THE OliilOLUiMATCHnAriiSALISBURY HERS OSCAR UNDERWOOD. UDC'S 60IYENTI0X. SHORT LOOAL ITEMS :., - ' J - 0 . F. Atwell; well known among the cider oiiiseni of the city, snffared a attoke of parslysi lut W6ek, hit right side being af fected. He U reported la a seri ous condition and has not improy ed any lino being stricken. Simmons' , headquarters have W Ananas in hm DahI building with 3. H. Wiley, a yoang attorney, in oharg. It ii anuoaaoel that Sparks' oirom is again to winter in Salis bury and this announcement brngi pleasure, especially to the young folks who enjoy the 230. Mrs. F. V. Bariier and Miss M. Emma Hutchinson are dele gate to the -State Conven tion of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union .and left Thursday morning for Asheville where the convention held its an nual aessioa. Z. P. Smith of Raleigh, former Past State Councilor of the State Oounoilor of .he Jr. O. U. A. M - . a . . was in tne cuy last weeK and met with aud addressed the members of the saveral Salisbury Couuoils. I P. V. Perry, with an asiistaut, farm-work demonstrators for th Southern Railway, will be in Sal isoury Saturday ready to give those who may apply euch iufor mation as is called for in theii line. Farmers wanting special information would do well fcn see iL . .1 inese gentlemen. T. N Torrence, an old'seldier of xkaiora, ieoD., wants urns mem ber of Compauy B, 4 h rt.giment, N, 0. troops daring the civil war. to writVbim. A new store building is being erected by the owners of the Pied moot toll bridge over the Yadkin River. The old building was torn sway and the new structure is go mg up at the Rowan end of the bridge. The section of the bridge ' torn down by runaway cars last a a a weex nas oeen replaced. Dr. J. T. Wright has a. ohange of advertisement in this paper Dr. Wright has quite an equip ment of apparatus for the treat ment ox special diieases of whiob be has given particular study. He is looated in th9 Grubb building. Hi 1 d is QfBrf si gg Hops? troa States- fill.. .Coocord, Lexington tod Sillsbarj. (hear W. U iderwood, Demo cratic leader of the House of Rep- raseutativespcke here Monday night m the court; home to the largest, crowd assem bled there. tms year. - He spoke for an hour and 20 minutes and held the attention of tlie andienoe every minute of the time. ' ) Mr. Underwood oovered the tariff question" thoroughly, tcok up the. issues of the two parties. aud related the issues to the pros perity of the American people.- Mr. Underwood opened his Speech by saying, "Before discus sing the issues of- the day, I wish to thank my many friends of Sal isbury, N. 0 , for- the great sup port you gave me in the primary. We did not win; but there was a candidate' nominated thatDemoo racy will win with, That man, a grand, brave and honest man, the man that will carry the Demo cratic' party to victory, is Wood- row Wilson." He first took up the tariff, going into the subject as easily as though he were reading from his morning paper. "From time to time there are great questions be fore the Amarjojiu people to solve. One question that is a great ques tion that you must solve is the distribution of the burden of Fed eral taxation sj that it will fall oust lightly: upon the laboring masses. Atflciltiril CirlaCify, The State agricultural ear, under the oharge of Assistant Director 8. E. Puoket spent Monday here and was an attraction for many, among whom were the farmers in the city' at tending the meeting of the crunty commissioners and here to hear Mr. Underwood. The car iswell arranged, olean and attractive. The displays are good. Mr. Puok et says that he had a very success ful trip. An effort will be made to have the State department con tinue the experimental fields in Rowan County. Nti BotiQtj Map. - 1 W. Miller, map expert , who has made maps for nearly all the leading counties of the state aud wao now has his forces at work mapping Rookingham County, will, as soon as that work is com plete, move bis forces to Rowan and make a oomplete, aoourate and up-to-date map of Rowan. These maps give the name of every farmer, all- the roads publio and private, creekB, bridges, rural mail routes, telephone exchanges, and in faot is a perfect encyclopedia of the county. These maps will be eduoational to the ohildren in sshool, useful to the farmer in his home, indispensible to the busi ness man and a good adver tisement of tha resources of the county. After the map is pub lished oopies will be on sale at $2.00 each and it is 'expected to plaoe one in every home in the oonnty. Rtaodellig Fird Hotil. Contractor A. R. Lazenby be gan the work of remodeling the Ford Hotel Monday, and it is his intention to have this work finish ed about November 15 This work willoost about $8,000 and will call for the lobby being moved to theojrner room which is now a stjre room, the cafe and dining room will be brought to the first fl xr, where the present lobby and a grocery store are facing Main Street. About 20 rooms will be added. Tile floors and steel ceil ing will be putjn the lobby, cafe .and dining room. Large . plate gtais windows aud doors will be put all along the front and side of first floor. OUT OF SORTS 19 When you feel lazy, stretchy, half sick, "blue" and discouraged, look to the liver. It is torpid. IVllVI RED a LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED. It is not only an invigorating-tonic for a torpid liver, but it extends its cleaifsing and restorative influence to the stomach and bowels. Helps diges tion and food assimulatjon, purifies the bowels and brings back the habit of regular daily bowel movements. When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct functional processes, the re suit of which is renewed energy, mental activity- and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers. Price, targe package, $1.00 Aik for the jannina with the Bed Z on tha label. If yon cannot get it, remit to a., w. will tend bjr mail postpaid. Simmons Liyer Regulator li also pat up is liquid form for tboM who preiar tt. Prfc. $U per kettle. Look forth Bod ZlabaL 124 .. X 3ltf SlSSl8.efLlfiBgSt0B8C0lllSI The 81st session of the Living stone College has opened, and this promises to bo a rery successful year, as already over 100 students Jiave enrolled and-within s few weeks the number is expected to increase to about 800. These colored students come from - 20 different States of the Union and from aaVaral forseisn countries Much effort ieuow being put forth by the heads of this institution to raise $50,030 to build a domitory .for gwli, to replace the one that as burned some few yeaM go. Tha Qeuerel E location Board of New York has promised $1200 ; on he buildinff provided the (0 O fe5 CS H U SB S H 9 H o hi IH ' mm 3 a m o a a a o e D O a a a o a. o u e 3 io o o o C4 ggggg m t m o a S1: ii 1 o. s a a o s es 9 t t 9 s s s Sum o s a A Yen Well Atleoded and Dellgblful Occi slot for Visitors ul Hosts. - . The annual conveLtion of the State Daughters of the Oonfedar acy, began in th's city last night, when a teception was giyeh to the Visitors by tha local Daughters at the home of Mrs. F. F. Smith on Fulton Street. The delegates have about all arrived at.d the very in teresting program is being carried out in detail. .T ; The sessions are being held in the Grubb Theater andj,re bfting presided over by Mr. F. M. Wil liams, president, from Newton. Tne pxograVm for the three days session is as follows: Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, informal reseption at the home of Mm, F. F. Smith. Wednesday; O nveution called to order at Grubb Theater ; pray er by State chaplain, Miss Hettie James; violin sot5 by Mrs. H. H. Kitchin ; address of welcome by Hon. John S. Henderson; re sponse by State president, Mrs. Williams; business session; lunch eon, compliments of local chap ter; afternoon business session; evening recaption at home of Mrs. D. F. Caunon. Thursday: Conference of Chil dren of the Oonfederaoy leaders ; prayer by' State chaplain, Miss James; vocal solo by Mrs. F. F. Smith : business session ; luncheon compliments of local ohapter; af ternoon business session; recep tion at the Old Hiokory Clab rooms by the Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chapter, D. A. R. ; histori cal evening at Grubb Theater. For this evening a special program has been arranged. There will be plenty of good Jiiutio, an address on the 26 sh N. O. Rfgimeut at Gettysburg by Mrs. H. A. Lon don, the presentation of- a fac simile Confederate flag by Mrp. Thad . W. Thrash, address on Get tysburgby A. H. Boyden, and the presentation of a banner to Ohil dren's chapter. Friday: grayer by State chap ait), Miss James; Tocal solo by Mrs. Earnhardt; bueiaess session ; automobile ride by Salisbury In dustrial Club automobile oommit tee: business session at night and benediction. lliitlog of l-i Board of Aldtrnii. The Board of Alderman held a m a I busy session last ween, several committees of citizens ' being be- ore them about needed "street work. Tarvia on Bank street rom Fulton to Ellis, work on Sorah from Main Ho Ellis, on Bank from Main to Lie and on West Liberty from Fulton to Ellis and then out Ellis to Shober's Bridge were asked for. The com mittees were given a hearing and were promised that work would be oarried on as fast as the city was able. The county chaingang will be brought into the oity. and will do some work that the county commissioners have deoided to as sist in. . The board voted against a new proposed ordinance which would require $2,500 bond from social clubs. The ordinsnoe was intend d to be similar to the - Charlotte irdinanoe which requires a bond f $5,000. but it was claimed that Salisbury had not the powsr to enact each an ordinauce, but this is not time. The board oan enact any ordinauoe it may desire, but -the aldermen are all as' wet sb puddle ducks and a,re using this statement for a dodg9. The Nirth Carolina Publio Ser vice Company has made applica tion to the Board of Aldermen in this city for the privilege of dou ble tracking its line through the business seotion of the city, from ttaua street to Liioery. inis lm- irovement will save about 10 uinutes in the schedule- time be tween Chestnut Hitf and points North of Liberty street. It. will ilso do away with the present of cars at the Empire Hotel indjio away with all stops within the limits of the double traok? ex opt at street crossings. French Market Coffee is;&eVN of the South E kVEN when' French Mar ket Coffee could be had nowhere but at the old French Market in New ""Or leans a hundred year3 ago r it was widely known. , Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and the gallants of the old South were enthusiastic lovers of this rare old French coffee. Today the identical, historic French blend is per petuated by a Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and genuine old French Mar ket Coffee is packed vp. air tight, hermetically-sealed tins 'and delivered anywhere in the world in all its freshness and delicious aroma. In the South, especially, so great is the demand for French , Market Coffee that it has become "The National Drink of the South." French Market Coffee Unlike All Others The smooth, exhilarating quality of French Market Coffee is totally unlike ordi nary coffees. The French Market Mills have the great advantage of the first selection of the best of the Pan-American coffees. These fine coffees have never been exposed to the in jurious effects of a cold north ern climate. The berries are rich in everything that goes to make a perfect coffee. Mill fefcf Coffee Perfect Process of Roasting and Packing The celebrated French Mar ket Coffee process is quite dif ferent from the ordinary roast. It drives out a . larger percent age of gums and oils, while re taining and intensifying all the aromatic and beneficial qualities of the coffee bean. The grinding is done at ex actly the right time to hold the full, delicious flavor that ohurch and its ooutents will take place, Saturday morning, October 12th, at 11 o'clock. Respectfully,' Joseph W. Miller. Member of ohuroh oounoil Luther's Chare. Silo Saturday. The following communication peaks for itself: Rural No. 2 Richfhld, N. 0. October 4th, 1912. vIb. Stew&bt: 1 wish to correct a statement in regard to the date of the sale of Luther's E. L ; Church, recently nade bj your Pumpkin Center correspondent. Luther's Ohurch is better known as Piney Woods V mbi , jssafcdsasaMMg has always been such a fea ture of French Market Coffee. The market-men of the French Market think nothing of drinking 10 to 15 cups a day of this deliciously aromatic and refreshing beverage. "At Your Grocer's in Air-Tight Tins But you must be sure to get the genuine with the pic ture of the French Market on -the can. Try it once, and you'll agree Tnere is only one real old French Market flavor." French Market Mills (New Orleans Coffee Co Ltd. Proprietors) n New Orleans For Sill. A sorrel mare, five years old and a filly oolt six months old. Gallon 'A.NM. -Barnhardt China Grove, N . 0., 8tpd. H 11 U II 1 1 1 1 IV Arv is Get Busy With A Baler IF you have clover, timothy,' prairie grass, or alfalfa, it will pay you to bale it. Loose hay takes barn SRace. You cannot sell it easily and you cannot ship it at all. It is the bay that is baled which is in demand in the high-priced city markets. This is the hay upon which you make your profits. There is money in owning an H C Hay Press The horse power presses have greater capao fty than, any other horse press 6f' equal size. They are lighter draft and easier on the horses. The step-over is the lowest and narrowest Snade. They have an adjustable bale tension. Vhich insures compact bales. They are equipped with a roller tucker to turn in all Staggling ends, thus making each bale neat in Appearance. I IHC motor presses consist of a bale cham ber and an I H C engine mounted" on'' sub etantial trucks. The bale chamber of the motor press corresponds in size to the bale chamber of the horse press 14x18 inches, 16x18 inches, and 17x22 inches. No time is lost in setting up the machine. It can be, moved easily from place to place, backed to ! the stack or barn, and started to work at once. (The engine does not need a man to watch it and there is no danger from sparks. You can operate a small thresher or corn shredder, saw Wood, shell com, grind feed, pump water, . ' generate electricity, or run a cream separator. Drop in and see an I H C local dealer in your town, or write for a catalogue. International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) , Charlotte N.C , IHC Service BnraM The TMirnnse of this Ruran is tn furntcti. of charee to all. the best information aibtaftmh on Deiter larming. it yoivnave any worthy ques tions concerning soils, crops, land drainage, hrl cation, fertilizers, etc.. M, "fi and send them tn I H H Scrvirs Rnra,t H,.... I Id Building. Chicago. U S A " " A, fro. t? W i 1fi II m mm J. O. White & Co., Carriage & Wagon Builders. Farm and Dray Wagons. Deli vary Wagons, Open and Top, B9st Quality and Style. "I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture" All kinds of men smoke Duke's Mixture in all kinds of pipes as well as in cigarettes and they all tell the sam$ story. They like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of "Automobiles and Gasoline Engines" repaired and Supplies Furnished. Old Carriages-and Buggies repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old -Tops repaired. New CusV hions furnished and old Cushions, repaired. New Dashes furnished android Frames re covered. - Rubber Tires a Specialty; bteei tired wheels chang ed to Rubber Tires. All kinds of Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. Automobile and Bicycle tires Vulcanized. -We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies Wagons and Automobiles for sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices, , Respectfully; J. O. WHITE & GO. 'Phone 143, Salisbury, N. C Choice bright leaf aged to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed and then granulated every grain pure, high-grade tobacco that's what you get in the Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture sack. You get one and a half ounces of this pure, mild, delightful tobaccp, unsurpassed in quality, for 5c and with each sack you get a book of papers free. Now About the Free Pipe Inereiys&ckofLiggett&fyers Duke's Mixture we now pack coupon. You can exchange these coupons for a pipe or for many ' other valuable and useful articles. These presents cost not one penny. There is something for every member of the family kates, catcher's gloves, tennis rackets, cameras, toilet articles, nit cases, canes, umbrellas, and dozens pf other things. Just send us your name and address on a postal and as a special offer daring Octo ber and November only we will send you omit new illustrated cata logue of presents FREE of any Charge. Opefl up a sack of Liggett $ Myers Duke's Mixture today. Coupons from ZHike'i Mixture may be assorted with tags from HORSE SHOE, J.T TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST, -and Coupons from FOUR ROSES lOertin double coupon). rim rmu cut, piedmont ciga. RETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, and other toes pr coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. fllllllll 1 mWi .An iiiiii ii iiiiiiii If BUY A PET ALU MA CHICKENS BUY A PET ALU MA Are Raised Profitably THE PET ALUM A WAY SEND FOR CATALOGS NOW Get An Early Hatching Start Poultry Is Money. SPECIAL OFFER . Genuine White Indian Runner Ducks The 20th Century Egg Machines Over 250 PureTVhite Eggs a Year Dry Land Ducks. Breeding Birds, $5.00 each, $15.00 per trio on a limited number. Eggs $2.50, $3.50 and $5.Q0 per setting. SEND IN YOUR ORDER AT ONCE PET ALUM A INCUBATOR CO. PETALUNA CALL loi N. Delaware St., Indianapolis Boys, Send -in the nomina tion blank, then get Busy. NOMINATION BLANK. Watch man and Record MOTORCYCLE CONTEST I hereby nominate as a Contestant in your Motorcycle -connteet: Nam Tovrn. State. B. P. D .Bou. Nominated by..... .......v....... hool will raisd tha remainder. In no ease will name of nominator tw diTulged, Vohurch, and tha sale of tha old r

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