ii 1 "" vWji :- .- V --- iy i - 1 , i - V - ad. - 1 or :Honesty;inr Q6yernm6iital AffdreV; 2 Salisbury, N. C., WEDNE8pAYa November I3th; 1912. WW. H. STtWART, EDITCn j r " " - . ' Jfc J-' - ' ' --, n i - - - - r . . -. - V ft r'f : i 1 1 MASSACRE IS 1XPECTED - I . Sol'ia Viil Not Desert HU CiplUI But l Will Await Oeaili la HUPiiid. ' tioiidon, N:t. 9 The wign of terror expected and dreaded as the olimax. of the Balkan . war, tht Usfe Act ol the Turk in En rope be- fore his bauiehmeDt, hai begun io Dhpatchei from-. Baohereit, VHnua .aiid CoiiBtandinia Ron miiiia, say Kurd soldiers haVe ai- 'tacked the ohristiani in Qalata ,i-;''q arter 6i the capitol and the dis order is preading to other quar ters of the city despite all effjrts ' of the authoritif8. ' (Constant nbple seems doomed tonight! The cill for the holy war has been seat to thousands tf fanatics aud tncy. are slaying wo men and chlldnn wherever they .: find them atiprotected . The fall 'bf the Tork'sh capitol is probably only a matter of hours, as the Bulgarians, assisted by- fresh 8er vian troops. are waciua a fierce and dual attack ou the famcnB - TehafcjkHk forts, the only remain ing deTenses of the ports. .? Tb eultan bas determined not tatSe taken aliv ) aud will oijfj fecurity for the 600,000 rbrlJI Ji A alA Bulges "en'tjr ipe eapitok Tliit such an eotry will be made U confirmed by a dis patoh. f r'ti tfYieun a stating" "that . Kmg Nicholas? Montenegro, - King Peter, of Serria, and KiDg ! Georgevof Greece, Have formally - ? "accepted- the invitation of King Ferdiuuad to accompany him ' when jie tai?s formal posssaion y iid occupies the city. "pj ThembaBsies in Cons tantino pie are all under guard and "the . warshipe standing in the harbor are preparing to land troops if - they ' jXfi' lhe"m Several bui'd ings in the ; . Turkish capitol are reported in flames tonight. Pasha Pasha, the Turkish grand vizier, said today: "I do not think that either I or the sultan will ever abandon Con stantinople. My sovereign will await death in the palace and I in my office." Turkey, accord ing to the grand vizier, has bowed to fthe inevitable and while her officials will do all in their power to preserve order they can guaran tee nothing.' The whipped soldiers of the sul tan in the frrefrout of the fleeing army are arriving in Constanti nople and campiog in the streets. Even the call for a holy war has failed to enthuse many of these wrecks to human energy. Dis ease iB rife among them and the dread pestilence adds to the gravi ty of the sitaation, K'ng Ferdinand is sending his troops against the Tehatalj forts with a vigor that denotes his in tention of making the fighting to night the final blow. Every available force at the king's com mand has been sent into the fray ' including the reserves, many of whom have been withdrawn from . the seige of Adrianople for final conquest. . In addition therr are large numbers of Servians in the field who were detached from main Servian army after the fall of - Uskuthand hurried eastward to the relief of the Bulgars. rarm Demonstrators. R D. Grabel of Charlotte, the assistant manager of the depart ment of farm improvement work I. r the Southern Railway and W K, Perry of Greensboro, field tueut of the same department, v. re in Salisbury Saturday and met with several farmers for the purpose of going over the work that the new department is doing along the lines of Southern Rail y. During the afternoon they vi at ted several farms, making a 1 st of names of those who are in tr sted in the work and who want ti sr farms nsed for the work. J i work has been carried on b r by the State, and is yet being c , though through the county c missioners who have handed t -.t as political patronage Our f.r j ers can get any information d sired along this line by drop p g a card to the A gricultural Department, Raleigh, N. 0. WHAT IS HEALTH? k UUIt Talk that Uai do ef6nu if nta a Trial Health is more" than tlie absence of ; sickness. It is being1 y well - and; a little bit more.; It Is not; sufficient to be in each' a physical, - mental and normal state that we can tell oar neighbors and friends that we are;? well this mom mar, tnanK yon. it means more than sim ly feeling that we have no aches and pains. It means an exuberance of life and ' energy; It means that yotr v have strength for your task and a little energy to spare. - Great numbelsof people never feel that pleasant throb of life, vitality and energy pulsing through their bodies, not even daring these glori ous autumn idaysj No, you will not feel that exuberance ot health and energy if you are troubled with in digestion in some of its forms, if you have hookworms sticking your life blood or malaria organ isms floating around in your blood. You will not feel every whit a man or woman if you have headacnes, or nsti pated and your plumb ffiBystem is. all out of order; if u are. continually having c84Djre worried, overworked alia burning the candlel6xfn& aWboth ends who some lorm- 01 aissipa tionV - - Some people have not been perfectly healthy for so long that they have really forgot ten how they used to feel as children, when aches and pains were utter strangers to them. .They have grown used to feeling about 25 per nent, Sunder "car. and don't knoww hat thejr are missing. Asa result they are plodding through life scarcely able to eke out a living, with no surplus of time, energy or means of improvement, lux uries or amusements, buch people need to : get out of the rut. There are better things in store for them. The littledifference between the man feeling "not sick" and the man feeling "just fine" is the very difference be tween success and failure. It is the little extra that helps one man to seize a good position or a business while another lets it go by. In the race of life it is the little extra that makes a poor second or third into a good first. How to get out of the rut? That is usually easy. Look about and see what rut or ruts you are in. Find out what put you in these ruts. Then cut out those things that put you in. If you are in the mire or a deep rut, go to your doctor and ask him to help pull you out. fcrive him full charge of the reins until you get on level ground. Then follow his instructions, and above, learn how to drive thia-coach of state yourself. Keep in the middle of the road and you will be surprised that yoQ should ever have driven Ooff. The Scramble For Jobs Began Early. Of course there were some ante election promises made, "if," but there were many not on the in side and did not expect anything, not even the election of a Demo crat, and, while they voted the ticket alright, no one was more surprised than they. .Some of these folk seeing the opportunity to obtain positions have been and are yet creating quite a din around the pie counter. . Several from Landis aDd China- Grove have already made application for postmasterships. The earliest bird we have, heard of was a gentleman- from China GroVe, who called on Senator Overman Wed nesday following the election. He was so early and so insistent that it was necessary for the Sen ator to be aronsed from his bed and talk to the applicant before dressing. If an early application is to be the deciding point in such matters the China Grove mftn has dons got the job. FOR A LOKSEfr SCHOOL TERM. Propose Aa Aliltlonal Tn of Fl Cers " Raleigh; N. .C .V. Nov. 9 A leg. islative campaigu has just been agreed opon by f the. legislative committee of the North" Carolina Teacher's Assembly io be orgdd upon the North Carolina legisla ture that convenes early in Janu ary, this programme : to be sob-' mitted to the teaoheri aesembly that convenei in Greensboro No vember 26 A minimum school term of six months , instead of four months is a special feature of the proposed advance in pubho school conditions. This is jar pied to be secured by five cents on the hundred dollars property valuation and the six months minimum being exclusive of . the special tax levies by districts .. Another ohange proposed is ft r the county instead of the town ship to bd the unit for the appor tionment of school funds. The committer endorsed the re commendation of the state child labor committee that the age lim it for employing night labor in factories be 16 years, prohibiting the employment of women at night labor and urging inspection as to compliance with child labor laws. Uniform examination and certi fication of teachers, .urban and rural, by. the state board of exam iners; minimum professional and scholarship . requirements for teachers and ooontry .superinten dents after a reasonable future date ; amendment of the compul sory school laws so as to more sf- ectively enforce the laws and an active campaign for the spread oft part of the state ; endorsement of the county farm life sobools And and agricultural and dcmsitio BJienoe oourse in rural hiflh schools. The association of Southern Agricultural workers in fourteenth annual session here this week this afternoon selected Montgomery. Ala., for the 1918 session and elec ted officers as follows: President, Dr. C . A, Carey, of Alabama, vice-presidents, Hon. E R. Kne, of Texas, and Dr. Andrew M. Soule, of Georgia; secretary. Dr. B. W, Kilgore, of Raleigh ; executive oommittee, Dr. O. A. Carey, Dr. B. W. Kil gore, ex-offloio, K Mi. Rose, of Florida; T. F. Peck, of Tennessee, and G. W. Koiner, of Virginia. Tat Sob eel of Drainage Being Dlscnssetf, A meeting was held in the In dustrial Club rooms last Friday night and the matter of draigage was oansidered. C V. Henkell, of S'.atesville, who is acquainted with the work done in that coun made an interesting talk. Other talks were made by parties interes ted, among them, 0. M. Miller, M. L, Jackson, T. H. Vanderford, N. B. McCanless, Capt. Richard Henderson and W. H. Woodson. Committees were appointed to get the land owners interested and form district drainage commit tees. The committee appointed for Grant creek is Paul Bernhardt, T. H. Vanderford and V. L, Jack sou. The committee appointed for Town creek is N. B. McCan less, John Ludwick and 0. M. Miller, On Dutch creek, Ernest Foil, John W. Peeler and L. D. Peeler were named. The com mittee on Second creek is Joe Hall, Fraok Shaefer and Leroy Powlass., Col. John S- Henderson and Waltsr Woodson are' drawing up the petitions. Owing to the fact, that the Re publicans ara still figuring ou some one to take Vice-President Sherman's place on the ticket with Taf t, we would suggest that should this very important matter be overlookedf or postponed indefi nitely, no one wi'l lose any great amcunt of sleep as a consequence. Of course, we suppose, Mr. - Taf t would like to have some one at tend his funeral. . -r ;v ?i Roosevelt's 4arty Wins; Secoad ELEOTOEAL OOtLEQ TBltf; Alabama.. Arizona ...iT; t a i ' j r iirKanBas . i , California .;, Colorado..,;..., 6 Connecticut .v Delaware Florida ......u & Georgia .14 - Idaho , Ulinois" ....... ,.;29JV Indiana .. Iowa, Kanaasf" Kentucky Louisiana Maine .... . h i , ud :." Maryland ;J 8 MasBachuBettB ..tJl8Vik " i Michigan - l5v Minnesota . . . ';C-15 , Mississippi ...... 10lf Missouri v I'TfTt: ... -V4 noniana ........ V, Nebraska '8. Neyada .. rr, New Hampshire New Jersey 14 3 .45 New Mexico New York . . North Carolina. . A2 North Dakota ' S Ohio..... ....... 24 Oklahoma .. ...jlO f Oregon "..i 5 Pennsylvania . . . 1 38 Uhode Island ... 1 5. outh Carolina...; 9,- AenQe Tennessee .20 Utah Vermont Virginia 12 Washington West Virgiina.... 8 Wisconsin 18 Wyoming . 3 Totals ..442 93 12 Trlpli AIIIibci Uir Stri CflBJtiitiBflpU. Paris, Nor. 10 The great pow ers, iireat ISitain. France and Russia, constitutir g the triple en tente and Germany, Austria and Italy the triple alliance are be lieved to be at the point of reach ing an agreement to prevent the Bulgarian army from occupying Constantinople The six Gov ernments find themnlves in ac cord on the prinoiple aud active exchanges are in progress as to the means to be taken to bring about this result. One suggestion is a collective provisional occupation of Con stantinople by the six powers with the consent of Turkey under the assumption that snoh action was neoessary to prtlteot the sub jects of the respective Nations and to maintain order. The Bu'garian Government appears already to have indicated that it has no intention of trying to hold the capital Constantinople, snd that it would occupy the Turkish capital temporarily only until peaoe had been arranged. This, it is said, is not satisfac tory to the powers.- It is pointed out that such occupation might continue indefinitely and certain ly in the long disoustion preced ing a settlement of the questions raised by the war and would ren der permanent agreement more difficult to reach by the European conference. It is considered essential for the great international interests that the Bosphorus, Constantinople and Dardanelles and a narrow tone in European Turkey, should be ntained by the Turks. The average man requires eight hours' sleep every night. Most of us sleep too littla and eat too mnoh. , The only night sir that is injur ous is last night's. The Nomination Blank is good for 1,000 totes. ' ? a I . . h - rr i v AuuflGEDDOfJ OF THE SCRIPTURES Stailfc2;Present2tIcn cf Com: ASTOR 1 RUSSELL'S VVIEVS. Church it AH Dcnomfnatiens and the :XMI Povr-of "Earth-Ar About to P nlt . In- Common Causa Powerful ft- Influence Preparing For the Battle of Arm'ageddonA Reign of: Anarchy Will .Be the: Result of ' the; Warfare Urftlr Tho Messiah Takes Control.?: Brooklyn. N.. Nov. 8. ,Tbe Brooklyn Academy x ; or. a a i e t- wjfi a crowded to. the If m W 1 it ' today - to hear 3 Pastor Russeirs discourse on , the Bat tie : of Arma jgeddon.' ; His text was; vHe gathered them together unto a placed . called v la the Hebrew tongue tPAStQRgUSSgDJ' Armageddon." (Revelation rvt 16".) The speaker said :J ; Armageddon, in the Hebrew signifies the r Hill of Megffldol or Mount ot De atrocUoo. - tt was famous- as a battle ueld, la Old Testament times. - JThe Lord bas seen fit to associate the nam . Armageddon. ;. with the ri yu n; trovergy .-'"between - .Trutht auxl.' lirrorf ligajf aud wrong, God aud f Mamrootf. "with, wUen fnla- Ago ..wilLloae perish, and the' New Age of Messiah's glory be ushered la. He has: purposely nsed J nlguly :ay mbollcat figures ;of . 'apoocblD the last book of tbe Bl We," evidently .with a. vlewtohldlag -certain tant truths until the due time for their reveainknt ' But even in:the due tiaae. the Bible : assures f us. Noue ot - the wjcketfshaa: onderstaud'i Daniel -Hi; ft,' 10Hnone who: are out of heart har mony with !Godbu onlylhewise of the Master's parable 1 have long avoided presentation of toy understanding of our text and iff context. 1 take it up now by reauesi and because I believe It is due time tu be understood. I disclaim any special inspiration. In some particulars my views agree with those of other Bible students, and in other respects they disagree. . Each bearer must use his own judgment, do his own Bible study, and reach his own conclusions. Kindly remember that I am not re sponsible for the figures of speech used by the Lord. My interpretations do in deed constitute a terrible arraignment of institutions which we have all rever enced and which embrace good people, of good words and good works; God's saintly people in these various Institu tions, being comparatively few, are ignored when systems as a whole, are dealt with in prophecy. The Dragon, Beast, False Prophet. : Our context tells us that three im pure spirits (teachings) will go forth from the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet, and these three will be in accord, and symbolical ly the doctrines are represented by "frogs." These three doctrines are to have a mighty influence throughout the civilized earth. They are to gather the kings and their armies to the great Battle of Armageddon. The ecclesiastical kings and princes, and their retinues of clergy and faith ful adherents, will be gathered in solid phalanx Protestant and Catholic. The kings and captains of Industry, and as many as can be Influenced by them, will be gathered to the same side. The political kings and princes, with all their henchmen and retainers, will fol low in line on the same side. The financial kings and. merchant princes, and all whom they can influence by the most gigantic power ever yet exercis ed in the world, will Join the same side, according to this prophecy. These "doctrines of demons," repre sented by the "frogs," will lead many noble people in this great army to as sume an attitude quite contrary to their preference. For a time the wheels of liberty and progress will be turned backward and medieval re straints will be considered necessary for self-preservation for the mainte nance of the present order of things. In giving this Interpretation, It is necessary for us to Indicate what is symbolized py the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet Bible students of nearly all denominations agree with us that the "Dragon" of Revelation represents the purely Civil Power Protestant Interpreters generally agree that the "Beast like a leopard" (Reve latlon xlli, ! represents the Papacy But Tewer still, we fear, will be ready to support our view that Protestantism lsthe "Image of the Beast" (Revelation rtti, 15) ' in our context given another name, "the False Prophet" We urge no one to accept our interpretation, nor shall we think hard of any who refuse It We will neither slander nor otherwise tnjure them now, nor threat en them with eternal torture. They have the same right to their views that I have. and . the same right to make them known to others. And 1, for one, will be very glad to consider any thing which opponents may set forth as their Interpretations of our text "Unclean 8pirits Like Frogs." The symbolisms of Scripture, right ly understood, are always forceful. When the Holy Spirit used a "frog" to aymbollcally represent .- eertato doctrines crteachmg3," we r may be sure tne true-application will nr well, A frog has a sage' look, -a'- wise, look -It swells itself Hp. to. an Apparent en deavor to Impress the beholder. its great ; month - well :, represents its chief power, used to cnak.jp,r Applying these - symbols.' tears that aa 'evll. spiritinfluence." teaching. I, will come from the Protestant churches federated, .from the 'Church "of Rome. and from tlie OrU auttorltJea. all la full egreemeni ; The spirit of all; will be boastfuljfaa ilr of superior "wisdom -and knowledge wilt be proudly assum ed all wWroakln harmony. t AU will ,tell of dire results.thkt would follow, -involving the Interests of both the : present -ana .-cne ; ruture ,ure, ir -their counselbe not followed. ' However con flicting tthe creeds, the differences will be . ignored In the general proposition thaf nothing ancient : must : be disturb .ed. rc looked Into, or 1 repudiated. 'J : -The f Mvloe'authority of the Church, and jthe bivlner right -6f kings; aside ?frpnj the" .Church, '"Wiir not be allowed , to conflict" Any persona or teachings m conflict .with these boastful and nn scriptural claims - will be . branded - as everything pile.-at. the mouths of these frogs" Siteaklng from-pulpits and platforms i and through the "religious and secula r. press. The . nobler send ;.oieirts of some will be strangled by the :. philosophy' of the - same evil : spirit r which rr.poUe through Calapbas.' the -high priest respecting Jesus. "As Cala pbas decla red it expedient to" coatmfi a erimV Id.- violation of- Justice,, human and-Divine, to .be rid ot Jesus and His - teachings, so this "frogT; spirit will" approve- of., every violation of ; principle necessary to their self -protection, i 3' W The croaklng.of these "frog, splrfts or .doctrines: will : gather ; the kings- and princes, financial; : political religious and industriat into one greajt ' army .The spirit of. fear, inspired by the croft kin ea of these '.'froes. will scouWe 'the passlonsF; of - otherwise - good and I reasouaoiermeo io :iury oesperanon t tr a. fa A ' an m - .. n .lv 1- ux meir- ououviuuowuis w uiese rH spirits, ."evil doctrines. they r wlltV-hr ready- to r sacrifice lie . andeverythi ng on the iilar of "what they mistakenly appose ia just truth and righteou ness," under a-Divine arrangement - For -a brief'tijBiei'' as we noderstaud thej3crJUraresUiestr combined forces of Arinagedddn wiiH triumph. :5 Free "speech, free' njafla, and other liberties -ftast-Wjf the nia-sses in,rorjla,y. wtll bVratb-1 iessly shut oS under the plea neces-' sity. the glory of GodT thO con mauds of the t'hun'h' rtc. All will seem to be serene, until tbe great social explosion In our contest described as tbe "great Earthquake " An "earthquake. In symbolic language, signifies soctat revolution, and the declaration of tbe context is that none like unto it ever before occurred. (Revelation xri, 18. 19.) Jesus described it as a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. Matthew xxlv, 21 The Lord Will Gather Them. Tbe false, frog-like teachings will gather together into one host the great the rich, the wise, the learned and the kings of the earth, to battle. At this Juncture Divine Power will step for ward, and our text tells us that Hb shall gather tbe marshaled hosts to Armageddon to the Mountain of De s traction. The very thing which they sought to avert by their union, federa tion, eta. wilt be the very. thing they will hasten. Other Scriptures tell us that God will be represented by tbe Great Messiah, and that He will be on the side of the masses. Thus we read In Daniel xil, 1: "At that time shall Michael the Godlike One Messiah stand up" assume authority. He will take possession of His Kingdom in a manner little looked for by many ol those who erroneously have been claiming that they were His Kingdom, and authorized by Him to reign in His name and in His stead. Jesus declared, "His servants ye are unto whom ye render service." Some may be rendering service to Satan and to error, who claim to be rendering service to God and to righteousness; and some of these may be serving lg norantly, as did Saul of Tarsus, who "verily thought that he did God a serv ice" in persecuting the Church. The same principle holds true reversely. As an earthly king does not hold him self responsible for the moral character of each soldier who fights In his bat ties, so the Lord does not vouch for tbe moral character of an who will enlist and fight on His side of any question "His servants they are to whom they render service," whatever the motive or object prompting them. Tbe same principles wilt apply tn the coming Battle of Armageddon. God's side of that battle will be the people's side, and the very nondescript host the people, will be pitted at the begin ning of the battle. Anarchists, Social Ists, and hot-headed radicals of every school of reason and unreason, will be in the forefront of that battle The majority of the poor and the middle class prefer peace at almost any price. A comparatively small number, God's consecrated people, will at heart be longing for Messiah's Kingdom These will bide the Lord's time and wait pa tlently for ft; they will be of good courage, knowing tbe outcome outlined In the "more sure word of prophecy,' to which they have done 'well 'to take heed, "as unto a light shining tn a dark place until the Day dawn. 11 Peter 1. 19. The masses will be restless of their restraints, but will be conscious of their own weakness as compared to the kings and princes, financial, religious and political, which will then bold sway. Besides, the masses have no sympathy with anarchy. They realize truly that the worst form of govern ment Is better than none. The masses wul seek relief through the ballot and peaceful readjustment of earth's af- j fairs for the elimination of evu, tor tte placmy of m'onopolles'andutnitles andhe supplies of nataiv in the hands of the people for, the public gdodv The crisis will be reached when the hither. to npholders'of 'law shall become rio -lators f the law and're&rs of the wfll of .the majority ire&fces&ed by the banofcV Fear, for the- iutute. will lead the well-mea rung masses to dsper--atlon; and anarchy will result when Bodallsm.failar . r v The Cloud's Silver Linifto, j, Horrible' would be thia outlook fori file future did we not hare the infaQiJ aie -woro .or Qod lassnrlng "us- r a glorious outconieU Divine Wisdom has withheld until, our day the great knowl edge and skiUS which' Is at -the same; . time' breedCor mlllionatres ad -dlscen- ' tents.. .Had God lifted the vU & thou- : sand years sooner he .world would have, lined i&p .fof'lta Armageddon . thousand years ' sdoner.- -But that' would have been, too soon for the DK . vine purpose, because Messiah's King dom. is to 'be the 'greaf Thousand TearSabbath ytf rtherworid'srmstory, God tn kindness fetled'pof jsyea nntD the tlmewhenthe gathering to Ar-'-. mageddon would tmmediately precede Messiah's tak Ing-to "Himself His great " power, and beginning His reign. Reve- latioHxt JTr18, V- ,-.,Tr - ' 8emThem fangr Delusions." ? xStPa;urirWTOl fawahS tiealhvvrf -oer-" Eme,. that it would t, oBejyot.ejlous" z;. ''-f trial and testing to many professing to .fJ.-Z e urjsaans.. "xne reason ror tms ne j? statesr-they received iwt'the Truth ln.1 " the lovef it: ai Thessajonlans uylO, IIS They' nreferred"their own ezrone J ous theories, :the-'Apost!eexpalnsi and therefore God'VdlJ give them over to a : J 1 strong delusion; and let them believe' " ' I the lie , which-they" oref erred,-and kt them suffer I for- missing :z the ' Truti which ;they did .iot tove.Thusrt!:cy I will he in the condemned host -"--t-- mg against, tiodV. because- of their Ucli -of love for the Truth, "l , " It la sad to say that we' all Clri tlans have been laboring imicr a thor- ougn aeiusion respecting God's Plan. We- have "claimed " that Christ set : upr His, Church m"--Kingdom , power, and thattbe Church haslbeen aignin om thet earth as, His reprcsentatlje. Oa. the strength" of this delusion; j'ew and! " w wjtiwuiruus tvvunsi.9 -rogV-vuJ ai!,-1 -i tne wcue we thoojchtlessiv reoeatad , . 71 a "a. -r . e.ii'thsji la,j 4 eavV cnewL8t the Jleoemw "make 'us His Cride fcid jolc"Ira; but we ignored the Scriptures. W4 Were .drunk,-s tLo Scriptures eymbolically say, . "all nations were drunk" wtth the false doctrine: It is this false doctrine that will coustltTrter the "frog" spirit which soon will begin to croak and to prepare for Armageddon. The Bible presentation is that the world b a section of the universe In rebellion against Divine authority, un der tbe captaincy of Satan and his, as sociated fallen angels. By Divine grace Jesus ha? airep dj "tasted dfath for every man," and the merit of that sac rifice must eventually, grant Adam and his posterity a full, fair opportunity for the attainment of everlasting life. All who thus e the Divine program and are walking in the light may know something at least respecting the "times and seasons." These brethren "are not in darkness, that that day and that . battle of Armageddon should overtake" them "as a thief un awares, j Armageddon Not Yet but Soon. , For forty years the Armageddon forces have been mustering for both sides, of tbe conflict Strikes, lockouts and riots, great and small, have been merely incidental skirmishes as the belligerent parties crossed each other's paths. Court and Army scandals In Europe, Insurance, Trust and Court scandals in America, have shaken pub- . Be confidence. Dynamic plots.' charg ed by turns on employees and on em ployers, have further shaken confi dence and tended to make each dis trustful of the other. Bitter and angry feelings on both sides are more and more manifest. The tines of battle are daily becoming more distinctly marked. Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet be fought. Other matters intervene, according to prophecy. Gentile times have still two years to run. The "Image of the Beast" of our context must yet receive fife power. The Image must be transformed from a mere mechanism to a lirtug force. Protestant Federation realizes that ita organization will still be futile-unless it rec-eive vitalization unless its clergy) directly or indirectly shall be recog- nized as possessed of apostolic ordina tion and authority to teach. This the prophecy tndicates will come from the two horned beast, which, we believe, symbolically represents the Church of England. High-handed activities of Protestantism and Catholicism, operat-, Ing in conjunction for -the suppression, of human liberties, await this vivifying of the Image. This may come, soon, but Armageddon cannot precede It but must follow perhaps a year after It according to oor view of the Trophecy. Still another thing intervenes: Al- though the Jews are gradually flowing Into Palestine, gradually obtaining con trol of the land of Canan, and al though reports say that already nine teen millionaires are there, neverthe less prophecy requires an evidently, larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon .crisis?, be reached. Indeed wc understand that "Jacob's trouble" in the Hob Land will come at tne very close ofi Armageddon. Then Messiah's King-, dom will begin to be manifested.' Thenceforth Israel In the landof prom-j ise win gradually rise rrom tne asnes: vi iuvt fast iu iue grauurcur 01 yruya-; ecy. Through its Divinely appointed princes Messiah's Kingdom, all-powerful but invisible, will begin to roll away the curse and to lift up mankind. 4 .V : -JS., -a? 4 if Xi m -tr- . .u.: . - . .....

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