J- ::l-f;-'l"-4 r:i; 5? -.' i-;.i,HoCTtpwisKed .in thetoi Psopw-.ndifot.Honkty ih Governmental-Affairs. ' 'WJ & ' '' 1 1 CQk 1 1 U t "Til I v I 8 ciear BiaruKut. tu air wuou uuuuauijr is puuKbu , miumi uuhulm. : -o unuttuu,1 and eaid: At regt.'you moit not 1 r lUUU LULU LVUI. - ' r--- - - i " ii i i i ii i i ill . 1. nio nt n snrTiYnr uuBciitwu i uuii ui Bite u. . - . - i-.-.. ..' i inn wi tu - mnrra t'nnn GREAT PASSpNGER. STEAMER ' OESlfeWAtft'l iTiiic ol 11J6 WWte Stir LlnpStrftes - t into tiisttTry; all of the- 745 earvivorffr-'accounts for, the lops of -1; 589 persons atea off eKbniidiaiid-banieSStarly . tMoDdajr morning , and, the EaDsequent aeatu oi bia per -on8 wtm-had- been rescuea , ring the total list of lost to Thfese official' figures, mag ..if yreaAly the f ebtimates which came byv . wireless. Thet fitLries" that sarvivors : tell make it certain that this diqaatr was : the greatest oceanttravel has ever known.' The factstjoming' to the sur ! tace In the flood of narratives are ithat 1595 persons met deathf that there is practical ly no' hope that this total will be curtailed ;by a single ad ditional survivor; that several men 'of wealth and world wide prominence are among those 'perished; that the only, women nol . saved are , those . who ehose to di&in their hus bands' embrace; tjiat nearly all the survivors saw the Titanic' sink and heard the band. ' play i ng , 'Nearer My " God to Tbee," amid the shrieks of those whom the vea ciaimea as tut? vcooci eaua 111 2,WU laiuumc. The' Titanic st r uck an ice berg about 90 feet high, which ripped thVliner Bide open and made the twater- While the, vessel -was grad- THSftnea ner BLeauiiux uviicjd : ; causlngfiaji-ewlosjpjC Bent her to the bottom.. -1- o .h hnndreds.on the decks when the Titanic Bank "were Gol. John J acob President Taft's military aid; Benjamin "Guggenheim, Jac ques Futrelle, George D. Widener'. Henry B. Harris, v and scores of persons as well" known. Isadore Strauss was among themV with Mrs. Strauss, who refused to leave her husband behind, when she had . the opportunity to save her life. Major Bnttrwas- one oi me heroes. . With ah iron bar in hand he iB said to have stood at the' steeTage passage-way defending women ahd chil dren trom the maddened men in that part of the ship. Mr. Astor met death after seeing hiB brideafe in the lifeboat. If was only because the capacity of the Titanic's lifeboats was barely one-third tto complement of the ship in passengers and crew that hundreds of de - spairing passengers - went .- down.,; Bruce Ismay, man- paging director of the White Star On, arid one of the :ew Ptomineht men' who escaped, it is said by some . passen gers, ; w as one ,X)f;.the - first tb.tret into tne mis. i MTom aw;1ftniP.rt thl H - - "-'-J 'DTl I HIlllHT I 1 I I 1 II I 1 'tJ&UUllU Ti -Anld. hefore they were bicked'up by the Oarpathia. '-srjairiwivfnor nassenffers asiee - if.x, .U i ( i n 1 1 o h a' 7. hart ... MUt -D f w - j w v a - m u w v : w n a SShaon iinftvfintfnT. exieDt for the fact that it was being made on: . the. largest vessel, and-the passengers exhibited - keen interest in the- daily - speed bulletins All accounts agreethat the Titanic, on the night f heisasTer, was go "mi? from .21Vto Snots, an Jliottr: iiQuaTterma?ter Moody mho jKaaat"the elm6kid the -ihiD was- makingiSQts; -and " that; -the, -officers - were -tinaer -orders 10 jteep -juyiue ;&deed ih the hbpe-6f making a fecriiassagendthese orders were bei ng carried' but 'iii the -face of knowledge that the steamer was n the vicinity of great icebergs sweeping - down from the north. a'Vclear, survivors the weather, and the great ship iped through quiet ieaa; with ofiH cefca confident that even tnough" an ioeburg should . be seen, the vessel could be controlled. This ooufideuoe is emphaeired in the etoxiea of nearl y ell survivors, thatwhen the crash came thre was practically no excitement. dauy who feltauxious to go on deck to inquire as to what had happened were but little pertur bed when they learned that the ship had' "only Btruck uu ioi burg." It appeared to be a glanc iug blow. At first there was no indication of a serious accrdeut. A group of men at a card table in the" sm'okiug room seLt one of their number to the lookout win dow. Whqnhe returned with the announcement that the ship grazed an icaburg, the party con tinued the game; but it was never fiuished. , : The stoppage of the engines was noticed more than the collision. The over-confident passengers were UDt'l rought to a realization that the collision might mean se rious danger until the call ran through the sfcip, "All passengers on deck with life beltB on " Captain Smith,' it is said, was not on the bridge when the collision trccurred, but when hurriedly summoned by his first officer fc'aok charge of whaa aeemdd to he be avliopBlesa it situavtion in a resolute aiahner. ; One of. the stirring narrative of the feBfs following the colli sion was told today by L. Beasley, a Cambridge University man, one of the second cabin passengers. "The steamer lay as if waiting for orders to-go on again, when some trifling matter had bean adjust ed, " he, said? ,JBut in a few mlLUtea we saw the covers lifted frODftthe boats and crews alloted Ho ib&LitiXaPL l3jrady -tot iow er tnem ta the water, rreeeutiy we heard' an order : All me3 stand back, and all ladies retire to next deck below, smoking room deck, or B deck. The men, stand ing away, remained in absolute silence, leaning against the end railing, or pacing slowly up and down. vThe boats were lowered from i .deck . When they were to the evel of B. deck, where the wom en were collected, the women got in quietly with the exaeptioa of some, who refused to leave their husbaudt . ' Iu some cases they were torn from their husbands and pushed into the lifeboatB, "All this time there was no traced of disorder; no panic or rush for the boats ; no scenes of women , sobbing hysterically. Erery one nenmed to realize so slowly that there was imminent danger. When it was realised e would.be presently in the sea, with, nothing but our life belts to support us until we wece picked up bypassiug steamers it was ex traordinary how cairn every one was .and how complete the self- control. -if4i- Oue bv one the -boats were filled 'with women ,itgfoaildrea,- and lowered and rowedvaway into the - nieht. Soon word went around among the men, "Men are to be put in the boats on the starboard side." I was on the p irt side sod most of the men walked across the deck to see if thin was so. Preseatlv I heard a a oall: "Any more ladies;" 3aw.one more come. One of the onw said then. "You better jump." I dropped in, falling to the botf m as they cried: "Low er away " Mr. Baasley said the lifeboat was nearly two miles away from the Titanic two hours later, when thev saw the liner sink. The other survivors nearer the ship Hoard "Nearer. My God, to Thee," played by the band as the Tinr sank. Suddenly there wat a miehtv roar and the ship, al- o - ' ready had submerged, buckled and apparently bri ke in two, l y tbeibrce.of the exp.osion caused when water jreached th hot boilers. The bow sank first For fully five minutes the stern was poised almost vertically in the air when flocldanly it plunged out of sighs. v With the last hope gone of.se.e- iog loTedoiDtmltTef many, wo- men in the life -boats seemed in different whether they were-saved. They were; , nearly a thousand miles from .'Van'd and with no knowledge that a ship of; succor was v spedirig to thenur There seemed scant hope of surviving in the little boats. There - were six teen boats in the . procession, which entered upon the terrible hours of suspense. " The OaTpathia, whicn ' received the Titanic's distress Bignals, reached the scene of disaster about 7 o'clock, and picked up the lifeboats' occupants. -The Carpathja's passengers who. . were bound for a Mediterranian cruise, 8 ho wed every consideration for tha survivors, many giving up their cabins to them . The res cued were in all conditions of dress and undress, and women on the Carpathia vied with each other in supplying missing gar ments. H. Haven, of Indianapolis, said that the Titanio was going at high speed when she struok- "A large section of the plates on the starboard1 side ripped off . and water, poured in. There yjjft great rush for the lifeboats when it became known there ' was danger! So precipitate wjS4rtbe rush that many leaped otJSard. The lights continued lurning, although the ship sank lower and lower. When we were distant from the sinking ship and 'saw figures of hundreds of people on desk at railings several explo sions occurred in the ship. The Titanic buckled amidship. We saw people sliding off into the water both before and after. Then the boat settled by the bow, the lights went out and that was tne lass w 5 saw ot ne Titanic." . ... - m - at tacnnoe of Captain 'Smith and other Titanio effioers. the sea would have claimed an even greater tell when the ship sank. "Be British," shouted the cap tain. Every man, it is said, obeyed the command and faced death calmly. The survivors said they remained at their posts and died like men. Philips, the first marponi ope rator aboard the Titanio, stuck to his post until the last aud jumped from the sinking ship, was taken aboard the life raft and died be fore the rescuers reached him ac cording . to the etory told by Thomas Whitlev. who said: "Philips wa9 on an overturned lifeboat with me. He was dead when taken aboard the Carpatbia. There were four burials at sea, one sailor, two firemen and Philip. There was panio for a. time aboard the ship, and the other officers had to use revolvers. The ohief offi :ar shot one man and the i shot himself. It- was a Hack berg we struck." Before the Carpathia reached the pier over $10,000 was avail able for the woman's re'ief fund to oire for the destitute steerage passengers, mostly women and children. -Arrangements have been made tooare for them as long as neces gary.: The survivors were re moved to temporary homes pro vided by the committee. rhb-e soffering from exposure were re moved to hospitals. Members of the stock exchange gave $20,030 for the survivors relief. j Dazed, yet nerved to the high est pitch by the ordeal through which they were passing, women survivors of the litanio were calm when the Carpathia reached the scene, borne liteboats ware being rowed by women . Gilbert M. Tucker, one of the anrvivors. said today that the most distressing scone- was hus bands' kissing their wives good bye and seeing the latter cling to them, begging the privilege of dyiDg with them. New York, April 19 At the home of Woa. H. Force, father of Mrs. John jaoon Asror. a memcer of the family said laBt night that Mrs. Astor had visited her father ferns of Interest in Varioas Neighborhoods Sent in by Our FriSWj. ZJ ; av C"Weiio not Sprint rar tides not signed by he auilL ors real name. . . GRANITE QTARRY. , April 19 Miss Lelia Miller, of near Salem church, is spending the week with her many friends at Granite Qaarry. Carl Walton left for) Al&emarle Sunday where he will ut granite.- Miss Mattie McOombs returned home today from a yisit ,to her friend, Mias Bsssie Mifler, in the country. " The Brown, Wiley & Kerns Monumental Company have com pleted their new shed add are no w moving in their machinery.. A young merchant at Mtr and Mrs. Chas. H. Lyerly. - ' James Heilig has opened a beef market next door to MoOombs & Lyerly's store. S' The empty bouses here are be ing filled very fast by ite foreign block makers who ate moving nere to make blocks. There will be Holiness preach ing by Rev. 0. A. Lu,d wick the 4th Sunday night at Granite Qaarry. ' There are lots of block, curbing aud crushed stone being shipped frjm here every day, besides the largo amount of local shipments. Our freight agent, R. L Williams is kept quite busy and is one of the best agents we have ever had at Granite Qiarry. Douglas Dunham has bought a fine little black poney and a buggy. The road force is finishing, up the. . new road from" .Granite artnJiiiVmStUZmrin?mV for a few moments, after landing trom the Carpathia, and then de parted for her home, the Adtor residence, on upper Fifth avenue. Mrs Astor was said to be as well ib oculd be hoped for in view of her ordeal, but in absolutely no condition to discuss detrils of the disaster. On landing from the Carpa thia, the young bride, widowed by. th6 Titano's sinking, told mem bers of her family what she could recall of the ciroumstanoes of the disaster. Of how Colonel Astor met his deathTshe had no definite concep tion. She recalled, the thought, that in the confusion as she was about to be put . into one of .the boats, , the colonel was standing by her side. ' After that, as Mr. Biddle recounted her narrative, she hal no-very clear recollection of tho happaninga until the boats were well clear of tha sinking steamer. Mrs. Astor, it appears left in one of the last boats which got away frcm the ship. It was her belief that all the wcroen who wished to go had been taken off. Her impression was that the boat she left in had room for at least fifteen more persons. The men tor some reason, which, as she could not and does not how understand, did not seem to be at all anxious to leave the ship. Almost everyone seem ed dazed. "I hope he is alive somewhere," the young woman said of her hus baud to her father as she left the latter to goto the Astor home. Almost A Miracle. One of the most startling changes ever seen in any man, ac cording to-W. B. Holsolaw, Olar endon, lex., was effected years ago in his brother. "He had such a dreadful cough," he writes, that all our family thought be was going into consumption, but he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, and was completely cared by ten bottles. Now he is sound and well and weighs 213 pounds. For many years our familv has used this wonderful remedv for Coughs and Colds with excellent results." It's nuick. safe, reliable and gaarau teed. Price 50 cents "and $1.00. Trial bottle free at all druggists. community is very good at this writing.'- Mrs Deny, Mrs. C. W. Har rington and children were wel come Vfsilors at Mrs. . E. L. Siffcrd's Thursday evening. f' Tne people in Vthfs community were delayed " in "planting their crop on account of the recent rain. J, liawson Kluttz has moved bis saw mill onto Ben. Brown's place, near Organ church. B. O. Eagle; and family visited at My s; Eagle's mother's Sunday and Monday. Mrs. H A! Trexler, Miss Daisy and Clarence, visited Mr. and Mrs.' I li. Hoffuer Sunday eve ning. ' - Miss Emma Bost visited her friend Miss BdssieHouce .Suudav evening. t Mrs, J. F. Misenheimer, who has.been on the sick list, is sn -proving very much hr -mat y friends will be glad to learn . Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Myrtle, ' Mrs. L. I. "Cau'ile, Beulah, Olah, and James, were welcome visitors at Mrs E. L. E. Siffoxd's Sunday evening. Charlie Shoe is almoatjthrougb planting ootton seed. Mrs. E. t. E. Sifford visited Mrs. S. A. Misenheim&r Friday evening. M. A. Wilhelm's Servant left him last Friday morning, leaving Mr. Wilhelm in a bad condition. Beulah Cauble and JameB visited at Mrs. Ellen Sifford's. Mrs. E!len Sifford visited Mrs. L H off ner last Friday. H. A. Bernhardt is contem plating buildings (new - barn on 1ilinfiSrmttfXwerst6n hurcb very socn. I. L, Hoffuer is contemplating patting new pailings around his yard. Little Miss Maxie Fisher visit ed her cousin Miss Lula Sifford last Saturday night. Mrs. Jacob Yates of Divernon, Illinois, is visiting James Yates. She expects to stay about two months. When she returns her daughter, Miss Ruth, who haB been staying with her grandfather and grandmother, is going with her. Miss Fannie Bost visited her friend Miss Lula Sifford lastT Thursday evening. Miss Nannie and Floyd Griffin have been visiting in Salisbury. MisseB Beulah. and Olah Cauble who have been visiting their grandmother, returned last Satur day. What has become of Columbus of Organ and Somebody of Frog Town? Haven't the frogs woke them up yet? Wake up every writer of The Watchman and let's make it one of the prosper ous this year. Chap. It Looks Like A Crime to senarate a bov from a box of Buoklen's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick relief for burns, scalds, or outs is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healahle and does it qaickj (Jnequaled for piles. Only 25 cents at all drug gists. PARK'S ACADEMY. April 15. Marvin Barger, son of James Barger of Faith visitied A. A. Castor's Saturday and Sun day. There arrived at Mr. aud Mrs. John Miller's a young farmer. Jeorge Shuping and family vis ited at Alfred Goodman's near Uuion church, last Sunday and Monday, 7th and 8th. Somebusy body made a grave near Ualvin Pethel's last Saturday put up a foot board and a head board and fixed it up like a grave. Written on the head board, Pecks ville, then made a orou on it Departed this life Easter Monday. All may get married but that will never hurt me. Th?n there was,a pioture cf a hand pointing to ward tne groand with the words : Never bother me. Miss Beulah and Willis Shuping visited at W. A. Shuping's Satur day night and Sunday. FridayApril 5th, quite a num ber of relatives and friends gath ered at M. A. OvercnBh's and gave to Mrs. Overoash a birthday uinner. Jtfetween 75 and 100 were present. After dinner many presents were given to her by her children, grandchildren and rel atives. Mr. and Mri Reodle Caspar visit d at James Barringer's Sat urday uight and Sunday. Miss Tommy-Clark spent Sun day uight at A. A. Castor's Ga rg Siff srd, who has ben wrki:;g at High Point, spent Eas- r rMn.ay aud Monday with 18 f Hi. r, E D A. Siff rd. Mr. and Mr?. Lewis Josey spent . isfc duu la. evening at Charlie Vlllier's Ptul Beaver, who has been clerking in the bolt room at Spencer, resigned Jast Wednes day. He intends to join the standing army very scon. Jake Stirewalt, son of Walter Stirewalt of Kauhapolis, has been visiting at Efq. George Slough's, &fiss' Effi) Bernhardt' and Arch Hileig, colored, were mar ried last Weknesday. Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Brown, of Columbia, S. C, visited at John Brown r last Sunday, G. M. Shuping has opened his millinery department. vWjiir BBAver olineai?nee church, 'visited his b'roiU,Cartl8 Beaver Saturday night and Sun day. i Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Powlass have been sick for the past week but they are able to be out again now. Rev. T, L. Nobles preaohed an interesting sermon Sunday and announced that on the third Sun day of this month, at 3 a. m,, they will m93t and organize a Sunday sohool at Rock Grove M E church. . Happy. Salisbury People Should Try This. McPherson & Co.. druggists. states that any one who has con stipation, sour stomach ?r gas on the stomach, should try simple buoKtnorn bara, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German Appendictis remedy. A SINGLS DOSE brings relief almost INSTANTLY and Sa'isburv people are surprised how QUICKLY it helps. This simple remedy antisepticizas the digestive organs and draws off the impurities. McPherson & Co., druggist. Ten Thousand People Treated For Hook worm Disease In Three Months. During the first three months of 1912, in spite of the terribly cold weather, ten thousand suf ferers in the State from hookworm disease have been treated. Ten thousand North Carolinians hsve already during the present year been improved in health, made more comfortable, happier and fitted to beoome produoers. All of them received free treatment in the couuty dispensaries. They represent men, women, and es pecially ohildren of the. following counties: Jahnston,' Craven, Cartaret, New Hanover, Beaufort,' Bertie, Edgecombe, Chowan' Gates and Martin . ' The couuty Dispensaries for free examination and treatment of hookworm disease are now in progress in the counties of WSke, Greene, Edgecombe and Martin. ' Puts Had To Bad Habit. Things never look bright to one withi "the bluas." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, ailing the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Pills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feelings end "the blues." Best for stomach, liver and kidneys. 25 cents a all druggists. ftnfederati'Trefern'r Specif Trill U J Macon, 6i., UoBdaf UiyBili, 1912. For- tbi VcootnolAtion fyet erans and aHothers going to the Confederate Veteran's Reunion at -Macon, Ga. , the Southern Rail- ' way has arrangedo ' operate , special train leaving Charlotte, N fO., at e :00 i. Tn Monday, May 6th, via Alant; arriving at Macon Tuesdar 'mornimr. IM W a 7:00 a.-m. Wilbalso operate a jpeoial train from Raleigh, N. C, and intermedi ate points cn same date. " Trrese speoial trains . will oon sist of first class coaches, stand ard Pullman sleeping cars and : Pul lman tourist- sleeping 'ears The berth rate Charlotte to Macon in standard Pullman cars is $2.00 for lower berth and $1 60 for upper berth Berth rate in tourist cars is $1.00. Each berth will accomodate two people. By using this Bpecial train you leave Charlotte after supper and arrive at Macon in time for-breakfast. Passengers from all branch line points can use the reduced rate tickets on all regular trains to Charbtte, Blaoksbarg and other junction points . in connection with the special trains. - A great opportunity for persons - trains to Atlanta aud other points to make vnp at small oost. Reduced rate round trip tickets pill be sold from Macon to many points-of interest within a radius of five hundred miles during .the Rer Following round trip rates will apply from statins earned Rates . on same basis from ail other points on Southern Railway. Charlotte Concord. . f . .-$6.60.-. .$7:00. ..$7.45. , . 16 JDQ. . $6.10. China Grove Blacksbnrg s. . . . . . . . . -. RockrHiil. Statesville. . . $7 80. Mocresville $7 00. Shelby .... 4 , . . .... $ 6.80. The reduoed rate - tickets wi II h .. V ; UllUUUi ' U,l' BIST U-VK 15th. bydepsltifief ticket with?? joint agent: at" Macon and ? pay- men .nyjusy f cems, Qtopovera. allowed' -'at "'lntand mahr of tickets Pullman reservations should be made in advance, ' . division psssenger ent, Charlotte, N. O. The Danger After drip lies often in a run-down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy, and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attaok of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nervei, build up th-f system and restore to health sod good spirits after an attaok of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold and perfect satisfac tion guaranteed 4y all druggists. Wfij The Parcels Post Will Come. It is inconceivable how any in telligent class of men can honest ly believe that better , and more transportation facilities can real ly be an iujary to the couutry. If the parcels post will be a bene fit to the country at large, then the opposition of the ret -.il mer chants is actuated by motives of selfishness It it certain that the number of people served by the merchants ho oppoee ths parcels post is greater than the camber of these merchants. It is a ' so diffi cult to see how it can hurt these merchants unless it benefits their customers, who are greater in num ber. If it hurts the. merchants and benefits a greater number of farmers and others, why is it not a good thing for the Nation as a whole? Is not the basic priuoiple of our form of goverLnaeut, the greatest good to the greatest num ber? The Progressive Farmer Of Great Benefit to Salisbury. Salisbnry people have found out . that A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn barkp glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German Appendi citis remedy, relieves constipa tion, sour stomaoh. or' gas on tha stomach almost INSTjlN TLY. This simple mixture; aritiseptic izes the digestive organs and draws off the impurities, and it is surprising how QUICKLY it helps. Mo Pherion k Co., drag, giitt.

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