3 If 3!" - S? - r - . , -.4 BEXERaL UATTERS OF IHTEREST ) ll Eisats Reduced to Little Paragraphs for tns Readers of This Paper, The "gorer nment lstiehtenUifit I llJU ooilt aronnd ;erineatpier8i Bua u.Homi mevitauiw".- lost u i Oillionairea ho form , the trust t mm be oonvictedr " j H: Grave danger (he';vieoaiiWjaatbVeri'i9lected.:.ai General - of a lack of fttddaansBde mis-1 v lion jpoard of : the southeroBs- byterianharch to iisne bq ap peaiTto?1he women of the church. -antique remit- was ,tnat tne .iro 1 v taelor haye tbnt thousands of dol Viart worth . of iewelrv. to the x board to be sold to get - the need- tV-c .v:jd money. The deficit, , however, "5ff-.it ut yet wiped out, and a seoond all hag been sent out . r " r-. , Charles JW. Morse, tiie New - yorkfbanter, Friday was ordered transferred-from Fort MoPhersbn jQa.Vtothe,army general hospital, . ,j"H5t Springs, : Ark., President ' , . .Taft aild Attoruey General Wiok 1 . rsham decided upon the transfer t r believing ajpecial fliedical treat ' hent -wai necessary . Because cf . hie phjBicaJ onditioD, Morse re cently waa trausferrfid 10 Fort . McPherson from Atlanta peniten- . -' tiary where be was serving 15 f yiars for, violation of the I aukiug Iaw. ft - Rev . K. S Willis met With ac . cidental death by ben g run down - ' 1 by a Pennijlvauii Railroad en v. f - gine at Ddlhlea's stationlatt Sun , ' day.' He Jad just delivered a C lermoQ on the ' Unceriaintie of r ji life." The evideLce showed that it was zero weather . The pastor, with coat ' high over his ear, -.' drove a quart9r-mile alongside the tracks before attempting to - k drive across. The engine was at top speed when the accident oc ; onrred. , - - William JennmgB Bryan start- -d South Friday for a series of --'lectures. He stops off in Phila- -defphi and ? Washington. The ;;olial did not commit himself Vany one's presidential caitdi- 'dacyi. National Dgioocratic Chairman Norman E.'Mack, after c-1 )M"ence with several demc- .. Uo leaders, would net hazard : 1 UHHK S.H l -It U1UU 13AUU1UHLH UU W J the best chance of selection by the convention. Governor Mann, of Virginia, has received the resignation of Judge .Walter A. Watson, who presided over the Beattie trial The resignation isffective Janu ary zutn. watson win campaign for the seat in congress held by ! Robert Turnbull. Senator McCumber last Thurs day offered in the senate a general pensien bill which will be offered as a substitute for the Sherwood dollar-a day pension measure passed by the house. In the Mc uumner Din tne rate ot pensions are graduated accordinp to age aDd service. It would add from $15,000. 0C0 to $17,000,000 to the present pension roll, it is esti mated, while the Sherwood till, it is estimated would cost $75,- 000,000. John Green Hibben, professor of logic at Princeton, was Thurs day elected to succeed Governor woodrow vvusoD, lormtr presi dent of the university. , Congressman , Whiteacre, of Ohio, has declared for Governor Wilson for the Democratic noini , nation aud aays that Wilacn will get votes : from Ohio notwith standing Harmon's candidacy . v John W. Guy, 79 years old, the ' father of 82childreL, is dtad at 'his home, near Melfa, Va. Of Mr.; Guy's 82 children, 21 of whom were sens and 11 daughters, 23 are still living, tne oldest, a sohj being 56 years. , Mrs. Grover Cleveland, whose husband,' the late President Cleveland, signed the original bill providing for the creation of abatiocal forests, has been elected a life-member of the American . Forestry Association. ' u- - ' . After a lapse of more than ten years,-American troops are again ..to etter China. They are to aid in keeping . open the railroad, from ,,-jrearng to tne ses. - mtne conrae V cf eight r. nine days 500 regular . . infantry; win be aisembarked at the little. Chinese port of Chin- wangtao..?'Tbe movement was . : jprdered fter. mature . consider ; ation or t tne . policy involved in . landing ;American troops in '' a , foreign ?tcountryt under : the,. ,pe- ' cnliar conditions low "existing in Ubina, A rare incident ;m the history of -rsilioading - m2 Virginia roc- curred opthe Norfolk fc. Western " Railroad Ibt? Lynchburg Sunday, when' ihe vWashihgton-Chatta- nooga fast traixi actually froze to the rail s. :--Stopbing in a swag, "Hhe dripping water Jrcm the pipes -caughjthe--.wh?el8; and the tern ' peraturo' being below zero, the -' . V.X. ; irain was locked so securely in V: J iBEW R-tlKlON FOR DIXIE. ; I Uactn6a. Will Do Koch Jor the olOets, - or there is a Hot Air Artist ta me Bat. : . - Mj'rnn - a T " i 'makinc? " creat 1 jreparation fot the;omingire- j union .to be-held mrMay w, iflifc i -Colonel -Waiter A. Harris I wh0via Colonel of the Ga. Militia abltoorpse of b.nBy.lbusiness men; who are untiring 'in their . efforts Jo makethis the greatest re-union e'vJhid in. Dixie v? The "Sen's of the Confederacy wui have a very prominent part in the coming re union, for with Uommandant J .;. Marion Dunwody, of the Thomas Hardimaa Camp No. 18 is doiag some great stunts for the Son's in the coming - re-union. . Mrs. Walter D . ' Lamar .head of I the U . D. C S. of Georgia,- as Chairman of the Woman's Auxiliary r is un tiring in her efforts for the enter- tainmuns of the SawgM era, and those who knowf Mrs. Lamar T-ti a guarrantee 4hafe Macpn will do her share in showing Monoxs to the Daughters. The Confederate Re-Union of 1912 'will bet the greatest ever held in aiiy. city in the South. Tnousands and thous ands of dollars are pouring ioto the treasury of the General Re- Union Uommittee atd every oiti- zan of Macon is d ice his share to make the event a success. 5 When he Veterans come to this, "The oagnetic Center" of Dixie,-they will be extended a welcome of the kind that they ..will remember until they -answer the last sounds of Taps, Maooa will be theirs. Do with it what they will Macon's people will extend the rignt hand of fellowship to-the men who batt'e fcr Dixie. EoLrvfttino t Vl Q aha nnasntu nri 1 1 1 . . . . . . .. .- I be turned over to them while they are her guests . A committee of representative business men head ed by John J. McKay is in charge of the campaign for. furldg-Un-1 limited money is at hd command of the ccmmittee and every dol lar will be spent to" give the Veterans the time "of their . lives. It is estimated by E. H.-Hyman, Secretary of the KxecutiverCom- mittaaJthat brie hundred -thona. -.A Jk -.;irti-.A4 TLM H in- - entertaining her- gcests. 1UIIUUU Will UUt KU UUI ill IUC State of Georgia for ax single dol- iar, Dnt cney wui raise tne entire amount iroin. ner own citizenr, which shows the spirit that builds up cities and is carry ing out to the letter the promises made ty Secretary Himan at the Little Rook Re-Union. Twin Brothers Uarry Twin Sisters ia Kansas- Wichita, Kan., Jan. 12. Twin brothers married twin sis ters at .LoDgdale,- Ukia , and a few hcurs after the double wed ding twin boys were born earlj to-day to the parents of the bridegrooms. William and Viv ian Wilson married Martha and Mary Bchaefer. - Mr. - and Mrs. H. M. Wilson, parents of the babies are admirers of Theodore Roosevelt and say ' they hope tc have the ' ex-president select names tor tne poys. the ice that it required the use of three engines to move" it, feump- xii?g from tie rear bemg resorted to. Rev. Joseph R. Smith, of Se- wanee was brougut to JMasnviNe Sunday after haviDg been bouud .over batorday to tne April trm of Federal court on a charge of making moonshine whiskey. At the preliminary hearing Rev. Smith -pleaded, guilty to the charge. . Acquisition of the telegraph ines of the United States by the govern ment and their operation as a part of the postal service will be recommended to Coosress in a shoit time by Postmaster General Hitchcock. A sub- committee of the House judiciary committee is preparing to report to the fall committee a bill '"to prohibit interstate com merce m mtozicatiDg liauors in certain j effffes," or "to divbst .whiskey of its interstate-corn- meice character in certain cases." Stverat bills are being considered, one introduced; by Representee Sbeppard of Texas and another by Representative - Webb of North Carolina are receiving mors at tention '-than any - others... The purpose of theBe bills is to protect Prohibition territory from liquor "r as the law. will go. Two men and three women were drowned Saturday when a big automobile in which they were riding raw into an artificial stream cf water just outside the city limits. The . automobile ran eo wn.the embankment; and over turned in "the water. This haD. j pened near Trenton, N. J. Z BI6 ICE PLAKT FOR SPERCEBV To Famish Ice for Saflshiir, and Spencer, aiso somnerir naiiway nerngeraior uars. Announcement- is made here by WVLC "1 Hines, 'of Rocky Mount and Wjlining pan y to install a big'ice plant in Spencer at which the hundreds Jof - refrigerator cars :of the I Southern Rail way. Compa&ywill be iced in season; Theee cars have been iced in Charlotte . btrt it is argued that the icing :pf the care in Spencer where en- gines are changed and,- trails are madB up, wiiLbe economr ical in the handling of re? frigerator.. business on., the road and that the trains will kbe ; mated ; withi greater ; dis patch. The plant will, it is said, be a large one and it is expected that it will .be put in operati6n this year. - For 4he purpose of building a modem ice factory C H. flines: ' and . associates i of Rocky Mount: and Wilming ton on Tuesday of , last v week purchased a bioc of valuable property - in " East " Spencer. The property lies adjacent to the main line of the southern Railway and included; what is known locally ; as box car row The consideration was not made public as ihe land was yDought up ill various tracts It is stated . that the promoters will build at once a modern ice ' plant with sufficient 'capacity ..to ice 'all 4-Vi a naf vinamfnii" nana nf " tKo .. T. O. J? V vw; y. .. w Southern i Railway as they noa Sneneer and also to f nrl pass opencer anct aiso xo jur. "TOfW both bpencei ;andjj Salisbury, The xact i size of the planr has not yet been made known thtmgh 'it '.will be one of the largest in this part of the South. Mr, Hines is, said t be a most capable man, with o nAJTiTiA 1 ihia Hit I. j Ji : . :.r g. encer-Will "mean" much -t6rfhrig-iodH$0fiilr thet community. It is learn ed tjiat he is 4 now operating several other, similar plants furnishing the A. 0. L. -and perhaps other roads with ice. Spencer Crescent. The establishment of a big ice plant in Spencer will be a considerable addition to the already large number of business enterprises in Salis bury and Spencer. Salisbury is pulling off its old garments of Revolutionary fame and is putting on the new gar, ment even the -garment of improvement. She has an excellent location; being in the fertile peidmont section of North Carolina and situated on tne mam line 01 -tne Southern Railway at. the junction point of the western road. All that is needed now in order that Salisbury may take her place alongside her big sisters on the north and south, Greensboro and Char lotte, is for her citizens to 30m the forward movement of improvement and push and pull at the same time and all in the same direction. Welt Repaid for House Kinston, Jan. 18. Lonnie Milican, Jim Britt and ' Nick Joyner, negroes, were sentenced to 80 years' imprisoumeht each, in Superior court here today . by Judge Ferguson for houso' burn ing. The crime for which they were convicted was setting fire to buildings in Lagrange last spring, which resulted in the destruc tion of a Urge part of the busi ness section of that town with' a damage of upwards of $25,000.. There were several conflagrations within a short time and circum stances pointed ta incendiarism, the suspicions leading to the ar rest of the negroes. ; A Hera In A Lighthouse. For years J. S.. Donahue, So. Haven, Mich., a civil war captain, as a light-house keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is, he might have been a wreck, him. self; itV-Elaptric Bitters had not prevented. . They ' cured " me of kidney trouble and ' "chills," hs writes, "after I had taken 'other so called cures for years, without benefit and they alsoiooproved my sight.', Now,t at- seventy,- - am. feeling ."fine." For . dysspep- sia, . indigestion, all- stomach. liver and kidney troubles, they're without equal.- Try thenr, Only w bh. as an arsggiscs. iocACKEws i: rrEP.s.-: 5hort Items Concerning v7hsirllo1n: :r fecpla asd , - Col. Robert EJ Lee cf Wasbg-I ton i city, nephew oftbe -late General Robert E LaeV-ofh Confederate'1 Arm y,i fc as : accepted an invitation from tl aSaliVmry Fourth of JjilyCelebritionf Abso oiation to- make- an t IdreisJiere on Uulyjthw:faii,.hewEr- will doubtless bring rari: immense crowd 4o: Salisbury -on 'that -occasion; r ; v 'A; & ' "B, H, K Hamilton ,h.ai :bought the interest of-r R.VH Reams -in the- Hamilton Real Estate 'Ccm paoy and- Mr. Reamtkat . retired from the4 company, '-A The date for the entertainment to be given forthe beaefit of the Salisbury library fchasbeen changed from- -Friday; January IV. to Friday, January J t The committees have - been - appointed and the members ate.': busy pre- paring-for, the eptertamment. y There was a' call meeting of Hickcry., and sROsewood .camps, Woodmen of the? World, Monday night in, the forest on WestInoes street. Officers were installed by both camps., . ' ljZ T ; ' J. B. Swatts ,i of .Philadelphia, field secretary of. the-; Reformed Church Sunday .SctoorBoard, spoke at Faith Reformed church, this-city , "Sunday 'jrWrmsgy Mr. wartz is visiting; tee sohools m this- section and iaV f ery able speaker. j ;V . Mrs. E. C. Cronk addressed the First Bapliit ladies iait . Friday afternoon oit.japah-3llssidhs Jhe; address was briefbutiwas very" interesting and? instructive being a v v heart f i to , v heart talk. Rev. and MrarCronk were i itttiAntfliin - Jiiwn To (ima n iSS SiSS 2" S2l&fi!5f? Svnod ; L. urRueiell lefWidaj Wi kg feo visit hi8 aged Smother in Montgomery - county, : vrhoy has leen quite sick.forsome time f Mrs. C. G.. Vardell, of; Red Springs, arrited inihe -city, last rriday-wght 4o att9nd?:tlie Giantham-Brown r 'dirl r ; m.je M S m i Zm-irr-.. met with Mrsr Richard Henderson Monday afternoon: at" 8:80 o'clock. v -xl The Neil Bunnell Concert Company appeared at the Y. M . C. A. in Spencer last night and plaved to a large, audience. All these who were ; present were de lighted with the concert, it being very attractive. . .- . :J - The Spencer : Retail Merchants Association met in Spencer last Wednesday . night. The meeting wa. largely attended and an un usual amount of interest was shown,' . -, . Mayer F. M. Thompson issued the following notice Monday. "Owing to the severe weather and needy conditions, calls have ooine to me" for 'relief in the way of fuel, brea i, etc, i In order to give reiiet l respecttully requtstj all citizens, who can, to respond to the distress call by sending do uatiens to Mrs." J.:S. McCubbins, chairman of the Relief Commitee who will see that same is properly distributed." F- M Thompson, mavor. ' ;- ' Dr. J. A. Caldwall, of Ibis city, and Peter Hairston, of Cooleemee left Sunday night for Marietta, Ga., where Mr Hairston will fa- married this evening to Miss Elmer George. Dr. Caldwell will be thegroom's best man at the wedding; He will- return tomor row evening. . J; Theo . F. Ktutts & Company, druggists, have sold their entire drug business to the Peoples' Drug Store,- a ' newly organized drug company, r Kluttz & Com pany owned the oldest draer store! m the city, having been; in huai- ness for the past thirty years, and has always enjoyed -a large . pa tronage. Cicero., R. Bsrker, the eujcessful manager of Kluttz & Company since its. organization, win retire . rromx tne business However, John Young. the pre- scriptiomst, will continue at the same, place with the: Peonies ' Drug 8)ore. Many.improvemehts will be made and this store will be one ;of the -most up-to-date dru stores in thecity. It begin business Mondays morning Dr; Jnhn Whitehead, Dr. .White Mc- Ken7ie, Dr. J nlius' Caldwell ' and Dr. Robert West will have their offices in"i the.buildin"g i' and will make the , Peoples'-Drug Store their headquartersi;-ic5 . j. ue xarmers. ait over me coun- try are taking advantage oF the I I severe cold weather and arafillinir xneir ice nouses ior tne- not sum mer months ahead . of g. This is t ne iiibs um mis nas oeen pos sible in about sir years. HOW TO URE0SSUPTI0 (t Is One cf the Most Curatile. of Chronic rx cOlsaisit(itfsiSrltSw. TConsumnlibniiiurable This dogs not trian that every caae ui - couwumption can . D6 cured Advanced cases yield very slowly to treatment if at all It !does not mean that anyone ! having i con sumption will get well without making, the supreme effort of: his life. fl AWAI VT .. IS AhMVk : ma4 '''wbjkll I Wtf wui a van v.iuiie . x o : cure even, an nearly. case oil con sumption requires an un yielding determination on the" part of the patient that he will live according to well defined sanitary and hygienic laws. '-' v::. ..y- ; The first step in the cure of the disease is to recognize that the disease, 'exists. w Once established? make no effort to dodge - the fact; - Then away with the idea that this illness is "only a deep seated cold" or. "simply- a bad case of stomach trouble." - The issue must, be squarely ' met. Remember that early cases of consumption are, frequents ly diagnosed as malaria or dyspepsia, etc Better far, to take the view that the trouble is. consumption and hnn ont later tnat it is 1 : . iU: - 1 I K o S S te tS f D lCfc'1iD , e a piace ior nviiig auu Sleeping m me open air. ; xy all means Jive out of doors ml the oneh air and sunshine I whenever the weather Def I mits If you can't camp ont, nut ud ft tent in your door X. KavaWi i HriHi sun narlor on the south side t i ,nnaa Q rr ' .rvy'"t? VrT; 1 ment JJon t r permit me sides 01 tne tent jo Dev L. UkJ" WA. :Mamju jv,--'m v. ; I tha xtrmrrxira nrvrmr.. Run i apartmen cept, to exclude rain or. snow. Proper diet is of the great est importance in the treats ment of consumption. The disease "of consumption is a wasting -difceaee. To counter act , this tendency- and to build up the body it is abso lutely necessary that the con sumptive be given .nourish ing foods in " abundance. Milk and raw: eggs are per haps the best articles of diet known for this purpose. In dividual cases will differ ereatly. but in .general, a consumptive will need ap proximately the following daily allowance of food: two to three quarts of milk, three to eight eggs, four to eight ounces of meat, six to eight ounces of bread, two ounces of butter, one helping each cereal, potatoes, and pudding. wo to four apples and the uice of a lemon. Some Batients will be able to in crease this allowance 50 per cent or even more, while others will do better on per haps 25 per cent lees. Plenty of rest is absolute ly necessary. Keep a care ful tab on the boby tempera ture and if . the evening temperature runs as high as 100, decrease the amount ot physicarexertion to half. Above, all things, avoid patent medicines, cough cures, "consumption cures," and . whiskey or other .: alco holic drinks.. Be cheertul, keep clean,-bathe daily,- foK low the i instructions of a competent physician, and your cnances ior recovery will be excellent.. For further information on this important subject write to State Board of Health at Raleigh for literature or to the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, at New York, N. . . .. . ' ' ' -'.'. Frightful Polar Winds; blow with terriffic force at the far hofth an jpiayV havoc iwiththe skin, causing red, rough or bore chapped hands t: and hps that ueed Bucklen s Arnica oaive to heal them . It makes the skin Boft iand, smooth.' Unrivaled for eold-sores, also v burns, V boils, sores, uloers,' oats; .bruises and piles. Only 25 cents at all drug gists. ' " VIEWS OFJTREB; PAPERS. OtheitPaiersi Think Concernin? ' - .Political Candidaes. . -'-If the'people have 'anything to j oq with naming delegates to the democratic convention. Govern or Wilson is going to be a har 1 man to beat- Durham Herald. Mr. Bryan got slapped down pretty hard at the national com mittee meeting, but- "law me" he s got such an all-fired way of k . . - - hhard to tell where . & he will light next. - We can only hope tbat he doesn't . .'hit the ground a run nin." Charlotte Chronicle. Governor Harmon, of Ohio, an- pears to be ' gaining '".ground on vvuhuu ana uiars:. xi.i sne signs J do not fail, Mr: Harmon will tie the, Democratic nominee for the Presidency. He is a very strong man, well up in years, a master among men,; with quiet digniSed manners, a wonderful brain, very much similar to Cleveland and, McKinley, judging from what we have learned of. him, except that strong Republican slate into a ae oas na. chg or convertme a Democratic one and keeping it so. He poisssses that rare ability to command and secure the7 passage of what he will bf the Ohio Legisla ture, which is Republican. Hie people regardes of party lines believe in him because of his sheer heer honesty and unquestioned bihty. Troy Montgomeriau. a Ths Kfafcooiri 1 1 a T.onHmart satra It islvideit that TbeNew Jerief Schoolmaster had the call of the board at the Jackson Day dinner in Washington - last week. "The interests" have been doing -tbei lbes.tto disoredit him bat so far they; haye failed . The ? Newton Enterprise, declarine f cr Witaon says .- :. . ' ; 1 ' The moneyed interests are! frightened as they bayiieverf Ijeenbeforeliy thepropeetfflifi z?iri? . Mf -r gamK gauB uim. : iet juoii, by aeir specious pieas to our ccn gervatism atp - . j. - -jr . .s -,-v.--- ; - .'. f-vwwii!..My.-is;.MT.i job ham Herald, 'MiMo t,A:i.vss ui a topi-sun UIIUI UUB UJUUjT Ulr S. I'JUl-1U4" I All the senatorial candidates juredtbut will reooverk X -Senators Simmons, Gov. Kitchin; First Assistant ; lstmatteri' Got.-Aycock and Judge- Clark General Granfitfid notifiid Repre- some time ago expressed a pre- sentative . Donghtou; jjbatarday rerence ior a primary, to settle the senatorial contest, and recently they have conferred with refer ence to joiorLg in a request to the State comm'ttee to arrange plans for ths primary.- In addition Senator Simmons has made pub- lie a letter in which he exoresses a desire for same action by the WVVW WW VUO UVUf UUUIUU) or by agreement among, the can didates, limiting the amount of money to be used. He properly says .theuse of money in' cham paigns is much abused and further that he hasn't the mney to spend, even if he desired 'to Bpend it. This is a good suggestion In fact it wou'd be a god idea for the-candidates to simply presort their claims to the people and leave it to the people States ville Landmark. A Washington special says that Woodrow Wilson "was easily the the favorite of the feast," at the Jackson Day banquet. The. New Jersey governor is going to have strong support iu th9 hatonal convention. C a t a w b a County News. ... This from a Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch : GcVamor Hsrmon has denied t ie prii ted statements that dur ing Bryan's last- campaign,- a young daughter of Governor -Harmon wrote a girl ."f rend inTexas that ''papi hoped for Mr. Bryan's defeat, because it would make bis cwn presidental prospects' bright er." Of coarse the story is foolish just about 'as foolish as the ttoios seme cf the Harmon people have circulated about, Wilson . It's" a pity men. of character and stand ing can't be candidates for ; the great effio of Preudeut without being subjected ti these annoy ances, Statesvill Landmark. - Senator Simmoi s' senatorial candidacy, should not be mjured by the groundless story he will not get the senate finance com mittee chairmanship, after all. kStill less should Governor Kttchiu lose anv Cleveland oounty vote because he did h la w.and order, there our politics on a that. Charlotte Observer. i - . . . -.s ' , '"".-.- " If the people : had rather .have Mr, Aycock represent them :in the Senate why not turn in and elect him. It does not belong to Mr. Kitchin or to Mr. ; Simmons is plain.daty, by ttM tt at.tnnt i,.n7A it V ' liens of Interest Battered ftzz;M Alii Allaj- tictfiraJCppaiacblassj Third " .Assistant I Poslmtsi r" General Briitlof .t&ititate re-f v nn n J. .7. L. . A. ll . ' w 1 postage, pn'jja wspa pers d othwr peri6dicala Tba.ncreased one - ceiit a pound; An eugineor in charge, of ap bCH fltiu ft n a i n a f! h mr-XAi t a -. f a m k 7 n k w h w . h r .hbh .. Saturday 4ost hk-eye ikht- snd-'i cause.; H$'- was maig ' good : wages but:is totally" bhranditt Governor Kitobih in::;ayunciaR NeeahmiB rewarcLoL$200 for is' wanted in JohcsolobuhtV 1HJC ,iLiB ura9r oj nis wilfi. lae husband fired a load b Ifiot luto the lice f fhis jwife andgthen fled the country, j : ' -?The 8oathern gotel Intel's As sociation, composedjOjt hotel men of Virginia! and iNot fciLKjjarolina, was in session ia Ch4r4otta last week. v Later a meetf will be held hi Atlanta, aofdi p ffjrv made to unite alrSoutljbrn hutel men in one associativa A rdio- lution was'adopted oppbuag tip ping aua promising inoperative with theycommercial travelers tin? abolishing the practica l ' : rClevliand; Garer, Vrayne ; county negro who was id; be eleo ' trocuted atthefStateipriion last Friday for the-murder another aearo inWaviM cuAv: mU waa graDcea a ommutatioiji spy Gov- "nor ,KitchiniThyiction was on circum.tantiatvd,nce.of aounttuinatullat Judge Peebles, who tried 1 1 ease. ,an- nouncedheoKahe semiucedythef negro that he . wculdufcommen&V: I commutation and for' tiiis reason no appeaj was Uken.f North Caroliua tooiffrsi prize in the production otrtsnnti and vegetables atf 1 Nkional Hprtieaituial Congrl-f5 at :St2 r?Tr w""yi : ounaay morning aK'Aont ;BU. of High ifomti,. was aUtlug-near. hsr range in her I homidniouth'K. ivi Hill nhrHH vAntmi .wi kna rvi-j sv,-:-xiy-? breast and A ace. mskmg f earful gashes.,-: She was ' seriously in-1 j tnat ne would look into Abe pro- teat against the appointment of W. B. Morse postmaster at Al bemarle. It is alleged that Morse is incompetent , H. L. Shipman, Ophnissioaer or Lianor And, f rintinz.i has an- nflnnr-ori ha hail'tra thn.)it nf ffflti;inff int.n tba rTeifnr enn- gress in the tenth district against CoQgressmaa Gadget is time. Col. Robert E. LeeJijO Wash ington, his -ac3ep6ed kp iuvita-' tion to deliver a spemaj address in Salisbury July 4 al&s patriotic) celebration. He is a ftphew of . Udu.iiooertiSi.ijee.fgf just because they wautj it. 'k'usl it. Dqt. ham Herald. A number of 4rj tamers in Goldsboro the otheriaht took a vote oa the caodidatasjtir Caked States Senator and j(4ooJc ledbf a large majority. B$fr$his'was at Ayoo.ok's home. Unimers ara great jokers, 9reens6po Record. . Ex-Governor RobatfB. Gleua blew into Raleigh a laydays ago from an extensive spoh-makinjt tour extending oveiijflie eutira country. - He wasMeged by friends and admirersipwbO' woulA not think of him registering' at st hotel. He said niofag other things. t4t .North Catiua it ba :ng held'up m the -Ptd' tates aa a titate where the lairij enforced . and where the people re happje and , content. , iM said:"All things being taken fc$f consider atiou climate, soil.1! statural rt sources vandnl the peoble, I see no reason whyany young;man should leave this Btate to gp elsewhere." Aiked about the senatorial and .presidential ; , situations. Mr, Glenn Bald that ihjbiT personal choice for Senator WaChailts B; Aycock; and ;:far tutfpresideaot, Woodrbw . VV' isou. ?Mf - Gle;;n' support of Mr Ajojdfwill mealy , mncn ior the Jatter lkJiis race fofi - Simmoui's seat . Gastonia Ga ; zette;,?-'" ." i . , --Senator Simmons rann?ng.Dttv performknoesft Governor KttchW 1 on promises, tilt. Aypaok on hia pasMecardismd. JuqgsV Clark.. o- primary wi- necesBarya great many people be neve, vvitn rursticn - popular: and able men intheliface it would 'be almost a marvdl u.ope of, than received - more votes ;than - th I other three. -reeniboro'Kevi, i ii in iih ii aximaiKa mmmm., liiuiu ' sjuiih . Li36 8 Keep . t thWrin1j:trt l.Vw -1 s . i. n. . V" 1 ft to- 'I ' . -, . ;. . . . s '. - - ' -- 5 ? . - ' - ; V. . :: ' . - ' : ' I - ' ' . ' . ' 'A - . ' ' - .: k wm?mm t - I r-t-- : - 4- 4-. - - v - V v.