''' .'' 'i"'-4 - '. 3 S3BS5H THE GUffOLiriAYATGHliAn Salisbiri't cDcto Sacira i GoipBta. SALISBURY PROOF, v ;--v; "" K'r" : " SHORT LOOAL ITEMS M. Ni Hoyle bn Bold his property in Speroer and moved bis familv-to ThomaivillA. Bnaine N 1218. which eniJ neer Ehach was driving when 'kill ed it ureensuoro reoently, has been repaired at Spenser aud re sumed its run. . The Salisbury Band has taken the faal step. They have en gage I to have aaored" oonoert at Pulton Heights on Sunday. We have yet to see tbe thing fuo ced that go i:,f money mak ing on Sunday. The band de arvAs encooragement in all its efforts except this.. Riv. j. u. KDwe, u .pre siding elder of the Salisbury dis trnt of thi M. K church, loft yestTdyy for a sojnru in the wi8tru pirt of the st Ue and will ba ah9eu for sWrai weiks. This is Doctor R )we's first vaoatiou in 85 y 'its Dr R we has been ptesidmg eld-r of the Salisbury district fvr four years and his many friend regret that be will ha moved by the next' conference. A B. Saltidby has accepted an i:ivfetttiou to ad i rets the Barac caj of Gkarl tno on Suuday even ing, August 1 1th . There is to be a meeting at the curt house tonight for the pur pose of organizing a good roads association. Johu Huderlite, the young man who lost a hand lat week while about a steam shovel, is imprviug and will soon b9 out, bat miuus his hand. The Gold Hill Township Sun day School Association will meet at B)thauy church, Orescent, Fri day. August 16sh; A splendid program has- been arrauged for the occasion . Tbe Board of Alderman con template purchasing an auto fire truck for use in connection with the present fire equipment of the city. We doabt the need atd the practicability for such a ma chine, bat take it that the alder- ma i kno what tbey are demg. The members of tbe Salisbury L dge of Elks held their annual barbecue at the fair grounds yes terday aft raoon. , A. H. Prioe, Esq , has let the contract to J. D. Brjwufor the erection of a $5,000 residence on West Libirty Street. Au effort is being made to have the aldermsn extand tbe city wa ter tj the fair gr unds in order that the old filds out that way oau be sold for city lots at a good price A cottage on Suh Church treet, belougiog to i. A. Rendle man, was cousiderably damaged by fire Thursday. It was occu pied by, Th . mas Smith, a portion of whose furniture was aiso de stroyed. F. L. Robbius and EI. 0. Dag gett haye formed a partnership to be known as Uobb'ns & Daggett They wi'l be tbe ageuts of a num ber of h gh class manufacttreri and wil: deal iu macbiuery, sop plies of all) k inds and produce. Their effiso is to be in the Grubb building. The city is doing some splen did work on South Ellis Street, tbe new gas mains recently put down having been lowered, the old four iiiOh water main is being lowered, curt-ijg is baiQg placed od each side aud when tid giad iug is o mpt4te, tarvia is to i t be pat down. This will m&k-t South Ellis one of the fi iest reii deQCi3 struts in the city. H oin j Coming oay at Coddle Creek. Invitations have been reoeivi by a number of Salisburians t) a big home coming olebrati u which i to be held at Cod lie Creek Academe on Wedneida August 7th. The committee l charge of . arrangements is V Smith, Ralph Alexander and J. L Ross. . Coddle Creek is iu the upper edge ( t Cabarrus, where the three counting of Cabarrus, RoVan and Iredell j in. Am3ug the speakers on tbe pro gram, is T. G. Furr, Etq , of this city wh y wilt make an address on "Ood.lle Crnek, Her Farmers and But in oes Mtn." ll jflurials to Or. MurlacU Postponed. The mu-orial services to the memory ol Rev. F. J. Murdoch, B. D., f it many years the beloved lector of St. Lake's Episcopal church iii this citv. which were set to be held yesterday and to dav and have been postpaned iu- defijftter. on account c f. the ill i- Cha lotte of Bishop J - inh R nhahire. whe is to take a itr iminent Dartr in th exercises Thpja nf thnae services are to ' e held, one at St. Matthew's Epis copil church in the 3 .aatyroue at fit: PAul'ton Chesttmt Hiii, a .d r, tha W Hrrii)n rsidncp OUvO is5nu Hill, wher ,fcbi plaudid bf.ck .ruc uM i to li dadioatei a thV Murdoch missio hrtn4ft f These service, when neiu, win be simple and impressive, and will be attended by mauy citz us of galiibary nd 8pencer, who bvjf 0r MardBch and held him ;tn aighetm. -. - . 1. The High Point- Enter prise has the following which is of special interest to Salis burians as the promoters are owners of the i street railway, electric and gas plant in this j Cll ltThfl W NT Pnlai. n.r. Engineering department of which John Nichol is in charge, today closed the con tract for the construction, of seven miles of railroai from Denton to High Rock, a station on the Southbound raUroad, whereby both Den ton ana , l nomas vine get a direct connection with the great Southbound system. The contract was awarded to 3. M. Lane & Co., con tractors of Atlanta, the amount of contract being around $100,000, work to commence in ten days and to be completed by January 1, 1913. Th( is a great forward impetus given to our neigh-, bor, Thomasviile, who is to b9 congratulated on securing the new railroad service." Now if Salisbury would get busy and connect with these roads at High Roqk she could easily obtain that which she has wanted and needed for many years, a competanve railway. Arei Clan to Bather. Throughout the German, Dutch and Scotch section of central Pennsylvania the great annual gatherings are the family re-unions. The tever has Btruck Rowan late I y and we are glad for many reasons. The gatherings socially are pleasant, you earn to know your own jeople, the addresses are aN vays helpful, your family :ride is increased and you can make it one of the best lays of the year. The ArtSys are the last to get this good habit. In 1759, Leter Arey, a Scotchman, settled near Union church, live miles east of town, and at this church on Thursday, August 29th,. they will gather, picnic, vociforate, organize and generally have a day of good cheer. The Arey descendants in this state are chiefly iu Stan ly, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Catawba and David son, and paper notices Will be appreciated. The program will be issued later, but it is known that among those who will speak will be Rev. Gilbert T. Rowe and. Dr. C. W. Rowe, Charlotte; Mrs. A, Y. Fry, Bryson City; Prof. L. H Rothrock. Salisbury; D. ri Arsy, Salisbury; Prof. C. E. Phillips, Hertford, N. C.;H B. Rowe, Esq., New York. A Pleasant Dai at Salem Church, The missionary exercises at Sa. lem church in Locke Township, which took place Frniay, proved b a very pleasant affair Rev. V Y. B or r of Lexington, and Rov. Kster of Cliestuut Hill and R v Parker made missionary ad- 1 cesses and tbe children rendered appropriate xercises Amission try quilt was auctioned off and brought $6.50, J B. Lmgle beir tbe purchaser. At noon a splen did dinner, saon as tbe good pe - pie of that neighborhood - know how to prepare, was s-rved . Rev. L. W Sifford, rf Sndali-. Mo., son of Edwsrd Sifford, wi 1 pTeach in Salem Church Sunday, August 11th. 5 WHEN YOU YAWN A GOOD DEAL In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons. Red Z Liver Reg ulator (The Powder Form) is a nne tonic lor a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious impurities which'have interfered with the free Action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established It. is a spUndid medicine for the whole system, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $100 JUk for the murine with the Bad Z on tbalsbaL II yea cannot get it, remit to ae, we will eend by biJ 1 postpaid. vMnmone j.iTer Jtcgniator u .lb pt op in ilquiaionn lor tnoee who prefer u. -nc.uw bottle. lxxk (or tbe Bed Z label. , per fj.IL 2BLGI ft CiL. fnms, St Uda,tia :SBCi!ICfllii:reffr Iho f ri k siatbmeut of a neigh bor telling remedy j Bids yen pause and believe. The samt endorsement By time stranger far away C mmauds no belief at all. . Here's ft Salisbury base. A-Salisbury citizen . testifies. Road and be -convinced' Mrs J H . Penca, East Liberty and Boapdery stress, Salislmry N. O , says: We have used Doao's Kidney Pills in the family aud have found them beneficial I am always ready to praiae this remedy. My little girl suffered from weak kidneys. She had no control over tbe passage , of th seoretions. Her health failed and she was in a miserable con dition. Finally we "sfave her Doan's Kidney Pills and thfv strengthened her kidneys and made her well. For sale -by 'all dealers. Price 60 cents Foster-lliibarn Co., Buffalo, New YorK, sole agents for the United States. . Remember tbe name Doang and take no other. Annual Meeting of the Rowan Mutual Fire Insurance Company- The annual meeting of the Rowan Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in th. Court House ia Sa'isbury on W d nesda, Auguat 7th, 1012, at 10 30 a m. ' Every momber is expected ti be present an l take part in tbe de liberations At this meeting you win, tnroagu via treasurer's re port dud oat all you waut to know about the nuances of the company Every agent is requested t be present end make a report Of the wcrkdone by him during th last year. There will be a meeting of th directors of the company it the grand" jury room at K o'clock a. m. Dr. C. M. Vai Poole is president and A. W. Winec ff secretary and treasure of this splendid home insnrancf company. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, III, Escaped The Sur geon's Knife. Peoria, 111. "J wish to let every one know whatLydiaKPinkbam'sVegetable Compound has done forme. Fortwoyears I suffered. The doc tor said I had a tumor and the only remedy was the surgeon's knife. My mother bought me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta lAble Compound, and waay x am a wen ana healthy woman. For months I suffered from inflammation, and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone what your medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters." Mrs. CHRISTINA REED, 105 Mound St, Peoria, 111. , Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided Operation. Jessup, Pa. "After the birth of my fourth child, I had severe organic inflam mation. I would have such terrible painp that it did not seem as though I coulcf stand it. This kept up for three lonr months, until two doctors decided thav an operation was needed. ' ' Then one of my friends recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- rauhd and after taking it for two months was a well woman." Mrs. Joseph A. Lynch, Jessup, Pa. Women who suffer from female ills should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, one of the most success ful remedies the world has ever known, before submitting to a surgical opera, tion. Morigag Sale ol Real Estate Pursuant to the provision of a cer tain Mortgage Deed of Trust , dated the fifteenth day of November, 1907 executed by W. A. Foster and M. E. Foster to Mrs. 3 R. ifelf on, and re corded in Book 32. page 24, of Rowan County Record of' Mortgages, to se cure the inlebtedness recited therein ; default having been made in the pay ment of sa d indebtedness and the hold'T thereof having demanded the foreclosur of said mortgage, the un dersigned will sell to the highest b5d der for cash, at the Uourt house door in Sali bury, on MoDday, The Twelfth Day of -Au?nt, 1912. at 12 O'clock M the following described 'premises in the city of Salisury, to wit. Beginning at a stake on Lot No. 1, P. N. Heilig's corner and runs thence 8. 44 E. 50 ft. to a stake,' corner' of Lot No. 4; thence S. 48-W. 167 1-2 ft. to a stake ca J. P. Webber's line; thonce N. 32 5i ft. to a stake ; Gal limore's corner, thence "N. 46jE. 157 1-2 ft. to the beginning, containing one fourth of an acrp, more or less ; See Book 74. page 330 of Rowan County Record of Dennis. This; the 10th day of July, 1912. v Mrs. J. R. Nels-n. Salesmen Wanted to jook aft-r r Ur intei st in R iwan and adjoin ing counties. Salary cr 0-Vm mission. v Add re?s Th Victrr OH Compaby ..Cleveland, O. lt.B i d. For Sail AT pi Ir af due 16'miuhs: old mutes, hnbroke Gilt ou Claud B Peeler, rnra.1 No. 4 JSat the merto of a : " - r-: - - "7 r.: ttT ,TT wrX Is the Placo Spriiif Accommodating Sales People, Prices Lowest Possible, Goods. First, Class. Your patronage is RespectfullySolicited Very truly, 1. W. WINEC0FF. Chattanooga 4 Royal Reversible Disc Plow The ROYAL REVERSIBLE class of its own, being superior other Disc Plows ou the market. First time In the City, drop around and we'll show you the plow. .t Xhe price is right ROW AW HARDWARE &16HlNERVCO. SALISBURY, C. BIG nn i mm k m Buying Rowan -;-T.. . - notice. - - - - - - . . , - -' I : ' 1 " II . ; ' ' ' ".' ' . v .. .j. .- -' . 3"- "' II . : , BSSSSSIMSMySyjMMMMIBM ' " for. Bargains. Supply pf New ff Disc Plow is in a in every way to all CROWDS ARE the morove gains ever people of Countyg tinues until Farm and Oray Wagons, aiiu up, ussi yuaiicy ana oiyie;-gj Automobiles and Gasoline Engines repaired aod Supplies Furniehed. ' - ; Old Carriages and Buggies repaired, painted and raaue as gooa as new. New Tops made and old , hions furnished and old Cushions repaired. , v iew uasnes turnisned and old Frames re covered Rubber Tires a Specialty; bteel tired wheeief change ed to Rubber Tires. All kinds of Wood and" Iron Work done at eHork notice Automobile and Bicycle tires Vulcanized, We,hav. skilled workxen in each department Surreys, Buggies Wagons and Automobiles fot sale. llarnesa of all kinds made and repaired. Call arid i gei .yricttts, riespectiuliy, J. O. TJHITE & GO. 'Phone 143, r ' y BOLII REVERSIBLE DISC The MOLINE REVERSIBLE Disc Harrow will come nearer meeting all fhe demands of the farmer than any other. On display in our waresroom. ;. DAILY VISITING greiatest bar given tea Salisbury Sale con & Wagon Builders. DeliUry Wagons, Opsa 8 - ' vcii Tons Salisbury, N. C, the and SI . . .:.;'V 7' i'AV .- :1 '..-syws?"-.'- mi -4 as. f -mi vh . list tff fx-;:ii-..j:;--.- . . -i . . . 5 -A. 4 f

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