i nij mm iw'"" . , 1 BOTH SEHATpRS IH CHARLOTTE. 5 Ro Ln S Oiiinin aod Hon RU sromons wm Guests of tiis Quien Ci! Thui JQai. Say Thuraday'i Observer: Thii will be an . areatf al r day in Charlotte? The Q.aeen . Oiiv will hive the honor of 'enterUiaing . daciDg the day both Uuiied States Senators from North Carolina, Hon. Lee S. Overman and Hon. F. M, Simmona. Both will ap pear before Charlotte and Meck lenburg aadimoes, the former in behalf of hit candidacy lor tne Senate and the latter to address in annual bicuiu to be held at 8teel Creek church. I is pro bable that Mr Simmons will also " arrive in the city in time to go out to Steele Creek bd if he does, ar taugemeots will be muds to have him make a speech- there. x Mr. Overman will addrest the gather ing at 11 o'cock. Mr. Simmons will upeak ton'ght at 8:80 iu be half of his iuterest iu the senator ial rao-" At 7:80 troiht Judge N L Eary of Gr. euiboru aud Rev Pla to Durham will be the prominent figures in x rciscs that will for mally dedicate the five new school buildings of Charlotte. The coming of thtse two distinguished citizens of the State will be a de light, to their many friends in the city aud espeoially to these who are interested iu the well-being of the schools. Both these geutle menare profoundly wrapped up in the caus of higher education and their selection for the func tions of the evening was thorough ly appropriate It is the desire of tb se in charge to have the forms I dedicatory ei eroises which are to be held at the Auditorium over in time for those who want to hear Senator Sim moos to gt to the Academy of Music,, where the Senator will ap pear, in abundance cf time. Paring their stay in the city, frieuds of both Senator Overman aod Senator Simmons will see tr it thtt their stay is marked with pleasure as wU as profit. The coming of Senator Simmons is particularly epochal iu that h'B appearance here will mark the openening of his campaign in the State so far as he is personally concerned. A Dozen are Poisoned it ''Mushroom" Pailf. New York, Sept. 16. Twelve who attended the mushroom party of Daniel Faunbauerof No. . 22 Worthington street, Long Is : land City, Saturday night were poisoned, and two of them are in a serious condition. Fann baur and his neighbor, John Eonantangpa,' who ate most of the "mushrooms," which were toadstools, are id St. John's Hos pital, Long Island City, and last night it was said their condition was seriouB Their wives too were poisoned. A three-year-old child, two daughters and a son of -Faun-bauer, Peter Pulaski, John Bl- croski, Paul Churgach and Pop ball Peapica were the other vic tims. Fauubauer and Eonantangna took a stroll in the woods near - Casino Beach, in the Astoria sec tions, Saturday and were sur prised at the abundauce of what they supposed to be mushrooms growing about They collected Learly a bushel. They told their friends to call in the evening to have a feast. The. guests came aud a big lot of the toadstools was put on the stove to boil. When tnis was ready to serve another pot was put on while the dozen sat down to eat. Soon they felt the effects of the poison. How's T&is? We offer One Hundred Dllars Regard for auy oase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENNEY & CO., To ledo, O. We, tht undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, aod believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions aud financially able to car ry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE, Toledo, 0 Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly "upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testim5nials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for enstipation . Wintel A copy of Ru tuple's H's- tory of R)wan and Wheeler's Reminiscences. Write to Mm. Frank J. McOuMrius, Box 54, .Salisbury, N O. 9-18 8fc pd. Fur Sill. A thorougherbred Po- land China stock hog, 10 months old. A." M. Withbbspoon, at Kesler cotton mill. 'Phone 684 L. H 9-18 -tf. Boyjil read about the contest I p BBBBSSSSWSlWBMBBSBBMBSSSSSSSWBWBSSSSSMBSBWBWBBSSSBSWBiBSlSlBSSBSSB f il . RI(t ITflr fifllTilT Sta S1?PT til- .: ': I Bill! Hear the Canooa Roar! BOOM! k k Wheels p Round. BOOM! BQOMlll YOUR Chance to WIN is as Good as ANYBODY'S. A CONTEST FOR BRAVE, EMTERPRISIMG BOYS wmmM First Prize After several months investigation The Watchman and Record decided that the Pope otorcycle, four horsepower, made at the fti.ous Pope bicycle factory, Hartford, Conn., was probably the best article on the market of its kind and, has made arrangemnt for one of its best machines to give away absolutely free in this contest. We expect to have one on exhibition at Williams' bicycle repair shop at an early day for examina tion, or if you wish a descriptive circular can be had for the asking. , Second Prize An Iroquois Go note r Brake Special, Retail Price $60.00. Made by Mead Cycle Company, Chicago. This is one of the Best Bicycles made, and well-worth your time to win it. ae This contest has beeu organized to stimulate interest in -The Watchman and The Rowan Record, which papers are published as a semiNwekly giving all the local and county news at only $1.00 per year. A coupon, good for 1,000 free votes will be issued to every one who enters the contest, and other votes will be given from time to time, but the principal method of obtaining votes will be by making collections, getting renewals and securing new subscribers to The Watch man and Record. When money is received and paid in at The Watchman Office. Salisbury, votes will be issued according to the schedule published. A Sealed ballot box can be found it.THE Watchman Office, Salisbury, where the ballots may be cast whenever desirable; but all vctea must be in by 3 p. m., December 16th, 1912, end of the contest. If you decide to enter the contest, send us your name and address in full at once, when if you, or your nominee, is acceptable, copies of the paper and 'subscription blanks will be furnished and you can proceed to get busy and stay busy, if you mean to win. There is going to be a winner and if you will, you can be the winner. ' m Rule 1. All money obtained by the contestants shall be turned over to the contest managers, who will issue votes for same. ( Rule 2. Voles cannot be bought or exchanged. The contest ffillbe run on a fair and square basis for all. Votes can only be obtained by securing sub scriptions or getting renewals, or by cutting the nomination or free vote certN ficate out of each issue of the papers. Each contestant is allowed one nomina tion coupon giving him "one thousand votes. , . Rule 3. As soon as money forsubscriptions is brought or mailed to The Watchman Record office, by contestants, votes will be issued. These votes may be dropped into the ballot box at the time they are issued ylut they must be placed in the box before 3 p. m December 16th in order to beiyalid. Rule 4. Nominators and contestants in the Watchman-REcoRitaontest must agree to and accept all rules-and conditions. ' . - 1 Rule 5. The right is reserved to reject any nam for contestant for any cause, also to alter these, rules should occasion demand. No cue connected with the papers will be permitted to enter the contest. ; W Hf f Rule 6 Any question that may arise between contestants wH ltis decided by contest manager and his, decision shall be final. Rule 7. Important. The contest closes at 3 p. m., sharp on Saturday, December 16th, 1912. Absolutely no votes will be credited or received after this time. The result of the contest will be announced at the Watchman Record office as soon as the pount id completed. Rule 8. The party receiving the largest number of votes according to the rules of the contest, will be awarded the first prize, the motorcycle, and ho who receives the second largest number of votes will be awarded the second prize, the bicycle. ; '' If any point is not clear to prospective contestants we should be glad to have him call at the ofticeand have it explained. We hope a large number will enter at once. A late start is is a great handU cap in a proposition of ihis sort and we urge all prospective contestants to enter their names and get busy right away, however, you can start any time. Each contestant can keep tab on his vote week by week, and we will publish the names of the leaders, or three hightwt, but the final count will be made by a committee of three well known meu, after which tb prizes-wille be awarded. Wm . H. Stewart, JJ. WRITE TO On C ALL ON BO" O ALISBURY, TJ. G. The III V -

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