, H ooooooodooooooooooooo JESusr 1li o.30.dL l&jpoLiir AM flft IPCa: at : o -flTfiiiftfttsftga if UlliV '''llnnRJ'V-Uiyjnlu:!. 0. 0 .il5(iiiiipiiiiiipiin(npiifliiuiupiiiiii0iiiiuiijpjii : & y - lV ' " - u - - - ; . ..... , ' f) . w m m ; rjMi h j mm r m e a . & va . m m mm a a - m s Coo a T J OAlOt.IHA WATCHMAN WM. H. STEWAKT, Ed. and Fro f ablltbcd eary Tuesday at 120 West Innei street. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 18th. 1S05, at the post office at Salis bury, H. O., under the act of Congress cf March 8 td, 1878. Kauiiuit. N. C.Apr. i0th,1912 CITIZENS OF morgan Want TO VOTE ON COURT HOUSE PROPOSITION. April 6 We have some fine weather along nowr and the farmers can prepare for planting corn. Moses L. Wyatt, who moved near Chii.a Grcve last winter, visited his old home a few days ago. He says that he likes his ' new home fine. Mr. Wyatt has old (he p'ace he moved from to Jarvey Morgan. Stokes Bros., Parker & Hiuscn have finished sawing for Rich Morgan. They expect to move in a few weeks. Luther Cauble of near Dunn's Mountain visited near Panther Creek last Sunday evening. Miss Miunie Morgan who has been attending the Normal schcol at Albemarle has returned home There was a social party at Rioh Morgan's recently . There will be preaching services at Wyatt's Grove the second . Sanday. Bdgar J. Canup and Miss Eva Jane Shepherd were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Wed nesday evening, March 27th., at the Lutheran parsonage, Rev Buck .officiating. We wish for them much joy and happiness through life. There was a belling in our com munity last Saturday night. Harvey Morgan visited Pool- town last Sunday. Gaess he sure must mean business, Ha! Ha! Ha! I guess Aunt Patsy has cot seen the automobile from the Yadkin Valley yet, but I guess he has seen the little mule. Since the recent heavy rains the Bringle's Ferry road needs work very bad . I think that if it were put to a rote that the majority of the voters of Morgan township would rote to spend that $125,000 on the publio roads rather than on a fancy court house as the county commissioners propose to do. If these so-called commissioners had to go through the mud that the people of Morgan township nave to go through , in order to get to market they would think about better roads instead of tuilding a fancy court house. The court house that we have now is large enough to hold court in six times a week. Better'leave it to a vote in November and the peo ple of Morgan township will say wnat tney want. Anohymous. b BAD BREATH 19' caused by Indigestion, and that disorder brings on headaches, sal lowness, languor, dizziness "and a general discouraged feeling. SI(VlFvJiOft RED S LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) Corrects all Disorder In The Stomach and Bowels. - Its powerful, reviving and regulat ing influence in the liver and digestive organs brings an immediate improy ment. You feel better. The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet. When the sys tem has been thus purified the bilious, half-sick feeling disappears; the com plexion improves, the breath becomes sweet, the mind throws off gloomy forebodings, and there is a fine feeling of energy and exhilaration all.through the body. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1,00. Ask for the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. If yon cannot get it, remit to us, we will lend it by mail, postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is put op also in liquid form for those who prefer it. Price, tl.OO per bottle Look for the Bed Z label. 3J. H. ZEIL1N & CO., Preps., St louls, MarJ - Robert Josey has beea in the neighborhood of Mill Bridge doing stone or rock work the pact week. He also exchanged horses with. Robert Aran. Oats, wheat, and rye are show ing up well for the last few days. The Farmers' Unicu at this ol cal is doi-.g good work and grow ing iii membership. They art saving some money too, R. O. W. Kluttz sod J. P, Phillips were hauling logs several days. Mr. Kluttz is anxious tc get h's logs t" the sawmill. Several ladies in Litaker town ship have been Working at the roads recently. ' John Bfavor and family were visititig at J. F. Park's yesferday. William Shinn will leave Tnes day for the South He will leave Salisbury Wednesday for Mobile where he will take a steamer Friday for British Honduras." Mr. Shinn expects to .make bis home in British Honduras. We are all sorry for Mr. Shinn to, leave onr neighborhood. . People are busy today planting potatoes, making garden?, etc. : The Danger After Grip lies often in a run-down svstem. ! Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys of tea follow an attack - of 4 this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tcnic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved Sale &1 Land to Make Assets. Under and by virtue of an order of tha Supeiior Court of Rowan County, made in the srecial proceedings en titled Floyd B Brown, Admr. of Min nie Leazer vs. H. M. Leazer et al., the same being No. 106 upon , the special proceeding docket of said court", the undersigned, Commissioner, will on M nday, thp 6th day of May, 1912 at the hour of 12 m., or as soon there after a possible, at the residence of the late Minnie M. Leazer in Atwell T .unship, Rowan county, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing tracts of land ; l?t. Beginning at a Spanish oak, Philip Oveniash's line; thence N 83 poles to a hickory ; thence E. 51 poles to a red ak in Martin Boger's corner ; thence South 83 poles "to a stone; t!.ence N. 51 poke to the beginning, containing 26 acres, more or less. 2nd . Adjoining the lanls of DeWitt Ovrcash, Adolphus Wallace, begin ning at a stake on Dewitt Overeash's Mpe; thence N, 1 deg. W. 100 feet to a stake in said line, thence N. 71 deg.: W 2C0 feet to a stake, a new line; thence S. 1 dog, E 100 feet to a stone; thence S. 71 deg. E 200 feet to the be ginning, containing 50,000 sq. feet. 3rd. Also another lot, adjoining (he above lot Susana Cashion. and H. R Planter, beginning at a stone, Vm. A Leazer's corner to the above lot; thence N. 1 deg. W. 100 feet to a stake ; thence N. 71 deg. W. 62 feet to a stone ; thence S. 1 deg. E. 100 feet to a stone on Uashion's line ; thenee S. 71 deg. E 62 feet to the beginning, containing 6200 sq. feet, more or les. This April 5the, 1912. Fii)ydB Brown, commissioner and admr. Minnie M Leazer. John L. Rendleman, Attorney. Special SUGAR SALE ! We are going to sell one 251b bag of sugar to each fam ily for SI. 50 CASH on SATURDAY, APRIL 13TH, The sale will begin at 9:30 and continue for one hour. Please have the proper change ready in order that each bus tomer be promptly waited on. No other groceries are to be sold while sale is going on. But earlier or later orders will be promptly attended to. Be sure to give ua a trial order of anything in the grocery-line, and den't torget the SUGAR SALE and the place. 6. H. Shaver, 128 South Main St., Salisbury, N, C. soma fine white Leghorn chickens Any one wishing such chickens, can get the eggs by calling on him at Salem parsonage. His price per setting is very reasona ble. Give him a call, Mrs James Bogle is visiting her father tbis week. Miss Beulah Kluttz and her fe - low took a pleasure ride last Sun day . The Spring communion will be held at old Salem the second Sun day hi April Services ou Saturday at 8. p. m. Sunday at 11 a. m, Briggs will be marred EdSifford. S. . Will Easter. $100 Reward, 100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Ca tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only postive cure now known to the medica1 fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatmeut. Hall's Catarrh is takfn internally, acting directly upon the blood and musuous sur faces of the system, whereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution ai:d assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its corative powers that they offer Ouo'Hun dred Dollars fcr any case tat it fails to cure. Snd for list of testimonials. Address: F J. CHENEY & Co. , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall.s "Family Pills for constipation, ROCK. April 1. The farmers are an xiously waiting for it to get dry enough to plow: all think they are behind witutheir work. Arch Slough is having trouble with his eyes again. WHY SCRATCH AND SUFFER? ECZEMA CAN BE RELIEVED SOOTHING APPLICATION. BY SALEM CHURCH. a -n A -rr apm 4 farmers are very much behind with their farm work, too mush rain, This is the first week in Apri and no corn planted yet Will Brigga hash's new hous nearly completed he bought his that they wonderfully strengthen furniture and act it intn hi hna trie nve. builoV up . the system AI1 ne Jack3 18 a hoQS6 . and restore to health and e.xd l t . , , , , spirits after an attack cf Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents i Sold and perfect satisfac tion guaranteed by ail druggists. . - MARRIAJES. Rev. O. W. Aderholdt, has Try Thl Remedy at Our Risk. Bkln troubles are often the most fcmszling of all diseases, and physi cians have been at their wits' end for years to treat them successfully. Meanwhile people scratch and suffer pffitold torments. We now have a remedy, Saxon Balve, compounded for the two-fold purpose of healing the skin as soon as possible, and. allaying at once the Agonizing itching. It is astonishing, even to us, to see now this new skin remedy of ours softens, soothes and hears the skin In all sorts of eruptive disorders auch as eczema, barber's itch, ring worm and tetter. The itching stops In a few moments and the healing process begins so promptly that you jean see improvement in a few days. Saxon Salve is guaranteed to sat isfy you in any case of skin trouble ! of you get your money back. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N. C. Miss Vinnie Johnston, daughter of C, A. Johcston, a prominent farmer of the Granite1 Quirry neighborhood, and JunnuiS M Lyerly, cf Granite Quarry, wore united in the bonds of matrimony Sunday- afternoon at the parsonage of Ujion Luth eran Church, Rev. L. B. Sprach er officiating. These are splendid young people and bave the bfst wishes of a large circle of friends. The marriage of Mrs . Sarah E Earnhardt and John C. Ccughen hour, of Franklin Township, took place at the home of N, C, E ;gle Sunday evening, Rev. J. M, Mc- Kenzse officiating. Mr. Conghen our is a prominent farmer in his neighborhood. f Miss Beulah May Jackson acd Charlie Edgar Aldred were mar ried Sunday evening at the resi dence of Rufus Troutmau who lives near the city on the new Mocksville ro8d The c remony Wis performed by Rev. J. M. McKenzie. The marriage cf Miss Fiors, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sfcmu Bame, ai d - Z)b Morgan f Morgan T.wnsbip, -took plcf at the home of the I r;de'f parents Monday morniig April 7th, Key. W C. Bu..-.'--offiiciatitg Mr, Morgan is em ployed iu Salisbury -and 1 e an.i his bride wilt make their home here. Chest Pains 9 4 and dprainsg Sloan's Liniment is an ex cellent remedy for chest and throat affections. It quickly relieves congestion and in flammation. A few drops in water used as a gargle is antiseptic and healing. ' Here's Proof " I have used Sloan's Liniment for years and can testify to its wonderful efficiency. I hare used it for sore throat, croup, lame back and rheumatism and in every case it gave instant relief." REBECCA JANE ISAACS, Lucy, Kentucky. is excellent for sprains and bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swell ing very quickly. Sold by all dealers. " r -3 i Price, 25o9 5Qc, $1.00 1 DEATHS. C. H. Swiolr, for many years proprietor of a grocery store in Salisbury and a member of a number of secret orders, died at his home in the Southward of Salisbury Satarday evening, the result of tuberculosis. The fun eral was held from the Firs'; Methodist Church Suaday after noon, Rev. More officiating His remains were int-rred in Chestut Hill Cemetsry He wai 54 yeers old; leaves a wife audsix ohildren and maoy friends and relatives to mourn tbeir los3. Mr Swink carried considerable insurance aui was an enterprising citizen . Julius Ludwick, one the county's wealthiest and most prominent citizens, a resident of the Tradingford neighbor hood, died at 5 "o'clock this morning, age 76 years. The funeral will tak3 place at Un ion E. L. church to-morrow. New Silk Dresses. We have on gale a nice lot of Silk Dresses, Nicely made latest styles, ai d made f good quality of Foulard Silk, $10 g value for. ......... r iPf New Spring Silk. Japonika Silks in dos also in Foul ard pattern, 383 value, for 75o ail Silk F ulard I 3 wide in pretty ehsdeg of blue, pongee, etc. Ourppecial, per yard, 25 c shades 48c 75c Black Taffeta, 35 in. wide, nice rustling quality 49c Wool Dress Goods. Foil stock of Wool Dress Goods in Black, Navy, Crpm and all colore rang:ng in price from 25c, 48c, 75c, 98c per yd. Cotton Goods Special. Cotton Voile are all the rage and we are showing nice s-looticns in solid 4 rj colors and stripes. 28 iD. wide, at. . J)Q 5:ttou Voils, 40 inches wide, in the pr tty evening shades, at.per yard Sea Island Tissue in stripes and 4 A1 small checks, colors fact, 18" val. ,2,0 Soirsette, looks I ke silk but wears much better. 80 inchea widev always sells fcr 25 cents. Our special price only Mercerized Bengahne, much prettier thai. Poplin, value 35, our special Mercerized Poplin in all the popular shades, at only 25c 20c 25c 25c Millinery. The hats this season are beautiful and prices very reasonable. Give us a call for your easter hats We'll do our best to please you in style and price. New Spring Oxfords. Never before have we been able to show such a pretty lot -of pump strap sandals and oxfr rds, rangiug in price from $1.C0 to $4 00 Leather, patent, vici, gun metal, velvets, suide, also tans. c Men's nd Boys' Clothing. Extra good values in Men's and Boys Cloth ing. Come in ai d see our stock. We sell for cash only and can afford -to sell cheaper than the credit stores. Belk:Haripy Co. hits we spst e wmwm bby mm jIgS Sloan's R Si S"!! sent free. If FAITH. April 6 Jacob Cliue of Cabar rus County is visiting his old friend and comrade. Pinknfiv Ludwick. Fin yourg truck farmer at Mr and Mrs. Lawson Ludick'a, April 6th. B. 0. Eagta is planting a big field of corn today. Peelsr Brcs. Bawed & large pile of logs the past two days. Mr. and Mrs, Talley Shive bave mo'ed to Caleb Cruse'g farm in Cabarfus County, where they will farm this year. Mr. Shive had just recently built a nice new resideace here, which he now of fers for rent. The pear, trees here are in full bloom, and there are hundreds of them. Mr. aud Mrs. Henderson Gaut havemcved into Robert Stirewalt's house, recently vacated by J. Rinehardt L A. Ritrhi, etaved all l.ight with hie sou, John Rttchie, Thurs day night - Faith and Crescent crossed bats JNO. R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. VH1NA, GROVE, - N. O 16 years experience. Prices moderate. I The explanation is simple ;ihev are - J "-9W VW - nmaewnn me greatest care and every ingredient has to pass the test of our own Jaboraforres theresnoliitormiss"about rerunzers. Sold Sy Reliable Dealers Everywhere F.S.ROYSTEIi GTLIANO CO Sales Offices Norfolk Va. Tarboro N.C. finTnmfia S H BaltirrioreMd. Monl&omeryAla. Spartanburg 5G on Faith's diamond Friday even ing. This is the second game and it was a tie. All are now looking for the final game to come off, which will perhaps be at Crescent commeucemenl. Tbe game Fri day was IS t 9 hi favor of Faitb. Batters for Faith, Ritchie and Jones ; Crescent, Fespsrman aud Shoe. L. A. Ritchie is in Faitb todaj'. H a children are going back with him to spend Easter. M. W, Shive, of P urn Branch, S. C, ia at home over Kester. L J.ShiveandL N. Jones think of going back with him. The Aid and Missnrary Society of Shiloh Rformbd Church, at Faith, will have a.-public mpetr ing the second Sanday night in April. An address by Rev. 8. V Beck, of Cr,.scent. Everybody invited. hailey Bost moved inlo Mr. Yost's house March 23th. H. C Farmer resigned his po sition with the Faith Mercantile Co. April 1st. There is a good home here in Faith for some old, or middle aged man to attend to and work in a big vegetable garden . Light work and a steady job. TomH. Morgan has bocght a new buggy. Rev. P. M. Trexler preaohed at the Reformed church Saturday night aud Sunday. See Shaver's big sn?ar oiS fer on this page in this paper. One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her woniarJy system and weil-being. Every woman young or old, should know herself and hsr physical make up. A good way to amve at tiiis knowledge is to get a good doctor" book,- such for instance, as "The fsopje s common Sense Medicd Adviser," by R. V. tierce, MD., which can readdy bs procured by serving Ihirty-oafc cents for clolh-bcund copy, addressing Lit. Pierce, at Buftaic. N. Y. The womanly system is a delicate machine which can only he compared to the in tricate mechscusni of a boauiiful w(-.h wl-.ih r!M L- a 1 i- witu goodcare and toe proper oiHn?! at the riht time, so that the delicate rnech- ri inay net be worn out. Very many times young women g2t oid Or run down before fheir tinie through ignorance and the improper hendiing cf tUis hua-.an mechanism. Mental depression, a . conruped head, baclitche, headache, cr hot flashes and many syn-.ptoms of d raa&ement of the womanly systcsn can be avoided by a prcpsr understanding cf what to do, in those trying times that come to all women. Mas. G. K. Williams, of Lmnhavon, Va.. wrote: "It i3 six years since mv health crave- wV T i j n. . - empioyed threes said 1 would die. I v.-as not able to do my work. Mid to nire sc-meona all tbe tfmo. Picall;.-, I read in the papers about pr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription, and decided to try ii. I had not teken buc one byltic- until I found it had done mo good. I took, in alL five bottles of Favorite. Prescription and two of 'Golden Medical Discovery, and now I am able to do ail my housework, and have gained fourteen pounds. I advise all women who suffer from female trouble to try your Favorite i'reacriptien." It'a tho only mediciae on earth." j, ISsa. Williams. Be-sale of YUIe Town Lois and FarmlBg Lands. Pursuant to a judgment and decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County in the cause entitled " T. L. Thompson and others vs. Thomas Hellard Sr., Floyd Thompson and others." appoint ing the undersigned commissioners to sell the real estate of the late Jesse Hellard for division and partition, and ordering a second resale of certain lots and lands, the undersigned will sell at publics auction at the Court-house door in the city of Salisbury, on SATURDAY, MAY THE 4TH, 1P12, at 12 o'clock m.r the following describ ed real estate.: FIRST: one tract of land fronting ?u hes-?seln Mroad, adjoining the landsf J. H. Carson nH .th. and containing between IK -nH on acres, and being the balance arid resi due of the tract of land fully described by metes and bounds in deed register ed in the Registers Office of Rowan County in. Book 114 pagv332, to which reference is foerebj made for full particulars. Bidding to begin on this tract at $176.00. SECOND: Twenty six vacant lots near the portion of Salisbury known as Fulton Heights and being a part and parcel of the R. A. Wheeler Ad dition, and fully described by mftes and bounds on the map of R. A. wheeler registered in tha pi.fo.'. office in book 104 page 602 to which reference ie nereby made. Said lots are located as follows: Lots Nob 1, 2 3'i! h 6.'7rS' 9' 10' n- 12 J3, H 15,' aDd 16 in Block No. 3 of said map lots N os. 11, 12 and 13 in block No, 5 of said map; lots N os. 8,9, 10, 17, 18 S? lVn Ck ?4 a taid maP ? No. 20 in block No. 10 of said map. All of said lots are 50 by 150 feet and are very desirable for building purposes being on a-d near the proposed street car line exterding from Salisbury to Concord. 'lhese lots be sold a8 a iffiija gWiU commence This April thend, 1912. T. L. Thompson, . W. T. Wbathkrmah, a tj ui t . - commissioners. Wright, attorneys. f 4