T Ifii 3AH0LIIIA VJATCHL1AII WIC. HrSTKWABri'Ed. and Prop f EbUfdery Tteiday at 120 West Entered a leoond-cl aaa matter Jan -18th. UGft, at the pott office at Salis bwry. W. 0.r under the aet of Congress I MuehBrd, 1878. SaXUBUKYi N. 0., Jan,! 10, 1912. COOMTY CORRESPONDENCE (tins oHisresf ii Yirioos Neighborhoods Sent ib fci Our Frieni ISTWe .tiot print ar ticles not signed by the auth or's real name. : FAITHi BdgarBitohie ion of the late Will Ritchie, and Miss Benlah Hola houier, daughter f M . A. flols hoaier, a.proiperaB farmer, were married at the home of the bride's parents -December 24tb, 1911, Rev. 0. P. Fisher officiat ing. Iphey haye already rented a residence and ' inoyed to' Faith . Mr. Ritchie is agranite cutter and a fine young man, and Mrs. Ritchie if a. Jht young lady. Mr. ard'Mrs. John Safrit have bought -a' .houSe and' lot from Harvey BatitogeY and moved into ltj January 2nd. Mr." Basinger moved out onto a farm . Mr. and Mrs . Ed. Proctor and daughter, "of . Salisbury, were visitors at Henry Cauble'e over new yean. Berry Miller, of Richfield, . also visited at Mr. Cauble'iv Mr Walton and Mr. Rector, of Granite ' Quarry, are -opening a big granite ledge on ; Henry Cauble'e land in Faith . Venus attended a wedding sup per at John D . A. Fisher's, where Austin; Garner and -Miss Carry Jones' were married December 81st, Rev. G. C. Ivery officiating. Mra Jennie Davenport and two children were visitors at P. M. Stirewali's over Christmas. Luther ; BfciVseleather and Mies Gertrude Trexler, of Rockwell, were teamed Christmas day at the Lutheran parsonage in Faith by Rev. Oi P. Fiiher. Mrs. F. VY Barrier, and sister, Mrs. .Davenport, of Salisbury, visited P. ; M ; Stire waits. Lawion McOdmbs, with many others, went to . Rockwell to at tend the funeral .-. of; his- uncle, Jamee McCombs. J. Wyatt spent the holidays at Southmont visiting relatives and looking over the new and fast . growihg.tdwn .'. '. ' ' ' " ' Mrs. Elizabeth Barger, widow of th9 J ate Jaoob 'Barger. died December, 26th, .1911, at her home,naar Organ Church, aged about 77 years. She leaves five children, four step-children. She was a. .member of Organ church at which place she was laid to rest, the funeral being conducted by her pastor, Rev. H. A . Treader. . Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Barger visited their children over Christ mas. . Young farmer at John Park's, December 27th, 1911. A younghoemaker . at William frick'i, Ja&uary 2nd, 1911. John Bringle and Miss Mamie Bird were married December 80th, 1911. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Euyken dall, of Asheville, visited their son, J. R . Kaykendall here over Christmas. i Charles Raney , wife and little daughter, of Mi. Airy, visited Mr. Raney's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Raney during the holidays. John Raney, of West Grove, Pa., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R . A , Raney Christmas. - Mr. and Mrs . Leo Peeler visited Mr. Peeler's grandmother near franklin' Christmas, j Mr. and Mrs. John Holler have gone to Mt. Airy to visit their daughter, Mrs . P. McBride, Miss Bertie Wilhelm gave a party to her friends, December 27th, and a large number were pres-nt. Miss Mary Peeler came home from Catawba College to .spend Christmas and returned January Srd. Will Lyerly, a native of Rowan Ccunty, who spent last year in missionary . work in Utah, is "riding the holidays at Crescent van his parents. He made an address ou Mormaniim at the informed church here Sunday night which was enjoyed by a large audience. Rev. Frank Pierce, of High Point, visited at Mr. and Mis. . U. Lin?!?! during the holi days. . Mrs. D. A. Friok, of the Vance Mill neighborhood, visited her ister4 Mrs. P. M. Barger Christ mas. : Mrr and Mrs. A. 0. Casper visited Mr. Casper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Casper, near Mount Hope Christmas. 'Ycung rriok maech at John 33arc hard V December 18th.. J. T. Wyatt bas : cail from fonr 'ami lit tor c an.girjej' Vkhus but fsn ir. .ujSAD TH K SV At OH MAN ' :J.' THE SAND HILLS. 1 Gold Hill, Route .1 .11 would like to loin your lift ox corre- your lit of spobdants again, aB;: I have been absent for quite a while," but still I didn't forget the. good old Watchman. We have plenty of snow over our hills. I guedS our boys can go hunting how . The boys have bean killing some wild geese along the valleys and streams. It seems that most of the boys had rather hunt oh Sunday evening than any other time. ; Recollect girls it is leap year now. We all had better be get ting around or some one elie will get ahead of us. The Junior Order will soon have their hall complete near the sollege. S, C. Morgan has sold his buggy. We girls are sorry of that. We can't see what he means. J. T. Kluttz' has returned to his tld home fr-ro the wist. I ne?s he ha? seen qnite a lot that would be very interesting to us. With best wisiea to Thi Watohxa. Cabbi. WOODLEAF. The residence of Thos. Corrll was destroyed by fire Sunday about noon, together with about all its contents with no insurance. The fire originated from a defec tive flue. Our town has gained a reputa tion on hors 3 trading. The lat est trade to report is Rev. R. W. Oulbertson, of Mooresville, and Garland Pope. Everything has settled down to business again- All the boys and girls have gone back to college. Quite a large crowd went rab bit hunting Sunday. The best we heard was that one crowd bagged seven, and it was not a good day either. Look out boys you may have to give an account of it. Mrs. F. L. Cranford, of Birm ineham Ala., who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. H. Cranford. leaves this week P. for home. E. H. Woodson, was a welcome visitor in our town several days ago. The best news of all, the Pott's oorrespondant in our town is to marry on the 15th. We wish him the best sucoess. . Roy Brown and wife are visit ing their folks around town. The roads are in inch a condi tion, we are entirely cut off from any other place exoept.by rail. Lee M. Hart has gone back to Arkansas, to manage his, farm. His family is going to remain here this year at least. Indications are.thatjthere is not going to be very much cotton p'antsd in this section this spring owing to the low price. We have decided to keep what we have and raise more corn, wheat and oats this season. Onb of thk Boys, CHRISTANNA. January. 8, 1912. Winter is showing up this morning without any disguise. If the cold wet weather con tinuee as long as the dry weather did in the summer, we may not' ezpeot much relief for some weeks yet. The little snow yesterday kept many from the church who this morning may be hunting rabbits. Rev. SowerB gave us another scorching sermon yesterday. We all like his preaching very much because he will tell the whole truth, please or not please. Max. M, Brown and wife are real sick. He has tonsolhtis and his wife neuralgia. They are un able to wait on themseivef. The various schools began again after the holidays with good at tendance. Rev. R R. Sewers and family visited at H. L. Lyerly 's Sunday. John Lentz visited his sister Mrs. M. M. Brown, Saturday night and Sunday. There is a good deal of sickness in this community. Roy, the little sou cf Mr. and Mrs. J. A Liugle has beau rem sick for the past week, but is im proving some, we are glad to say. With mucn succeis to th. W atohman and Record Viola. ROCK GROVE. " Jan. 8, 1912 Fhore will bf preaching at Rock Grove M. E church, next Sunday Jan, 14, at half past two o'clock. ; Mr. aad Mrs. Chas. Beaver vis ited E. M. Deal Sunday night. Beulah Deal visited M . A Overoash Saturday night. - Robt. Josey has been working on his new farm which he bought some time ago. We had a nice snpw Saturday night about three inches deep. v S her rill Overcash who had been lightly. V .W m 11" -All lav a an . v ii - cripple with rheumatism for two years and I could not move at all ; had to be carried from place to place, I tried remedies and could not get bet ter, until I tried Sloan's Liniment, One bottle fixed me up in good shape and now I always have a bottle in the house for my wife and children." kffis any kind of pain. Good for Neuralgia, Toothache, Lumbago and Chest Pains. Sold by all dealers. Price 25c, SOc. and fl.OO. Sloan's book on Hones, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry sent free. Address DR. EARL S. SLOAN - - Boston. Mass. working at Ohma Grove last week is at hom) again. 0, A. Blackweldar moved onto Amos Holshouser's farm last Tuesday. ' ' Floyd Bfirger is staying by him- sslf now. M, A. Overcash visited John Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Overoash visited E . M . Deal Sunday even ing. Mrs. Radle Castor is sick with the grippe. Mrs. Ida Basinger is visiting Radle Castor. The little son of Mr and Mrs. 8am Funderburg died Sunday night, about eight o'clock, one week old. Peach. RICHFIELD ROAD. Jan. 1st. Front Foust's mule died last Monday morning. There was a spelling ? at the Pooltown sohoolhouse last Thurs day night. There was a large orowd presentnd they tall.en joy ed themselves fine. Mr. and Mrs. Love Bame visit ed Adam Ketchey'f last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willhm Lentz of Salisbury, visited at Ruby Crook's last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Shepherd visited Albert Eagle last Sunday. Miss Fanny Long, of near Southmont. visited her cousin, Miss Jessie Read on Christmas day. Steven Ketchie, of near Spencer visited A. L. Ketchie last Wednesday. Ray Long, of near Southmont, and Jessie Floyd, of Riohfield and Paul Mason, of Tbomasville, vis ited Duke Morgan's Christmas week, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ludwiok visited Mrs. Ludwick's parents last Sunday. Miss Pearl Crook visited Miss Delia Wyatt last Sunday evening, Fred Morgan, who is going to school at Wall burg, visited home folks on Christmas day. Edgar Canup visited Grant Wyatt Sunday evening. Love Miller and Clyde Bringle visited at Grover William's last Sunday evening. Our school, with Eugene Reid as teaoher, is progressing nicely. Miss Daisy Wyatt, of Salisbury, visited homefolks on Christmas week. Gome along Blue Eyes and give SILVER OF QUALITY AND BEAUTY Unquestioned durability and exauisitedeskn , the highest ideals in plated ware are assured in spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the renowned trade mark 1847 ROGERS BROS. There are various makes of s3verplated tableware" which are claimed to be "just as good," but, like all imitations, they -lack the beauty and wearing quality identified with the original and genuine "1 847 ROGERS BROS. $nie popularly hxomkd''Siber Plate that Wears Sold by leading dealers everywhere. X Send for. catalogue C-L" showing all designs. - BEEIDEN BRITANNIA nSleMCcs Relief from Rheumatism Try Sloan's Liniment tor your rheu matismdon't rub iust lav it on It goes straight to the sore j.i it i i- i 4muicus uic Diooa, limpers up the muscles and joints and stops the pain. i Here's Proof Mrs. Julia Thomas of Jackson, Cal., writes: UI have used your Lini ment for rheumatism with much suc cess." v Martin J. Tunis, 169 16th Ave., 1W lLil us all the news from your way. There will be preaching at Wyatt Grove the second Sunday in this month. Miss Amanda Bean visited at Wesly Ludwick's last1 Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Front Foust vis ited at David Bean's last Sunday. Seebef ry File and family visited his brother, Dyvid File, of near High Rock, last Sunday evening. Duke Morgan purchased a new peny last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs., Rufus Crook, of Pooltown, have moved back to Richmond, Virginia. I gaess they like the old Dominion the best . We enjoyed the Christmas very much, but I think it raided old Santa Clause out. Ha! Ha! There was a spelling at the Pond school house last Friday night. A large crowd was pres ent 1 Miss Delia. Wyatt is visiting her relatives and friends in Salis bury. The school started at thb Pool- town ecbool ifaonse last Monday after resting for a m ek. Grant Wyatt visited his Aunt Mary Newsom. last Thursday and Faiday. Miss Newsom is very old. She is in her 94th year Come along Uncle Josh and give us mere news; dont stop be cause the window is sawed out Ha Ha I S allib . Wood's Seeds For 1012. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Every fanner and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it. 1W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va, TRIPLE JNO.R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician., ., CHINA, GROVE, - N. 0. 16 year i experience . Prices moderate. FEATHER BEDS AND PILLOWS SPECIAL OFFER ! Let Us Send You a 36 Pound AR Feather Bed and Pair of fMft nfl 6 Pound Feather Pillows I II Freight Prepaid for . . . PiU-UU Send Express or P. O. Money Order. TURNER & CORNWELL, Cbarlotta. N. C j "" i , . John White & Co LOUISVILLE. KY. Established 1837 Highest marketprlce paid FURS and HIDES. WOOL B COMMIKIOt WEBSTER'S NEW. INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRtAM WEBSTER ; The Only New unabridged dic- tionary in many years. , Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. I Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a I single book. jThe Only Dietionary with the New Divided Page. 1400,000 Words. 2700, iPages. -000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars, list us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write for sample full par- - I Wont powuon lot Standard MOW I tfewfl Machine SHttiif posWoti lot oHnnsiy TELL TJS How yoa sit at yoar gewing machine and WE WILL SHOW YOU Something of vital interest To Your Health. You cannot act too qnicVly in this matter, bo come today and let us explain The St) Straighf'STANDARO" Central Needle Idea A sewing machine that gives yon positive healthful exercise. Brown Shoe Co., Salisbury, N. 0. Special Demonstrators The Straight and Curved Lines, fitting position for Standard Sttttntf position for ordinary Central Needle Machines side needla machines The R. W Norman lo Faneral Directors and Emlialmers, No. 131 N. Main St., i Near Court House, Salisbury, N. C, Evdvy detail Carefully Look ed after by Competent Licensed Men. Day Telephone No. 222. Night Telephone No. 311. y E ticulars, etc. VCi bv Name this Tm P BODdree rV&A48 W aetof MfAA 1 Pocket )sjS!C.&CHenfamC. 4V o BARGAINS IN 0 iO 0 0 0 GASOLINE For the next 30 days we are going to make some special prices on Stickney Gasoline Engines At .the present time we oft.r: the following: 1 3-H. P. stationery Stickney En gine, regular piice $160.00, now 1 7-H. P. stationary Stickney En gine, regular price $310.00, now 1 10H. P. stationary Stickney En gine, regular price $410.00, now o o o o o o o o o All the above engines are in perfect condition, having never turned a wheel, and at the prices quoted, should be interesting to intending pur chasers. We invite inspection of these engines. Rowan Hdw. & Machinery Co, SALISBURY, - - - . N. 0. THE MACHINERY PEOPLE. 10-27 4t. o II LEVEL YOUR LAND m WITH TRIUMPTH DIRT SCRAPER. Does the work of six men and two horses. . Does it better. And we are making a special low price on them just now. Salisbury Supply & Commission Co., Salisbury, N. C. - ' Phone No. 8 Near Passenger Depot - oooooooooooo:occooooooooooo After You I o o o o o o o o o You will certainly begin to think about House keeping and the necessary things you will have to purchase before you can begin. Then the question will arise with you as it has already risen with tha many recently married couples: "Where can we get the ' House Furnishings at LET US HELP YOU - answer this very important question which counts Q most towards making young rakrried couples happy, q comfortable and contented with married life: O "The Place to get the Nicest Furniture at the O Lowest Price is at GEO. W. WRIGHT'S." Q For All Kinds of High Grade Furniture and q House Furnishings, For Coffins, Caskets and q Embalming, Call on : O o o o o o o o 0 O IHt LtAUINU rUKHIIUKt o . GEO. W. WRIGHT; I o alisburv. id. u. o OOOOOO0OO0OO0:O0QO0OOO0O00O ENGI NES $115.00 $240.00 $355.00 THE O O O O O Nicest Furniture and Q the Lowest Price?" . Q O 0 UtALtK & UNUtKIARtH. O . o o 3.' !: ; V.'' S yf -

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