feORDID TALE W V - MRS. WOODROW WILSON 1 ;WIfe of the : Democratic? Presidential Nominee.- Honorary' President of the - Woman's National Democratic League A r t. r:s fund A i - " r5" " . Treasurer Sheldon and J. P. Mor gan Tell of : Millions Sub scribed in 1904. HQ "FAVORS IN RETURN rlck, Gould and Morgan Gave $100,000 Each Corporations Gave 73y2 Per Cent, of Entire Amount Received. : John D. Archbold's statement that ) Standard Oil company contributed fclOO.OOO to Mr. Roosevelt's campaign ffund in 1904 w as confirmed by George jR. Sheldon, who succeeded Cornelius (N. Bliss" as treasurer of the Republican Rational committee. ; xot only did the Standard Oil com pany ire $100,000 to elect Mr. Roose hrelt president, but J. Pierpont Morgan l& Co. gave $100,000, H. C. Frlck gave ($100,000 and George Gould gave anoth- ir $100,000. Mr. Sheldon testified .that 73 per cent of Mr. Roosevelt's total ipalgn fund was contributed by cor- .tions. Naturally these people gave their noney freely to the Roosevelt cam paign fund. Testifying that" he had contributea B150.000 to the Roosevelt campaign tfund in 1904 because he was "especial ly interested." Mr. J. P. Morgan added, rThe only interest we had waB in the "welfare of the public." Mr. Morean emphasized his devotion to J lr. Roosevelt's political fortunes by tthe further statement that J. P. Mor- gaa & Co.'s usual contribution to Re publican campaign funds was only 100,000; that he never heard of any donation by his firm to the Democrats; that when Mr. Taft was a candidate in 1808 the sum subscribed was $30,000 Kind that this year neither he nor his franking hous had subscribed a dol- Er. - How It Was All Done. REPUBLICAN HOPE , RESTS III YILSON Gov. Burke Declares; for Demo crat and Gives, His Reasons. " By JOHN BURKE, . Governor of . North Dakota. -The election of Governor "Wilson its the only thing that can' save the He publican party. Four years of Presi dent Taft has split it in two. We have no reason to -believe that he will be any different er that his second ad TinlRtrinii If ha is xe-elected. will Hbe any more satisfactory to the people . . - . . . ... 'than his first, wis re-eiection wm mean th division of the Republican party into many warring factions, which can only result in final, dissolu tion of alL The end will com quicker and Just as certain if Roosevelt is elected, for he is no longer a Republican, but ia- the leader of a new party, at war with the Republican partyt as 'it is with the Democratic party. On the other hand, if Wilson is elected the Roosevelt par ty will perish; the Republicans will reorganize their party, purge it of the baneful influence of corporate power and greed and make it again the grand old party it was in the days of Lincoln. To grasp these pregnant facts we Jiave only to recall a little modern his tory. In 1904 Mr. Roosevelt had his bureau of corporations in working or- ,er.- Mr. Cortelyou, lately In control (of it as secretary of commerce and la bor, had been made chairman of the (national Republican committee. He tend Cornelius N. Bliss, treasurer, wera collecting money. As George R. Shel don, Mr. Bits' successor, says, .73 per cent, of the funds received came prom the menaced corporations. If we do not find in these disclosures fa, sufficient explanation of J. P. Morgan & Co.'s "especial interest" in Mr. Roosevelt s election, it is possible that Hater events may reveal it. Mr. Roosevelt never prosecuted J. P. Jlorgan & Co.'s steel trust He em- tptically stopped the proceedings in atituted by others against J. P. Morgan & Co's harvester trust When the Ipanio of 1907 was at its height he turn fed the resources of the treasury over to J. P. Morgan & Co., who used them and made money and reputation by the process. He met Gary and Frick, rep resenting JT. P. Morgan & Co.'s' steel trust, before breakfast one morning and licensed them, in violation of law, to absorb the Tennessee Coal and Iron company, thus giving J. P. Morgan & Co's steel trust a monopoly of high grade iron ore. He put Mr. Bacon, a ttrtner of J. P. Morgan & Co., into the ffetate department and, the diplomatio icrvice. He jnade Herbert Satterlee, J. P. Morgan's son-in-law, assistant aecretary of the- navy. In a letter to Attorney General Bonaparte he testi fied feelingly to the virtues of the "Morgan interests which have been so friendly to us." Never before was the "publio welfare" so cheaply protected. Extent of Morgan's Interest. The "Morgan interests" are not con fined to J. P. Morgan & Co. by any means. The Morgan interests compre head life insurance companies, banks and trust companies, railroads and manufacturing enterprises. If the par ent house increased its regular Repub lican contribution in 1904 because of especial interest" we may easily glue that the policy was widely tated by affiliated corporations and ftndividuals. Perhaps in this almost un exampled favor by the Morgan inter lasts we shall find an explanation of ethe Roosevelt administration hostility fco the Standard Oil interests, which mare not always agreed with J. P. Morgan & Co. concerning "the welfare jof the public." L It may be that the senate committee hrtfl. be able to throw more light on this point, but it can hardly add any thing to the scandal of the Morgan Roosevelt alliance. It was Mr. Roose- t who opened up to J. Pr Morgan Co. the possibilities of government big. business. It was Mr. Roosevelt ho persuaded J. P. Morgan. & Co. to unge deeply into politics. It was Mr. sevelt who, consulting "the public Ware," registered the decrees of J. Morsran & Co. In the White House. Not until Mr. Roosevelt had loBt con trol of the Republican machinery and cie w providing for publicity of cam paign contributions had gone into ef- . teot did J. P. Morgan & Co. disappear from the list of regular contributors to the colossal corruption funds of the Republican party. ,Are J. P. Morgan ft Co. now operating politically under oorer of their recent partner, George ridnatiiew York World. K,The Bull Moose ran things with a Mg stick at Washington for seven and I half years and didn't by act or word Unite the bosses he now rails against Or promote the causes he-now "em- - bodies." Being "a practical man." he uf a third, eta, term. i ' -'. Z - " ' applying the common sense test - Rooseveltlan romance Governor JTOsoa1 manages to keep the country, tt Amused and thoughtful. MoosetU? : Third Ssnaj Louis D. Brandeis performed a real public service when he'quoted the rec ords to show that George W. Perkins is and always has been an enemy of union labor. Wonder if Emerson was gazing upon a moose calf when several decades ago he wrote: "I am the owner of the sphere, Of the seven stars and the solar year." R!N6LINS CIRCUS. Great Spscacle of "Joan o Arc" Added to their Show - RiDgling Brothers' Circus and newly added $500'000pectaole cf of "Joan . of Arc," will exhibit iD Charlotte, Friday, October 25. The spectacle iu itself is au at traction that should bring thous and of visitors from the surround ing oouLtry. It is beyond qnes tion the greatest production of .its kind ever seen in America. The world's most skillful scenic artists, customers, property-makers, chorus directors and stage managers were engaged to mount the production. A stage bigger than a hundred ordinary theatres was built and made portable so that it can be conveyed from towt to town and erected eacb morning in the main tent. Thus the cir cus proprietors have made it pos sible for those who live in con tributory towns as well as in the large cities to see this magnificent wordless play with its oast of 1.- P0OO obaracters, a ballet of 300 dancing girls, a grand opera cho rus of 490 voices, 600 horees and a train load of speoial scenery, cos tumes, properties and meohanical devices for producing such stage, effects as thunder, lightning, storms, fires and the sound of bat tle. In the old market place of Rouen, France, there now' stands a monument by which the French of today have sought to redeem their part in the execution of Joan of Arc, who on a) 0, 1431, was burned to death ou the false charge of heresy after having, de livered her country from the Eug lish and having restored the crown to Charles VII. History records but the meager facts of this strange heroine of eighteen years, who led the armies of Franee vic torious through English invasion and then deserted by all, even the indolent monarch whom she pre served, died by thecruelest torture known with the name of the mas ter upon hex lips Unsung in poetry the name of this simplr paasant girl has come down through the ages to be revered as that of a saint, and whose wonder ful powers and whose bravery are verily believed to have been of di vine inspiration. On the triumphant incidents, the victorious engagements, 'the final defeat of the English armies, and the coronation of Charles VII, all achieved by the frail Maid of Orleans, has been found ed the inspiring spectacle which gives Ringling Brothers' circus a new significance and makes an at traction such as the world in searching for amusement has nev er before found. ' The regular circus program is more than ever attractive. Its company of 375 foreign artists, its double menagerie and v its new street parade will prova a great surprise to those who attend from this city. The event is one that should not be missed. .--r- THE FASTEST HUSTLER GETS THRMOTOROYCLE. -5 1- 5 a A .'- :v - s " -'A r 4 V mm Xs A ,0uT Sie is Brim Ful1 of Ne w Fal1 Millinery; Dry GooK Coat Sits, c?atSi bkirts. Underwear,. Shoes, Clothing.rflatr etc. - Most-of which was bought last spring while it wa? ranch: cheaper than ;dow, ' and we pass all of it on to o ar cu?torn ers th only our vashal email lod If you pay QAISHhy hbt SPEND y tORE where prices on the same goods are always LES. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the new leader of Democracy and prob able next mistress of the White House, is perhaps the. moBt interesting wom an in the United States today. This is inevitable not because she wishes it. for she dos not and is as firm as a rock in. her conviction that being the wife of a public man does not necessitate nor'call for a. woman's becoming a publicity seeker. She successfully resisted all appeals of photographers and interviewers until Mr. Wilson's nomination .as Democratic candidate for the presidency was un fait accompli. This modesty is easily traced to her soujthern ancestry and training and Is characteristic also of her distin guished husband. She was born EHen Louise Axson, daughter of a Presbyterian divine of Savannah, Ga., whose family, so far as he knows, is the only one of "the name in America. Like Mr. Wilson, she has one brother and one sister living, all in the same literary circle as the doctor and herself. In this atmosphere of learning Mrs. Wilson -could hardly be expected to be other than she Is widely read, broad-minded and charitable, devoted to her home and the principles for which it stands. She has marked ability as an artist, and it is said that a portrait painter of ability was sppiled when she married the young barrister who had then given up the practice of his profession to specialize on the subject that has made him a-presidential nominee. Mrs. Wilson's three daughters Misses Margaret Woodrow Wilson, Jes sie Woodrow Wilson and Eleanor Randolph Wilson possess the mental characteristics of their father and their mother's artistic temperament, com bined in such a way as to give zest to every moment of their lives and pro tection from the foibles of the world. Thy form, indeed, an ideal family circle, one that it would be well for every American household to emulate. Most Wholesome and Nutritious IBAtCmQ POWDBRI Puts back in exact proportion the necessary, health-sus-, taining phosphates that flour , is deprived of in milling, Hone better at any price. Try it. Sold by all good Grocers. Insist on having it Boys, Send in the nomina tion blank, then get Busy. BUY A PETALUMA BUY A PET ALU MA CHICKENS Arep?Siy THE PETALUMA WAY SEND FOR CATALOGS NOW Get An Early Hatching Start Poultry Is Money. SPECIAL OFFER Genuine White Indian Runner Ducks The 20th Century Egg Machines Over 250 Pure White Eggs a Year Dry Land Ducks. Breeding Birds, $5.00 each, $15.00 per trio on a limited number. Eggs $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 per setting. SEND IN YOUR ORDER AT ONCE PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO. PETALUMA CALL 103 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis Our Shoes were all bought last Spring hen they could be boughtranch - cheaper than now, and if you buy youn winter shoss f rdnt yorj will not f,?, Pany advance prices oa last fall, but most stores, are, higher, OURS ARE NOT. We can ftt the whole -family. 'i.h:- Goodman Shoes? for women and children are all made of good honest leather, no paper in sole but leather. Goodman Royal Calf school shoes for children will last longer than most any other you can buy for even more money. Royal Calf, sizes 5 to 8, 70c to 98c 8 to ll, 90c to 125 4i V. " 11 to 2 1.15 to 2.00 ; Goodman Shoes for Women, Royal Calf, Navy CaJf, Vici, etc.. Price........ $148, $1.50, and $2.00 Women's $1.25 vici kid patent bljicher for... .....98c Womeu'3 fine shoes in all the new stylish' last, Gun Metal, Vici, Patent and Tan, button, blucher. Price : .$2.50, $a.00 and $3.50 s ... Men's $1.50 boz Routing or scout shoes, our special price . 1' . . , . . $1. 25 Men's blucher ocz shoes, wide loe for 5r m . v j - $1 50 Royal calf blucher cap , toe work shoes for men, all solid throughout. A good $2.50 shoe and sold for; that most every where; our ca ih price only a " . 00 Men's tough hide blucher shoes $3. 10 value, bur cash price. . ..$3.00 Men's Patent or gun metal dress shoes, button and blucher extra nice tylisblast, Price $2.00 2 50 & $3.00 Sell It For CO oo HAVE YOUR TEETH FIXED TODAY Low Prices and E as v Terms This libeial offer enables you to enjoy the advantages of good-teeth without the inconvenience of attending other dentists' services. Fillings in GOLD, SILVER, jfe -RTCTiRK CROVyN and PLATINUM and PORCELAIN - . W BRIDGEW.ORK 50c to $1.00 $3 $4 $5 Thorough Work Guaranteed Ca!l aud lci all work by faieess method us Slow yoja " ... Our work is always so Through our wide ex thorough and so absolutely SclWIllcS Ot perience, skill and sci- satisfactory that we guar- entific equipment we antee it for 15 years, and it Olll W01l: can positively assure will last much longer. absence of pain Come and let us make our examination of your teeth today FREE! Reference: Owr Worh and Wachovia Bank. Lady Attendant. PHILADELPHIA PAINLESS DENTISTS, INC., 126 North Main Street, Former location of Dr. R. V. Bra wley. ! ! u r m Tlirouili Test f Mastic: WmM J. O. White & Co., Carriage & Wagon Builders. 0 Canm nd Hnnu Uf r r. lli.l!.... Ill t hi aim uraj wvaijuiis unlivery Tragonsy upen and Top, Bsst Quality and Style. Automobiles and Gasoline Engines repaired and Supplies Furnished. . V Old Carriages and Buggies repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. ' New- Cus-V hions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and old Frames re covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty; bteel tired wheels change ed to Rubber Tires. ' All kinds of Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. Automobile and Bicycle tires Vulcanized . -We have skilled work nen in each department. ; Surreys, Buggies Wagons and Automobiles for sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call .and get prices, , Respectfully, ':. - - tori?' , o B, G" too lft i o-- l 5.o lv-, . or-a- nd. v A r . M .i V . A Brt t. i -CB" . .-nfl. te. "5 .i a" a" . to Not many have die opportunity to make as thorough a test to determine paint value as did the Pacolet Cotton Mills, of South Carolinawhose letter we are reproducing. But you can profit by their experience. There is an element of chance m buying any thing until you know it has stood the test MASTIC PAINT is the result of 40 veara paint study, and is the finest paint that money and brains can produce. Is it any wonder it has always given .better . and longer service than . any tther paint, whether machine ground or mixed with a paddle? When you buy MASTIC PAINT you find the formula on every can. 'ITSPURE. It combines the greatest durability with reasonable cost. "' a. : PS CD. 10 o OUT" ..-rcr If you are a paint user don't experi ment with cheap, uncertain paint or hand mixed keg lead, and be disappointed. vis' MANUFACTURED BY Peaslee-Gaulbert Co. Incorporated PAINT GRINDERS VARNISH MAKERS Louisville, Ky. GET MASTIC PAINT-the kind that lasts. We will furnish ample evidence of its superiority. SOLD BY Arei Hardware Co. 1 jggwjSa I Eyerybody S: Salisbury, N. C, You Can Get One Free Call and see. o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o aOO BB9HBIS

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