Tfti OAftOLINA WATCHMAN, a splendid motorcycle free. WK. II. SrzWlRr. Ed. and Prop Entered at leeond-elaBS matter Jan. Uth. 1605, at the po.t office at Salis bury, N. O., under the aet pf Congress t Mareh 8xd, 1878. 7 - 'Published every Wednesday at 120 West IoDea Street. . aitiiPDBT, N. C. Srpt. J 8, 1912. fba Watchman and Records' Annual Con test Now On. As has been the custom of The Watchman aod Reo rd for the past tea years to coudacfc a voting contest, we have, after consider aMe effort and tkoaght arranged to" make a high class motorcycle oar first priz and a good bic j cle as second. It is not our intention to spout mach hot air'ou thin sub ject, for we hav-j the machines that speak for themselves, and will describe them in' fall in due course of time, suffice it to A LITTLE PIEOE OF MEAT FOR YOUR VOTE . Ia the seventies and later ral lies of the good people iu a gold cause and for the election of good gay at this time that the motor men, when statesmen Bpoke with cycle is a Pope, mad by thVPope tongues of earnestness against the Manufacturing Company, of Hart wrongs being practiced by the rad- ford, Conn., is fully guaranteed loali. carpet baggers and dema- theeaua', if not the superior, of gogusi, there was justification for Hny 0d the market . It retails f:r the barbecue. It was serving a $200 and if the winner does not gocd purpose and the best people want it, he will have no trouble to of the community were present dispose of it and make other rise and gladly lent their aid for the of the money. He could take a success of the cause. That was trip to England or elsewhere and Democracy's fight against its ene have mr uey to spare . This is the mies. To day in this county the biggest thing so far offered in this conditions are almost reversed, line in Rowan. The secern d prize The Democracy willfully and ma- is a coaster-brake Ircquou9 bicycle lioioutly persists in doing the made by the J. L. Meade Cycle very things which its enemies did Company of Chicago, years ago. In the refusal of the A nomination coupon oau be county commissioners to allow the found in this paptr If you wish to people to vote on the farm life enter this contest, or name sime school proposition, in the refusal one else, fill it out and mii or to make provisions for the farm bring it to this offioe at once An demonstration work, in the refu- early start and an active canvass sal to submit the court house means much for the success of proposition to the people, popular your efforts. Corae in to see us government has been kicked if possible and let us give you pa- arouDd like a hound dog. A great pars, receipt books, etc , and get people, 87,000, by an improper you started right. This contest law being misconstrued and used is open to any white persoa any- lo that one single individual has where and there are no restrictions spent or has mad obligations ad to where or how many names gainst the oounty aggregating you ycu may get. $150 000 have been mast outrage- The Watchman is the oldest ously used. and only free newspaper in the The laws of the State have and countv. It strives to rftnrAnf. are being frequently violated and our hom people, defend them the officers whese duty it is to Uud furnish them with the news, "fru" mixvu euiuB9 bodiu ku ue me town ana county news espe- m league with law breakers and cially. It is gotten up especially against tne.iaw abiding. - . for its readers and its .contents are Numbers of the Democratic? oondensed, trimmed of useless rap nominees are ot tnis very same etitions and sensationalisms, and tripe and, if elected, will pursuH with The Rowan Record,: gives toe same course, so unjust, so don- those who wish it a SEMI-WEEK- trary to popular rule and true Da- LY second to none in the State, taocraof. so extravagant and bo The price of the two papers, when Iikkou logexner ig only i uu per year, and the securing of renewals guardians of the law and our and subscriptions will be found nghts. I both i easy and pleasa'nt. iUIUfig uoiug muu huu ina soneauie or votes is given nown of all men whoonlv occas- elsewhere, tha nomiuetion blank ionally open their eyes and mind entitles you to 1000 votes, and to the light is why speakers from ooupons worth 50 votes eaoh will adistanoe, unacquainted with and be published from ti-ue to time. A New Hotel for Salisbfl.f. - M Salisbury Js to have a new" ho tel and i(Js said, it wi 1 -be built ationcev Yesterday W. C. Petty, manager of - the Stonewall hotel of Charlotte, closed a deal for a kt 72x102 f'riet on the carrier c'f of Council street and the drive way leading to the paisenger station fronvthe westi adjoining the passenger station. He guarau tes to begin the erection of a modern s;venty-four?room 'hotel on this property, the work on it'to begin within the next 80 days and the building to be com pleted within a year. The 'build ing will be of y el iow' pressed brick and granite .and it will be one of the nicest buildings in the city. This will be' the fourth ho tel for 8Blisbnry; Efforts have bjen on foot for some time to bring about this enterprise and it is with much satisfaction on the part of our citigns to learn of its consumption. This will add considerably to the appear ance about the passenger station. Many Driven Pr om Home Every year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homs by coughs and lung disaes. Friends aud bus iness are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way the way of multitudes is to use Dr King's New Discovery and euro yoursalf at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this sftfb medicine. Throat and inns troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup, whoop ing-cough and sore lungs make it a positive Ideesii.g. 50a and $1.00 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all druggists. WHEN YOU YAWN A GOOD DEAL In the day ..time, And feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom ef a torpid liver. '. 7' Simmons ; Red Z Liver Reg ulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious impurities which have interfered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the s to mach is cleansed and strengthened so that it- can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels-are purified and a regular habit re-established. It is. a splendid medicine for thev whole sysem, Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, large package, $1.00 Ask for the genuine with the Bed Z on the label. II yoo cannot get Jt, remit to oi, we will send by mail postpaid. Simmons Liver Regulator is alto put np in liquid form lor those who prefer it. Prce, 1.00 per bottle 1.00k for the Red Z label. J. H. ZE1UN ft CO., Props., St Louis, Mo. m Low . m Fares I I . r t .-. . uuminaiui oi our conaitions, are I I u l i ... 7"uruu8U lunBre 50 1Dvei- Smi Spencer Items. Ele oar Deonle into votina for a I continuation of such a despicable M,8B Mtie HadeD who fias traversity on Djmooracy. a num- been qaite sick -at the home of her ber of the nominees, aware ot brokh8r J- Hadeu, for the past Of their unfitness, haven't got the week' is c:B8i(Jerably improv d, hardihood to face the people and The other menib9" of the tUy can't ge$ the ptople to come out who were Sl have Tered. and hear them. So a piece of The Spencer graded school roast meat is to be flung out as a board has rented the building of bait.- The party is in a desperate the Reformed Church, located straight and every weakling ia to near the school grounds, for the be sought out and induced in use 'of one of the grades in the some manner to cait a vote for school this year. Theastioi: was the WHOLE ticket and thus elect taken in order to relieve the con- the bad with the good. People of gestion in the attendance in the Rowan the devil is after you with lower grades. The school ha ft long pole, and he comes in the. 510 dependent upon it for an edu guise of our -ld friend, Djmocra- cation, aud only room enough for oy. Are yon going to be caught? 400 students. The Lutheran congregation of Speucer, of whioh R jv. George H. Cox is pastor, is making an active canvass this week for funds with which to erect a new chtirch build ing on Carolina avenue. It is hoped by the end df the week the necessary funds will be in sight. be let Dr Cox. siuce Several Fires Today. Fire on East Henderson beH tween 1 and 2 o'clock today destroyed two houses belong ing to Mrs. Mary A. Whita- ker one belonging to Robert F. Hoover and one belons-ing" to Wm. A. Smith. The loss will probably reach $6,000, partly covered by insurance. The old building corner of Jiast lnnes and Lee Streets, caught hre early this morn ing and badly burned the in tenor. It is occupied by a s . a; a i . uimuiiger. operated oy onrk good friend Lt. CoL J.:j7f uuaany, Dutaon t say anys thing about it, the officers will find it out and call for free drinks. m ti The flen Who Succeed as beads 1 of large enterprises art men of great enargy. Success to day, demands health. To ail is to fail. It's utter folly for a mau to endure a weak, run down, half alive condition when Eleotric Bit ters will put him right on his faet in short order. "Four bottles did me more real good than any othsr medicine I ever took." writes Chas. B. Allen, Sylvania. Ga. "After vears of suffering with rheumatism, liver, trouble. stcmach disorders, and deranged kidneys. I am again, thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and well." fry them. Only 50 cents at all druggists. 'KNOW IT WELL. Hud- Fiollltr Features Well Known to Urea's of Salisbury Citizens. i ouraen in many - A familiar homes. The burden of a 'badack." A lane, a weak of an achine Ln4 th'.t n,a :n Ofien telh of kidnev ,1!,. at an early date. Dr Cox, congregation is greatly en- Doan's K;dnev Pills are for becoming pastor of the church weak kidneys. , here has been active iu . the work TT - a . i i- I xierw odiisuury sescimony : ot securing a modern church and mr. a i . rarser, ous iuast the uemetery et.t aausnury, jn .0., aavs: "We recommend FWn'a Kidney Pills as we have usd About three huudred laborers them and found them to be just have been set to work by the oon advertissd. in my case I had tractors, 0. W. Lauo& Co., of At- ZZ:1'a.:?:. "T " . . -irf lanta- ,Q radi new railroad wua mJm M. was BIBU HUU- Bol. Murder Near Pilot Mountain. Winston. Salem, Sept, 12 A bold murder was committed near Pilot Mountain, a few miles from here yesterday morning, . when George Snyder shot atd instantlv killed P F. Cook, a prominent farmer of that section. Th shooting wai the result of a dis pute over a barn of tobacco. Witnesses of the ctime declared that Snyder fired four shots into Mr. Cook with a revolver and that when the last shot was fired the victim lay dead. Snyder rai making good his escape. When last seen. Snyder was making his way. towards the Virginia line. 1 ft 1 1 On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fares are extra low and allow stop overs free and 25 days time via Cotton Belt Route to Arkansas & Texas The Cotton Belt Route is the direct line from Memphis to Texas, through Arkansas two splendid trains daily, with through sleepers, chair cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with Coiton Belt Route trains to the Southwest. Write lo me today I will tell you exact fare t from your town, sched . and send you tplen- V 4- illustrated books of M "' farm facts about Arkan sas and Texas. r.' H. H. SUTTON. District Passenger Agent M. B. HOLTSFORD, Passenger Agent 109 W. 9th Street Chattanooga. Tenn. 1 s 5 i All yew Tourist Tickets also on sale Daily to cer tain pointsinTex as. 90-Hays limit. ject to headache and dizzy spells My kidneys were weak. I did ' not find much relief until I used Boan'f Kidney-Pills. They re stored my kidneys to a normal condition and stopped the pains; 'Another' mdmbar of the family offered from kidney complaint and backaohe. In his case, JJoau's Kidney Pills plete relief. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents Fosfier-siiiburn Co.", Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. - Bemember the name Doans and take no other. from Denton, Davidson county, to High Rock, a distance of seven miles. Steam shovels are being used, and it is statad the ground is so hajd and dry that it is nec essary to blast loose the dirt before ft can be handled. Only one im portant bridge it nqaired on the gave conl- new road, aud it is expected that Denton will be connected with Hizh Ly rail by thd &ud . cl the present year Later the road will be extended to High Point and other places. ,Thb Nomination Blank good for 1,000 votris. 18 THR FARTRST PTlTft'rr vn J A. GE,TS THE MOTORCYCLE. Knocks the Boosters. Greensboro, N C. Sept. 10. The G eensboro Merchants asso ciation this afternoon adopted resolutions condemning the R ch moLd booster trip to North Caro lina for the alleged reason that a large number of whiskey dealer were among the party. This class of business men, -the resolution states, isone debauching the citi zens of this prohibition state in total disregard of the moral law, and the association goes on record, as refusing to extend welcome to the Riobmond boosters until they purge their party of this most uu d'siralle element. Boys enter the contest at once and win a fiotorcycle Report of tha condition of the BANK OF SPENCER at anencer in th State of North Caro- lino k il .rs C U. Sept,. 4, 1912. RKjODROEi. lxmns and Discounts. 7S01i as uveraraics scnipa 144 07 Furniture and Fixtures 1.100.00 iue irom bankg and bankers lfl fl7i ?? ouvercoin, inenidini? aJ mi- cj - - nor coin currencv KtQi national Dank notes and other U.S. notes 6,135.00 lotal . ...f 105,415 60 MABH,ITIE8. Capital stock paid in $2,500.00 uuuiviueu pmnts, less cur rent expenses and taxes nvm -7.V 1,425 49 jLime cerunciites ot aeposit. 5,000.00 uepositg suhject check. ... 73,99f 11 lotal $105,415.60 State of N. 0., county .bf Rowan, as. I, J. K. Doraett, cashier of the nhiva. named bank, do. solemnly swear that the above statejitfnt is true to the best J. K. Dorsktt, cashier. J. W. Carlton ) J. G. Busby, Directors. -E. Cf Sasser, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of September. 1912. ' W. A. Go-iDMiN, notary public. i . m m m u . - . mm m m m . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fill 1 -ALT ISELIK-llHlliW 'S. The buyers for Bellas 9 stores are now in New York buying fall goods in great quantities. We all buy together and we get the very lowest prices that can be made, and this is one good reason why we can sell goods so much cheaper than our so-balled com petitors. a We are already showing lots of new Fall Goods; Coat Suits, Clothing, Shoes, Outings, Canton Plan- nel, etc. Other goods coming every day. MA loiMM HOWDY, FOLKS! Will Arrive on This Schedule First Day, Monday, September 16 Town. RICHMOND . Rocky Mount Wilson T Washington ., Newbern . . . . Kinston.. . ... . . Goldsboftf.. . . . JRALEIGH Arrive. .'. 7:00 A. M. . 9:35 A. M. .11:45 A. M. . 1:20 P. M. . 3:2 P. -M. . 4:30 P. M. . 7:15 P. M. Leave. 12:30 A. M. 9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 12:10 P. M. 2:10 P. M. 3:5S P.-M.- 5:30 P. M Stop. 2h. 254. 25m. 50m. - 30m. .lh. Night. Second Day, Tuesday, September 17 Raleigh......... 5:00 A.M. Fayettevllle .... 8:00 A. M. 9:50 A. M. Maxton .11.00 A. M. 11:15 A. M. Bennettsville ..11:55 A. M. 12:25 P. M. Darlington 1:15 P. M. 1:45 P. M. F!orence 2:15 P. M. 2:55 P. M. Sumter 4:05 P. M. 4:55 P. M. COLUMBIA ... 6:25 P. M. lh. 50m. 15m. 30m. 30m. 40m. 50m. Night. Third Day, Wednesday, September 18 Columbia . Newberry Clinton Laurens Greenville Spartanburg... , -iGaffney 'Blaekftburg J. . . Gastonia CHARLOTTE .. 7:00 A. M. 9.50 A. M. 10:35 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 2:20 P. M. 4:05 P. M. 4:35 P. M. 5:40 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 5:00 A. M. 9:00 A. M. 10:10 A. M. 10:55 A. M. 1:15 P. M. 3:10 P. M. 4:20 P. M. 4:50 P. M. 5:55 P. M. 2h. 20m. 20m. lh. 50m. 15m. 15m. 15m. Night. Fourth Day, Thursday, September 19 Charlotte . . . Salisbury .. . High Point . Greensboro . Durham Henderson . . . RICHMOND . 6:30 A. M. .10:25 A. M. .11:15 A. M. 1:30 P. M: 4:05 P. M. 7:40 P.-M. 5:00 A. M. 9:25 A. H. 2h. 55m. 10:50 A. M. 25m. 11:45 A. M. 30m. -.2:30 P M. lh. 4:15 P. M. 10m. March to Auditorium Souvenirs Free from These Firms Novelties, Pictures, Booklets, Etc., Etc American Bread and Baking Co. Laisy Bread. August Grocery Co., Groceries. Julian C. Anderson & Co., JReal Estate A. G. Anthony, Jr., Liquors, Cigars. Geo. McD. Blake & Co., Groceries, Liquors. Blanton & Co., Real Estate. Blnswanger & Co., Glass. S. H. Bowman, Tourjst Agent. H. C. Boschen, Shoes. The Burton System, Inc., Outdoor Advertising. Chemi Company, Auto Accessories. H. Clarke & Sons, Liquors. Cottrell Saddlery Co., Harness. The Cor ley Cb., Pianos, Victors. R. L. Christian & Co., Groceries, Liquors. The Craft Piano Co., Pianos. Chamber of Commerce. Richmond. The Duniop Mills, Dunlop Flour , Freeman Advertising Agency. John Foege, John, Jr., Cigars. First National Bank. J. E. Fowler, "Cherry Smash." Gordon Metal Co., Roofings, Tin, Metals. Green & Redd, Real Estate. A. Hatke & Co., Liquors. The Hammond Co., Florist. C. B Haynes & Co., Edison Talkinr Machine. ' Home Brewing Co., Beer. Howe & Fox, Real Estate. C. Haase & Sons, Furriers. Jones Bros. & Co., Furniture. The Jefferson, Hotel. Phil G. Kelly Co., Liq uors. Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. McClure, Davenport, Taylor Co., Real Estate. J. B. Mosby & Co.,-Dep't Store. Merchants National Bank. Walter D. Moses & Co., Pianos, Victors. M' trapolltan Engraving Co., Cuts. Noriolk Southern Railroad. National State and City Bank! Noah Remedy Co., Noah's Liniment. National Cash Register Co. Planters National Bank. Parker-Brawner Co., Advertising Novelties. Pollard & Bagby, Real Estate. P".rily ,!rc,e Crean Corporation. "The- Velvet Kind. ' Richmond Electric Co. Motors. iL W. Rountree & Bro. Trunk & Bag Co., of "Roller fray" fame. Chas. M. Stieff, Pianos. . C. F. Sauer Co., Flavoring Extracts. Schwarzschlld Bros., Jewelry. Smith-Courtney Co., Machinery. Southern Manufacturing Go., Good Luck Baking Powder. Sydnor & Hundley, Furniture. Thalhlmer Bro8., Dep't Store. The Times-Dispatch, Always Boost ing. Triagle Drug Co., One of the fights of Richmond Trade Extension mond. Bureau, Rich- Underwood Typewriting Co., Un- dsrwood Typewriters. Virginia Bonded Warehouse Co. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Fertilisers t - Virginia State Insurance Co., Fire. Virginia State Pair Association, Oct. 7-12, 1912, Everett Waddsy Co. Mfg. Stationer. B- W. Wilson Paper Co., Everything M U1C 1JI1C. J. T. Wilson Co., Inc., BuUders, J. E. M. Walker, "J. E. M." Ci Cigars. Best Goads Right Prices Quick Delivery T li 1 mmmaam THE MARKET-PLACE OF THE SOUTH Meet Us at the Train Listen to the Band See the Boosters Parade Mortgage Sale of Real Es ate. Pursuant to the provisions contain- tVSVlisf il- The-Alhenian Oath. S?, VJf.l Ib 8ogge8ted that Sq. the the under signed, on the 1st dar P,rmtflntllD' Alexander Graham e A a aIj. 1 'I m . . oi August , ioz. uauis navmg been ot the oiby aahools require each made in the Davment of this dohf , 1 H which said mortftae was given to sp. and every pupil subscribe" tc the cure, the undersigned will sell at famous Athenian oath pledaine door in the itv f Saljsburv on th Royalty to their city whm the 1ST. DAY Or uuiuoaK riicx I , "chools open feh:s week The ens the following -proj erty: Beginning at tom uoa haa ciUes of stone bv a Dost oak by the side of the road, thence south 56 east 26 poles to a stone by a large cedar. thence south 2 west 12J poles to a stone bv a Pirn, thence north 56 west 32 poles to a stoi ea,t of Esq. (Jot ton's twn !( 'tracti thfcncj north 30 east 13 poles to the Detuning, oon tatninqr 2 acres G Hill, town ship about one m'1(' f rom tfte town of Gold Hill, N. C- , the said James M. Scott and wife, Margaret Scott, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. -This August 27, l12- ' ' John H, Soott. Jolm J. Stewart , attorney. C ntiuental EaroDe aod iu America for y?ai and has sery--d it is said a valuable purpose in the promotion of civic prfde and interest. The mayor of Boston recently ordr id the saperiutan dent jf the B iston public Bjhoola to rt qair all pupil-to take this pledge of civic fealty aud duty. Charlotte Observer. That word "requite'; o.vic connection, , reminds one of a spoiled egg's extd;Bion on a Pnnoe Alberts ' The Athenian oath is as follows: "We will nWer bring disgraoe to this, our city, by an act of dishon esty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks; we will fight for the ideals and sacred things of tha citv. hnf.h alone audwith many; we will re- vere and oSey the's lawa do our best to incite a like ray apect and revereme in those abeve as wno are prone to anwil nr T 8,t thm at naughf ; we'will strive unceasingly to quicken the pub lic's sense of civic dutv. Thno aU these ways, we will trLa. iu thiglthii city noi rial, nofc leaa. but greater, better and more beauti ful than it was transmitted to us." The Salisbury schools are now in their seoond week and it would not be inappropriate to call fdr th;se whD will volunteer to the take the oath But let there be discrediting to thos3 who do not wish to do so. s4!8111 HW ST morted? it III JLL nce.s- Each l00-oo costs yon 7.5o ?t Jith OT ?n o Per year. We do not re (jnpWr,0.,KC.'i0D' STAND RD HOME IMt ' Mutual 81 a8-., Richmond, Va. CHICHESTER S PILLS tjf. ni win i . . ' ftrrr a DSUO UOOQB jt w maw' ISot r i yests kaorass Bisl s& si . t. .11.1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0