SALISBURY HAS f IKE CELEBIUTIjI. Big CrtiJs; Trse Parade, fiood Racing and The AmericiDffige baa cot yet doted hit wings1 and 'hid bimseu in ill mean tain. fastnesses His I pi r it was abroad in the land ani v inking this-ye&rt'a demonstration and .-was potent t at Salisbury eg peeialfy: i A crowd, estimated at . 12,000, was bete- to -participate in and enjoy the exercises of the day The parade was the beaVthiog: on program. Ii.waa fine and o oon iderjfole length,: At 10:15 bleok the parade started, ttaversfdjfte principal streets . and-troks op, at the court house, where Col. RobtT BjIieeV Jr.; del iyered an lcauenf oration: suitable to.-the occasion . The parade was arranged as follows: ." ' s--' ' Two boys on ponies. Chief marshal, J. F,, Miller. Salisbnry band v Fourth Co. Coast Artillery. Carriage oocupied by city aldet men. ' s. Carriage occupied - by Ohairmai Smith of Fourth of July Celebra tion Association, Col. Robert . Lee, Jr., the orator of the day anr others. v Carriage with Seoretary Wsr burtonj of the Salisbury Iodustria ' Club and others. Carriage with T. B. BrowL president Merchants' Assooiatioi and others. Carriage with ministers of th -city and others Carriage with T. J. Jerome president of Salisbury iDdnstrla! Club and others. Ten automobiles handsomely decorated following each other. The Pixia Concert. band. Horseback riderB. Patterson locai Farmers Union, 17 horse men. Float, Patterson local Farmers Union, a veritable bee hire of in dustry potrayiug farm. life. Wagon, Patterson local con taining 27 girls dressed in white. Tammy Tribe Red Men, Spen cer. Fir department as follows: Small wagon, hook and ladder, reel, steamer. Salisbury Transfer Company, piano in wagon, instrument being played. White House Poultry Farm. Float of Jr. O- U. A. M., East Salisbury. Float of Giess Lr cal Farmers Union, containing a small house, green corn standing as in the field, big hawk in box, small tree with live 'possum in its branches. Horseback riders, Cress local, 9 horsemen Four horse team carrying girls. Float of Salisbury Supply and Commission Co. Float of Yost looal Farmers Union. Vehioler Rexal, two girls -driving. Ponv team. W. T. Kluttz Candy Co, Float of Mulberry looal'Farmers Union. " Pony team. Float of D. Oestreioher. Inde pendence, 1776 1912. Boggy containing two girls. Salisbury Hardware Company. iBicvoles. Southern Railway, excursion to -'Richmond, negro and banjo. , me paraae traversea. sue prin cipal streets and going down Korth Main doubled baok and aiSDanaea a tne court uoubb wumb a beautifully decorated stand had been erected and from which the magnificent address , of the day was delivered by Uoi. Kobert ifi Lee of Washingt:a, grandson cf - the great Confederate commander. After the crowd had gathered here, packing court house win dows in the flrBt and second story c. - - - aw mm mm A V mt mm S M ' M W ''-mJl- ' "" M T t M m ' TH" . f i76i!)jHnin onoron, opened tne President Smith of the celebration committee in a happy way intro- 'Assistant jaarahallr C; K: ItfrnformTanlc-Woodmen of -the- duoed the.distkguished speaker. whe 'following floats were? the prixV winners. -Farmers floats:-" Patterson lo cal, SrsVprize $50; Cress local, seerabriae,' $40; White House ojArm' third prisf BQ ; Ifbert 5?al, fourth prjza, 120; Yost rooaT.'flftn prize 10 .. City floats? Jr. O. U A. M., of IJast Salisbury, first prize, $25 ; Salisbury Supply Commission Co.. secottdrtittzs; ' SlOii D. Oe , atreicher, dry goodi third "prize, -Patterson local, farmers 'anion , largest number 'liorsebact 'riders from one-local, prise $10.; V : Uniform Eani' Woodmen of the orlobeidUpiay f ratMDabr derfcpnitiO;-: - 'fe Tammany " Tribe . Red Men, Spencer, special and meritorious mention,. There weref only two contestants f5r this priae. ..The jadges were : JT.; W. Neave, ofiawmanf B. Siv Birider J. P, OatheyV&iPeal ProK R- O. ktzer. : ; ; . .; ' ..' " The fpllo wiug were the results of the races during the afternoon : Free-for-all, one half mile pace, won by King James, owner, W C. Oorl j second F,. J, ParkB, owner, R. J. Holmes; third,.SilTeri 'owner ft. Li Avery. ;, - - . -Iu the 2 :20pace the first money .was won by Ooionei'Qribert, own- 4tt R. J. Holmes; seoond,-Appa-lachian Belle, owner, W. C. Corl ; third, Silver, owner, R. L. Avery. Ia the 2:304 trotting! pace, the first prize was -won by Rose, own er, R. J. Holmes; second, Appa lachian Belle, owner, W. C. Corl; third Wellington Girl, owner, Ihomas Murphy. ; '" In the base ball game between Cboleemee aud TjothCIayie county boya, put it'aliover s,$he DaVidsorr ladrin'a onesided ftiei in? coreliest telling the j.crr tJaresner t- i At night Colonel Lee and Col. R. B. Kyle of Alabama, another cele bration visitor, were entertained at a tea given in their houor by President Smith of the local com mittee. Colonel Lee left Friday morning for Charlotte, where he de'ivered an addresB that night. The Tina and f be Place. The general assembly of all the connection of the Peeler family will be held in the beautiful or phanage grove at Crescent, Rowan county, N. C, on August 22nd. Those who were there last year are all expected again .this year and many others have been heard rom. Committees are now at work making the local arrange ments, also preparing a program. Make it known to every member of the tribe for and near and let everyone arrange now to be there. A grand time ig expected. For any information write to the pres ident. Re. A. S . Peeler, Lenoir, N. 0.f or to the secretary., Jno O. Peeler, Salisbury, JN. U., Route 6. Popular Excursion to Richmond Ya., Via Soitiwo Railway. Tuesday July kid. 1912- The Southern railway will oper ate Annual Popular Excursion to Richmond, Vs., Tuesday, July 16th, at very low round trip rates. Tickets will be good to return on any regular trains leaving Rich- mond up to ana moiuaing xnurs- day, July loth, giving two days and one night in Riohmocd. Special train consisting of -first class oosobes and Pullman cars will leave Charlotte at 8:00 p. m, Tuesday July 18th, and arrive Richmond 6:00 a. m., following morning. Very low round trip rates from all branch points, tickets from these . points good on regular trains connecting with speoial train. Rare opportunity to visit historic Richmond and the many near-by pointB of interest at small cost. Following round trip rates will apply from stations named: Charlotte $4.50, Concord $4 50, Chester $5.00 Blacksburg $5.00. Salisbury $4 .50, Statesville $5 00, High Point $425, Greensboro $3 65, Asheboro $4 .75, Albemarle $5 25, Rockhill $5 00, Rutherford ton $5 00, Shelby $5 00. Kates trom an otner points in same proportion, . For- further luformaton.r f unman , reserva tions, Etc, - call on any agent, Southern Railway, or write, R. H-Debuttb, Division passenger Agent. Nj Reason Tor Existence cf Express Com- ThRt'thS railwava of VridSlMOT FflielpUt M tHtil ttF Oil coantry take oyer the expreBs companies'; business, was vjr tually recqfflmendetovthe twtjuiy-cuira annual conven tion of the iNatibna.JAssocia tion of 'Railroad Oommis sioners re eiiUy- session in Washington l)ythe committee on express rates and expres? service, r There-was -prolonged diseussfon-of the commit tee's report, which was 1 the only business-before the con vention v. 4The expresss iihdtail way companies,' said the report, are engaged in performing- a transportation service that one company could perform just as effective if not more so. The fact is that the rail ways probably could assume the handling of both the heavier commodities and the lighter packages atl a lower cost and with greater satis faction to the public, than the express companies charare. Their present organization is near enough comDiete for this." - : FAITH; July 3r I. David .Brown and Rufus Peeler were thrashing wheat in and around Faith July 2nd and 3rd. They run with gasoline. Crops at the following places have iust -been thrashed: Milas Stirewalt, John Wil kerson, E?" A. Brown, John A. Peeler, Myron Fisher, Jas. Ritchie, L. M. Peeler, Bill Barger, George Peeler, P. A. Peeler, Arch Kliittz, Dolph Giant and L. W. Ludwick. They threshed 2600 bushels last week in four days. Who ever can beat that with a gasoline outfit trotsTQttt your blast J uly 3rd. Two kegs of powder were put in and a battery used. It lifted out many tons of nne granite near Peeler Bros.' saw mill in town, and the buildings were snafcen by the big blast. Several block makers will now go to making it up into paving blocks. While we were traveling recently we discovered a remedy that gives relief to rheumatism. I will tell any one what it is on receipt of a two cent stamp for postage. Simple and good. The best wheat threshed here this year was at Lawson Lud wick's. Venus. The Choice Of A Husband . is ton important a matter for a woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these killhopesby taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion. pure breath, cheerful spirits things that, win' men-follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25o at all drugg'Sts.. Cards of Thanks. We desire to return our thanks through your paper to our neighbors and friends tor their kindness to us during the illness and death of our little son. Richard L. Barger and Wife. The editor of The Watch man is indebted to his good friend C. W. Harrington of route No. 2, Rockwell, for a lot of nice peaches. Such tokens of thoughfulness are duly appreciated and causes one to feel that the world is growing better for "It is more blessed to give than to re ceive." May an opportunity present itself to return our friend's kindness! Insect Bite Costa Leg. A Boston-man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years be fore To avert such calamities from stings aud bites of insects UB9 Bucklfcn's Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison aiid prevent iriflamation, swelling and paia. Heals burns, boilsnloers piles, eczsma, cuts , bruises.' -Oaiy OCT 1. - 1. -U J 'if V;-J T1 'OEUOCRATIC.PUTJ A- v w!a,!c pf1 WUI !jt?jnM.;' The democratic hosts: just be- fore adjourn menfc i at Bat t i m ore.1 and following the jxemlnatidn of a vioe president, adapted a great progressive platform Summa rized . as briefly as possible it is here given and every! citizen should read it. . , v Reaffirm s party's ' devotion to the principles of democratic gov ernment as formula? -id by Jeffer son. -... - v v Declares for a tariff for revenue onlyand denounce) "the high re publican tariff as fe principal cause of the unequal distribution of wealth. Favors immadiatetownward re vision of present dut.-es, especial ly upon necessaries bi life: Also favors gradual reduction S3 as not to interfere winrorestroy legi timate industrial "Denounces Presidio Taft for vetoing tariff bills ofst congress. Condemns republican!, party "for failure to redeem its promises of 1908 for downward revision." Takes issue with ; th.V-'republican platform as to the igh cost of living,' contending is largely due to high tariff laws.. Favors vigorous uforcemeDl of the criminal features of -"antitrust law. Demands Ikoh addi- tioual legislation as may be-lnec- eBsary to crush private cqonopoly. Favors prohibition: f holding companies, interlocki directors, stook watering, etoT? "Condemns republican adminif tratian -"ifi compromising with tandard?Uiti company and Jtohacevtnist. Denounces as "usurpation" the efforts of rep ahlics to .deprive states wf their -; rlg? and " JfcoVn- tweenthe nation and the state in which exploiting interests can take refuge from both." Urges people to support pro posed constitutional amendments, pending in various state legisla ture, providing for an income tax and election of United States sen ators by direct vote of the people. As justification of the demands of the party for publicity of cam paign expenditures, attention is direoted "to the enormous expen ditures of money in behalf of the president and his predecessor in the recent presidential contest." Favors efficient supei vision and rate regulation of railroads, ex press oompanies, telegraph and telephone lines aud a valuation of these oompanies by the interstate commerce oommiaaion, and also legislation against over-issuance of stocks of these sorporations In connection with a demand for suoh a revision of the bauktng laws as will give temporary re lief in oise of financial distress, there is denunciation of the Al drioh bill prepared by the mone tary commission, The present method of depositing government funds is oondemned and the par ty is pledged to the enaotment of a law for the deposit of such funds by competitive bidding- in stats or national banks without discrimination as to looality. Reoom mends investigation of agricultural credit societies in Europe to ascertain whether a system of rural credit may be de vised suitable to conditions in the United States. Pledges party to enactment of legislation to prevent devastation of lower Mississippi valley by fl)ods and the control of the Mis sisSippi is declared to be a nation al, rather than a state problem The maintenance of a navigable channel is also recommended. Declares for presidential prefer ence primaries. Directs the national committee to pro.vide for selection at primaries of members of natitnal committee. ; Piedees partv to enactment of law prohibiting campaign oontri- hationsby corporations and un reason able campaign contribu tions by individuals. : : - ray or a single presidential term and making presidents ineligible J to re-election. " Feliciates democratic congress oa lti record, enumerating im portant achievements and pledges an adequate navy. Denounces, republican adminis tratiod on charge of extravagance and demands return to simplicity aud economy befitting a demo cratic government. Repeats party's declaration of the platform of 1908 as tonights of labor and pledges the party to an employes' compensation law. Declares the unnecessary with drawal of public land tends to re tard development and bring re proach upon policy of conserva tion; "that reservations should be limited to purposes which they purport to serve; favors broadest liberality-in administrating jand laws and says forest reserve act permitting homesteadtrif s within the national forest s&uild not be nullified by administraiin regulations ; declares for. lmmed ate action to make available Al askan coal lands and safeguarding of lives of miners. i; ' - ' : Favors encouragement of agri culture and legislation to snu- press,; gambling in agricultural products.- v Believes in .fostering growth of a meroLntHinatiJi4isge8 Speedy enaotmeat of amfor reaterse curity of life and ropertyatiea. Re affirms previous declarations regarding pure food ahdl?phblie healthv:: ...s-.'ri ''Sk Favors reorganization of'eFvu service and savsfawtshonld be honestly and rjgidlj enforced. Recommends Jaw reform legis lation. Re-affirms position against "policy of imperialism and colo nial exploitation "in Philippines, WelcomAS Arizona and New ighta;aiJifri?li territorial form of government . ' Refers to Russian treaty of 1832 and renews pledge to preserve "saced rights of American citi zenship at home and abroad." Favors parcels post and exten sions of rural delivery. Favors such encouragement ss can be properly given Panama ca nal exposition. Commends to the states adop tion of law making it offense to discriminate against the uniform of the United States. Renews declaration of last platform regarding generous pen sion policy. Refers to the rule of the people and says: "The democratic party offers itself to the country as an agency through whioh the complete over throw and extirpation of corrup tion, fraud and machine rule in American politics can be affect ed." The cono.usion of the platform: "Our platform is one of, our principles whioh we believe to be essential to our national welfare," and invites cooperation of all cit izens who believe in maintaining unimpaired the institutions of the country. Repabllcans For Wilson. "The issue is dearly joined for the people," said Governor Os- born today. "It is Wall Street vs. Wilson. Woodrow Wilson' character, temperament, prepara tion and fitness is above the high average of American Presidents. He is a oheiftian, a scholar and; fearless citizen. "Republicans oan vote for Wil son without leaving . their party or bolting. The real Republican paity has do candidate for Presi dent this year. There has been no nomination. The action of the political freebooters at Ghi oago is not binding upon the -Re publican party, even if for the movement they are bearing aloft its stolen ensigu." Vt. Halvey W. Wiley, former cmei ot tne onseau r of chemistry-- of Agriculture nf the Department announces that h9 has - quit the Republican party and will up port the Democratic presidential tioket this yaar. RICHFIELD ROAD.1 J , ' July 3rd. There is some sickness about here just now? ' The Rush Saw Mill .Com pany has finished sawing for William Stafford at Bringle's lerry. ana nas moved Southmont, H. O. - mrs. Eugene Morgan- is visiting her home folks at this writing. .. - - Several of the- girls and boys of Bringle's ferry took a pleasure ride in the motor boat the other, Sunday even ing which they all enjoyed very much. " ' Miss Freda Morgan- took a trip to Salisbury, Friday. ' Eli Wyatt died at his home near here last Saturday morning, June 29th. He leaves four children to mourn his departure. Mr. Wyatt was, 71 years of age and was an old veteran. He was- a faithful member of St. Mat thew's E. L. Church and will inisgHfi hy.-all : who knew him, Mr. Wyatt's wife died Lteir years au. He was one of Rowan' best citizens and was liked by all his friends. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at St. Mat thew's E h. Church on Sun day-at four o'clock. : The funeral was conducted bv his pastor, Rev. C. Buck. The bereaved family Jave the heartfelt sympathy of the writer and a large circle of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Weslie Lud wick, of near Cfaven, spent last Sunday morning at David Bean's. . - J IJncle Josh seems to visit up near. Panther Creek quite often.J guess you Ineans business, don't you Uncle Joehie. - "-.Morgrn :fiite3 Sunday evening. Besareful Zimmie you might accident ly fall into the - deep, blue Yadkin river. John Shepherd, who has been confined to his room for a few weeks, died last Sun day evening. Mr. Shepherd was about 85 years old leaves three children, two girls and one boy, to mourn his death. He was a Confederate Veteran aud a member of Xick Creek Baptist church. Mr. Sbep herd was a good man and will be missed by all who knew him, His remains were interred at the cemetery at Corinth church on Monday evening. The funeral .was conducted by Rev. Hezekiah Morton. The bereaved fam ily has the heartfelt sympa thy of a large circle of friends. Miss Pearlie Morgan, Effie Callicott and Berty Morgan visted their friend, Miss Jes sie Reed last Sunday even'. w. c. L.1KS saw mill wab destroyed by fire last Friday night. His loss is estimated at $5,000. Miss Pearle E Her has been been on the sick list the. past week. Her friends wish her an early recovery. . Mr. and Mrs. William Lehtz, of Salisbury, visited at Ruby Crook's on last Sun day evening. . David Bean visited Carl Williamson on Sunday even mg.----.lebe Feezor visited at Houston XJrowell'a at Rich field last Saturday night and Sunday. There will be an old folk's singing at Wyatt's Grroye church thethird Sunday in this month. Everybody and about everybody else is invit ed to attend. Huf us Miller of High Rock visited at William Feezor's on last Sunday evening. I Some of the girls have been looking for that auto from ;the jYadkin Valley, 1. I fton't think they, will see it come. - . , Best wishes to The Watch man and its many readers. El&ab. l RememWr 1 wnejfeii lay-by. the.crOpglfoi'fcriltiVate c shallow; and leave! thelihd level, donutf.thebtsHor . make pitches ',; "Ivvwr z jriani peas in rtne corn ' -L-i-i.-' " igJ5&a&8& ? ruuo xiubtuorwioo employ 6Q you have made anvr&mvi atari I1 to fill it Clean up and, patS about the barn, ; A- Get all hay cf6j .nnaer shelter or- in : good- stacks. Take care of the tstraw rafter threshing. Begin rnirfTig arrangements, to care far the corn without the aselesiiabor " of fodder pulling, " ir;" 5 Keep on plantijigitt'ftie garden, And "don't "forgets patch of late roasting ears and a patch of popcorn. 6 Have consultation with the lad y of the house and see that the screens are all right, that she has a fireless -cooker and that she canget water without carrying it.' k 7 If a farmer V institute is beld in your neighborhood, or if there is a round-up in stitue in your State,: : arrange to attend, r 7vi ;5 8 Keep closejvatch on all livestock! see that the horses are thrift, . the : pigs growiug and that the cows do not fall off with their milk. 9ft Arrange for a .vacation, if nothing more than a day's outing or a picnic occasional ly through the surniner. ? ' W:rK6p4sool politically as well as physically, above all, don't get excited about tae President and let your local offices be filled with inebm petent meftlr-The Prbgres siye Farmer, , v PARK'S ACADAMY, uly 08 rsaEffiiBAjUSget , lsrMMW M -iJJO.J T. rij " ' w . .1 . I I mm aw uimAUKv,aaxaiM.u auoufl astma alttMir Avsi tAWTifAinl j--m-v.... - K-'rm: v-r-f few days with his father BiiD, A. A. Castor and W; A. Shap ing and family spent Sunday at Whitney. Miss Ada Jaokion spent San- day with Miss Anna Castor. Carl Basinger spent last Satur day night at Rsodle Castor's, A large crowd was present at the ice cream supper Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. M, ; A. Overoasb spent last Sunday morning,. at Arch Slough's. On next Saturday, 18th. thers will be a ball game at the ParqJt't Aoadamy at 4 o'clock; Reimer Town and Faith wilt cross bats. wnion is expeoisa to De an inter esting game. At 8 o'ciook the ycung people will give an enter tainment. The program arranged for the occasion 4s jsr follows w : Songs by the yojmf people. The Spelling Skeul time of p& 40 . annate by 5 malea andG ft males. - Piokles and Tickles. Tuae 90 minutes by 6 males. Jasper Troubles' Time 20 minutes, 8 males and 1 female.-: Darkey Wood dealer. TimedO minutes, 2 males and 1 f emajif How Sister Patsey got her child babtised. Time 20 ' minutes, males and 1 female. ; . ' Song, God-be with you,' ; We also will try to havt-moiio for that night. j0r. There will also be refreshments at G. M. Shaping's. - The publio is especially invited to come and enjoy the' fan with ns. Remember the date and place, July 18. HAW; For every purpose of flesh healing liniment for man or jbeags there is no remedy more powerful than DARBY'S PROPHYLAO TIO PLUID It is in addition to its eff ectiteness on the., flash a wonderful internal : remedy ; relieves Cramps, Colic, Dysenter, Sore Throat, Swollen Tontilsi, ana Sick Stomach. . As a diiinfafttewA for the sick room it ia of extrao dinary value. It destroys germs and purifies the air, -' AdtUao to . the water fox )thixq( tWaej of a fever patient it is not only re freshing, bat it tends to allay the fever. Price 50 cU per bottle, 8old by AUDrnssUsJ -A

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