am aa aa w-. a a n a m m a aaaaaK . a hbf a a a a a a -w a m a i a a a c -a a a a a a a 3 - a a c a a 111 at f a a. a a a a a a a a laaar bb bb am -a. 1 -f .... 1 1 Lots of New Goods and Bigger and Better Bargain than ever. Come in and see for Yourself LOOK FOR THE RED AND WHITE SIGN IT DENOTES A SAVING OF ONE FOURTH TO ONE HALF ON YOUR PURCHASES. JUST A FEW SAMPLE PRICES This week we will begin a battle Royal, with bargain prices - 011 all Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishings and Notions of all kinds. STOPS LOOK! AFiSD READ! LOOK FOR 1 HE RED AND WHFE SIGN. IT DENOTES A SAVING Of ONE FOURTH TO ONE HALF ON . YOUR PURCHASES. JUST A FEW SAMPLE PRICES Good bleach cotton yd lOo Good bleach cottrn "yd Nw Line French Na'usooka 15 to 25j whhe waisting new line 12 to 4s 15c Pretty figured Lawns 15a pretty figured Dimities 12c white madras 12 & 15o 40 inch lawn 18 j mercerized 40 inch lawn 83 10j 10c 25a 88 inch colored dress linen 85o 33 itich motor Hif-Ja 15o Gloria Foulard $1.00 wool dress goods $1.25 wool dress go'jda $1.00 Broad cloths 153 22o lOo 753 83 i 25o soieette all colors 10 and 120 dress giughams Good line dreBa ginghams i2c 93 5: Good j r in gniRhams 4c $1 5 1 oug c'rth only 95c I Si 50 Lo: e cloth only $1 23 X $1 00 R. & G. Corsets 47uJ! . $1.00 Royal Worcester Corsets 47o ladies' 5j hBudkHrchiefs 2o 1 00 Kabo Corsets . " 47c Meu'e white hanikrchiefs 33 $1 00 C BCorets 47c Meng argft Bandana handkerchipft 4C Ldle:' 503 Tnfn suit, 89c MEN'S' DOUBLE WEAR COLLARS Ladies' $125 gowns OSc 15e alUo oloae cut at' 103 f adies $1 75 gown $1 39 en,B c B.1 J J1'8 7c , Men 25o Bilk Men 15, Ladies' tailormade skirts $1.69 to $6 9S ' 17.50 coat suits 2 89 1 lot men's nude, wt ar J93 $S 00 coat suits . 4 98 1 lct meD,B derwar 39c $10 00 aoat suits 6 98 1 lot men's nnderwear 43o $16 CO ooat suits 9 98 Calicoes all kinds " 4I", $18 00 ioat suits 11.93 Good Turkish TowpIs . " , 5c' STANDARD PATTERNS. Good cotton tnwpl. 3. ' AH 153 pitterns now 10i New l u curtaKi Swiss 9,3 All 10c patterns s ow - f c Nw. line fiurd dizain madra? 8c Another v ladies hose Big lot ladies 10c hdse Big lot childrens hose Men b half-hcse 6 So 6 c 80 8c Ladies shir j waists 25c 75c ladies shirt waists 48c $1 GO and 1.25 ladies shirt waists 89o Mens work shirts 853 Mens 50c shiits, 1 line only 29o Meus 50 to 75c shirts 43c Men's $1 00 to 1 25 shirts 89c Men's slices, ladies' shoes, boys and children's hoes at prices to suit all. Men's overalls 25o Men's overalls ' 470 Mod's ovfraUe union made 89.5 Come, Bring your friends and you will find everything as advertised above. Remember the place. Wo w 126 SOUTH MAIN STREET, o SALISBURY, 1ST. C. TERRIBLE ITCHillG RASH CHILDREN SUFFER WHO GET REtlEFj;QUlCKt,Y. COULD 5 Try This Remedy at Our Risk. If you have ever seen a cblld tear ing at lta face and erring, unable to sleep because of the , lawful itching rash of eczema, you-will be glad to know that this can now be prevented. All you need is to apply Saxon Salve, our new remedy for skin dis eases, which not only always stops the itching quickly but is also won derfully healing and is aa good for grown persona as for children. Even 'where the skin is scratched raw, or covered with crusts and scales, Saxon Salve penetrates to the very roots of the disease and de IB troys the germs, at the same time Stopping the itching so that the skin is rendered perfectly comfortable. Many skin remedies are disappoint ing but Saxon , Salve Is so remark able that we guarantee it to give sat isfaction, paying back your money if it does not. RUTHERFORD . OLl.Euifi. April 90. ilenry B cunt, a famccs hum rh guv a h-ctaro at-th college Thurs day 1 ibt, Tfcf bas" ' a!! (rani r f t hip lac has been extensively 'ntil in am( i-nii! g ih opei i: g f ibe I. Lrov Shsver att-f 1 dd th ,i;rriit m. ;. d ij :esici sty C t u vent v n at- Hickciy th 17th ni d 18;h. He Wat ebteitsiu d 1 tbf icepitsib o hem - f Dr" AV B. Rma- . SM'ii.g spt-che9 end '3cqu ux, ftf'drees wen- mae'e h fam, us me:; fr m differ utS a'ea. Rjv. C. A Join. boo, . of 1 bf niuis'er:! stal .'3 bus the la grippe at this w.:tiu4. G!ad to hear fr :Qi Bi I guess he thought I wa aiiieap. I hh Mujtte ar-i all getting bnav. r-jvifl nm for pxuninati ha Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N. C J nd preparing for commisnc tm-ur w h i ' h will be thf se"ut.h and LOWERSTONE. eighth of May. A programme twill be sei.t m or publication April, 20. The farmers of our jiater oommunity ar all behind in Come on P. P A 's Ktetle planting their corn and cotton on wheel turuiugif ycu are 11 t t the acoount of the heavy rains I busy. Much success to The ftflntlv. I hena thev will cet to I WATCHMAN. Peg Le j - r 0-7 plant soon. Master Paul Fouta, little eon of Harvey Foutz has been real sick with pneumonia f t r the last ftw weeks but he improving som now, we arf glad to say. Miss Catherine Klutiz did April 17th and was laid to rest in Lowerstone Cemetery the 18 h She wes 77 years old. Tyoa Vuncauuon, wife and lit tle Albert, Walter Vuncanuon, wife and little son, were w-slc mt visitors at Robert Crcae'd Sun day the 14th. .? .1 The visiters at Jams Hipp's Snndav. the 14th. were Albert Cdell, wife and little daughter H. J. Bost wife aad Luther. Thev all reoort having a fine j & time. We have a - now ODerator at Lowerstone twitch board. t'ni.k thev all l'ke him fine. lie g.vea good service. April 18th J: H. 3jst says hu cattewns up pretty today - Can ? one beat' that?. If so tr.t on t our cotton. Communion servio was held at Organ church Sunday tha 14th Roy Bost visited at Jam- Hipp i last Sunday night. Ym better look put or you might , get g bit. s." School Gibi. Wood's Seeds. Soa Beans. The largest-yielding and best of summer forage crops, also makes a splendid soil im prover lower in price than Cow Peas this season. Wood's Crop Special gives full information about this valuable crop and also about all Seasonable Seeds: German Millet, Sorghums, Cow Peas, Buckwheat Ensilage Seed Corns, Late Seed Potatoes, etc Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and in teresting information. Mailed free on request T. 7. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. A -A W ' W vft 'i gs f-ft a vy y vr ms 1 a i!1E OF MP I Hi BIO LiPJE JUST RECEIVED. JNO. R BROWN, Jeweler and Optician. CHINA, GROVE, - - NO, 16 years experience. Prices moderate. 1J SI WMMmrBk1aa, MB isAai henmatlc Pains quickly relieved Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of any sort It penetrates, without rubbing, through the muscular tissue right to the bone rehevesthe congestion ana gives permanent as.well as temporary relief. Here's Proof. A. W. Lay of Lafayette, Ala., writes : I had rheumatism for five years. I tried doctors and several different remedies but they did not help me. I obtained a bottle of Sloan's Liniment which did me so much good that I would not do without it for anything." Thomas L. Rice of Easton, Pa., writes : ' I have used Sloan's Lini ment and find it first-class for rheu matic pains." Mr. G. G. Jones of Baldwins, L.I., writes: "I have found Sloan's Lin iment par excellence. I have used it for broken sinews above the knee cap caused by a fall, and to my great satisfaction I was able to resume my duties in less than three weeks aftet th accident." Is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush. At ss!i slBzSePSm Price, 25c, BOc & $O0 Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address Dr. EARL S, SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. HAW SHOE SSiOES for evary member of the family. They will wear you 12 ondiiffts. rv r Bell Shoe Store, 111 N. Main St. Salisbury, N. C. 7W T: JK sB 7B Real Estate-Insui aMe-Loans If y i !i iv ; ;3 1! 5 1 ' ; i 1 1 1 , sum ui. Jf'i vMisiiifu' - is all t S9e in. 1 .i i I .1 i-iij! . .vt'urlifi )i-:b-j. a!! t ) see If 7 i y-. 14; )!) v n 1 , f all t 43 i in. u yji H7! n 1 i f 0'.) nil, nil r, a us , ; -u. We a--e well prepj..f4 to gu.i'-ii-ite all loani an;l pfty six per cent for same, anl will examine titles, makp. u;i diwts and iiDi-fga'ei five of cent to all parties who will pi 10 1 chiii- m aey with us. an l wh will pay interest twice a yar at our nflijH N ta-y Puolic im om- office to prepare all ptpyiis. 'We earnestly ak that yon 3.i! to -tii us wi enln the citv and learn of our plana an I m" Minis of hninss. Salisisury Realty & Insypaoce Go 122N, Main St. - A.L.Smoot. Sec. & Tppas " ; Mail us $10 for S6-wound Feather Bed ar d receive I 6- joand pair pillows free. Freight prepaid. Nov. ( feathers, best ticking, satisfaction guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED iVRNER & CORN WELL Feather Dealers. Dept. A. Charlotte, N. t Iteference: Commarcial National Bank. Notice to Creditors Having qualified as adminisfrntor of the pstate ' of Pink Johnson, de ceased, this is to natifr all persons having claims against the said dece dent to file ani'-emized, vi-rifi vl state ment of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of Mire! 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rt-covery . Persons ind?bt- Ho said estate are notified to makt prompt settlement. Shi March 27th , 1912. 8t . Joes J. Stkwabt, admr. INDIGESTIO Kidney and Bladder Troubles and Nervous Debility Yield Readily and Quickly to Treatment with HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS "A SURE CURE" Chattahoochee, Ga. Hanard Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: I have used your tablets for indi gestion and have found them to be just what you claim for them. I have tried several remedies, but did not tret any relief until I tried your tablets. I would cheerfully recommend your tablets aa a ore cure for indigestion. Yours truly, S. H. GREEN. M. D. . HAGGARD'S SPECIFIC TABLETS will put you on the road to health, make rich, red blood, feed your wasted tissues and put new life, vim and vigor into you. Take Haggard's Specific Tab lets. Be a man! If you are a woman who is heir to the ills of her sex, this remedy will alleviate' your sufferings. Try a box at our risk. If it doea ot benefit too. tout money will be eheerfull funded. 60c Sold PIOPLES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N C. ' 3.- Doe a (xeiicral Banklnjr We pay 4 p - r -eut on time de- poeite. iuter'jst payable every three months. Prmpt-a tijtiou giveu to any busir.esp eiitrusted to us Your business solicited Peoples' . nlioiinl ilank. foiiN S. Ijkndkrsos, J. D. Norwood, presnlent. cashier i). L. Gaskill. W. T. Busby. V -president. asst. cashier Or. F. PI. Thomas OSTEOPATH. vncce8Sor to A-rmst.rong and Munper Office: 10Bi W. Iunes. Telephcoi 120. OR. M.iJ. RAGLANO VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Innis St.. near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 480. 4-270 25 NEW INTERNATIONAL, DICTIONARY ! THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The 0hly New unabridged dic tionary; in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative librairv. Covers, every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. ; 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages, 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. "Write lor sample pages, fuU par-' tiqularsi etq Mame this. paper and w-o irill endree r. a set Of 4 Pocket "Maps CiCMtrriaaCo. Sprincfleld. Mass. Ms T UHtfl llnTRitfiwiur wmii s ftTnnSrfiisf urZ. a -X 3 , vur "Keuts everywhere are making -, - NO MOHE Be&io'Cutian'' 'PKi'l'pr at one: j ... ..T!' Ifoa are IhenAf11 Dut tew55W? xi jou are taen not oerfectlv satisfied m- rtn n- ,it.K -.7b-.- i, -a AVAnu iii,uaiiVS.""y'" -'wbw Biiu ten wui uMHtmUmt ttrnt, . ... bicycle. DO NOT eu V wT""'".?H8rer Denioa-Tcar - nrtn t- VZJ.! .7 u','" Vttif urea irom amymt) at Vnf - Jvh y U?lve our catalosmes ana leorn our unheard trfaSMw-Uniia2diS?'i1ai'-JfiLflIer to rtder agents. VWi 5 YOU WILL BE flSTnWKaFnhouf"anr1veonrbntICaf.elV rfullu lo prices we enn mako joa thlsTr wJl the hW bSL less money thauany other factory. WearoBatlsflcd with r factory. Wearosatlsficd withSL00profltlxve'lctor7Qsft' r rf-v-j , uui ocu uur uicvciea nnnnr wnn r nwn inA MkiA VnSSESKS handbicycle..but: rsnelng from $3 to Oj. DSsSrtaii Tilese WOOl4r PWaE!o-l Smm JSS. A A - . " regu igr rtuui prices. 7n rcgularr;tail price of these tins u. iiU.UUtf pair, but to introduce vie, I 80 I aa uiJl$enyouasampletairfori4.llO(cash !irlJ..te C- .7 OM0RETROl'BLEFRSP9f?OTUgES fefgSpfe NAILS. Taeka.or rlnen u:u ti.. !.-.. tef.'-f-r2i-T -,v: ' A liundred thousa v. d nn i rs sold la it rp? r. nam?, vprv nnrcn f nr i i-rri f-i.:i.',-k h ttrt-.-- e .att-; b , . a special Quality of rubtxr. which never be- XSTISSr' "55 comes porous and wliich c'o?s v s:nall punctures without a 1 1 o wi n s t h'e a ! r' to' esc We have hundrt'ds'of li-Mrsfrun ctt.iuflp.'l Minman stating' that their t ires 1; ave or I r been uumoed tro epea" or twice in a wliclo season. They weiahno acre fchaa aa uruniary Die, uie nuiiccnrerciiaunffquauUL-s-bcingf given by-several layers ot tliin, specially pi-epartd fabric on the tread . The Tejruiar fries oijijirof io civ.w iaii, ijlio lurauvL'iiij;: pu' ObOS WO r.:3 day letter is receiv have examined .V-er'L1J"?-'aean C'Swrt or j- r cent ( iherebrmatine tne Drtce 64. BB mrmM and money sent fcnsia83faasa if o5 or.tet a i'SVt c-oiiPe?:tllr I11' easier. run faster, wear ltior. Irst Mure ran t lo.-.fc liner than any ifUJI?d tB"nr will kS Wo know that you wu! bo eo v !1 pcd t'Iatwb?nTc5 want "bwaTnwSlK'.'S '"S yotosendnsatn-ordrat:nc.,.te Wwr Iff V1M rr?8- iriii :.v. . y lui.e to ruier of i fflrwimif . b.:m u. U. Cll f DllKMTi 1 Vftn rfr and fonrd t:iorn s-.rtcM n rn.HHs.ntMi i ilof lefietfilek rub6rf reatT - "4AjBnd punetur strips WB '" and "DV'alss rim strip 44H.T -1 prsvsnt rim carthfc TMi 41 re wiil outlast any other 4?frTELATIO aM t3 KIDIHC All orders shinned Rama 1 not pay a cent until yOa . ded. 60c a. box. It only costs a postal to learn everytLmg. Write It NOW new and wonderful offan w maakiai. brSmith Drug Co., J-LDElDaXBUpflUlWGKIGnCll 7m 11 -ll. ' -

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