c ..?tr..,v ":-? v;.--- r- v.- -v -V- 7txct -rr 0-;rv -: ; v :'.:- r;.'.r i ! - ; - - - , - - - " - , , V j"" i mmm p. . t. I.-. J-ijt 7-. - THE CAROUll A YATCHUAll SHORTLOOAL ITEMS R9T. and Mri.' M M . Kkard will eelebiie theijr twenty-fifth wedding v auuivetaary , or aiWr wedding,' next Ttiftiday erening fro n half V after five f to seven o'oloak. Dr. and Hri. Kiuard have tent out-invitations Accord- inzlv and those who. attend' willi no doubt have a very enjoyab e evening. .'.'. Sparks Shows, - exhibited in 8tatesvilie Monday and a num ber of the tttachea spent Sunday in Salisbury. . H. W. McAllister is building a brick storehouse adjoining his b ook of stores and other businei- buildings on, Cheslnut llill. The caMnet-makTers shop- of J. 0. IIutohinsDn dc Son is running in full blast , these days. Hutchinson now has on hand1 aeveral orders fsom other cities, eome from Greensboro, points in Georgia gnd other places. He re cently completed and shipped to ' Cincinnati mjra than a half doz en orders Some most excellent work is turned out by these gentle men. ' The order of Eagle? a Slil.urj will hold their annual outing and barbeoue at Granite Quarry to morrow. It goes without saying that all who attend will have a very pleasant day. The fall session of Livingston College, colored, opened today. Ciy EngineerJohn W. Web , has jut issued three permits for the remodel i ng of three buildin in Salisbury, as follows: A new front in the store room south of the main entrance to the Grubb theatre, new front to the Holmes' building opposite the Watchman office, and the re-arrangement of the store room in the Ford Hotel recently occupied by a moving piotureshow. Whitehead Kluttx, Esq., left Saturday night for New Jersey, and made his first speech of the' National campaign in Atlantic City last night. Mr. Klattz will make a number oi speeches' while gone, including one before the Y. M. C. A. Wheeler Whitlock is making ar rangements to erect a dwelling on North Shaver Street. J. R. Delp and family, of Bristol, Tenn., have decided t) make Salisbury their home in she future. Mr. Dslp travels for the Cox Hat Company, of Bristol. -;The funeral of Mis Mary Shive, aged 15 years, who died at her home on Chestnut Hill Friday mght.of an attack of pneumonia, was conducted from the home Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev. M. M- Kinard of St. John's Lutheran Church. The interment took place in the Chestnut Hilt Cemetery. Two sisters of the de ceased are now very ill. -' A ne-year-old child of "Mr and Mrs Henr Turner died at the home in Spencer early Sat urdayunorning, following an ill ness of two weeks. The funeral took plaoe at the- residence in Speucer Sunday afternoon being conducted by Rav. Gebrge H . ox, pastor of the Lutheran Church. The ink-rmeut was in Chestnut flill Cemetery. Clyde, and Mrs denly Monday morning at the home of its arand father. David Beaver, at Organ Church, in the county, where its mother was vis iting. V News has been reoeived in this ity of the very sudden death in Houston, Tex , of C. H. Winn, a brother of Mrs. J. W. Felk of Sal isbury. He was a prominent architect of Houston. His baby died. in this city a out six weeks agj while Mrs, Winn was here on visit to her relatives. HVIARRIAGES Friday night in the First Meth odist church parsonage. Rev. obn W. Moore performed the marriage oeremouy tor uieve Fultz and Mils May Ivey, both parties from Naw London. As Boon as they were married they went t Concord. By, and at the house of Rev. L. Brown, Grover 0. Waller and Miss Aunie Barger were unit ed in holy matrimony on the 29th of. September, 1912. We wish thm a happy life, a religous and financial inocess. X. The marriage of Miss Margaret Grace Elliot, of Greensboro, and W. H. Sullivan, of Salisbury, ill take place in Greensboro next Tuesday. Eicjclltt Ksoeksd Daws bi Ash). There came near being a serious accident at the corner of Main and Counoil itreeta Mondav after noon about 1 o'ofook, when a ool- ored boy driving a car belonging to the Robinson Grocery Compa ny ran into a boy from Spenoer, Epue Safrit, who works at the Brown market. Toe otr ran over the boy, dragged him about 20 feel. He was rfght badly out and bruised but no bones were broken He was taken to a. physician and was not considered badly hurt. Tne boy was riding a wheel and it was badly broken. Pabllc Se.ilci Employees Play Bali. The JM. u. rublio service em ployees of 8alisbary and Green i boro Dlaved tue tnird ot a series of bail games at Spencer Saturday evoning. The game resulted in a score of 7 to 12 in favor Of Salis- buiy. A banquet'wss prepared for the mtors ai d at 7 o'clock special cars carried the orowd to the fair grounds for the event. Here splendid r.epast'was found in wait mg and all did what they oould for is yet considerable rem lined All bad a goad time. Laymen's Hissioaary Movement. The place for the convention o the Laymen's Missionary Move ment in Central North. Carolina wbich is to be held in Salisbury December 4 and 5 are now being perfeoted. . The territory that Salisbury convention is to cover is to Char lotte on the Sooth, to Norwood on the east, to Wiston-Salem and High Point ou the north and half way to Asheville on the west. The advertising committee will send out the invitations to the minis ters to be present and ask them to isoure as largeVa delegation as possible f rom their congregations H. A. Rouzer, manager of the Rowan Hardware Company, is tb leader in this work, in- Sahsbary t si is ted by Capt. R Henderson 0 j1. J hn S. Henderson, Dr. J:hn Whitehead. M. C. Qainn, all the ministers and others. L. D. Pad gett, State seoretary of the move ir ment, i giving considerable time ... am aua pians the infant son of Mr. G E . Ooley, died sud- SPENtEA AHD EAST SPENCER UAFIERS. Things Being Talked Aboot aa Done id onr - . Neighbor Tewn; ; Walter Broad well, a painter, fell off- a. c h urch at M isenheimer Springs Thursday and broke 'his leg. He is now at home and get ting, along as well as possible con sidering the nature of hia afflic tion. Thursday night while a number of gbests were spending a sooial hour at the bom of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. . Bobbitt a surprise was sprnng in the way of a marriage announcement A card was hand ed around announcing that on October 25th Miss 'Ruth Brick hcuse, a neice of Mr, and Mrs. Bobbin's, to Simmons H. Hay wood, of Treuton, N 0 . The cer emony will tak place in the Meth odist Church at Spencer. A fall legislative and county ticket Tias bee;, put out by fhe Sopiahst psrty in Spenoer snd in eludes the following ' nominees : For Congress, eighth district, Walter H. Jenkins of Rowan; State Seuate, E. P. Deal of Spen cer ; Legislature, Thomas H. Stewart and H. 0, Bueck o4 Spen oer; trial justice Rowan County County Court, John Ridenhour, Salisbury; for sheriff, W. 0. Crowell; county treasurer, C. W. McCam; register ot deeds, C M. en kins; township tax collector, . B Dnevant, f Spencer; for county commissioners, G. W. Davis, Cicero Ridenhour, 0. E. Kneeburg, J. F. McCarn, Sr., and A. L. Cousins, mostly of Spencer. Effective Tuesday morning the working, hours at the Spencer shops were slightly changed. The employes will g: to work at 7 :15 m., instead of at 7 a. m,, as brmerly, and will be given from 2 to 12:45 p. in, for dinner, in stead of a full hour as formerly. he new order will be in effect for six months: M. E. Holt, of Spencer, was taken seriously ill at Greensboro Monday and his family notified that he was unable to return borne. Me is under the oare ci a physician. Bill Olodfelter is in bed and dol Hoskins is under bond as a result of a free-for all fight on Five Row, near Spencer, Monday night, in whioh a number of col ored menare said to have taken part. Clodfeher's condition is said to be serious. Blind Tigers Being Shook Up Soma; v Recently a man -was ''up in tla ocuuty court-'for'; being drunk on Sunday . He . was iouua guilty and ned $10.00 and ' cost. Un wittingly theSlioitor askid v the defendant where he gtt his liquor. iThe man stated that he bought it rom the blind tiger cohduoted by Albert Ramseron Fisber; btreet a,nd went oa to say that he bought it there whenever h wanted it. Judge Miller ordered ar-warrant or Mr. Ramsey, sent tor mm and found that he was said J to be out of town, bo the trial is now await ing Mr. - Ramsey's return. Since this the informer has been paid to Gave, cr has bepn intimidated and breed to leave. Another blind tiger ' that can't iL.n... rii-L iii- see. xnown as unerase wuu, wtu- out the roses, conducted by George Stacy and H. C- Lents, including . - - T i vt . the roustahout littxe nearne, ooi . ored. was in court Monaay morn- ing on a oharge of merely violat ing the Prohibition law. Stacys trial was posponed several daya tc ffive him time to fi ad parties to swear contrary to theiacta. Mr. Lenta was found guilty, mnd f400 and sentsnord to f onr months on the roads, and a case ofsuspe'ndbd fakement since June zth was taken up and a fine of $400 'was imposed and four months on the roads added. Mr. Lentz took an appeal atd is out on bond, r Luke Hearne, colore 1, forfeited a $50 bond and left for parts unknown. SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Fourteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Elsrin, HI. "After fourteen years of smTerinfir everything from female com plaints, l am at last restored to bealth. '.'I employed the best doctors and even went to the hospital for treat ment and was told there was no help for me. But while tak ing Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and continued its use until I was made well. Mrs. Henry Leiseberg,743 Adams St. Kearneysville, W. Va. "I feel it my duty to write and say what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I suffered from female weakness and at times felt so miserable I could hardly endure being on my feet. "After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and following youx special directions, my trouble is gone. Words fail to express my thankfulness, I recommend your medicine "to all my friends." Mrs. G. B. Whittington. The above are only two of the thou sands of grateful letters which are con stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound does for those who suffer from woman's ills. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in striet confidence. Wr Sit A Log On The Track ot tne tast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, o does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality-.' loss of strength and Eervo weakness. If appetite fii!sl take.JUleotno bitters quick ly to overcome tne oause by ton ing up the atomsoh and curing toe inaigeBtion. Micbasl He? shaimer of Lincoln Neb., had been sick over- three years, bu six bottles of Electric Bitters pu mm ngut on nis leat agaiirr ruey nave neiped - thousands lney give pure blood, strong nerves, gbou digestion. Only 50 centaab ail druggists. Clarence ShuinaB Held for tforier. Clarence Shuman, of Salisbury, who conduated a blind tiger here or some time and Jived a fast ife, went out to Hot Springs, Ar Kansas, ana, mere, it is puegea, shot his wife. He is no in jail awaiting trial for his life. daughters of thi CoDfederacy Kest Hera NiztWnk. The State Convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet in Salisbury next Wednes day, Thurs lay and Friday. Homes i - . are oemg arrsngea ior ana re quests are-being made by the Sal isbury Daughters that dscorations be made. A very interesting program has been arranged and is being print- -J fT I ou. iae commiiiees nave all been appointed and the . visiting laaiea are to be snown every at tention by the Robert P. Hoke Chapter, the local organization, and others. The address of wel come on behalf of Sslisburv will he delivered by Hon. John S Henderson. Thursday afternoon tue .Elizabeth Maxwell State l I 4. 1V a T" a unapter, u. a. n , will give a re ception in honor of the U. D. O's. Boosavelt Goes for E. C. Doocio. - E. C. Duncan, Republican Na tional Committeeman from North Carolina, was attacked by Colonel Roosevelt in his spseoh here yes terday. W T Ii mr. nooseveii opened his re marks by stating that the Pro. gressive party was a new party, that it had no connection what ever with either of the old parties and then he laid: Vln the primaries in North Carolina last Spring I won, csrry ing counties by 2 t 1. T to and eveu 10 to 1. The Nationa Committeeman, Mr. Donoan took part in stealing the nomina tion from me. Mr, Duncan was not engagedVin highway robbery It was not as nervy as that, was the sues thief business Mr Duncan and the other 40 or 50 ob score shady men on the Ntiona Committee did the bidding of the men behind them, men like thore in the Tobacm Trust. You know the part the Tobacco Trust , has played in North Carolina and so dol." A ! ' . About five hundred people were out to hear him and the crowci was Very quiet and attentive to TRADING FORD. - Sept. 31. Cool weather at last Fall is here. Sinoe the good rain the farmers are busy plowing and sowiLg oats. Cotton is being picked rapidly and some is being sold. C. H. Kluttx is hving a steam boiler and engine attached to his cotton gin. He thinks perhaps it will be cheaper than gasoline. Li. H. Eller is wearing a smile all over his face this week. Its a boy. Lester Bsok looks twenty years younger this weec than usual. Its a boy. 9am Peacock of the Simpson eacock Co., of Salisbury, and wife spent Sunday in Charlotte, raturmog Sunday night on 38. ' u. a. reaooca, oi i raaing jj ora, and Miss Minnie Goppley spent Sunday in Charlotte returning on Nj. 12. They spent the entire day taking a view of all the prin cipal places of the city. Oh you Sam I f The bed bug season is about out, but golly, don't fotget the mos quitoes . They are here in swarms,. Lookout for obills and fever. We are not going to vote unless Bryan, Wilson, Teddy or some other great man oomes along and tells us who to vote for. We are abcut stood. Sam Snort. Magnificent Coffee of ' tKe Old French Mayket Npw on Nearly Every ; Dining Table in the South! There was joy in thousands of Southern homes when it was announced that the genuine old French blend of. Frenbh Market Coffee could now' be had everywhere in the South. - For over a hundred years this famous old blend could be en joyed only at the old French Market in New Orleans. r But the building of the French Market Mills and the invention of the new hermetically-sealed can, made it possible to ship real old French Market Coffee anywhere, with all its delicious aroma and flavor unimpaired. - So that now it is found on almost every din ing table in the bouth and has become the, NATIONAL DRINK OF THE SOUTH. Roasted by our unique hygienic process. FRENCH MARKET MILLS " ' (New Orleans Coffee Co, Ltd Props.) NEW ORLEANS JS1 ROCK rVELL, September SO, 1912 A series of meetings are being conducted here this week la the Baptist hall by Rev. Ray Davis whioh are be ing largely attended . Rev U A Brown, a member of Oresoent council, No. 184, Jr. 0 U A M.. preached a moat exosl lentaermon to about one hundred Juaiors and enough other peopm to nil the church twice full at Rock's 3rove Methodist church last Sunday. tfawer wagoner, who som time sgo went to Bessemer C ty, Ala., where he was contemplating moving ii expected .to return' at any time and will not move to that place. The faotory houses completed nere some time ago are being nil ed by. families from Salisbury and other points who will work in the mill here. Geo. Misenbeimer has resigned his position as flraman at the PAINLESS DENTISTRY! We have opened the largest and irnst thoroughly up-to-date dental parlor in the city. Wewant to be rapidly acquainted, show the paople that we do aa good or bet- ter -work than the average dentist, and WITHOUT PAIN. As an inducement to prove this we will for a few days do the highest class at the following low prices: PATENT SUCTIONS. INTRODUCTORY PRICES Guaranteed 15 Years Sets of teeth ..5.00 Gold Orowns and Bridge work $3, $4, and $5 White Orpwns.. $3 00 Gold . Fillings . . ,75c up Enamel Fillings $1.00 Amalgan Fillings.. ...,50c Cement Fillings . 50c VIbb NOT 3hlP OR DROR Examination - Gleaning - Painless extraction Free. These are not our . regular prices an! we only make this offer to establish firmly the Philadelphia Painless Dentists in Salisbury so that wermay do your friends' and families' work year after' year at our regular prices. All we ask is that you tell your friends of our Painless Methods, and exactly how. you like our work. All Operators have had many years actual experience and are skilled in our Painless System. Philadelphia Painless Dentists, Inc.. EfflS M VT .1 "m k 1 I 'PHONE 763. iRslsreace: Our Work anil Wachayia Bask. LADY ATTBKDAKT. Rockwell Farnitnre Go., and ac cepted a position at Whitney as fireman on a steam shovel. Mr and Mrs Avery Linker, of Albemarle, risited relatires and friends htre last Sunday. Miss Nora Klattz will teaoh school htfre this winter as princi pal and Miss Effie Miller and Miss Dsisey Trexler will be assistants. Clarence A. Boat, of this place, had the misfortnne to loose bu parse containing one five dollar bill, two one dollar bills, tome small change and some valuable receipts, while coming home from Salisbnry last Sitdrday evening. The Juniors of Rockwell Conn oil, No. 170, are preparing to have their hall repainted cntside and inside. Rocker. his remarks. thuaiaim. There was no en- Be Happy! Happy (he girl, or woman, who has never suffered from any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful benefits of Cardui, the woman's tonic! Cardui Is a gentle, ionic remedy, for women's ailments. It Is a natural medicine safe, harmless, purely vegetable. It has been In successful use for more than 50 years. It has cured thousands. It should do the same for you, , TAKE c MU WomaKTonlc Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Tenn., saj, I mink there is no tonic on earth, as good as CdrduL I used It with the very best .. results. I had backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer: with, until I took CarduL Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall always recommend CardiaV to other suffering women. I can't praise It too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui Is safe and reliable. Trylf, today. Wrtttto: Laifiet Advborr Dept. ChttooBMeHdii Co, Chatfraoota. Ttan. tar Special Instractioiu, and U-ptzs book. -Home Treatment for Women.'cnt free. JU J. O. White & Co., Carriage & Wagon Builders. Farm and Dray Wagons, Delivery Wagons, Open and Top. Dast Quality and Style. Automobiles and Gasoline Engines repaired and Supplies Farniehed. Old Carriages and Baggies repaired, painted and maue a8 gooa as new. X 'New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cns x hions furnished and old Cushions repaired. Kabber Tires a Specialty; bteet tired wheels chang ed to Rubber Tires. , All kinds of w ood and Iron Wnrk ' A Dr notice. . , - Q Automobile and Bicycle tires Vulcanized . Q We have skilled workmen in each department. A Surreys, Buggies Wagons and Automobiles for sale. Q Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and jj get prices. Respectfully, J. O. WHITE & CO. I 'Phone 143, 5alisbnry, N. C. BUY A PET ALUM A BUY A PET ALU MA CHICKENS SSfe THE PETALUMA WAY II SEND FOR CATALOGS NOW Get An Early Hatching Start Poultry Is Money. 5,' SPECIAL OFFER l " . Genuine White Indian Runner Ducks The 20th Century Egg MachinesOver 250 Pure White Eggs a Year Dry Land Ducks. Breeding Brds, $5.00 each, $15.00 per" trio on a limited number. Eggs $20, $3.50 and $5.00 per setting. : SEND IN YOUR ORDER AT ONCE PETALUMA (JVOUBATORtoci PETALUfIA CALL i 102 N Delaware St Iiuliaiiapolia 1 J .'h ;-.- 5'y: J . . ' : ,: -., ,7 -X ' ' - 1 - -'7:". 1-7 , J' - '7 rr i

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