THE CAROLIIIA VATCHMAII: SHORT LOOAL ITEMS Rev B 0, Oronk, ; Bnoretary of he Lutheran convention to- be held "in ? Salisbury on February. 7-0, armed in the cHylfiom 0v lnmbia Trjetday, accompanied by Mrs. Oronk, who will be assis tant secretary. , The- hafeholderB of the 51 eY National Bank and of? the irst National -Bank held their annual meeting! in the respective bank office , yesterday evening. Officers werech Men ; by each ; of the banks for the year, and other m&tten pertaining to the welfare of the bank were discussed. ; v The ladies of the first Baptist ohnrch are conducting a week of prayer services this week. Rev. W. H, McMaster, field secretary of the Lord's Day Alli ance of North Carolina, addressed a union meeting in the Metho dist church in Spencer; Tueiday night. ; Mr. and Mrs B. H . Miller en tertained a . few f rieuds at their home from 7 to 8 - o'clock Satur day night; , z Mrs, C. A. Q. Thomas enter tained her Sunday school class it the Baraca rom oi th3 First Baptist church, Monday nigbt. The singers oi Salisbury, male and female, are requested . to meet at St. J" nn's Lutherai! church, Thursday night; for the purpose of organizing & choir t furnish music during theoouven tion. A negro employee of the South ern came very near fre zing t death Monday while at wcrk around tha water tank in Spen cer. When he was found he was frozen almist EtifT, but he rt ceived prompt medical attention. Thomas O. Crowell, of Mt Pleasant, and. Miss Ada Peeler, of thi9 city, were married at 6.80 o'clock, Sunday eve ring at the home of tha 'bride. on South Ellis gtrset, Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, officiating, '.only a few friends of the couple being present. Mr. aud Mrs. Orowell will make' their home in Salisbury. N. A. Trejxler, ciunty survey or, has just' completed a sarvey of every lot at Ltndis and will make an up-to-date map of the town. The Democratic National Convention will De neid. in Baltimore on June 25. The Equitable Life Insur ance Society builaintf, ocs cupyinsr a square block, in New Yrk City was dettroy- ed by fire luesday morning The Iops is estimated at from $5,000,000 to $20,000,000. ii Patriotism Jhe 'Stomach it a larger factor in "life, liberty and the pur . smt of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism !'V Can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys f Peptie 'is fit for treason, stratagems, and spoils." The man - who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomach will be a weak soldier and a fault finder. ;A sound stomach make for good citizenship as well as for health and happiness. 4 ; :. Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition are promptly and permanently cured by the use of Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDIG7LI. DISCOVERT, It buildm up the bodywith sound flesh and molld imuaele. The dealer who offers a substitute for the "Discovery" is only seeking to make the little .more profit realized on the ale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D.y President, Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. C V. T. Richeson was sentenced Tuesday to be electrocuted during the weefc of May 19th. His attorneys will1 make petitions to the Governor of Massachusetts for life imprisonment. Wrong Ideals Of Home-Making. I know a farmer whose wealth iB estimated at forty or fifty thousands dollars, who bays blooded stock, drives a floe tarn oat and whose farm presents a prosperous appearance. I had occasion to call npcn the sick wife confined to her room. No experience has ever been more shocking than the sight of that bed-room. The room was a scene of filth and discomfort, flies swarmed, a sweltering sun beat upon the windows protected only by a set of ragged, useless shades; there was insufficient bed linen for even a pretense of neatness or comfort for the sick oue ; badly oooked food added to the discom fort and disorder which reigned snnreme. Miss Stevens, in The Progressive Farmar. CANDIDATES AIL HARD AT WORK. The Great Contest Is Hearing its Close. 1 . Now Betting Interesting. The Watchman-Reoobd's vot ing contest continues to grow more arid more interesting. - Th.e bonus offer last week caus ed several contestants and their friends to bestir themselves. Only ten: more days and the contest comes to - a olose. The contestants should work in earn est and Bolicit subscriptions and advertising so that they may posBeBs one of the valuab e prizes. Write letters to rwla tives and friends anywhere and everywhere and ask them to help yoqj Most of them will be glad ro nelp you win more votes, .bet hose who. have pledged their sup port to the contestants come for ward and help their favorite. Contestants most report Tues day at or before 2 p. m, Mies Fespermau tcck advan tage of the liberal bonus offer jf last week which places her in the load. Miss Lingleris second nd Miss Wiley toird. TheBe three young ladies have given oach other a merry chase all dur ing the contest. At the close of the contest, at 2 o'clock Monday evening, Jan uary 22nd, the l.allot box will be bauded over to a committee of tnree gentlemen, the box will be opened and they will count the votes, examine the books or any records that may bear on the con test if requested and declare the result. The party getting the most vostes will be awarded the piano and the next highest will be awarded the parlor suite. The committee is composed of the following gentlemen: Jas. H. Ramsay, postmaster; S.F. L rd, 'X-mayor, and W. L. Kluttx, ex county commissioner. Those who entered th9 contest bat have not done anything or do not intend to do anything are re quested to return the blank books supplied them. List of Contestants. Salisbury. Miss Pearle Wiley do May CuthreU do Ida FeBperman do RetaB. Howell. Mrs A 8 Morgan Barbkb Miss Mary H Barber -. Richfield . do Delia Wyatt Mrs C L Basinger. Cleveland. Miss Winnie Harris Gold Hill. Miss Lucile Shaver. , do Ida Morgan Hanna JenkinB Maud Earnhardt Landib. Esther Fisher.. China Grove. Anna Rose Lewis M Holshouser.. Cbebcent. Miss Electa Lingle W. R. Henry, of this city, re ceived a message Friday announc ing the d ath of his brother, W, H. Henry, at Morgantrn. The remains were brought to Salis bury Friday n'ght and ttken to Concord, Saturday ' morning, here the deceased was buried. Mr, Henry was 58 years old and ia a native of Iredell county, tot m?ved to " Coucord more than twenty y ars ag, and engaged in the livery bueiDesB at Forest Hill. He is survived by sven children, two daughters and five sons. Mrs. Martha Jane Snider died it tbe home of her son, D. W. 3nider, on the Mt. Pleasant road, at 4:55 o'clock Monday evening. Death was the result of old age. The deceased was 77 years old, and was the widow of the late Rev P. M. Snider. The funeral took-place from the First Bap tilt church at 3 :80 o'clock Tues day eveniDg, Rev. C A. G. Thomas cffioiating. The inter ment was in the English ceme tery. The infant of Mr. nd Mrs. W. M . Btsinger died Monday at the home of its parents on East Hen derson Street. The remains were shipped to Richfield Tues day morning for burial. PientjolEggs in Winter. 1 i Let me tell your readers how I manage to get plenty of eggs ; all winter: - . f - - (1) I get my pullets and 'hens ready for egg production by. the i5sh oi October. 'April-batched pullets aud two-year-old hens well cared for will be ready for business by "that, time They must have good feed and plenty of it. ... - ' ,, (2) It is very important to have a good house for them. Let it be wind-proof on tin west, north and east sides, with a twc -foot space the whole length of the south side open, with poultry netting to keep chickens in. Have a curtain of good thick oloth for the open space. Keep it down at night and roll it up in the day. Have littor about 12 inches deep all over the floor of the house for them to scratch in for grain. Keep them in all rainy days and oat of snow. Never let them out as- long as there is any snow on the gtound. for they will eat it and it will stop them from laying, (8)", Hew "75 hens should be fed. Give them early in the morning 4 quarts wheat scatiered in the litter in. their house. At no6n give them a mash made of two gallons bran and one quart of mealed clover. Use butter milk, or any kind of milk, to make it up with if you .have it. vitve them about all they will eat op clean. About threevor four times a week put a little blood meal in' their mash. ' Jurt before sundown I-give them about a41 the corn and oats they will eat . I do not repuire them to saratch at this late hour. Give them the best quality of feed you can buy, for the 'best' is' the cheapest They will pay for it with a good profit. Keep crushed oyster shells by them all the time. . The next thing in order is to go around with a good-sized basket and get up the eggs, for. you will need it At leust that ib the way my Leghorns treat me. Mrs. J R. Pace, in The Progressive Farmer. ' Holies of Sale Under Execution. - Sale el Talaabh Toft Lots iud Finf . North Caroiica') Iu thn, Superior , ' ' " Ro.wau. Conisty v Courts i. Pnrsuant to a Judgment and ..decree Salisbary Realty. & Co.. Plaintiff, asainat R. L noostou. UoteLdaut. By virtue t. ol tfte aupenor court or Kowan cDun vlUPUraUC9 ; tT, :n thft --..iu, Antithi) T T. Thnrnti. NATURE TELLS YOU. Too AsUanva Salisburi Reader Knows Well. When the kidneys are sick, Nature tells you all about it. The urine is nature's calendar. Infreauent or too trequent ac tion : Anv nrinarv trouble tells of kidnev trouble. Doan's Kidnev Pills are for all kidnev ills. Sali. bury people testify to their efficiency. M. M. Williams. 72 8. Kirk tt . Salisbury. N. C. says: can endorse Doan's Kidney Pills just as highly now as I did three vars SBo. as ; the benefit they brought me at that time' has been permanent. I suffered a great deal from backaohe and I also had headache?. I felt tired and dull and I noticed that the kid ney secretions were unnatural The contents of sevaral boxes o Doan's Kidney Pills improved my condition in -every way hope that my statement will lead other kidnev sufferers to try this remedy." Tor sale by all dealers. Price 60 ' cents Foster-Milburn Oo, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Bemember, tbe name Doani and take no other. ' .', do do do do Mrs OUT OF SORTS When you feel lazy, stretchy, half- sick, "blue" and discouraged, look to the liver.' It is torpid. SirJlEvlONS RED a LIVER REGULATOR THE POWDER PORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED It is not only an invigorating tonic for a torpid liver, but it extends its cleansing and restorative influence to the stomach and bowels. Helps diges tion and food assimulation, purifies the bowels and brings back the habit of regular daily bowel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the re sult oi wnicn is renewed energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00 Ak for the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. J ( yon cannot get it, remit to ni, no will lend by mail poitpaid. Simmons Liver Bcgulator it also put Dp in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price, (1.00 per bottle. Look foT the Bed Z label. J. H. ZE1UN & CO., Props, St Louis, Mo. fc, . Don't Suffer! "l had been troubled, a little, for nearly 7 years," writes Mrs. L. Fincher, in a letter from Peavy, Ala., "but I was not taken down, until March, when I went to bed and had to have a doctor. He did all he could for me, but I got no better. I hurt all over, and I could not rest At last, I tried Cardui, and soon I began to improve, Now I am in very good health, and able to do all my housework." TAKE Cardoi The Woman's Tonic You may wonder why Cardui is so successful, after other remedies have failed. The answer it that Cardui is successful, because it is composed of scientific ingredients, that act curatively on the womanly system, ft is a medicine for women, and for women only. It builds, strengthens, and restores weak and ailing women, to health and happiness. If vou suffer like Mrs. Fincher did. take Cardui. It - will surely 4o for you, what it did for her. At all druggists. Writ to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Chattanooga Medicine Co, Chattanoota, Tens, tor Special Instructions, and M-pagt bool Hom Treatment lor Women," tent free, J W of an execution directed ti the undersigned, from the Superior court of, Rowan County, in the above entitled action; I will self to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, Ihs 5!b day of February, 1912, at the court house dior in' the ciiy of Salisbury, No: th .Carolina, to satisfy aaid execution, ; all the right, title and interest which the eaid R. L. HouBton, defendant, J'.as in the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at u stake on Horah St., Carters Coiufir and running with liorab St. N44 W50 feet to a stakej frhence S46 W200 feet to a ..take, thence S44 E50 feet to a stake, Carters Corner, thence N46E with Carters line 200 feet to the beginning, be ing Lot 57 Square "M" Lcrds pla1;-, lying op SW ide of the Corporate limits of the great west Ward of the town of Salisbury. J. H. McKenzie, 1-3-4t Shoriff Rowan county. DR.M. J.RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office and l.ngpital on lnnis? St., near Mansion House corner. Day Dhonp Night phone 430. 4-270 26. IOTJH STOEEI- THE HOME OF V M m vi VI m VI V' A SA IE LIU SHOES BIG LINE JUST RECEIVED. Prune your fruit trees. Of course this work may be dene any time during the winter monthB, but by pruning' early you get rid of these branches before doit g the winter spraying, This is worth something, as it is time and mon- . a ev tnrown away to spray tnose U1HUUUDB IUII BIO U WUS UUUl provided, of course, that these cut cut branches are destroyed Don't leave those branches. which vou prune out, lying on the INDIGESTIO Kidney and Bladder Troubles and Nervous Debility Yield Readily and Quickly to Treatment with HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS "A SURE CURE". Chattahoochee. Ga. Haggard Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen:!, have used your tablets tor inai zestion and have found them to be just what yon claim for them. I have tried several remedies, but did not tret any relief until I tried your tablei I would cherfull7 recommend your tablets as a sure cure for indigestion. Yours truly, S. H. GREEN. M. D HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS will put you on the road to health, make rich, red blood. i -ed vour wasted tissues and put new life, vim nd vigor into you. Take Hastrard's Specific Tab lets. Ba a man! If you are a woman who is heir to the ills of her sex, thi3 remedy will alleviate your sufferings. Try a box at our risk. If it does not benefit you, your money will be cheerfully raiunded. 50c a box. irrnmid under tne trees, nor in a pile at the edge of tLe field Sold b SlTlitll DlM CO, , SaJ,sjlDr - a a . I . II- Haul them out and burn tbem at . 0 . once, as toey very orten namor harmful inserts and fundus stores L A Niven, in the Pro gBessive Farmer. Calendars fOl I9I3i Tbe Watchman office has just recDived a most excellent tine of beautiful art sample calendars for 1913, and invites those who contemplate purchasing calendars to see cur line before buying. We cau show the goods and quote the 1 QRAlnJ HIDE SHOES for every member of the family. They will wear you 12 months. Bell Shoe Store, 111 N. Main St Salisbury, N. C. f Real Estate-Insurance-Loans If you have real estate to sell. Call to see us . If you wish to buy real estate, Call to see us. If you need Insurance, either life or fire. Call to see us. If you wish to borrow money. Call to see us. If you have money to land, Call to see us. We are well prepared to guarantee all loans and pay six per cent for same, and will examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages free of cost to all parties who will placR their money with us, and we will pay interest twice a year at our office. Notary Public in our office to prepare all papers. We earnestly ask that you call to see us when in the citv and learn of our plans and methods of business . Salisbury Realty & Insurance ' 122 N. Main Si. - A. L. Smoot, Sec. & Treas. A Girl' J Wild Midnight Ride To warn people of a fearful for est hre m tbe batskilli a young prices that will cause you to buy, girl r de horse-back -af. midnight Write to or call at The Watch- and saved many lives. Her deed UjAN 3ffiCe. waB glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discov ery in curing langtrcnllo, o tighs and cildi, which might have end en in consumpti n or pneumonia. It cured me of a dreadful congh and In g disease " writes W. R. 4,alter ftur in our family had died with consumption, and I gained 8 pounds. jxofung so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50o and $1 00 . Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by all druggists., ' Our Building Material win please yon. Our ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you. Gold man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L, Watches for sale Brown's store. WATCH BEPAIBING. at R W. & I. 8 (the post office) at Granitw Qaar- ry. iljeave your repair wcrk there, or send it direct to mo at MKJ No. 6, Salisbury. N. C 2-1-11 lyr. pd. R. L. BROWN. Whether you want to tour Texas for pleasure, or investigate tne farm ana business opportunities there, this is your on great chance to go at tne teasj cost. Tourist fares toTexas now in effect daily via Memphis and Cotton Belt Route $33.90 ' 39.30 59.55 35.90 44.60 42.45 $32.50 37.90 58.15 34.50 , 43.20 41.05 Hoie Made Sboes. Try a pair of Krome Waterproof Shoes made and Guiraiiteed hv COOK BROS., 'Phone 382. 117W. Innes Street, SALISBURY, N.!C. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N. C. Docs a General Bankins Business. 41 Hn- CCrrntl:- We pay 4 p t cent on time de posits. , interest payable every three mouths. rrompt a'teution given to anv business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. People' ational Bank. John S. i enderson, J. D. Norwood. president. cashier D. L.Gaskill, W. T. Bosbt, V -president. asst. cahier NOTICE Tu CREDITORS. Having qualifiel as administrator of the estate of James Newkirk, this is to notify all persons having claims against the sid decedent- to file an iteipizea verineu statement of tame with the undersigned on r before the 14th day of D e c e nrb e r, 1 9 1 2 or thia notice will ba pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted t' said estste ire notified to make prompt settlement. This December 9th. 1911. 6-t Johst J. Stewart, administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in Fares from: Blrmineliun AtluU Qattaaooge X & Monte amenr Ualtoa ft Keaa Dallas, Houston FtWorthorWaco$27.20 Aactin,TeZ 32.60 ElFaso 52.85 Galveston 29.20 San Angelo..... 37.90 San Antonio.... 35.75 Tourist tickets on sale from practically all points . in the Southeast, to Texas. Stopovers allowed , free, on both going and returning trip-and yon can stay at winter a you wisn-ior me Return limit is June 1st. Write today I will tell you exact far from our town and make up scbaduia trte. H. H. Sattoa, Wr. PMnacw ksmi, H. E. AH. Fmmisw Aort MS W. 3t C LSaiiiswsii lasi mm Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Sarah a. Mault, this is to notify all persons having claims against tne said aecedent lo nie an itemized, verinea statemeut o: same with the undersigned on or before the 12th drbf December, 1912, or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, r'ereons indebt'd to said estate ae notined to make prompt sertlem"nt. This 12,h of December, 1911. 6t pd A. E. Morgan, executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Anderson Ransom, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an ltemizea. verinea statement or same with the undersigned on or before the 14th dav of December, 1912 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. IVrsj ns indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt ettiemnnt. This December 9th, 1911. 6 t Jchn J. Si kw art. administrator Notice of Application for Pardon. Application will be made to the Goverr.or of North Carolina for the pardon of Jamie Noell convicted at th3 August term J9U, of the superior court ti Kowan county for abduction and sentenced to the state prison for nve years, lnisisto notiry all per sons opposing said pardon to make known said opposition to the governor This the 13th day of December, 1911 WALSER& walskr, attorneys. EVERY WOMAN CAN MAKE MONEY AT HOME. The Woman's Exchange help vr-i COME TO THE WOMAN'S EX- CL1ANGE, In Reids store. 'Phone 640 . rOi 5He.--Un tight norse powr upright, stem boiler and em'; one set tt; two ncree waeni whols with st el nxels. John J Stewart. Salishr.rv. N C. 10 5 tf For Sale A lot of thoroughbrAd smyle-coTib; Rhode Island Reds, v A sp'endid lot ci pallets and cockerels delivered in Salis bnry at II 00 each. First com first . served: Now is the time to bay. Call on or write B. A. Mc- Laaghlin! Ciayeland, N. 0, tf. son and others against Thos. Hellard. Sr., Floyd Thompson and others. ap pointing the4 undersigned commission ers to sell trte real estate of th lat Jesse Hellard for division and parti tion, the undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at the courthouse door ia the city of Salisbury on Saturday; Jannary 27th, 1012, at twelve O'clock M., the follow leg d scrib?d real estate: (1) . Two vacant lots lying and b9 ing in the town of Ean Spencer, front ing and situate on the" northwest sida tf Henderson street and known, as lots Nob. 13 and IB rHunentirnlv. lot I So. 15 beginning at a stake on tha nortnwesi corner or tne inters ion btf Shaver street extension and Hen, desson street, now coraer of lot N j.' 14, taence with line of lot No. 14 or extension of Shaver street south i? -degs. 45 minutes 155 1-2 feet to a stake on the alley, thence with edga of 12. foot alley 80 70 fejtfnorth 89 degs, 30 minutes, west to a stake, corner of lot No 18, thence with edge of, lot II north 57 degs. 45 ' minntes east 169 feet to a stake Henderson street, thence with, edge of Henderson stet -60 feet south 32 degs.. 15 minutes to a stake to the' beginning eorner. And lot"No-.J8 is bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the southwest corner of the extension of 3hTer street anil Henderson street, - thMi with the edge of Henderson Btret Au feet to a stake, corner or lot ko. 12 thence with lint of said lot 12 south 17 degs , 45 minutes west 148.03 feet v stake on edge of alley, there wlca edge of said alley 50 feet west 39 deys. 30 minutes west to a stake corner f Shaver Street extension, now lot 14, thence with of 'ni 14 west 57 dg 45 nv'nutos eat 144 C3 feet to th x ginncBg ..corner. r Dack tiUm -., thfse two lots reference It htrfty . made to Book No. 60 page ,603. (2) One tract beginning at a ht iu the Statasville road; thence mrtk 10 dees, east 80.10 chains to a Hon, thence north 89 degs. est 13.60 chain to a stake, thence with new line sou til 14 west 6.50 chains to a stake, rhn south 76 east 6 08 chains to a siaka dower corner, thence with dower lina uth 10 east IS.75 chains to a tak on railroad, thence with lailioad It chains to a stake, thence south 18 Tf chains to a stvke in the Statastil road, thence with said road to the ginning, containing 75 and 3-4 acre more or less ; less however 53 WM heretofore conveyed to J. II. Carson, deed for which i registered In book 125. page 3S, and whicti leaves in tbi tract about 20 and 3 4 ares. roc back title to this tract, reference H hereby made to book No. 114. age88i (3) One tract of land lving and tw ins in Scotch Irish Township on hl south side of Third Creek and being part of the Neely Mill tract as4 bounded as follows: Beginning a stnke on Third Creek on Powlass' lin. thence in an easterly direction wit Fowlass' line to a sweet gum, Powl&sa and Carson's orner. Ahence with Oaf- son's line" to sn ash, Carson's earner near Third Creek, thence up Third Creek with its various meanderings rt the beginning, containing 86 acres more, or less. For back title to this tract reference is hereby made to Book of Deeds No. 78, page 175. (4) sn vacant lots in the part of the town of Salisbury known as Ful ton Heights, as shown on the K. a. heeler man registered- in the Ketis- ter's office of Riwan county in Book 104. cage 602, as follow Lots Xt , 3, 11, and 13 in Block No. 8 and lota Nos II, 12 and 13 in block .So 5. These lots are 50x150 feet each, as th same appear on said map. to' which reference is hereby made, (5) 19 vacant Jots in the part of th town of Salisbury known fas - Fulton Heights and being a part of the K- A. Wheeler property as shown on the Wh eeler map registered in the - egls- ter's office of Rowan county In Boo 104, pace 602 and beins lots Nos. 16. S. 5, 15, 7. 6, 2, tf, 10t12 4, 14 and 1 to Block No. 3 and Jots JNos. 18, 19, 6, 9 10 in Block No. 24, and also lot No. $9 iu Block No 10. These lots are 50x14) feet each fronting 50 and extending back-150 feet. Said lots are fully described on tha aforementioned map and reference H hereby made to the sam for furthva I articulars, boundaries, etc. All of the aforementioned lots wiil be sold on the date mentioned abova to the highest oWder for eash, an4 said sale will be left open for ten days for.a 10 per cnt bid. . On the day the sale, each purchaser will Do re quired to pay -at least 10 Pse cvnt at the purchase price. This December 27th, 1811. T. I . TnoMPsoir, R. T. WxfTHXBxaa, A. H. Price, comraiutonarsY W. A. Bristol. , . R. Lee Wright, attorneys. Re-Sale of IM Under and by virtue of an order at the superior court f Rowan county, made in the special proceeding enti tled John J. Stewart, administrate. of Pattie Johnson, deceased, aeainS- Will LHlinjrton and Ethel Bryant and husband W- H. Bryant. Jr. i the sama - bemg Bo 83-upon the sjeial- pToead ingdewwsofaid court, tha-.asdar- siguea erWBEnaaiQper vrm m at about lo'felpftk noon,: svt; th: aatf house door in the: town ofj 8alitbuxr' ' norm uawiina, otrar ror- aai a."ffjia.;. i . i A- ai- , m . jv-Aa--.'' . ij iLiicnv twuri- xia. vwk- t nmw wwrwmtmHu tract of fan J lyinc'and befngteRow. ticuiany oeaertaeQ an rofiowrrMMrrrit to the land set forth in deal record! in Book No. 108, page ,489, regisWl C ofiieH for Rowan eviunty , .artdL owoafc by B"ttie LitHngion. nd Patti4 Johnson: deceased: Beginning al tV stake and iron corner on the soutJs side of and near the North CaroJtiMr. , railroad and south 55 1-4 deg. wal i cuains iront tne norinwesi orus of the 5 226 K0f Were lot recently f.o v chased by T. H. Yanderf ord ana for merly owned by AVarren , Coleman heirs, and runs thence south 6a 1-4 degs. west nearly parallel with tha North Carolina railroad. 2.19 tha. to A- . stake near the crossing over the rati-. road ; thenca 2 3-4 deg. west 13.14 aha, to a stake in an old hedge row ; than nortl- 55 1-4 degs. east with said hadga row 2.13 chs. to an iron and; stata ; which is south 65 lv degs. west and 2 87 chs from the southwest tomsrOfN ; the said Vander ford lot; thanaenortlt 2 3 4 degs. east 13.14 ch. ta ths ginning, containing 2 26-1000 aac '--more or less. Upou taid iaad fa loaW Thia property is about, oust mlla southwest from .the- public square A one looking for such a location wilf da well lo inspect the property bet salo. . ; . , Johh J. Stbwabt, This 27tb day ol VtC9VHTt lfU ... hi

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