w7 -jv V t .- 5. '..-i'Avv- H i 4 torn PWEECa Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal G rape C reamofTartar NO ALUM. NO LIME PHOSPHATE VVhitfey, caught on fire at the wash-pot Saturday, evening and was so badly burned that she AaA Saturday niaht and waB hnrifld in the cemetery at Zion M.S). Church Sunday evening Rev. R. L. Fotbis conducted the funeral service. The mother ot the- child was also very badly i- on Thft officers 01 tne 1 hnrned. Tne family -aas our PfciAtifi Ordar Sons of America heartfelt sympathy. Bill. wr installed last Friday night ' CCOITY CORRESPONDENCE I Hiizi if lurisf la Virions Neighborhoods :4 St iibf Oar Frlsai We i not print ar ticles not signed by the auth or1! real name. 1 FAITH. by authority of the district presi dent.' The officers for the ensu ing erm are as follows: Chas. A. Peeler, president; H. T. Hess, nee president; 0 J. Misenheimer, p. president; J. T. Ritchie, R. Mcretaxy; 8. B. Misenheimer, assistant secretary ; J. A. Peeler, treasurer; Lone Earnhardt, mas ter of forms; Geo. A: Peeler, eonduotor; J. A. Jones and T. R. Lingle, guards ; J. L. Shuping, chaplain. Young lady at Mr. and Mrs. Ause Redwine's, January 17th. John Ritchie has his new resi dence under cover and is getting long fine with the building . Some of the granite contractors had pay day Saturday. J. T. "Wyatt's pay roll was $558.48, be ing for work done the latter part RIVERBOTTOMS. Jan. 18 We are having Bome cold weather alone now. The Yadkin river is f rosen over. It certainly is something to see. It has bean several years since it has been frozen over. Say girls, it is leap year now. You all know it is our time to go to see the boys. Gome on girls let's go. we muit not let any one get ahead of us because the River bottom girls are always smart. The Pool Town school is closed this week on account of the river being frozen over so the teacher cannot cross . We noticed in Unole Josh's item) that he hai some good look ing girls . H w are they up on the creak? Mies Pearle Crook and Miss r In Interesting Question. r; Atlanta, Jan. 20. If a nian de iberately spits in he plate ffom whiohyon are eating, does -that justify you in killing him? If you ' onghn't to kill him, - what ought you to do? And if you do kill him what is a reajonabie punishment for the homicide? - These interesting questions are being pondered most seriously by Governor John M . Slaton, and will have to be answered by him shortly. , Not that anybody has spit in his plate. Perish the idea. If anybody v had, the governor would probably have killed him first and figured it out afterward, at least he might have. But this case relates to a poor negro whom the governor met and talked to on the State prison farm. He seemed to be a cood ne- . 1 11 j 3 i- gro, wisn a Kinaiy iaoe aoa uon est eves. Yet he was np for murx der. and had already served twenty years. He sought out the governor to ask him for clemency. He said he had never committed any other orime, and that he wouldn't have killed the man if he hadn't been jes' bleeged to do it." Why did you kill him?" the governor asked, and the negro responded. 'Well, him an' me was working on a job in Savannah, an' wheu dinner time came he keep leanin' over my plate. An1 I tole him not to lean over it, that way, an' do you know, governor, he spit right in my rations, Dat's why I killed him. I'm sorry I done it, but I think twenty years is long enough to serve." of 1011, and just now came in ,, . . t u. nA Jessie Reid are talking of taking a vtin hnnaAfrtannr nt Mr. And I 3 t oa trip to Richmond, iVa. We wish XirS. Will irexier s jsuuarjf . . . them much pleasure on their trip, lilts May Wiley is at home on sh0VLi& they go. visit to her parents from smitn deal's Business College, Rich- nbnd, Va., where she has been for several months taking a busi ness course. David n.vPftftlflr. the oldest UMISlll A M W M W and has heart trouble. Come now, Yadkin Valley Ripples, we like yonr items. Venus. uome along Jennie and give us all the news. Don't think be cause you are married we don'1 want to hear from you . I think I will have some wed Rubt. ROCKWELL. Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs Luther fjtackleather moved into the resi dence of J. B. McCombi last Wednesday. Johns Friok is all smiles be- cause it is a big boy. 5 - . Miss Bertha Staokleather visit d Miss L;llie and Pearle Good- ,sian Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Goodman Tiaited at Albemarle Saturday night and Sunday Aboat Counting Chickens. The Greensboro Record warns Democrats not to count their chickens before they are hatched, and says : "there must be a change of 600,000 votes fcr the Democ orats to win." This is on the ba sis of the 1908 presidential vote. TheBe .600,000 voters have already ohanged, as witness the 1010 elec tion. They must change back to the Republicans after leaving themrfor the Republicans to win. All the same, the admonition of the Record is in seison. The signs all point to a Democratic victory, but it can only be won by wise legislation by the present Congress, a sound platform and President Ftiors Telegraph Scheme. Washington, Jan. 16. It is learned by the highest authority today that Presi dentTattis in sympathy with the government ownerphip of telegraph scheme. Hitch cock and Taf t have conferred often regarding the plan and it is understood that Mr. Taf t may before the close of his term recommend its adop tion by congress. Hitch cock in publishing his views plans to feel out the public without committing the President to its principles. If the public approves it President Taft will urge its adoption as pointed out in the White House statement yesterday, the President care fully avoided a denial of his personal approval of the plan. - i Miss Lucile Linn, of Salisbury, the nomination of candidates visited home folks Saturday. who have the confidence, of the w ttt t r:.,i;a-nA country. So Democrat who fav- Urs. H. W. Bost viiited Mrs Bost's father Saturday night. Miss Ruth Trexler visited Miss llae Friok Saturday night. Mr. and Mis. J. T. ors a do-notning. standpat pro gram can win, and unless this Democratic Congress measures up to the expectations of the people they will jeopardize the Demo- Fisher are cratio victory now almost within thinking of moving to Concord con. . . Moses , Holshouser has a smile two by four, because it iB another boy. : ; . Come oa Venus you- promised to tell us the news, we have look ed the capers over .and haven't seen any yt. CouNTBYKina. our grasp. Raleigh News afcd Ob server. Sale of YalnaWe f own Lots nf fUtfai1 Pursuant to" a judgment and decree of the superior court of Rowan coun ty,' in the causer en titled-T L. Thompn son and others against ThoB, Hellard, Br., Floyd Thompson and . others, ap pointing the undersigned commission era to sell tne real estate., of the late Jesse Hellard for division . and - parti tion, the undersigned will selRat pub- lis auction ai the court house door in the City of Salisbury on Saturday, January aitn, at twelve o'cloclc M., the following de scribed real estate : ; (1) Two vacant lots lying and be ing in the town of East Spencer, front ing and Bituate on the northwest side of Henderson street and-known' as dots Nos. 13 and 15 respectively, lot lb. 15 beginning at a stake on the northwest corner , of the intersection of Shaver street extension and Hen derson street, now core er of . lot No. H ,-tffcence with line of lot No.' 14 or extension of Shaver street south 57 degs. .45 minutes , 155 1-2 feet to a gtake on the alley, thence with edge of 12 foot alley 80 70 featnorth 39 degs. 80 minutes west to a stake, corner or lot No. 18, thence with edge of lot 18 north 57 degs. 45 mmntes east 163 feet to a stake Henderson street, thence with edge of Henderson street 60 feet south 32 degs. 15 minutes east toagtake to the beginning corner, And lot No. 16 is bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake on the southwest corner of the extension of Shaver street and Henderson street, thence with the edgeof Henderson street 60 feet to a stake, corner of lot no. . 12. thence with line of said lot 12 south 57 degs , 45 minutes west 148.03 feet to a stake on edge of- alley, thence with edge of said alley 50 feet west 89 degs 30 minutes west to a stake corner of Shaver street extension, now lot 14, thence with line of ot 14 west 57 degs. 45 minutes east 148 03 feet to the be ginning corner. For back title to these two lots reference is hereby made to Book No. 90 page 503. (2) One tract beginning at a stake in the Statasville road, thence 'north 10 degs. east 30.10 chains' to a stone, thence north 89 degs. esst 15.60 chains to a stake, thence with new line south 14 west 6.50 chains to a stake, thence south 76 east 6 08 chains to a stake dower corner, thence with dower line jouth 10 east 18.75 chains to a stake on railroad, thence with laihoad 13 chains to a stake, thence south 18.75 chains to a stake in the StatesviUe road, thence with said road to the be ginning, containing 75 and 3-4 acres more or lets ; less however 55 acres heretofore conveyed to J.. H. Carson. deed for which is registered in book 125, page 88, and which leaves in this tract about 20 and 3-4 acres. For back title to this tract,, reference is hereby made to book No. 114,. page 832. (3) One tract of land lying and be ing in Scotch Irish Township on the south side of Third Greek and being part of the Neely Mill tract ana bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake on Third Creek cn Powlass' -line, thence in an easterly direction with Powlass' line to a sweet gum, Powlass and Carson's corner, thence with Car son's line to an ash, Carson's eorner naar Third Creek, thence up Third Creek with its various meanderings to the beginning, containing 36 acres more or less. For back title to this tract reference is hereby made to Book of Deeds No. 78, page 175. ri; - xi a. . . oi a vacant iocs iu tne pare 01 the town of Salisbury known as Ful ton Heights, as shown on the R. ' A. Wheeler map registered in the Regis ter's office of Rowan county in Book 104, page 602, as follows: Lots Nos. 3, 11, and 13 in Block No. 3 and lots Nos. II, 12 and 13 in block r!o 5. These lots are 50x150 feet each, as the same appear on said map, to which reference is hereby made; WoM'sSeeds ; Fop 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best ' ' -Garden and : Farm Seeds. v Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. . We are headquarters for : Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed ' - Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Sola Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it. T,W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . - v Having qualified - as Administrator of the 'estate of Anderson Ransom, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to file an itemized, verinea statement, or same with the undersigned on or before the 1 4 th d a v of D ece mb bt. 1912 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. ..Pi-raons .indebted s: to said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. : -V" :-' -! . - .. This December 9th, 1911. i 6-6 Johjc J. Stkwabt, lmlnistra tor JNO.R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. CHINA, GBOVB, - N. C. 16 years experience. Prices moderate. Home Hale Shoes READ THE WATCHMAN ' FEATHER' BED A- AND PILLOWS gSPECIAl40FreR! :l Let Us Send You a 36 Pound A Feather Bed and Pair of Mn fin 6 Pound Feather Pillows 1 1 1 Freight Prepaid for . . . 4nuWU Send Express or P. O. Hooey Order. TURNER fk CORN WELL, Ctailatti. X t Real Estate-Insurance-Loaps If you have real estate to sell. Gall to see us , If you wish to buy real estate, Call to see us. If you need Insurance, either life or fire, Call to see us. . , If you wish to borrow money. Call to see us. If you have money to lend, Call to see us. , ' We are well prepared to guarantee all loans and pay six per cent for game , and will examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages free of cost to all parties who will place their money with us, and we will' pay interest twice a year at our office. Notary Public in our office to prppare all papers. We earnestly ask that you call to see us when in the city and learn of our plans and methods of business . Salisbury Realty & Insurance Go 122 N, Main St. - A. L. Smoot. Sec. &Treas. " ' - Try a 'pair of Krome Waterproof Shoes made and Guaranteed by COOK BROS., 'Phone 382. 117W. Innes Street, SALISBURY, N. G. THE HOr.tE i i M Breaks 25 Years' Silence. Drops Dead. For twenty five years Louis Raser and his wife lived in the same house in Marvaville, Ky., without speaking to each other. Last Sanday, without any ap parent reason, the' wife broke the silenoe by asking her husband to have a cup of coffee. He replied : I believe I will." Hardly .had he uttered the re mark than he was attacked with heart trouble and died. The incident leadiDg to the traglo climax was not disclosed until his will was made public. The dead man, who was a large property owner, willed everything to his wife. Hia body will be cremated and his ashes cast to the winds from the Cincinnati Suspension Bridge. Sntmt pmiiian lot Standaitf Sttt&tt posttloa tot ocxtmsnr Cvdsmi tfecdlt Machine, HdM nunc I mocnmo. TELL US How you sit at your sewing maohine and j WE WILL SHOW YOU Something. of vital interest' To Your Health. 10J iv vacant jots in tne part 01 tne Vnn Mnnnt t fnn nnir-Vlt, in ihi. Fulton "--I'-- "T town of Salisbury known ?as Heights and being a part of the R. A. Wheeler property as shown on the Wheeler map registered in the V egis ter's office of Rowan county in. Rook 104, page 602 and being lots Hoi. 16, 8, 5, 15. 7. 6, 2, 8, 10, 12 4, 14 and 1 in Rlock No. 3 and lots Nos. 18, 19, 8, 9 10 in Rlock No. 24, and also lot No. 29 in Rlock Ut. 10. These lots are 50x150 feet each fronting 50 and extending Said lots are fully described on the aforementioned map and reference is hereby made to the same for further particulars, boundaries, etc. All of the aforementioned lots will be sold on the date mentioned above to the highest oiider for cash, and said sale will be left open for ten days for a 10 per cent bid. On the day of the sale, each purchaser will be re quired to pay at least 10 pr eent of the purchase price. This December 27th, 1911 . T.I.Thompson, ' R. T. Weatherman, A. H. Price, commissioners. W. A. Rristol, R. Lee Wright, attorneys. UR.KINCS NEW DISCOVERT 11! Surely SJop That CooqIu matter, so come today and let us explain Tti8Sti.Straight"STANDARD" Central Needle Idea A sewing maenme tnat gives you positive healthful exercise. Shoe Co. Salisbury, N. O. Special Demonstrators The Straight and Curved Lines, PUMPKIN CENTER. Richfield, R ato 2, Jan. 22. There i a great deal of 'phone fever in this community at pres ent, some have it very bad . ; The Pinywoods Telephone Com pany, held a meeting Saturday, exercises began at 1 o'clock p, m. MirAda Eagle, of Salisbury, Aas oeen visiting in this com- xnuuity for tome time. ) Miss Carrie Shaver left today for Rutherford College, N. C ihsre she expects to remain until school closes. W. A. Kirk has been visiting in Stanly f or some time . ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Arey visit led in Albemarle, Sunday. ! Oharlie Basinger has a very pek horse at this writing. In. I. M . Shaver slipped and jlei' ou the ice last Moidtty, and iuot been able to wi'k rince, r px ep by th aid of a stick . "Jthrt'V h lttl9 ch'ld of Jas. Hifsm S SPOT vsmr rm The explanation is simple; they are jmaeirm me greatest care and every mgpedient has to pass the test of our own. laboratories ; meres no mi ormiss anoui Hoyster rerifflzers. Sdd 3y Reliable J)ealers Everywhere RS . ROYSTEM GUIANO CO. -Sales Offices Norfolk Va. TarboroNX. Cotumbm S.& Baltimore J4d. Montgomeryiila. Spazianbur 3Cl , Macon Ga. Coliunbu5 6a. mi mi . ': m, itttln pcMttlan for Standard Stttlntf position (or ordinary Central Needla Machines aide needle machine 7 " O I . j BIG LirJE JUST RECEIVED. E-RAO HIDE SHOES for every member of the family. They will wear you 12 months. Bell Shoe Stbre, 111 N. Main St. Salisbury, N. C. iz I LEVEL LftP'i YOUR WITH TE TRIUMPTH DIRT SCRAPER. Does the work of six men and two horses. . Does it better. And we are making a special low; price . on them just now. Salisbury Supply Commission Co., Salisbury. II. G. - 'Phone No. O Neap Passenger Depot . ooooooooooooioocoooooooooco i ft tor M larj Tlie lW Norman Co, Funeral Directors aid Maimers, No. 181 N Main St., Nr&i Coiijt House, Salisbury, s N. C, Every detail Carefully Look ed after by Competent Licensed Men. Day Telephone No. 222. Night Telephone No. 311. John White & Co. 1 LOUISVILLE. KY. EstabUabed 1887 Highest market price paid SShFURS and HIDES. WOOL M C0H1UMI0I You will certainly begin to think about House keeping and the necessary things you will have .to' Durchase before you can begin. Then the question; will arise with you as it has already risen with" many recently married couples: the n "Where can we get the Nicest Furniture and o o o o O o House Furnishings at the Lowest Price?" LET US HELP answer this very important question: which counts most towards making young married couples happy, comfortable and contented with married life:, Nv -: ft "The Place to net the Nicest Furniture at the j uowesirnuo is a& l For All Uinds off High Grade Furniture and q r House Furnishings, For Coffins, Gaskets and q yf E'M.I.AM.SMM Aall Mill J o it o o o o O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o X Embalmina. Call on : w . o o o o GEO. W. THE LEADING RJRN ITURE DEALER UH. ERTAKER, o SalisbiiPVi C. oo6oooooboobo:otoccooobooooo o o o o o o o o o o o v

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