Y "it" -c. ' WV. '' THE CAROLINA VATGHMAN WM. a,ra VfAK P, Ed. and Prop Published every Wednesday 120 West Innes Street. at :W Entered at second-class matter Jan 18th. lfiOS, at the rost office at Balis kuiT N. 0M urder the aet of Congress I AlarefiBxd, 1671. SAiiasnBT, N. C July 81, 1912 I Gold Knob, July 29. Andrew Bargr wai Lorn October 7, 1823, and departed this lit a at bis borne near Rockwell, July 27, 1912, aged os years, 9 months and 20 days Mr. Barger was baptised in early ' childhood in Organ E. L. ohuroh and later was confirmed and join - ed Organ church at which place he was a connstant member unti DV raters m. L. cuuron was or ganized, then he transfered his membership to the latter church where he lived a oonsistant and valued member up to his death . "Uncle Andy" as he was m re familiary known, was married in early manhood to a Miss Lingle. 10 tms nnou nve children were born and. one son. Jno. H. A. Barger, survive him. Later Mrs Barger was called to follow her four children home, to join them in their promised land. After wards Mr. Barger married Miss Eliz ibeth Brown, and to this hap py union four children wire ad an, two are dead and two sur vive him, Messrs- T J. A. and P. C.J. Bargar. The second Mrs. Barger died just 5 years! and three days before Uncle Andy, having died July 24, 1907. Mr. Barker, at tho outset of the civil war, euhsted in the 46th. N. C. State troops, Co. 6., was a gallant and fearless soldier up to the surrender, when he came home and after a deeperaie strug gle he has laid up a snug little fortune. Mr. Barger never tired of telling stories of hardships and battle encounter's of day'u in the great straggle, Only a few weeks ago, on his last trip to Sal sbury wiih the writer, he told of being detailed to shoot three deserters who had been court ma;tialed and after the first volley, of which Mr. Barger was not in, thre9 victims fell each with his head to the north (as he said) signifying that the north should be victorious. Mr. Barger haB been very feeble for some time and about two weeks ago was seized with what proved to be his taking off Death was caused by heart failure, from which the family became alarmed last Friday morning, wnen ne succumbed to the victor at one o clock Saturday morning His funeral service was held from Bt Peter's E. L. church runday eveniug at a rciock, Kv. w. 0. if uok omoiatiug, assisted by Rev. P. M. Trexler, of the Reformed church and Rev C. P. Fisher of - Faith. The tf-xt for Mr. Buck's discourse was found in Job, 5th chapter and 26th. verse, ,lThou shalt come to thy grave in a full age like a shock of crn cometh in its season." The aoting pallbearers were composed of. the following old ojdierg, his comrades and friends: Henry R Keeler, H Cal vin Afcner, Alexander Holshouser, and J as A Lyerly of the Rowan Artillary, Osborne M. Holshouser, of the 46th. regiment and John 0. Morgan of the 8th regiment. It was sad to see these old cldiers bearing away one of their dead as in the dark days of the ixties . One by one they are fading away, One by one they answer the call ; A few hence, those worn the frey. snail reach their home, God. their all. Mr. Barger. leaves three fourteen grand-children a large list of friends who their loss We morn not as those who have no h pe. This only leaves W. H B st, n i a wit;. - t . . a idBBiiBi w lse ana possiDJy one or two mjf i of Mr. Barger's old company. P. S. The fam;!y of the late Andrew lin ger isaes to thauk their many frieuds for the kindly eivio-t and sympathy extended them during th illness and death of their father, and grand-father. Mrs. R. M. Marks a resident of North Lee street, died Monday evening from the effects of tuberoulois. The funeral ser vice was held at the house yes terday afternoon, Rev. Byson Olark of the First Presbyterian poorcn, omoiatiug The inter ment wa in Chestnut Hill cem tery. A husband and one daugh ter survive. Lied at the residence of her aaughter, Mrs. W. G. Watson, Thursday Ju.v 25, Mm D. 0 West, widow of the Jae Jas H. West. of M Ulla, Ithis c unty. The funeral md iutermnt. was at Prospect Presbyterian church in West R)wai', Siturday morning. Rev. R. V. CulLertson officiating. Mrs. West is survived by several children, & three sons and four daughters, R N.. J C and Sam I . West; Mrs. 3. M. Hart Mrs. JJ.p. Hart, Mrs. J, S. Seaford COURT BEALS TIGERS A OEATH BLOW. Ab3Pf Half: of the I'Oafentoutii Pr eseat Projierti Ordered Slzsd tar fir f (ies Wilmington, July- 27,- Con stituting what is regarded as the most, severe psonn lary punish ments ever imposed for violatic ns of the prohibition law in North Carolina, and what is : geuerally believed to be a" death blow to 'blind tigerism" in Wilmington. fineB ranging from Sjl,(00 tcS3 000 and costs were ordered against a number of defendants by Judge Frank Carter of Asheville in superior court today when the 69 odd oases against those who at the January term of court entered pleas of nolo contendere to charges of retailing were oalled. Hardly half of the defendants wtrei present to answer when their names were called, and the bond forfeitures to til well into the thousands of dollars. The heav iest fiues were against some of the abient ones and the court ordered that their r ronerty be seized up on for the amount of the fiues audcots. No straight road sen tences were meted out but several A the defendants were giv?n to understand that if they failed to raise the amount of their fines that they wculd go to the roads The mai mty of those who answered when their cases were called were found to have kent faith in their agreement with the tat and thir cuses were con tinued until the September tftrm of court under the fotmer order. B nds forfeited by the absent ones rai ged from $200 to $1 800 W. M. Pimpson, a former or dained minister of the GosDel. who has for the past seven cm light yeirs bean doing defective work, and hi C. Warren, his as sistant, were the principal wit nesses against those who had vij- ated their agreement uot to en gage in the whiskey business, af ter entering the plea of nolo con tendere. The heaviest fiues imposed wer against J. W. Caps and J. O Grimes, oth of whom were called And failed. Judge Carter ordered chat a fiue of $2,000 and costs be recorded agaiLst each one of them, in formal judgment, so bb to stand as a lien upon their lands or property, that their bonds be forfeited and that alias capiases be issued for their arrest if thev oan be found. A fine of $5,000 and cost was ordered against J. E. Taylor, who was called at d failed, but it was There are urihaODT married lives, but a Wrfa tufuntfla rJ tftesa imtittnmr tomes irflre due to tfier illness" of the wife, pother or daughter. The feelings of nervousness, the bcfbggeU piad, the ill-temper, tne pale and, wrinkled face; hollow ,andjcircled eyes,- result most- often from those disorders peculiar to women.- ForV the woman to be haftoy and iood-lookir.tf tb'a mn mhinllv hVe tfood health." DfsiSfni-dowa feelinjls. hysteria, hot-flashes or ennstantlv returning sains aad 1 i -aones- are too great' s dram upon a woman s vitality iand strength.-7 Dr. rierce's pP.mma TvnnM..: a, . i J. . -- I ... 1 . j. iBiti.Miuuu rcmvnsa weaKsoa sick women to souna neaiin Dy reguj latimj and. correcting the local disorders which are generally responsible for thir above distressing symptoms, ' V " suffered greatly for a number of years and for the past three' ' years was bo bad that nfe was a misery to me," writes Mrs. B. F. Dick- . over, of Utica, Ohio, Route 4. "The doctors tojd me I would have to. go to a hospital before I would ever be better. A year ago this winter . and spring 1 waa worse than ever before. At each period I suffered like one in torment, I am the mother of six children. I was- so bad for five months that I knew something must be done, so I wrote to Dr. R. V. -Fierce, telling him aa nearly as I could how I suffered. He outlined a course of treatment which I followed to the letter. I took two bottles of Favorite Prescription ' and one of ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and a .' fifty-cent bottle of Smart-Weed," and have never suffered much since. -1 wish I could tell every suffering: woman the world over what a boon, , " Dr. Pierce's medicines are. , There is no use wasting time and money doctoring with anything else or any one else. The Medical Adviser by R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, -N. Y., answers hosts of delicate questions about which eyery woman, single or married ought to know. 'Sent free on receipt of 31 stamps to pay for wrapping and mailing only. Mas. Dickovek. Salisbury owiship Sundu School Conieo tf on Met Sunday- The annual convention of the Salisbury Township Sunday school Aiaociation was held in tbe audi torium ot of the Southern Rail way Y". M. C. A. at S.penoer Sun day atternoon Of tbe twenty Sunday Schools in the township association fourteen were repre sented by delegates at the meet ing. There was a large attend ance probably the largest in the history of the association. R. M Lionard, of Salisbury, was re elected presidobt, and M. L. Ris er, of Spencer, seoretary. . The meeting was opeced with devotional exercises led by Rev. 0, B. Heller, pastor of the Spen cer and Chestnut Hi'l Presbyteri an ohurcb.es. This was followed ny encouraging reports from the fourteen schools represented. Next on tbe prcgram was an out line of improvement in the Sun day schools of tbe township duriug the past year by A . L. Smoot of Salisbury. This showed that there has beeq. au increase of 50 per cent, in both attendance and collections and that general in tereit has advanced in the sam proportion. Dr. C. M . Van Poole county president, then made his annual report which showed much progress and increased interest in Suuday School work. At tbe cLse of tbe president's report the ril call of schools was made and fcuiteeu answered. Rsv. Jno. W. Moore, pastor of the First Metho dist chuicn of tniB city, tnen made an interesting talk, telling "How to interest Children in Mis sions, and was followed by A. B mm. -ini MiraMw Mia ogteeby on "1 raining to give. f r, 'Jnf. Ann Q n l.n 4J I. ww Teacher" was ably discussed bv .wFW.BCU " Hon. Jnhn H HnnHannn a man was at jbeir 30DS, d a morn and cost when it wbb tne conrt tuat he was not of as much properly as tmt thought. A fine of $2,000 was recorded against J. L. Bolton, who was said to be out of the city on his honeymoon; J. H Woebs answered to his name and was given the alter native of paying a fiue of $1,000 and costs, to waive the finder cf a new bill of indictment, plead guilty to the sale of whiskey to persons unkuown, and to furnish bond in the sum of $1,000 to ap pear at each subsequent term of court for two years to show cause that he has been on bis good be havior, or go to the roads for one year. J. O. Grimes forfeited his bond of $1,800 and Taylor a bond of $1,700. Taylor's bondmen at tached his property to satisfy tbe amount of the bond. Tbe musical program wis t special feature of the meeting Included in this was a vocal solo by Miss Alma Dorsett, of Siler City, and a piano solo by Miss Carrie Home, of Spencer. The Salisbury orchestra led in the mc eical part of the pr gram. Looking for a Location. M A. Enders and Carl Gerlacb, representing the Ford Motor Co., cf Detroit, Micbigan, were in Sal isbury yesterday and wore shown ver the city by H . A. Rouser, representative or tuat oompauy ore. lbes gentlemen are out 1 joking for a warehouse and an assembling plant. Should they decide to locate here they will need a large building and will em ploy a number of skilled work- men. iney were lavoraniy im pressed with Salisbury. and Mrs'W. G. Watson, all resi dents of this county with the ex ception of Sam L West, who lives in Jarks ni " countv. Ark. She also leaves two brothers and two sisters, W. B. Lowrence of Columbia, S. C, and 8. A. Lowrenoe of Mooresville. Mrs. M. A. Brown, of Mt Ulla. this county, and Mrs H. Nj Good man, Mooresville. 'Mrs. West was 78 years old. Roxie Moore MARRIAGES. The marriage of Miss Earnhardt and Horace E. ook place at tbe parsonage of the M. E. Church in Sp'encer Sundav night. Rev. H-C, Sprinkle, cas tor of the church officiating. In the same room on Thursday nigtt Miss Olivia Moore, eisier of tbe groom and I H. Ambrose wer married. Miss Earnhardt is a daughter i of Mrs. Sailie Earn aardt of Salisbury. ITGHIHB PREVENTS SLEEP ECZEMA SUFFERERS COULD HAVE COMFORT TONI6HT. " D. M. Miller is now busy can ping up fruits and vegetables of all kinds as has been his custom for a number of years He ex pects to put up .about ten thous and! cms this year. He gees atth- business in the right way aud sel dom loses a can. What Mr. Miller does is what ought to be done in every neighborhood. There is always a good market for clean well oanned fruits and vege tables and there is no reason why the abundance of fruit grown in this 'county should be allowed to go to waste. Here is a splendid opportunity for profitable co-operation. . Seashore Excursion to Narfoik, Ya. and irginia Seashore Resort e, Tuesday, August 6. Two Special Trains via Southern Railway. Special train consisting of first class ooaoheB and Pullman sleep ing cars will leave Charlotte at 5:00 p. m. and Concord at 5:55 p. m. Tuesday, August 6th, arriving at Norfolk 6 42 a. m , on August 8oh. Ret am inn will leave Norfolk at 6:80 p. m., Thursday, August 7th. Special train will a'so be op era t fad from ,Rutherfv.rd ton leaving that poiot at 4:00 p. m Tuesday August, 6tb, arriving at Norfolk the following morniug. Return ing, this tram will leave Norfolk at6:00p. m.. Thursday. Aueust ha otn. 1 he train starting at Rutn erfordton will handle business from all points fnm Rutbetf.rd ton to Belmont inclusive and from Gaffnsy, S. 0. Passengers from Chester to Pineville wiil use ( . m' n XT CO I ' I I 1 Biaiuo xi '. ujauu uiuuresviuo ana I J intermediate points will use train IJ No. 27, and from Gaffuey train V No. 12 connecting with the sprcia trains at junction poiuts. Two whole days and on a night at tbe seashore. Ample time to visit Virgiuia Beach. Old Point Com fort, Opeau View and the many other points of interest in and around Norfolk. See large flyers for detail -d information. Fol lowing low,, round trip rates will apply from stations uamed : Cbarktte $4 50; OoLcord $4 50; China Grove t4 50: Rutbertord tju $500; Shelby $5.00; Blacks burg $5 00; Ki itfs M unman $5 00 Gistonia $5 00; Gaffn-y $5.25; Chestir $5.00; R ck HiU $5.00; Fort Mil! $5.00; Meorftsville $5.00 Davidson $5.00; HuntersviUo $5.00 Children o matter what price you want to piy, the best your money-can buy is to be found bere. With our combination of 9 stores, we are easily in a class to ourselves in buying our goods, and we buy at prices no small stores gefc 1 Then, too, we sell for Gash only- Buy 'em Cheap and Sell 'em Cheap" 9ur Store is always fillel with fresh, new goods, aud we would like for you to compare QUALITY and PRICES. We often see goods bought at other stores and where the customer pays 10 to 25 per cent, more than we ask for the eame article. Are YOU paying this HIGH price? Some do. Always come-to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u X 0 JJOiM Iff? rrq Up vii 0 rJachovia Bank and Trust Co. Salisbury-, N. C. NEXT TO OODRT HODBE Will pay you 4 per ceut on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. This is a Big Bank, why not between tbe ages of 5 Pea aa account with us? Founded 1838 Chartered 1859 . A. 1 I I r . - -r auiiiwBiYa years nan rate. Li.w round trip rates from all other points covered by tame tram on same basis. For Pullman reservations or nny othr inf rmation, see your nearest agnt', tr write, R. H. De Butts, Dirisiou passenger agent, Charlotte, N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS wCv THE IMAMONU BKAMD. Ladlnl Ask your lraclt for A I'UU ia Red and romllicV bp-ifJ. sealed iritli K.n- Ribbon. V Tajie no other. Br of your V 'Jrncirt. Ask fo. 'l,i.t!Ili:(i.TKR -. DIAMOND KRAAD PII.I.S. Fo.fe ya'S''novmasBes.Saiest,Ai-a5-sReJrmblt SWB8V mWM FVERVWHERF Graid Seashore Eicarsioa to Norfolk and Virgiuia Seashore Points Tharsda, Augist 1, 1912, via Southern Railway. bueoial train o usiiiiug of first class day coaches aud standard Pullman sUepiug cars, wiil leave Salisbury at 0 p m , Thursday, Auguse 1st. haodiiuir business from all poiuts Salisbury to Jamestown iuolusiy , airivine at Norfolk at 6 :15 a in , Augu-rt 2ud, retaruiug to leave Nortolk at 7 p m., August 8rd. Two whole days and one night at the sea shore, allowiug ample time to visit Virgiuia Beaoh, Oceau View, .Newport .News, Oid Point Com fort, Hampton R ads. and the many other points of luterest in aud around Norfolk. Low rond trip tickets will be sold from st tion8 named at tho foilowiuc rates : Mortgage Sale o! House M Lot. Pursuant to the terras and conditions and by virtue of of the authority con tainpd in on certain MORTGAGE TRUST DEED executed by William A. Crowell,and wife Janie Orowell to D. O. Lingle on October the 22nd 1907 and register d in Book of Mortgages wo. 01 page oao Kegisfr'8 Ulrica, Rowan County, default havincr k on made in the payment of the note se cured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest oiaaer ror cash, at the court house door in the city of Salisbury on Saturday, August 10, 1912. at 12 o clock m., the following describ ed reat estate : One hou?e and lot beginning at a stake on the North East, side of Hank street (extended) corner to Mary Griffin's lot and runs thence with Bank Street about North West 100 feet to a stake ; thence about North East 86 feet more or less to James M. Mon roe line: thence with Monioe's hn in a Southern easterly direction 100 ft et v a state on Monroe's Iiha TTiriinLiifcr College Its Strength Lies in A large, well-trained Faculty; Excellent Buildings and Equipment- Full we.l-arrangedCour.es; Earnest. higK-mlnd?d Stud en ts; a Urge and loyal body of Alumni and Friends ; noble ideals and trxdition; an Inspiring hirtoVy of anhievfmnt and servtfte. Next Session begins Sept 11, 1912 For Catalogue and Illustrated Booklet, address R. L. FLOWERS. Sac.. Dnrham, North Carolina. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Maintained by the 8'ate tor the Women o North Cat oliua. Piv s regular rours.-s lead Ing to decrees Special Ct u ses for teachers. Free tuition t those who agree to become teachers in the State. Pall Session begins September 18. 1912. For catalogue and other information address 6 19 lot pd JULIUS I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, NO ' THE NORTH CAROLINA College of igriciiljire and Mechanic Arts Tne 5 FATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLFOE Four-year courses in Agriculture in Civil, Electrical, and M chnuical' Engineering ; in Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Djeing. Two yVar courses in Mechanic Arts and in Te?1 ile Art. On-vear ind Two-year courts In Agriculture. These e mres are both practical aud scientific. Exmination-i for admission are' held by the County Superintendents at all county seats on July llth. -. For Catalog address THE REQI5VRAR War. Raleiarh. N. (1. 6-28i0tpd SallBtury I4.6D; Lin-?ood 14 60: GriiSin'a corner; thence with M v r v ... ...lr3.:flQi: i . - . . J Loxiugtou 4.ou; inomaB?uie ir'r"v "! U 2o; High Poiut $4 25; Asbe- borj 4 75: Kriudlemau $4 75: Trinity 94 25. Low round trip ratee from all other poiuts covered by this ex cursion in same proportion. p jr Pullman reservations ct any other formation, see youj nearest agent, or, wri e, R H DriButts, OharlottJ.N. C. ine about South West 80 tt. to the beginning, in the suburbs of the west wara of the City of Salisbury This July the 3rd". 1912. D. C. Lingle, mortgagee. P. 8. Carlton, attorney.. Mortgage Sale of Real Estate LENOIR COLLEGE mcKory, n. c. College (Two a B c"urses 1 pT- IT a"d Departments : Theory, aZtorj.J tewiSVlclf' 'c, (Piano. Violin. Voice, ttachers: 2?5 stuinti 1 200 feet Ihf Pain '"gaspec alty .) fifteen B iraduat,s .nter grlduat, work fn Uaivrs ul of ZrCy Ur, t out examiaation and c ,nip!ete A. M degree in one vear Cahim 'Uh eleatric lights, shower hath.,, r...: 5,?1.?- ?e yea.r- Stni heat, j . ( i vii ir;o( $9 25 mont springs, mattresses. H t ut cost 18.50 to HhK Room rent' A W"' -.t, ,9.00 a NE W SOIESOE BUILDING in course of erection M Prep.rator?i27;tom; Music, Art, ColleBSenand " get and hold positions each Our graduates N.xt sessn opeptember 3. Write for free catalogue 1. Lu h KHZ, PRTCftTnrcxrrr Try this Remedy at Our Risk. Many persons around her nnffoi so much from eczema that they can not sleep at night. Sometimes the terrible Itching does ,not begin till bedtime. Babies and young children not only suffer great ly but their crvine kena ana others awake. j a muo oaxon saive, our u Z, , remeay, would quiet the frl, away and-Permit sleep. And stUl better, it Is so reliable a remedy that it soon heals the erup tion and leaves the skin -smooth. Re markable improvement is soon seen. In all kinds of eczema, salt rheum-, tetter, barber's itch, etc. Saxon Salve has wonderful healing power because iv penetrates tne skin pores and de- euya .19 enns at the very seat oi tae aisease. . i We give back your moneyif Saxon Salve does, not aatisfy you perfectly Smith Drug Co., SaIiabatyt N. C. Are You Nervous? What makes you nervous? It is the weakness of your womanly constitution, which cannot stand the strain of the hard work you do. As a result, you break down, and ruin your entire nervous system. Don't keep this up! Take Cardui, the woman's tonic' Cardui is made from purely vegetable ingredients. It acts gently on the womanly organs, ltd helps them to do their proper work. It relieves pain and restores health, in a natural manner, by going to the source of the trouble and building up the bodily strength. F TAKE TLa - LMBU D WomlUlTonic Mrs. Orace Former, of Man, W. Va., took Cardui. This is what she says about it: "I was so weak and nervous, I could not bear to have anyone near me. I had fainting spells, and 1 lost flesh every day.. The first dose of Cardui helped me. Now, I am entirely cured of the fainting spelh ind I cannot say enough for Cardui, for I know it saved my life.'! It Is the best tonic for women. - -J? ?0U.uf?r-Si?m V of Pains peculiar to women? Ttte Cardui It will help you. Ask your druggist woaKo.seotiret. jw Pursuant to the rroviion of a cer tain Mortgage Deed of Trust datQd the fourth day cf April, 1908, ex ecuted by Annie J. Noble to B B Miller, Trustee, and recjrded in Book 82. page 222, rf Rownn County Record f Mortgag -8 to secure the indebted ness recite J therein; default having ben made in the payment of said in debtedness and the holder thereof naving demanded Ihh foreclosure of aiu montage, tr.e unaersgned tru- J 6-b win sen to tne highest bidder for ?a9h, at the Court h .use door in Salisbury, on, Monday Thn Twelfth D iy of Aiiffnt. 1019 t 12 o'elock M. the following desi-Ni ed premises in the West Square of the city or saiissuiy. to wn : Beginning at a stake on S E. side of west Stree. ; thence 8. E 100 ft. to stake on line of Lot No 2 : thence JS. ao 'lit 50 ft. to "the old town line; thence with ihe town "Hie N. about 140 to a stake on West street; hence rf. W. with Wen St. about 155 ft. to tbe bi-einnine. beine Lots IB unrf 17 on Lord's plat. See D.ed Book 87, page 52. Also an other lot on West street be tween Horah and Monroe - streets, be ginnir g at a stake on West street 200 ft. from Monroe street Monre cor ner;) thence with West 75 ft. fo Rives corner; tV nee alongside tivea' Jot Ea-tward 205 ft. more or less, to a etaVe, R ves' eorner; thence Southward, b unded bv Goler and P.-ice and parallel with West street 87 ft. to .vler and Price -corner;, thence Westward, paiallel wiih Monroe St, bourded b? Price and Goler Moore's lot,2C0'ft. tn the beginning, according to survey in deed rr cored ed in Book 8?, page 50o of Deeds; Sre also Deed Book 86, page 284. -" This it the tenth day of July , 1912. B. B- If tuusm, Truite. M IsTITinTTO ii-in-mii.. Has since 1894 given "Thorough InatructJon under posltivelv Chriatian Influences at the lowest possible cost." poaraveiy uiristlan THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA S150 pays all charges for the year, lncliidiug table board, room lkhta uteam iSHtrPT1 PkyBiturer&fflnll libjSE except music and elqcutiou For catalogue and application blank S, ' REV. THOMAS ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal, BLACKSTONE, VA. our Build og Material win please you, Our ceiling aud eidiug at $1.00 per 100 feet win tickle you. Good nan Lnmer Go. 'Ph405oneL. Or. J. Thomas Wright SPECIALIST IM GHROHIC WSFASE5. r.Sky Scraper, 3rd Floor, , - Salisbury, N ; C Equipment inclndes Static Electri city, X rayr Therapeutic Lights, Eleetrie Vibrator, Vacum Tubes, Vapor Bath. Operating Outfit, to. Dr. F. 73. Thomas OSTEOPATH. Succt iBsor to Armstrong and Uunper Office: i03 W. Innea Telephone 120. DR.iVU. RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office and 1 ogpital on InniBs St., near Mansion House eorner. Day phone Night phone 480. JUS. C LB CT RIC k&&r; BITTERS

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