v. vi1 " SHORT LOCAL ITEMS the Lutheran CyoljDedUr Prof :Tri"Z 7U" .uxjr Overt? HiK fflffP ; 8 THE CAROLinAMATClirm Meis. iutHwvirtbci.ii I. ttiai.iti.LtSSi &ilbg.cimrum-llblll..JJobn& Sow by breaking ThA flonnflii nf - At T,f- - ana jk. j. MeDane.of laBwnings 7 on me Unhewn Oh0toh-ht pnunted 'rT?,1 w,,'u a ,nDmv- B, G. Kix jr making the preieuta ad enc r is DeiDg msae to or ganize a Saliabary gun olub. . If the olab taoeeedi in getting auffi eient membart to organize iaveral hooting matohea may bV expect ed this fall. - Owing to the large increase- of of abandoned womeu. in 8aliabury the W. U T, . U. at a meeting held lait Thursday eyening, de. eided to employ a woman to go among this olaaa and e. da yor to reolaim them. It is said women of this oharaoter -ara maoh rmore nameroos here now than" ever be fore.' ; V' ' The East Spencer publio sohool wrilolose Thursday and Friday, ry lith and 12th. Rev. W. H. Oaasey, of Oonoord;will speak on Thursday night and Rev. W. W. Eowe, of Newton will make an address Friday morning. There arq fire in the graduating class. V B. II. Hooper and Rolert II. Walker, doius a beef bosinetB hare . deBolved partnership. -Air Hooper has assamed all obliga tiots and will continue the busi ness. " Ihe Spark's Shows which have spent the winter here, will Muced the speakers. The nrst speaker, the road again on April lit b, giving the first exhibition in Salisbury on that: date. May they have a big oron d . Quite an mtesestiug program has been arranged for, the second annual meeting of the State Bara-ca-Phibathea whioh isto be held in Salisbury April 13th, 14th and 15th. A big parade Sunday even, ing will be a feature of the meet ing, v J. A. Livingston, who was up to recently af sistant principal of the Brevard Institute, was in Salis bury this week looking after the interests of the Christian Advo cate, the organ of the Methodist Church, publishedat Greensboro. Club : rooms Friday" evening iur me purpose oi naving the churches take up the "Men and Religion Forward Move ment. Hon. Johu S. Hen derson presided at the meet ing and beside short talks by ine Messrs. Mebane, Kevs. Byron Clark. Id. M. Kinard. F. J. . Mallett, J. W? Moore and U. J. '.Jones also made some remarks. A motion was carried to noia a mass meeting: in , the opera house Sunday evening and a corns mittee consisting of two from the different churches was named to make the necessary announcements. This! com mittee organized by. electing Geo. K. Collins chairman and he agreed to take charge of the music- for the occasion. Hon. John S, Henderson was to have sreneral surjer vision of the mass meeting, A. M. scales and J. A. Martin of Greensboro were secured as speakers and an appropriate program was arranged. 1 Ihe mass meeting was held in the opera house at 4 o'clock Sunday evening. A short song service was conducted by Geo. R. Collins, a prayer was offered by Rev. M. M. Kinard, and Mr. Henderson first explained the object of the meeting and then intro J. A. Martin, told of the origin of the movement and what it stood for, to wit: Missions. Bible study, social service, evangelism, and boy's work, represented by a hve pointed red star. The idea is to have appointed five men from each church to look after these particular branches. A cen sus of the church going and non -church going men and boys of the city is to betaken and an active campaign is to be commenced to bring them into the church. It was stated that 73 per cent, of the church members are women and that only 27 per cent. are men and that it will re- ntnrltinmimt of Dr. I VcaA VKJ w. ' t . nit . . ,i Doniou OJ. til a uuiucu auu McElfresh, national .J ,.,.,, pra Ka qUlV DUUIVlUgi -M.f UU.VA wuv here nnire the addition of 10.000.- D. 0. Lingle is having five cot-qqq men to the church rolls tatres built near the college. jto equal the women. i Arrangements are for the Franklin training lecturer of Sunday School ehurches mu8t get together teacner wno wui speas: nere ft d eet on tne job iQ an Sunday, April 21st. ' earnest and friendly manner. n.. t n T-'na f f th He said the churches could '"" 9 " t w w w- i i i i ? i .nAiA m Mnai.m.n"Af sii never nope - to accompueu f0""" " I V. tttt 4 Vi Vhc nnnnvArtnrl uur, v , th ncmld not. or mm -m M I W AVUM M - day last Wednesday, umum oi woul(f nott live in peace with being a little deaf the Captain is each other. He said the job as spry and active as most men waa Dj enough for all and whoare mnch younger. ' May he that the Christian who never be with us and enjoy many long did anything more than study years yet. the Word. Dray ana sing would accomplish a very lit tle for the Masters Kingdom Work is the thing, personal effort combined with faith fulness, persistency, wisdom and love. A resolution to appoint a committee of 100 to take up th wnrk was nassed as was David' Easter, ferryman at , anotiier heartily endors Sowers' rerry on the Yadkin river j the "Men and Religion died Tuesday of last week from porWard Movement. the effects of grippe .and pneu- convention will be held monia. The funeral and inter- in Greensbolo April 14, lo menttook place last Wednesday and 16 to which Salisbury at Smith Grove. Davie county, was mviieu w bcuu o delecrates as possible. M mm M.m MIIIIUB W M V DIB M. mm 1 . i. - -.t j u:u ine nauiiuK wiu- leaves a wue auu uuuuiou, u aa v.n - mir.T.RHOi one uuuuicu iuou George McOarn, a well known was left to the ministers' of oitizen of wold mil. aiea ias tne various uuuicudd t Thureday from the effects of a committee is now about com anon oi paraiji.wuiu lnad ... !-" I I I H II inn Ll 111 K "HO wwKjv lered tne previous aay. moVru - T . . R wasinhi. usual health w ; day. He was about W years om - d was pre8ent v 1 5 J 1 n I ' " A 1 aua naa mamea omy JBW flni1 al seemed to De greauy ago. He leaves a wue ana a infpTP,Rt,fid in the matter The funeral back;dodr or by unboltinsr the blinds and cutting the glass in a back window.' 'As both places showed ueh con ditions Jt is not knowiTat whica point the entrauce was made nor why both door and window, was -r po defaced. Nothing wse disturbed ex cept the safe. The combina tion lock was knocked off and Jthe stem driven in. Whether the safe was opened is not kuown. Mr Brown says that there is a block back of the lock that is expected to fall and prevent an entrance being made when so attacked. lie is hoping this took place and that hiB stock of jewelry, which was stored in the safe, is intact. The burglars also entered the store of Templet on & Yost, making an entrance through a back window. The money drawer was opened; but as there, was no money in it nothing else was dis turbed not even several dol lars worth of stamps. The thief however took a liking to Mr. Templeton's bicycle and used it to get away on. It was ridden to Spencer that night and left and Mr. Tern pleton has recoverd it. MARRIAGES Miss Mary Estelle Lentz and Jphn Richard Pealer, both of Salisbury, were united in mar riage last Thursday evening by Rev. M. M. Kinard, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Chjaroh. State Fair October 14 to 19. The fifty-second great North Carolina State Fair will be held at Raleigh, N . C , from October 14 to 19, 1912. Jcseph E. Pogue, secretary. Arcadia. Arcadia Is tfhe central state of th ancient Peloponnesus, Greece. It de rived its name from Areas, the son of Calllato. The inhabitants considered themselves the most ancient in Greece. They lived In a state of peace and in nocence, and hence... the word "Ar cadia'! has (-ome to denote rustic sim plicity and content. Unreasonable. "John." said the bargain hunting half of the matrimonial trust aar they sat at the breakfast table, "1 wish you would let me have $10 this morn ing." "My dear.' replied the meek and lowly husband. "1 wish you would break yourself of the habit you have of dreaming that 1 married an heiress." Pains ."You era welcqine says Mrs. Nora Guffey, of Brokoi Arrow, Okla., "to use myj letter in any way you want to,' If it will Induce some suffering woman to try Cardul Ihad; pains all over, and suffered:witrf an abscess. Three phy slcians failed to relieve ihe. 7 Since- taking Cardul, I am In" better health than everjbefore, and that means much to me, because I suffered tnany years with womanly troubles, of different ktodsi VHiat-: other treatments I tried, helped me for a few days only." CMiyrVVomSlTorac Don't waft until you are taken down sick, before tak ing care of voelt-: The small aches and pains, and other symptoms of womanly weakness and disease, always mean worse to follow, unless given quick treatmeht" - Yen would alwaJceep?CarduI handy, if you knew what Quick and rxrmanent relief it crives. where vMbm and" disease of the womanly system malces life seem hard to bear. Cardid has helped over a million women. Trv if lMjpmWtuirmtl$m.9mUm Tmtment for Women." seat free H . Fish Need Air. Fishes, iise all other animals, need air. If they could not get ..it they would be suffocated. Just as you would If you were locked In an air tight trunk. . When the sea la frozen for miles, as in the Arctic ocean, the fishes find It very hard "io come to the top and must then "breathe" the air which Is dissolved In the water, v Sou have often seen the May bubbles which col lect on the Inside of a glass which has been standing full of water overnight. Well, that is the air which has been dissolved in the' water, and after the glass has been tapped, so that all these bubbles come to the top, fishes could sot Uve in that water. In other words, they would drown. Mark Twain's Joke on the Bishop. . Bishop Doane of Albany was at one Jtbne the rector of an Episcopal church in Hartford, and the services at this charch Mark Twain would occasionally attend. Twain one Sunday played a Joke upon the rector. "Dr. Doane." be said at the end of the service. "1 enjoyed your sermon this 'morning. 1 welcomed it like an old friend. I have, you know, a book at home containing every word of it." "You have not." said Dr. Doane. 1 have so," said the humorist. "Well, send that book to me. I'd like to see it" Til send It." Twain replied. And he sent the next morning an no abridged dictionary to the rector. Won by Nam. During the Afghan war of 1879 a amall British detachment gained a victory over a large body of the ene my by a mistaken order. A private named Vance, who bad distinguished MmwAif by several acta of bravery, waa a great favorite with .one of the officers, and during a skirmish the officer wanted him to carry s dispatch to the colonel in command of another detachment. The man was only a few yards away, and he. called out, 44 Vance I" at the top of bis voice. The men thought he bad given the order "Advancer and immediately rushed forward with such dash and spirit that the enemy broke and fled. . notice to Cretliters Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. T. Barber, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said de2edent to file an itemized, verified statement of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 27th day of March 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thetr recovery. Persons indeb ed to said estate are n (ified to make prompt settlement- This March 26th, 1912. (Mrs.) Cornelia Babbeb. Admr. Barber, N. O. Kluttz & Kluttz, attorneys. 6t Summons by Publication. Ron-Resident. Walter R. Graham willvtake notice that W. R. Shaver and wife Jessie L Shaver have commenced an action on thft anAniil nrnnooHtno oMu f U r. doeket to sell for partition and division one tract or land in Kowan County Cleveland township, North Carolina, containiner S5 anres and hpincr iha namo lands assigned to Walter R. and Jessie li. uranam, re co rue a in special pro- Ceedinf? drtnknt fin. fi n. era RSQ nlawlr'a office, Kowan county, and that sum mons has' been issued in said cause ana returned defendant not to be found in Rowan nonntv? und that de fendant is required to appear before this court on April 11th, 1912, and answer or demur to the complaint therein filed or the relief therein de manded will be granted. This March . . J. X1. MoCUBBINS, Clerk SuDerinr Court R. Lss Wright, attorney. At 8 Use; Basic Slag,;fhiis Phosphate, , make better ciods and build tin vonr iatid at th Mmft time. . It is a natural fertilizer not treated "witH isaK phuric acid, has a Lime Filleb, cost tbe same as other guano that has a dirt filler, and it is many , times bet ter for the land; 1 By using this guano regularly you will soon have your land limed without any ccet whatever more than you now have and the land will;-rftdnallv vwn uDttci uuys joar aiwr ypar. w : -If you read-agricultural papere you are acquainted witb Thomas phosphate and its many advantages over the treated tertilizers. We import it and retail it to you at wholesale prices. fflcCubbins i Harrison Co,, Real Estate Real Estate Loans, Insurance. Innes Street, Salisbury, N. C Wk Dod'I Yo Let Dynamite do the h Hard Work Sale oi Land Rear Gold Hiii. Pursuant to an order of the Super ior Court made in the, cause entitled John J, Stewart, administrator of Anderson Ransou vs. Adelaide Ran son, John Ransou and Ellen Ranson, appointing the undersigned to sell the real estate of Anderson Ranson to make assets to pay debts, the under signed will sell at the court house door in th city of Salisbury, on - Saturday, March 80th. 1012, at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed real estate: Lying in Morgan Township about 2 and 3-4 mileB east of Gold Hill on the east side of the Bringle Ferry road, and north of Flat Rock, and bounded on the north by the lands of Charles Morgan, on the south by the lands of Stephen Brady, on the oast by the lands of Frank Mauney, now Faggart, on the west by tne xu acre lot iormerly owned by Will Morgan, and contains about fif teen acres, and being the lands con veyed to!Anderson Ranson by Eliza beth McCanless. deed for which is duly registered in the Register's of nee for Kowan county, to which refer ence is hereby made, Terms of sale : Cash. This February 26th, 1912. John J. Stbwabt. commissioner R Lee Wright, attorney. number of children. waa held Friday. The many friends of Mrs. M A. Stirewalt, of China Grove, rill regret to learn of her death under consideration. Old Folks' Singing at Faim; There will be an Old Folks' tv sr. la si name at onuon which took place at her home Reformed Ghurch, Faith, JJ. about 60 yeara of jiro and leavea If-i art' vnnna. - .... 1 I I 1 1 1 1 rT-- IIULU U1U UUVA j w , a husband and several children to ' n KaVaf a olan anu unug iuu uodhukb, nil hrino- with you all the old, fa, so, la singing t)ooKS vnn have or can ret. uome and let's have a nice and pleasant time. JOHN D. A. HISHER, for the old folks. mourn her loss.. The funeral waa held from Bbei ezer E L. Church Tuesday, Rtv. H. A Txaxler officiating. Samuel L, Roberta, who . lives near China Grove died suddenly ' Sunday night. He had just re fclvAil tA it it thrtnirht hta rlAnth ... an. t Wrt. faiW Th "Threi Farmers, colored, married, 7 . . ' , , mL, good Horsemen , for; farm near funeral too p'aoe monaay aiter-1 pittabars. Pa. Address Wm. H noon from Lutheran Chapel, Miller, 1810 Sheffield St.. N . S.; JSf . 0. A. Brown oooiating - inttaburg, fenna." 2-7 t pd. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain .remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are five letters from southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Elliston, Va. " I feel it my duty to express my thanks to yoti and your " great medicine. I was a sufferer from female troubles and had been con fined in bed over one third of my time for ten month's. I could not do my housework and had fainting1 spells so that my husband could not leave me alone for five minutes at a time. " IJow I owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. Whenever I see a suffering woman I want to tell her what these medicines have done for me and I will always Bpeak a good word for them." Mrs. Robebt Blaxkenship, Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va. LETTER FROM LOUISIANA. New Orleans, La. "I wa3 passing through the Change of Life and be fore 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, backache and irregularities. I would' get up in the morning feeling tired out and not fit to do anything. ' Since I have been taking your Compound and Blood Purifier I feel all right. Your medicines are worth their weight in gold." Mrs. Gastow Blonde au, 1541 Polymnia St., New Orleans, La. - LETTER FROM FLORIDA. Wauchula, Fla. " Some time ago I wrote to you giving you my symp toms, headache, backache, bearing-down, and discomfort in walking, caused by female troubles. ''I got two bottleB of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash and that was all I used to make me a well woman. "I am satisfied that if I had done like a good many women, and had not taTcen your remedies, I would have been a great sufferer. But I etarted in time with the right medicine and got well. It did not cost very much either. I feel that you are a friend to all women and I would rather use your remedies than have a doctor." Mrs. Mattie Hodnot, Box 406, Wau chula, Florida. LETTER FROM WEST .VIRGINIA. Martinsburjf, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done wonders for my mother, daughter and myself. . " I have told dozens of people about it and my daughter says that when, she hears a girl complaining with cramps, she tells her to take, your Com pound." Mrs. MAST A. Hockkitbbbbt, 712 N. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va. ANOTHER XETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport News, Va. "About five years ago I was troubled with Buch pains and bloating every month that I would have to goto bed. . "A friend told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I scon found relief. The medicine strengthened me in every way and my doctor approved of my. taking it. ...... ... .. . "I wiU'be glad if my testimony will help some one who Is suffering from female weakness." Mrs. W. J. Blaytoit, 1029 Hampton Ave., Newport News, Va. -f ' Why don't you try this reliable remedy? PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N. O. Does a General Banking Bnsiness. 32r IPeB? X2ix&X We pay 4 psr cent on time de- posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given tar any business entrusted to ns. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. John S. Henderson, J. D. Norwood,.. president. cashier D. L. Gaskiu., W. T. Busby, V.-president. asst. cashier Our Building Material will please you Our ceiling and aiding a $1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you. Good man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L, EVERY WOMAN CAN MAKE MONEY AT HOME. The Woman's Exchange will help yon. COME TO THE WOMAN'S EX CHANGE. In Reidi itore. 'Phone 640. Od the Farm? It is the cheapest way to Dig ditches, , Plant trees, Grub stumps, or Break up subsoil. We always carry a good stock. -i Thone No. 8. Salisbury Supply & Commission Co., Near Passenger Depot, o ni loniinir m Mi Ci q vavavavavaavirtNgNBNavvivpa? THE H0H1E OF SAMPLE SHOES BIG LINE JUST RECEIVED. Dr. F- Thomas OSTEOPATH. Successor to Armstrong and Manger Office i 108i W. Innes. Tetephon.120. DR. M.J. RAGLAN D VETEINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 480. 4-270 25. PILLOWS FREE Mail as $10 for SS-poond Feather Bed and receive 6-pound pair pillows frmm. Freight prepaid. Hew leathers, best ticking, BatiaXactioa gtinHimnort. AGENTS WANTED .TURNER & CORNWELL ' Feafiker Dealers. Dept. A. Cbarioito, R. C kRAW HIDE SHOES fcr every member of the 'family. They will wear you 12 montho. 111 N. Main St Salisbury, N. C. ll Try an ad . in The WATCHMAN r 1 i

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