: ,. -. ooooooooooo ooooooooooo Since early last Spring during the quiet season we have been looking forward to a Jarge business this Fall and during all this time we have been, taking. advantage of every opportunity when we could secure desirable merchandise at a low price, and now, just when you need Fall and Winter goods we have our large store filled in all departments with the very best that the markets afford at prices that are sure to swell our sales far beyond any previous season. You certainly owe lt tt PLEWTY Shoes. This is one of the most important items in 'every family. The questions where can X buy" shoes and get the worth of my money? is one that has puzzled a great many people. In order to sell shoes at Ahe right price it is first necessary to bay them right. Every pair of shoes in our store comes direct from the factory, shore is no middleman's profit to be added. Come iu and tost our statements. Here are a few prices, many others just as interesting. Ladies' plain toe vici shoes with robber heeel, 4 to 8, at only 98 3 Ladies' vici kid cap toe blncher 4 to 8, at only 98? Ladies' made kangaroo cap ice shoe, for hard servio3, worth $1.50, our piice $1.25 Ladies' Gun metal bluchers, all sizes, $2 00 value, for, $ 1 .50 Ladies' $2.00 vici: kid biricbar.' worth $2 00, at $1.50 Ladies' kangaroo tip blucher all solid sizes 4 to 8, usua? 2 00 val ue, for $1.50 Ladies' patent leather button shoes, worth $2 50 at only $1.79 Dr. Woodbury's cushion sole shoes for tender feet, rubber heel and soft flexible sols, $2 50 value, for $1.89 - Ladies' patent leather and tan Russia calf button boots, all sizes worth $3 00, for $2.50 - Men's kang-tip blucher, sizes 6 to 11, worth $1,50,. special prio $1.29 Good quality men's vici bluchers, sizes 6 to 11, worth $2 00, at only $1.50 Men's $2 50 vici bluchers, all siz i, special price $1.50 Men's satin calf cap blucher, sizes 6 t j 11, a $2.00 value for i only $1.50 Men's $2.50 bluchers, sizes 6 to 11 $2.00 Men's $3.00 gun metal bluchers for $2.50 Men's $3.00 patent leaihe" bluch er, all sizes, at $2.50 Men's $3.00 tan bluchers, all sizes at $2.50 Good quality boys' shoes 2 to 5i, at $1.50 Good quality little gents' shoes, 13 to 2, at $1.35 Good quality youths shoes, 8 to 12, $1.20 Boys' Patent leather blucher at $1.98 Coats and Coat Suits. Mr. W. L. Reynolds, representing Goldfie'ld & Lacbman of New Tork City, will be with us Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of next week, prepared to take a special order for your coat or suit. F'Oome to see the Bamples. nil u 'I , LI OF POLITE AMD Men's oil tan .blucher, good heavy work shoes splendid value, at $2.50 Men's heavy weight, bluoher for hard service, would be consid ered cheap at $2rQ0, our price $1.79 Complete line walking shoes for ohildren and misses. This is the only lie of correct shoes for children that we are -acquainted with and cur sales increase each season. J. and T. Cousins and Queen Qual ity fine shoes for ladies in the fiuest assortment - that we . have ever shown. Nettleton and King Quality fine shces for men in all the leading lasts and leather. Complete line of Rubbers for men, wom?n and children. Ittry Goods ji This Store is noted for its large 'assortments of high-class dry goods, and this season we are bet ter prepared than ever, not only with large well selected stocks but with high quality as well. Most of our -dry -goods, especially cot tons, were bought 'last spring while the mills were running on short time and offering low prices. Here are a few sample prices-. There ae many others that we haven't room to menti n. 83 cotton flannel at 5c 8s dark colored flannels at 5c Good quality light. colored out ings at 5c Good heavy weig! t twilled flat--nel in brown and bleached a1 8 1-3c Better qoality, twilled cotton flannel in brown and bleacb- ed, at 10c Extra heavy qnality ootton flannelB in brown and bleach ed, splendid valups at 12 1-2 and 15c Large' assortment light oolor ed outings in all the lead mg plain oolors and neat pat terns, splendid values at 10c Good quality yard wide percales light and dark oolorB at 10c Panjab percales, full "yardwide and I guaranteed fast oilers, light and dark colors 12 1-2c Red Seal dress ginghams,' regular '12o value, our price lOo 12f Eden cloth at ". 10o Large ' arsirtment of flannalettes in neat dress patterns, values to 12o, at 10O MONEY REFUNDED ON ALL PURCHASES NOT SATISFACTORY a mm yourself g your 20o Kimona Crepe " - 15c Large aiiorment Kimona outings 15c Good heavy weight overall Roods at 12 1-2 and 15c Good bed ticking , v 10,12 1-2 and 15c Good heavy weight Sea Island sheeting, 39 inches wide. at 7 1-2c 27-inch'satme iu blue and brown at 25c Fine quality mercerized plqnoin all the best combinations 38c 8J3 apron gii gbams at 7 1-2c Quilted mattress protectors 27x34 inches 65c Big lot white curtain goods at 8, 10 and 12 1-2c Sheets, pillow cases, towels, conn terpanea and wide sheeting in all the best selling giadei,,all moderately priced for quick sell ing. ILineiis. Don't fail .to look through our linen department bef re you buy your Jinens, we are ehowvag some exoeileub' values, as all our linens were impoited expressly for us. 60-inoh mercerized damask worth 50j at 40c 70-inch satin finish damask, worth 75c, at 59c 72-inch double-face satin finish dsm&sk, warranted pur" hnna and worth $1 25, om prfte $1.00 Extra good quality satin finish damask, 72-in. wide and war ranted all pure linen, at $1.25 Extra heavy double-faced satin finish damask all pare linen, a ' bargain at $1.50 Here is something thet's hard to find. Extra heavy double-faced satin finish damask,. full 2 yards wide, note the width, price $2.50 Gjod quality table felt, cr silent cloth, 60c Wool Bress roods. The first assortment that we have ".- shown. 36-inch all' wool serge in black, navy brown, garnet, etc., at -50) 42-in-ch oak serge,- warranted all wool and fully sponged and shrunk, comes in all the leading " colors, at 85? 54-inch oak serge, hk.avy weight in all the leading colors, spocg- E PERIE QUALIW BETTER to visit Fall pur chases NOED SALESPEOPLE TO SERVE YOU. ed and shruck, pt $1.25 "Have-your covered' buttons made from the -scrap left from your garment, we have the ma chine. . 36-inch whip crds. in grsv, tan, white and bine at 50-50-idch Panama, good heaw quality at only 50o Wide novelty whip cords, h. avy oloakings, etc , in all th lending-colors, $1.00 to $1.05 Samples of any dress goods sent on application. If you can't cone write us for samples New Silks. 80-inch black taffeta silk in good rusbling quality, special pric 48c Suesine silk in all the bst shades at 25c Extra heavy black t&ffeta, fuil 86 inclfes wide and worth $1 25, cur price $1.00 Charmense silks, full 40 inches wide, in all the lesding colors. This silk is advertised by some stores at $1.68 s-pecial. Our re ular price is only $1.50 Underwear, Hosiery, Miii t Croods, etc. Infants' cotton undershirts, ful bleached and all Bizas, 15c val ue, for 10o Infants' heavier cotton under shirts fleece lined, 15" Infants' extra quality under shirts ell made silk facing 25c Kf ants' wool wrappers, nice soft quality at 50: Children's fleece lined sleeping garments 75c Children's extra fine all wool un derwear at 65 to 85c Misses' fleece lined union suits. 253 Misses' full bleached union suits, eft fleece lining, all sizes a - . 50h Ladies full bleached undershirts . and drawers, good weight ad fleeced 'lined, at 25c Ladiea fine ribbed bieaohsd shirts - and drawers, soft fleece lininsr, --.I - - 50o One lot ladies' $100 union suit " :'; : at 503 Ladies' full bleached union suits in all sizes, good weight and fleece-lined at 48c Infant's fine wool and - bear - fc .u .caps s,t 25 a Infants! fine corduroy caps, nice ly trimmed, at' 50) rn OR PRICES LOWER n Extra Special tor Saturday only To everv lady making a pur cbase of $1 00 or more, in any department, we will give a full size 50c Jar Palmolive Cream flbenlutply free. - Large assortment of ladies' and Misses' wool sweBters $1 98 to $3 50 Boys' h?avy fleece liud umou . suits all sizes, splendid value nt 503 Men's heavy fleece lined under wear, shirts and drawers, sells in meet i tores at 50c our prioe, 39c Men's extra' quality fleece lined shirts aud drawers at 50: Men's fire quality ribbed shirts and drawers, go.d weight and fleece lined, splendid value ar 50c Good quality meu's sweater c aP at $1 25 Men's $2 00 wool sweater co te at 1 69 Meu's rxra quality wool shirtB and drivers, all s:zjb, at $1 00 Ladies' wcol kni scarfs s, leudid valuta at 25. 59 75c 1,00 1 25, and 1 50 Bradley full fashioned mufflers for ladies and men at . 50c to 1 00 Linenwear & hosiery 25 & 35c Good quality ribbed hcsef.r b and girls at 10c Good quality her-vy ribbed hose for boys and girls, the kind that weariv 15o Misses' and boys' fine- qaa'itv ribbed hose in fi ie and c ars. rib, splendid vp'i;e, at 25c Good quality ladip' fao inaf.-k hose at 10 and 15c Good values in men s c - at 10 and 15c Large assortment dj-' wi-ps i ers, 10, 15, 20 and 25c Motions Babcock's Carylopis talcum pow ders 15c Colgate talcum powder 15c Large cake glycerine' soap 10c Cuticura soap 19c Sv zodont tooth powder ' 10c Sozodoijt tooth pi6t . 10c Sozodont tooth wash 10c Fancy box papsrs . 10, 15 and 25c Iufants' l.oootMi-h 10, 15 and 25c LaditB hindkern-e's ' 5c jib $1.50 We line ever All - ' - ? no store before Robesperrie Collars 10c to SI New large lace collars 25c to $1.98 Ladies' regular $1.25 Umbr! -as ' x. " ' at 98c Blankets and Comforts- We are ehowicg the m est com plete line of bladkets and com- forts that we have ever shown. Elkin Blankets $2.89 to $7.89 Good heavy large' blankets in white, gray -and tar, worth $2 50, At $1.79 Good hue of comforts to setct from at $1.98 to $4.00 IBugs at sav-. ing prices. Uood tapetrv brunei'i rngs, 9x12 feet, $12.50 to $19.50 Goo? Axminstr a:.d vhIv tug. 9x12 feet $19.50 to $27.50 Fine assortment ot small rugs and hall runners at lew prices. Sultana cottage earners at 30 and 35c Nw net window pnrtain $1.00 to $2.25 Scttingham lace curtails"' 75c to 50 Swiss Curtains 50 Bii a Jc $1 25 Linoleum, two y Je and good " pattern t, epe'" ' r yard $t 00 millinery . The sales in our milKuery department show an increase already this season over the same period of last -fall by more than 100 percent. This, of course, is no surprise to us, we have made a careful study of the leading styles and have a large assortment for you 'to select from and last, but not least, the prices won't scare you. Most ladies say they gei more for their money here than anywhere else. Coats and Coat Suits As usual our ready to wear department is away in the lead "this season. All the leading styles are shown at the Id west possible price con sistant 'with- good merchant dising. " ' Ladies' coat suits $7.50 to $37 50. Ali ladies' and misses', coats moderately priced. " New lot rain coats just re ceived. '. " Centemeri Gloves. are showing the most complete of Centemeii Gloves that has been--shown in the - City. - 1 Sizes and Colors $1.00 & $1,501 7 . - -C,:v - --v- - ''Z'-.r?-'