I-:. .is. -PA -1 a. " 'I 1 I' 1 ? ..AT'. I "I v:' ij :'vtf ft. - a -8 9011 WiiiftlESWIDf MCf" ?T 'Stall b Spite of mi DrutL " fitSS f lltMitt llVirlOBS HelsWortOOlU hate beea exweaiely" hard cu the - ;... fh. Cri.Mrf. a North CatJiiea - tarmers, rgpeci- EH We do "not Drint ar! m0nt aeovod'r This part ot the ' tides not signed by the autlHstata has' ittcorn crop cut ihort buk-the last Bwooyaxa:iMw uvvu FAITH. ' L II v severe. Iu this.tectioii y wu aaa:, juue aangawr ui . ift gte of. tbip UF. Air j, v ., ate viui mug 1Uutrita Die miaauai met oroum..- tivMTAnd friendi here-this tfeek. s We feer that thit zn,ethcd . of V ' r I . ..v ' AAi3rinv 111 .- flnttA At- th A Ob the llfch of September, the .Mtifc B , tnTdiaoovered ' and ehildfea, grajjdohjlden and f riendj Xb it only, waits, xawful, dilli-of.Mri- Hddge, .widpw of the late geat. appliaafeiou in-order to bring Ahram'Hodffe. . assembled at the success. The . method roontains. t.ff.'imiti.m n,Ur0 Mr. bat four fundamental factors. ..y. "U-i - u rnese reuBeu uiumjg,iwuiu p nooge maaiuK thr soil to take ' nb -larie gare her a birthday, dinner. Her amountg o moisture in the winter daghte. J 0,Wyatt and family ftti early spring came up from Gold Hill, Mr and Second, thsj incorporation of or Bfw IveHoffoerbt hear Organ gauic rinatwr .oolargft.vamouuti , t-.v 1j i. A(h. This oteanio matter may be fttable iu. ,..'J Ik- manure or green manure,. cut fine AOT.u.a. ""6"" with a diso harrow before beicg After a few remarks by Rev. 0. P plowed under and thoroughly in- Fiihet all partook of : the , many oorporated with the soil with the good things provided, Mrs Hogde disc; af ter wardi C This addition trtwsed her Blat mile post ou this or organic matteX is a;, powerful f ... . tx j aid in retaining the moisture ab- ? After : wishing Mrs Hodge gorbed by th7 dVlf plowed soil, many more happy- birthdays all holding it until the season is well left for their homes. ' advanced even thongh'thi drbath. V SimpsouGorp is confined to hi. ""rl-eep7 planting. It is hpme with, tonsihtis, but get- Very-etentil that the farmers in ting;better - hrs section, of .the- state plant ... . , ... . --.,,1 their corn deep below tne sur- mwson vauwicKis gnng tose i . bat. of CDursd:cov,r it shsl H.truok farm and residence in how Last sbriue a number of Faith and mrve to Albemarle. farmers carried out aver f essential He will so into business at " Pal-1 detail for the production cf a good ' " . I corn croD with the ezceDticn of ' lulantina: the .com deeply Tha Another Addition a laTge room, J ground was moist until the middle will be added to the Dresent school of May. This J shallow planted . hoaeiew to . accommodate the horu deveiPed tB root ?Jm 01--c iv.1 ' I It on surface where moisture ccn- "mr JV- VtV I " uu" dUions, were just right. These AJUUiuar uu tUB mn .(n nrmrlitinn rtmAin, d llllfc C Swan Sliteen Miles, 'T? 'Bo3ton,-Sept. lO.-f-jRoia Pi ton; pf theoiton irlswamsntteen mile in. theoold waters of tee TAagoeJ tod"ax.ia JP"nr hnr? vand thirty four.miuutes. Startihg.Ut Richmond, lock and finishing' at Tower, bridge ,.at :. quarter- past seven this evening she was as fit ss afifh and Treadjj o swm -far ther bat the members of the ' HaS sex motor yach,tclu andthe pr e8 s man w h o . . acco mpain id h at ufffedotherwss?, owing to the danger oj the.Tham es. - ' . Rose, proud :' at aopompl ishing a.feat.uever achieved" hy a woman swi mmer inteiided to, swim the . Eneliih channel not the weather has r been. so: inele ment- for four . weeks that ihe has been preyented from making he, attempt. OOffOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOpOOOOOOO Oni. X LT:V A UU 411 A lib! L II-O o?nl? I'LTl" I U UirltlL. IVmil III LU o O;;-,.,.,:-.': . r,v. "7 -rril yaa-fti-n't I xri ltri r ,. i-r . 4 In i rx Is. nKi.n - 'keeping ajid the necessary thipgs you: VilL have, to .Jj v?nnt-dhfl a hp.frr vnn Ran hfls?i m Th an. t h nnnf inn. - Bathe the faceaud ,hands..of persons sick witn , a. t ever. wit n DARB YS PROPH.yLAU I IO-F LU ID in a little water . ' It reduces the fever, allays Irritation jind re rvives. the patieut wondertuuy Apply the7 --Fluid to a cut,, sore or wound . It heals -in halt the time r quired by ad i ordinary 'liniment. Take it internal iy tor orampp, co ic or dysedtary -It ib a marveir rus; felieviuff remedy . Price 50 cts . per bottle. - Sold by all drug gists. r will Tisft wit.hrvoiivas it-Jias, already -risen- with t.h.' O man y-recently married eduplesr ; ' 5 "Where can we net the nicest Furniture and g ' House Furnishings at the Lowest Price?' - - - O I FT II HPI P VfcBI 5 " answer this very important question which counts O o o o o o most towards making young -married couples happy. omtortableandrcjontentedwitb-marxiedlife: "The Place to get the Nicest Furniture at the Lowest Price is at GEO. W. WRIGHT'S." O O O O O O O O o o o c o V f M 3 m (Mi D Billll For All Hinds df Hiah Grade Furniture and O House FornishingSpFor CoffinsCaikets and Embalmings Call on: , O O O O o o o o I npn w ARIHHT MM II I 1 1 1 I I o "THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER & UNDERTAKER, Saturday, August; 1 7ih f 1 9 1 2 ' We do'nGttiavesales often but when -we do "itV- M always means something to you;, r . c -: s - ' " " '-L ' 1 - r i' z - M I vi VI Note Prices Below. S2.50 and $2. 25 now fcl.ft) $2.00 and $1:75 now $1.38 $1.50 aLd $1.39 now ?98 .50 Oxfords $2,69 $3 00 Oxfords'" 'Ci,9S $2,50JUxfords . $ 69 Many other cuts too' numerous 6 mentionV Bell ShoeiStore; 111 N: Main St Salisbury, N. C. f 4K . tsOI sK --'8--. vs V ; J.: - .3..-. Tr ' ' . - i.. 1 y o o o Salisbury, ft. G o ooooooooooooorooooooooooooo to this Bohool. , grounds and ork will, commence soon. . The4arge. new two-story Ke formedL, parsonage is now being sealed "up and will soon be done. . JT Wyatt shipped off another car-load cf street curbing today. . , , Will Lyerly has, . gone, to the mountaius after a load of apples. Vaaivey, of t Sakwrnill, N, C, arrived at Faith last night about 12, o'clock, with the remains of hs littje daujgXter, Zelma The , inrment wasin the Baptist oenoetejy lbere beside his other jistleShter;, , The pablto. sohol at Faith will 'tarjt upron October 21st' with P W Moose, of Cabarrus County, as jmnaipal and Mies Myrtle Pat terson, of .Oonaord,' Miss Mary Lino, of China Grove and Miss Cora Pleas, of Crescent, as assist ant teachers "Milo Kluttz is threshing clover eed today at' John M'Bost's. W,e are having some cool rainy weather here jast now. Dr Peelet makes a flying trip to Granite Quarry every ew days to see his patients over there He goes in his automobile. Venus. GRANITE QUARRY September 13 Mr and Mrs D TCTBabcap h'avelnovedT to 8f ay,N. , vA series of meetings, will begin . . Bandar in the new Methodist ohareh a this p!aje and a large nambdr are expected to attend . " Dt Jfi vans, who recently here from C oleem9et has moved tor Riphfi-jld; N. C. MissBisi Peeler, the telephone -girl-who has been sick with ty, phoid fever, is able to be up ngain. Mrs Lither Lyerly, wha has , b0en! sidk with' , typhoid fever, is able to be up again. t Misses Ul a and Girtie Melton, of t)ifid, N. C , wh have been en "a It wo week s Visit at Concord, N. Ckspen .Satardav night with tbe'ir friend, Mrs O A Forrest, of - this place Miss Ora Kirk, of near Dowd, r ''frhd has been spending several "eeVs, w;th, her sister, Mrs 0 A Forrest, rsturned home this morn- ing. A lot of beautiful' granite dost is now being spread around about the depot here which makes a fine appearence. Si--aiW.-..if . ..... William Smith.is.haviDg, a well dug between thwo houses he bouggt Jfom feeler BfoSraoenliyT Wiley, Br9wo-Krns com' c menced work on their big celtic mouumehVthis inreek. There wi' I be lots of granite work done from nbw'on the' bal .n,oe. iMie yearf;f. f, yus. . right until thejast of. May or lirst of June, when, in many cases, the corn plant was booting for tassel.. At this stage of the growth ot the plant, the root system has nearly Mmpleted.its development and from this time on little cxtenaion of the cora roots may ba expected as its energies are thenceforth oc cupied in produ;ing the ear. Moisture conditions being opli .munx up until this period of the growth, of the plan6, .the grat bulk of the roots w'ere formed aud remained in tne first lour inches of .the a soil. A Now,, the annual drouth set in. In- many5 cases, shallow cultivation- was paact sed faithfully snd it sewind ; that everything was done to eifset the effects iif .the. drouth .but in vain; Tue .;firs$ , six inches of the soil gradually dried up, thus leu ving the corn plants sandir g high and dry in'a bjd of dust or 'dry dirt. : ' Now, had the corn bean planted five or six or even seven inches below the surface of the soil and covered shallow, the direful effects ot the drouth would have bean, to a great extent, eliminated. The root system would have, started dep. iu the ground and in contact with mere lastiug moisture ondi tions which would have aided ica mtnsely . in combatting the drouth. To sum up, deep plowing, the inoorprr.-tion of large amounts of some cheap form of oTgahlo mat ter, preferably green manure, deeh plantitg and cultivation, whiop must te frtqaent, sballrw and late, will so far as moisture con ditions are concerned, produce a crop of corn in the faae of a 'ay drouth 'that" ha ever crome iu North Carolina. We do not pretend that .the! above or anv other .method will entirely offset the effects of an "unusually dry season, but we do know that this is the bess method so far discovered, for growing 'a came fair crop during the dryest sea,- son, North Carolina has ever known. J A complete discussion cf this subjeot may be had from bulle tin No. 169 entitled "Corn Cul ture in North Carolina" which may be had on application to the state Department oi Agriculture, Raleigh, N. 0. t'S Stran f "WHaiag wltA . Wilson- means more ttaa . a sus" IJembermtle ' Vtcidrr ' it that people of refinement and in many cases people of means are fooled, into buying the cheapest kind of pianos at an unreason ably big .price considering the grade of the piano, through the practice of misleading schemes. The time honored firm of (Ms. ffl. Stieff hafr never advocated - the sale of cheap pianos iior al lowed unbusinessl ike methods' to enter their busi hess calculated to mislead their patrons. Our motto is to sell pianos at a price that re presents actual value and thereby give the public a square deal. (tell1 SOUTHERN WAREROOMS: 219 South Tryon Street " CHARLOTTE, N. C. C: H. WILMOTH, Hgr. GCubbins & Harrison Co Gaptetal Surplus $2000000 $16,000.00 SntBApadtloa lot anOnarv Sittmt pouuun lot Standard, ! Howyoueitt at yur sewirg machin,e.and. WE WILL SHOW YOU Something of vital interei To Your Health- Yjp,u,canot,.ackJjoquic V ly injhis matter, so come today -and . let us explain JfJieSit Slrar&M-VSIAN D AR D" Tb droajh(-' Cehtpal: fieedla Idea Brovn Shoe Co., Cotton Crip Daaiged In.SiDdhill SeetUn. Southern Pines, gept 11 Har veit is m progress iu the sand- nill country, batnot with thef most enthusiasm What promis- eaa month ago,.to be an extra uot ton crop was damased bv tha hot. dry waite and the yield will be se riously cartailsd u.u sne-noi winaa ggh thagiyes-you ""-w ne me trom -r -positive hesithfal exercise. the plants and cause disastrous , " aeaaing . oi tUe laves and the young bolls. The top crop is ex tremely disappointing. Ocrn has hsrdly ever been so badly fired as this season. The complaint is almost uniyersal all te'Mou. Thecowpea crop is also effected. m -Ia;Pe of the drawback tEe volume of the crops harvest d aaW.k I f I 1 . . W" o large, at tne increase jof, larm acreage each year is adding uormpnsjy io .the product, and P.ro8.pe7.wjl! be.fairly acquaint.' ed with this section. " Southern 'Pines has boqght a 1 pair of bloodhounds for detective emoe in 'town. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, transacts a general .real estate business. LOAN DEPARTMENT, loans funds for clients so as to net the investor six percent, remits interest semi-anuually aud guarantees interest, principal, and the title to the property upon which the fund is loaned. . INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, represents old line companies m life, fire, casualty insurance, and contract bonds. RENTAL DEPARTMENT, collects ren ts on proper ties makes returns, and looks after the general upkeep of properties for absentee landlords, or those who do not care to take personal charge. IlCiibins & Harrison Co., T. E Witherspoon E. H, Harrison W. H. HoDson, Treasurer, President, Secretary. Real Estate-InsuranceLoaDs If you have real estate to seH. Call to see us . If jou wish to buy real estate, Call to see u. If you need insurance", either life'orti.re; -Call to see ns ' v If you wish to borrow money. Call to-see us. If you have money to lend, Call to see us. We are well prepared to guarantee all loans and "pay sht per cent for same, and will .examine. titles, make up deeds and mortgages free of-eost to all parties who-will plaoa their money with us, and we will pay interest twice a year at bur o'fflce Notary Public in our office to pivpare all ptpis. We earnestly ask that you cill to see us .wt eji in the citv an 1 Jearn of our pln3 and methods of baMness. . Salisbury Realty & Insurance Od 1 22 tin Main St. - A. L. Smoot, Sec- & Treas. J Or. J. Thomas Wright ..SPECIALIST II GHROHIC DISEASE Sky Scraper, 3rd Floor, ' Salisbury, N , (J. - Equipment includes Static Electri city, X-ray, Therapentic Lights, Eleetrie Vibrator, Vacum Tubes. i apor Bath. Opera'ing Ontfi t, ?. ilfachovia Bank and Trust Go. Salisbury. N. C. . S&X.V TO .0 1URP. H0TJ9B - Will pay you 4 per cent on your deposits and compound the interest quarterly. " This is a Big Bank, why not opeii an account with us - . - - YOUR q until you haTe seen our complete stock of i (f)fing. We can j save you morjEY. Agents for Barretts famous E. AMAT T all S Commission Co sbury upply O O 0 O O O OOO OOOOIO OO 0 OOQ QODP O 0 o o O o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 o w 0, 0 0 IKIiTlrlll THAN A NOVEL W00DR0W WILSON wrote the most interesting, story of the American teo pie ever written;. It is a story of our country's life "ffom earlie&t times to the point where history and the -present meet. t y rite for fullpart'culars.' IUie-llliiLE Franklin gre 0 o 8-21 14t o o o o o 0 o o 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 0000000000000:0000000000000 5 Near Tassenger Depot, . . . Phone 8, Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury, N. .C. 7;rr secfaT Demonstrators - ; The Straight and Carved LinesV I I 4L3. H.: -1:1 T AW. PIOPIES NATIONAL BANK- ' gAUSBUBYj -N. C. " Does a General Ban tin "r Biisinesf.- We pay 4 pT cent on time de-1 1 dob Us. lnteresj paiut vmy OVER 65 YEARS' three aioutns.. Prompt a tentiou. given to any business entrusted to us. . ; Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. Johh S. Hkndbbsok? jJ:Nobwood - president. - - - cashier. L, D. Gaskili., ' W. T. Busbt,. ., v.-prestdent. asst. cashier ' V - VEXPERI ENCE ' a 1 . ' Trade Marks 34'"- Designs "V Copyrights ac." Anyn6 sending a sketrt and description may flnlokly aseeruiiu oiiroirtiiion free-whethet an invention Is probably patentable. Cominonlea. tions BtrietlycanlldeiitiaL HANDBOOK on Patuta serit free. OMost aeenpy. for sccunnp patents Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without chareo, Ut tba . .- saenfmc American. VAWTED-A R3BER AGEfJT J! CHJ?.w,,i?d fflst fotactea'naesfebit'a sarritla Latest Model " Raneer -btcxcle furnished hv m i inr giKiTiii.i.k. . . , . r . v mevuMvibiJ WU. V UC 11 ' IIK toPPeyjMVL- fTrinMfulllHtnuuUrindthttUlofirkloHei?'- " - aa t no MOMET' REQUIRED until roa receive and aDorov of your bicycle. We ship to anyone anywhere in the U. 8. kcithouf a tmt i.to.tt inviw-ce,'''w'fr,l?!'',Ildallow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL, during t,1 ?2U may rldejfhe blcyck. and put it to anx test you wish. It you-are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keerrthe FACTORY PRICES Jlein,rn,sl1 iibest-ie bfcyi4 it is rTiV.V Possible to make at onemall proflt.above actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 aaiddlemen's profits by buy ing direct of us and ha v the mirmrMtnw .n... w,v, 5 bicycle.- OO NOT BuV . hiT true untilyou receJ,Yexiuratalo&ues and learnrour unheard of factory &Zl&$3,?7arf2.lJtZ!?i''f'n rider agenta. " IQII IiiLl BE ASTONISHED rbfnJ??ttTOo,,r,nrbeMful ctiotae Jultw low vrlcea wecftiundmvMi h la ia- ,h . n i. . i . ... , . . rrrtpr,i!oH fhD J,' : luuwyuiwaiuuuDW our prices. fZtLEliPJllfA haiid blcyctea' tat nTO.l.y hare ranging m to 310. bargain tlHtSlil4 led frco.- ---J ' -r . , C U A S T E R B R A K E S .'ta?,e Imported rorohaln iWplala, parts, replr and S VI 1 jrTitirH wmtr.m mt' mil -.X9 -mim moo ledgethorn Puncture-Proof $ Self-healiDeTircs5,"? i 11 . w , . l 1 3 n regular retotr friceeftheii tlreiUS? $10.00 per pair, tut to introduce int& an tiH sell you- tampfr taifor$4.80fash-mitberdr$4XS. nO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. NAILS, Tacka.orClasa will not lot tha air out. j A hundred thousand pairs sold last year-.. n FXnmPTinK- Wade in all sizes. 7l r"7V, is nyeiy and easy ridhie. very durable and lined inside with a special qualityof rubber, which nevecbe comes porous'and which closes n smsll punotures.without allowing the air to escape. : We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tireshaveonly beenpumued upncs or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities "being given by several layers-of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread; The trerular price of these tires is siy.w per pair, Dutioraavertislns purposes we are it Notice th thfek rubber rf lopraveni nm cutting, tius iiraritl otrrUkt Bny otbar make SOFT, ELASTIC a ad EASY KlOmtX ' making a special t actoryprice to the rider of only 1.80 per pair. All orders shipped same dayletter is received. TVe ship C. O, IK on -.approval-. You do not- oa a cent until vou have examined and found them strictly as represented. 1 UiVtu noncD . i" . " .rlf0""' BP tpe pncc.BjS per pair If yon send FULL CASH , - -,.--..-; J . ? P5.?RIul enclose this advertisement.- Vou run no risk in acttding .oa aa order aa tha tires may b. 'i" returned at OUR espepe fur any reaeoathey are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable -1 r: i -and money sent to nsisaSFafeasina bonk. It yo ordera pair of these ttrea. too wlU find-tbat they will ride earner, run faster. wnr txiu-r lnt Innr.nd tntr nm i ,., j '. w - v. . , A handsomely mnstrated ireeHy. culatlon of any scientific journal. Tftrpest ei. Terms, a by ail newsdealers. Tear: four months, tl. OOoev 0 V SU VrBbtngtoavA. a - . : r . . 7 -- Pnncrare-root-rtreBOTiaporTandtrialahSTJertal Introductory Tr lee qnntea aboror or write for our W Tlra and Simdrr (UiKuiia ahih iriii..j ,. n ..w. kmdfiof tires at about half the nsnal prices.- ; W-J , r .. - 7 , " " ""'. -4' 5JSi f&nT llrbtl7ltensapostaltoday.: BO HOTTHTNK OFBUYINQabieycledf.palr of 4- .X-.':o-1---'-.U

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