THE CAROLINA VATCHMAII SHORT LOOAL ITEM Several residences ; are beiDg erected in Spencer" at this time,. One for G L. Steele, one for J L. Pleasants and one for - E7 H Stewart. Bill Kester, a Nergo driver for the town cf Spenser died Situr day from the effects of; dropsy. J. W. Peeler of Rockwell, man ager of the Rockwell Furniture Company, was in Salisbury today returning from a business - trip through the North and Canada. -. Work began yesterday morning od the excavation for thq-founda tion for the new hotel in thiaoitv The DPrmit having teen issued a few days ao. The contract is let tT J. A. Gardner of Charlotte. The 1 nildins will be oae of the handsomest and most modern in in this section and will be four stories high, and 75x100 feet: There will be 74 sleeping room.; F. F. Corliss of Bradford, Pa. who sonne time ago came to Salis bury and bought some Rowan County lands. f nt wert .bsbk North on hus'ness for th summer, has returned to ?alisharv and is preparing to build a l ice horn o his place and establish a modern poultry farm. The Lutheran Ministers Associ ation of Rowan County held a ses sion today at St. John's Lutheran Church, The forenoon session was largely taken up in the dig ou9B;on of matters which will be acted upon by the United Synod which is soon to meot in Atlanta. The afternoon session was taken up in discussing doctrinal and practical questions. The election of councilmen of Christ Lutheran Chursh in East Spencer was held Sunday and resulted in the selec tion of the following: Elders, 8. C, Eetchie, and T. M. Earnhardt; deacons, J C. Rusher. And C H. Graeber. Mr. Ketchie has al ready served 44 years as council man and has now been elected for a 45th term. This is believed to be a record for church service in North Carolina and is a compli ment to Mr. Kf tchie, who is high ly honored by his church in East Spencer, of which Dr. George H Cox is pastor. ILadies9 Coat Suits Irom $10.a to $37.50. We have the most complete Goat Suit department in Salisbury. This department is on the' second floor of our Store and is in the care of Miss Carrie Richwine. Before buying visit our Suit deparment Ladies' Coats. ALL GRADES AND ALL PRICES. Separate Skirts in aU grades from . 2.50 to Dresses, Wool and Silk,- . . V5c to Underwear for Ladies and Children, Union Suits, Knit Corset NoVwithita tiding tb at: no pro vision was made for public school in E8t Spender this year a'flour ishiugjBubscription ichoot is now in: progress -with nearly 100 pupils enrolled It is being taught in the graded school- building ; with Mrs. E. C. Misenheimer.of Wash ing tou a principal, and with MUs Susie Burton 'of High Point 'as teacher, of the primary depart ment. The patrons ol the school ara-highly pleased wib" the pro- gressbeing made ''" - Ecgineer J. 0; Myers of ;;Eait Speucer, claims to have the nam pion hog in Rowan Courty It is an eighteen-month-old sow' : and weighB slightly more-: than 00 pounds Mr. MyerB says he" will make , her weigh ; 700 pounds, by killing time. He also has 16 fine pxkeis which ,be is r fattening They are said' to be exceptionally fine.; He is "feedings them slop f rom sc me of the " Pullman "cars that step in Spencer. . - R. .C Moore of Rock Hill; with local assistants is now; making a survey from SaHsbvry toward the North Fork, of the Yadkin. This wc rk is being vdc ne under Engi neer White of Durham, who will subm.t the -results to the city au thorities, and upon hid report it will be -decided whether or not Salisbury will go to the rivet for her, water supply. . Final Session and ElECtfoolof Officers by IBS U DCs. i " The Daughters of the Confeder acy closed their convention heie Friday night after a very success ful session of the State organiza tion, bauabury tried hard to m&kegthe visit of these prominent North Carolina women pleasant aud, it is believed was successful. A numberof social features were arranged for them and they were made to feel like they were hon ored guests by everyone. Friday morning the convention met in the Grubb theater. State Chaplain, Mies Hetfcie James, opened the session with prayer. This was followed by a vocal solo, by Mrs. Earnhardt, and the body went into a business session, at which a large amount of routine was disposed of. At one o'clock a luncheon was served the con vention by the Elks in the club rooms. At 2:80 another business session was held and at 5 o'clock the dele gates were taken over the city in automobiles. At " 8 o'clock the I TT We Are Ready for final 8988i )n was held and thVeorl- en tion adjourned . , - - "Ai the election oi 4 officers" th ioiiomg were, named Vf or the coming year:" President, C Mrs Marshall Williams of V Faiain ; first yice president; Mrs; John S Henderson of .Salisbury j: second vice presidearpMrs M." O " Win stead of Rooky Mcunt; third vice president MrslL'ea D. Heartt of Durham ; .-recording secretary, Mrs. Theo. "Tirrash of Tarborc; corresponding j secretary, . Mies Winnie Faison of;Fai96n; treas-urer,Mi8s-Margarat Etheridge of Selma ; registrar, Mrs,-Robert Di y is of Xouisburg ; historian, Miss Cairie L9a"jr of ;M oresville i re corder of crosses, Mrs. W. M Ctea3y of Wilmington j chaplain, Miss Hetty James of Witmmg'cn.. -Thursday afternoon a brilliant reception was given by the Eliz 1 beth'S tee le Ch apter cf theDaugh- ters of-the American Revolution, at th home of M rj and Mrs. - Jas H Ramsay. Cralge at Land is and Salisbury. Hon. L eke Craige spoke at Landis Saturday to a large num ber Qf people T Theo F. Kluttz, Esq., qf Salisbury introduced the speaker. ' Mr. Craig in his speech dwelt upon the great National issue of the day, the tariff. He said the Republican party had assumed to claim for itself the prosperity of the country, while the truth the country's prosperity was. the brain and brawny muscle the toiling. masses. is in of It is just as reasonable, said the speaker, to attribute to the Re publican party the introduction of hookworm or pellagra as it is to attribute prosperity to the Repub lican party. He invited the- Republicans, who had been so long loyal to the bid party, but who had been so recently forced out, to oome and join the Democrats and live in peace and happiness under the banner of the party that is to be victorious on the fifth of Novem ber next. ' A bountiful barbecue was served to the crowd at the conclusion of Mr. Craig's speech . Hon. Locke Craig spoke in Sal isbury at night to a large audi ence, With his old time populis tio eloquence he held the atten tion of both audiences today, as he preached the Democratic gos pel of equal rights to all men and special privileges to none, making IP AT You EXCELL Children's Coats. his remarks BO pointed that the" tie- gr e9 in. the court house: left with diBgust; ' :7'C v - He was introduced- at nighty by Hon. JohoS. Hendersoawho re ferred to th longi line .bf great Governors North Oarolino ; has had; saying J.h&i tffe State wag fortunate in its, selection- Of men to; fill that high office and that the choice for our "next Governor would be among the.very bbat. -"" Mr. Craig.; then .proceeded -' on national issues, as at Land is, and not knowing, or wishing to hide our local county affairs, tried tc persuade his hearers that Democ racy hadlfo rottenspots at all, as previously predicted." by The Watchman. TRADING FORD. Oct. 14 Tne weather is still hot but the farmers are still sow ing wheat right along. - Sam wnte this Utter Saturday and dated it Monday and yon see what the weather man did - for aim Cotton is being picked rapidly during this fine, weather. The crop will eojn be gathered. J. R. L. Miller is walking about' bareheaded and barefooted this week. Of course its another boy, G. A. Peacock has been on the siok list for a week, bu?, is getting along fairly well now. Some siokness throughout the vicinity now, such as chills and malarial fever. All we know to do is to drink chill tome and keep out of the hot sun. Well, as politics is gettin high we will give a smU sketch below as we see and understand. The time has come for every thinking man not to protest against the good will of bis con science and endure thereby to be misled through spasmodic convul sions of the brain, but use his oonscienoe in a comprehensive manner, understanding first his privelages, seoondly his rights and theu vote as he pleases We have been asked to contribute to tke great political campaign fund of which every man has a . right and privslage to do, but, as thre are so many parties out for office it seems like hiviug a swarm of bees. We had better veil our faces and stuff a bunch of 11-oent cotton in cur ears and go on re joicing. I will say that I Lave no dollar to pay to any campaign TTD8 S TOD,; Every Department is Full of ENT VALUES, It Fay ; $10 20. Covers, If we wantofflce (although I hayt never .sough t one). Ii have t v Jun iixe m devil, ana pay my' own fare,: whether "IMUor miss. '"So let every mafffjf he is Vichand wants office, pay his : fare and if he is a poor man he can't . get an oQioe no way,"so lethim do like we do, stay at home' and go to wcrk and save his dollars. -V The writer la not" a very strong speaker; but he does a "lot of thinking especially ; when the mosquitos let him- rest Scrip- tarely speaking there is none good save the, great God -who- rUleth overall, but there are many to day who in their own estimation cjnsider themselves gods among mear -Politioafy speaking we are democratic of course, whether we can. affiliate with all the present verifications or not iB unknown at present. If you see the man or cooperation who gives his the us auds for the eleotion of ay -one man yon can know that he expects to receive something in return through his administration, there fore the fellow who Jtioks to get a' fortune" for a dollar will come up missing. Trne every man should vote and vote intelligently and independ ently, but its'hard for a man to vote as he pleases and not offend somebody. The time for hand shaking is drawing near aud dis figured eye brows and brnised skulls may appear for there is. generally a. warm time about eleotion and some one will want to fight. Sam is a brave Ncrth Carolinian, that is bj long as he oan stay back, in the rear and d the braging. You see we are pro hibitionists down here and we cant fight like we use to because we haven't got the liquor. You! know that generally does the fight ing. So the. best advice we can! give is for everybody to do the! best they can, but be sure to vote for Wilsou, Teddy, Tatt or some oiher . -great, man. We think every man oan find a choice this yerr'without going abroad to get any information, so let us all get enthused over the matter and have one more good old time for the Bible says now is the aecepted time. Wishing all a jolly time, I re nain. Sam Snort OR. M. J. RAGLAN D VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone Night phone 480. 4-270 25. A ID) IE AT BDIililWIJBTr-.; Our Millinery Department with Mbs. W. R. Barker in charge, is one of the most complete in Noith Carolina. We carry a verylarsre stock ot Ladies1 and Children's Pattern Hats and our makers are prepared to make anything you may want. Oar Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Cor sets, Blankets, Rugs, Curtain Goods is the largest carried by a ay one Store in Sali3bury . This is striotly a one prioe cash store, and for that reason you will find oar prices loer than elsewhere. We sell reliable goods and anything yourbuy here must be just as represented, or we will refund your mney. ' : " . ' - - ' . ' " Premium Ware. We redeem all. the duplicate ticketB givon with purchases here'; - These tickets are worth 5 oents on the dollar in our Premium Department. Premiums giv9n from 2.00 up. to Trade 4 - rrom rony-rive 10 ririy. are mucn oenented Lydia . E. PinIAam,3: Vegetable Compound. , The change of life " is a moist critical period in a . woman's ex-: istence, and the anxiety, felt, by women as it draws .near is not without reason. - . " When her system is in a de ranged condition, she may be, predisposed to apoplexy, or con- s gestion of some organ. At this time, also, cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin ? their destracUvework. , Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in , the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks-- before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, vari-, able . appetite, , weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded, by intelligent women who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. These symptoms are calls frcm nature for help. The nerves are erying out for assistance and the cry shouldx be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is prepared to meet the needs of women's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this C HEC K BO O KS F RE E We furnish you with a nice Pass Book and Check Book free of charge. We invite you to open an account with us and pay your bills with checks. Your money protected with Burglary Insurance. B AH EC O F CHI A GRO V E, A M.'Hanna - Pres. J D .NnrwnnH Viro.Prc 0- - " - - - - - - - W . W. C. Sifferd Boys, Send in the nomina tion blank, i hen get Busy. - I: ONE CASE OUT OF MANY TO PROVE OUR CLAIMS. St. Anne, 111. "I was passing through the change of life and 1 was a perfect wreck from female troubles. I had a displacement, and bearing down pains, weak fainting spells, dizziness, then numb and cold feelings. Some times - my feet and limbs were swollen. I was irregular and had so much backache and headache, was nervous, irritable and was despondent. Sometimes my ap petite was good but more often it was not. My . kidneys troubled me at times and I could walk only a short distance. " I sa w your advertisement in a Eaper and took Lydia E. Pink am's Vegetable Compound, and I was helped from -the first. At the end of two months the swel ling had gone down, I was re lieved of pain, and could walk with ease. I continued with the) medicine and now I do almost aU my housework. I know your medicine has saved me from the) grave and I am willing for you to ; Dublish anything I write to you, or. the good -of others." Mrs. ! Stella Giluspie, R.F.D. No. 4 Box 34. St. Anne, Illinois. 9 M v w w W V VIWW I WVa - Cashier. t T y1 a - ' ' ' J rj.".... - " or 5 r "5 v-oi?"-- ,

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