"' "' w 111 I,,. ,i - ,,, M 1 ! in., i i : -. f.-v-e Ittsstt UUrist la Ytri::i SeltS8rtB6ai to. not print ar ticlea not signed by' the anth jort real name. POOLIOWN. Jul 23. About all the wheat threshed around here for this vear. The crop was small about every where that we have heard from . The largest crop of wheat "was 276 bushels made by John W. filler. The protracted meeting at Wy ett's Grove will bee in the 8rd Sunday in August . Mrs. C. H. Shepherd, who has been on the sick list for a few weeks, is somewhat improved at this writing. Lee Morgan, of High Rook went tPthe sanatorium at Salis bury a few davs ago. The lait news that we had he was better We hop9 for his recovery sooo. A B. Lisk is wearing a broad brim hat and a smile all the time It is a boy. Morgan Carroll Go., have fin ished threshing for this season. Miss Erma Shaver is staying at A. B. Lisa's for a few days. Mrs. Eugene Morgan returned a few days ago . from Palmerville Stanly county, where she had been visiting relatives.. Jesse Bibelin visited Pooltown , last Sunday evening. Guess Elmar knows a whole lot . of things he don't know, don yoa Elmar? Uhclr Josh. Insect Bite Costs Leg. A Boston man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years be fore. To avert such calamities from stings and bites of insects nse fiuoklen's Arnioa Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflamatioc, swelling and pain. Heals bares, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cut?, braises. Only 25 cents at all drnggistf . GRANITE QUARRY. Aunt Dioa's quilting party will take place on Tuesday night alter the first Sunday in August, the sixth of August, at GrauiteQnar- tv school house. Admission lOo r - . ; ... and 15 cents. ''- ' - i R. L . Williams, whd was for a ong time freight agent at-this olaoe. leaves tonight for Rock ledge, Ga., where he accepts a po sition with the M. D. & S. Rail road Oo. He and his wife will stop over at Maoon and Danville Va. He was one of the best agents we ever had. Miss Addie Coffey, of Morgan- ton, u the staest of Miss Willie Seaford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Earnhardt ofOhestnat Hill is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mack Honbarrier. Rev. P. W. Tucker and family of Albemarle is vistiting at J. A. Brown's. Mrs. Sberrill, of Winston Salem, is visiting friends in Gran ite Qaarry. The new 8hilo M. E church now being erected to replace the . m a v 1 . one recently buinea, is nearly complete. Mr. Lofiiri, of Salisbury, has the contract and is doing a fine job. Geo. H. Smith, Salisbury, who by the way is one of the fin-it carpenters in Riwan, OouLty is doing some finishing up on the ; inside of the Handsom granite residence now going-up for Juhu I.yerly, at Granite Qaarry. Brown, Wiley and . Kress has just erected a nice monument for Charles S. Patterson at Chestnut Hill cemetery, inclosed a lot with ourbing for. D. N. Sigman, also a fine marker, are now completing the granite work for J. H. A. Ly erley's new residence, are working on monuments to go up at Spebcer Chestnut Hill and Gold Hill and have just erected a nice Wood maj or the World m nument to the memory of J ames W . Fisher at St, John's cemetery, Cabarrus Oo. MiirriDiiiliii : . ' 1 ... ... -. . , . . . m. I : S3c 23KT!Si-- v v.--: .4.. . VT V. . around here wept onthe Matonio exouriion Tt3 Albemarle. : They all report; hsvinjr: had a fine old time. - : '-y ' -.' Jeie Ribelin d Grsdy Fonst visited Bringlea"r Ferry Sunday evening. -. r--j- Morgan Saw Mill Company wiU move their saw mill onto Edward Shepherd's land very socn.;... Miss Verdie Ketohey and -Dor- othy Ketohey. visited Mirs Beu- lah Wyatt on last Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs:. Ja mes Wyatt spent last Saturday night in Sal iibnry. Atthur Friok visited at John Barriuger's Sunday evening. Come along Jennie, Ruby and Ralph and give ns all the news from your way. ElMab This waB handed us last week, Friday or Saturday, but it is not dated. There is not much m formation in it when not dated, so we will ask Elmar and all other correspondents to please re member tA date tneir comman:- oations. Ed. . EYE GLASSES The Prunes, Lena ft Mountings that we ase are toe Deat tnt mouej emu Day. Oar glasses relievs eye strain. Jno. E. Brown, Jeweler and Uptlolan. CHINA GROVE, - H. C FAITH. July 26 Mrs, P. M . Stirewalt has just returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Davenport, at Pineville. W O Mcore and wife and two children arrived in Faith' today on a visit to Henderson) Gant, Lawson Ludwick and other rela tives from Mooresville, N. C. Fishea & McCombs shipped a carload of mil'stones today con sisting of two hundred and thir teen pair to north Wilaesboro, N. 0. J. T. Wyatt had payday July 24th. A granite cutter at Jake Ritch ie's. July 24th. The little daughter of S D. Da vis is very sick and has been for a week. Miss Ila McCorobs is visiting at S.D.Davis's G. C. Miller's little son is very aick and has bean for a week. Mrs P A Peeler raised a toma to weighing I lb and 10 c z. Who ever baata that trot oi t your to mato. Mrs. Oal Miller, of D ion's Mountain is visiting her so--, G. 0; Miller, acoompanied ly her daughter, Mrs. Maok Miller. Jacob Holshouser, the oldest man in this section, died at his home three miles below Faith Thursday July 25th. - The funer al and burial took place Friday afternoon at Rock Grove church. He was born June 1st, .1815; and wit 97 years old. He had been in feeble health for, some time He was a granite cutter in his young days. He was making his home with Wiley Earnhardt at the time of his death and wis a good citizen. What riekes A Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds more or tec?, of bone and musole don't make a woman. Its a good foundation Put into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that's just what Electric Bitters give her Thous ands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells for dis pelling weakness, nervousness, backache tnd tired, listless, worn out feeling "Electric Bitters have dono me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depew, Okia., "and I thank you, with all my heart, for making such a good medicine." 'Only 50s. Guaran teed by all druggists. For every purpose of a flesh healing liniment for man or beast there is norem -dy more powerful than PARBY'S PROPHYLAC TIC FLUID It is- in addition to its effectiveness on the "flesh , a wonderful internal remedy. It relieves Cramps, Oolio, Dysentery, Bore Throat, Swollen Tonsils, and flick Sbomash. As a disinfectant for the siok room it is of extraor dinary; value. It destroys germs nd purifies the air: Added to the water for jbathiug the face of a fever patient It is not ' only re freshing, but it tends to allay the fever.- Price 60 eta per bottle. old by All Druggist. RICHFIELD ROAD. Wheat threshing is the order of the day along now. Lee Morgan is on the siok list at this writiug. . We wish for his tap:d recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wesly Ludwick visited at David Bean's on last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Henderson Sheppard .has been on the siok list tne oast week. We wish ht-r a spedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Crook, of Richmond, Va., is visiting atLve Morgan's at this writing. Grady Foust. Grover Williams, Clyde Bringle and Jimmie Mor gan visited atO. H. Shepherd's last Sunday evening. Mrs. David Baan visited her daughter, Mrs. Frout Fonts last Monday . John Barringer visited at Mr. John Williams last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Burge, of Richmond, Virginia, visited at Lova Morgan's last Saturday night. Charley Bringle visited at Clark Foutz'a Sunday. Clayton Read, who has been at tend in g school at Wailsburg, N. 0. has returned home. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Grant visited at Archie Lisks on last Sunda v morning. .Mrs. Rhoda Bean visited Mrs. D. A. Ketch ie last Tuesday morn. ing. .v .. Early Skeint visited his horned folks last Tuesday night and Wed need ay. -V. . 1- . . ... Mrs. Albert Eagle .and Miss Amanda Bean visited Mrs. Oalnn Wyatt last Saturday evening.. . Soma of the boy a and fir It from YOU CAN ALWAYS TELL A CHEAP PIANO BY THE METHODS USED IN SELLING IT o o ' Yon frlllcertainly begin to think about I louse- x keeping and the neceasary things you will have to. O purchasa before you can begin, hen the question r -111 l.t: -.M .if. ii Vina nlnanitttnaan . nUk 41.,.- Wlll anSQ. wtbli UU oo in uao uioftuj( ubou wiiu - iiuc many recently married couples: ? : ; ',: : ;- 8 "Whera can weetiilifrl nicest Furniture and House FurnlshlnflS at the Lb west Price?" O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o YOU answer this very important question which counts most towards making young married couples happy, comfortable and contented with married life: "The Place to get the Nicest Furniture at the Lowest Price Is at GEO. W. WRIGHT'S." For All Kinds of High Grade Furniture and House Furnishings, For Coffins, Gaskets and Embalming, Call om GEO WR 10 HT Trie Old Bucket Filled to the brim with cold, clear purityr no such water nowadays. ; Bring back the old days with a glass or bottle of I J THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER & UNDERTAKER, g Saliobury, G. g OOO0OOO0OOOOo:o00O000OOO00O Pianos sold by agents begging to place them in your home on trial or to save storage or forcing them in youfhome with out your consent "Coupon Schemes," "Guessing schemes, ""Club schemes," "Special Sale schemes." "Introductory Sale schemes," are fake methods pure and simple, for unloading pianos on people who don't realize the difference between a fine piano and a cheap one, and don't know that high grade pidnos are not sold through fake schemes. You had better call on the old reliable firm of .Chas. M. Stieff, before buying. CHAS. M. STIEH SOUTHERN WAREROOMS: 219 South Try on Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. FMI FOR I TELL US How yoa sit at yoar sewing maobine and WE WILL SHOW YOU Something of vital interest. To Your Health. Yoa cannot aet too qatoVly in this matter, so come today and let as explain The Sit Straight "STANDARD" Central Needle Idea A sewing machine that gives yoa positive healthful exercise.' Salisbury, N. C. Special Demonstrators Tie Straight and Carved Liues, CHEAP-EASY TERMS Situated in Rowan County about eleven miles from Salisbury on a splendid road, ccntains 186 acres, well timbered, about 100 acres in cultivation. Good seven room dwelling with out buildings. Two large barns and one good tenant house. Gocd orchard, pastures &c, and within one mile of church and splendid school. : : : : ; : In fact one of the Beat Farms in Rovan County. It makes one think of everything that's pure and jwholesome and delightful. Bright, spark ling teeming with palate joy it's yout soda fountain old oaken bucket. Whenever1 you see an Arrow think . ' of Coca-Cola. Our new booklet telline of Coca- Cola vindication at Chatta nooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO ATLANTA, GA. M McCubhins a Harrison Co.. v - J Real Estate, Real Estate Loans, Insurance Salisbury, N. C Innis Street, 'T YODR ROOF Is S10.00 per pair, but foradvertisinir maldng a special factory price to the rider ot only Si.SOper pair. All orders shltmed warn &Ul&J?A& S,?. M25!S!i Yo do-not VHntSrS wui-?Jx2!2Lc?f dI,00"" O 6 Percent (thereby making toe pries 4.SS nrwlr) If yoa mead TOLL ttASH SiTfSf.?." nclof? ibm "drtisement. Yoa nm no risk ImZmiint MOro1S2 eVtTh. T ng m frWarcter ato nonce thli nrura offer. " " wew Q IF YOU NEED nISr?; ore pel r of untilJyou have seen our complete stpek of roofings. We can save you norjEY. Agents for Barretts famous AMATITE. Salisbury Supply, t Commission Go,, Near Passenger Depot, 'Phone 8, Salisbury, N. C. Brown Shoe Ctimf 0 PEOPLES NATIONAL DAKX BAXIBBUBT, N. O. Does a Genera I Dan k In ir We pay '4 pr cent on ; lime de posits. : Interest payable every three months. .: . Prompt attention given to any bnaiDess eu trusted to as 1 y Yonr bnsiness solicited. ; Peoples' National Dank. Johk S. BunBBSovt J. D. Nowdop, president. eashier L,D. Gamoxl, ' .W.T. Buwt, Tpresident. ut.essizier 'O OVEB 65 YEARS V 'VIEXPCRIENCC D 1 ...-T 1. V 1 . : J Tradc Marks EWwm mi .11.111 VUI UflUIWl ZIW Wfl tareatlon la probably patentable -Ore i?i,J,i.rc9?Porifl denwaT H A N0300K 01 .Commnniem. tfcial otie, witboot dLarve, la the enlettoj ot airr edOTiuao Jonrnal. Tern. tSa IVAfJTED-A RIDER AGENT J?2LTS,W,,,5? disWct torlde and exhibit a sample Latest Model bicycle furnished by us. Our asrentsevery where are making money fast, ffritt for full mrticulari MnJ ttMriAl ,f . a ?!i? VrO.ymElJ until you receive and appro Vb of your Hffl&Z 'r. Je shiJ? anyone anywhere in the U. 8. without d. to aajance, tnvfrHtkt, a.nd aUow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL during SriiS,1 ?Pa nay ride the bicycle and put It to any test you wish! wS2i?Kfin l0$ Perfy satisfied or do not .wish to keep the bicycshlDltbacktousatpur expense andje. mill utMiM. emu FACTOBY PEICES wl!Rrnliih the bh;best erade bicycles It la J.w.L; . v osslble to make at one small profit above KJvSlSf"?7 costL- v You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy- lmr direct Of us ana hm t.ha minnhithm. t-Z r DICVCle. DO MOT BUY i Mnh a n . .1 . .:-(. " " " i . , ix ui tares iam mmjmmt at mm prit Until yOU receive On eatalnciiM nnrl 1agni nnho a s - Tflll Till I RE ACTnSICtien wtaenyoateeel'nmrliemirtlfnlaKtkn , thlSri'JSS0 WcTcto utor yourown name plate at doable eur price. iJ? Sf-IiK S 2 2$ ""Jfff, ndl ""n hand bicycle., bat anally Have iTEn"BHAlCES. i"f'" wheia, imported roller eliaiKe and peeale, parta. repala aad MVS llcdgcthorn Pnncturc-Proof $ l 80 I U JnSeIMcalingTircsK5 MM 1 1 mvm rt mm xrmir vm wmii.. xj flUec r-zs sccono tlOMO Mr Mir. lu ft. bW... vnunattmmimmtM firfnMuuh witbrdirt4.S. K0KS0SETR03BLEFK0IIPDXCTCSES N AILS. Taeto. or Claaa will not let the air out, A nun area thousand nairs sold last reap DESCRIPTIONS SZ?JM&- rldlncr. very dnrable and Hnpd iiwtria rh I 1 a special quality of rubber, which never be- omes porons ana wnicn closes cp small ici-urraj wiunoui, allowing the air to ii e have hundreds nf lnttra f mm stating that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They welsh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities beinff aiven by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. The reeular price of these tires NotleettM thick rabbertrMtf to prevent rim euttins. This tire will outlast any other "; SOFT, ELA8T10 and aaai ridihb. DO HOT WAiTgXr?m!J& It cntr ooa lotZftZZlZ ZJZA? S.1' J.00 toowtto new and woiHtefaTo' ZL'Z J. L HEAD CYCLE COUPflUY. CHICAGO, ILL. J - a w Ik Your wants for y o or Spring Shoes, and we will do the rest. LET AS IBfll mm o o o o mm 2 OEasaaOi iO 10 Call for Piano Contest Coupons. Bell Shoe Store, i 111 N. Main St Salisbury, N.C. R ES Real EstateInsnrapce4oaDs If you have real estate to seU OaU tnaoa n. .' ;v If yoa need Insuranee, either life or fire. Can to see us.' ' , r j . ! you wish to borrow moaer OalL to see us. n you have money to lend,. Call to see us. .... - , : :!v ,e are well prepared to guarantee all loans and ay six per eent Tor same, and wilt examine titles, make up deeds and mortgages tree of coat to all parties who will place their money with ostend7we will pay Interest twice a year. at our offlee Notary Publiain oar offlce to urraio BitpapeiB. vv e earnestly ass: that you call to see us -whan In a i hi i " the citv v leara of our plans and. methods of business. Goliob dry Realty & Inourar:co Co 122n,Bc!a qt. - A. m -"ifcff..&.''.-l V's;! mm

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