- V v. .. J5 -J. 11 S- ' 1 v, - -.. - A w "?. rj- TllECAnpUllAVATCHrJAII. r fir i n 8H0RTLO0AL ITEMS Mrar.E U:Kendrickiproprie. tor of Ihe Model If iUinery.. par lors,: conducted ,'in the": Empire Blrok, has been ad jndged a bauk rupt. Mrs.- EendrJok oame to 8lUburj geyeral a'eaBonsago" an head milliner a Reid'e "and later engaged in bnainesa ?r hex self The following figdreg furnished by former chief of polioe, Geo. H. Shaver shiw that "prohibition liaa been a i mcoesi in Salisbury, The figurei are J secured ; from the polioe regiiter of the city'.: From Jan,: 1, 1908 topecember si, 1908, bsf ore prohibition; went into - ef fect, thete were, 1,314 arrests of hich, 832 were: for druokenees Omitting the , year 1909, whioh wm period of . transttionV we give the figures from January 1, 1910 to December 81 1910, after prohibition had gone into" effect rid find that the total numbr of jarrests was 514, of which 284 were for drunkenness. TheBe figures can be verified by any one, who cares to examine the polioe recordi, and hows aremarkable improvement in the conditions; : - The contest oame ti a suooeas f ul close Tuesday evauing at two o'clock with Miss Ha Feaperman the winner of the haautiful four hundred and fifty dollar Orches tral piano, and Miss Electa Lin gle the winner of the seooud prise, a handsome suite of parlor furni ture. Thb Watchman desires to thank all the youog ladies who worked iti-the conteet for their ervioes, snd to congratulate the winners of the prizes. G. W. Connell, a leading grocery man of Spencer, cksed his doors Saturday night. It is believed that Mr. Connell cannot meet his bills although the partioulats have not been learned . The meetiDg of the local W. C. T, U. last Thursday afternoon -. was one of the largest and most interesting in its history. The members met with Mrs E E. Barringer on South Main strtet. A petition was signed by the members of the local W . O. T. U. and sent to Washington petition ing Congress to prohibit the shipment of whiskey into dry ter ritory. The entertainment for the bens efit of the Salisbury Library will take place oh Friday afternoon and night in the Elk Hall. There will be no admission fee, but a silver offering will be taken. Music and refreihments will be the features of the occasion. Shsrlff Uakes an Arrest. Sheriff. MQKenrie and Deputy Jas.Hr Krider had anite-n in. teresting drive :this morning . to catuh Dave Hanuah and - son. Sam, who are charged ; with hav- ing' itolen- a; watch from -Jchn N"esbitall f Salisbury,iThe en tire party were in Co noord yester day and the - robbery was com mitted there. Neebit had a' warrant issued "and ' it was sent here to be served whioh. took place at Barber's store, - just ' be yond Spencer, the Hannah Y be ing overtaken thre by the sheriff.". rThefe was also -a mis understanding between the parties in. regard to a horse. ' .The ; watob was found in, the laprobe. Sheriff Honeycutt, of Cabarrus; was .here this evening - for the prisoners who will " be tried in Conoord. " In Careless About Appendicitis Salisbury. Many Salisbury people have stomach or bowel - trouble : which is likely to turn into appendicitis. If, yen haye constipation, sour stomach, or gas on the stomach, try simple buckhorn bark, glyce rine, etc, as compounded in AIer i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. McPherson &Cb-. drug gistsr states that A SINGLE DOSE of this simple remedy re- lieves bowel or stomach trouble almost INSTANTLY. Spencer Shops Suspend Work. A notice was posted in the Spencer shops Sunday by officiali of the Southern Railway. The notice states that beginning yes terday morning work would be suspended- indefinitely; The round house and carpenter de partments, however will continue working. It is not known how 1 ng work will be suspended. 3ome think the close down will last only a few days while others believe it will last for several sooths. It is, hoped that the suspension of work will last only a short while aB many of the em- p'oyes of the shops will be out of employment for the time. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID is a marvelous household remedy, It cures cramp colic in stantly. Corrects nauseated stomach, heals cuts, wounds and sores on the surface of the body and destroys germs in the sick room. It is used internally and externally. Price 50 cants per bottle. Sold by all druggists. isMsssMissMiia! - s "2 Mrs Agf.es Klizer passed 'to her reward Monday v morning at ;30 o'clock. . She died at her home on N rth Main Street,, this city, death resulting from a complica tion of diseases, heart -trouble in cluded. "Mrs. K zr's health had not been good"1 for quite 'a vwhile an d it 'steadilydechned until the end came;"f The deceased i was .45 years old T and was . the" eldest daughter of the late William and' Laura Smithdeal. Her father was one of the - leading business men of this city -She was "mar ried to Prof. Robert G. Kiaer 'in 1893 and this union vwara very happy oneT -Mr.-Kizer was the second husband of the deceased ; he first husband was Jacob Ritchie, who was associated with Mr Smithdeal in the hardware business. Besides her huBband Mrs. Kizer if survived by one sister, Mrs. C. J, Norman, ot tnis city, and three brothers, Geo. H Jmithdeal, of New York; John Smithdeal. of Washington city, and Frank Smithdeal, of Alexan dria, Va., survive, and the tollow- II rfV - T7 iner steo-cniiaren : - mn a. xj. Than -HfeStoinach A' strOfl inW Is 'strong dlf over. -r No man Van fee ? i? stfoni -who is suffering irpm;; weak, stomach with lt& consequent indigestion, or from sonxe,:otber disease S -k of Jhe stomaot and its associated organs,- which rim-ft !i pairs digestion and. nutrition?-' For when the stomach"" ' : is weak "or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition 4 - ..MContained in food, which is the eourca of all physical strengthWhen a man 4 doesn't feel just' right," when he doesn't sleep wellr has an -tincomfortable . feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid,- nervous irritable and despos,V , tat, he is losing the attrition needed to make strength. - . , x ', - Sach a man .should, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medtcat - Discovery It cores diseases ot the stomach snd other " br&ans at di&esuon, and nutrition -. Itunriches the blood - ' 4- Invigorates tho liven strengthens the kidneys nuorishea . ' - the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH 21ND STRENGTH TO - r THE WHOLE BODY" , . - a Yon can't afford to accept; a secret nostrum as a substitute tor this non alcoholic medicine if knotoi composition, not even though the, urgent dealer . may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. -; -1 W""-- UrcK Names Cemmlttee For National Coir- Ne w.York, Jan.' 22. Chairman NoimanB. Mack of 'the Demo." cratic national committee to-day announced the committee on ar? rangements for the Djmocratic national convention to be held at Baltimore nn June 25. According to a resolution idopted by the Democratic national committee at its refient meeting at Washington, Chair man Mack, Vice Chairman Hal of Nebraska, and secretary Urey Woodson of Kentnoky, are ex-offi cial members of the committe"e on arrangements. I hose ap- Johnston and Miss Alice Kixer, of pointed by the chairman are: Paul Whitlock left Sunday night . for Lakeland, Fla., to visit J. M. Peacock and family. Jud?e J. 0. Boyd at Asheville, Monday, appointed P. S. Carlton, Esq:, receiver, to take charge and collect all bills for G. W Connell. of Spencer, who has en tered a petition in bankruptcy. A change of ihterest in the ownership and management of the Salisbury, Mrs, W. T. Bost, of Raleiflh and Mrs. .A. L. Patter- - son. of Albemarle. Mrs. Kizer had been a faithful member of St. John's Lutheran church since she was a girl. She was a splendid I ohristian woman, being - an ex cellent type of the womanhood of Rowan, ard was ever faithful to her duty. The fuueral took place from St. John's Lutheran church yesterday afternoon at 8 o'clock conducted by the pastor, Dr M. M Kinard. and the burisl was m Chestiiut Hill cemetery.. Th following were . the pall-bearers : J. Frank McCubbLB, A. L. Smoot, R B.'Brittian, J. E3. Henneesee, John S. Henderson, E H. Miller, John R. Crawford. 6 W. Spencer. Augustus Bingham, a former oalisburian. but tor some years a r. Bident of Washington city, died at his home there about 10:30 o'cKck Monday night. Mr. Binebam had been in his usual health until a few days ago when he complained of neuralgia, and it is not known what onsed his death. He was about 87. years of ige, a man of splendid physique He was postal clerk in the Salis bury postefnee with Postmaster! Ramsay for several Tears, but re- sizned to go on the road in the railway man service. Her mar ried a WashinstoQ young lady about f cur years ago Tbe de ceased, leaves an aged mother. four sisters. Mrs. R. B. Owens, Mrs, M: Coy, " Miss Lizzie Bing ham and one brother, Lemuel Biaeham. The remains were brought to Salisbury this morn- j ng. and the- funeral took place from St. Luke's Episcopal chunh at 3:80 o'ebok, p, m., conducted by the rector, Dr. F. J. Mallett, and the enterment was in the Josephus Daniels of North.Caro Una, Clark Howell cf Georgia and Jonn T McGraw of West Vireinia represent the South Atlantic States s R. M . Johnson of Texas representing the Southwestern States; Martin J. Wade of Iowa, Edwin O. Wood of Michigan. RogerC, Sallivjtn of Illinois and Thomas !Tsggart of Iudiana, rep resenting the 'middle Western States ; Robert B wing of Louis iana, r representing xthe ' Gulf it, tes ; Robert S. Hudspeth of New Jersay and Tnomas H. Brow- ol Vermont, representing the Eastern and New Eng'and States; former Governor "John E. Osborne of Wyoming represent r;:: ; SoiD8 Hymns-Hlins. ; -, Sorr e girls go to churchT be car se of the hymns, andoth ers because of the hims-- Ex. INDIGESTION Kidney and Bladder Troubles and Nervous Debility Yield Readily -; and Quickly to Treatment with HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS , 'A SURE CURE" ' ' r -. Chattahoochee, Ga. Easeard Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga.- r . t - -. Gentlemen: I have used your tablets for indi gestion and haye found them to be just what you claim. for them. 1 have tried leveral remedies, but did not tret any relief until I tried yonr tablets. I would cheerfully recommend your tablets as a sure cure for indiareation. Yours truly, f. a ii. GREEN. UL D. HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS wfll put you q.ti the road to health, make rich, red blood, feed your wasted tissues and put new. life, vim and visor into you. Take Hagsrard's Specific Tab lets.' Be a manl . If you are a woman who is heir to the ills of her sex, this remedy -will alleviate your sufferings. Try a box at our risk. If it does not benefit you, ' your money w)U be cheerfully tf unded. 50c a box. ' som bi-SmlthDruFCo.,'?' Waches for sale atR. W.-&I, 8. Brown's store, (the post Office) at Granite Quar ry. Leave yonr repair work therw, or send it direct to me at No. 6, Salisbury. N. C. 21-11 lyr. pd. R. L. BROWN. I ate. Jf BSSZ " O WATCH REPAIRING. Calendars fOI 1913 The Watchman office has just received a most excellent line of beautiful art sample calendars fcr 1913, and invites those who contemplate ing Kooky Mountain and the Pa-i purchasing calendars to see enr cifio Coast States and J. B . C. before buying. We can ehow the goods and quote the prices that will cause you to buy, Write to or call at The Watch- Talbpt of Maryland. Stubborif Case I was under the treatment of two doctors," writes Mrs. R. L Phillips, of Indian Valley, Va., "and they pro nounced my case a very stubborn one, of womanly weak ness. I was not able to sit up, when I commenced to take CarduL : I used it about one week, before I saw much change. Now, the severe pain, that had been in my side for years, has-gone, and I don't suffer at all I am feeling better than in a long time, and cannot speak too highly of CarduL" ' ke. b ; The LMWI WomanVTonic tf you are one of those ailing women who suffer from any of the troubles so common to women. Cardui is a builder of womanly strength. Composed of purely vegetable ingredients, it acts quickly on the womanly system, building up womanly strength, tpning up the womanly nerves, and regulating the womanly system.' Cardui has been in successful use for more than 50 years. Thousands of ladies have written to tell of the benefit they, received from it Try it for your troubles. Begin today. ' WW& t. LaTes Advisory Dept. Qtttano Medlcint Co., for Special butneOna, and 64-pas boo. Uxm Treatment few wc Chattaaoon. Omen, sent tree, j man jffioe. INTSRNATIONAI ; : DICTIONAII: - TH e merriam weoser The Only New unabridged die-. tfonary'fn many years. Contains the" pith nd saeaoc - of six s authoritatiLva library. Covers every field of knowl. edge. An Encyclopedia la a - single book.' lji . : r The Only Dictionary with" the New Divided jRa.5 : -7 400,000 "Words. 270OJPages. eoooillnatrationa. Cost nearly half a million. .dollars. : Iiet us tell yon about this most - r remarkable single VDltune. faraample foil par tloujats, eto. mme ibis and will end free set of Pocket Haps G. AC Marian Co. SprlnsOeld, 3f asa. JklM OVER ' 6.S YEARS' VEXPCRICNCC Trade, Marks .V " DC8IGN3 Anyone sending a sketch and description may ir opinion iree wnetner an IT patentable. Commnntea. tlonsstriotlyconfldeiitlaL HANDBOOK on Patents ror 5JI6. One eignt none power, j . npngnt steam boiler and er j v mo ; one set of two'horee wagon W LI " IVU. BOrDl NA01B( - 4 . UU11 . - Stewart, Salisbury, N-C. 10-25 tf .MMMSMSMSBiMSMSMSSSSSSaW Mr. POBltrffnaO : If yon are not get ting eggs, d:m t plame the ohjekens: - Help them . along by feeding Conkey's Laying -Tonic. Jamee PInmmer baa it - NO T.OQblS to give Ooukey's llonp ' Remedy. Jnst a pinch in drink ing water ; The fowls take their own m'ediciae. ior sale by Jams ! PInmmer.. -' Oar Buildiog liateriat mil please yon. Oar ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet wi'l tickle you. Good, man Lumber Co." vPhone 405L- qnlekly ascertain pur ojflnion free invention is proDaoiy Uons strict It confldmit sent free. Oldest aeency for secorine satenta. Patents taken tbroneh Mann tt Co. reoeiTe rptcuu nonce, wtt nout cnarge. in ice C& CkSflS for Sal6. One full blocd White Leghorn S C and one R. 0 - Silver Liced Wyand itte $1.00 each. Gail at Watchman office.- MOtorCJOlf. Would you like to gt ititt- a 3onet aud win cn? If 93 send us your i ame at once Watchmas; Salisbury, N. C. Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijirpest dr. . eolation of any scientific oarnaL Terns, $3 a -rear ; f onr months, f . gold by all newsdealers. JUNN&Co.3618. New York Branch Office- V 8t Washintuu. Dt C. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N. C. Does a General Ban Via g i Business. . 4t JPen- DnnQ . We pay 4 pr cent on time d-. posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any bnsiuess entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Banks JOBLST S. HSNDKESON, J. D. NOHWOOD, president. . cashier, D. L. Gabkill, W. T; Bdbbt, V.-preaident. . asst. cashier DR. M.J. RAG LAND VETERINARIAN. ilfflee and hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 480. 4-270 Miller Bros, clothiers, were closed this morning having gone into the .hands of a receiver. The liabilities are said to le $18,-000. UHliniHIIIII BHU 111 HL1 BK OlUDll Jarvis Andrews left Monday Salisbury Roller Mill has recent-: Chestnut Hill cemetery. niffht for Jacksonville. Fla.. lv hen flfT-cfeftd. T. A'. Lndwiokf Kupert, the little son ot Mrs where he will make his home in bonaht the stock of Mavor F. M- Al F":ze' ?f Chil a fJroyet. die d . . . . . .. last Thuraay evening alter a .ne future. i Thompson ani is now looKins Uwrt iiir,QcB ith j;nKth;a A box party was given Monday aftBr the management of the mill. The funora' was held from the chool house in the county fori mill agaiCas miller the benefit of the school library. "Shoes that satisfy." is the Mrs. J. P. Goodman entered kind hat Wiil Erwin Shoe the W hitehcad-S tokea sanatorium 9 ampan j handles. This it re a. Ti A. I cDened for business baturday in or loabuiuu ' oatuiutsr- aim i ... - , - tne Himpire JDUiiams. vau ana examine their shoes and prices. many friends know that she ill. " . will : be glad to is not seriously "lffmry'iirTicTr ii I " Stops Lameness I R. H. DeButts, f f Charlotte, travelling passenger agent for -the Southern, . was in the city Tuesday. . " ' r-- A .'D Hartma n and Leo Po jle - wet to Danville, Va., Tuesday. ld Hobson, who has been with the Southern in the machine f shops at Spencer has gone to b:s old home in Davie coanty to :-tDead several days after which rH hewiineave forGulfport, Miss where he will work. ; ::"Haiyey. M. Uzzle returned : J Tuesday. Uiorning frcm Ra'eigh 'r . where he attended th funeral of his step-mother, Mrs. Hallie ? Uxxlepwijo died Sunday. VvW. T. Bost, a former Salii- borian, - who is now. with the Raleigh News and Observer, was in the citv yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Kizer, Wife: "Where you have been! this afternoon, John?" Husband: "Why, I visited ' the menagerie. Wife: Well, what did you sae?" Hu9 . : " W-h-y-er the most wcndertul taine I saw was what they called a triped." - Wife: "What I A tnpedT Why what on earth did it look like?" UUt . A GUlOC-1 DggOU IVUVli SALISBURY MARKETS. I 11, Frlshtrol Polar Winds. blow with terriffic force at the far north and ' play havoc with the km; causing rea. rouzh or wore chapped hands and lips, that need -Buck len s Arnica Salve to heal: them. It makes the skin acf t and smooth ., Unrivaled for old-sores. : also . burns; boils. .:t?,.? Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller. Apples, per bushel," 1.00 to I 40 .., Bacon, ernes per ib , iz to xa. shoulders, per n , vz to 13. ham, per lb, 18 to 20. round, per ft, 12J to 13K. Butter, choice yellow, 15 to 20 Chickens, per lb, 9 to 10. " Ducks, 20 to 30. . . Guirjeas, 25 to 30. Eggs, per doz, 25 to 28. i Corn, per ousnei, auc. to f.au Flour, straight, per sac, $2.40 " pat, $3.00 Hay. per. hundred &s, .75, average. Honey, per lb, 12 : to 15. ' Lard, N. C, per lb, 14 to 15. Meal, bolted, per bu, " ,90. Oats, per ba. 60 to 65 Potatoes, Irish,, pe- bu 90 to $1.00 Wheat per bush. 1.00 to $1,10 . Onions, 1.00 to 1.25 Rye, per bushel, $1.15 - Turkeys 15J per lb. Geese, 12e per lb. Country sausaee. per lb. 2M k 15o Sloan's liniment is a relia ble remedy for any kind of horse lameness. Will kill the growth of spavin, curb or splint, absorb; enlargements, and is excellent for sweeny, fistula and thrush. .. r Here's Proof. "I used Sloan's Liniment on a mule for 'high lameness "and cured her. I am never without a bottle of your liniment; have bought more of it than any other remedy for pains." Baily Kirby, " Cassady, Ky. Sloan's Liniment 13 the best made. - I hare removed very large shoe boils oft a : horse with it. I have killed a quarter crack, on a mare that was awfully bad. " I have also healed raw, sore necks on three horses. I have healed grease heel on a mare that could hardly walk." Anthony G. Hiykr, Oakland, Pa., ' Route No. z. ... is good ..for all farm stock. "My hogs had hog cholera three days before we got your liniment, which I was advised to try. I have used it now for three days and my hoes are almost well. One hog died "Before I pot the liniment, but I have not lost any since." A. J. McCarthy, Idaville, Ind. Sold by all .Dealers. ..- Price 600. &. $1.00 1 fe- 1 Bloan'i Book on. Horses, Cattle, Hogg and Poultry sent tree. ; Address at Pop m. ALTHOUGH Saturday was our first day in business, we heard many of our friends say our prices come nearer having the old time ring than they have heard for several years. ;Qj:m?t6 "satisfy," and we know no better way than to give you as close prices as possible, then stand behind the wear of every pair of shoes we sell. II 5 We osill Boy's and Girl's Shoes at Men's Shoes from Women's shoes from $1 50 1.50 to 4.00 $1.25 ta3.00 -7 V piisrwim.pw ' Phone 'jMbWl WrWMm Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass. : pudding per lb. 1 to 10c , ! nilea.,' Onlv zo cents at all drua " . i - mush per lb. 5 to b. Cotton, good mttdlieg, 9 - - 7 2 X. ' t SQlBIHsaBHBtsVBiBHIBlBMBlBlBHI

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