THE CAROLINA VATCHMAII. Shout local items There will be a regular meeting of the Salisbury Merchant's Asso ciation Thusrdsry night at 8 o'clook. j Senator Lee 8. Overman re turned to Washington Tuesday night af tee spending the holidays at home. He announces that he is bitterly opposed to the pension teal and will fight against U in the Senate. . . ' Two small residences beyond John S. Henderson's Esq., were destroyed by fire Monday, night. The buildings were owned by colored people. An enjoyable New. Yesr event was the big surprise dinner at the home Contractor cf J. D. Browii on Fulton Heights Monday aiwr noon. The occasion beidgro cel ebrate the 44th birthday of Mr. Brown. Between 75 and 100 peo ple .were present and enjoyed the oocasicn immensely. The Rowan Methodist preachers held an interesing meeting in the Baraca room of the First Metho aut cnuron Monday mormnevt 10 o'clock. mL n - n ins ftowaa uountv worn mis - toners held tbeir regular monthly rrueting Monday. Rev. Byron Clark, pastor of th- Over Man l Woman't most glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold the pure and honest lore of a worthy man. When 6he,loses it and still loves on, ao one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures.' . The woman who suffers .from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of man. Her general health suffers and she loses ber. good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pieroe, of Buffalo, N.Y., with toe assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail- , nents. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, j SICK WOMEX WEIL. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Liver and Bowels. lyiARRIAGEfr Misi Mamie Byrd and John Bringle, of this coanty, were mar ried last Saturday. The brida it a sister of Byrd Bros., granite contractors of Faith, and is a splendid womau. Mr. Bringle is a son of the lte Robert Bringle and- is an industrious young r man. Misa Carrie Jones and John A. Gaidner.jof Faith, were married at the home of C. W. Windsor, Sunday evening Rev. Q. C I very officiated. Miss Catherine Windsor played the wedding march. C. Gardner, brother of the groom, was best man and XThe 1 Lihh Chuf&h rehd 17.. .a T 1 i ' . t - i ojiau cnnren, spent 01ara QardQer was brides maid, i9t Friday in Charlotte on bms ness. The coming of the New Year, 1912, Sunday night was marked by the usual ringing of bells, blowing of whistles and the ex plosion of booms in this, city. There will bt a mass meeting at the Court House tonight o the citizens of Salisbury. Ihe meet ing has been called by F. M. Thompson, mayor. T. B. Brown, President Merchants Association, W. B. Strachan, Secretary Board of Trade. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the estab lishment of a large femsle college at this point. To secnre this college, it .will be necessary to have Jfche hearty cc-operation of the entire public. The speoial two weeks' term of Rowan Superior Court granted by Governor Kitchin, convened Tuesday morning with Judge M H, Justice presiding. It is hoped that the court will be able to get rid of many of the cases which have become "congested on the civil docket. Hubert' Hall, the 4-year-cld son of Mr, and Mrs. Roney Hall, Mrs. Jno. W. Kesler, of Salis bury, and Jno. S. Wright, of Greensboro, were united in mar riage at the home of the bride, 115 North Long street, last Sup day evening at 3 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Moore, pastor of the ITirst idethodist church. After the marriage the couple went to Grsenst;cro where they spent a few days and returned to Salis bury where they will make their hom.9. Miss Mary Susan Poole, of the St. Matthews neighborhood in the oounty, and Frederick Pajrker, of Spencer, Were married y at the home of Rev. G. A. B. Holderby, pastor of East Spencer and Nortq Main street Methodist churches, in East Spincer, Thursday even ing at 6 o'clook- The ceremony was performed by Rev. Holderby The bride is a daughter of Abram Poole. Mr. Parker holds a posi tion in the Spencer shops, They will reside in Spencer. Sips sf Progress in the Organ Cbargt. Social Dinner and Pounding. The pastor in the Organ charge is just completing his fourth year in the charge. The last year wrs one of much pi ogress in all departments of 2 5, 000 EXTROOiES- church work. Ebenezar congre- died at 5 o'clock Sunday evening gation is really an active congre at - the home of his parent, on gation with 180 communicant North Boundrry street. The fu neral took place from Faith Re- formed church at 10 o'clock Mon- dav morning. The burial was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. members, 20 of whom nave been added within a little more than a year. The congregation has just purchased a new organ. The two congregations, Organ and The Rowan Oounty Medioal Ebeneier, have juat idded auotbV ,Dr. CM. Van Poole, er room uo P""K cussing Society, president, and Dr. E, W. Currie secretary, met in the city hall this morning at 11 o'clock. The schedule of tain No. 15 between Salisbury, and Aeheville has been changed . The train now leaves Salisbury at 5 o'clock, instead of 4.15, in order to make connection, with No. 8 . from the south. This will be a great con- mas and new year, an annual din vanience for passengers coming ner was held at the parsonage on No . 8 desiring to reach points with a few more than 100 pres- $250 00. The accessions to the Organ congregation during tne year in numbers have been twelve by let ter and ten by confirmation, two dismissed. The two congrega tions have just enjoyed some fine exercises at the Christmas ser vices. On Thursday between Christ- Chrlsfmas Exercise at Lutheran E. L. Church, Pastor Receives Purse. children and choir ot eran Chapel E. L. , China Grove, N. C, rendered the Christmas service "Yuletide Greetings" on Christmas' day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to a very large and appreciative audi ence, the large spacious church being filled to its ut most capacity The .children acquited emselves admirably in the ermg of the recitations andxercises. The music was of a high order, and m the rendering of the same the large Jaudience was held spellbound to i the end of the service. -The offering for the orphans in the orphan home at Salem, Va., amounted to $12.50. There were 284 treats con sisting of a libelal "quantity oi candy, oranges, ana ap pies delivered, to the Sunday school. As is the custom of the Lutheran Chapel people on these anniversary occasions, they did not forget their pastor. Besides the regular Sunday school treat, they presented him a handsome sum ox money as a Christmas gift. ' Not being satisfied with what they had already done in the way of a cash present, on Wednesday following, up wards of fifty of the members of the congregation called at the parsonage a short while before noon and spread a most sumptous repast, and every oner-present ate to their heart's content and yet much remained to oe taten up. After the sumptuous meal, when we thought all was over, they began giving us a regular old fashion pounding with potatoes, corn, canned fruit, sugar, coffee, postum, rice, sausage, steak, baking powder; fresh meat, etc. Constantly, since the season of hog killing came in we have been supplied with sauiage and fresh meat. For all these tangible tokens of appreciation we are truly grateful. 1 They -en courage us and unite more closely the pleasant relation and friendship that exists be tween pastor and people, May the Lord abundantly bless these dear good people, and our labors among them. C. A. B. Contestants Look to Your LinreU. Tlrf is 6etHng Shorty The biggest bonus iff er of the contest is offered to - $he contes tants this week who with to make a little extra effort. : This offer is a good one for those m the ; lead, for those who wish to get in the lead, or for those wh6. have tha least number of votes! ; This "offer is 25,000 extra vote4ior eyery $20.00 brought in f trsubscrip tions to The Watchman and Recobd. This means ' with the regular. vote given, -.45,000 votes for each $20 00 paid iqn subscrip tions. Here is the chance of the contest, an offer that fought to be taken advantage of, and now is the time to GET BUSY. Contests of this kind often de velop Borne peculiarities. One has just closed in Statesville that was one of the'biggesl events that has taken place there for some time . . Numbers of the very beit young ladies of the place entered and if a man passed through that town, day or night, $e was seen by several of them, and he sub scribed. -He had it to do. They made it so warm for him that he was glad to get off by .; subscrib ing. This iB mentioned merely to give those who sem a little backward an idea off Jiow some seek success. I There iB no one so far ahead nor has 4ny one so well worked the c immunity that the one with the least number of votes cannot start now aud win. Numbers ot subscribers have come in the of fice and paid up, having met no one while in town who would ask tor their subscription. BhDuld a person pnt in the time from now till the close of the contest thor- aagbly canvassing the town and rural routes, they could not fail to win the first prize and would get it for an expenditure of lesB than one-tdnth of its- value. If there is a pet eon in tne town or county wanting a reaL high grade piano for a song, a very little sods at that, now is the chance of a life time to get it. This special 25.000 bonus offer for every $20.00 paid on subsorip tions closes at 2 p. m.,' January 4th, ' The contestants.' with Miss Lingle in the lead, stand just as heretofore. All have put in quite a number of 'votes, but there has been no jhange in their relative positions. do do do do List of Contestants. Salisbuby. Margente Harris .. Jessie Proctor.. . . . Pearle Wiley. Roxie EarnhardM . . . do -Jessie Wither&p&on do Eloise McNeal.. Nellie Kesler May Cuthrell ( Blanche Charles Maggie Julian Ida Fesperman Daisy Trexler. on the western road. Rev. E. C. Cronk returned from his home at Columbia, S. C, Monday nigbt. He is located on the second nxr of the Peoples National Bank, and will be here the greater part of tne time from now until the Lutheran Lay men's Cnvention meets here, February 7-9. The program for the convention is being "rapidly arranged, and many of the speak ers have already accepted the in vitation to address the convention. ent. The pastor and family were the' recipients of many gifts, all amounting to $80-00 One purse came from Ebenezer, another from his Sunday school class of 51 ladies of Organ and money in envelopes and otherwise. This was one of the largest and heavi est poundings that the pastor has ever received. The pastor is trulv sratefal and thankful for these tokens of good will and wishes the blestidgs of Heaven to rest upon the people. X. JACKSON COLLEGE. rne tanners seem to oe enjoy ing tne nojidays very mucn through this section. J. A. Ribelin has been on the sick list for the past week. Work on the new Jr. O. U. A. M. hall at this place is progress ing nicely. J. T. Kluttz, who has been making his home in Denver, Colorado, has returned home. We are glad to have Mr. Kluttz back. George B. Lyerly returned home Wednesday after a three days' visit at Zeb Morgan's. Zeb Morgan who has been working at Spencer, is spending do do do do do do do Mary Rufty. do Grace Coggins ....... . do Rata B. Howell Mrs M S Varner do A 3 Morgan Babbsb. do Mary H Barber. ..... . Rockwell. do Lulu Sifferd do Lucy Fesperman, .... do R O Earnhardt. ...... Richfield. do Delia Wyatt Mrs C L Basiuger .......... Cleveland. Miss Winnie Harris... Gold Hill. Miss Luoile Shaver , do Ida Morgan.......... Hiuua Jenkins Maud Earnhardt Landis. Esthor Fisher China Gbove. Anna Rose Lewis M Holshouser.. Crescent. Eleota Lingle do do do do Mrs do rotn tba Experience of Salisbury People. We are fortunate indeed to be able to profit by the experience of our neighbors. The public ut terances of Salisbury residents on the following subject will inter est and benefit thousands of our readers.: Read this statement. No better proof can be had. "Mrs. E, Yates, 6 Park Ave.. Salisbury, N. C, 3ays: i4My kidneys were badly disordered and my health was poor. I did not seem to have any strength or ambition and my - bead ached nearly all the time. Often I was so dizzy that I csuld hardly stani and there wsb ameness and soreness back that it Mas difficult to stoop. I took the medicine for a long time, but I did not improve until I besan using Doan's Kidney Pills. They made me well and I shall never cease to be grateful to them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foater-Miiburn. Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Btates. Remember the name Doans and take no other. REAPiNS BENEFIT. Sale cl Mnlh Town Lots Mlwsai Giiift Pursuant to the - tains of an order obtained from J. Frank McOnbbins." so mucn in my for m docto'r's 1 The Mark os Silverware The most beautiful, most durable silver plated forks, ppoons and fancy serving pieces are stamped with the re nowned trade mark. 1847 rogers bros.,;;;;s P.irei,nt to a judgment ard decree j " MUP?D'D.! ot the superior etrart ot Eo.m . coun- fe'.P1.1.?' 5Srt' ' ?SP'SP?!' " By this mark only can yon distinguish the original Rogers ware (first made in 1847), and a8snre yourself of the best in Quality, finish and design. Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue "C-L," showing all designs. MEKIDEN BRITANNIA CO. (International Sifrar Co. , Bneeeuor. ) Merit en, Conn- 111 -WEBSTEF& Hi -lv Mew W SMTERNATiONAL l f DicnoHARir I M THE MERRIAIS WEBSTER! u- rrlG2T) covering evefTfF ij field cf the world's thought, . action end culture., The only ty, in the cause entitled T L. Thomji gon and' others against Thos.'.-Hellard, Sr., Floyd Thompson and others, ap pointing the un,iersignd commission ers to sell tne real estate of. the late Jesse Heilard for division and parti tion, the undersigned will sell at pub li? auction a, the court houe door in the city of Salisbury on Saturday, January 27fc 1012, at iwelve o'clock M., the following de scribed real estate: (1) Two vacant lota lying and be ing in thfe town of East bpencer, front ing and situate on the northwest side of Henderson street and knr.wn as lots Nog. 13 and 15 retpectiveJy lot No. 15 beginning at a stake on the northwest corner of the inersrc ion of Shdver street extension and Hen derson street, now corner of lot No. H , thence with line of lot No. 14 or extension of Shaver street south 57 dega. 45 minutes 155 1-2 feet to a ttake on the alley, thence with edge of 12 foot alley 80 70fe?tnorth 39degs. 30 minutes west to a Ptake, corner of lot No 18, thence with edge of lot 18 north 57 degs. 45 minntea east 163 feet to a stake Henderson street, thence with edge of Henderson street 60 feet south 32deg. 15 minute3 eat to a stake to the beginning crner. And lot No. 16 is bounded &s follows: Beginning at a stake on the southwest corner of the extension of Shaver street and Henderson street, thence with the edge of Henderson street 50 feet to a stake, corner of lot no. 12. thence with lim- of said lot 12 s juth 57 degs , 45 minutes west 148.03 feet 1 1 a stakeon edge of alley, checci with edge of said alley 50 feet west 39 degs 30 minutes west to a 6take corner of rihaver street extension, now lot 14, thence with line of lot 14 west 57 degs. 45 minutes east 148 03 feet to the be ginning corner. For back title to these two lots reference i hereby made to Book No. 90 rage 503. (2) One tract beginning at a stake in the Statdsville road, thence north 10 dees, east 30.10 ohain? to a gtime. thence north 83 degs. east 16. 60 chains to a stake, thence with new line south 14 west 6 50 chains to a stake, fthence south 76 east 6 08 chains to a stake dower .iornei, thence with dower lin& uth 10 east ls o chains to a stake on railroad, thence with laiUoad 13 chains to a stake, tlunce south 13.75 chains to a stike in the StatesviU? road, thence with said road to the be ginning, containing 75 and" 3-4 acre more or less ; less however 5d ace heretofore conveyed to J. H. Carson deed for which is registered in book 125, page 38, ana whicn leaves in thi-s tract about 20 and 3 4 asres. For back title to this tract, reference is hereby read e to booli No. Ill page 832. 3) One tract of land lying and b1 ing in Scotch Irish Township on the south side of Third Greek mid being uart of the Neely Alill tract ami bounded as follows: Beginning at a stike on Third Creek r.n Pow'hs3' line, thence in an easterly direction with Powlass' Jine to a sweet gum, Powlass and Carson's rorner, theiue with Car son's lint? to an ash, Carson's corner n-jar'lhird Creek, thence up Third Creek with its raiiou rDeandWings to live begi nirg. containing 36 acres more or less. For back title to this tract reference is hereby made to Book of Deeds No. 73, page 175. (4) Wx acai.t lots in the prt of the town of Salisbury known as Ful ton Heights, as shown on the li. A Wl eeler man registered in the rlefiis- .. n I 1 new unabridged dictionary in ii de2ne3 over 400,000 Wi iiT Words; mora than ever HS o appeared between, tvo s. 2 too Pages. 6000 II- j&S, Baca be::, cc .- 2u.:irniciis. Ef. t?CA it is the otzJy dictionsry with tlio r.sw dlviicd &($- caedine entitled Geo- H. Pess. Calvin H. Pless, Willie A. Pless et al vs. Mary i Pies3, Jacob Plegs and May Pleas, th same being special proceeding No.t98, ' the undersigned, commissioner , 'will : expose for 'sale at public auc-ion for cash at thecourt house door in Sails- " bury, N. C, on - Saturday, ihe 6 1 day of Jscaary. 1912, at the hour of 12 m., or as soorr there after as possible, the following tract of land: . -..v Sitriate in China Grove Township, Rowan county, beginning at a stone on the nice acre tract (bought from Caleb . Stirewalt), two chains east of a nton ' near a ceda", eorner of said 9 acre tract; thence west 23.65 chains to Ritchie's corner ; thence south 16 70 chains to a stone, Ritchie's corner ; thence east 29.10 "chains to a stone on the old Sifferd line; thence to the. be ginning, containing 44 acres more or I. 6SS This Dee. 4th, 1911. Geo. H. Pless, commissioner. Jonn L. Rendleman, attorney. NOTICE To CBEiMTQRS. Having, qualifiel a administrator of the estate of James Newkirk, tkia is to notify all psrs jns having- claims against the sid decedent to 'file an itemized verified statement of tame with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of December, 1912 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thpir recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This December 9. 1911. 6-t Jonx J: Stewart, administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified a? executor of thfl estate of Mrs. Sarah r. Mault, this i to notify all pei'sons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statemeut of sume with the undersigned on or before the 12th dy of Dec?mber, 1912, or thiB notice wiil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted t said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This 12th of December, 1911. 6v, pd A E. Morgan, executor J04. naee 6C2. as follow S, 11, and 13 in Block No. a?-o. A ''Stroke cf Genius, it is an encyclopedia in pjg a Bincio volume. Is P.o.r it is accepted by the e nools end Press ae the one supreme an-thority. he who knowa Wins Success. Let us tall m 1 you about this new work. j 9irElI3 for speoin of new divided page. : 6. i C. KEItP.lAii CO., Pofc'-isKen, Sprinifield, Mass. ? Jtr.i:ottiJair, oeiv, TTSJL a et of pockrt msrs. lie Mb Sboes-I WIWIMIIIiMaWIIMII IIIH !! Illl III 1 III III II A Oirl Wild Midnight Ride To warn people of a fearf al for est fire in the Catskilla a yonng girl ride horse-back at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious bat lives are often saved by Dr . King's New Discov ery in cariog lasgtronblt, congbi and colds, wniommignt have end ed in consumption or pneumonia. "It cared me of a dreadful cough and lung disease." writes W. B. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., 'after fonr in our family bad died with consumption, and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50o and $i.)0. Trial bottle free. GuaT anteed by all druggists. r Real Estate-Insurance-Loans If you have real estate to sell. Gall to see us . If you wish to buy real estate, Call to see us. If you need Insurance, either life or fire, Call to see as. If you wish to borrow money. Call to see us. If you have money to lend, Call to see us. '" We are well prepared to guarantee all loans and pay six per cent for same, and will examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages free of cost to all parties who will place their money with us, and we will pay interest twice a year at our office. Notary Public in our office to prepare all papers. We earnestly ask that you call to see us when in the city and learn of our plans and methods of business . the holidays at home, J. L. Morgan is also spending the holi days at home. School at the college com menced Thursday after a three days: vacation. A. E . Morgan is wearing a 40 X 80 grin. It's a big girl. Frankie Morgan and family visited at J. H. Morgan's Christ mas. Rufus and Theo. Trexler visit ed home folks recently. s Mrs Ivey Morgan .and son, J . H. visited Mrs. Morgan's sister. Mrs. Jacob Smith, near China Grove, recently . Johnny Try a pair of Krome Waterproof Shoes made and Guaranteed by Lots Nos 3 and lots Noa. 11, 12 a"d 13 in block ho 5. Th?se lots are 50xU;0 feet each, as the same appear on said mai. tJ which reference is hereby made. (5) 19 va"ant lots in the part of the tuvn of S.ili .bury known as Fulton Heights 8nd being a part of the U. A. Wheeler property as shown on the V liefer man registered m the egis ter's office of Row an countv in Book 104, pagf 6 J2and being lots Nos. 16, 8, 5.15.7 6,2.9.10,12 4, 14 and 1 in Block No. 3 and lots Nos. 18, 19, 8, 9 10 in Block No. 24, and also lot No. 29 in Block No. 10. These lots are 50x150 feet each fronting 50 and extending back 150 feet. Said lots are fully described on the aforementioned map and reference is hereby made, to the sara) for f urthoi particulars, boandavies, etc. All of the aforementioned lots will be sold on th3 date mentioned ab'.ve to tre high; st oi'der for ca?h, ano sai l sale will be left open for ten dayt for a 10 Per cont bid. On the day of the sale, each purchaser will be re quired to pay at least 10 pv cnt of the purchase price. This December 27th, 1911. T. 1 . Thompson, R. T. Weatherman, - A. H. Price, coihmiifsioners. W. A. Bristol, R. Lee Wright, attorneys. NOTICE TO CBL0ITGH3. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Anderson Ransom, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or before the 14th dav of December, 1912 or this notice will be plead d in bar of their recovery. P-Tns indebted to aid estate are not. tied to make prompt settlement. This December 9th, 1911. 6-t Jons J. SiEWART, administrator : Hatica ofApplleaiion for Farn. . Application will be made to th"e iioverr.or of .North Uarolina ror ihe pardon of Jamie Noell convicted at ths August term 1911, of the Superior court cf Rowan county for abduction and sentenced to the state prison for five years. This is to notify all per sons opposing said pardon to make known said opposition to the governor. This the 13th day nNJecember, 1911. Walseh& VValseb, attorneys. . - - - '1 . . ' r i i - ti mty n fce 8UPerir court Salisbury Realty & Insurance Go 1 22 N, nain St. - A. L. Smoot, Sec. & Treas. PLOPIES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY,, N. C. ' Does a General Banking Business. We pay 4 par cent on time de posits, interest payable every three months. rrompt attention given to any business entrusted to as. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. John S. Hendeeson, J. D. Norwood, president, cashier D. L, Gabkill, W. T. Busby, I V .-president. asst. cashier COOK BROS. 'Phone 382. 1 17 W. Innes Street, SALISBURY, N.'C. 1 ad EVERY WOMAN CAN MAKE MONEY AT HOME. The Woman's Exchange will help y-n COME TO THE WOMAN'S EX CHANGE, In Reids store. 'Phone 640. For Sale. Six strong young mules Call at or write to Brown Pal mer Clothing Co., Salisbury, N. C. Fof Sale A lot of thoroughbred, single-comb, Rhode Island Reds, A splendid lot of pullets and cockerels delivered in Salis bury at $1 00 each. First come first served Now is the time to buy. Call on or writ R. A. Mc Laughlin, Cleveland, N. C. tf. For Sale. One eight horse powor, upright, steam boiler and e: -pine; one Bet of two hcrse wagnu wtnelB with steel axels. John J Stewart, Salisbury, N. C. 10-25 tf Our Building Material wH please you. Our celling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet wiU tickle you. Good man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L, le-Sito cl Lend. Under and bv virtue of an order of the superior court r.f Rowan countv, made in the special proceeding ent.i tied John J. Stewart, administrator of Pattie Johnson, deceased, against Will Lillington and Ethel Bryant and husband v. H. Brvant. Jr.. the same being No- 93 upon the special proceed ing docket of said court, the under signed commissioner will on the 3 d day ofjFebrnaiy, 1912 at about 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Salisbury North Carolina, offer for pale tu the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of lanl'lying and being in Uowan county, North Uarolina, ana more par tieularlv described as' follows, to-wit an undivided one-half interest in and to thf land set forth in dee 1 recorded j in Book No. 108, page 489, register's office for Rowan county, and owned by Bettie Lillington and Pattie L Johnson, deceased: Beginning at a stake and iron corner on the south side of and near the North Carolina railroad and south 55 1-4 deg. Wist 2 87 chains from the northwest corner rf the 5 226 1CC0 crelot recently pur chased by T. U. Van lerf 'nl and for merly owned by Warren Oulraan heirs, and runs thence south 55 1-4 degs. wept, nearly paralle1 with the North 'Carolina railroad. 2.13 fths. to a stake near the crossing over the" rail road ; thence 2 3-4 dg. west 13.11 chs. to a stake iu an old hedge row ; thence north 55 1-4 degs. east with said hedge row 2.13 chs. to an iron and stake which is south 55 1-4 degs. west and 2 87 chs from the southwest cornenjof the said Vanderford lot; thence north 2 3 4 degs. ext 13.14 c'h. to. the be ginning, containing 22"8-1000 acres more or les. Upou sai i land ii loca ted a two-story live-room, house. This property U about one mile souihwest f:vin Ihe public Fquare of the eity f irrflfhury. Jay i Vlong the Nor h Car-ilira railroad and finely lo eatd for a manufrt jturing ite. Any c n-i W.-Hi'g for such a location will do v-U to inspect the property before sale.- Jonr J. Stewart, commissiohbr. This 27th day of December, 1911. North Carolina Rowan coui J. D. Dorsett vs. James Ross. EXECUTION. Pursuant to an execution directed to me by the clerk of the Superior court of Rowan county in the , above entitled action commanding the land here-iri-after described to be sold at public auction to satisfy the judgment rendered in said cause.' I will on the 8 ti day of January, I9i2, sell to the highest bidd r. for cash, at thecourt House door in Salisbury, N. . Ci, to satisfy said judgment, the fol-' lowing described real estate: Lying ana being in the town of East Spencer, and fronting tfM Railroad Av enue, and beginning at a stone '00 feet from the ceatre of the North Carolina Railroad near the crossing about three miles North kasrof Salisbury and runs thence S. 61, 50 E- 50 feet to a stone : thence N. 31 W. 194 feet to the be einnins and more fully described in deed registered in Registers office of Rowan county in Hook No. 123, Page 346. to which reference is hereby made. ; his is an execution sale ana the p-irchaser will get & title under the or ders of the court. This 6th day of De cember, 1911. J H. McKenzti, sheriff of Rowan count j. Notice ot Iwm and Warrant oi it-taelimsnt. In the Superior Court. North Carolina, Rowan county. J. A. Watson v J. W. Mahaley. I he defendant, J. W. Mahaley, will take notice that an action entitled a above has been commenced in the Su perior court of Rowan county by th plaintiff to recover damages in th sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) from defendant for the seduction of plaintiff's minor daughter, said sum mons being returnabla to the term of Rowan superior court at Salisbury on February 12th, 1912, when and w-' ere defendrnt is rrqnired to appear and answer or demur to the complaint which will bw deposite l in the office of the clerk of the superior court of aowan couin y during, the first three days of siid term or plaintiff will pr tiy to the court for the relief demand' ed in the complaint. Defendant will further take notice that a warrant f attachment against defendant's prop erty in aowan county has been issued in said action which warrant, is re-' turnable to the term of aowansuperior court at Salisbury on May 6th, 1912. This December 11th. 1911 - J. F. MoOcbbins, clerk superior court sowan county Whitehead Kluttz and T. F. Hud son, Attys. 4t dp. FEATHER BEDS AND WLLOWJ SPECIAL OFFER! Let Us Send You a 36 Pound Al Feather Eed and Pair of 6 Pound Feather Pillows Freight Prepaid for Sead Express or P. O. Money Order. TURNER & CORNWELLt Ctarfrt,. $t(UH

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