IJ I Liu L J :,wLlu - v ! ; - uli Uu U LJ UUU i -UJ UvUU :! ( h. I ' ;,''Vv'-; OPEMIMG SALE OFWHITE QO 0 DS,WfiSH G) 0 DS, ; THURS Our first special sale of the new year and we are going to sell such good bargains ; .';'7' . that you won't forget our ; ; i ' All winter goods must go. We prefer selling them at a I3SNO!ilrf'' raner than carry oyer for another season. ; This r sale 4.. 4. 4- d lrvrtlr Polifiinrv 1st Tn thnsfi who flrfi alivfi t.a whnt.'Aiir wint pr p.lftaranhft mfinns. it isn't nftfissarv to fitatft that 1 come and let us prove to you that we have gotten miles away; from the cut and dried way of conducting special sales, and we ;gy9? we advertise. Bargain events where goods are really reduced in price and you have a chance to AVE JfiY & MS Our store will be closed ail day Wednesday, January 31st, to mark down goods for sale. 10c Percale 5c At 9 o'clock, Thursday morning, just when the store opens we will have on sale 50$ yards of 10c and 12 1 -2c sea island percale In short lengths', two to ten yards, mosii light colors. Sale rr price per yard Limited amount customer. to Sale Price Jon Staple Cotton Goods. .. fc. 7io Apron Gingham . 5& 2,500, yarda of r9al good grade oV Apron Gingham, regular 7 l-2o goods, sale i price,' per yard 5 a Light weight unbleached domesr ticj 48 inches-wide, (notice the width) fine for qailt lining, etc., sale-price, per yard 4 1-25 Fine medium weight Sea Island, 39 inches wide, tery fine aLd smooth,' worth .6a. sale price, per yard 5a lOo oheriots chambiay for - work shirts, boys' waists, etc., mostly dark colors, 8 1-2) Otttingfor 4 1-2c 8 1 2o Outing, dark colors for 6 1-2o Best heary lOo models Outifig for 6 1-2) BedxTickfng, good featherjiiiok- ing, per yard at . 153 Best heavy AAA Sheeting, worth 8 l-2o, sale price by yard or bolt, per yard 7o . Poe Mill Bleaching 5s Poe Mill B grade- bleached do mestic, full yard wide and a nioe soft finish, : worth 7 l-2o, ale price .53 10c Suiting for 5 a hot of 10c Cotton; jSuiting, dark colors, sale price , . 5o Best lOo Flannelette, dark col-" crs, salepric9 7,1-23 15c Kimona Oating - 10o Final Fale of Ladies' Coat Suits. We are making prices that should move all the suits we have left quickly. A golden opportu nity if you need a suit at all. Lot No. 1. Choice of any suit we have, and we have a few $25 ones yet, sale price $10.00 There will be j ust come the first day come DAY Lot No. lot M Lot. No. Choice of this $7.48 of this $5.95 tan coats 8. Choice lot A lot of women's long worth $8 50 to $15 00, choice of the lot - $2.98 Lot No. 2 Women's 15 00 ut coats, choice $1 ?'! Few women's long black coats and children's coats to go at a big reduction. Winter Millinery Slaughtered. Trimmed Hats, shapes, Chil drtn.'j8LHat9 and Gaps are to go way below cost. "SWeaters Reduced. Women's and chil Ifen'a'wool sweaters at clearance sale-prices. - Small children's 4 So sweaters for -75c Sweaters for MiBsea' white 98 3 all wool ers for Misses' red $1.43 all wool 353 48 o sweat 75o sweat- 98j era for Women's $2 00 all w:ol, sweaters, fall size and a red nice one for $2.00, sale price $1.48 Hug Sale. $1.50 velvet Rag 27x54 at 983 $2.00 Axminster Rag beeuuful pattern 27x54 eale price $1.48 $8.50 value Axroiniater Rag 80x72,: pretty pattern, sale price $2.69 Final Clearance sale of all Winter Un derwear. All 25c winter underwear, ladies' vests and pants, children's vests and pants, or anion suits and boys', sale prioe 19a All 50o winter underwear ladies union suits, vens and pant and children's union suits, sale price y 38? Ladies' 75c grey wool vest and pants, sale price .. 583 Ladies' 98o underwear . 75o Torchon and Val ':. Laces.- , v Nice selection of val and round thread lace3 with insertion to lots of extra good bargains that quantity is toosmall to advertise any day. FEBRUARY 1si? AT 9 A. BEGINS FEBRUARY Soap Extra Special Apron Ging ham 3 l-2(U - ; 2000 yards of a good grade of apron gingham short lengths of 7 1-2c fade and not quite stan dard width. Will be on sale when store opens nd till all is g sold. Per yd 5 r&G match, 2 yards for ;5o Also 5 1-2i andJ irp. Nice torchon laces per yd !4 &5o Winter Gloxes t" Women's and children's wool 1 mittens and gloves aU .reduced Womens 50o fleeced cashmere 2 button gloves for . , 38? Women's 25a wool Hose 18?; Clearance sale of Silks. In connection with cur white V goods and winter goods sajle, we are offering, special value 'in silks from our regular stook. j - r 25o silk with dotB, etc, 27 inches wide, nice selection in colors, sale price lOv Lot of Silk Remnants to be cleaned out at almost any old prioe. : Silk Marquesette, 40 inches wide, $1 CO value, Black, 'Navy aTd White, sale price ' . 683 20 inch Crepe de Chine in pink . Llue, aud white, sale price 433 Yard wide shepherdjeheck Taffeta, worth $1.00, sale-price 7f3 Yard wide changeable Taffeta, $1,00 value for 75s Extia T ' nioa $1.00 quality yard Messaline, nice range cf co!or(, sale prioe 79 $1.00 value yard wide Black Taf feta, Bale price 683 $1 25 yard wide black Peau-der goire . 98 J " Men's and Boys' Clothing at Clearance sale prices . ? Selling clothing as . we do, at very close, prices, enables us to make very attractive for the q.ual ity offered. Every winter iBuit in the hcuae a HEILF ito BOLT L0N3 CLOTH 59c. 10-yard bolt long cloth 89c value. Spec- K Q a ial per bolt 3 j '-no of our five prices : $3.48 $5.98 $7.48 $9.48 a ud $12.43 It you will need a sait any time soon, look these over You canfiud some extra good values, Men's $5.03 overcoats. sl prioe $3.43 Msn's $10.00 long gray cr black overcoats,, sale rric5, $8.43 4Big lot -of m')a'i - $1,50 k!d pantB for 93 i Men's extra g vod 50 j gaunvlH -; : Qlbye3, sale price, 38'' Men's extra good $1,00 pauntret Gloves, sale price, 855. All Men's and Boys' Winter Un derwear Reduced. Men's 25c Oaibmere socks in firry tan and black at 19: Men's and Boys' Hats worth 75 j for 48 Big lot of Men's and Boys' Ha9, worth $100, sile prne - 68: Clearance Sale Price on shoes of all Kind for the Family. Big lot of odd pairs of Shoes of all kind, floe -or coarsa. ou couater. Oome piik out tha piir . you want the pnie will be very low. Men's Brogan Shoes $1.19 " Selbys' hoe"' shoes fcr women also Godmia's iuoladei in this sale. Women's $1.48 all salid leather blushers, box calf or vioi with patent tip. sale prioa $1.19 Godman'B $1.50 women's shoes, at $1.39 Godman's $2.00 woaaen's shofls. at $1.79 Belby's at Selby's at Selby's at : Selby'a at Men's $2.50 women's shoe $1.93 $3 00 $3 50 $4 00 woman's ehoSf $2.43 $2.93 sh&r. $8.43 woman's women a shoes, ; Ralston Health, Fellowcraft, etc., reduced. $4.00 Ralston Shes at $3.48 $3.50 Fellowcraft Shoes at $2.93 $3,00 G. & A. Shoes at $2.69 AH children's' shoes reduced . Ask E IV! BRtl I D ER& IMGES nn Now is the time to" buy all the Bho3syoa are likely to need ebon. Comforts and Blank ets. $1 25 full size comforta, filled with nioe .white catton, clear anee sale price ' . 98o $1.50 Uomfart8. gilefprice$1-25 1 93 Comforts, sal price 1 1.48 2 48 Comforts, sale price 1.93 Blankets. Oaly a few pairs left, but will Bell what we (have at very low prices. , - DresssGoods. r 56 inch Ashlacd-Bcoadcloth, no - ttce the width -w?otfth 503 yard, clearance sale, per .-ynrd : 29j Grey plaid wool, good 56 inohes wide,' Arorth- 50o,w;sale price per yard ' 293 $1.00 quility Broadcloth, 50 inches wide, sale price 65 3 White Goods Sale. Ia connection with our clear ance sale of winter goods, we will also have our , opening sal of while goods, embroidery, laces, children's dresses, boys' wash suits and rompers. A grand op portanity to get' youc supply of white go ds. . - Embroidery Sale. Big lot of nioe wide: embroid ery, 12 and 17 inches wide. can oe uea tor corset covers etc , value op to 353, sale 10c price, per yard ' Nice ?lot of embroidery, ;!per yard 5? Extra speoial embroidery 25 3 27-inch Flonaciog, .'also a few pieoas of allov.or, value 4So, ia!e price : 25 a 27 -inch Swiss Flp-ancirig, suitable for children's drse3, value 753, sale price : ' 48: AUovir embroidery, nic arid dainty, for . - 48 ' aExtra Special 25e Flaxon 15e. 1000 yards cf very .fine sheer wh it9 Flaxon i jstrfpes , d i mi ity, check, etc., : regular 25c value bur pries per.yard 153 3T- to see tne unadvertised 3a -inj 1912, xtra Speclar 48c Sheets for 25c. 10 dozen 72x00 sheets full bleached and made or nice sotx aomasxic. Not over four t a customer, at 251 On sale Friday7 morning, February 2nd, 9:305 40 inch White Lawn, worth !5cT for ; 10 j?; 27inch White Law, real' nice; only ; 5-3 White Madras for waists 103 Beautiful sheer quality Linaire - waistrng, 253r quality, sale price 18s $1.25 bolt Long Cloth, 12 y.rde, at, per bolt 95 J White counterpanes, full sise,. good heavy weight, $1 .00 .value 85) Extra large size hfeavy $125 counterpanes, sale pries 983 12 l-2a Pillow Cases, 42x8d for 8i Popperell Mills pillow esses 45x36, worth 18b, for 153 25o hemstifcehad pillow cases.' 45x86, for 20 J 75c Sheets. 81i90, Beamless, sale price 58) Nice 15c Bleached Turkish Tow els for 103 Opening Sale of Children's new spring gingham, dress- es,boy'sf wash suits, romp ers, girl's middys, etc. Small Children's Dresses extra Z nice, 8 ta 6 years, for only. 48a. Children's Dresses,' 6 to 12 years, " : nicely made fjT only - ::"403;'' Children's extra , nice Gingham ? Dresses, new styles, etc., worth"-" $1.25 for. .. ... . ;. . ;983.--:. Middy Blouse for viB?ftnd'08. Bays' Rompers for - 25 and 4-83 Nice lot tf ;boyswiishsmt8 Dbn't ; worryj abent sswing; when you pan buy ,; goedt r ready : made at the above prices. f Coats Spool Cotton. : i ; k ' 4 ; jOr KingV Spoof Cotton ipoolsf6r.-rf;-it uoats Bilk tiniBh crochet cottfti tor 4i:-v Tearl buttons, per doaen Hemstitched handkerchiefs 2 balls white thread for " ; 1o bargaiiis. llftjpiicfiffit 1" i'

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