ROWAK OOOOOOODOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Record are participating in the roeressWe Merhaut' Contesl O 111 LU Villi AUL tr' which, a, nomber of valubh ptiZftB axe - being ': efltrcd ,td ,ib e QlttFIl 1111 UUItt ML IVIH o LAS 03 f ATI the laTeeafc number 'of . votes. , We givicoBpons covem.gnne am onus keeping and thenecessar ytthliigsptpwillli have to, : 2 vlarcaase Deore yon can begins . he h the question O will arise with you as it has already risen -with tha 0many: recently: mame'djjeoup 5? " V7hep ca w 1 wvji tSf-Vi-tl. d,.-w Lments' and job printing' Every cent counts one voter5: Let at fcave your ' basines. The on 1 y fob office ini the -ciiy rgivtng cou po: s The contest : is getting from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar no ALUMwb Liwe phosphate o o lively. . " -; ' :-" - r . .' House Furnishings at the Lowest Price?" 3 ;'T'he '! WATCfiiiAvifld i rsyo7A n ' UbIUM I LU n COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Ifcss if litinst li Virions NelgMorttQUs Stat ia bf Oar Fiiend iSrWe do not print ar ticles not signed by the auth or's real name. FAITH. jjay 18. Buffalo and Faith oooiied bats Thursday on Faith diamond. The result waa 18 to -9 in favor of Buffalo; Batting for Faith, Jonea and Boat; ba ting for Buffalo, Eeaford and Youst and Davis. Some 85 or 40 young men and ladies cam up from near Phaniela chuirohneigh borhood to see the gameT The feature of the game was-- Yost and Davia" batting. Kaoh made a base. W . M. Barrier passed through Faith Thursday with a large cane mill and pan with which he will make jaolatiea at hie heme at Mount Pleaiaat this fall. T met Lnt her A. Cauble. ion cf Adam Qauble, and his young bride, Uitt Ava J. Morsan. daughter cf Thomas Morgan. They were jast reoently married. Their many friends wisfi them a long and happy life: s Mr.. James Ritchie ia eating new home raised cabbages, May 11th and Mrs Farmer on the 12 lb. Who can beat that? Miss Mary Peeler ia at home for & faw vmi. from Newton collece. " r o on account of her eye sight f ail ing. She expects to return to the commencement. ,J.T. Wyatt shipped two pair of. millstones today . Two new wheat harvesting ma chines passed through Faith today bought by the farmers. George A. Lyerly, who was hurt on the head by a falling tackle block in the quarry on the 9th inst. ia able to be out again. H waain Faith today. Vblsus. pointed Dr. H. Spitla, of 8. George'- Hospital, London, and bacteriologist to - the kn g, tf make the experiments. - A number of telephones, which had ben in os in busy London offices for various periods, and had received no cleansing treat ment other than that norrrallj given such phones, were firat.test ed. Washings were prepared from tQ monthpifoesand tests were ma Je bv the inoculation of sruinea-nisa to ascertain whether tubercle bacilli were prevent. Th mcutbpieces were shown to b. free from tbeie baculi.- Ktom r po lar Mechanic Magazine for Jaue WlDttrj : To communicate with Mrs. Cythi Morris if 1 vi- e, or her heirs if do a i .v'h . . s daughter cj J W . JJuucan a'd liedin Rowan Ouutv in '1801 Address Jehu O. Banks. Canter Tex a. ' 5 22 8. mm tires MSf - have an np4 broken ten year Urn record of leader- ship on quality Jp and service. ; MU -!v Sold by all dealers Wood's Seeds. Soj& Beans. The largest-yielding and beat of summer forage crops, also makes a splendid soil im proverlower in price than Cow Peas this season. Wood's. Crop Special gives full information about this valuable crop and also about all Seasonable Seeds: ' German Millet, Sorghums, Cow Peas, Buckwheat. Ensilage Seed Corns, late Seed Potatoes, etc Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices and in teresting information. Mailed free on request T. 7. WOOD 6 SOUS, SEEDSMEN. - Richmond, Va. LMA44f OVER 65 YEARS'. EXPERIENCE 1 I'M QRAITE QUARRY . iay 18. Mrs . Green Witt and Afritter-tnlaw, Miss Maude Ttl from Mount Airy, are visit ing Mrt. Witt's parents, Mr and lira, W. S. Brown." Mist Maggie Page, of Spencer, pant Suhday ' with "her brother, Thomas Page. , r 7he blook making business hai a i a. a ' 0 oxougns a 101 01 people to our town this year: TheMorgan Co. magjd lantern ''mA.Vr- iA. - . - ' - ------ na vaudeville- snow is meeting ith auccess here. Vkkus Uistirifiu Uirdtr it Oxford. Oxford,: 'May 18. The sheriff and-coroner -have just returned from, the v southern .part of tha county, where they were called to ixiyeatigate a murder that took plaea jiight before last. - A. J. Johnson classed as colored, 'witfra large perbentage of white btoc4vaa sailed to the door of his house and shot three times, rtsoiting in almost immediate ddath. There was an old woman in the room with him, and a white befr"- opitairi. Nothing was f ound that gives any clue as to the nian who did the deed. The coroner's report was that he earns to his death by pistol shot in the hands of an unknown per n." - Johnson was about 60 years old and had considerable proper ty. He has a valuable farm and wtf P0: to have money loaned 'atdnteres't.i ' i' There ii a mystery about the ease that will probably be cleared P when the facts known by the neighbors borne out. KM pamnn to. Sundae TEIjLTJS How you sit at yoar sewing machine and WE WILL SHOW YOU Something of vital interest To Your Health. You cannot act too quiet ly in this matter, so come today and let us explain The Sit Straight "STANDARD" Central Needle Idea a. sewing macnine tnat gives you positive healthful exercise. Brown Shoe Co., JSalisbnry, N. C. Special Demonstrators The Straight and Curved Lines, Trade Marks 'fHtv Copyrights Ac AnTone sending a sketch and description mm? qnlckly ascertain onr opinion free whether an InTention Is probably patentable. Commonlca tlons strictly eonfldentfaL HANDBOOK onPatenu .sent free. Oldest araney for Becunnffpatents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpeeial notice, without charge. In the- Scientific American. A handsomely lUnstrated weekly. T.nnrest etr cnlatton of any seientiBe jonrnal. Terms, 13 year; f onr months. (L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.38,Broad' New York Branch Office, 6 F St, Washington. D C. WEBSTER'S " NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM VyEBSTER The Only-New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. pages, full par ticulars, etc. Name this paper and we will send free a set of Pocket Maps Kr fc 1 Hub podtlon tor Standard "1 n - m ki mini uuim Saun( poattlon lot enSnaiy - atda needla machines , Ti-irciloils lid .leiepbiiass. . I A inrestigation made in Eng Uod to dstermine the -possibility f oompunicatlbn of tuborou. :iosw through the us of telephones jsfiai to lhow that siioh infection i 19 iwpowihlshe r.5f wBiB uiuBraa oy ; tne f PBtiii;ho .p. Oor BaildiDg Material will please yoq. Oar ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you. Good man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L. North Carolina. Rowan County.' Lewie Littlejohn ) In Superior Court. vs. Action for Divorce. F. W. Littlejohn ) Notice , to Non- Resident. The defendant above named will take notice that a civil action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior 'Joart of Rowan County the purpose of which is to obtain a divorce from the Donds of matrimony from de fendanVon the ground of fornication and adultery ; and said defendant will rurtner take notice that he is required to appear at the term of Superior uourc pi saia county to be held at, the Ceurt House .in Salisbury , on 'the ninth Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1912, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, which i now filed in the office of the clerk of this court, or plaintiff will npply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. . This March 28th, 1912. J. F. MoCubbixs, ; '" Clerk Superior Court. Kluttz it Klattz, attorneys. ; &C MerriaiB Co. Springfield, Mass PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK SALISBURY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. , We pay 4 pir cent on time de posits. Interest payable everj three months. Prompt attention given to ; any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. John S. Henderson, J D. Norwood, president. cashier D. L. Ga skill, W. T. Busby, V.-president. asst. cashier answer this very important: question wfiich counts, most towards making young married couples happy, comfortable and contented with married life: "The Place to get the Nicest Furniture at the Lowest Price is at GEO. W. WRIGHT'S." For All Kinds of High Grade Furniture and House Furnishings, For Coffins, Caskets and Embalming, Call on s V; o o o o Q O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o 0000000000000:0000000000000 Q GEO. 1 5 THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER & UNDERTAKER, Salisbury, G The Caiolloa Watchmin or Rowaa Record s,na the Confederate Veleran win be sent for $1.25 . per annum If yon have not seen The Veteran. write to Nasfaeville. Tenn.. for sample copy, and then subsotibe through, th i s offioe.- Th b WAtOHMAH, Salisbury, N. C. mil Norman L Fimeral Directors anfl Emlialmers. No 131 N. Main St., Near Court Bouse. Salisbury, N. C. Every detail Carefully " ed after by -Competent Licensed Men. Day Telephone No; 222. Night Telephone No . 311, Fill FOR -CHEAP-EASY TERMS Situated in Rowan County about eleven miles 0 from Salisbury on a splendid road, ccntains 186 acres, Wftll t.imhftrAd nhnnt 10H anr in nlf i ual irr drr A V seven room dwelling with out buildings. Two large barns and one good tenant house, (rood orchard, pastures &c, and within one mile of church and splendid school. : : : : ; : In fact one of the Best Farms in Rowan County. McCubMns & Harrison Co, Real Estate, Real Estate Loans, Insurance, Innis Street, Salisbury, , C. WHY DON'T YOU Let Dynamite do the Hard Work ON THE FARM? It is the cheapest way to Dig ditches, Plant trees, Grub stumps, or Break up subs(il. We always carry a good stock. 'Phone No. 8. Co mm Go Near Passenger Depot, ' .j-- The Road to Comfort A vanished thirst a cool body and a refreshed one; the sure way the only way is via a glass or bottle of Ideally delicious pure as purity crisp and sparkling as frost. FVft ur new bklet telling at Chattanooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. W , Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. WJTED-A RIDER AGENT IJJEACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model "Ranger" bicycle furnished by ns. Our arentsevervwher am m trln money last, ffrite for fall particular and sfetialefer at once. HO MONEY REQUIRED until yoa receive and approve of your bicycle. We ship to anyone anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit In advance, prepay freight, and allow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL during .lilt 1 Va V a f Jrt Al. 1. f 1 -m . - wiutu uuicjuu may nuts me Dicycie ana pucicto any test you wish.. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you will not be out one nt. FACTORY PRICES We fnrnisb. the highest grade bicycles it is , , . . possible to make at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy lnsdirectof usandnave the mannfartnrpr'e minntM hr-hinS i-mn- bicycle. DO NOT BUY n. hicvff nr n no In nt tiwui fn.m ... price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factors trice and Ttmarkahle rint wtlf. e inHav SMitfa YOU WII I RP flThli.UFn when you receive onr beantifnl catalogue r,,Ji MWti i6 HaiUnlatlCU anUKtudyourguperbmodelsatthetoowfcr Juini low tartcea we can ttmlItr vnn this vpnr Wa ru th. hiohMr Mria hivniA. iuuucj iraiuMj uiuer iaeiory. vv earesarisnea witn LWprontalxve factory cost. Orders ftiiedtbe da vreSiL ' ' ' SECOND HAND BICYCLES. VTa Ac not fmmtftrlv hantllAttvwni. iati1 hlmrlM hnt ncmllvhii a number on hsnrl tAlrnfntrar.ol. Ami rr t.iictnHU tv., . iv,. '-.i., BelDgfrom$3 to$3pr10. Iscriptivebargaiu;:stainalledfreo. COASTERaBRAIfFft mgle whee:, imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs and a. a 11 fs IV mm V eauiDmnior.ll kinlH.t hitit th. mmiim. rvimi nn. 80 w aw m 9J Hedgeihoro Poscture-Proof $ Self-hcalingTiresK d U u 4 lis The regular retail price of these ttrel $10.84 per pair, bat to iutroducm me mUItelffou m tamp pair for $4.S0.cetsb vrtthvrder t4SS ROMORETROCBLEFR3MP0HCTURES HAILS, Tacks, or Class will not let the air out. A hundred thousand pairs sold Inst rear. nFiZflBlgyntltSm Made in all sizes. It i-j lively and easy rldins'. very durable and lined inside with a special Quality of rubber, which never be comes porous and which doses no small punctures without allowing the air to escana We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating1 thattheir tireshaveonly beenpumped up once or twice in a whele season. They weigh no mere than an ordinarytire, the puncture resisting' qnahtit s being given by several layers of thin, specially" prepared fabricon the tread. The resruiar price oi these tires is S10.00 per pair, butforadvertisirs DnrnosGswc are makinir a special factory price to tto ri ier of o -ly Si.SO rr Dair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. W e ship C. O. D. on approval. ou do not pay a cfent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. JZxH!.Zi? ca?h ""'scou" of 5 per et-nt (t : nKhy mai-.o the price 54.85 per pair) If you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER ana enclose tins adverttsemeiir. oa ran t o ri -k. ia randing us an order as tbe tires may be returned at OUR esense it f or any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are rarfeetlv reliable and money sent tOBSisase.ifeasma bank. If yoa orders pair of these tires, yon will find that they will ride Notice the thick rabbertrcmf A"and puncturostrips"B" cad "D"also rim strip "H" ts prevent rim cutting. Thi tire wi!! outlast any other make-SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. easier, run 1 a.-ier. rear oeior. ia&i longer ana iook nner tban any tire you have ever used or seen at an? nrtce. Imiaif x- in 1 II lui c . -i ..II . .1 . i . .. V , ... , . . .i . you to send ns a trial order at once, hence this remarkable t;re offer. bicycle you will g ive us your order, we want IB YQil fflP"t3 T!S2fti$?a1ar?ar tindt any price until yon send for a pair of Eedgethont . , . 1 - " rimciure-rrom ires oa approval ana trial at tile special Introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalosue which describes and ouotes all m.iro. mah kinds of tires at about baif the ufmal prices. DO NfiT SVfiri"1 write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING, a bicycle or a pair ef T , " . , a " t: res from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are maklns. It only costs a postal to team sverything. Write it N OW " J. L. MEMI CYCLE GOOPAUY, CHICAGO, ILL. m 7 LEI DS KIW OlS o o o! o o owmo ommo Your wants for yo ar Spring Shoes, and we will do the rest. is OMO oo oo obIo. s $1 s4 Uall for Piano Contest Cbtrpons, Bell Shoe Store 111 N. Main St Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury Supply & (feal Estate-InsuraDce-Loani If you have real estate to sell. Call to see ua. : If you wish to"bay real estate, Gall to see ns. If yon need Insurance, either life or fire. Call to see us. If you wish to borrow mooej.Call to see us. If you have money to lend, Call to see us.- J We are well prepared to guarantee all loans and pay six per cent for game, and will examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages free -of pdst to all parties who will place their money with us, and. we will . pay interest twice a year at Our offlce.HrNdtary Public in our office to prppare all papers . - We earnestly askrthat you call to see us-when in the cirr and learn of our plans and methods . ofbusiness . ' ... ' Salisbury Realty & lnoupance Co 122N,r.Iain St. - A. L. Smoot, Sec. S.Treos. - --

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