?';s. -ir - . i mini mil ' THE OAROLHIA WATCHUAII. - i . Wit. H. SUKWAKT, Sd. nd Prop " Encored u seoond-elass matter Jan. Mia. lsOi.at thelpost office at Salis grr, H. O., under the act of Congress f llarea Bran 1878. Published every Wednesday at 120 West Innes -Street. 8almsuby, N. 0.. Oct. 2, 1912. The first thing you known some ot these blind tigers will be guilty of shooting craps and will be ar rested. : II seems that one Iredell Meares It asked one Looked Craiee some questions. Why not quiz the Sphinx? y Thb Watchman is glad to note the defeat of Jim Smith, of New Jersey for the U. S. Senate. This is a victory for Woodrow Wilson and indicates how things are going his way. - It is stated that Attorney Gen eral Wtokersham will be retired if Taft is re-elected president and there ii no doubt of his being re tired if some one else is elected, so Mr. WiokershamJiad as well pre-; pare to move. We understand the oourt house oontraoters are putting in very poor foundations, thin walls, and are not putting in enough cement to make a substantial job, and there is no one to lee that the work is done right.. What smokers we mortals be. .The fact that Rev . J . 0- Rowe, D. D., presiding elder of the Sal isbury dittriot M. E. churchTwill be moved to other parts by the next Conference is a matter for general regret. Dr. Rowe has been tireless in his efforts for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of Ohrist and the church and he 1 is beloved by all good people. Thb Watchman is reliably in formed that P. B. Btard, Fred V. IfcCanless and P. A. Hartmsn, county commissioners, have form ed a partnership and have opened a quarry on Mr. Hartman's Jand to furnish the granite for the new oourt house. Is this true? We await a denial, or .will assume that it is correct and that this ex plains the zeal of certain commi ioneri for a new court house. . - - . 1 The Democratic State Executive Committeee has ruled that a dem ocrat is. one who votes for "all nominees of the Democratic par ty." This committee could prob ably oome to no other conolusiou, but by waiting it will be found -that the people will come to their own conclusion, or, rather they Will do as they please when it comes to voting and scratching. Governor Kitohin was in Salis bury a portion of Thursday look ing after his senatorial candidacy. The Governor has suoceeded fair ly well ao far in holding one job until he could get another, but, the chain will have to break some where, and, ai it is composed of a lot of very worn and weak links, we guess the dissolution w ill take place about November 8th . W. B. Perry, a field aont of the Southern Railway, wis in Salisbury Wednesday. Mr. Perry's business ii along the lines of farm demonstration service and he is prepared to furnish any one with information concerning the plant mg ana cultivating' of various orops. This lame information, or better can be had free by mak ing a request of the Agricultural Department at Raleigh N. C, or Washington, D. C. There is no reason why our people should put themselves under obligations to a corporation unuer the circum stances, i The State nd National Demo cratic tiokets are fine, but there are some on the Rowan ticket who are greatly unfit. The course, of the party in this county has been anything but Democratic. The Democratic speakers will try to moethe over our county affairs, but we don't believe the people an be hood-winked in snoh ' a manner. If the people allow the oonduot of the party and the ut ter failure of its officers to en force the law go unrebuked the past two years will be one long weet ong in comparison to what we may expect during the next By attending one of these Dem ocratic barbecues von will run the risk of getting 10 cents wofn of meatus cents worth- of bread aud 2?ents worth of pickle, total 15 cents, for which you are ex- peoted to vote the Democratic ticket. And, in voting the Demo cratic ticket you endorse the Col onel's (?) dcg law, ah increase of taxes, the court house outrage, the refusal to permit the people to vote oiq questions 'properly pe titioned for, the violation of law, and offioers who take an oath and then violate it. v Again the necessity for increas ed publio sohool facilities in Sal isbury has 'arisen. We are glad and hope that the ways and means to piovide them will be speedily found. An . additional buildtDg should be secured or ejected east of the railroad in the South Ward We would regret the ne cessity to issue bonds, for bond issues are exceedingly expensive and must be paid just as other obligations, but if no other possi ble method can be fouud to ob tain the right kind of a sohool building, let it be bonds rather than let the children fail to ob tain a publio sohool training. The Government now has in its vault gold to the amouut of $1, 221,000,000. A large part of this is in coin, or bullion held against geld certificates scattered through the country. OF what is known as "free gold" there is in the '"treas ury probably $200,030,000. Under anv adequate banking system this free gold" would be at the seiv- ice of the business of the country If there were a stress ard it was deoided that the government should oome to the rescue the on ly means of utilizing this hoard would be for the Secretary of the Treasury to deposit it in the banks-. Why should it it not be at the service of the country at all times? National Citizen b' (Bankers') League. . Because it is not the govern ments' business to furnish banks, more than other enterprises, with money to do business with . The government should control the money for the people and not al low the banks to control it for any reason. The present condi tion in this respect is better for all concerned, including the banks. Blickwell Gets Two Yurslo Pen Convicted of manslaughter by jury whioh deliberated three hours, Claud Blackwell of Blaeks- ttarg, S. C, who last May fatally stabbed Dr. Fred Misenheimer in a drunken row in a room at the Buford Hotel, was sentenced to two years in the State prison by Judge James L. Webb in Superior Court yesterday afternoon. The verdict was returned about 5 o'clock. Sentenoe was passed in a few words. And appeal to the Supreme Ccnrt was taken. Bail in the sum of $4,000 was -allowed and a bond in that amonnt fur nished, this being $1,000 less than the amount required some months ago. Obarlottee Observer. Saves Leg Of Boy. "It seemed that my 14-year old boy would have to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise, wrote D F. How ard, Aquone, N. 0. "All reme dies and doctors treatment failed till we tried fiuoklen's Arnica Salve, andcured him with -one WJk VUIOB UUIUI, UU1IB) B&IU eruptions, piles. 25 cents at all druggists. Salisbury Should bs AwakYon this Subject. Greensboro, Sept. 28. The connty commissioners in specia' session nave ratined an agree ment between the people of High Point and the Carolina & Yadkin Valley Railroad whereby the rail road is to accept $50,00Qof live per cent bonds instead of an equal amount oi six percent oonus, as originally provided in the call for a special bond election in High PoinTTownahip next Thursday. mi xne proposed road is to run from High Point to Denton, mak ing connection at the latter place with the Southbound, From Thomasville the old Jones road will be utilized. The new road is being financed by the Ooler Com pany, which now owns street railway plants here at High Point and Salisbury , 'T U Salisbury could mike con nection with the Southbound. soon ta be only a few miles distant it would be of the greatest ben efit to our people . Boys! read about the contest . Webster's BlliebaCk Spellers at Taylor a uo,, eaasbuiyi NvU. Goes Further nW 7717 The best that can be made. - Retails for less than other so-called "best " Baking Powders hence ECONOMY, if nothing more, should induce you to use it. A little goes a long ways &pd every bit counts. ' Sold by all good Grocer. 'Insist on having it. TAKES OWN LIFE, Fred Fowler ef Concord Destroys Hlmsilt Wltb Pistol Concord, Sept. ' 28. Fred H Fowter, proprietor of the Fowler Market of this oily, took his own life this morning at 9 :45 o'clock by means of two shots with a 88- oaliber pistol, both balls taking effect in his brain. A small colored boy, employed by bim, returned from a trip jutt in time to find him barely alive; but before a doctor omld be sum moned from across the street he was dead. Coroner Isenhonr and Sheriff Honeyoutt entered the room where tfis1)Ddy lay,4ut it did" not re quire empaneling a jury to deter mine that the aot was suicide, for by the hand of the dead man lay the pistol with the empty cham bers. Stuck in between the door of the safe and the safe itself were a nest card and a letter. On the post card was written: . ULT P. McKenzie, Charlotte, N. J. Destroy everything, I am in a hurry." The letter was opened by Coron er Isenhonr, and read as follows: "J H. McKenaie, Charlotte, N. C. "Dear Mack: 'I would like for you to come ever and look after my business. Any mail coming to me take oharge of it, for when I am gone I don't want anything made publio. You can make this a statement. "I hare ruined in this life what I wanted most. 'I would like to be buried by ths side of my brother. Tell fath er and mother to forgive and for get. See that all my debts are paid out of what I have here. "MrrMaokthis is a cowardly act, isn't it? But I must do it. Goodbye to all, "Respectfully, "FRED HIATT FOWLER." Mr. Fowler moved to Concord from Charlotte last year and opened a market. He conducted the business here for about six months, when 'the building he was losated in caught fire and damag ed bis stock to such an extent that heclosed out his business during the cummer and only opened again about 10 days ago. So far as is known his business was in good condition and it is under stood that hit patronage was. in creasing. He made a number of friends during his residence here and his tragic end was a shock to the town . The body was taken to the Bell & Harris undertaking establish ment and prepared for burial The parents of the young man, Mr. and Mn Cicero Fowler, live in No, 10 Township, having mov ed there from Mecklenburg Coun ty about a year ago. Farmers to Organize Stock Company. At a business session of the Rowan County Farmers' Union meeting held in this city Friday afternoon, a resolution was offered recommending the organization of a stock company.to be capitalized at $50,000, with at least $5,000 paid in to warehouse cotton aud handle the products of the farm ers, and also deal in farm maohine ry, fertilizers, etc This recom mendation was ' well considered and finally adopted almost unani mously. The following delegates were elected to the State Conven tion of the Farmers' Union at Raleigh in December: C. R. Julian, W. M. Kester, W. A. Hall andT. D. Brown. The next quar terly meeting of the Rowan Coun ty farmers will beheld at Barger's School House, near Rockwell, the latter part of December. Fortunes In Faces There's cftoa much truth iu the saying "her face is her fortune," but its never said where pimples. skin eruptions, blotch s, or other blemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of them -all, and shows the need of Dr. King's New Life Fills. They promote health and beauty Try them. 25 cents Costa l&ki . - ) r TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY. Satisburrfeople Are Doing All Thej Can . For Fellow Sufferers. ' Salisbury testimony has been published to prove the merit . of Doan's Kidney Pills so others in Salisbury who suffer from bad backs and kidney ills, Lest any offerer doubt this evidence of merit, we produce confirmed proof, statements from Salisbury peopItoho ajtain endorse Doan's Kidney Pills, confirm their for mer, testimony. Here's a Salis bury case: S. J. Horton, 208 W. Monroe St., Salisbury, N . Car., lays: "It has beeu several years since I used Doan's Kidney Pills. For some time my kidneys were giv ing me a great deal of trouble. My back was very weak and lame, and kidney secretions were too fre quent in passage causing annoy ance. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me, endj have net had any kid ney complaint since." The above statement was given February 8, 191 and when Mr. Horton was interviewed on March 2, 1912, he said: "All I said some time ago recommending Dean's Kidney Pills was correot. There is no doubt abcut Doan's Kidney Pills being a valuable remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ' Remember the name Doans and take no other. FAITH. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Baney of Ms, Airy. N. C, are moving back to Faith to live, where Mr Raney will help his father in the store. Lawson MoCombs is confined to his bed owing to illness. i Mr. and Mrs L. M. Peeler have gone on a visit to Mrs. Peeler's step father, -who has typhoid fever also to visit Mrs. Peeier'B brother, near Franklin. J . C. Lingle will have his mil linery opening Saturday, October 2nd. Miss Erma. Ritahi, of Rich field, has returned home after spending several days vUiting her friend, Mrs. Bowers. The quarterly meeting of the P. O. S of A. was held here Fridav rf night and was well attended. Amorig those present from a dis tance were J. J. Bostian, of China Grove, G. O. Klattz, John N. Maxwell. Dan Sides, D.O. Cau ble, Joe Kestler, L. R. Earnhardt, H.'J, Shivey, J. M. Cross and others from Salibury. After tfce meeting refreshments were served and a'general good time was had. Rev. W. H, Causey, the Re formed minister, moved into the A BAD LIVER robs you of energy, strength and ambition. To rid yourself of the burden, take - SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (THB POWDER FORM) It is a fine strengthening medicine for a torpid liver. The weakened organ responds promptly to its powerful reviving influence. It corrects the stomach and digestion. Purifie9 and regulates the bowels. Drives out that languid half -sick feeling, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. Ty it. OLD BY DEALKHS. PtUCE, UUI PMKAQK, l.OO. Aik for ths genuine with the Bed Z on tha label. If yoa cannot get It remit to M, wfl) ! end by mail postpaid. Simmon Liver Regulator ii pat op ia liaaid form tof ttnni no nrofoi lb Price, tl.oo pr bottle, Look for the Eed Z label. wwwwhtom J. h. zeilin & co., props., sr. Louis. Mo. NOMINATION BLANK. Watchman aud Kecoiul MOTORCYCLE CONTEST I hereby nominate as a Contestant in your Motorcycle conntest: Name Town . R. P. D. Eoate.. t ...... Nominated In no case will name of THE FOLLOWING VOTES 'WILL BE GIVEN FOR OLD AMP NEW SUBSCRIBERS The Watchman and Record . during our - . notorcycle Popularity Contest One year's subscription, both papers, rp ' ( it M - Three" M u Four " " Five " u m m Ten - - : " a ' " paeissaaeMsiB'aeSBEsaa "saaasar j L s aW'M3stis s" ss"ssV sw 1 1511? FIB H1B 0 ur Store is Moo Packed With Mow Goods arid Still More is Comng. Fnll Stock Outing, FlMnelett aud SJHLIHl dress goods, Milliuery, Coat and coalrsuits, Men & boy s elotliiu, Shoes. Prices! Well we buy in Very large quantities and mostly direct from mills, etc. We get. the tery low est prices and we, sell for Cash. So you can feel Satisfied when you trade with us. You have bought yoiir, good as cheap as could possibly be bought, and usually cheaper than elsewhere. Shoes. Shoes for all the family and good, heaviest, solid leather shoes that will give good service. V ooooooooooo " "fc. 1. - 111 H. fc. 111 Hfc. II . -J - II II Why Women Are Not RICE Man is a millionaire many times over in the possession of blood cells. Wom an is not quite so rich, for scientists have proven that the normal man has five mil lion the woman only four and a half million to a cubic millimetre of blood. A decrease in number of red blood corpuscles and a person " looks pale " in fact, is anaemic, the blood does not get the right food and probably the stomach is disordered. Dr. R. V. Pierce found years ago t!-at a glyceric extract of golden seal and Oregon grape roots, queen's root and blo.;droot with black cherry bark, would help the assimilation of the food in the stomach, correct liver ills and in Nature's own T n T rror v iurtner advise aiimg people to take JJr. Pierce's medicines before their J,,11L1' CjSit- diseases have .run so long that there is no chance to be cured. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, 31 stamps, to pay for wrapping and mailing only. handsome two-story Reformed parsonage here Thursday, Septem ber th9 26tb, tbat has just been finished by the congregation. One of the block makers is mov ing into the residence vacated by Rev. Causey. John Crosett has rented the rep ideuce vacated and ownpd by Lawson Lad wick aud will movp into it at once. Vesus. Saved By His Wife. She's a. wise wooiau who knows just what to do when her husband's life is in danger, bnt Mrn. R. J F int. Brarntree, Vt , is of that .., State by. nominator be divulged. ....$1.00 1000 ....$2.00..... 2500 ... $3.00 4000 $4.00. 5500 $5,00.. ..... .........7500 :.$io.oo.... 20000 way increase the red blood corpuscles. This medicine he caUed Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By assimi lating the food eaten the system is nourished and the blood takes on a rich red color. .Nervousness is only "the cry of the starved nerves for food," and wfien the nerves are fed on rich red blood the person looses those irritable feel ings, sleeps well at night and is refreshed in the morning. " I was attacked with a severe nervous disease, which was caused by a disordered stomach and liver," writes Mr. J as. D. Lively, of Wash burn, Tenn., Route 2, Eox 33. 'All my friends thought I would die and the bst physicians gave me up. I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and derived much benefit -from same. My case had run so kmg, it nad become so chronic that nothing' would effect a permanent cure, but Dr. Pierce's medicine has done much for me and. I highly recommend it; 1 heartily advise its use as a spring tonic ana kind "She insisted on my usins Dr. King's New Discovery," writeg Mr F. "for a-dreadful cough when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it , completely cured me." A quick cure for coughs and colds, it's the most safe and reliable medicine for many throat and lung troubles, grip, bronchitis croup, whooping congh, quinsy, tonsilitis. hemorrhages. A trial will convince you. 50 cts. and $1 00. Guaranteed by all drug gists. Low On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fares are txtra low and allow stop overs free and 25 days time via cotton JJelt Kpute to Arkansas & Texas The Cotton Belt Route is the direct line from Memphis to : Texas, through Arkansas . two splendid trains daily, with through sleepers, chair cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Belt Route trains to the Southwest. Write to me today i I will tell you exact fare from your town, sched $t ule, and send you splen g did illustrated books of farm facts about Arkan . aas ajjd Texas. r. H.H. SUTTON. j 1J I M. B H0LTSF0RD, ruMnrerAfeDl ; -109 W. 9th Street . ' Chattanooaa, Tana. All year Tourist Tickets also 011 ale Daily to m Fares ! I V1. ... ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 0 Lost. A. medium sized rd steer, horns sawed off i Reward for his return to H. C. Thott. Salis bury, N. O. tf FOf Safe. A sorrel mare, five years old and a filly colt six month & old.. Gallon A. M. Barnhardt, China Grove, N . O., 3tpd Are Too Rent Payer or is your horns o farm m optima, nri 9 If so. write for oar booklet explaining1 oar system of .loaning money at 5 per ceut. on yearly balances. Each tiooo.oo costs yoa T.5o per month or $90.00 per year. We do not re Z?Ty?Sto location. STAND RD HOME SJS y m Matual B1 18 Whmond, Va. Peicb-Seed Wanted. ah those who have gathered up peach seeds will bring them in and deliver them at Taylor & CoY, Woodson & Go's., and George Shaver'e stores The time is limited to four weeks as the peach seed buyers are getting well stocked ' J. R. IdB . ROtice. Fine four-year old mre for eale: Broke an'd gentle, 6 miles-ncrth of Salisbury to the leftoftheold Mocksville Road. J . L. Cadble. 10.-2 4t pd. Our Building Material win Piase yon. Our ceiliogf and siding at 1.00 per 100 feet will tickle you. Good man liUrnUr Co. 'Ph40ione L. For Salt. A t.horougherbred Po land Cri!, atook jiog, 10 mouths A. Withebsp.on, at Kesrercotun u:iU. 'PhoDe 684 L. 9-18 tf. Wanted. A"cnpy of Rumple'r H;s tory of Riwau and Wheeler's Reminiscences. Write to Mrs. Frank J. McCubins. Box 54, Salisbury, N. C. 9-18 8t pd. 0R:M. J.RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office and hospital on Innlsn St.. near Mansion House corner. Day phone " 8ns pnone 48U. , 4-270 25. I Rolice to Creditors. th! HavicB qualified as admi niat.ra tnr nf the estate of A. P. Attaway, deceased. tntB i 10 notiry all persona having claims against the, said deoedent to file an itemized verified statement of same with the undersigned on or be fore the 13th -day of August 1813, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persona indebted to the said estate are notified to make prompt settlement. This August 13th. 1912. J. D. Dobsktt, Admr, 9 HEADQUARTERS FOR Onion Sets D.M. MILLER & SON enter the contest at once and win - a notorcycle taiapoiataiaTex Wb8KlayaEaHt. s . at alldrujjgists. 1 10-4WfcRpoV

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