury. Mies Mazey Rideuhour . . .'. do Ruth Cornehso do Margerite Harris do. Jessie Proctor do Pearle Wi!ey do Blanche Tichenor.... do Roxie" Earnhardt, .... do JiBsie Witherspoon. . . do Eloise McNeal do Nellie Ke9ler do Aunice Foreman do Hattie Baker do Blanche Charles do Mattie Chiison do Sallie Canup do Maggie Julian do Ida Fesperman do Mary Rufty do Grace Coggins .... .... do Rata B. Hcwell Mrs M S Varner. ....... . Spencer. Miss Olive Thomas do Dolly Webb Barber, do A dele Shaeffer Rockwell. Lulu Sifferd Lucy Fesperman. R C Earnhardt. Mount Ulla. Merle Shoaf Ruth Arey Richfield. Ad D Shaver Delia Wyatt do do do do do do do Mrs C L Basinger , Gold Hill. Miss Lucile Shaver do Ida Mcrgan do Ei-ma Ludwick , do Flora Arey do Hanna Jenkins...... do Maud Earnhardt do' Carrie Rcthrock, Mrs R D Coleman Mrs Lillie Eagle Mooksville. Miss Belle Fleming. do Mary Hobson COOLEEMEB. do Mary Tatum. . . .. , Landis. do Esthpr Fisher Providence. do Eleanora Brown , China Grove. ' do Anna Rose Mrs Lewis M HolshouBer. CBE8CENT. do Eleota Lingle Jim Winchester. Jim Winchester, better -known as Jinrbtaacill, a colored - indi vidual who formerly - made hi home in Monroe, but one day the wander lust struck Jim and he went off with some hors traders and when he got to Statesville he stopped and is staying in that ton now, if he is living. Some time ago Jim had been annoying a prominent citizen of Statesville considerably and the victim pro posed to Jim that he would give him a nickel if he would agree not to speak to him for six months. Jim accepted the nicke upon the conditions named, and started away happy in the thought of the possession of that nickel, and as the darkey walked away he turned to the man that had given it to him and said "Boss, dis don't count if we meets in heaven." Monroe Enquirer. Annual Coll Show Proposed for Uooresvllle. It is quite probable that a num ber of south Iredell stock raisers will get together during the last of this or the first of next year to complete the arrangements in augurated some weeks ago to or ganize a company for the purpose of holding an annual colt show in Mooresville. The plans have not been fully worked out, but there are quite a number interested. Be sides making it a colt show for south Iredell, the scope to be in eluded in the enterprise will em brace Iredell, Catawba, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Cabarrus and any other counties likely to be interested in it. It will not be a "fair." although it is the purpose of the promoters to offer premiums fcr the finest specimens of farm aDd garden, dairy and other pre ducts . Dr.R R Morrison is quite fa miliar with the pla'.s and will be glad to confer with any who are interested. Mooresville Enter prise. The Bolk-Harry rCo., has a change of advertisement in this paper and they want yout to see thfeir toys and Christmas goods. bee the advertisement and then Bee the goods. WHEN THE BOWELS ARE UNCOMFORTABLE and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follow a copious morning operation, you should put a small quan tity of Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. Its action in the system is purifying and strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and gives tone to the muscular structure of the bowels. It overcomes the tendency to chronic constipa tion, relieves a bloated feeling in the abdomen, sweetens the breath, and promotes vigor of body, mental alertness and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers, Price, large package, $1.00. Ask for the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. If you cannot get it, remit to us, we will send it by mail, postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is pot op also in liquid form for those who prefer It. Price, 1.00 per bottle. Look for the Bed Z label. J. H. ZEIL1N & CO., Props., St Louis, Mo. Commissioner's Sale o! Valuable Lands. Pursuant to the terms of an onler obtained from J. Frank McOubbins, clerk superior court, in the gpecial pro ceeding entitled Geo H. Pless. Oalvin H. Pless, Willie A. Pless et al vs. Mary Pless, Jacob Pless and May Pleas, the same being special proceeding No. 98. the undersigned, commissioner, will expose for 'sale t public auction for cash at thecourt house door in Salis bury, N. C, on Saturday! the 6th day of January, 1911, at the hour of 12 m., or as soon there after as possible, the following tract of land: Jf.Situate in China Grove Township, Rowan county, beginning at a stone on the nine acre tract (bought from Caleb Stirewalt), two chains east of a stone near a ceda", corner of said 9 acre tract; thence west 23.65 chains to Ritchie's corner ; thence south 16 70 chains to a stone, Ritchie's corner thence east 29.10 chains to a stone on the old Sifferd line; thence to the be ginning, containing 44 acres more or less This Dec. 4th , 1911. Geo. H. Pless, commissioner. John L. Rendleman, attorney. N0TICEfT0 CREDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lula B. Litaker, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 18th day of November, 1912, or this notic will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This October, 1911. 6t John J. Stewabt, administrator. Remember the Salisbury Pawn Shop when you want pistols, guns, cartridges, gon shells, all kinds of mechanics tools, clothing, shoes, etc. STATE OX N02T H dABOLINin DEPARTMENT O STAT.' CEBTIFICATB 5jf DIBSOLUTIOH. To All to Whom These Presents May'' Come Greeting:! Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dfs solution thereof by the unanimous consent ofill the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Mutual Investment Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office ia' situated at No. 117 W. Council Street,! in the city of Salisbury, county oh Rowan, State of North Carolina (P. &. Carlton being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be serveil), has complied with the1 requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing of this certifl-j cate of dissolution : Now , Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimeai Secretary of State of the State .of North Carolina, do hereby certify that ! the said corporatioa did, on the 24th" day of November. 1911, file in my otY; fice a duly executed and attested con- sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the ' stockholders thereof, which said con- ; sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in mv J - said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof. I have here to jet my hand and affixed mv offim'nl seal, at Raleigh, this 24th day of No vember, A. D. 1911. J. BrfYAW GBIME8, Secretary of State. Execution By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned, from the SuDerior court of Rowan county, North Garo- ma, unaar a judgment in favor of Peeler Grain & Provision Go, plain tiff and against L. L. Cranford, defen- ant, said judgment being docketed on page 27 of Judgment Docket No. 14 n omce of Ulerk Superior court of Rowan county, I will sell to the high est bidder for cash, on Monday the First Day of January, 1912, at the court house door in the city of uaiinuuij, iiuiiu uaruiiua, LJ B&blBIJf said execution all the right, title in terest and estate of the said judgment debtor L. L. Cranford whereof the said judgment debtor L. L. Cranford was seized or pos eased at the time of the docketing of said judgment in the su perior court of Rowan county, to-wit: On the 12th day of June, 1911, or at any time afterwards, of, in and to the following described lot situated in the town of Spencer, North Carolina, and bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake on the east side of Alexander street 200 feet north from the in terfectiongof said street and White head avenue, corner to lot No. 4; thence with the line of lot No. 4 scutn 87 deg. and 15 minutes east 150 feet to a stake in the edge of a 12-foot alley ; thence with the edge of said alley north 2 deg . east 50 feet to a stake corner to lot No. 6; thence with the line of lot No. 6 north 87 dep. and 15 minutes west 150 feet to a stake in the edge of Alexander street ; thence with the edge of said street south 2 deg. west 50 feet to the beginning ; being lot No . Five (5) as shown by the map of the John S Henderson addition to Spencer, North Carolina; and being the same lot that was conveyed to the said L, L. Cranford by 8. W. Keller by deed registered in book 108 page 218 in office of Register of deeds of Rowan county. At said time and place , to satisfy said execution, I will also sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said judgment debtor L. L. Cranford, as shown by tha records in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan coun ty, whereof the said L. L. Cranford was seized or possessed at the time of the docketing of said judgment in the superior court of said county, to-wit : On the 12th day of June. 1911, or at any time afterwards, of, in and to the following describedlot : 1st Lot. Beginning at a stake' on the northeast side of Iredell avenue in the town of Spencer. 100 feet north' west from the Second street ; thence north 2 deg.' and 21 minutes east 170 feet to a stake dn line of a 12-foot al ley ; thence north 87 deg. 45 minutea west with line of said alley 50 feet to a stake ; thence south 2 deg. and 21 minutes west 170 feet to a stake on line of Iredell avenue ; thence with saiu avenue south 87 deg. 45 minutes east 50 feet to the beginning, and known as lot No. 5 in block 6 as shown by the map of the Whitehead prop erty addition to Spencer, North Caro lina , and i being situate in , Rowan county, North Carolina, and being the same lot that was conveyed to the said L. L. Cranford by J. C. Thomas and wife by deed registered in book 97 paee 202 in office of. Register of Deedftfr said county. This the 27th day of Novem'cer, 1911. J. H MoKenzi, , Sheriff of Rowan county. John L. Rendleman, atty. for plaintiff EVERY WOMAN CAN MAKE MONEY AT HOME. The Woman's Exchange will help yon. COME TO THE WOMAN'S EX CHANGE, In Re ids store. Phone 640. North Carolina j In the Rowan county superior court J . u. Dorsett vs. James Ross. EXECUTION. Pursuant to an execution directed to me by the clerk of the Superior court of Rowan county "in the above entitled action commanding the land here-in-after described to be sold at public auction to satisfy the judgment rendered in said cause. I will on the 8 h day of January, I9i2. sell to the highest biddtr, fcr cash, at the courc House door in Salisbury, N. C., to satisfy said judgment, the fol lowing described real estate: Lying and being in the town of East Spencer, and fronting on Railroad At -enue. and beginning at a stone 103 feet from the ceatre of the North Carolina Railroad near the crossing about three miles JNorth .bast of Salisbury and runs thence S. 61, 50 E. 50 feet to a stone : thence N. Zl W. 194 feet to the be ginning and more fully described ia deed registered in Registers office of Rowan county in Book No. 123, Page Si, to whieh reference is hereby made. -; 'lhis is an execution sale and the. purchaser will get & title under the or ders of the court . This 6th day of De cember, 1911. J. H. MoKmiu, sheriff of Rowan county. JohnWhiie&Co. LOUISVILLE. KY. Established 1887 Highest market price paid for Cll DO raw I WIIW m w m. I 3 and HIDES. wooz. at eaiMia I Ml US-. ' Y L

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