ii 0A10LIKA WATCHMAN WM. H. STEWART. Ed. and Prop t alllited stery Tuesday at 120 West Innei street. Entered aa reeond-claM matter Jan. lfitb.. 1S05, at the post office at Salis bury, . O., under the act of Congress of Match 8rd, 1878. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Watchman and Record, one year, two i apers per week, cash in advance, $1,00 p er year j six monins , ouc. v.:A.Lf8iUBY, N. G , Jan, 8, 1912, CCilKTY C0BRESF0N9ENCE Items of Inerest in Various Neighborhoods Seat m by Our FrUad We ol not print ar ticles not sigwt by the auth or s real name. SALEM CHURCH. Uee. 24. UnriifcmaB nag come and gono and we will entej upon another new year, of 1912. We hope that 1912 will be a year of success for the farmers and that they -will reap a bountiful harvest Th exercises at Falem last Monday wai a grand succest. Th.e church was beautifully decorated The children were all made happy with their Christmas presents All went home rejoicing. Not withstanding the inclemency cf the weather the charch was pack ed to- its utmost. Eev. 0. W. Aderhold wh) has been at home ovbr the holidays, will return to Asheville the first of January, where he will Btay two months for further treatment. P. S. Klotti killed hogs last Thursday. December 24. at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. D. JBhcank, Deck Graham and Miss virace benenk, and at tee same place and time, Jesse Safrit and Beulah Graham, all - of Rowan, were married. Rev 0. W Aderholdt efficiatirg. On DecemLer 24th, at the Sa lem parsonage, Mr. Richie .'and Miss Ella Lipperd. and Robert Watson and Mils Steller Lipperd, were made man and wife, also of Rowan. Rev. O. W. Aderholdt officiated. December 25. At the Salem parsonage. Mr. Leazer and Miss Yceff were married tne ceremony being performed by Rev. Ader holdt. While in the country visiting friends S. L. Eliott,Jof Salisbury, had a stroke of paralysis, Wednes day night at the home of his father-in-law, J'. W. Boat. His whole left side was effected. A Doctor wss called in. We learn be is somo better. The ex Po. master of Manning was "confined to his room over Christmas with sickness, but be COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET. CRAVEN. " As Craven has been, quiet for awhile, I will send in a few ei:.ce we have come to life. lines The health is very good, except a few serious cases of ; "blues," the effect of bad weather We enjoyed th holidays very well, but I think it rained Old Santa out. We have lad a few weddings, among them were Grove r Eagle and Miss Marv Poole. We wish them much success. Thr or a a a. toflFir nr.nt-inrr ol Jce Keple'pa Saturday night at tended by a crowd of this commu nity. Miss Mary Mi3enheimer visited Miss Addis Poole Saturday night Misa Davie Brmgle, of Spanccr is viaitiDg her sister, Mrs. Joe It rley. l o Misenheimer visited over en the Creek Saturday night. Be c-ireful Lea there might be acme ow's over there in the woods. The school will begin at the Poole Bchool-houee Monday after greeting for a week. Misses Lmdy and Laura Ctarnee visited Mary Starnes Saturday night. . Lewis Eller and family visited in this community Sunday night and Monday. 1 Geo. Casper is very sick at this wrifing., -We wish him a speedy xr"overyk- G. W; Bringlte, of Spencer, vis ited his daughter, 5Tra Jja Kep- jev wdti IfO I a )' ; U- IS vu teport. ery - sick Elizas. ApproTe Action of Sob'.U Rlier Bridge Committee. Jory cnosen. The county commissioners met Monday m regular monthly session, the full board being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the . following .- a business was transacted: ; On motion the action of the committee at ISouth River, on December 14th, regarding the bridge to be built across the river was aDDroved This it will be remembered was decision to locate the bridge below the dam at , South River mill and the instr action of the committee to Civil Engineer C M. Miller to draw up p!ans and specifica! tions for the bridge at once. Supt. C. S. Carter of chain crancr No. 1 reported 24 con victs; 5 white, 18 colored, female. Supt. (St. Y. Thompson o craner No. 2 reported 2b con victs: 10 whites, 1 14 colored 2 females Mrs. C. S. Patterson, super intendent county home, re Dorted 13 inmates: 8 whites 5 colored. Dr, M. L. Smoot, county superintendent of health, re- ported the health oi tne county charges good. There is some scarlet fever in the county. J F- McCubbins, clerk o the Superior court, presented his annual report. The same was audited, found correct and ordered filed. Ordered that A M Rice be authorized to make change in the tax of the Earnhardt lots. Ordered to allow G W Hudson a reduction in land assessed through error from 161 acres to 16 1 100 acres. Ordered ttjat a franchise be granted the Sh'aeffer Tele phone Co.. to erect poles and construct lines along , the Linc6inton road to Ed Davis place, thence up the Sherrill Ford road to Bear Poplar, said line not to interfere with public or private property or with the traveling public. A M Rice, township tax collector, reported - $4,406.78 of the taxes for 1911 collect ed to date. Sheriff J H McKenzie re ported $5,208.11 tax collected. Privilege tax collected $1491. Ordered that B M; Cauble notify Gip Brown to open road in front of his store. Ordered to allow Travis Tippett $20 burial expenses on account of a Confederate soldier. Ordered that the road from Faith to the Bringle's Ferry road be graded and ditched by chain gang No. 2. Ordered that the county commissioners suggest to the Board of Health to appoint a milk and meat inspector for Rowan county. oil Miner reported very little progress on the China Grove Saw road and satis factory progress on others considering the weather. The contract to furnish groceries and teed stun to th& chain gangs and county home tor the month of J aim ary was awarded to the Peeler Grain and ProMsion uompany. Jurors were drawn for the February term of court as follows: First week: George W. Brown, A. R. Beaver, C. P. Jacob, John A. M. Brown, W. Y. Hair, E. H. Woodson, W. A. Fowler, F. B. Irvin, G. A. Steele, R. M. Gantt, J. M. Cbggins, C. D. War lick, J. W. Basinger, P. D, Linn, John W. Alexander, James N. Fleming, P. A. Correll, J. F. Turner, P. A. W. Sloor, R. A. Owen. W. G. Watson, Jesse F. Fry, John Barger, H. C. Belk, R. L. Julian, Marshall Turner, J. F. McKnight, H. L. Good man, James F. Holshouser. Jr., V. C. Edmistoh, Lewis A, Kesler, J. D. Silliman. J. H. Beeker, C. P. Foster, T R Garner, W W Williams. Second week: B F Vuncan- non, Whit JL Wilhelm, John K Goodman, Manuel Shaver, Haywood Harper, J C Grodby, G B Owens, Jonathan LyerJy, Jesse A Morgan, A L Linn, D. Luther Kluttz, J E Hay wood. J A Mesimore, A E Miller, A G McNeely, John R Crawford, James M Black welder, R J Holmes, T L Gillespie, C A Robertson, J A il Peeler, Crawford A Miller, David F Agner, Thomas H Kirk. LOWER ROWAN. y Dec. 80 W. A. Kirk has been on the sick list for a few days. ; J Neely Lisle and family and John Shaver, of Salisbury, visited their parents during Christmas. Reuben Shaver and: family, of this commumtv. have moved to Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. -bam JLisk, ol Salisbury, are visiting relatives in this community. I. Cowan 8haver sold a hors one day this week.: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Arey and Marshal Arey, of Bear Pop'ar visited at Jacob Arey's during Christmas. Miss Deila Shaver, of Salisbury is visiting relatives and friends in this community. Notice of Salt Under Execution. North Carolina ) In the Superior Rowan County ) Court. Salisburv Realty & Insurance Co., Plaintiff, against R. L Houston, Defendant, By virtue of an execution duectod to th undersigned, from the buperior court of Rowan County, in the above entitled action, I will eel to the highest bidder, foroash, on Monday, the 5th day of February, 1912 at the court house door in the city of Salisbury, North '.Carolina, to satisfy esud execution, all th right, title and interest which the said R. L. Houston, defendant has in the following described property, to-wt: Beginning a a stake on Horah St., Carters Corner and running with Horah St. N44 W50 feet to a stake, thence S46 W200feet tc a, .-take, thence S44 E50 feet to a Btake, Carters Corner, thence N46E with Carters line 200 feet to the beginning, be ing Liot oi fcquar M Licrda pla, lying on SW tide of the Corporate limits of the great west Ward of the town of Salisbury. J. H. McKenzie, 1-8-4 Sheriff Rowan county fount MHinn lot Standard Iteadit Moetune SHttne) potttloa lot onttoew TEIjL us How you sit at your sewing machine and WE WILL SHOW YOU Something of vital interest To Your Health. You cannot act too quickly in this matter, so come today and let us explain THeSti Straight "STANDARD" Gentral Needle Idea a. sewing macnine tnat gives you positive healthful exercise. Shoe Co.sj Salisbury, N. C. Special Demonstrators The Straight and Curved Lines, Uttint portion for Standard CanUal Needle Machines Star poaitloa lor ordinary aide needle machines The R. f Norman (:, teral Directors aii EmMmers, No. 131 N. Main St., Near Court House, Salisbury, i N. - C, Every detail Carefully Look ed after by Competent Licensed Men. Day Telephone No. 222. Night Telephone No. 311. ATCH REPAIRING. Watches for sale Brown's store. at R. W. & I. S (the port office) t Granitw Quar ry. Lave your repaiv work there, or send it direct to me at WO" No. 6, Salisbury, N, C. 2-Mllyr.pd. R.L.BROWN. Bad Spells r " I suffered, during girlhood, from womanly weakness, writes Mrs. Mollie Navy, of Walnut, N. C "At last, I was almost bed-ridden, and had to give up. We had three doctors. All the time, I was getting worse, x I had bad speUs, that lasted from 7 to 28 days. In one week, after I gave Cardui a trial, I could eat, sleep, and joke, as well as anybody. In 8 weeks,' I was well. Lhad been an invalid for, 5 weary years ! Cardui relieved me, when eveiytliiiig else failed.' . " ' TAKE If you are weak and ailing,, think what it would mean, to you, to recover as quickly as Mrs. Navy did. For more than 50 years, this purely vegetable, tonic remedy, for women, has been used by thousands of weak and ailing sufferers. They found it of real value in relieving their aches and paiiis. Why suffer longer? A remedy that has relieved and helped so many, is ready, at the nearest drug store, for use, at once, by you. Try it, today. Wrtltto: Ladies' Advisory Dept. for Special Instructions, and 64-page boo! attanooca Medicine Co.. Ckatfafloen. Twm.. ' Home Treatment for Women." tent free. 157 ifififiiii. t mm Eesponsibility. BARGAINS IN GASOLINE 0 ENGINES. 8 ' Some time near the beginning of the world rneu wen equal in everything except capacity and ability. Thev did not lone remain bo. Two broth ers offered up sacrifices, and the offering of one was more acceptable man tne onering or tne otner. i welve sons came to one father, aud one of them became the fa vorite. a r i a. a i . a ... a migucy nation was iormea, ana one ous or many citizens was elested to become king. And ever since those days there have been men whose offerings and services have been acceptable, boys whose irdustry has made them favorites, and citizens whose talents have caused them to be elected kiDgSi governors and presidents Thev have teen crowned with glory and honor, and all their brethren have bowed down before them. They have worn mantles of authority and held ssepteTS of power. They have governed the brains, the bodies, the souls and the pocketbooks of the multitude. , It is not knowledge that so elevates men above their fellows, for many a learned man fcas been born, reared aud buried in comDlete and absolute insignificance. It is not hard work, for manv a mid night toiler hes slaved hirtjself to his grave in a cellar or attio on. forty dollars a mnth. Jt is net prudence, ambition, love or re ig- lon, tor the pose-:sors of these attributes stand in multitudes upon every r nad of the ladder of success. What is it? I will tell you what it is. The faculty of accepting public and ! private trust and putting upon one's shoulders the burden of re- Bpocsibillfcy. When an employer has an imtxrtant letter which bte wishes to be mailed at six p. m. he will either out it in the box with his own hands cr giv it in charge of Borne one who would rather miss his supper than fail to do his duty. When the President of the United estates appoints a beoretary of War he selects a man who w.;uld rather be shot, hanged, drawn and quartered than to fail to ac - a. 1 " . ITT I . i a pruiuprjy m a pincn. nen tne people elect a governor they want a man who will either veto a .bill or sign it. The rabble honors man who will act, a man who ia not afraid to do things and to" be re- sponqioie. For the next 30 days we are going to make s - . . mm n some special prices on Sticlmey ixasonne Jingniej. At the present time we off j:- the fo" lowing: J 13-H. P. stationery Stickney En- Wl 1 IX HO () gine, regular price $160.00, now V 17-H.P. gine, regular 1 10-H. P. stationary Stickney En- QfPv flO gine. regular price $410.00, now pwtJJJ. All the above engines are in perfect condition, having never turned a wheel and at the prices quoted, should be intere'sting to intending purs chasers We invite inspection of these engines. jgular price $160.00, now r v v w v stationary Stickney En CBO LCi OO 0 Jgular price $310.00, now tpiV"XV.V X 0 0 Rowan Hdw. & Machinery Co, 0 SALISBURY, - - - N. C. THE UACHirJERY PEOPLE. 10-27 4t. n H M OUR STOREEfi THE OF S A KPLE SHOES BIG LINE JUST RECEIVED. 71 JSr-RArj HIDE SHOES for every member of the family. They will wear you 12 months. ft n Bell Shoe Store, 111 N. Main St. Salisbury, N. C. XL LEVEL YOUR LAND WITH THE TRIUMPTH DIRT SCRAPER. mm Does the work of six men and two horses. Does it better. And we are making a special low price on them just now. k . Salisbury Supply t Commission Co., Salisbury, ft. C. - 'Phone No. 8 Near Passenger Depot SI BBS DR. M.J. RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion tlouse corner, uay pnone Night phone 480. 4-270 25. JNO.R. BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. CHINA, 6R0VE, 8 yeara experience. N. C. Prices moderate. RHICHESTER S-PILLS W. THE 11AJ10N BRAN1. A 0) Lndle.t Ask your Druggist for , C'hl-ches-ter'siamond Hrsnd J111 in Ked and tiold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Tali, no other. But of Tonr IPOEBtat. Ask for CH I-CIIEH-TER 3 DIAMOND JCKAN1 FILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, A!waj-s Reliable SOLD BY DiUJfiGISTS EVERYWHERE John White & Co LOUISVILLE. KY. EstaUlshed 1837 Highest marketprlce paid for CIIDC raw and HIDES. WOOL M COMMUSlOa POPULAR MECHANICS XHE3 Magazine that makes Fact more fascinating Fiction "written so you can UNDERSTAND IT " A GREAT Continued Story of the World's any time, and which will hold your interest forever, is running in Popular Mechanics Magazine Axe you reading it? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the favorite magazine in thousands of the best American homes. It appeals to all classes old and young men and women those who know -and those who want to know. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH 30O PICTURES 200 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Note." Department (20 pages) gives easy ways to do things how to make useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. "Amateur Mechanics " (10 pages) tells how to make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. ' 91.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES IS CENTS Ask your JNfiwn dealer to show von one or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY TODAY POPULAR MECHANICS CO. 320 W. Waab'ttt -Ki., CHICAGO 000000000000:0000000000000 o o o o o o o o o Ate o . . o You will certainly becrin to thinV ahnnt pw.oq Keeping and the necessary things you. will have: to purchase oeiore you can begin. Then the question will arise with you as it has already risen with the many recently married couples: "Where can we get the Nicest Furniture and O HniICa LTiiHnSel!ni. A M.t . o o o o o o o House Furnishings at the Lowest Price?" LET US HELP YOU o o o o o answer this very. important Question whiMv r,r,a Z 4. 4. J "I - - "7- vuubc O luva towarua making young married couyles happy, comfortable and contented with married life: O "The Place to get the Nicest Furniture at the O O Lowest Price is at GEO. W. WRIGHT'S." o Q - - ' X r For All Hinds nf Hinh flHiiA r.. -a - . . w w - ----- . Mo rurnituro ana r O House Fupnishing, For Coffins, Caskets and S q Embalming, Gallon: ' x " ' ! 1 READ THE WATCHMAN o o o o o o o GEO. W. THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER & UNDERTAKER, 13. C. o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooopop:oooobooooooool