if 1 ' -1 ji IT, -5 ' - v 1 1 t ir" : UutMnouiift vjAToiitmn xrar n, mxrAAt d. and rto& oS&lMd tTtty TvMdfty at 130 Wesf Innttitreet. " , r - Estmdu leaond-claii matter Jan. i feVT R. O.. wider the act of Oongress ;;;:a8.PpP0UR!TYC0MTEST. CLOSES. :-..f-- s tssS:r tl Riwiies Wera 5 Rec8lied. The Caeolina Watchman Bxoobd Popularity'-; Contest & doaied Monday evening at D d a OL t as per announcement. XOt course on the last day and up to the last' minute there iras a rush to get'in subscrip tions and otes. vJThe con test had practically narrowed down to three, Miss Ida Fes erman,:: No. :2- Salisbury ; Miss Electa Tingle, Crescent; r . Miss Pearle Wiley, Salisbury; -who put up a beautiful, good natured ficht, and it was not possible toA say just who the - winners would be until the gentlemen, who kindly con? sented to count the votes, 1 announced the result. Miss Iingle took the lead early and held it until the . last bonus offer of 25,000 votes was made, when she lost to Miss Fesperman who alone took advantage of it. Miss Fesperman having taken the lead held it until the finish, with .Miss Lingle second and Miss Wiley third; the difference in the vote be tween the two latter, how ever.- was small and Miss Wiley, besides being a most cnarming young laay, provf d a game looser. Owing to this close vote we regret that there were not three - prizes, .one for each of the splendid young ladies wno snowed go much enterprise and ability in the work they had under taken. - The disinterested gentle men who counted the votes made the following report: The vote of The Carolina Watchman-R e c o r d Popu- .larity Contest is as follows ' Miss Ida Fedperman, . ''J- received 267,850 vptes. r, Miss2 Electa -Lingle, received 168,700 votes. Miss Tf Pearle Wiley, received 164,300 votes. We tho committee selected to count the votes declare the above correct We found the contest practically T be tween the three above named. 8. F. Losd, , r J. H. Ramsat, W. L.,Kluttz, : i'. committee. January 22nd, 1912. 2 p. m. Affreeably with the above it was announced that Miss Fesperman had won the first prize, the handsome piano, and Miss Lingle, the second : prize, a three-piece parlor , ; suite. The contest resulted in ad ding quite a number of new names : to the lists of The Watchman and Record and to ; these Hew friends we extend '- a cordial welcome. 1 In giving in the names of subecribers it is probable that - v some errors have been- made: r i -some names mispelled, initials incorrect, address wrong or . incomplete, and :the papers will go astray. So, if any one who subscribed, fails to -get the papers .promptly, please notify us at once, giv ing name and address in full, whereupon we will, give the matter immediate attention . ; llSi and Mrs. Alb?rt Aycock, of Wedgefield, S. O., "suffered a ae Tioas loia by fire last Wednesday night . Their, bam was burned , together with 85 head of horses. Tha . origin : of the fire is not ''Su.awo. . Extrtsely Lti Rates ila Southern Railway ti til Crluss, Li,LUobll8 All., ' and i mxsfiti Wi Acconat of ; MardI toCeliintlMs Feiniri 15-20; ? On account of the above v oooa v imt the 'Southern Railway will -ell round trip tickets to New Orleans, La , 'Mobile, Ala., and Pniaeolat'JTla.; . at greatly re L duced rates, tickets on sale Feb ; ruaiy 18th to 19th inclusive, with '' $nal return limit ' March 2ud, Vitb privilege of an extension of fl nal limit vritil Marc h 19th by depositing ticket with j oint agent ' -ilnd payment of one dollar. . - " For further information,' Pull , nan rvsetvations, etc, call on . your nearest agent, or write, B. H. DeButts' traveling passenger agent, - i -3 , Charlotte, N. O. hoUKTVMAESPOXOiUCE Hens of Istrssf ialVita Nelgbltsrftofttfs Sent la bf Osr Friead -. 1 We 4.9 not print ar ticles not signed, by the auth or's real name. " - - Jant22Aifef being Jabieni for lome tiine I will try and write a few'items again., v:-3 :-. Mrt.tOolambnB Hodge who has been on the liok . liit r.; fori some time la, we are glad : to note, - np again,r Stokei Brothers Parker & Hin eon have moTed their law mill onto Rich Morgan's and . Jaoob Ribelin ir ffoms to m )ve his saw mill onto jonn noage and very soon. Tell Klnttz. who has been in the western . states sinoe last spring, has returnea to mi oia home; I Gaess he likea old North Carolina best. I James B Wyatt and Mrs. Robert Bnniss were married tome weeks ago . 1 George Bean has resigned his position at Southmont. Some of the people have been taking sled rides during the snow. I guess the boys have been mak- intr the mollvccttontail3 i huBtle for tbe last week. Office to the snow and ioe there was no school list week at Pool town 3bool housa. v Uncle Tom, the correspondent from tbe Yadkin Valley, seems to know something about the window that Sallie has recently sawed out. - . Unole Tom says that some of the old widowers from the Yad kin valley are talking about the pretty girls around our town. fSay, Uncle Tom, we have some very pretty girls down here, but if they come in an automobile they might get soared. Uncle Tom tell them to drive the mule and come on. Ukole Josh. w 8ANO HILLS. Jan. 23. The farmers of this section are planning for their new year's work. We are glad to get out again and enjoy the nice sunny weather, but we are afraid that the snow has damaged the squash crop to to some extent in the bottoms. . The boys of Jackson . College oaught a rabbit during the snow and brought it to the Hills to purchase candy for the school. Miss Flora Arey visited F. M, Tyack's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs, Daisy Poole was buried at St Matthews" E. L. Church last Monday. She leaves a hus band and one son and a host of relatives and friends to menrn her death. John O. Mergan's horse is very sick At this writing. We saw some time ago that the osndy party had held a meeting, We are wondering who this party intends to ran for the presidency. Miss A J.' Morgan passed tbe Uills enrcute to her ' school near Craven " The boys around the Hills caught a lot of rabbits during the snow. Two fellows bagged seven teen in one day. J. T. . Klnttz, who spent last summer in Denver, Colorado, is at home and attending school at Cresoent, N. O We think since so many folks have ; quit getting married the weather will get better, unless the ground hog sees his shadow, Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Good man," of the Hills, payed the Jaokson sohool a visit Friday eve mng. . , Gabbizv PARK'S ACADEMY. Jan 23-1 will join the pencil pushers again as I h ive been absent for quite a while. Tobias Brown, of Spencer, who owns a farm in the Bocks, has erected a new house on the place, and John Covanoe of Spencer, will move into it. He is boarding at Charlie Miller's at present. Watch out boya he w going to get ahead of you. - 1 Worih ' Beaver, of near Ebe neezer church.' visited ' his son. Curtis Beaver, Saturday af ter- noon. Miss Mattie Josey, daughter of John Josey, who had -pneumonia, is able to be np again c " MrsTBadle Casior, whbhad la- gripe, 'is able to be ont again Misses Effie and Omar' Shaping visited at Cnrtis Beaver's Satur day night,, ; Gsorge - Slongh has'heen very sick: with la. grippe; for the past week." .M'MmM There arrived at Mr." and fMrs. William Trexler's, a ycnng girl; Friday night;? 55c z'--' '. There arrived at Mr,, and :f Mrs. John Beaver's last Friday night, a young girl 0B&$M There arrived at Mrfand Mrs . George Castor's, . a , ycung cook January 9. - . Happy HAKES RAPID HEADWAY. - Adit This Fact to Yoor Slor.e of Knowledge. Kidney disease advances so rap idly that many a person is firmly in its grasp betore, aware of its progress Prompt, i atten tion should be siven the - slishteBt symptom of kidney disorder. . If there is a dull pain in the - back, headaohef, dixzy gpells or a tired worn-out feeling, or if the urine is dark. fouUsmelline. irregular ana atienaea wicn pain, procure a good kidney remedy at once . Your townspeople recommend Doan 'a Kidney Pills. Head the statement of this Salisbury citi zen. ' ' Mrs. G. A. Shinn, 10 Park Ave., Salisbury, N. C. , says: 1 cook isoan s ' &.ianey rills and they did me so much good that feei like recommending them to all persons suffering from disor dered kidneys: My principal trouble was with my back and also naa considerable pain in my limbs. I used Doan's Kidney runs as directed andr they save me greater reuei man l bad re ceived for years For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-Milburn Co., BafEalo New York, sole agents for the United! States. Remember the name Doang and take no other. The following invitation has been issued : The pleasure o your company is requested at The library Benefit giyen by commit tees of interested Salisburians to aid in the -enlargement of Salis bury's Library, January 26, 1912 3:805.80, .8:80-11:00. Elks Hall. Silver offering. A large crcwd should attend and help this good cause. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs, Templeton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska. "I am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me. For five years I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely ahle to do my work. I took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could nbt live long. . At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and I -commenced to take it. By the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a well woman. At one time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. . I would not take $1000 and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone." Mrs. Susie Tem pleton, Hooper, Nebraska. ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant vic tory over the obstinate iHs.of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has re stored health to thou sands of such suffer ing women. "Why don't you try it if you ceedsuch a medicine? i.VHA - r Mortgage Land Pursuant to the provisions contained in a mortgage trust deed executed by W. W. Klnttz to H. H. Swicegood, dated August the 23rd. 1907, and reg istered in Book No. 31, page 334, reg ister's oifice, Sowan, county, default having been made in the payment of principal and interest, the -undersigned will sell at public auction , at the court house door, ia thecity of Salis bury, at 12 o'clock Ml., on ; :' M on day, February the26tb, 19 12, the following described real estate : : Beginning" at a stone Kluttz' - corner on McKenzie's line : thence north 87 West 20 23 chains to a stone ; thence south 2 west 15.20 chains to a stone corner ' of No. 2; thence south 71 1-2 east 17 chains to a stone, iiartman's corner ; thence north 13 east 1.56 chs. to a : stone, : Kluttz' corner ; - thence north 14 east 18.60 chains ta - the . beginning,- containing 87 12-100 rcres more or less, and being a part of the Rymer tract of land formerly owned by Capt. J. A. Fisher. - Terms cf. sale? Cash. This January 20th, 1912. ' r - ; H. H Swioboood, mortgagee. S. Lee Wright, attorney.-' -- ; B PINJUiAM Should bor is ft good ; plies to .sweat making money J but of; late years many school teachers and parents have been passing to thejother extreme, in relieving the child alto-- gether:of.workv:: -HT-e-r, - ;r", :- : -:i This ia much more true in mo trv children: The country ooy goes to- milk cows, fedd tne cattie ana cuop ine wooa; dub ine ciiy Doy is turned loose from 4 to 6 to fall directly into tbe hands of that sul- phurous old part who "always nnas wora ior mie nanas ao ' One cannot commend too strongly the action of many leading public, sohool boards in introducing manual training "and domestic soience departments in 'their school, in which children are taught to do useful work with the hands. V - ; - The first principle that snouia ne taugnt to every child is that naftfnlnBHB in the true test of greatness, and that actual service will make one of far more value than GENERAL MATTERS OF INTEREST Big Events Reduced to Little Paragraphs for tbe Readers ot Mis riper. It now appears to be absolutely certain that fighting between the revolutionists and the imperialists will be resumed in China on the mornicg of January 28 unless Premier Yuan Shi Kai concedes the demands of the republican government. ' : Governor -Woodraw Wilson will make a three-days" western invasion from February 29 to March 2 , It . is possible the time may . be extended to March 4. This will not mean the cancella tion of his trip to Chicago Febru ary 12. j The fifteenth victim of a so- called "Jack the Ripper" was found Sunday morning on a street corner at -Atlanta. She was a young negress whose throat had been cut. The operations of the murder commenced , last summer and have caused consternation among the colored population. All the victims have been negro women. Rev. Len B rough ton, pastor; of the Baptist Tabernacle iu Atlanta, tendered his resignation to the church 'Sunday" and will go to London ' to become pastor of Christ church, succeeding Dr." F. B Mayer. f James T; Harahan, Sr.. former president' of the Illinois Central; Frank O. Melcher, second vice piesiderrfiof the Rook Island ; E . B. Pierce, general solicitor of the Reck Iiland, and Eldride S. Wright, son of-Luke,E. Wright, former secretary of war. were killed in a collision of two Illin ois Central strains at Kinmundy, III., . Monday morning. Three train men were also injured. Dr. Hatvey W. Wiley is held "not gnilty" cf conspiracies , to evade the law in a report filed with the house Monday by the committee which conduc ted an investigation last August into the charges upon which President Taft was asked to dismiss the Dalian's chief chemist from, the government seavice. B9er is a commodity 'and rail roads must carry it when offered for transportation, from one state into dry", counties of another ssate regardless of the laws of the latter state. The supreme court of the United States made this MM03 OO VlNNVXIUa - SllSlS8p wapap SuTpBsj Xq po y -SpBS SSJtlSSB 3331(1 SuiAJ3S . XdITBI pITB - 8UOO(IS 'SJOJ cS3Anr5 m aoioxjD joj aprq : . -qi apiM "aiijrj ; pBi 3q ubd Sip UDIlTAi. UI SU J9))BCI 9;ismDX3 snoliBA dip, noX A6ijs ojjarBap mo A sy CTdlHl aSX 'soaa sn90a H. 1 tn i jBip r jaiqta3iii9 j giba Children Wbrk? constant agitation against.: child-la iad proper thing, so far as it sp-; shop work and; the practice, of ; : b&aius ouimruu. lcuut,. buuuui ,o put vueui bO. case oi cur onuaren man ooun . nome irom scnooi ac 4 o oiocx, will mere book learning. ruling Monday regarding a pro posed shipment from Indiana into "dry" counties . ' Cheering by thousands of visit ors, the blowing of whistles and the . ringing" of be'ls announced the arrival Monday" morning of the first passenger train over the newly completed extension of the Florida East Coast Railway be tween Key West and Knights Key, forty-six miles toward the main land of Florida and marked, the beginning of a three-day celebra tion over' the completion of the line, "Over the Sea." oeven sucks ot aynamite, six percussion caps and a lot of fuse were found by the polios in a raid Saturday afternoon in a tenement house in the heart of the Syrian district of Lawrence, Maes., that resulted in the arrest of seven al leged dynamiters five! men and two-women. Premier Yuan Tuesday aban doned hope cf straightening out affairs in China and tamed the government over-to' the throne. General Yin TchanT radioal loy alists reported to have succeeded Yuan.1 It is reported that Yin lonan nas recommenaea tne re sumption of war immediately. Fiesident Snn and Minister Wu have disagreed and the situation is again becoming chaotic. O BAD BREATH la caused by Indigestion, and that disorder brings on headaches, sal lowness, languor, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. REDS LIVER REGULATOR (THS POWDER FORM) Corrects all Disorder In The Stomach and Bowels. Its powerfol, reviving and regulat ing influence in the liver and digestive organs brings an immediate " improv- ment. Jbu feel better. r The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet. When the sys tem has been thus purified the bilious, half-sick feeling disappears ; the com plexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mind throws off gloomy forebodings, and there-is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package) $1,00. Ak tor the genuine with tbe Bed Z on the bel. If yoa c&nnot get it, remit to o, we will send it by mail, ooitmld. Simmons Liver Regulator is put np alio la liqaid form for tnose wno preier u, rni 1.00 per boule. look for the Bed Z label. rice. IJ. H. ZE0JN t CO., Props., St Louis, Mi - Tj NiaiUll praonwnajni) N3QIU3V. 1 North Carolina; ) In superior Ooart, r1 Rowan county. February Term ivi2 WUiiamKeithi .1 . . Notice. - vs The defendantADOve--nameowiu take notice that an action entitleaas above has been commenced jo the Su perior court of Rowan county j by ;her husband, Willianr Reith for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony on .the eround of adnltery, and the aaioVe fendant wilt further take notice that she is required to appear ati thej next term of -the superior .court of said county to be held oi the third Mon day before the first Monday in March, ruary, 1912. at the court house in raid county; in Salisbury, N..O and an- tnR Hftmft nemsrxnB xzw rujr aji c swer or j aemur to-xne-p-onipiauiii i sa1d-aetion;'or..thBaintuXwll.fpyir to the court for the reliei aemanaen ia said complahlt'ls:;;4-f - AVf . 'ircleTk superior court Dated this 6th day of January 1912. Pursuant to the provisions -contain ed in a mortgage trust deed - executed by Joseph; R. Beid and wife Annie Keid to K. Liee wrigni; xrusceej , uatei May the 27th, 1907, and registered in Bowaa county r default having been made in the payment of principal and interest, the undersigneorwuiTseiL at public auction,' at the. court" housa door, in the city of Salisbury, at . 12 o'clock juv, on .::, . ;-r-v-i--rT Monday; February tha 26tb, 1912, the following described real estate::, i Foux- lots, (one with house on itj m the town ot East Spencer, N.-'O., and known as Nos. 4.5. 12 and. 13 in block B, of the property purehased by B. H. Hamilton from T. H. Vanderford on i-Tov. 16th, 1902, deed for which is reg istered in Book 98, page li, "registers omce.Bowan county. - Said lota front 60 feet each ' and run back;- 160 feet each. For further particulars and de scription reference is hereby made to deed registered in Book No. 98.'- page, 436 of the register's office of - Bowan county. 1 Terms of sale : Cash, f . - v - This January 20, 1812. ' : -c. ; B.liBS Wbioht, trustee. ADMiNltTRATOirt NOT1CI Having qualiflel as administrator with the will annexed,' of. the estate of Minnie M. Leazer, dee'd. this &is to notify'" all persons having claims against the -said decedent to file an itemized, verified statement of - same with the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of-January , .1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, fersons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement.. . , - This January 18, 1912. " v. F. B. Bbown, administrator. Jno. L. Beadieman, attorney. . Hartgage Sale oi House and Let on Ful ton Pursuant ta the provisions of a cer fain mortgage trust deed, executed by M. D. Lefier and wife Sallie R Lefler Uo P S. Carlton, trustee, dated Feb ruary the 12th, 1806," and registered in Book No. 27, page 254 in tne register's office of Rowan county, default having been made in the payment of the same; the undersigned will sell at at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, Jf, C, on - - Monday, February the 26thr 1912, at 12 o'clock M the following de scribed real estate : Beginning at a stake' on the south east side of Crosby street 287 feet southwest from the intersection of said Crosby street andMaupin avenue, corner to lot No' 7 ; thence with line of lot No. 7 south 59 15 east 70.9 feet io a etake ; thence in a southwe terly direction in a direct line with Sarah L. and Sallie R. Lefler's corner on Heil ig avenue 54 f set more or less to a stake on Crosby street ; thence with the edge of Crosby street north 3145 east 80 feet more or less to the begin fling, being a part of lot No. 8 in block 21, as shown by the map of the prop erty of the Southern Development Company, Fulton Heights addition to Salisbury. Also another lot adjoining the above lot and known as lot No. 6 in block So, 82 on R. A. Wheeler's map of the J. D. Heilig' land according to the sur vey and plat of W. B. Trogdon A Son, dated Nov. 30th, 1905, and filed in register's officeuf Rowan county. On the above lots is a dwelling house. This January 20, 1912. - v P. &. Carlton, trustee. Re-Sale e! La&i Under and bj virtue of an order of the superior court of Rowan county, made in the special proceeding enti tled John J," Stewart, : administrator of Pattie Johnson, deceased, against Will Lillington and Ethel Bryant and husband W. H. Bryant, Jr., the same being No- 93 upon the special proceed ing docket of Baid court, the under signed commissioner will on ' "the 3rd day of February, 1912, at about 12 o'clock noon, at the court heusedoorin the town of Salisbury North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of lani lying and being in Rowan county, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows, to-wit: an opdivided one-half interest in "and to the land set forth in dee 1 recorded in Book No. 108, page . 489, register's office for Rowan county , and owned by Bettie Lillington and Pattie L. Johnson, deceased : Beginning at a stake and iron corner on the south Side of and near the North Carolina railroad and south 55 1-4 deg. west 2 87 chains from the northwest corner of the 5 226-1C00 acre lot recently pur chased by T. H:- Vanderford and for merly . owned, by Warren Coleman heirs, and runs thence south 55 1-4 degs. west nearly parallel with" the North Carolina railroad, 2.1S chs. to a stake near the crossing over the rail road ; th3pce 2 3-4 deg. west .18.14 chs. to a stake in an old hedge row ; thence north 55 1-4 degs. east with said hedge row 2.13 chs. -to an iron and stake which is south 55 1-4 degs. west and 2.87 chs. from the southwest corner of the said Vanderford lot; thence north 2 3-4 degs. east 13.14 chs. to the be ginning, containing 2 226-1000 acres more or less. Upoa said land is loca ted a two-story five-room house - This : property is about one mile southwest from the public square, of the CitV Of Salishnrv: lav I dinner . flia North Carolina railroad and finnlv n. -cated for a manufaituring , site. Any one looting ior such a location will do Well to insnect th a: Tirnnai.lv hsf. sale ' - - -' ' ' ' Bait? i- ' . ' - j- - Johs J. Stbwaet, commissioner Thii 27th day of December, 1911. - or.xing-$ neu DiscovEnr UfiU Surely Stop That Ccri A icllce cl Sals Under Eiecutiol North Carolifa ) In the fl'unBrinr .Rowan County $ Court. - Salisbury Bealty & Insurance Co.,,PiaintitTf against R. L. Houston, DefeLdant, By virtue of an-execution -diiectad to tbe undersigned from the Superior ouurt of : Rowan County, in (he above entitled action, I will sell to.tne nignesi oiaaer, tor cash, on Bil5tliiis flf f ebruary, 1912, at the court bouse door in the city of Salisbur f ; Noi th '.Carolina, to satisfy 8aid:execution, all the rightV title and interest which the said R.:xIi;iHouston. defendant. has in Ithe : following described property to-wit s Beginning at a' stake ? on ;.Horah St., Carters Corner and ronning with Horah St;N44 W60 feet to a stake, thence S46.W200 feet to a intake, thent a S44 E50 feet to a stake, Carters Corner;, thence. N46B with Carters line 200 feet io the beginning, be ing Lot 57 Tfiqnare "M" Lcrds pla lying on- HW side of the Corporate limits of the great west Ward btthe town of Salisbury . ig-Ji .SsM ciLenzie, l-0-4t; K : Sheriff Rowan countv. Xotiee el Lull Sale. ' . Pursuant to a judgment of the Su- Iieriur wm i -ouuojtj special term 912. in the action entitled. 'C. Ed. ward Correll and wife Annie Oorrell and Wi Q. Uorrell vs. Phifer Correll - Franklin Correll, Zeno Correll , Ruth Correll Jacob Correll, Mary Cnrre 1 , josie v. ana unanes w. uorre i and F Hatcher, guardian ad 1 tem." appoinflng ih ti dersignt d coinmis sioner to j.-11 Iho interest of Ar.nie Correll aod the defendants in a d to certain real estate '.the :unders gned will sell at public auction at the court house door, in the city, of Salisbury , N.O.,on - " - ' - ' Monday February the 261i, 1912, for cash , a one-fifth undivided inter est, and all the right, title and inter est of said parties, in and to one tract of land lying and being in China Grove Township, said entire tract be ing bounded as follows: -Beginning at s pile of stone, Charles Ocrtell's corner, on the west side of the mill creek race, and on Peeler Deal's line, andrnns couth 88 west with said Deal sline !144 . poles to a black oak, J ohu Seehler's corner ; thence north 1 west 168 poles to a post oak, Brown's -corner, on Pleas 's - line ; thence north 87 1-2 east 168 poles to a hickory Charles : Correll's - corner ; thence south 2 east 87 poles lo a small post oak on a hill side ; thence : south 13 west : 95 poles crossing the creek and race to beginning corner, and containing about 182 acres and folly described in deed registered in 'Book 101, page 836 register's office of Rowan county. .This sale will convey to the purchaser all of the right,' title and interest of Annie .Correll and her children named as defendants, and such children as may yet be born. This January the 15th, 1912. P. S. Carlton, commissioner. R. Lee Wright, attorney. - North Carolina. 1 In Sunerior Court. Roan County, February Term, 1912 F W. Downes , w vg I Notice of Walter George New- ! Summons . man. tradmcraa the r Gold Hill, Trading I Warrant of klompany. J Attachment . The defendant above named will take notice that a Bummons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 13th day of January, 1912, by J.'F McCub bjns, clerk of the- superior court of Howan county, for the sum of $1761 16, due sa'd plaintiff by contract for ser vices rend eied as salary and for mon ey advanced, which summons is re turnable to the next term of the su perior court of Rowan county, the same being the 12th day of February, 1912. The said defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued byiaid J. JF. McCub bins, clerk of jihe superior: court of Rowan county, on the 13th liay of January, 1912, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is also returnable at the next term of the superior court of Rowan county, the same being February 12th, 1912, at the time and place named for the return of ' the summons, when and where the defendant is required t answer or demur, to the r complaint and "the - warrant, of artachment, or the relief demanded will be granted. ; ; This the 13th day -of January, 1912. - , y S MoOrawi, clerk superior court tf Bowan countv. plaintiff. viuBu ot viemeni, attorneys Ior - - EorlgafeSaie - Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in . a certain, mortgage trust deed executed . July 8rdr 1902, by Pinkney A. Stevenson to Li H. Clem' ent, trustej registered in Book 20. page 306 of the Register's office of Rowan: County', default having been mae in the payment of the ' indebted ness therein eeuredthe nnd-rsigncd trustee will expose for sale at public auction at the court house doer, in Salisbury onyiiy- -- ' S at o r d a? , tb r 1 7 llf f ar gfclFnwf , !9i2, at 12 M, the followlncr lyn.nl: n l.nH . In the West ward of "Salisbury, lying rathe northeast side of Mdtroe Street beginning at a stake 120 feet north west from the north corner at the in tersection of Monroe. - anil nni Streets, and thenn nm-thti-a ri.u Monroe Street 40- fett tn . . va thence northeast : and :i Craige Street 200 feet to a stake Goler anrL VJ9 BornrbenceJsoutheast with their line and parallel with lion roe Street 40 feet to a stake: then ,and'parallel: with ' Craige Street 500 feet to: the- jx gionin aid being the same lot conveyed taP - A Stevenson byV HA GolS.SP xnis January-ithj 1912 f : Whitehead KluttseyT. coUitrisuiiVEron; Save trouble and-exDense hv n.;..! ;? your surveying donebv riffl;- ' "'I, W per day. Am a noiirV p jblic and can write and more dS7 " etd. - Write me or a MMmef Sj N, A. dept cotintTrirv" EVERY ' WOMA1CCAN -MAKTC ' MONEY- AT :HOME ITV nASS'SPZ01 wi" 'elp you. rSfE&SS TE WOMAN'S EX- CHANGE, . Trc tnaim ' .-,

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