VOL. VIII , NO. 42 V SALISBURY: N. O W ED' N E S D A Y fO 0 TOB E R 2NDc:i "Q 1 5 WMiH. STfeWARf, EdiY6r ?; 1; . fr. ft-'.-!. I mij hrpartid Spell BloHers ltd Sugar Coalers 4 Cosing. Oscar -W. Underwood, the r cenk c&udicUte for the Democratic presidential nomination, hai ac cepted anlutitatnn tjb speak in Salisbury on Monday night Octo ber 7th. Mr. Underwood is a well p:sted maujmd will make an ' interesting and instructive speech, hot Mr Underwood, nor auy of tha imported spall bi:idsrs know or care'adythingabout the rotten ness of the Rowan Democracy or the ufituess of some of the nom inees for pnblio office, the tramp, ing underfoot .of the people' rights, the failure cn the part of officials to enfcrcs the laws and observe the fundamentals of De mocracy. Such men ars to be pat into th9 -Rowan campaign with the ida of inducing the 'pee pie to forget tbr-se iujaiticts aud .causa them to vote for their cou--tinuauoe. Are the people willing to be caught napping iu th;s man ner? - ... Uoigaoton Owbs ber Water Works an: El jcrric Light Plaits .'" Moanton, Sept. 27. The condemnation proceedings of "the- town against the water works were closed yesterday by the purchase of the plaut by the town for $37,611. . Last year the town voted bonds for $35,000 for the con struction of a water system, and later it was found the town could not put in one in opposition to a private cor poration, and proceedings were at once commenced to cond amn. the present plant. A fine water shed purchas ed in the South Mountain, from which water will be brought and connected with the present city pipes. Aorganton now owns her wiKelectric: ligtit -plant and water works. Ti8 Concord Presbjteri Atf )orns -' Statesvllle, Sep 26 Ooncord Presbytery adjourned this after noon, after deoiding to hold the next Bossion at Lenoir in the spring. The members of the Presbytery report a very enjoyable occasion at the visit to the Statesvillc Fe male College, made last night, at which titns they were served with a supper. ; Practically tbe whole of today's fission was taken up with the ex amination and ordination of two candidates for the ministry, Messrs. Grier and Rosebro. Mr. Grier will be installed inhis charge at Thyatira and Bick Greek churches on the thirct Sun day of NivemSer. It was decidd unanimously to apportion the $5,000 ne)ded from the Presbytery ta clear tbe States ville College among the churches. About the most important bus iness of the entire session was the deoisioQ to rpqaest the Synod not to divide thft Presbytery, as there ha? been some talk of doi g. Ciflc RgBfeousness- Mrs. J E. M. Divenport of Pinevi'.le, State Superintendent of the Department of Christian Citi x unship of th Woanan's Christian Temperance Uuion hat issued the following: To the Pastors of North Cro liua: RealtZ'og the importance of having tbe laws against the many evils which confront us. bet ter enforced, and realizing that one of the best ways to bring about this result is to educate the masses o . a higher sta odard of Christian ciiizeaship, and realiz ing, further, that in no way can tLe people be more readi'y ai d effectively reached than through the pulpit, the National Uommit- t&ff of the Department of Chris tian Citizenship haB set. apart the ft.rat Sabbath jQ October as "Chris " tian CtJZ(?nship. Day or Sal - ; b it b, and we most earnestly re r'quost rallVministers cf whatever denomiaat;on, to. assist in . th is great movement toward. - c.vio righteauBness by makingChristian cttizna'hip the theme of their ser mnnB on tfia 'tfbcvenamed Sab -:. bath". . THIRD TERMER'S JOKE ON LABOR Brandeis Shows Right to Organ ize Is Not Recognized. THE PLATFORM IS SILENT Noted Lawyer Exposes the FHmslness of Promises Made to WorkJngmen by Perkins and His Candidate, Who Stands for Private Monopoly. - "The iiew party pledges itself to bo- clal and industrial Justice and specific ally to 'work unceasingly for effective legislation looking to the prevention of occupational diseases, overwork, invol untary- unemployment and other In jurious effects incident to modern in dustry, . ' but nowhere in that long and comprehensive ;jplatfdrm - can there "be found one word approving the fundamental right of labor to organize or even recognizing this right without which all other grants and concessions for improve ment of the condition of the 'Working men are futile. The platform promises social and industrial Justice, but does not promise industrial democracy. The Justice which it offers is that which the benevolent and wise- corporation Is prone to administer through its wel fare department. There is no promise of that Justice which free American workingmen are striving to secure for themselves through organization. In deed, the industrial policy advocated by the new party would result in the denial of labor's tight to organize. "The new party stands for the per petuation and extension of -private monopoly from which the' few have ever profited at the expense of the many and for the dethronement of which the people have, in the cast. fought so many valiant battles. That cursed product of despotism, the new party,, proposes to domesticate in our republic, proclaiming,. We do not fear commercial Dower.V Certainlv organ ized labor has had experience with thS great trusts 'which should teach all men that commercial power may be so great that It is the part of wisdom to -fear it.1 . v;. . ;.?-.44AT The above declaration was made by Louis D. Brandeis before the conven tion of the American Federation of Labor, Massachusetts state branch, at Ktchburg, Sept. 18. Of Supremo Importance. He urges a careful study of the new party platform, particularly its effect upon labor,, noting not only WHAT- IT CONTAINS, but WHAT IT OMITS. adding, "When you make that exami nation you will find that there is a significant emission and that this skill fully devised platform TAKES FROM LABOR MORE THAN IT GIVES." Labor Record of Trusts. Mr. Brandeis then lays bare the la bor record of the trusts, declaring that great trusts the steel trust, the sug ar trust, tha peef trust, the tobacco trust, the smelter trust and a whole troop of lesser. trusts have made the extermination of organized labor from their factories the very foundation stone of their labor policy. The abili ty to defeat labor's right to combine seems to have been regarded by the trust magnates as a proper test of the efficiency of their capitalistic combina tion." Mr. Brandeis shows that In 1899, during: the Colorado smelters' strike, the American Smelting and Refining company closed its mills where the strikers had been employed and trans ferred the work to other mills,: thus breaking the strike. The United States Steel corporation had similar success in 1901 with the Amalgamated Asso ciation of Iron , and Steel Workers. Had the association been dealing -with competing employers the result would have been different The United States Steel trust was prompt in Introducing thjs plan. June 17, 1901, six weeks after it began its operations, its execu tive committee passed this vote, which was offered by Charles Steele, a part nef of George W. Perkins in the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co.: "That we are unalterably opposed to any extension of union labor, and ad vise subsidiary companies to take firm position when these questions come up and say that they are not going to rec ognize it that is, any extension of Un ion in mills where they do not now exist" . - - - ; Union Men Not Wanted. The result was that the bulk of American union laboring men In the iron and steel industry were made to understand that they were not wanted at the works of the United States. Steel corporation. Places once filled - by American laborers loyal to their union were give to others, and,' as the Stan ley committee found, "Hordes of la borers f rom . southern Europe T6ured into t the United , States.' t Hence about 80 per cent of the un skilled laborers in the iron and steel business are foreigners of these class? es, the profits going to the steel corpor ation. Mr. Brandeis declared that "the immediate . and continuing1 result of the steel trust's triumph over organ ized laboF has been an extensive sys-tem-of espionage and repression." There has beeu "np disturbance of business interests during this presiden tial campaign ; Why? Confidence in the. integrity of the Democratic nomi nees and right purposes, of tbA party. 7 "THEY Are Good Enough For Me. (With Acknowledgments to Davenport) X From -"The choice which the voters have to make is simplyi this: Shall they have a government free fo serve themj free to serve ALL of them, or shall they continue to have a gov? : , ernment which dispenses SPECIAL favors and which !i3 al '' ways controlled by those to whom the" SPECIAL favors: are dispensed?" . - C,: W00DR0W WILSON;, ; Tom Settle's ScDedolt. Thomas Settle will speak at: Charlotte, on Wednesday, Octo ber 2 at night. :-. :- '. Concord, on Thursday. October 1 Balisbn-y, on Thursday. Octo ber 3, at niRht. i at hood. Durham, on Friday, Ootoher 4, -at nigr.t. H -ndeison, on Saturday, Octo ber 5, at noon. Raleigh, on Saturday, October 5, at night, : Any one who enjoys a drunken, disgusting tirade might hear something aim est as good by wast ing an hour listening to Tommy work eff some of his splenetio era tory at some of the points given ibove . Old Mao Dies Alone. Qur correspondent at Pumpkin Center made a brief statement ooDcerniDg the daath of Mr. Jlov er and the Richfield : correspon dent of the Albemarle Enterprise tends thai paper the following ac sount of the death : On last Thursday evening J. R Glover, who lived about one-half mile west of here, was found lying in his doorway dead. He was dreesed-iu his night clothes and bljod could be seen about hie aides. The coroner was at once called aud an ii quest held when ex imin'ed it was found that became to his death from natu ral causes. Hoart faifure or s mo ;hi.tg similar is supi-csadto hav caused his death. In falling, h? struok his head on the door sill, causing the blood. He had, from all appearances been dead and ly ing in that condition for 24 hour when found.1 He had been living by himself fcr 15 years or more .lis rf mains were interred, at LutherTchorch cemetery Friday morning. Quarterly Meeting of fo Farmers' Union. The quarterly meeting of the Rowan Caunty, Farmers Uoiot convened in, Salisbury Friday inorniug. ' " T J. Jerome, E q., appeared be fore the Uuion and spoke to th farmers on - the dembnstratioi plans of the Scufhern RailwaV and the desire to have the Uuii meet with W. E. Parry id charg1 f this work rii the 15' h of OcU- ber. The Uuion appointed a com mittee Vf? fifteen to be present pi the occasion, and recommend kd that the various locala also ap point delegates. Do Ypa Want a Motorcycle) : i I - - - 1 I Z ' Z - T ; - - the New York World, Sept 15, 1S12 WCRIMMINSl IS FOR WILSON Philanthropist Calls tqraft and TIME RIPE FOR CHANGE Says No One Can Safely Challenge the Soundness of the Views or Leader ship of Wilson and Marshall, Who Have Been Before the People. By JOHN CRIMMINS, Noted Philanthropist and Irish Amer ican Leader. At the outset of an argument in rela tion to the approaching election for president and vice president we must view what has caused the great upris ing in the country in connection with our economic affairs and the adminis tration of our government in so far as it relates to that subject There is no defence offered for the extensive privileges created by the tariff preferences through the Repub lican party and the favors to. the privileged classes and corporations, While wealth has accumulated under these preferences, a fair field and no favor has been denied to the masses. We cannot expect remedies . from men high in office who in their entire life - work have been associates and participants with the favored class, Mr. Roosevelt during his entire career iu politics and as the head of his party has been the protector of many trusts that the tariff has nourished and fostered nor have we found him in the Beven. and one-half years of his official life as president strenuous in removing tariff iniquities and Inequali ties. Mn .Taft in his acts and utter ances is a party man, believing in a protective tariff, and would, if elected, defend what to many minds is the su preme cause of unrest Free From Evli Associations. In Mr. Wilson and his associate, the candidate for vice president, we have two men who have had no associations with the privileged class, who have never been in a position to grant o? accept favors or to participate In any measure that could possibly relate to their personal welfare or increase theiijncomes. In the respective pro fessions that, these two gentlemen have occupied they -have been day laborers, working ' at iheir desks as many hours as the workman who is Industrious and faithful to his task. The very fact that they have been selected as candidates for the office of president and vice president of these United States is an illustration of one" of the great boasts of the American people that the man who is faithful to his trust, honest in his work, fearless and courageous In his opinions, will in time be noticed and receive a reward. They have watched with concern every side of our political -'life that enters Into the :. government ; of our" people," voicing their Approval or disapproval of situations as they arose. ., ; Are Typical Americans'. V No one 'can safely challenge, the soundness of their-views or their lead ership where economic questions enter into our governmental affairs. They are typical Americans. V i u ? Governor Wilson and Governor Mar- . shall have both been before the people when they received the approval of a majority of the citizens of their re MUit ataita iQT.thjs fakfe'eae at hTAXINQ;p0fM"Mft3 r'-'w iuusrraorh-oT wnai . . n M ?x: publican tariff Really Mean 5' Causes. Workers ta Think. poncrete mples .of how a pro- tenve xanirtJperates are causing tne working loan; the 7noor mau,w to do a lot ofthlnjjrg nowadays. - He is b& glntljiito understand whether is not. about -time to call a halt on sthe Jtepubjhfan practice of taxing the coat off hls.bak and threatening him With the lofHT$f his shirt and his socks If he does, not submit - " , Air through "the present tariff law passed by. a Republican congress and endorsed i by a Republican President as THE BEST TARIFF BILL, EVER PASSED, are tpfbe found discrimina tions, the higher duty on the cheaper article, the lower on thja: shoulders of those least able to bear it the great er burden of the projective system.. Here are some illustrations : : ; ; ? The cheapest wool blankets bear a duty of 165.42 per cent; the -dearest; 1U1.&5 per cent Flannels,, nojt more than 40 cents' a' pound, are taxed . at 143-57-per cent.; over-70 cents a und; 76i7 -per cent Wool plushes, cheapest,- 141.76 per cent. ;flearest, 4)5.33, per cent .. Knitfabrlcs, cheapestr141 per cent; dearest.53 per .Cent - Stockings- Worth' from $1 $1.50 a dozen, 76.37 per cent;" from-$2 te per cenje. - 'IZit - Hats and bonnets. . worth not?vei' 5Ld' 62 1 Carpets, highest priced, 50jer cent; that used for mats and rugs, 126.88 per cent , -' W omen's gloves, unllned, ,49. per eent; lined, 34 per cent ;' "longest gloves, unllned, 42 per cent; lined, 29 per cent Men's gloves, worth less than $3 a dozen, '86.28 per cent.; costliest gloves, 14.45 per cent; leather, unllned, 44.58 per cent; lined, 29.50 per cent Buckles, cheapest 77.48 per cent; dearest 26.3 per cent Uncut diamonds bear a. 10 per cent duty; Imitation diamonds, 20 per cent - The humble firecracker bears a 97.02 per cent duty, while elaborate fireworks bear but 70 per cent : r " Matting, smaller and cheaper grades. V 43 per cent; costlier, .24 per cent - Watch movements, seven jewels, 66.02 per. cent; 11 Jewels, 40.41, per cent; lTJewels, 84.45 per cent :tUndj8rwear;cheapest, 56.90 - per cent; dcSresC-pre"' Dress goods of wool, cheapest 105.42 per cent; dearest, 94.13 per cent Velvets,, cheapest 105.22 per cent; dearest 49.55" per cent Silk handkerchiefs, cheapest 77.44 percent; dearest! 59 per cent Scissors, worth 50 cents a dozen, 62.21 per cent; worth $1.75 a dozen, 46 per cent Table knives fancy grades, 57.40 per. cent; bone handled, 69.43 per cent Butcher knives, best grades, 62.10' per cent; cheapest grades, 93.55 per cent. Files, smallest 81.29 per cent; longest, 36.81 per cent Shot guns, worth ,froin $5 to $10, 47.67 per cent; worth over "$10, 45.46 per cent. These are only a part of the dis criminations, gleaned from a swift conning of some of the schedules. Re duced to simplest terms,'' they mean' that the poor man is taxed higher than the rich man. The Third Term candidate's favor ite reply to the telling, unanswerable arguments of Gov. Wilson is that the tatter's, opinions are based "not on ac tual knowledge and experience but by reading musty books on , political economy." The Colonel himself at a tender age was put at hard labor! It Is not often that a man whose whole life has been given up to politics and office-holding gets as horny-handed as Mr. Roosevelt in the ranks of labor and hieh finance!. Wonder if Emerson was gazing upon a Moose calf when, several decades ago, he wrote: "I am the owner of the sphere, Of the seven stars and the tlar year." President Taft congratulates the. Republicans of Maine on what Chair man Hilles describes as "an old-fashioned victory." Another such and Vermont and Rhole Island would go Democratic in November. The card-stacking at Armageddon gdes merrily on. Eight Taft electors in Missouri announce that. If elected they will vote for the Third Term can didate - - ' " Those who know and feel for Chair man Hilles say he really Isn't to blame for the Republican, presidential candi date's announcement that he'is out of politics." j A Western Third Termer regrets that Roosevelt will not have time be fore 'election day to say h&lf he means. He'll have plenty of time following it governor, rt" it be the good fortune of the country to have these two gen-tlemeu-oocupy the presidency and vice presidency of these United States we have the assurance that in their deeds and' acts they will labor to remove the unrest that has been created in the ad ministration of our governmental af fairs and that there will be equal laws for all the people and not special laws and special. protection, and that the highest Ideals- of a government of the people, by the people and for the peo ple will be brought into fullest realiza tion. ' REPUBLICANS' i EnRAVAGANCE Government Cost- M ire than r Doubled Under : Roosevelt. DEMOCRATS' GREAT RECORD Startling Figures Which Show Tha - the Cost of Our National Existence and .Hie, High Cost of Living Must " Be Reduced. - v Under a proper, downward revision of the- Republican tariff schedules the people of the United States would save .OOOCOidSpach year, or over f 100 per family ou manufactured goods alone. r h'tJif "'--ii- i r President Taft's vetoes of the wool ; tariff bill and the steel tariff measure passed by a Democratic house -COST i THE PEOPLE OF THEX UNITED" STAESAgdUT $650,OO0g6QOiPER ANNOMjAs'; T ' . The costCpf.. conducting the federal governmeiifOJRE THN DOUBLED land's second cratic) aid the beglnninir of President . Roosevelt's- second .adminlstratioa (Re- i-jpublican); ' ' ; " " , - A o "'f T r-'TTT CI "M DtfOTTt m rtT7 TTT1TT 1;REPUBUCAN TARIFF SCHED- ULES tBe peopIe of the United States pay ; a -tjt FROM NINE - TO SEVEN TYfGHT , PER GENT on food injl' ordinary hnnselinl A TrHMa -ncnst in tKa4 home by every family, Tich and "poor, i The total cost of running the federal government in I860 was $ 55,000,000.- . tThe amount appropriated at a singly session of the Sixty-flrst congress for the fiscal year 1911 $1,027,133,446.44 was more than double the amouat T954,496,05543-4appropriated for the fiscal years;: 1897 and 1898 at both ses sions of tKl Fifty-fourth congress, the last congress of the second Cleveland administration! Only eigtt years elapsed .between the L close of the second' administration of President Cleveland and the beginning of the second administration of Presi dent Roosevelt and yet the amount ap propriated during the four years of the latter $3,842,203,577.15 was more than double that armroDriated in the iduryeiirs "Mr caaulTwIia'lCte'' helm viz, $1,871,59,857.47... For 1910, the last fiscayear provid ed for in "congress under . President Roosevelt the highwater mark In ap propriations $1,044,401,857.12 was reached. President Taft's estimate to the last ression of congress for government support for the fiscal year was $1,040, 648,026.55. In other words, governmental ex penses for the FOUR YEARS of Presi dent Cleveland's administration (Dem ocratic) were only $830,861,551.92 more than President Taft's (Republican) es timate of the amount necessary to cov er the expenses of ONE YEAR of President Taft's administration. Congressman John J. Fitzgerald of New York, a Democrat and chairman of the committee on appropriations, in addressing the house Aug. 26; 1912, on the subject of appropriations said, "Thoughtful men have watched with alarm the rapid increase in the cost of government in the United States." He further said that two causes seem re sponsible for many present evils:. One, the UNFAIR AND UNJUST SYSTEM OF TAXATION by which an undue share of income by those whose circumstances In life are not considered more than reasonably com fortable is taken through our customs laws for. the support of our govern ment; the other, the.dlfficulty or inabil ity to readjust our system of taxation and to remove many taxes from the necessaries of life, stihlong as the GOV ERNMENT IS EXTRAVAGANTLY CONDUCTED, or the instrumentali ties providedvfor the conduct of the public service are either inefficient or are not utilized so as to render the most effective and comprehensive re sults.' - Mr. Fitzgerald then called attention ' to the fact that the Democratic party pledged itself if intrusted with power to do two things REDUCE TARIFF DUTIES AND RETRENCH PUB LIC1 EXPENDITURES by eliminating waste In administration and the aboli tion of useless. Inexcusable offices. - The Republicans talk about tariff revision,, and yet. when' a Democratic house in fulfilling Democratic promises to the people reduced the tariffs a Re publican president vetoed the measure. "By their works shall ye know them." Democrats in every state of the Union should organize and prepare for polling a record breaking rote Nov. S. Be it remembered that no matter how certain victory "seems, over confi dence is always dangerous. Is there any reason why the Demo cratic party should go out of existence simply because Mr. Roosevelt has tak en up the Progressive measures adopt ed by the Democrats eighteen years ago ? W. J. Bryan. J - Mr. Roosevelt stood as a guarantor for Mr. Taft Mr. Bryan says, "Now,' when Roosevelt has failed, so utterly In' his Judgement of men, I ask can ha pass correct 4udgmeni on blmaelf T CaUfliiRifir-lisil'YIilfJs 6o!d fa Barkt. MorKanton; -ISeDk 97 Whil$ gold mining has been extensively, can ied ; on in Burke for yeai-s,' Vef 'a new form of this industry baa de-veloped-recently wliich-is a revolution tofhe former methods.' Some time affbt Mr.: Gault, a . mining expert, came here and b ent Several weeks- making " tests of the sand in the rivers "for 'gold, and became convinced - that with proper machinery a iaigeamouat of Fgold c .uld le secured from the river bed, , Iu a f ew-week he hit erest ed a number of capitaliFt.- in the proposition aud a $25,000 suction- dredge is i tio$ in operation iu tlwCatawba Riye.r, and the results, so far have exceeded ;? expecta tiojns aUd another dredge is being considered, and options have beenseiBiiredbn"1;he rjve.r bed throughout the county. y Fire U b s e wan e etrar is tj, In sb r ant ? . J am esr R. Young, , Stated suraiic commissioner with officer, in Raleigh, has de sign ated next Wednesday as fire observance day. He wants th e people to ct'serve tie . day by cleaning.Up all places and materials'whereby fireis likla Ty to get started. He says $1,500,000 is destroyed" each yeaiin thia state by fires, tosthirds of which coald haV6 been prevented. Of course it iB right and proper for people to eive attentipn to such matters and fhue save from destruction so consider -able; valuation. The Opm inissioner of course is spe'akr ing ,in a general way, es pecially to those who have no insurance, but mindful of a few who would be bank4 rupt today had it not been forf insurance policy khd a con venien trei By " Heed ing the advice of Mr. Young" the people will benefit all eoneei ned in saying property, in saving the insurance com panies the payment of con' siderable losses and probably obtaining a rednction in int surance rates. The commis feioner hab found other ways tor the insurance companies to get business, to "wit: "In France a tenant usual ly insures by one policy the following items: 1, His own property; 2, the risk of re sponsibility for damage to the buildings; 3, the riskof responsibility for damage to property . at his neighbors. A landlord insures in one policy the following items: 1, his own property; 2, his.'re- pousiDiiuy ior aamage to the property of his tenant; 3, his responsibility for dam age to the property of his neighbors. fitw Yoik Repubueans name Stile Tfeket. Uaratcga, N' Y.f Sept.; 27.-- With the Belectiou of Job B. Hedges, a Nw York attorney, to b ad the ticket and of James W. Wadsworth, Jr.., former Speaker , of the Assembly, lldgs leading oppoueot for ' the guberht tdrial nomination, at Ttht caodidate f r Liduteuaut Governor as Well its a full State ticket, thi Rer ublioan State convention which had been i i session hore sioce " WedaeTday adj uroed late thii afternoon. For the first time iaJmauy years the delegation iniNw Y rkRe pubticau State ojiiveut ion found themselves without a "prearrang od alate ' of candidates and they sttfed their problem by the oat lot test alone.j ThrWe " billets were required to ncmlnate Mr. Hfdges, who hid led from tha start. '. a M;t Rssidiht. t - r J6 1 B. YositheJprlmjK nent aud iuscessfuVfafmVs of South Rowap, 'is yp'repVripJf to" move to SaHsb'ury.. 7"H4 is ttayu g Vspleudid I residence uut in Ba'- motvt, near the fair gromids. Mr. Yostis'diepingjof d ise, Bjbme bxk'Wfarm mg tools. 'an d xpc it" o;V mqjft n tbt his new home aboatL.Nbvemler 1 ."' I5alisbury iagtid- to.haT Yoat mak his Hm9 iietar ft i I 2 v - - - i . , "r-.'t. '-.li - A If- jm