IDE OAHOMNA WATCHMAN. WM. H . 3T WAR r, Ed. and Tto, bllihd Tery Tuesday at 120 West Innei street. Entered as seeond-olaes matter Jan. 19th. 1908, at the post office at Salis bury, N. (J., under the act of Congress C Marsh 8rd, 1S?8. 8ALISF rjBY, N. C.JUNE 26, 1912. COURT HOUSE MATTER SET TLED. The editor ot The Watchman having been interested in the op -position to the construction of a new court housi because of the un necessary burden such a supposed necessary issue of bonds would have put upon the citizens of the coun ty, and owing to the fact that the three county commissioners who were overwhelmingly defeated on this proposition seem to be actua ted by spite, instead of heeding the peoples' wishes, a mass meet ing was called to be held in Salis bury, Saturday, Jr ne 29th . , for the purpose of ocnsideriug the matter a ;d taking steps to enforce the wish of the people. Having looked into the matter more care fully, obtained legal advice and tecured definite information con cerning the plans of the commis sioners, we are now almost ready to endoiae the steps taken by the commissioners and, we are sure should they have made these plans knon some time ago there would have probably been very little ob jeotion raised. Our only objec tion now is, that knowing the people are opposed to the -scheme nothing shou'd have been d;n Ev in the present plans, under the conditions and sentiment prevail ing should be submitted to th? people. This would be showing proper reipect for majority rule, Democratic teaching and confi dence ja the wisdom of the people.-. Undr the present arrangement some of the best attorneys at the Salisbury bar inform us that ab solutely nothing can be done and a mass meeting and further pro ceedings to the contrary are use less, as nc bonds are to be. issued and no increase in taxation ie con temp hted The scheme has been worked out on the following basis: Only 115 COO is to be borrowed at 5 per. ceat interest payable semi-annually. This amount is to cover the oost of the bci ding furniture for all offices, heating, plumbing, etc. and notes are tc be given and payable as follows: $2,000, July 1st, 1914 to 1917 in elusion. $8,000, 1918 to 1924 inclusion. $4,000, 1925 to 1929 inclusion. $5,000, 1930 tJ 1941 inclusion. $5,000, 1942. This ie much cheaper && bet ter than issuing bond. Just how the auditorium is to be furnished we did not leru it may be count ed in the above. t-abor. Cliuily A r- working your way throii;:li roi-'.-.- Algy Yes; working the ujouhv ..:n at father. Exchange. RECORD OF A GREAT MEDICINE Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. Templeton Regained Health through Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. Hooper, Nebraska. "I am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me. For five years I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to do my work. I took doc tors' medicines and used local treatments but was not helped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak I could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At y request my husband got me a bottle' of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take it. By .the time I had taken the seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a Well woman. At one time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did for me. I would Dot take $1000 and be where I was. You have my permission to use my name if it will aid anyone." Mrs. Susie Tem pleton, Hooper, Nebraska. 1 ThePinkham record is a proud and peer less one. It is a record of constant vic tory over the obstinate ills of woman ilia tnat aeai out despair. It is an established fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has re Ctoredhealth to thou sands of such suffer ing women. Why don't you try it if you needsucba medicine? PAYS TO BE HONEST. This is t!teJj?3rieBce of Claude Under-4v- .; wood. X One year ago at the Ju :e term of Federal court, Claude Uudrwood was convicted of illicit distilling and sentenced by the court to a year and a day in the Atlanta penitentiary, whereipon the de fendeot arose and told the. court that he would like to be obligiug, but he just cjuldu't see his way clear to begin that term right away. 'Judge," he said, "I would like to accomm date you, but I can't possibly go to the penitentiary right now. I hate got an old mother, some chi.dreu, a wife and a 'quare' sister at my house to support and my craps js just in such condition that I just can't afford to go to Alanta now." After saying further that he hated not to be accommodating and would come back at any othar time when his "oraps" were at tended to, the convicted man sat down. So struck with the peculiarity of the situation or maybe more by the earnestness of the fellow and the insight into a character which held some of the finest traits of real manhood, despite his viola tions of the law, Judge Boyd barkened to the word. of the prisoner, "I can't go to th pen now," and told him to c:me hack to begin his seutince at the Dj cember term of court. Last December ha returned, ac cording to the extraoidiuary agreement, and reported to tho lourt. He war told that he might spend until the followiug Juus with his family. So yesterday Underwood was again in atten dance npon the Uuited States ocurt, ready to serve his sentence But be was discharged by Jude Boyd aud allowed to go to his home in Randolph cousity, whero he will care for the aged mother, the ba'-'ies and the "eq iare" sis tr. Greensboro Record. Jamas M. Canup Dead. James M. Camp who was par alized about thrte weeks ago died at his heme four mites in the country Saturday, June 15.h, at 4:10 p. m aud was buried Sui.- day the 1(5 h, at 3 tclook p. m lie leaves a wif and four chil dren, two daughters aud two eons, who were present when the end sme. H4 alao leave3 four brothers, S. L. Canup, of Salis- bary ; Thomas L. Cauup, of Sum mitville, Ind.: George A Canup, of Liberty, of thi3 county, aud me brother who lives in Diuville, Va. Besides these he leave 11 grand children. Tne funeral was held at rrovidanoe church of whicli he was a mamber. He was born in Rjwa-n couuty, April th- 20, i8ob died June 15, 1612 aged 56 years, one month aud 25 days Mrs. Cauup and children dpsirj to thank r,he neighbors and friei.ds for their L;udnes3 shown thm dur mg tne sickness and after the death of their hus!. and ai;d father Signed: Mrs Janis M. Cadup and .children. . 2-s e rs. faiu v., . rue prove;! hy sta isti"S to ix- iou; lived. Five hundred and thirty :uineut men and women were taken as a basis, find their du ration of life gives an average of about sixty-eight and a half years. The Famous Rene. Catherine de Medici when she went to Paris to marry Henry II. took With her a famous Florentine per fumer named Rene, and from that time France made great progress in the fragrant art Not Always Good. Friend Why did you give your wife a pearl necklace for a birthday pres ent? Don't you know pearls are the sign of tears? Husband (significantly) In this case they were the result of them. Exchange. i What She Wanted. "What did she say when the judge granted her a divorce, but forbade her to marry in this state again?" "She asked "the judge to make her husband provide her with traveling ex penses." Detroit Free Press. A Loophole. "Why do you always tell people to give up the things they most enjoy?" "Because." replied the physician. "I am pretty sure they won't do It. and then if they don't recover they can't blame me." Exchange. Another Chance. Pedestrian -Hey: Vou just missed lie b.v an inch: Chauffeur Be patienti I'm coming hack directly! Puck. The Reason. "Can yon tell me. my hoy." snid the intelligent instructor, "why the race is not always to the swiftV "Yes'm." said the small boy prompt ly. "It's because sometimes their tires bust "-Exchange. Drowned In Sacks. Parricides in the middle ages were doomed to be incased In sacks and cast into the sea. IhiTflepiiblican Platform in a Nutshell. . Th republican . platfof i6 renews allegiance to the prin ciples of the republican pai.ty, favors limititrg hours' of labor of women and children and protection of wage earners in dangerous occupation; up-? holds the authority and in tegrity of the courts; favors new anti-trust legislation that will make monopoly criminal; reaffirms belief in protective tariff but promises reduction in some duties: praises the tariff board con demns the democratic tariff bills of the sixty-second con gress as injurious to the country; favors a scientific inquiry into the high cost of living and promises to re move the abuses that exist: favors;, revision of banking system to prevent panic aud the need of better insurance facilities; for the removal of crops in the west and south urge? agricultural credit societies to loan money to farmers; laws to prevent con tributions to nomination and elections of president, vice- president, senators and re presentatives in congress; favors treaties with .Russia and other countries to pre vent discrimination against American citizens; favors: the parcel post; promises conser vation of natural resources, the maintenance of an ade quate navy and revival of the m-rchanl marine; believes that the federal government should assume part control of the Mississippi river and help prevent flood disaster; tavors reclamation amid land improvement rivers and har bors; pledges to do all it can to relieve the evil of unde sirable immigration; favors ample equipment for life saving on ships; calls on the public to condemn and pun ish lynching and to streng then reppect for the law; re gards the recall of judges as "unnecessary and unwise;" believes in settlement of in ternational disputes by inter national courts of justice. In annother column ap pears the annual announce raent of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. This college is doing a splendid work for the industries of the State. Its graduates are in demand at good salaries and are found in all walks of in dustrial life. Young men who desire to fit themselves for useful remunerative ser vice cannot do better than to inform themselves about this College. Bab) Found on Porch. Monday night about 12 o'clock, Jacob Fisher, a splens did farmer living at Sumner, heard some noise and finally the cry of a baby and upon examination found one lying on his front porch It wa& well dressed and was supplied with extra clothes and a nurs ing bottle. Mr, Fisher has no idea where the child came from and is tryiug to find some one to care for it. He does not wish to adopt it. It was probably left Ihre by some one in the night, think ing Mr. Fisher would make a good father for it. J. B. Goodnight was in -iovvii yesterday and by request of Mr Fisher, was trying to find some who wanted the child. DEJlDE YOURSELF. Thg Cppoi i unity is Here, Backed by Salis bury Testimony. Don't take our word for it; . Don't dr-pend on a stranger's statement. Rh&d Salisbury endorsement. Rpad the statements of Salis bury citizens. And decide for yourself, Here ia one case of it: Mrs. J. Russell, 110 K. Cem etery St., Salisbury, N. Car., say3: "I consider Doan's Kidney Pills an excellent kidney and bladder remedy. Las spring and winter I had a lot of trouble from my kidueya. The kidney action was irregular and I had se vere pains in my back. At t'ines I was dizzy and nervous and could not sleep well at night, When morciug came I was tired and wora out. Hearing about D au's Kidney Pilis, I used them aud they put a stop to tlie trouble. I now slerp well an feel bttter in every way." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents .Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. t Remember the name Doans and take no other. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial ; College. Maintained ly the State for the Women o North Carolina. Five regular Courses lead Ing to degrees Special CQurses for teachers'; Free taliioii to those who agree to become teachers In the State. Fall Session begins September 18, 1912. For catalogue and other Information, address 6 19 li t pd JULIUS I, FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N O THE NORTH CAROLINA College ol Agriculture and Mgcbanic Arts THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLEOE Four-year courses in Agriculture ; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two year courses in Mechanic Arts and in TexHle Art. One-year and Two year courses in Agriculture These courses are both practical and scion tifia. Examinations for admission af held by the County Superintendents at all county seats on July 11th. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR 6-2610tpd West Raleigh, N. C The Catoiina Vatctiman or Rowan Record aud the Confederate Yeteran will be sent for $1.25 P6 annum If you have uot seen The Veteran, write tc Nasheville, Tenn , for a sample copy, and then subscribe through this office. The Watchman, Salisbury, N. C. Dr. F. KI. Thomas OSTEOPATH. Successor to Armstrong and Muner Offices 103 W. Innes. Telephone 120. Mortgage Sale ol Real Estate. Pursuant to the provision of a cer tain Mortgage deed of Trust, dated the 1 day of February, 1910, executed by Annie J oble, (widow) to B B Mil ler, Trustee and recorded in Book 39, page 7, of Rowan County Record of Mortgages to sf cure the indebtedness recited therein ; default having been made in the payment of said indebted ness and thi holder thereof having de manded f reclosure of eaid mortgage, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in falisbury, on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1912 at 12 o'clock, M. the following describ ed real estate in the West Ward of the City -:.f Salisbury, to wit: That certain lot lying and being in the Great West Ward of the City of Salisbury on which is built two four room cottages, situate on the N-West side of Caldwell Street and between Munroe and Matsh Streets. Begin ning at a stake 320 ft S-West from the West corner of the intersection of Munroe and 'Jaldwell Streets and runs thence N-West parallel with Munroe street 200 ft to a stake ; thence N-East parallel with Caldwell street 80 fe?t to a stake; thence south-east parallel with Munroe street 200 ft to a stake on the N-West side of Caldwell street; thence "S-West with. edge of Caldwell street 80 ft to the beginning corner Deeded to Annie J Noble and deed recorded in Record of Deeds of Rowan County. North Carolina, Book 87, page 151 This the 29 day of May, 1912 B B Miller, Trustee MORTGAGE SALE of Real Estate Pursuant to the provision of a cer tain mortgage defd f trust, dated the 1st day of June, 1907, executed by A. N. Shoe and wife, Sarah J. Shoe, to F. L, Palmer, Trustee, and recorded in Book 31, page 70 of Rowan County Record of Mortgages, to secure the in debtedness rtceited theiein; default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the holder thereof having demanded the fore closure of said mortgage, the under signed trustee will sell to the highst bidder, for cah. at the court house door in Salisbury, on Mpuday. the firstday of J.ily 1912 st 12 o'clock m. the following described Real Estate: Beginning at a stone, the East corner at intersection of Vance Avenue and Bell street and run thence in N-Easterly direction with Bell Street 1-15 ft. to stake at alley ; thence in Easterly direction with iine of said alley 100 ft. to a stake; thence in P. Westerly direction and parallel with Boll street 115 ft- to a slake, in edge of Vanrse Avenu'i ; thence in N. Wes terly direction with Vanc Avenue 100 ft. to the beginning corner; the same being Lots No. 38 and 39 of McOubbins and Shaver's Plot of land situated one and one-hdlf miles South from Square of Salisbury, N. C, and known as Bis hop Moore tract Deeded by Shaver and McCubbins to (J, A. Carr, ynd by Carr to A. N Shoe. May 28, 1912. . F. L, Palmer, trustee. B. B. Miller, attorney. Sale ol Land to Make Assets. Under and by v:rtue of an order of the superior court of Rowan county, made in the special proceedings entitl ed Floy I B Brown , administrator of Minnie M Leazer vs HM Leazer et al , the sime being No 106-upon the special proceedings docket ct said, court, the Undersigned commissioner and admin istrator will on Saturday, 6th day of July, 1912 at the hour of 12 m, at the residence of the latelinnie M Leazer in Atwell Township, Rowan county, re sell to tlie highest bidder for cah the follow ing tracts of land: 1st tract adjoining the lands of De Witt Overcash, Adolphus Wallace, be ginning at a stake on Dewitt Over- cash'g line ; thence n 1 deg. w 100 feat? to a stake in said line: thence n 71 deg, w 200 feet to a stake, a new lme: thence s 1 deg e 100 feet to a stone; 'thence s 71 deg, e 200 fet to the begin ning, containing 20.000 square feet. 2nd tract also another lot, adjoin ingthe a'bove lot-, Susana Cashion and H R Plaster, beginning at a stone, Wm A Leazer's corner to the above lot:thence"n 1 d g w 100 "feet to a stake: thence n 71 deg w 62 feet to a stone: thence s 1 dg e 100 feet to a stone in Cashion's line:- th.mce a 71 dege, 62 feet to the beginning, ion taining 6200 square feet, more or le3S. Bidding on 'both lots will begin ''at 1143.00 This June 3rd, 1912 FiiOTD B Brown. Comissioner and Admir, Minnie M Leazer John L Reudleman, attorney l: . mkeISore yodr J Heaflparters the 4th of July Plenty of good left Water. A Bucket and "Wfttgr for your t horse, (but please don't carry off our backet.) We'll try. and make the day as pleasant aa possible, and show you lots of good merchandise . cheaper than you can find anywhere else, . - A FEW SPECIALS OH SALE Apron Ginghams 3 1-2 cents 2000 yards of good grade apron Ginghams, real 7f quality but this is in short lengths, sale price for 4th , 3c. 2500 yards of yard wide madras bet, ter cloth than percale, worth 12i cents but in light shade of lavender only P"se 5cts, Hosiery Specials Women's regular 50c black silk hose Special 25cts ' W omen's 10c hose Women's nice, thin, gauze hose, We'll be glad to other bundles sent North Carolina, Rowan County, Li. H. Hearn ) Notice to Defendant of vs summons by publica Ella Hearn ) tion. Divorce proceed ings. The defendant Ella Hearn will take notice that plaintiff1 has commenced the above entitled action against her I for the purpose of obtaining a divorce i from the bonis of n atrimonj upon ; the grounds of infidelity as now pro-! yided by lsw, and that summons has been i- ufd in t-aia cause and returned by the sheriff of Kowaa county endors ed "Ella Hearn not to be found in Rowan County ;" that complaint has been filed in said cause seiting out the grounds for divorce; and that the dt-tendant is hereby required to ap pear at August term of liowan Super ior Court 1912, which convenes on August 20th, it being the fir?t Monday before the first Monday of September, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, or the relief therein pray ed for will be granted. This June 17th, 1P12. J F. MoOrBBiNs, clerk Superior court, .Rowan county, li. Lee Wright, atty. Re-sale ol valuable Farm. Cleveland Town ship. Pursuant to a.decree of the Superior court in the special proceeding entitl ed Jessie L. Siiaver et al vs Walter R. Graham, appoint ng the undersigned commissioner to Fell cerfain real es tate for partition and division, the ; undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in the city of Salis bury, JN c , on Saturday, July 20th, 1912, j at 12 o'clock m, th following describ- ; ed,real estate lying in Cleveland Town ! ship, adjoining the lands of P. L. Goodman. J F. Goodman. J. T. Eudy j and others, ana bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake, corner of lot X" . O Xl . tl 1 S IIT i. 1 io o , merce rt. i y2 w - ens to aj sume, inence u r.. i uu ens to a stake, thence N, 53 E. 7 50 ehs to a maple, thence N. 2 E 15 60 ehs to a st ike; thence S . 86 1-2 15. 1 .60 chs to a stake, theuce N. 9 V. 60 chs to a stsike, thence S. 86 W. 25.20 chs to the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less, ard being lot No 4 iissigned to Jessie L and Walter R . ( raham in the division of certain lands recorded in the clerk's office of Rowan county, in special proceeding docket no.. 5 r-aee 582, to which reference is hereby ! made. Bidding to begin at $588 50 I This is a valuable tr-ct of land, and j tne title is perfect, and the purchaser will be gien a Court deed. This June 18th. 1912. J. T . Wright, R Lee wright, atty ommissioner Re-Sale of Valuable House and Lot in Salis bury. Pursuant to a judgment aud de cree of the Superior court in the matter of Mary Smith, Ida Camp bell, Thomas Campbell and W. M. Campbell, appointing the un dersigned, commissicmr to sell for partition and division thf real estate of the late Allen V Smith, the undersigued will ee!l at public auction, at the court house d--or in the city of Salisbury, at twelve o'clock m, on Saturday. July !3D, 1912, one house at-d lot in that part of Salisbury known as Jersay City, and dfiscribed as follow: Beginning at a stak, 100 feet east from the inter section of Craige and Kerr Streets, said staks lifting on south Bide of Kerr strnet; thence with .edge of Kerr street, eastward 50 feet to a stake, corner of lot 21 ; theuce at right angles to Kerr sireet towards the W. N. C R R , 200 feet more or less to a stak1, on edga of alley along said railway: thence with said aily westward to western line of Achenbaoh land; thence with said line northward to a stake, corner of lot 20, aud thence to the Jbegiuning. Bsi- g lot 22, of John 8 Henderson, plat of tho eight acre Achenbach land, being lot No. 4 of the lots oonveyed. in OOOOOOOOQQOQQQQQQQQ lisle finish, double heel and toe, Extra -nice at 15o, 2 for 25c Ladies' 10c bleached vest for 5cts Ladies' White Hose for 10 & 25c White Shoes Big demand for white pumps, etc., We are selling them at very low prices. Women's white pumps with leather or white cloth covered heels, re gular $1.50 value for 98o Women's heavy welt sole white pump for $1.95 Children's white pumps at very low prices. imve you with here, etcf ELK-HARRY CO. 00eeoooooooaooooboooooooo 0 8 J. O. White & Co., Carriage & Wagon Builders. Farm and Dray Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Open and Top, Best Quality and Style. OM Carriages and Buggies repaired, painted and. made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cus hions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and old Frames re covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty; bteel tired wheels change ed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds of Wood aud Iron Work done at short notice We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for sale. Harnesi of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. Respectfully, J. O. IS Has since 1894 given "Thorough- instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It Is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 358 Its student body of 412, and its plant worth $140,000 ' THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In al subjects except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, REV. THOMAS ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal, BLACKSTONE, VA. trust by deed from John S Hen derson, and Elizabeth Henderson, registered in Book 67, page 631, in the offis of the Register of Deeds of Sowan county. Terms of salocash. , Biddii g to b-giu at $451 00. Sale will be left opeu ten days for ten percent bid s . This June 11, 1912. Wm. C. Ccdghknoub, Jr., Com. A. H. Price, R. Lee Wright, Attys State of North Carolina. Department of State. Certificate of TO ALL TO WHOM THKSE PRESENTS MAY COME J GREETING t Whereas, it appears to my sat isfaction ny duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous cousent of al.i the stockholder, deposited in my office, that' tffe Brown Palmer Clothing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal of fice is shnated at No. 112 South Main Street, in the city of Salis bury, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina, (T. B. Erown b. ing the agent therein and in o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR THE 4TH us. Save your & CO. charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Cor porations," preliminary to the is sueing of this ceitificate of disao lution: ' Now therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corpora tion did, on the 24th day of May 1912 file m my offije a -duly ex ecuted and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said oouseut aud the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on rile in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and pexnjB my ffbnl sal at Raleigh this 24th day of May A. D. 1912. J. Bryan Grimbs, Secretary of State. Oor Building Material win pioase yon. Our ceiling and siding at $1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you Good-' man Lumber Co. 'Phone 405L

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