S8"r ' V " f A v " ... ' - J. - . - - , 1 - ftfif ff .tfTfttfftvf ! o1 r r f'C3 HI W of no "Illlll. .1.1 II II I .I ,111 - 11 I ' g&M& WtZy ... , - - ms& wMmtoG mm i ' mmf who g J . Mit .Lfe r. If yyu IVW wmw f l 14IiJ w - H Ml tb Dmwtk mmisi t'mttiS. mh debated txtmug mwm u4 fdfciti 1 him f " H? ib I)w,vtU w 'Mmu w bf Wv y-r - 1U iiro teuuiy SJmvCtti tvtkift ui i3 right, tui tl ti( for tks yu&vs A it 4fi cU'.; iko of rliib it-,: Tt? court favoi ourbt tbz b,iw of b tysuvty &,mvmvjt&u, h 4' tx ir, it.oraMJ t'zh, rci Umu.4 wtsUiul 4Xpidiuta oi b m4 fofc4f, &jSu5 to hhvetb to&M w'rki4 u th potwmiou cf ths pkmnW.tt f4 wo mtt ppQU ykiti'i of iw. gfciveid w tvM tot th wjuliuubuw of nuchf Thk Watcuxmi if thl'mhly i- otMiy &jwwuiotjnt hw foirn od ft pltttibt&ip Opfi4 ft qa&rry cu Ut J&ttttniu' luA Iq tutuhb h gfftcit fvf tb fotr oft hou9. 1$ this Umf We ftH ft dUl, f wit ftwaoif tUi it 1 ffct ftud tbt tliU tint zV ot ertta oui ftkwerf r ft lie ort hfjQ$r- Tfe fttV ivm of two wski tg tifti not hhfu 4mi4. PfjS- Ut mighty &4 pof id brt tv jtk ittCb ifoiifOlftltfc.t - IrM oo'ibftir griMtvf ehttwW, If ibi th kind cl ljw,crwj the pttoyl r txggd to voU for? Oiii tbe rot' or 0ord to Kdvro ft party gH t of 0Ufo &)udnit1 mm mm, UUW) Headers eat Ki Usier Deo!)! Til Erilicti. Tbii igalUbof eiikm Untitled 'i'ojd of okk tJi, of OBdoobt d Th f ftcti r uoir coiiflid, I fowl ewf'mwg ptoot of MirMnvi dw www jtwd tbftM ft7 ot)ir ki4 twy rem' 4y I rt irid' I aflTd f torn fr&wy If oaW$ for o y yn I HaftJi p?wi cfto' Kidttoy ili Ffow k Oq f Stow 4 tbs ootti of iywl iK giy wi$ wiwf, J Jtiowftbftt-otbw idy Mffwr jrjb tgw ri tote totitijd f wMmly )ior myftw lhm." 9tn lft by l 4ftJ PrfMtM em mutt'Hnum &t lftfh, hw fotttwUmymti for lb Umm Mutt, ' tftk m oitmr. SCLDBiraIStVXKYV,r,LR a if The Hea fl iM'hj& vss t&z&t& ffth ytyj(&8tei Bits . th te&t o &i$WTf Um& mi it I 51' ft b 1? & t ,, , , t , ' i pisi, msua tig r f 'zt Or, MzKuzh, yvot choice rrfrd ' BfcftitiilJJ boftrd f A Idr mo tr,nut the room of UphWit , T&i eiu bronco guu which Mr. Buttott to aoeb wjirf CWUtd mi opttA hi ami who wm vomiut4 :,d i !ctd to b l.Iftiow o! X. a. f sod who op-9tmti thu &ow jo'mt iunug th im h wtt ft tuicg fflW ' f tfct body, Mr. Bar tKo, it i profd tfcftt oo ertti sid by !!tfcr one tbil ctobfocm pttlouM to h'w eUetkto to tb kg UiftlBW, tat it dof ct ftppftr ofi c09rd wbi yoa opymtrd hi lm tion not what4 yoo tht o.i4 him yout rots. The ',IidUbt" fftii4 to miigbtm th m-r tXly ta&tod ftcd oppo4 bi kttci. It r old tftr bo ft ftrfsft blow to tb diacffttie ticket bd yosr mojrulf o eomUtmt thn ftt cow Yt4 y tbftt Mr . McKo 2U wft ftkd by th ehiz 'w to j id Ut. Cfo ia bie tttoii to ftbftt the Atcitfte, Toe cberiff bat beta vr a?tjire io ;?me partf of the coouty to mppium eiobi where tbe owoer bftd no poiiticftl iofla eooe. Over twmty of tbeee fta calied cWotoomn are toppoted to bt io SftJwbary, an iBftey fti ft balf d au cao be eeo from the t&erilf office dor, Yoo bd fet ter gtftctive with the "Head light" ftud urge the sheriff to do bin ddty, or d yo feel toward h i m at yoo did tbe gpeocer clob r'ora two year ego that eipot are oald b iojurioa to yoor political caoaef Mr. Button, do yoo kuo that tbe Baptitt Bitf, pabliabed ly Dr. C. A G. Tbom ftfpaitoi of the Fit Btptiit cborcb of Salisbury, if io extet auce? M ay be yoa bare nerer read ft copy, Allow ft few extract of the latent ifoe to I e giren for ycufperafal. It may eoligbteti you ftud opeo your eyee to iome of tbe f bort coaitngi cf your choice for bigb fberiff of Bowao Cuuty Di, f hom layi gftliibury it tbe place to get tbi beet and meaoeit wblekey to tbe laod, he aaye ca Iqol od brotbeii re twin moo iter od our ftathoritiet boold take matteii iu biodaod clean up the city lie fftye tbe emftll boya are eaiily fourjd that riolate the Iftw hut the blind tiger oeyer, lit ftiyi tbe blind tigon are cot blind, Ibeir doore are opeo aod Arbilie Fly and Mosquito Dangerous? lite y mw wftfmty wmi mum w,w,f Kr mf M poUtrnk m whh fypboid m4 cMra, . The hmmwuho wkh t lukh fofam hQ mt vmm mdwfa m4 yt Itew fcver, f be bacteria wmm tmd m ttfv, ere yerywbre jpnwwt fr to brrte fto or loafr. Tbe Wood wbl towi itoMih mt yM vtffe l our pmtMtkm. k ilwoW eontalo belrly rt4 ewJ 'wWife Mo4 orptopebte of Wf4i4 off tim dleeeie aerw; Dr, F;e' oMn Mf4ical Pweovry i a bloo4 medlcjne 94 alteratlye w4e otirefy wMtmtt aleohol, a pr ilypo extract of bbodroot. loldeii eeel, fJrrto w root e'i rwl, wewdreke mm root, wMah ! lfred ft m - ... . nl taittr." wmm tin, km. atnRaiI pUiiilura unit dvasvitillia I rIt Uuni Miniiitf r - ... .... r tmuum f. feyi' fur I hud Mm vr, pi$rtf$ 7i. hat, tU , rt"& . fiaosegy KsrtMi, ft sawwu of Hod. bast j lot tb Imw, might &ud mi iOWC. 21 JT38 f tiOt ti- tfaat tki Tie, immotMiitj, t s&d ibizttigittti wDd,! tut hri&, tiiou'd gut tay, .l ; f ift motility moo & compel ym k tore tt bck of yoj' bftsd to Mf, Dtt tiA to Uk ftetfct. f with bi ldzrttMti to uppt ci,U, Mr, Buftoc tud tet ul f mt j mm w viut jr tb ftffid&f it ftttftbtrd bmo ftcd tbfco ftcrotio'29 tb tigafttacM , t . -, T A Aomy ft.d jfoo wiii find tfaftt yocr ft to dciv tb public ftLd ttjar Mr, Douett beforft tfc poo pi bftj proTfto ft fftilore ftbd plc wd yoo before tb peopld fall pldgnd cttdidftt fcr tb Aotifttiiftf 0;ab. untiiiHifeti. To WJ-VM 11 MAT COCKX : It bftriog two recently bro&gbt to oar fttti&tioo tbftt Mr. w H Bartoo of gpeccr, C. & ftfttw tbroogb tbft Cvlumoe of ft pftmpbkt ditd by Mm &ud cali 4 gjcoer Electric HdHgbtf tbat, ftt isftotbg of Boftrd of Al dri&e& of Too of Bphuwr, N C., rbo the clofiog op of irbUky Clob of td Towa wm bisg di cuie3, J. D, Dirett, Mcyor ftud Recorder of Town of Sp&cer, N C, wfts oppoi&d to isftkiog ftoy ef fort to cloe tixm out, we, i maiaUT of id Boft'd of AJder meu ftod beiog prieut at said mwt'wg, tjtlwf 'wg in (ir piy t !1 ftud vie biog to joiticy doo dm it or dety to fttt ibt Mr D;r$tt wm jaot cpp:d to the tuning of ft moreoooot looking to the doe lag oot of id Ciubi, bat oo tbe cootrftry, ttfttod psbiicly fttiftid metbg tbftt if aoy one would briug bim the eTideoce tbftt tbeftid Clobe were rwujuag e-otrftry to iftr, be would, e Wayor sod Bocrder, pat tbic oat cf baiiuete. It ii mttr of record tbftt be fcopt hi word, ftod tbe etid Club were oot ouJy cour tcted iu hi Coart, bat required, $, & part of bit jadgmeot, to dieiiolre find arreader their charten. Signed, V. fULK, a, D. Wewht, V. M, Nuts MAW, W, B: MoKiv-xr, Memberi of the board of Alder men of the towo of Spencer. ' TT -V J!. . feiwepf MtMt U likft Neture 1 1 inflMenee-Hie Mood 1 Mbed in tbe oe wWeb ftlyM.lito to the blood -tbe iJ rei of Ibe bo4y bora ,ofirrt a-etlylty coi tbe Itoue mbWU wWb bM aecwrBuleted durbj tfae wMrf About uitir vsnrtt aora while In Newark, New f emir,. I hfMJ.chllW memm UMUtm, t hmimm mimrjfjwma, limOT.lfafcalM f to tJk hu I nut timber UM 4 Nv vr bo Ysr w ri4 Fiflw. 1( H ut twjMty Vf n f f Juti iwtiWe bfwe ? MH4 te teke uMm r..-. fiH. i. nil ,ff Pl ftfttfti Pelera ffi of reft "t --------------- r - - i Hj&t X&sbI1 iwaeo y i-- ' Mr. eMr&, woe ...m.. - - the PepJ RS? T3m fumswsst Swse of tb cuuj rum; mm sm wcz :i&HtL qsstka sow ccder d2cir nri" iimij , - . te s twu. bat tb orfaeimi It wa dweE p by Owi !f!ff iSiSSS? ' pKtyitmi, nmr he wad to b&ve bad ! Boelo ll- He it clr refused to fdlt tiM that It was tbe pamakooxit ttt t 6l?bd extradirry 4 ftctlrltj io upon tfc eooxtor Mr- Tfeft, wtca5 be b& aisee dedared fee be tt caeci of boe &od tbe e&e icy of p0p&iz.T goTeras&eot. ft would aeess tLi.t beQht to x&ak Mffie ilgkt &taKfwl6dsex&est of hi isdebtedseM to &e Des&pcratlc party for mtitsfsetinz tbls laaoe to bSm. At least, be migttt pat tbe issue in aoota tkm smrke, ' He is low fedT&catliij tbe direct eleedoa of secators, bet if be ever ex eeed himself la iaror of this reform earlier tbao two years ago tbe fact baa eaeajed my obaerratkai, a&d I bare not mJy wstcbed e&refuDy, but waited anxiously, for some favorable exreaio& frosa Ma Long Fight For Popular Election ef 6enatra. Tbe De roocraticy party betaa the bt for tbe popular election of sena tors twenty years ago this summer, i ben a Dex&ocratle boose of repre sentatives &t Wasbictoo passed for tbe first time s resolution ubmlttlnj tbe seoessary ameadsoeM. Since that time a similar resolution baa bees passed by tbe bouse in fire other coo fTfses first, is 184 by another Dem ocratic bouse; tben, after two con gresses hsd elapsed, by three Republi can bouses, a&d, last, by the present Democratic house. During the twenty years the reform has bees indorsed in three Democratic platforms, the plat forms of 1&00, 1904 and 1908, and it has been indorsed by the legislatures of nearly two-thirds of the states. Mr. Roosereit must have known of the ef fort which was being made by the peo ple to secure tbe popular election of senators, and yet be took no part in the fight During this time be waa president for seven and one half years, and it is quite certain tbat a ring-in message from him would hare brought rtetory to tbe people's cause, but no message came. Four years ago the convention which he controlled and which nominated Mr. Taft rejected, by a rote of seven to one, a resolution indorsing this reform. Still Mr. Eooserelt did not say any thing. He neither rebuked the Repub lican convention nor indorsed the strong plank which was included in the Denver platform. Evtri Mr. Taft went so far during the campaign of 1908 aa to eay that PERSONALLY be waa INCLINED to favor the popular election of senators by the people, but Mr, Roosevelt did not even indicate an Intention in tbat direction. Now, wben the reform is practically secured the amendment being before the states for ratification he declares himself In fa yor of It, Would ft not be fair for blm to indicate in some way bis ap preciation of the long continued fight waged by tbe Democrats in behalf of this reform before be espoused it? T. ft and the Income Tax. Mr, Roosevelt la in favor of an in come tax. How long since? His first Indorsement of it waa during his sec ond term, and then It was suggested aa a means of limiting swollen for tunes and not aa a means of raising revenue. The Democratic party in- eluded an Income tax provision in the Wilson law of 1894. When this pro vision was declared unconstitutional by the lupfeme court by a majority of one the Democratic party renewed the fight and has contended for the Income tax in three national cam paign!, In 1908 tbe Democratic plat form demanded the submission of an amendment apeclfically authorizing an income tax the very amendment now before the states for ratification. Mr, Rooieyelt'e candidate, Mr, Taft, declared during the campaign that an amendment was not necessary, and Mr, Rooievelt never made any ftrgu uBtal fctfam et Bit enentcfj I MM ASMtr ynr SaiwgHj 8fM- :r &3ssesze wmss$&&m. asASc-'SMsep, ImOi is ISffl. wises asgja weasi Jae w a-asffia& is 2JI tfea Ik wrote Ms Sazasfss 1-1 ter so 3& Haaidasas ag tie ssa fsm& taea Mr. HasriissE raised,- - J WafSar isw Mr, Eoosereii teek I n WA kMV - - " - - . , i to cr caT SoiuerMBlt. eampaiSB txmxxibatkms hrhzBua alv adopted the DeasoeratSe poshicc k be ba. bees csspelid to tarn a. eosa-1 lim the &4soerae platans deicaud-1 ed the pcblieatioai before election cf tbe cashes of !tdirtdual eostrlbstc-s aiid the wstra'j eostribnsed- Mr. Rooaevelt at tbat tinse indorsed' Mr. Taffs iitatioE that tbe poblieataoa j here oi J ti otser Si yrettj csre is; e f-essuf. ITSjsry -aa xrvs 2 should b deferred -cats after the elee- j OTer eatry ttsi-, ssd Sf li Waaf. KscSbS ISgaBsecaJSe ieagae tSofi, asd even went eo far as to giw j baa asySiix & c wttl. it tisey vffl sQe s-pgx ie letiaB icKaer. reasons for believing tbat it womld be Mrs. JEarsaS is lasmics-y 5&mggggs 13m isss&Be faa-r-laapruper to make the smbUcados 'be- Sed ita vel, EPt besssse fe Ja psri g.as -aaEgasEEU'fert sbe tore the election. Two years later he I recoccixe the lernastwey off -be ssSKii a e&ixxim wesm 4c tbe prla- (KCiaxe is iaror 01 paoiicity belose and after the eleetloc. landing 011 tbe Democrat:- side shortly before tbe law waa enacted earryiiig out tbe Demo cratic platform en this subject. Here, surely, bg ought to praise the Demo cratic party for the pioneer work It baa doue in prrifjing politics. Here are a few of the thlsgs which bear tbe Democratic brand, and with all of his experience on the plains be win not be' able to "work the brand over so as to make it look like T. E- Bl8S?ftt Sift. A Socialist by the name cf Shank fchot and right &eriou ly iBjuri Theodore rJoows velt, Monday night, in Mil waukee. After making a brief speech he was taken to a hofpital and ie getting a long very srell, although the ballet, which entered big right breagt, has not been re moved. If no eomilieatione arise the Colonel ig expected to speedily recover. He will probably not make any more speeches dariug the pregtnt campaign. His assailant ie a partisan fanatic and is try iog to hide his murderens iu clinatione under the cloak of insanity. I eUss cl iwmi vA Warrant tf 80KTH carolika In the Superior Court Kowan Uocmty. f November Term, 1912 A. W. Tucker, Plaintiff, vs Gold Hill Consolidae CJo., Defendant. The defendant above named wiii take notice that a civil action entitled as above has bfen commenced again t it In the Superior Court of Eowan County, North Carolina,, by A. W Jueker, foa.he recovery of the sum of 266.46, due said plaintiff on account of the breach of contract to pay t-aid sum for services rendered as Resident Manager at its Mines at Gold Hill, North Carolina, rhe defendant above named will also take notice that a warrant of attachment has been ieued in this action by the Clrk of the Sn perior Court agair st the property of ail defendant which' said warrant of attacqment is returnable b.fore the J udge of our Court at the Court Ilou e Ii Salisbury, North Carolina, on tbe llth Monday after the first Monday of September, 1912, the same being the 18th day of November, 1912. And the defendant will further take notice that it is required to beand appear before the Judge of our Court at a IJoiut to be held ror the County of Rowan at the Conrl House in Salisbu ry, Forth Carolina, on tbe llih Mon day after th first Monday of Septem ber the rame being th 18 h day of November, 1912, and answer or demur to the complaint which will be dep w itd in the office' of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County' and that If it fail to answer or d-mur to said comylaint within that time the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded, Thia 16th day A October, 1712, J. F. KcCubbisu, 0. 8. B. Boys enter the contest at , once and win a riotorcycle 'V a: I tercet fa te axT laasSy J -33 T w ww- -j a atu i ? fl5 asfi MftfeMtf mrj Jftl co- for i22S"CiB3 5&fcr, 9SSS5r".-r at mmm T3ie 3zz&sM Ivssm, tS&t C-?te tm&mf, :to 3eas ff sweis, aS" f 6 -arJsSbfc'lse Cte lie fS32arr, cs fees I Mw-e- r.5ae saesssx i P5513.- 3Kr- 3ss3i emaift I hey are aefe ai2s, lid 'ie4esErie'-je9lW8Sftr anS Ida wl? I esuea 01 Ies&ec3ey. FOR HEARTBURN, Sossr "StSwsss,. Taos Jip peie and Cosisiipelies, -joe xseed sir.ir.iorjs RED 2 LIVER REGULATOR THE FOWIJEX J"Qraf4 a?weggi3secaiaenaaappaBea,SieaHMp1c:.. s.isad for a t-srjnd 2ri. Ktips igssfeos, TBzkxs yon led l3gM and cseerf&L E. i-oc, pes vosl. 'urn. Us- ii ham Z. tT m i. H. zecun a. co, If j oii do, send in Hie nomination blank. It entldes joii to IOO FBEE TOTES. MRS. STEPHEN B. AYRES Correspoodfftfl Secretary of the Woman s National Democratic LeaiM. 1 fZTtetyf- -iV: - . - , r :-B?ris'.-"".?!,.-.-.r"T-- .r-. j ... .... -43, "t, irTrT ifjt t i -3S j ? The Women's National Democratic league, ofT which Mra. Woodrow Wll. aon and Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall, wlvea of the. leading Democratic can dates are honorary president and honorary vice-president respecUvely and Mrs. John S. Crosby Is president, has opened headquarters at 1123 Broadway New York city, in charge of the corresponding secretary. Mrs. Stenhen b! Ayres, wife of Congressman Ayres of New York. . The work being accomplished daily by Mrs. Ayrea and her corns of t nographersand aids is not for the campaign moment only, but foundation buildmgr for the future of Democracy. . It la the first atrial, . " ' tionai political movement to be organized in the UnltMl sstt J C Lappeals to thinking women everywhere. Ithas not declared for, or against the question of equal uffrasn should tt beM expected to do so any more than it would discnaa the question! of religion' said Mrs Ayres from her post , as liv wire- of ttrSaSi "We are simply good Democrats handed together for the greatest wSodto the greatest number- of American Housewives, who- today aiquJred J? more In this country for merican goods than they, would have to pay the same goods in a foreign land." ... - " w paj tor She is especially Interested in the tariff on articles in constant feminlna use and has developed info quite a speaker at the -housewives'" meetinga of the tariff committee ol the national Democratic committee. ' r jSi fas IBS? iar w jese.. xzsu&m n&paBSm T&m xi ST. LOUS. - . .... . ! ! .: - , v

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