THE CAROLINA YATCHLIAII SHORT LOOAL ITEMS ,r W. Norman has ' purohasfld the home of Mrs; J. W. vMauney on South FuUon Street. : r A. J. Henry has purchased a thirty-nine f.cre farm on the old Mocksville Eoad. " . - Dr. and Mrs. J D, Carlton have purchased the lot corner of Horah and Ellis Streets. C. C. Cauble, who has a posi tion as seoond engineer on Clyde Steamship Line with a ran" be tween Ne v York aud Jacksonville Fla , is on a visit to, his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cauble. H. H. Henderson, has been elected night secretary of the Spencer Y. M. C. A. Mr. Hen derson succeeds C. L. Michael 'xe sigoed. . ' Dr. R. M. Eames, well known by all Salisbury, celebrated his 81 anniversary Sunday at the res idence of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Richard Eames. Dr. Eames is a splendid citizen, a successful business mn and is. highly es teemed by large circle of friends. May he live as long as he may wish. Miss Maggie, daughter ofL. R. Liogle, who has a position in the supply office at Spencer, is now enjoying a short vacation, part of which she will spend in Washing ton, D. C, and part with- her brother, Rev. G. H. L, Lingle, in Cabarrus County-r The members of. Cordon Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., who won the hand some piano in the recent .Progres sive Merohants' Contest, have shipped the instrument, as an nounced, to the Odd Fellows' or phanage at Goldsboro. This is a very creditable thing to do and a very worthy institution is the beneficiary. Senator Overman will speak at Mocksville on political matters Saturday, September 28th. ; John H. Sparks advertising car passed through Salisbury en route for Mocksville to bill thaj town for a show at an early date. - T. F. Young has accepted a po sition with Geo. H. Shaver and would be glad to have hii friends patronize him there.' The citizens of East Spencer, in the event the free delivery, which was discontinued Saturday, can not be restored have made appli cation for the establishment of a fourth-class postoffice there. There are three applicants for the job, to wit: W. T. Hartley, JOO. Roaoh, and Mr. Coggins. Clyde Jenkins, night clerk at the Ford Hotel, who is kept at his home in Gold Hill with, ty phoid fever, is on the mend and, if no set-back takes place, he will soon be restored' to health. The Dixie Concert Band and a number of invited quests enjoyed a Dutch supper in their band room in the Hartman building on Chestnut Hill Friday night. E. H. Hooper was toastmaster and prepared the feast This is a splendid band and -deserves all the compliments paid it. There was plenty of music and speech mak ing. H. E,.-Russell is president and F. B. Moore, secretary- and treasurer. 0. C. Laisiter is di rector and Earl Lassiter, his son, assistant. Oar friend A. L." Lingle gave as a pleasant call Saturday. Ab has been looking up the orations of Julius Ceaser and Demosthenes and if he finds anything among them suitable for the present cam paign will probably recite them on a stamp somewhere soon. Ab is for Judge Clark for Senator and naturally wants everybody else to be. r Owing to some disagreements in family affairs Albert Cauble aud W. B. Hartly, eX-saperintend-ant of the chain gang, had a fight on Main Street Saturday morning. It is said Mr. Hartly had been a little domineering and young Can ble was about to make beef steak out of him, when pulled off. They were put under a $25.00 bond for their appearance Thursday. The Uniformed Rank of the Woodman of the World gave a de lightful entertaiumint on the Grubb building Thursday night. Ice cream and cake were served, the band furnished musio and the - evening breefts were very bracing. v Rev. B. S. McKenzie and wife, who have been here several weeks to be with Rev. , MeKenzieV sick mother, lef tyesterda'y for their home at Sioux Falls, S.; D.," ac companied bV Miss Ellen; daugh ter of Dr. W. W. McKenzie , T . The last of the Bruner evangel istic meetings -was v held in the First Presbyterian ohurch Sunday afternoon and was one of thelarg. est held during the series. It is said - his services accomplished considerable good., Mr; Bruner went from here to Greensboro where he will hold services for week or more. a A mail box has been placed at the entrance of the Grubb sky Boraper and is quite a convenience to the public. . -- , The .' Misses - Boat, Hohson, Foard, Tatum and Fowler, of South River, are planning for their ninth annual harvest moon trio nic. The event ' will take place Saturday evenings September 28. H. W. MoAllister and son, W; N. MoAllister, have placed a stock of goods in their store on Chestnut Hill. The firm name is MoAllister & Son and' they will carry a line of dry goods, notions, shoes and gent's furnishings. Mrs, Ellen S.; McKenzie, relict of -the- late Chas. H. McKenzie, died at her home on South Fulton Street Thursday night at 12 :80 o'clock, the result of a stroke of paralysis which took place about a month ago. 1 Thef uneral took fplace from St.' Luke's Episcopal church -Saturday afternoon con ducted by the rector, Rev. -F. J Mallett, assisted by Arch Deacon Harding. The remains were taken toSt. Mary's .Episcopal church, at Sumner, near the old McKen zie hbrnsstead, where the inter ment took place. , Mrs. McKenzie was a' native of Rowan and a daughter of Ben j. Sumner, one J of the leading citizens of this sec tion .in his day. Her husband being a well-to do farmer and county magistrate, sister of the late Th"s, J; Sumner of Julian Sumner of Charles Sumner of Virginia; Mrs. Hoke of Lmoolton, and Miss Lau ra Sumner, both dead. She was She was a Edward and this county; Thomasville; the stepmother of Sheriff Jas. H. Major Steadman, congressman McKenzie and Mrs. Sallie N. from the Fifth distriot, is ache-1 Sumner, of Linoolton. Her chil- duled to speak in Salisbury dren consist of four boys who sur Thnrsday, October 81st. vive: Rev. Ben S- McKenzie, of C. L. Blanton, agent for the S W ,Mc" Singer Sewing Machine Company M"". wosuiuurj; ar- herefor several Years, has hn ne" ' enzie, or unicago; transfered to the Winston-Salem Julian McKeQlie who h" be8n with his brother at Sioux Falls, 8. D. ; one son, the late Thomas offioa. H. T. Sanders', of Mt. Pleasant, will . take the position vacate! by Mr. Blanton . At a meeting of the executive committee of the County Far mer's Union held at the Southern Hotel Saturday afternoon, it was decided to call the next quarterly meeting of the county union to be held in Salisbury, Friday, Sep tember 27th. The meetings will beheld in the hall of Winona Council, Jr. O. U. A. M. McKenzie and one daughter, Miss L. Edith, - who was a constant companion until the end. All of her living children were present except E. B. MeKenzie, who had just returned to his work after paying a visit to his mother. Mrs. McKenzie lived a life of useful ness to her family, to her churoh, to her community. She was al ways ready to extend aid and en courage every good cause so far as A. A. Hartman and ' Julius her means and opportunities would Snipe caught a thirteen-and-a-half-pound carp iq Second creek one day last week. A marriage took place in Char lotte Sunday that is of some inter est here! It was that of Miss Emily Williams, daughter of Po- licemadand Mrs. J.C. Williams of Salisbury, and W. H. Leinster of Charlotte. Miss Williams went down to Charlotte on the early morning train and the marriage took place in the afternoon. Mrs. L9inster has . been omployed as a clerk in a store on South Main Street. They will make their home in Charlotte where Mr. Leinster has a position with the Southern Power Company . As may be een by an advertise ment, in this paper, the Ricmond Boosters will bo here in; the morn ing. v A committee has been ap pointed meet them. ( SENATOR SIMMONS TO SPEAK. HERE. permit. y Her life, a span of three score and eleven years was well spent and the world is the better for her having been in it. Her children grew up around her into-useful and esteemed oiti Z9ns, she justly proud of them and they truly appreciative of her. A well-rounded life has end ed, a mother in Israel has gone, merely wafted over the river by the perfume-laden zephyrs in the still, hours of the early morning, there entering into the joy of her Lord, united with those who have gone before and awaiting those left behind. Oar loss is her eter nal gain. - Mrs. Hattie Lener wife of John Leflar of Crescent, died last Wed nesday afternoon after several week's illness. She was about 88 years old and leaves a husband and four children. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from Bethanv Reformed -Church of which-fihe was a member. Mrs. Lefler was a daughteraof;MaxwH- Impofted Speakers and Chaifman Woodson Gf the coun- w V Ktr Holshouser.of Crescent and a sis mittee is endeavoring to obtain . V T.u -1 a.i. out of the county speakers who it is The Present and Neil Senator to be tad Hers Sa'urday, September 28th. Notice has-been received here through Chairman Wejbb,' of. the State Democratic Executive Com mittee that Senator , Simmons, candidate for re-election, will be here Saturday, September 1.28, to address rthe people, on the issues ot the day and in his own behalf. Senator "Simmons is one . of the best posted miny in the country and will deliver a speech full of interest from beginning to end and a few hours spent in listen ing to him will be well Worth any one's time. Many-of the ques tions before tlje people this 'year are new and .Senator Simmons' talk will be edifying to a on siderable extent." Let every one com iff and hear him, Speaking of his recent address in Charlotte the papers of that city- made the following comments. The Observer says : ThoBe who mav have questioned the personal tmd official popularity of Senator Simmons, had their doubts re moved . His . admirers even might have been pardoned did they express some satisfaction of having been revenged 'tor the in sults whioh had been persistently hurled at their champion since the campaign opened. It was & night of evening up scores. The splendid manner in which Senator Simmons address ed himself to that task and per formed it, excited their unbound ed admiration, and it waB with a feeling of jubilation that they sent him on his way to the field throughout the State. His op ponents have not only been put on the defensive, but' sorely so. He is not only the man his friends have been claiming him to be. He has to some extent surpassed their expectations. The Chronicle : Senator Sim mons haB proven to the complete satisfaction of the 1,500 people who heard him last night his entitlement to re-election. It is true that they knew it before. But they know it better now. Great leader that he is, he . is still a greater man. Gentle and courteous, witty and keen, , calm and oool, confident but not ego tistical, Senator Simmons an nounced his platform,, his reoord. There was no appeal to pity, or passion. There was no oratori cal display to capture the emo tion. Truly eloquent and force- ul, Mr, Simmons demonstrated the fact that he is almost a generation ahead of of that class of "placeseekers" who would de stroy the splendid achievements of a self-saorifioed lffe. With a remarkable grip on the conditions confronting the na- ion, with a splendid conception of the ideal Democracy, with an intimate knowledge of the sub jests under discussion, Mr. Sim mons shows his audience that he is the master, not the echo. It was easily evident why Mr. Sim mons knows He knows the how and he also "knows the wfiy Knowledge counts, and: North Carolina needs men of knowledge. ' The Charlotte News : ;In ; one of the ablest addresses ever heard in the city, Senator Simmons completely , knocked - the l4 props from under the flimsy arguments of , his opponents to :4he effect that he is !'out of harmony with his party," is not a progressive Democrat," ,etc. . - - - j The senator V well .says that while he' does ? not favor women suffrage and: thatT; brand, of al leged pjrogressiveness, he stands fonr square on the Baltimore platform, and Joeing in perfect harmony, with the principles of the right type. - . "I am running on my own re cord ; not running away from it,' declared the senator, and when one gives that reoord a fair re view, we believe he will be convinced- that the senator has a sound and firm foundation. Answering the charge that he favors the railroads and special interests, the senator very' sar castically remarked: VI do not jlaim to abuse the" interests hy day, and sleep with them by night." That was a blow that must cut deep. The senator declared that this attack on his political character is merely for a "transient pur- pose," and he feels sure charaoter will be restored to intact when that "transient pose" is served. his him pur- Mr. Watts here Saturday. A. D. Watts, private secretary to Senator Simmons, was a Salis bury visitor Saturday. Mr. Watts, while recognizing the ne cessity of considerable work in any campaign covering the entire State, has no hesitation in assert ing Ihat Senator Simmons will be nominated by a large majority at the polls this fall. There are abundant reasons why this slTould be 'true. IB! SIX LETTERS FronrWew England Women : Prove that Lydia;E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-, . pound Does Restore the Health of -AJling Women, Boston, Mais. I was passing- through the-Change of Life and suffered 'from hemorrhages (sometimes lasting- for weeks), and could get nothing, to ., check them. I began talcing ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; , (tablet form on Tuesday, and the following Saturday, morning the hem ' orfhages. stopped. , I have taken them regularly ever since and am steadily " . gaining. '-,..'V . "! ' I certainly think that every one who is troubled as I was should glT ;y6ur Cpmpound Tablets a faithful trial, and they will find relief.' Mrs. GaoBQK Jrax, 802 Fifth Street, South Boston; Mass;'' ''-.::' 4-..';--.'i'- ;;''-' Letter froni Mrs. iajKingnlSR - Phosnix, E.I. "I worked steady in the mill from the time I was 13 years . old until I had been married a year, and I think that caused my bad feel ings. I had soreness in my side near my left hip that went around to my ; back,- and sometimes I would have ta lie in bed for two or three days. I -was not able to do my housework. ' . -. ' ' -- " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped ine wonderfully in every way. You may usemy letter for the good of others.- I am only tod ; glad to do anything within my power to recommend your medicine." Mrs. . Julia Euro, Box 283, Phoenix.-E.L , - ;'- . ; . ' Letter f rom Mrs Etta p6novan,WUlimantlcV Conn. ,Willimantic, Conn. 44 For five years I suffered untold agony from female troubles causing backache, irregularities, dizziness, and. nervous-pros tra tion. It was impossible for me to walk up stairs without stopping on the way. I was all run down in every way. , . : " I tried three doctors and each told me something different. I received no benefit from any of them but seemed to suffer more. The last doctor . said it was nrf" use for me to take anything as nothing would restore me to health again. So I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ' to see what it woud do, and by taking seven, bottles of the Compound and other treatment you advised, I am restored to my natural health." Mrs. Etta. Donovas, 7Q2 Main Street, Willimantic, Conn. . Letter from Mrs. Winfield Dana,; Augusta, Me. i Augusta, Me. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured the backache, headache, and the bad pain I had in my Tight side, and I am perfectly welL" Mrs. Wisfxeud Dana, B.F.D. No. 2, Augusta, Me. " Letter from Mrs. J. A. Thompson," Newport, Vt.M - Newport, Vt." I thank you for the great benefit Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me. I took eight bottles and it did wonders 1 for me, as I was a nervous wreck when I began taking ;it. I shall always speak a good word for it to my friends." Mrs. Jobs A. Thomfsok, Box 8 Newport Center, Vermont. - ' ' Letter from Missjrace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H; Bethlehem N.H. ' By working very hard, sweeping carpets, washings ironing, lifting heavy baskets of clothes, etc, I got all run down. I was sick in bed every month. "This last Spring my mother got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for me, and already I feel like another girl. I am regular and do "not have the pains that I did, and do not have to go fx) bed. I will tell all my friends what the Compound is doing for me." Miss Gbacib B. Dodds, Box 133, Bethlehem, N.H. ' For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments .does justice to herself who will not try this fa mous medicine, made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many suffering: women to health. Write to LYDIA E. PIKKHAM MEDICINE CO. ( CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN. MASS.. for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. thought will draw a crowd and be listened to Among them is Sen ator Gore and Congressman Un derwood. ' The Democratic com- mittae of the county has arranged iter of Mrs. L, C, Isenhour, of Sal isbury. for three big speaking! during tbe for appendicitis, died Saturday month of October, the dates being noon. His wife and brother. D. the 12 6b, the 19th and the Zosn. D. Barrier, were with him when The first meeting is to be held in death came. He was 42 years old Landis and Hon. Locke Craig will and his remains were taken to Mt be the principal speaker ; the aec- Peasant for interment. ond meeting at Rockwell, where George L. Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, who was being treated in the Whitehead-S takes Sanato rium and had been operated upon Attorney General Biokett will be the speaker ; on the 26th the meet ing will be at Cleveland, and the speaker will be Hon. Lee 8. Over man. Thee will b a barbecue given at eaoh meeting by whioh pater nalistic methods it ii hoped the orowds will be large. Chairman Woodson also announces , that there will be daylight canvasses ternoon after a few weeks illness Miss Grace Hooks, aged 16 died at her home on Crawford Street .Friday afternoon from the effects of typhoid fever. Satnr dv afternoon her remamB were taken to St. Pet&r's Lutheran churchin the country for inter ment. .Mrs. Eliza Harris, died at her home near Salisbury Sunday af of the county -by tne county candidates dur'ng the month of Unr Pnncrraanm an 'Donffh' ton is also expected to be here frequently. The dog law, court hnnnA ontrase. the failure to enforce the laws and other wrongs Addition and Improiement of the Fire Department. - The Salisbury aldermen haye just contracted for an up-to-date fire alarm, system and it is to be installed with in the next three or four months. The contract was awarded to the Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraphic Company of New York and calls for 14 boxes and full equipment. It is one of the most modern systems and will assure the protection of Salisbury as well as any city in the State is now protected. The big motor truck that the city officials bought some time ago is expected to arrive at an early date. The comp pany will send an expert along with the truck Land will stay here until the fire department can handle it efficiently. The above equipment, ad ded to our present apperatus, will put Salisbury in a very She was about 35 years old and leaves a husband and five child ren. The funeralwas held Mon day. : Mrs. Sarah Knight, (wife of Al fred Knight, of Kaunapolis. died at that place early Monday morn- umus "7 7 ingfrom the effects of tuberou expected a u ..uu T. fnnarftt Wfta Ho11 every voser im w iuuu-uo bi . - collar and march up to the p51s ,""""J in Nnvnmhur And vote for a con tinuance of the injustices heaped A new front is to be put m the upon them. Whoop I - Great store room occupied by A. B. Sa- the Rowan brand of "Democracy. 19JOJa "Cafdui Cured Mew For nearly fen years, at different times, Mrs. Mary Jinks of Tread way, Tenn.," suffered . with womanly troubles. She says: "At last, I took down and thought I would die. I could nof sleep. I couldn't eat I had pains all over. The doctors gave me up. I read that Cardul had helped so many, and I began to take It, and It cured, me, Cardul saved my life! Now, I can do anything." , W)W D WomanviTonic If you are weak, tJred,vorn-out, or suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women, such as headache, backache, dragging-down feelings, pains In arm, side, hip or .limbs, and other symptoms of womanly trouble, you should try Cardul, the woman's tonic Prepared from per fectly harmless, vegetable Ingredients, Cardul is the best remedy for you to use, as It can do you nothing but good. It contains no dangerous drugs. It has no bad after-effects. Ask your druggist He sells and recommends CarduL WWf tot LailW Advtiory Dipt. Cuttanoecs Madldnt Co, Guttanoega. Took fee Spedal InttracHont. tad M-past book. Hoim TtMtetatlor Women." tent fra. M substantial position in the way of fighting fires and should be of some advantage in reducing insurance rates. Mrs. and Mrs. it. A. Raney to Leare. R. A. Raney, a member of the wholesale grocery firm of Snider-Raney Company has decided to move to Golds boro and will make that city his home. He recently mar ried a Goldsboro lady and they have decided to move there. It is not yet known what disposition he will make of his interest in the whole sale house here. Mr. Raney is a young man of splendid qualities and his many friends here regret very much to learn that he and his wife have decided to leave Salis bury. " SoDthern Alomiolom Compny Gbartirifl. The Southern Aluminium Oom pany, headed by French capital ists, which is developing the um completed Whitney plant and will establish large aluminum worki there was incorporated Monday in New York under the laws . of the State of New York, with a capital of $0,000,000 to operate In North Carolina. The director! are: Adrin Baden, Leon Bartholin, George Berges, Hippolyte Brraoh ayer, Henry Branner, ' Oharleg Michele Gote of Parnr, Hubert Chalmeton da Oroy of Lovret, Francesi Jean Sonnery Martin aud Lazare' Wolf, Lyoni, France, Zaohary Hoohohild, Frank-fort-Sar-le-Mein, Germany; Dr. Paul Haroult of New York. Nature's laws are perfect , if only we obey them, but disease foUowa disobedi ence. Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest ; there are mysteries there, some of which we can fathom for you. Take, the bark of the Wild-cherry tree, with mandrake roet, Oregon grape root, stone root, queen'a root, bloodroot ami golden seal root, makea scientific, glyceric extract of them, with just the right proportions, and you have ' DOCTOR PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. It took Dr. Pierce with the assistance of two learned chemists and pharma cists, many months of hard work experimenting to perfect this vegetable alterative end tonio extract of the- greatest 'efficiency. Ms. C. W. Pawley, of Millville, Calif! , writes: "I wish to teUrou that I have used your ' Golden Medical Discovery in my family for twenty years. We have had a doctor called, in but once during that time.- I have a family of ted chil dxen, all well and hearty, for Which, to a great extent, we owe thanks to yoir and your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pellets,' which we use when sick.'.' Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets regulate and-invigorate and hnwels. Sutfar-coated. tinv granules. W'' ' unin ry at.t. nnunniSTS. ... . . .? tjt KT V C W. Pawley, Esq World's Uispensary aieaicai Awwaauon, duiuuu, xi. a . THE FOLLOWING VOTES WILL BE GIVEN FOB OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS The Watchman aad Becord otopcycle during our . ' . ' . '. . ; - " V -- ' : - " BL uiarny uoniesi One year's subscription, both papers.... Three" ' " M " -s .$1.00.'...; .$2.00....'. .....$3.00.. .....$4.00.. $5,00.. ...1000 ...2500 :.4000 .5500 J. S. MoCJubbins, Pcej. i A. L. Sm )ot, Sac. Treas. W. O. MaupiS, Insaranse Djpt. F. N. MoOubbis, Baal Estate. SiLISBIIttY RE iLT Y & IHSUBINCK CO. 122 N. Main St. 'Phone 258. Salisbury, N, C. Reorganized and Consolidated The utiisraigaecl who were connaatei with two other firm) have now reorganize and coasolidated their basinaaj Interests" so as to offer greater advantages to- their mmy catoaurs. - If yoa w mt to bay or sell RSA.L ESTATBrwe can show joq desirable 4 places that wiH make yoa a nice hotn j or pay yoa 10 per cent to 15 per cent on investment: or we will bay or sell for yoa any bargains yoa haye to offer. : ' Wedoan MONEY and if you" have any that is not paying yoa 6 'par cent or more, we can loan it on go d Real Ejtate, first m jrtyage and guarantee loan and 6 per cent interest net, -." We write all lines of insurance and rent houses. .' T - - " ' When interested in oar line don't fail to tea as. . r ' j NOMINATION BLANK.1 Watchman and Kecord , MOTORCYCLE CONTEST X I hereby nominate aa Contestant in your Motorcycle' conntest: Name rTdwn. State V. B. F. D. Route Nominated by......;... Ten ? r , la no ease will nam of nominator be divulged peat sum wa realized by the boys Do Yoa Want a MotorcyisleBoysLreadaboat the contest. A Urge crowd was present and ........7500 20000 It